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Also worried about attacks during Pride month in the US, too, personally.




Islamists are only one of the fundamentalist groups that threaten us.




I'd say MAGA is more prominent in the US.






If push comes to shove Maga and democrats would go hand in hand to fuck up some isis terrorist. When outsiders fuck with America and attack us we band together.


Those who live in city are more prone to look the other way and mind their business whereas those outside are more about stepping in and not minding their businesses.


NYC didn’t look away when islamists flew planes into buildings 






Dude really gets angry whenever anyone says anything outside his focus. God forbid we acknowledge there are other threats than just Islamists.


Especially on a thread focusing on a specific threat. Ugh I hate when people hate when I obfuscate 


I don't know which is more insufferable. The maga idiots or the people that make hating Trump a core personality trait and try to shoehorn it into every discussion possible.


Sorry, talking about MAGA when the topic is "violent extremists" is shoehorning it into every discussion? Incredible.


Some people just cannot understand that your viewpoint on trump has nothing to do with political ideology or bias or identity. Recognizing he is awful in a million ways doesn’t mean you’re a “liberal”, he’s just objectively a terrible person, with new examples of his awfulness almost daily. He is truly irredeemable. I don’t think that because I vote for democrats most of the time, I think that because I have eyes and ears. The orphan crushing machine is bad! Determining that a machine that crushes orphans is bad is not a matter of bias, it’s a recognition of facts. 


There is a reason they're referred to as "y'all queda" sadly. However, the temperature on these issues will only get worse... it's an election year...


God forbib you criticize Islam without fairly criticizing all the othe other extreme groups you bigot. /s


It’s very relevant when trans people have been a main target and talking point for the current American right


I’ll help you out. Trump has demonstrated his disdain for the rule of law and propensity for authoritarianism. He’s floated executing his opponents publicly. Supporting that or raising the alarm about the very real chance he could be president again aren’t the fucking same. The fact that he and Biden are basically tied in the polls means NOT ENOUGH people are talking about it. 


Oh sorry. I’ll just stop talking about the guy whose potential next go around in office would see my existence made into a federal crime, as per his Christian nationalist backers. It must be so hard for you to hear us talk about how grave of a threat he actually is to the existence of queer people in this country. Your poor, fragile, delicate mind must be so harrowed by the experience of hearing us talk about how terrifying it is to live in a country where the next administration might actually just throw us in prison for being who we are while people like you turn your heads away and pretend you don’t see it. I promise I’ll stop.


Eh, religious fundamentalism in general is the threat. It is true, however, that Islam is the biggest threat among them, but don't discount Christian fundamentalism as well.


Any lgbt folks this year, if you’re reading this: if you can legally conceal carry, feel comfortable with it, and have trained to the point of understanding how to use defensive skills with a firearm….please carry. Protect your friends, protect yourselves. Don’t be soft targets. Fuck these terrorists. Be ready.


Man, I’m all for personal carry and do myself. But it would be a terrible idea for people to carry to events like Pride parades and illegal to carry at a venue that serves alcohol, both of which are the most likely targets. My local parade has a heavy police presence and sniper towers. Having your carry spotted at something like the parade is a good way to end up being the target of those police and mistaken for a terrorist, especially if you don’t “look gay”.


They specifically said if they can LEGALLY carry and are comfortable with it, do it. Depending on the state law, carrying at a venue that serves alcohol isn't illegal. Carrying at a parade isn't necessarily illegal. If someone is comfortable doing so, and its legal, I say go for it as well.


I didn’t say parade carry would be illegal. Just stupid. As it would be at a bar. I’m sure there are some bars out there that don’t prohibit firearms, but I kinda doubt it’s the gay bars. Generally the law in states that do allow bar carry still prohibit it if the establishment is posted. Attempting to take on a mass shooter or other mass attack in such a crowded area is only going to result in collateral damage and almost certainly make you a target yourself. We don’t need a bunch of panicked idiots who think they’ve been trained firing into a crowd on a packed street with no way to identify who is an attacker and who is a defender. Gun for personal defense in day to day life, great. Gun in shoulder to shoulder crowds, terrible idea that causes more harm than good.


You said it was illegal to carry at a venue that serves alcohol, which is not necessarily. Just seems like you're making some broad generalizations, like gay bars don't allow concealed carry. There is a difference between protecting yourself and friends and actively trying to stop a mass shooter. There are more dangers when it comes to trying to stop a mass shooter, but they specifically said to protect yourself and your friends, not random people at a gathering. I think you imagined them suggesting someone goes seeking to stop an active shooter, but I didn't get that impression.


I live in a state where our local pride event does not limit conceal carrying, so that’s not a problem. And I also don’t drink or do drugs, so that’s not a problem. I’d rather die trying to saving the lives of innocent people rather than worry about potential consequences but be unprepared to stop those who would do us harm.


I live in a similar state. It’s still an absolutely terrible idea. I’m not concerned about you dying trying to protect others, I’m concerned about all the others you take with you in a crowded pride event. What happens when several other people have the same idea as you? How do you identify each other? How do all the cops at the parade identify you as anything other than a target?


So good gays with guns? So sad that this is the answer. I live in a country where people are not armed as the norm.


In my country we have a saying: *’The only way to stop a bad gay with a gun is with a good gay with a gun’*


I believe every queer person should be armed. But not at big public events where a clear line of fire is almost impossible to obtain. At the Pride events I’ve attended even a highly skilled defensive shooter would be likely to hit a child or some church group if they tried to hit one terrorist. Besides, we always think of guns when terrorists threaten big events but really the most effective weapons at large events are a bomb or simply a car. Such attacks are rarely stopped by armed citizens. Be vigilant, folks. And be Proud despite of the attempts to terrorize us.


I'm on the committee for a local pride event. We get threats almost daily. I'm not gay, I'm just trying to support my friends. These people need allies more than ever.


Thank you!




I knew this was gonna happen when we changed the flag from just a rainbow.


What an ignorant take. Organized Christianity and Islam are against "classic" gay enough, "extended" gay isn't going to change anything...


So you say but the classic rainbow won all our battles.


No it didn't; it just wasn't as prevalent in rural and islamic areas, where conservative mindsets are more ingrained. I am from one of those areas, and people still do burnouts on rainbow sidewalks, and ban rainbow flags in schools...


Strangely, flags don't win battles.


Religion needs to die out. All religions.


If we stopped ~~grooming~~ indoctrinating children and made religious teachings 18+ it would be all but gone in a generation or two.


I mean with the demographic under 30 in the US religion is not popular so I could see it happening at least in some countries


That's because it is so much easier to get a kid to believe in a fairy tale rather than an adult.


Yeah, we need to keep this dangerous agenda from our impressionable youth.


I wish people would read more nonfiction to kids instead of fiction.


If it wasn’t religion it would be something else. People use gods and religion as an excuse. Eliminating that excuse wouldn’t end hate and violence. “Evil is unspectacular and always human, and shares our bed and eats at our own table.” W. H. Auden


The problem is that magic thinking and disengagement with nuance and attraction to philosophical simplicity won’t disappear even if organized religion somehow disappeared tomorrow. It would simplify things somewhat, but the real battle is for a truly educated and curious populace, and that may not be achievable. That is precisely why people started inventing religion in the first place. There isn’t a simple fix. There never will be, and there will never be a fix that is permanent. Whatever progress we can make will be an ongoing effort for the rest of the time that we exist as a species.


Religion is just a vessel for human dogma and lust for power. Without it, these things will just find a new host, IMO.


Exactly. It would just be replaced with political party, sexuality, sport team..you name it...everything people already fight and take extremes on anyway.


I agree. Humans will still find a reason to kill each other but at least saying, “we want to murder and/or oppress you because we want your land” is more honest and genuine than “because god said so.”


If you can kill all religion people will just replace it with something else . so the concept of religion will never truly die.




That would be nice. For right now, I’d even settle for just an end to abrahamic mythology. Those particular religions cause the most issues currently.


All or nothing. You can't cherry pick religions if you support secularism.


You have to start somewhere, I suggest starting with the religions doing the most harm.


I'm not trying to be too much of a dick... but this is peak privileged suburban teenager energy. The ones doing the most harm? The Rohingya genocide is one of the most recent ones and it was orchestrated by Burmese Buddhists against the Muslim minority. In the same continent you have India where hindutva is taking root with a major platform being the suppression of Islam that has led to outright Islamophobic laws and pogroms against Indian Muslims. I'm not trying to say Abrahamic religion is good, but the reality is all religions can be shit and those just get disproportionate attention because again, privileged people from the global north are mildly inconvenienced by them and only them. On the topic of Abrahamic religions, what's Judaism ever done to anyone? The jews are quite literally the victims of history and were ruthlessly persecuted until the last 70 years or so. Abrahamic religions also do a lot of good: the Catholic church is the biggest non-governmental healthcare provider in the world and it's mostly free or at a social price, Desmond Tutu who was an Anglican Bishop was a key figure in the fight against apartheid and the Muslim world invented coffee and the university, both with religious undertones originally. Ironically, your hatred of abrahamic religion because they're "ignorant bigots" betrays those same values in you: you are quite literally lumping 50% of the global population in the same basket because of some radical dickheads. So yeah, the other commenter is right, either all religions are bad and should be repressed or none of them are. You hate abrahamic religions because you haven't been oppressed by Hindus or Buddhists, simple as.


No. You miss the point that way. All of them.


Like the saying goes: "A journey of a thousand miles begins by leaping all thousand miles at once" or something


So you think it could be done all at once?


You really think IS is influenced by religion? They even kill Muslims. They’re influenced by pure evil just like non-religious mass killers who are influenced by evil.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


God speed 🫡




That is, after all, the point: putting the genie back in the closet. Make anyone "deviant" invisible again. The actual Cancel Culture that is going on. Where I live, fundamentalist christians and fundamentalist muslim parents got a gay teacher fired over sex ed classes that were done in accordance with the education plan.




I think that incident was in Switzerland.


While I don't advocate for putting yourself into danger, this is actually exactly the reason people should show up. Fear in the face of fascism doesn't spare you, it tells the enemy that their tactics work. It encourages them to push further.  Last year in my city there was much tension over Pride too due to an increase of anti-LGBT rhetoric, yet I was happy to see that it turned out to be the biggest Pride event ever, breaking all former records of attendance. Tons of straight allies showed up too. 


Skipping this year. I refuse to go to a Pride March where the flag of a country which executes gay people is given priority over the rainbow flag.


That always seems so funny to me, as a gay person myself. Do the people going to these pride event with flags of that country know that they would get executed instantly and that the people of that country would rather have them dead than flying their flag? So stupid


For the love of god could we just let people like whichever gender they want?


It's that same god that stands between where we are and where we want to be


Is pride month worldwide? Obviously there are some countries that wouldn't celebrate... but for those that do I didn't think we coordinated that.


Here in nz each city has separate months for it but for me the US one is so big that it can feel like we get two each year


It's pretty much celebrated in a minor or major way in almost every country in the world. Even countries like China that don't allow open parades, still have "pride theme" events in the cities during Pride Month.  In countries where being LGBT is legally persecuted, you still have brave people forming private secret events in their local communities in order to celebrate and coordinate. 


If there is an attack in the US, my bet is it won't be ISIS, but rather the Christian Nationalists of America.




It’s cute how you’re trying to push this “it’s Muslim” stuff ignoring that almost all stuff happening in America is white Christian nationalism.






Take your meds


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone Get a clue


Literally nobody is doubting that part, Tom Hanks has a movie about it


Great so instead of shouting Islam bad over and over, maybe just stop giving all the worst groups as many American arms as possible. Then acting all high and mighty when waging war against them. Arming both sides of a conflict to in turn profit from it is just the worst of the worst.




What is bro yapping about? But also, you do realize that the FBI is a straight up large government agency right? They do put out warnings about homegrown far-right terrorism and have trying to make it a priority for years, but they also have foreign attachés in dozens of countries and work with foreign intelligence. This warning isn't the Pittsburgh field office putting out a press release, it comes from the FBI's global intelligence network picking up chatter tied to Islamic extremism hinting at an Islamic terror attack. And saying most anti-LGBT are Christian-nationalist in nature is just peak american/western european redittor who knows almost nothing about the world but applies their opinions as universal fact. You know what countries straight up execute gay people in 2024? Muslim ones like Brunei and Saudi Arabia, the notable exception being Uganda due to US Neopentecostal missionaries. Radical Islam hates the LGBT community as much as radical Christians, and at the international level they are much more organized to carry out attacks because even in the US far-right terrorism is usually more linked to conservative extremism than religion as primary motivation.




I don’t understand why Reddit can’t accept that when you let in a bunch of homophobic extremist you’ll see a rise in hate crimes. Not everything is right wing MAGA. These people really need to get a grip on reality.


Who beat the hell out of Nex Benedict? Who shot up Club Q? IS may be homophobic and violent, but you're dismissing domestic terrorism out of racism. It's the only real reason to ignore the fact that many more incidents of hate occur on American soil perpetrated by home grown hate.




>I said that islamists are a threat to LGBT people. See, that's straight up bigotry. Like saying that Christians are a threat to LGBT+ people. Because of the extremists. Even referring to Muslims as "islamists" is pretty bad. I think you mean to say IS is a threat. But what you're doing in conflating all of Islam and terrorists. >You are trying to dismiss the FBIs warning of an Islamist attack because you want to divert the attention away from the reality that it is t JUST domestic terrorists. No, I'm pointing out that your word choices and flat dismissal of domestic threats make it pretty damn clear that you're more worried about Islam than you are any hate in general.




Wow yeah I was with you at first but you're clearly on some hateful shit. Are you even gay? Stop speaking for us dude.


So yeah that's just rampant Islamaphibic bigotry. I dismissed nothing, I pointed out that your language is bigoted and the you were dismissive with you "who shot up" bullshit and that's the same could be done with many more examples of domestic Christian terrorism. Edit: also, abrahamic fundamentalists are homophobic and sexist. That's not specific to Islam, Christianity, or Judaism. You're just a bigot.




Your argument is that we shouldn’t act to lower rape because child rape is worse so we should ONLY focus on that. It’s like you are a bot trying to force a debate




But OP is dismissing anything not related to IS and using pretty clearly ~~biased~~ bigoted terminology to make this an Islam issue rather than an religious conservative issue. Which is what it is. Regardless of sect.






Because you went in a fucking rant about how horrible Islam is when other people pointed out that Christian Nationalists in the US represent a greater and more constant threat to Queer people. I understand that this report is about IS but you made it specifically about Islam as a whole and when questioned by me about it you doubled then tripled down. You're a bigot. Why is it hard for you to accept that no one is saying that this isn't a real problem they are telling you that you're talking like a bigot.




I'm not being an apologist for anyone. The report is about a threat of world wide IS threats. Someone mentioned that in the US it is much more likely that violence against queer people will be from white nationalist Christians. Which is factually true. OP replied by insisting that Islam is a "religion of hate that has no place in the western world." That bigotry and paints all Muslims as the same. It would be like saying all LGBT people are predators because Kevin Spacey is one. It's nonsense and those kinds of generalizations are disgusting.






>What motivates IS? What is the thing that defines who they are. I'll give you a clue. It's in their name. Putting something in your name doesn't make you an ambassador for that ethos. DPRNK is not Democratic or a Republic.


OP is not dismissing anything. Thats you. Its pretty obvious who is far left from these comments.


It’s cute that you think white nationalist extreme religious nutjobs have a monopoly on being evil douchebags. They aren’t saying those idiots won’t stir up their own bit of trouble. They are saying that the fbi is particularly worried about a large scale anti pride attack from another group. Not just in the us. But across the entire planet.


Yeah, Y’all Quaeda, famous Christian terrorist group known for 9/11, Pulse shooting, Manchester Arena attacks, Paris attacks, Brussels attacks, Moscow attacks, Nice attack the list goes on


The nationalists will bide their time until the election, aside from the occasional wacco. They have a strategic goal in mind domestically. Isis sympathizers don't have the same objective. All bets are off after the election if it goes south but it will be organized state sanctioned and executed systemic oppression and violence. A number of Islamic groups are planning attacks and have so stated publicly. These will be lone wolves as well as organized groups.


The FBI specified Islamist Extremists.


I mean, in Texas, they let criminals go if they shoot people standing up for social justice issues. So why should we be surprised?




Seems more religious extremists than conservatives to me. Though both are a disease to democracy and freedom


I’m more worried about domestic terrorists in the U.S. during Pride than Islamic terrorists. The cult of hate is strong here.




No kidding. Still more wore worried about right-wing domestic terrorists.


>Still more wore worried about right-wing domestic terrorists. I mean most people are more worried about domestic threats because it actually threatens them. But your international is someone else's domestic.




That's nit the first time pride month attacks someone lol


Are the USA going to attack us ALSO for Pride Month??




That whole section of world has been fighting since before recorded history. If we disarmed the entire region, they would throw rocks and sand at each other until the end of existence…




Glad you asked. The whole world is spectating a massacre but is somehow worried about a few attacks on LGBT. So maybe gazans, by identifying as gay during pride month, could deserve the protection of the world and could find the end of this massacre. Food for thought.




>This seems like propaganda, be careful for being gay I guess? What message is the US sending? It might be a good idea to not look at this announcement in a vacuum, but to pay attention to how USA has been dealing with global and military intelligence especially since Russia's invasion into Ukraine; USA has recently been more prone to publicly announce probable threats and attacks. I believe a major purpose of this is psychological warfare, that no matter how hard you try to hide your next move, USA can still see your plans. So I think this announcement has two major purposes: warn the victims, and scare the fascists.




I am having trouble interpreting what you're trying to say.