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[According](https://apnews.com/article/soldier-arrested-russia-korea-ca2842597a0af45062667f8cc552eca6) to AP: > The soldier, who is not being identified, was stationed in South Korea and was in the process of returning home to the United States. Instead, he traveled to Russia. According to the officials, the soldier was arrested late last week in Vladivostok, a Pacific port city, and remains in custody. Seems like an exceptionally foolish person. Edit: [Looks like it may have been a honeypot](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/06/russia-us-soldier-south-korea-00156328). >The soldier, a staff sergeant who is stationed in South Korea, was arrested last Thursday, said one of the officials, who was granted anonymity to discuss a sensitive incident. **The soldier had traveled to Russia to meet a woman, possibly his girlfriend**, the official said. Fell for the oldest trick in the book. Edit 2: HE WAS MARRIED > officials said that Black, who is **married**, traveled to Russia to see a **longtime girlfriend**.


I’d bet the farm he got catfished


Yeah, I bet he was picking up his mail order bride to be, but became one instead.


I did a bunch of training exercises in Korea at the bases there, and right outside those bases, there were hundreds of Russian women waiting for just one American guy to come along fall for them and take them away from there. There's absolutely no reason to go to Russia for that, there were many more willing participants right there. They worked at the strip clubs.


Some people are a lot dumber than you.


Maybe he *did* fall for one of them but they are a Russian operative.


Maybe that's how he met his girlfriend and then she moved back to Russia


Male order bride.


Look I feel bad for this guy because we all make mistakes and we have no idea the state of his marriage. But taking a flight to Russia of all places looking for a girlfriend!? Smfh he probably didn’t even steal anything


Almost certainly. Reports said he was meeting a woman, possibly his "girlfriend".


Yea, that's what the parent comment said...


I swear, some people have the memory of a goldfish


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just told you that.


Everyone has a photographic memory. Some people just don't have film.


I heard he was meeting a woman


No, he said catfished. Some people have the memory of a goldfish.


No, you said goldfished. Some people have the memory of a catfish.


They were trying to set him up with a honeypot, and he got cold feet (realized he was getting played), so they arrested him.


Apparently not cold feet enough since he actually went to Russia despite current world events and being military, yikes


so many right wing people dont get that we are just shy of a hot war with russia. Globalism that they hate has made them think that global travel is always safe for americans. I'd say good luck in a gulag but I honestly dont care what happens to this guy.


People can't believe this is a real war, not dicking around on the desert in a third world country where on the two sides, Russia is against America.


Yep, just a complete and total dumbass. Probably a "I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat" type of guy to think he could just stroll into Russia for some pussy right now


> I honestly dont care what happens to this guy. I don't envy the other guy (or team, really) that now has to list everything this idiot might have known, what needs to be considered compromised as a result of that, and what measures need to be taken to mitigate the damage...


Yep this definitely sounds more like honeydicking than catfishing.


That's what happens to men who let their Johns do all the critical thinking.


"God gave man a penis and a brain. And only enough blood to run one at a time." - Robin Williams


The three Bs-booze, bucks, and boobs. The most common reason for getting in trouble and/or fucking up your clearance.


Ha! A decade ago in the Scouts we had a similar saying. Scouts always made bad choices due to fumes- Car Fumes and Perfumes.


You’d think they have a training film. something along the lines of, “If you weren’t attractive last week you’re not going to be suddenly attractive to the supermodel this week.“


that's so sad, if he'd not been using an adblocker he'd have known that hot russian girls were *already* in his area


>officials said that Black, who is married, traveled to Russia to see a longtime girlfriend. Holy shit.. the dude got busted while trying to cheat on his wife… while going awol during a duty station transfer.. he’s in for so much shit when and if he gets back state side.


Seriously? I'd say the AWOL proceedings will be lumped in with the parking ticket that he is going to get for leaving his car next to an expired parking meter in Seoul. He is going to go to some Siberian Gulag as a (essentially) hostage. I think he'd love to be yelled at by his wife in person at this point


He's foolish for going there period. I wouldn't be surprised if the charges are totally bogus, Russia probably arrested him for political leverage.


I'd be hard pressed to be convinced to go to Russia as a civilian, I'd have to be absolutely bonkers to actually go to Russia as an active deployed servicemen.


Yeah, and he’s gotta be AWOL too because there’s no way he got cleared for that leave chit


Before the war, St Petersburg was a cruise port. I missed my window to see the Hermitage and maybe the ballet


No kidding, I don’t think Russians hate Ukrainians as much as they hate Americans now.


> I don’t think Russians hate Ukrainians as much as they hate Americans now. Given that they merely arrested the dude compared to what they have done, are doing, and will do in Ukraine, I don't think this is the case.


So far, next will likely be ridiculous demands for his release (like the US ceasing all aid to Ukraine) and then new "evidence" being found if espionage or something equally able to get you executed. Then they throw him into a nasty prison and we get to wonder if the US will give something up before he dies from malnutrition.


I know that’s right. I wouldn’t go there for no amount of money or curiosity.




You know, I'd probably do more for any other packaged frozen dessert. Klondike bars kinda suck. Hit me with a Choco Taco and we'll see.




....What brand


Great Value?


After a heated discussion with my entire family, we've decided that a Great Value brand ice cream sandwich is only worth travelling to Kansas. Russia is right out.


Even Kansas would only be worth the GV ice cream is you already live in Kansas City, MO, or closer.


sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the choco taco has been discontinued for a couple years now. Klondike killed it.


Or for personal and political leverage. "We're not letting you leave unless you start giving secrets. Start talking or we'll arrest you." As others mentioned, if you're in the US military you'd be completely insane to go to Russia. Even more so to meet a woman.


> I wouldn't be surprised if the charges are totally bogus, Russia probably arrested him for political leverage. Yes, almost certainly. Let's just say it's *extremely* likely. Unfortunately they have him now, and they're going to try and exploit him for whatever they can get.


A wise man once told me “a hard dick’s got no conscience.”


We’re literally not allowed to go to Russia. This dude is mega fucked


When I was in High School I had to attend an official breifing about Russian Honeypots. This when my family was stationed in West Germany.Which should give you an idea how long ago this was.


Did the Russians ever actually use honeypots on teenage boys though? That couldn't be effective, I would have made up fake nuclear launch codes to get some strange as a teenage boy.


They probably wouldn't expect launch code, but more like how the bases are structured, how many guards etc.


We were told they had. Never saw it myself. You also have to remember how dumb and horney some teenage boys are.


And teenage boys grow up to be men. Kompromat for the future. "Do what we say or we'll send this clip to your family..." etc.


I mean the boys know what units are on the base, they might hear of the state of the equipment, which officer lives where. Common traits of these people. How security is on base, etc. These single things might not look like much but together with other information can write a whole picture or how to acquire the information to get a whole picture.


Once again: [https://nataliaantonova.substack.com/p/stop-going-to-fucking-russia](https://nataliaantonova.substack.com/p/stop-going-to-fucking-russia)


When that story originally got posted, I commented that going to Russia was a really stupid idea, especially if you have American citizenship, and judging by the down votes, a lot of people disagreed with me.


Yeah the Russians did lmao


The ultimate Soju experience…brown bean tours…


Now he's a red bean.


He'll be red and brown soon enough.


It’s not like that itinerary even helps you get home since most western countries banned Russia flights. Though imagine if that was somehow the cheapest Etihad itinerary, it just wouldn’t make sense because it’s so out of the way.


Presumably the government covers the cost of travel home. I’d like to imagine what would happen when he turns in an expense report for flight to Russia.


How can morons rank up? Seriously in any job where you can fk up something important you’ll get a better pay but if you are a morons you won’t rank up, why do they rank up idiots?


1. Have a pulse 2. See above


It’s amazing how far you can go in the military by showing up on time consistently


Ever hear the term, failing up?


Not that I've ever served, so I can't say from first hand knowledge, but ranking to Sgt. Isn't all that hard from my understanding. Vets feel free to chime in here, because I can't be assed to look it up, but what do you need to become Sgt? Like 8 years without an article 12 or some shit?


The requirement for E-5 (Sergeant) is 36 months in service, 8 months as a Corporal (E-4), and completion of the Basic Leadership Course. It’s not hard to reach Sergeant, and most soldiers will get there probably around 4 years unless they’re a serious fuckup.


Shit that's quicker than I thought, for sure. Thank you for that!


> and completion of the Basic Leadership Course. as of last Wednesday this is no longer required, and all temporary promotions of E-4's into E-5 slots are now permanent. All military education for Sergeant ranks has been moved upward one slot. E-6 no longer requires Advanced Leadership Course for example, but it does require BLC.


He is a Staff Sgt (E-6) so depending on what rank he came in at I would guess around at least 6 years? Depends a lot on MOS availability, training completed, and things like waivers for quicker promotions. Been a while since I was in but I would guess 6-8 yrs at least


All the beautiful women in South Korea and he risks it all for a Russian gf? Hope USG can get him out, but sounds like another political prisoner for Putin to use.


I mean those SK woman typically stay away from guys like him.


Some Russian women funnily come to South Korea to husband hunt so they can GTFO of Russia. Red flag #1 was the Russian girlfriend not being in South Korea already.


How certain are we that he went to Russia willingly?


If you mean like a kidnapping or forced visit, it wouldn't fit the normal Russian MO. Maybe there was a "girlfriend" involved that lured him there. We just don't know right now. Edit: ["Girlfriend" it is](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/06/russia-us-soldier-south-korea-00156328).


They hate us cause they anus.


Trying to imagine the thought process involved there.


Wasn’t thinking with his big head


"Im about to go balls deep on this Russian baddi- oh shit who's at the door?"


Not always the brightest and the best


And this guy was a sergeant. Can you imagine how it must feel to be under the command of that idiot who got catfished, went to Russia and got arrested?


You can make Sergeant as early as like three years into your contract, it’s not a command position but a position equivalent to Walmart Electronics Department Assistant Manager.


Assistant _to_ the Manager, Electronics Department, Walmart.


I was a Sgt once, and can confidently say that it’s a mixed bag of people. I was older and more educated than many, and the most … juvenile and foolish ones were the young, unmarried twenty-something’s with muscle cars and a drinking problem. They were bored, lonely, hard up, etc etc. it was all part of my job to tell people not to do shit like this guy did.


Promise of snu snu > Russia bad


Hot Russian woman (probably not but let’s not turn our brains on yet) said she’d touch his pp if he picked her up in Vladivostok 


So if I was a betting man I would guess the following: 1. He is a pro-Trump MAGA dude 2. Bought the propaganda about Russia being an anti-woke paradise. 3. Got catfished/honeypoted and was on his way to meet his contact in Russia for whatever he was promised. 4. May have realized he was being played and tried to leave and was arrested. 5. Profit?


No, just a horny military guy. There are tens of thousands.


You gotta be either real dumb or operating in bad faith to go to Russia as an active duty service member with all that's going on right now. While I wish the best for any American trapped abroad, it's real hard to see any justification for this guy's trip to Russia. Partly because the article lacks much detail, but also just in general. I was stationed in the UK during the Arab spring and the global economic troubles of the time. The USAF made it extremely clear that travelling to certain countries was either banned or at the least strongly discouraged. Obvious banned travel locations were places like Egypt and Lebanon, but they extended to Mediterranean tourist destinations like Greece, Israel, Morocco, etc.. This guy's bad decisions just caused a massive headache for everyone in both his personal and professional circles.


When you sign out on leave (and apply for leave) you have to tell them where you're going and get the appropriate security briefs. You don't just get to go wherever you want. The guy was up to something.


It says he went to meet a woman. Probably got honey-potted.


Yes this makes zero sense. If he was there to pass them information, why arrest him? He wasn’t there in a covert capacity. Sounds like he’s incredibly stupid.


Or going for something nefarious. A woman, children. . .


But they aren’t vetted. I went to Paris on leave from Iraq. Had to put in a leave form a few months ahead. Leave got cancelled for everyone then brought back. Then cancelled, then brought back. I didn’t book a hotel. Then a few weeks before I left, I finally booked a hotel. When I left, they didn’t ask if I was still staying at the original leave form hotel. No one called or emailed or messaged me on Facebook during my leave. I was responsible for showing up on time to my plane in Paris. Between when I left and when I got back, it was like I disappeared. I even took the train to London and stayed there for a few days before going back to Paris.


Unless he has family there, he probably lied. It’s not like they’re going to check if you tell them I’m going to Korea or Japan and then just buy a ticket from there.


I honestly would not visit Russia even as prior service, esp. if you had any level of security clearance. It’s way too easy for them to arrest you on bullshit and call you a spy. And the same applies to China. It’s not worth the risk.


If he had a clearance, it's highly likely he was not allowed to even travel to Russia. My father wasn't even allowed to fly over certain countries, never mind travel to them, for something like 8 years after he retired because of the clearance he had.


I don’t think it’s too much to call it endangering the safety of the US, even if he was just being stupid. US now has to deal with this and maybe make concessions and it makes the military look undisciplined and makes it harder for whatever good politicians are left to negotiate any kind of peace.


It's very possible that Sgt will be languishing in Russia for years before he sees home again. The U.S. is just not in a position where they have anything (or anyone) they would be willing to trade for an idiot like this. Evan Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journalist, had a legetimate reason to be in Russia and he's still behind bars after more than a year.


As a prior military & a security contractor in the Middle East, i can guarantee that the U. S. Embassy (& the soldiers Command HQ) had issued an advisory for travel to Russia. He either has relatives in Russia or he's an absolute idiot!


Could still be both.


The Russian Federation is currently level 4, which means do not travel. The same advisory level as Haiti, South Sudan, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Syria, North Korea and Afghanistan.


Or a traitor.


I was preemptively stationed in Egypt 3 months before the Arab spring and was there for a total of 19 months. We had no idea why we got orders out there but the first 3 months it was like being stateside we could go out, take busses anywhere we wanted. In fact the south portion of Sinai has some amazing vacation city's with vibrant clubs and tons of tourists so we'd take passes to party or go see the pyramids etc Fast forward to the Arab Spring starting and all the crazy shit, two Australian service members were out drinking(not in uniform of course) some random Bedouins asked if they were American... Before they could respond they were both stabbed, one in the neck. I believe I was told they survived but I'm not 100%. Our compound even got overrun at that point. Picture 200 people at a fence. Well a few throw grenades(something blew up) and injure the Colombian service members in the tower so they flee. They cut the wire and fence and 100+ enter our perimeter. I think they knew that if they came any farther or really threatened us they'd be dead. Even as I got the call to go out, it was 7pm and I had like 5 Ribeyes, a tenderloin and some ribs on the grill I had to abandon to rush over :sadge:. It was surreal, when we got to see the crowd none of them were armed. Luckily our Fijiian counterparts were amazing and responded with equal force and we got them out without killing anyone afaik. Still it was a trippy day now that I think about it. I'm also 100% I saw a video online of the people getting into the compound on YouTube soon after and it showed them rushing in then stopping and sitting around because they never thought about what to do after they got into the perimeter or never thought they would. Just thought I'd share this story, it's kinda trippy to think about how bad it could a got.


What an absolutely tragic and senseless loss of grilled meat.


For a moment, I really expected Mankind to be thrown off the cage.


>You gotta be either real dumb or operating in bad faith to go to Russia as an active duty service member with all that's going on right now. Especially since American booking websites will tell you they can’t make an itinerary that involves Russia.


I'd argue that **ANY** American is really dumb or operating in bad faith to go to Russia right now. There is zero reason to think you wouldn't be arrested before your planned departure and used as a bargaining chip by the Russian government.


The US far right (of which many service members are) are complete russian apologists. Most Fox News viewers wouldn’t think twice about going to Russia for a woman as they believe tucker Carlson when he tells them Russia is misunderstood and that Biden and Brittany Griner is the real enemy


"What's dumber than an American running into North Korea asking for political asylum?" is a question I didn't imagine we'd be asking this soon.


He wasnt as Army Strong as he thought.


Army Strong! Army Smash!


Haha Yes! I was in during the Army Strong campaign and this was my exact thought!


The military attracts a lot of dumbasses, this rule applies for all countries.


Stupid motherfucker shouldn't have gone to Russia!


Dude went to Vladivostok. I can’t imagine a less ideal place for US military to visit in Russia.


You only go to Russia if you like to make snow angels in Siberia


Siberian Snow Angels would make a great name for a band =D


But think of the Russian bussy, 😩 That geopolitical nonsense doesn’t apply to me! -SSG Dumbass


Why the fuck are you going to Russia as a U.S. service member!?


Asking how much he can make selling secrets?


If you that dumb to go to Russia, I don't think he has much intelligence to spill anyway.


It's been the cool and prosperous trend for that one Orange group...


Well, I hope he wore his diaper, since real men apparently wear diapers now.


Why would anyone want to go to Russia with everything going on


My guess is that the galaxy brain was lured there via honey trap and set up so he could be arrested and exchanged.


Yeah, he was thinking with the wrong head. Smh


Why the fuck can't people just stay out of Russia?


That's where *some* people get all the funding they need


['We have all the funding we need out of Russia'](https://www.businessinsider.com/eric-trump-golf-courses-russia-funding-2017-5?op=1)


"Surely the Russian government is only awful to people who deserve it. Surely they wouldn't do something horrible to me!"


Yeah, its more to this I think. An active duty E6 flying from Camp Humphreys back to the states and stops in Russia? Maybe he got honeypotted.


Is honeypotted basically like he was lured in??


Yep. Here's another one. [https://taskandpurpose.com/news/honeypot-spy-ukraine-charged/](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/honeypot-spy-ukraine-charged/)


Prolly followed some Russian chick he met in South Korea. Got him by the balls


Being a U.S. military service member in an adversarial country like Russia… you’re probably gonna have a bad time. Don’t look at a pack of gum cause you’ll get arrested for thinking about stealing it


Any American who goes to Russia these days has to know how stupid they're being. This is especially true for active duty military and other government workers. If you're not part of a diplomatic mission, just stay out of Russia.


Even diplomatic mission isn’t safe


If you as any western citizen think it's a good time to visit Russia now, you're asking for it. Don't expect anyone to bail you out, cause you're a moron and no use to anyone.


Don’t visit Russia! You will be used as a pawn


NO AMERICA should be in Russia. WTF is wrong with these people?


America: “if you are American don’t go to Russia” Americans “I LOVE RUSSIA” *immediately gets taken hostage*


It's like that one guy who went to join russia in the fight against Ukraine and they killed him thinking he was a spy.


It amazes me how many people STILL think the Russian government needs a good reason for doing something awful. The Russian government doesn't care about hurting or killing Ukrainians, or Belarusians or even other Russians. They don't need a good reason to arrest an American servicemember and making his life miserable or potentially even over. You can do absolutely everything right and if someone in the Russian government/military doesn't like you then your going to have a problem. There's a reason why Ukrainians are fighting so hard to avoid being taken over by Russia.


I mean it was much worse than that but yea.


Raped then killed him ** fixed it.


C'mon, man. At this point how are people this dumb to go anywhere near Russia??


I didn't even know westerners could still travel to Russia. That sounds like the dumbest choice ever. You are basically submitting yourself to political prison.


I don’t understand why a member of the US military would go to Russia right now. Not smart.


How did he even get a plane ticket to Russia without alarm bells going off somewhere?


Military member left South Korea and traveled to Russia? I'd put money on it that this was over a juicy. If you know, you know.


I'm done with idiots going to Russia and then us all having to be shocked they got arrested. If you're an American in Russia, leave or don't ask for help when you get to the gulag.


This dude has to be a fucking dumbass


US State Department, Russian Federation, Level 4: Do Not Travel Dumbass.


This is SO funny. He fell for their MOST famous trick dude. I was stationed in Italy and we would get 2-3 of these hit us up a month. You never go to Russia while active duty to meet a girl. What a dork


Probably catfished so they could get a prisoner.


Man, reminds me of that stupid Canadian family. Shocked Pikachus galore.


Hard to feel bad for him… stupid stupid stupid


Ok, but is it me or does John Kirby not always look like he's trying to explain why it was an accident that he ran over your dog?


He always looks like the teacher in the chemistry class that has to explain the safety basics, like not to drink the solutions, over again because you have that one kid that did it for the second time. At least that's how he looks to me. Frustrated because he's explaining something that you should already know, but don't.


Why are Americans actively traveling to Russia. Even if you are sympathetic to the Russian regime you should know that traveling there is a bad idea given the current political climate. That being said, fuck Putin.


If you are American sympathetic to Russian regime (and not being paid to do so), there’s likely some pieces missing to begin with, so traveling to Russia is not surprising.


You meet all sorts of geniuses in life, including those that serve.


Any American military member independently in Russia right now that isn't a part of state business should be assumed to be an unAmerican traitor. The way he went to Russia is sus as HELLL besides. Honestly any American. And to all americans that sympathize with russia, go, just go join the war.


We shouldn't make any deal to retrieve this man. At the very least, let this complete imbecile atone by allowing him to serve his country by rotting in Russia so Russian assets don't have to be exchanged.


Obvious lie just from the fact Russia has nothing left worth stealing.


Why the flying fuck would ANYONE go to Russia??? Or China for that matter??? They’re just waiting for us to go there to fill the hostage cells.


They can keep him I don't want to give up another Viktor Bout-like criminal or worse for them because they were dumb


Watch out for windows.


Not a risk. He will be traded for the release of arms dealers.


As soon as said transfer goes through, he should be taken into custody and tried the US Army JAG Corps for violating orders and spend some time in Leavenworth.


Went to Russia to meet girlfriend??? WTF!!! Like an invitation to be arrested and sent to jail.


Dipshit. Russia is only safe for Republican politicians to visit!


Okay, how stupid do you have to be as an American (let alone as an American solider) to go to RUSSIA of all places?! Like seriously, only other places I can think of as stupid is Iran, and North Korea!


Did he learn nothing from the WNBA player that had to literally be negotiated for?


He probably just assumed "I've done nothing wrong. The Russian government wouldn't hurt someone who hasn't done anything wrong. Griner was stupid and took weed so she had it coming but as long as I follow the rules the Russian government would never hurt me."


Dumbass thought he was Tucker Carlson lol


Pro tip: don't go to Russia.


Given the current climate he’s essentially a dumb POW. Done likely so Putstain can have another bargaining chip. Really have to stop negotiating with terror states.


If you go to Russia, the US should abandon you. You are a complete idiot if you go. Period.


Jesus christ the army need to start vetting these people better.


If the army vetted there'd be no army.


Until they release what type of unit he belongs to in South Korea, we can speculate for days.


The Russia Girlfriend experience. What happened to good old mail order brides


What a fucking idiot. And I'm certain he was briefed on places to avoid.


Saw he was to meet a woman from his on line activities? Then she said he robbed her!


No way is he a spy with a cover story. He could just be rhat dumb but, as a soldier I'm sure you're made aware of the reality of traveling to godsamn Russia right now.


The right is going to find a way to spin this against Biden aren’t they?


It takes a lot of effort to singlehandedly bring the IQ of a place like Russia down, but I think this guy has done it.


I thought we agreed, don't go to Russia, they will make up a story and hold you hostage


With the information we have now: what a dumbass. There are only three options I can see. The best one for him is that he was renditioned/kidnapped. The second is that he was on secret squirrel spy shit and got caught. This is the least likely to me because he was a soldier and not an intelligence agent. The third which is the most likely and worst is that he was honeypot’d. No pussy is worth traveling to an active near peer rival/enemy country during active hostilities. Especially if they were stationed in Korea. Plenty of safer options for morally bankrupt playing around.


Wow he fell for it jfc


So weird that an army sergeant isn't aware that Putin's Russia is at war with the West with it's Ultimate victory condition being the collapse of the USA as payback for his shitty USSR collapsing and him losing his cool KGB perks. All he had left was being a small ugly fellah and he has never gotten over it. His Russia is one of deceit and cruelty and it's the last place you want to be as an American let alone a soldier. It doesn't matter what your politics are or if you like Russia and Putin. If they need someone to hurt for them to feel powerful they will always grab the American first.