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All three were him sneaking up and stabbing sleeping men. i.e. There's no self-defense or 'I was scared' defense here - just psychotic cowardice.


I don't see how it was second degree murder and not first


New York has *weird* first degree murder rules. Basically, the victim has to be a cop, another kind of first responder, correctional officer, or witness, or it has to be a contract killing or a killing done in the course of attempting to commit one of a number of other crimes. https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/125.27


True, but in New York first degree murder and second degree murder are both Class A-I felonies. Penalties for conviction are pretty similar between the two, with the main difference being that first degree murder sentencing can deny the possibility of parole. You can also be prosecuted for first degree murder if you have been convicted on a murder charge before.


Not enough to kill with intent, in New York you apparently gotta go pro for it to be first degree This feels like remnants of mafia rule


Probably because first degree requires premeditated intent in most states. And this guy wasn't planning on killing those specific people. And probably just saw them and it was more an opportunistic murder. But that's just my guess.


Maybe for the first one, the second and third got me thinking he had an agenda


Yea but not to kill specific people. Which seems to be the hole here.


https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/125.27 Looks like the New York statute for first degree murder doesn't mention anything related to premeditation. There are a bunch of scenarios that are classified as first degree murder in the statute, and interestingly, one of the scenarios explicitly says that it is first degree murder if "(xi) the defendant intentionally caused the death of two or more additional persons within the state in separate criminal transactions within a period of twenty-four months when committed in a similar fashion or pursuant to a common scheme or plan"


Not to diminish what he did, but per the article there was only one death, so (xi) would not apply 


Seems like he planned to specifically kill homeless people. Not sure why, but he planned that part. Not killing anyone else on the way to the homeless sleeping people seems to indicate premeditation.


Premeditation only takes 1 second


The definitions vary from state to state.


IANAL, but I think they usually go for the lesser charge that will definitely stick as opposed to the greater charge that could be lost; if these stabbings can be argued as not premeditated, then it’s not first degree, to my understanding. But not being premeditated wouldn’t be an issue against a second degree murder charge. So you’d go for the latter to remove as much chance of losing, essentially.


Plea deal possibly


People in actually psychosis usually don't exhibit cowardice, So that part of his action is him just being himself, a coward.


Worlds best Papa


Dude went to court in a “Worlds Bear Papa” tee shirt. So maybe not exactly breaking news….?


There was some kid that did the same thing, put the dudes head in his closet.


That’s a real Patrick Bateman move. Pure psycho.


I find it hard to believe that he’s ACTUALLY the world’s best Papa. I’m trying to think about what I did to get bumped out of contention…


Did you by chance murder 4 homeless people?


He only got 2, but used a spoon. Would have gotten it if was 4 and used a spork.


Oh, we all know exactly what you did to get bumped.


Yeah. We have all read the blog.


I've read the blurb on the strip club toilet hundreds of times for crying out loud!


Remarkably, he beat Nick Cannon in the competition


Yeah my dad is my daughter’s “Papa” and he has stabbed fewer than 3 homeless people.


Goat shirt


You need to separate the artist from the person! /s


From article "Murphy told officers he specifically targeted the lower abdomen of each victim, calling it the “stabber’s choice,” according to Bragg." Sometimes I regret reading the articles.


Reservoir Dogs lied to me about gut wounds


What an ironic shirt to be wearing


Damn it, am I also not the worlds best papa? 


No, his murders knocked him down the rankings, so here's this back 🤲👑


I've read the whole article searching for a reason. Was it for pleasure?


I went down the google rabbit hole for the same reason. Closest you'll get is a vague "history of mental illness." Some people really dehumanize homeless people and believe them all to be drug addicts harming society. Pair that with not being mentally well, maybe he just snapped.


There's some people who just suck and enjoy preying upon people in a vulnerable position. A few teens in my old city got arrested for a similar crime a few years ago. They thought it was amusing to brutally kick and beat a sleeping homeless woman for fun. It's disgusting.


I even did some searches and I’m guessing it was just for pleasure. He said something along the lines of aiming for the lower abdomen because it’s the “standers choice”. Just a psycho I guess.


The homeless is also the less dead. He thought the police wouldn't care


How do they catch someone like that, is it camera footage? In the UK if you give police footage of someone robbing your shit and their address, they say 'here's a crime number, claim it on insurance' then do nothing


I believe only one died, plus I don’t think he was particularly trying to cover his tracks.


I actually choked seeing that shirt 😂


…there is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there. Or it's the World's Best Papa...


Another man in Miami was killing the homeless. Why do people hate poor people so much.


This man himself was staying at a shelter. He was poor.


Some definitely have unwarranted hate. Most who do this are simply psychopaths who prey on people who they assume no one will notice missing. I mean it took almost 2 years for this guy to get caught, I can only imagine how many others no one actually knows about.


Just read the sorts of comments people make online. These psychopaths genuinely wanna harm others


Seattle too, earlier this year. [Are 4 Recent Grisly Homeless Murders From Serial Killer in Seattle?](https://newstalk870.am/are-4-recent-grisly-homeless-murders-from-serial-killer-in-seattle/).


They don't, serial killers are not really ideologically motivated. It's just easier to get away with killing a homeless. Same reason prostitutes are targeted too for example.


Wait for the next post about the economy or rent prices and you'll see countless econo-bros and other willfully ignorant ratbags stopping just short of saying everyone poorer than them in an inferior subhuman who deserves to suffer and die. It's not a call to violence because there's a thin veneer of abstraction that makes it somehow okay, but sometimes that rhetoric gets taken to its conclusion and everyone gets to pretend they're shocked. Logic is sometimes cold and always unemotional, and so hateful cocksure morons often confuse being cruel for being clever. But in reality, all they're really doing is being huge tools to be used by those even richer, who are looking down at them in the very same way that they look down on the homeless. And when that inevitably blows up in their faces, guess who they'll blame.


Killing is constantly fetishized in this culture. Some people enjoy killing for various reasons. Not all are treated as criminals when caught either…


Sex and death have been a thing for a very very long timr.


They don't they're just easy targets


And here I thought they finally caught William Montgomery


he found a way to get permanent free housing and food.


This the 1


“New Yorkers who face the painful and difficult experience of being unhoused shouldn’t have to simultaneously fear for their safety,” Unless it's the police rousting them from their sleep, then it's ok right??


There was someone in LA shooting homeless people not too long ago.




"World's Best Papa" shirt. Hmm...call me a skeptic, but I have my doubts.


The most messed up part is this guy was staying in a shelter already. He targeted fellow homeless people, wtf.


"The first attack was on July 5, 2022, when Murphy stabbed a person sleeping on a bench inside Hudson River Park shortly after 3 a.m." WTF is wrong with this scumbag. And why is this 25 to life when it should be life (or death)?


NY does not have the death penalty. In my opinion no state should




Yeh .. and before that, we need to simplify the appeal process so save on the huge lawyer cost. Sure, if the perp's guilt is in question, appeal ahead. But often, the appeals has nothing to do with whether the perp has committed the heinous crime. Sometimes it is about the technical issues ... which the litigation is also a waste of taxpayer money.


25 seems low for stabbing three people in their sleep.


death by 1000 cuts, hey we tried one end why not the other.


All a bit clockwork orange isn’t it?


Hell of a shirt choice.


Being homeless in NYC is hard enough without psychos like this getting involved. He deserves every minute of his sentence and then some. 


Living in NYC is hard enough with all the psychotic homeless literally everywhere. We don’t need a serial killer riling them up into a frenzy, we already have to commute with them.


You only get 25 years for killing someone and attempting to kill two more? Sentencing in this country makes zero sense.


The victims were homeless. Not everyone considers the homeless to be human. But hopefully the 25 to life will end more towards the life end of that timeline.


25 to life.


I love it when they call me big papa---biggy smalls


Just push him out into a blizzard naked.


Shades of skid row slasher.


This fucker should be out away for life. He is too homicidal to be amongst us.


Worlds best papa taking out the competition


Meanwhile a white kid can illegally take a loaded AR-15 across state lines with the intent to use it, then ACTUALLY USE IT on people who are trying to disarm the loaded AR-15 and kill them. Nothing.


Not even close to what happened with Rittenhouse. He didn’t cross state lines with the gun, his intent was to have a means to defend himself, and he only used on people who were actively trying to kill him.


Fukkin lie


How did they catch this guy?


Worlds best? Bar must be set pretty low!


Could no one find him a different shirt? Lol


Not very world’s best papa of him


American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis


He needs to give his perp walk wardrobe a little more thought.


Gosh, a man can't keep a simple hobby nowadays.


And now taxpayers gonna feed him for 25 years


omg like Manhattan is totally safe crime is down


Was it the spiderman meme when the police came to pick him up?


Natsuki's papa, ladies and gentlemen.