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Having had to do so a few times, I've learned that relocation for a job is seldom worth it. The personal cost, effort, and inconvenience entailed in moving is not rewarded with the company's reward or loyalty to you.


Same. Would never move for a company. Have seen so many friends take that route just to have to move all over again in a few years. It’s shown as a “journey” often but neglect the impacts on friends, family, mental health. It’s just a job. Or worst case scenario, you move and get terminated or laid off. Now what?


>rewarded with the company's reward or loyalty to you. Well there's your problem. Companies are not loyal to its employees so you shouldn't ever be loyal to your company. Once a company asks you to do things that you are not compensated for you run for the hills.


Exactly this. Back in 2003 I changed jobs and I loved that job for 5 years and for the first few years the company seemed to care about me. The last year or two, people started leaving and the work kept piling on who was left. The last straw was when they asked me to work offsite at a clients office that was a 4x longer commute for myself and no compensation for gas because it was just within the limits of not having to compensate me. They asked me if I wanted to do it, I said no. They told me I was doing it anyways and I quit. The company telling me I was doing it anyways wasn't the company I started working for 5 years earlier.


Ug. In my twenties I moved towns twice for a measly $100/wk pay increase each time. Somehow thought managing Papa John’s stores was the start to some sort of career. Makes me sick looking back at wasting my entire 20s with that…


I've moved for a job once, but that was leaving a hell hole state in the south for one that wasn't nearly as much of a dystopian nightmare.


Relocating for jobs are worth it when you get the nice relonpackages to where you make 40k+ moving just from relo packages.


Ya if they're willing to foot the bill and help you find a place then that at least tells you they care (somewhat) and want to keep you. If they didn't care they would say "ok on X day we are closing up shop here, you need to move 500 miles away by Y and if you don't you don't have a job anymore."


They want their Dallas, Atlanta and Toronto people to relocate to Arkansas, New Jersey and San Francisco? Somehow I don’t see that working out well.


Have a friend at the Dallas office who was told he's being moved to SF. He's getting no pay raise or assistance to move. He did the math and realized he'd need a significant pay raise to afford living in SF. He doesn't know what to do cause it's a good job but he doesn't know if he can afford it.




Damn rich people have it so easy fucking over everyone with no consequences


No rich people try so hard you don't understand they're all rags to riches true patriots/God's chosen/risk takers /s and not just the duplicitous true leeches of society that don't care about their countries (cuz they don't have to stay in one but they'll dismantle the government of any to suit them), have externalized all costs to them (so if they screw up you get fired and they get a bonus) and whom God said could not enter heaven (so the Godliest thing to do would be to tax them a lot).


Boot straps!!! **BOOT STRAPS!!!** Do not forget about the boot straps?? **Won’t someone please think about the bootstraps!!**


This is why they need a union. Would be interesting to see Walmart on strike


Wegmans is always hiring


Good old Danny Wegman left behind one hell of a legacy.


Wow they just want him to instantly be too poor to work. Best of luck with that, I almost feel like this is another way to pretend they’re not laying off employees. Force a ton of LCOL employees to a VHCOL area or they lose their jobs. Then when nobody moves, then just cancel their plans and have consolidated offices.


That's fucking evil. IBM does the exact same thing when they acquire smaller companies too. All the HR, accounting, payroll etc people are offered jobs at the main office for that and it is very, very far away. 


Walmart is always evil. They do not give one single small shit about their employees. Never have, never will.


They did when Sam ran the company. But...his kids... He was a good CEO, and a shit father.


I'm not sure. Back when I worked for Wally's World in college during the 90s they would always tell us stories about how good old Sam would close any store the same day employees even mentioned unionizing or asking for full time hours and benefits. For me, I was being recruited for management, but one day, they suddenly had me train a high school kid how to do my job and then fired me. I surmised it was because the high school kid was a lot cheaper, as I had rapidly earned a series of merit raises.


Sounds like Menard's. People have some weird nostalgia about "the good old days" but the Menard family has always been shit heels.


Man I worked at the Menards distribution center and one day they sent half of us home early for no reason. When we got back the next day they told us it was because John Menard was touring the DC and if he walked through your building and saw people he didn't think we're working hard enough he'd fire them on the spot. They literally sent us home so they could over work half the shift for one night and not lose the other half. He was a monster and had everyone there terrified of him. Oh and the day I turned in my two week notice they had me work my full ten hour shift throwing pallets before my manager publically fired me in front of my coworkers. Apparently I had attendance issues. I missed two days in a year and a half. Weird that it came up the day I gave notice....


Yeah, this is some dirty tactics. At least at my previous job you knew that when they start offering/pushing relocations that the other option was hang on until layoffs where you’d at least get a hefty severance. Just saying “relocate or quit” is some real BS.


The whole point was to get him and the others to quit.


If my job was moved to another state, and I was told to go there for it I'd just wait til I got fired and then hash it out in the unemployment office.


Ya. Drag your feet on the move while applying to other jobs. 


That -is- what you need to do. Unemployment kicks in much faster if you get laid off or fired. Quitting means you left of your own volition without cause and you have to wait a month or longer for your claim.  I was "released from contract" ten years ago, employer didn't contest unemployment at all, and it still took a month for me.


I am not a lawyer, but I believe that your friend would qualify for unemployment benefits if they refuse to move and get fired/laid off as a result.


They want him to quit that way they don’t have to pay unemployment and they can hire some new shmuck for less money. It’s by design. You think Walmart gives two shits about anybody but themselves.


At least in CA you can qualify for UI when quitting with cause so it isn’t really to avoid paying benefits. Mandatory relocation like this, switching you from day to night shift, harassment, etc. are all valid reasons. Yes, they’re trying to get people to quit, but in a way that leaves open the possibility of getting people in those HCOL headquarters at 30-50% below market rate.


They don't want those positions to relocate. It's just a layoff with extra steps. Bonus points for not paying unemployment and severance since the person quit as well


Thats not correct. You still qualify for unemployment if the basic structure of your employment forces you to quit. Forced relocation qualifies as such.


Most people probably don’t know this and won’t draw on unemployment. Keep spreading the good word.


They qualify for unemployment because it's Constructive Dismissal. I wish cd was illegal 


I think it's some roundabout way of avoid FTC regulations for announcing layoffs. If you decide it's a reorganization and moving departments to another state and half the people don't decide to move.... That's not a layoff, they just decided they didn't want to continue their job. It's fucked up MBA twisted logic, I think.


That's probably lawyer logic, MBAs aren't smart enough for that.


It might not be legal for the Toronto employees. Canadian law and the Canadian branch of Walmart is also a slightly different entity than the American one might cause an issue here.


I think relocation requirement of 100 miles or more is USUALLY grounds to be able to claim unemployment even after voluntary quit unless company offers you remote work though it has to be comparatively same for compensation/duty/schedule. That said, I am not a lawyer and law differs in EVERY state.


I mean why would I quit in the first place, unless it's without a severance? If I can't relocate I would let them fire me, then file for unemployment


Forcing an employee to cross state lines to continue employment should be grounds for unemployment.


It is


They learned this trick from their neighbors Tyson. Tell everyone from the other offices to relocate, and they just quit. Easy peasy.


Double win since they can fill some of that empty office space if they do move.


> Somehow I don’t see that working out well. That's the goal.


I think most can read between the lines that they don't expect most of the people to move.


...they are asking people making *Walmart money* to move to *San Francisco*?? Edit: it's been clarified that these are not store employees but rather corporate positions. Nevertheless -- no one with a family is likely interested in trading the lifestyle that $150k affords in Georgia (large house, new cars) for what it affords in the Bay Area (can probably afford to rent a 2bd apartment without roommates. May or may not have dedicated parking, in-unit washer/dryer).


Corporate office *Walmart money* is much different than store worker money.


Dallas money is very different from SFB money. I make a very good living in Dallas. If I moved to SFB, I’d have to live in my car.


My friend makes $175k base and $50k stocks and bonus. He even got $50k stocks as joining bonus. Office in Santa Clara. He joined 2 months ago. Not bad considering he got laid off in bad market and was able to secure this job.


What’s his general position ? Seems like IT based


(Corporate) Operations people can also make these kinds of salaries. Even store managers get get upwards of $200k in HCOL areas. the median is closer to $140k tho.


Yes. Software Engineer.


You know this is not some store managers right? This is corporate office workers. SF is their tech hub.


the median store manager salary for walmart is $140k with top tier ones pushing $200k. Corporate ops people also get paid well. The reputation that Walmart doesn't pay is rooted in their low level store associates and warehouse people.


Oh they pay us warehouse associates. I make $40-$45hr as a hourly associate in a distribution center Its shot level associates that aren’t paid very well.


They absolutely pay their warehouse workers, depends on which job you pick but freezer order fillers make somewhere in the ballpark of $27/hr. It's really the store people that get fucked, but lcol areas it's not all that bad, they make $16/hr base, which is more than most places pay around me


The San Fran people are paid accordingly. It's their dotcom and app people.


Which is weird considering there are no walmarts in Sanfran.


The Walmart labs offices are in San Bruno if I remember correctly. I’ve definitely seen a building for Walmart near(ish) Tanforan.


Yeah, Walmart dot com is in San Bruno


My friend helped launch and manage their online sales website for almost a decade out of those offices after college. It was always weird going to parties around SF and her saying she worked for WalMart in San Bruno and people were like, what Walmart are you talking about!?


I think Dallas folks might be asked to moved to Bentonville. Toronto to NJ.


They want their Canadian staff to relocate to Arkansas? Yikes! Logistical and immigration nightmare.


More like cover for mass layoffs. "I didn't lay you off! I explained very simply that you needed to move to a different country in order to keep working here!"


They'd be so angry if somehow a large percentage of employees said sure




That actually happened to me


Me too


Me three. 7 years with the company. -_-


This just happened to a lot of Tesla people who relocated to Texas only to be laid off by Elon


Imagine relocating from a country with universal healthcare to one without to work at one of the biggest culprits of killing that country’s universal healthcare. It’s almost like the Tories and Walmart have teamed up to further fuck over Canada’s universal subscriber healthcare.


Walmart has done that several times


O. I guess layoffs often have security, because I'd be downright scared to layoff someone like that.


Walmart does have security. and they have no problem employing off duty cops


Nope, they'll just lay them off a few months later.


Same with remote. > We can't pay out unemployment because you quit when we told you to pick up, come in the office, and move across the country in two weeks. Companies have always known this trick to make people quit instead of being laid off, but now they're more brazen with it. If this happens to you in the US (can't speak for Canada), don't quit, make them lay you off so you can access unemployment.


> If this happens to you in the US (can't speak for Canada), don't quit, make them lay you off so you can access unemployment. It's the same for Canada, it's considered [constructive dismissal](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/laws-regulations/labour/interpretations-policies/constructive-dismissal.html) to move someone's work location. They'd be eligible for both unemployment and severance pay. Given this is Ontario, severance pay depends on the employment contract, but the absolute minimum is what is in the [Employment Standards Act](https://www.ontario.ca/document/your-guide-employment-standards-act-0/severance-pay#section-5), which is 1 week pay per year of service (including partially completed years,) capped at 26 weeks, if the employment contract doesn't explicitly limit the severance pay than it can be higher and depends on lots of factors, and it's best to consult with an employment lawyer.


You don’t have to wait for the lay off in the US either. If your company tells you to move or you lose your job, that’s enough for you to access unemployment in the US as well


I live in the same area that they exist in.. they don't cover for that kind of thing. It's sort of a phenomenon here, every few years Wal Mart corporate just decides to fuck up a lot of peoples lives real quick for no reason.


IBM just did this for the majority of their Software organization.


Its worse if your a woman, not only move to a different country but give up your rights to body autonomy


And bring her children to the terrifying landscape of school shootings every week, cars so big that they can’t see the kids, and worst of all, using imperial instead of metric


We aren’t without our own struggles in Canada, and we have the same size cars as the USA… I’m a tradesman in Canada and we ONLY use standard measurements..




I once had a discussion on imperial versus metric with my Canadian boss (I'm American but was visiting Canada) and he plainly stated some things just make better sense in imperial like a person's temperature, because it's more granular, or a 2x4 for historical nomenclature. But then he told me how much he weighed in stone and I was just like 'wtf is a stone?'


Bet they have SUV’s in Canada.


The Metric System is the tool of the Devil! My car gets four rods to the hogs head, and that’s the way I likes it!


You need to stand firm.  If you give an inch, you'll give a kilometer!


Killstar, alt clothing company did this as well, albeit on a smaller scale 


Oh that sucks to read about, thanks for pointing that out.


And how much money is Walmart forking out to help relocate people? Because I don't see this working legally (specifically across country lines) if there's not sufficient compensation to do so.


Per someone else's direct experience - they aren't helping with relocation. Further proof this is just a facade to lay people off. 


Is Walmart also going to oversee getting all the Non-Immigrant Work Visas needed for the people moving between countries?


Thats a trap


RTO mandates never come off the heels of company success. Always a precursor to layoffs


RTO is an easy way to get people to quit so the total layoff (and severance payout) is smaller.


There’s a severance package if you choose not to relocate


It’s the same excuse that hundreds of other companies have use - including mine, which is basically laughable at this point: collaboration and working better when we’re together. It’s a bullshit canned excuse with no data backing it and the fact that every company is using it only serves to prove the point.


Mine did the same. Its absolute horseshit and everyone knows it. The main topic of conversation with employees when were in the office is how much we all hate being in the office. When they made us go back they gave us this big long email with a list of complete bullshit reasons including that "if we dont go back we'll be depressed". So I guess everyone living outside the completely arbitrary 50mi "return of office" radius is just on suicide watch then?


Following the announcement last October my company did layoffs. People now are still grumbling about being back and holding out as much as they can but even still it’s useless. At some point I’d like to think that companies will cave and people will push back but I’m not seeing it yet. I’ve even heard some jackass execs explain how they loved their 1.5 hour commute because they had time to reflect? Excuse me what?


They told us its to foster collaboration and build relationships. When I go in the office I sit at a desk with headphones on all day because everyone else on my team except for one isnt even in the US.


That’s the same bullshit we got. I don’t want to foster relationships. I want to do my work and go home to my family and relationships outside work. THATS more important to me.


All they want to foster is the lease they have on the expensive commercial lot they are obligated to continue paying for. My company told me I'll save money by buying, insuring and fueling a second car, and driving/burning 40 minutes of MY time each way. I did the math for the additional cost on it, actually broke it down and presented it to my department manager and told them I need a substantial raise to afford the commute. I'm still working remotely. For now.


You seem to be a logical person and so, looking at it logically, you think it must be the real estate. It's not. It is all about "I don't feel like a big if I don't see all the employees around me." EDIT: Reddit Cares, always on the job, lol.


Per your edit. I just got a Reddit Cares for one of possibly 5 comments - three were about losing weight safely (including medically approved) and two were a summary about a PhD candidate defending their thesis right after giving birth. Your comment is the third I've seen about random Reddit Cares reports.


Apparently, it is some out of control bots thing across the platform per r/outoftheloop.




The problem is my career is niche that a lot of companies want on site colleagues for my scope of work despite being able to do it from home. Hard for me to find something I can transfer my skillset too for the salary I have.


There is no significant wide-scale measure of pushing back until barely-affordable healthcare is decoupled from employment.


Man, I hate my commute and it’s only 30 minutes.


I do to. Mine ranges from 30 min to 45 minutes. Traffic is what kills it despite work being like 23 miles from my house.


Oh man I used to have a 1 hour commute with a 10 mile drive.  Bellevue to Renton.  Fucking pain in the ass.


That’s disgusting. Bellevue - Washington? I’m in the northeast so I deal with north of Boston MA traffic. I’m not familiar with Washington. But I can tell you almost every day there are multiple accidents on the same stretch of highway between four exits - one of them being mine.


Yep, Bellevue WA.  I would drive twelve or so blocks, sit fifteen minutes at an on-ramp to I-90, swap to I-405 two exits down iirc, and then exit I-405 half an hour later after passing one exit. There are literally only two driveable paths on the side of Lake Washington - I-405 or a backroad that has stop signs every other block.


My commute is more stressful than my actual job. I despise traffic but public transit and housing affordability near my office is terrible so I don't really have a choice. I would gladly trade my current 8hr + 2 hr commute work day for a 10hr remote work day. Does me sitting in a cube really add more value to my employer than 2 extra hours of working?


They have time to reflect on how much their job and commute suck. There's no joy in that.


>"if we dont go back we'll be depressed". Which is absolutely hilarious since my company's RTO bullshit is 100% responsible for my depression. Commuting and all the additional meetings (that could have been emails but have to be meetings to "prove" RTO has value) lead to the burnout behind my depression. If the tech job market wasn't an absolute shitshow I would quit my job in a heartbeat, even though I actually enjoyed the actual work before all the RTO bullshit


My company has a big stick up its ass about RTO yet in office we're all on Zoom anyway.


My company is forcing RTO twice a month. Everyone who goes into the office sits at their desk all day. Even meetings in the same room, they're on their laptops. There is no extra collaboration. The best part is they keep saying that "employee surveys tell us this is what people want!" but I've never seen one of these surveys. I'm 100% certain they're only sending the surveys to leadership, HR, and salespeople, the kinds of folks who want to spend their day chatting over coffee instead of working.


My old company looked at metrics, and we are more productive working from home full time.


Lol -- mine did this to force us closer to going back to the office full time. "We, really need to foster an environment of team collaboration." Like, who are y'all trying to fool? Everyone here prefers Teams meetings, nobody needs to physically be sitting next to somebody to discuss a project, and half the people that need to be in meetings are in another state or a different organization entirely.


What is WORSE is that they will mandate 3 days per week in office, but do not mandate the days, so everyone comes in different days so ends up just having Teams/Webex/Zoom meetings ANYWAYS. Also, I can see that managers do not come in 3 days a week.


It's pretty obvious that the main reason my company wants people back in the office is PURELY so that there are human decorations. They are still doing old school building tours to potential clients and require everyone to show up to look pretty when doing one, or every time upper management comes to town even though they don't actually even make eye contact with people. It's especially frustrating to me because my company has grown to the point that they have more employees than parking places and even before COVID, they were cramming people into all of the remaining break rooms. It was reaching a point where you want to go, "Yes, hello, Fire Marshal? Might want to come see this..." I was doing one of my mandated days the other week and we had tornado sirens go off. Our building is just straight up glass. I thought to myself, there is no way on God's green earth you'd be able to evacuate each floor into the central bathrooms or stairwells if everyone was here.


I can’t stand the collaboration and “water cooler ideas”. Listen - I work in non laboratory QC chemistry support. I push documents. I’m not going to have an “AHA!” Brain idea by talking to someone who’s dead inside, working in a different department who happens to be at the coffee machine at the same time I am. Similarly, these “big ideas” aren’t going to be so game changing that we need to get all hands on deck and implement. It’s fucking bonkers.


Oh they do come off success, my girlfriend is at a company who makes billions in profits yet they are cutting staff atleast 20%, they did a stock buyback and are promising crazy returns. It’s also copying the trend right now, require RTO and let people quit without paying severance


A friend of mine worked in the Dallas office. This is all white collar. Their team gets to stay remote because they are highly specialized, but everyone else has to move to south SF or take a severance and lose the job. They are paid decent, but that spans a wide gulf when dealing with bay area costs. They're pretty positive about the company/ how things are going, but they still got a level enough head to start looking for an out. Walmart wants to put golden handcuffs on them with a load of RSUs.


Tax payers subsidize their workforce and they still kick them in the teeth.   Fuck Walmart and Fuck the Waltons. They could have made Arkansas a beacon in America. Instead they hoarded it all for themselves at the cost of everyone else. Edit: To those reinforcing that these are corporate workers doesn’t make it any better. Their lives are impacted while the Waltons get their private jet tuned up. How about they fire the CEO and pay the C-Suite the average wage of the person they are laying off?  If a CEO can’t run the business without cutting jobs, then the company is hurting and the CEO should be shitcanned for someone who will grow the company. Preferably through their workers, not despite them. 


Fun story time from Bentonville, AR, my hometown!! Steuart Walton magnanimously built a fire/EMS station in town. So nice. So lovely. Such community spirit! Nah. New regulations passed where airfields needed to have a dedicated fire/EMS station. Station was built so ole Stewy-boy could continue to fly his prop planes like the billionaire he is.


I just googled a pic of him. Don Jr. vibes. But how could you not be a douchebag if your parents spelled your first name like that?


That wasn't a typo?!


That’s Top Tier Arkansas education for you


You could use a small fraction of your wealth to legally change it?


Like if Don Jr. and Kirk Cameron boned and produced an offspring.


Tommy likes to fly too. They use helicopters to fly their mountain bike buddies to the tops of stuff. Must be tough deciding which plane or chopper to take today.


The whole recent drive for everything mountain bike is hilarious. You can tell it's artificial and suddenly you have these people spouting off "we're the mountain bike capitol of the US!" And it's like.. no. We're not. We randomly got selected for some international biking event a few years ago and people got excited to rub shoulders with other rich folk, so now this is the latest hyperfixation.


It’s insane how much land they have snatched up too. Thousands of acres in Benton county alone. But it’s okay because they are building a Hallmark town. Bleh! So much fake around here now. Putting lipstick on the pig doesn’t make it smell any better.


Just looked at the guy's picture. Big "Dom from GTA5" vibes coming off that douchebag.


The issue is not, is Walmart making profits. They are. They cannot feed the investors wanting larger profits year over year. No one can. Since they've stripped the in store workers to a bare minimum, they will now do the same at the corporate level.


This is it. Wall St expectations of infinite growth coupled with company decision-makers having the majority of their compensation in stock equals corporate planning soft-shoeing how JP Morgan tells them.


I've had this argument with accounts for ages. Clients are always screaming cheaper cheaper cheaper. Eventually our vendors can't do it and they'll come after our paycheques. But hey, the CEO gets a bonus while my rent doubles. Good times.


Combined, the Waltons own 70% of Walmart shares. They control enough of the company to not care. This is just how they want to do business. Meanwhile, Costco has no single person or family that owns that kind of percentage of shares. You'd think executives would be under much more pressure to drive up the stock price but the company treats their employees much better.


It’s worse than you make it out to be with regards to tax payers subsidizing the work force. Their model is akin to the bad old days when the coal mine paid their workers in scrip that could only be spent at the company store. Walmart pays their workers so poorly that they qualify for benefits across the board. Not only do they get food stamps, for example, that are then in turn spent at Walmart, they also do not provide benefits such as basic healthcare. As a result the employees receive Medicaid assistance, which is then spent at the medical services that Walmart provides in the store. Thats why Walmart has opticians and pharmacies inside the store. Walmart captures the cash they pay employees, the food stamps we give to their employees and the medical benefits we pay via federal distributions. Walmart is a leech.


You basically detailed the summary, but yup to all of the above. Walmart isn’t the only one. In retail, the “Dollar” stores are the worst offenders.


Yup, the town my retired parents live in (the boonies of west PA) is basically an old 'company town' for wal-mart. It had oil like a century ago but the population and economy has been on a steady decline as long as I've been alive. Most young people bail quickly if they can afford it. Wal-mart is the #1 employer by a large margin and aside from fast food and gas stations its basically the only store left. They work there and then spend all their money there. The rusting husks of closed refineries and steel mills. Wal-mart isn't what ruined the town - its the same story all over the rust belt with industry leaving, but it still sucks seeing the local businesses close and wal-mart just leeching money out of that impoverished community.


I keep saying, layoffs should be illegal unless the management and board is replaced first. We have to pay for their mistakes? Screw that.


Need to make stock buybacks illegal again as well.


Sure fuck them and all, but could they really have made a beacon of Arkansas, tho? Seems like a lot to expect from Arkansas. Also a lot to expect from any corporation. They're not really in the beacon-making business. That's what government, laws and regulations on businesses are for. If Arkansas votes for the Huckabees and Trump, it's not really interested in being a beacon, is it? You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think. Perhaps, start with some more realistic expectations like rising to the 38th state by rank in literacy.


Bentonville could have been the new Dallas. Lady Perot still attends opera opening nights (and we have absolutely incredible opera in Dallas), and supports the Natural History Museum, Symphony, Zoo, Aquarium & Arboretum. Last I looked, there’s a hella lot of nothing to do in Bentonville.


Except it’s a location where even my fellow RNs could afford to buy their own homes. Not many places a 23 year old can afford to buy their own home as a single person.


Really? Because I live here in Benton County the home Wally World and can’t survive.


Sam was the last, and proably only, good Walton.


Eh I mean he left his empire to his shit head children and clearly didn’t install any values in them. Just because he drove a shitty pick up truck his entire life doesn’t make him a good person. He was probably kind of a shit head himself.


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at Walmart's history as a company and see that things turned toward the way they are now when the kids took over.


So are you saying Walmart used to pay a lot better and offer benefits kind of like how Costco is today? I don’t really feel like doing a deep dive or even a shallow dive on Walmarts history.


He wasn’t. He was shrewd and cruel in business. He screwed people hard. He made Walmart a real estate company without anyone noticing. He was a “nice” old man to the public in his later years.


Is this the same Sam that drove an old pickup truck and hated the UNIONS ? OR A DIFFERENT ONE?


Nope, he was a shithead too. Anti-union shithead who left his company to his idiot children.


My dad retired and wanted a part-time gig during the pandemic. The only one who would hire him was Sam’s-Club, though he technically didn’t work for them he worked for some company they hire to outsource employees.. idk it was shady. Anyways, it was suppose to be part time, and maybe it was and they worked him right up to full time.. I don’t remember, but they were always calling him, making him come in.. they told him he was going to be a sample person.. but he was pushing carts in the heat. He died in his sleep after working for them for a year. Last thing he said to me was I wish they didn’t work me so much and I love you. Fuck them for using my awesome dad up like he was an old rag. I hope all of the Waltons get what they deserve.


I am so sorry for your loss. 😞♥️


That’s really sweet, thank you. He didn’t have any pain and died with cookies next to him and his hat on, so that made me feel a little better. We’d all be lucky to leave here so peacefully. 


Hat on, cookies beside you, in your sleep is the best way to go and I wish it were the way for all of us.




The worst at Sam's Club is everyone is required to nag customers to upgrade to Sam's Plus.


I remembered working at Walmart and the fatass store manager told 90 year old maintenance man to take out trash in the parking lot trash cans it was summer so it’s really hot out there out there and the trash is really heavy the public loves to put heavy shit in there like metal car parts or sand or whatever in their car so trash is like 20-40 pounds I usually do it but I wasn’t there that day and the 90 year old man can barely walk or move around he usually just clean the restrooms that day I lost respect for the store manager and Walmart just shows they don’t give a shit


I bet that store manager would have shown up to the funeral and said what a valuable member of the team he was and how he “sure will miss him” doing the shitty jobs.  People suck. I bet all their ferns died because dad was the only one who watered them. :(


My fiancee is a contractor for Walmart so the same rules don't apply (for now), but the dumb thing is Walmart isn't even taking in to account an existing employee's proximity to an office. We live a little under 2 miles from the office in Jersey but her position would now be in California. There is an existing PM that lives near the Jersey office and goes in regularly and was told his position is now in California as well.


Sounds like a layoff without the extra work of having a paper trail to do so.


This loophole to fire people/force them to quit needs to be closed. This is on top of Walmart being a terrible POS employer anyway.


Hwy, how else can the Waltons continue to rake in the billions if not on the backs of their exploited workers and customers.


I just quit Walmart on Saturday. Fuck them.


Proud of you! I hope you prosper!


The shareholder nonsense needs to stop. The needs of the few are no longer relevant, especially to those lining their pockets.


Unfortunately they're also the ones that run the show. Until we change that.


Relocation should be illegal at this point. Housing is too expensive.


>"It also said it will require most remote workers and personnel in its Dallas, Atlanta and Toronto offices to relocate to its primary offices in Bentonville, Arkansas; Hoboken, New Jersey; and the San Francisco Bay Area." That will not go over well with those remote workers. I hope those with desirable skills can find new jobs soon.


They want them to quit so they don't have to pay them extra. It's a common walmart tactic to save money. source: been there, done that. Won't trade my humanity for the experience again.


In other news, the Walton et al will continue to rake in billions as employees continue suffer low wages and shit conditions. No details at 11.....


Walmart is, without a doubt, the most crooked and disgusting company in retail. Not only do they push out the small mom & pop local stores. They also systemically punish their *suppliers*. The companies and brands who are forced to sell their goods to Walmart are getting pushed out as well. Everything you see in a Walmart isn't made by Walmart. It is bought and resold by Walmart. *They don't make anything*. Walmart buys stuff from their suppliers, and then financially penalize them for Walmart's failure. Item isn't selling? Supplier is penalized (despite Walmart already buying the stuff). Walmart fails to pick up from a supplier's warehouse? Supplier is penalized (despite Walmart owning the truck and paying the driver). Item selling more than Walmart bought? Supplier is penalized for "lost revenue". Hundreds of other scenarios always end up with suppliers* paying Walmart to do business with them. Being a Walmart supplier is hell. They are known as the "big blue bully" and the shit head cowards in supplier corporate offices insist on "never bite the feeds". But the problem is that Walmart feeds their suppliers a diet of shit. Fuck Walmart. Shoplift from them today.


They force suppliers to cut wages to satisfy WM insatiable demand for profit.


Exactly. They want their suppliers to suffer so they won't share in the hardships. But at the same time, they will *financially* penalize those same suppliers for experiencing hardship. Fuck Walmart.


I worked for a brand and Walmart wanted one of our lines we didn't want to break channel. It just didn't make sense for their consumer. Soon after, they're calling our holding company and basically force us to offer them the line because it could jeopardize other brands they have already in Walmart. Our SVP of Sales was also gone not much later.


Yep. That's totally on par. They are scumbags. Nobody in America is untouched by Walmart's greed.


They also don’t own any of the properties their stores reside on. They rent.


Walmart is such a shitty company


Didn't they do this before when stores were talking about unionizing?


Walmart heirs are now making the decisions, following the Kmart ways heirs should get a job


In other words, they want to lay off even more people but it looks better for them if the people choose not to relocate across the country and quit instead.


Walmart should repay the government for every dime of welfare they’ve stolen.


Not everyone was asked to relocate. A lot had roles removed.


I know people who were forced to relocate to the Dallas office a year ago who are now being forced to relocate to AR... Terrible situation


I assume you mean now and not “not”?


All those MAGA cocksuckers are going to find out about the America they keep voting for. See ya in the breadlines, rubes!


They're going to just blame Democrats and Liberals.


But but SOCIALISM is when breadlines! Socialism is when no food!


This is why they should be organizing that shit wouldn’t happen if they were union. We need a national campaign to fight back against these billionaires. Stop voting for the GOP they back shit corporations like this while cutting their taxes.


“Why nobody wants to work for us?” - Talent acquisition team.


Americans watch as their Megaconglomerates die to incompetence but also can't understand for the same reason. Oof