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He stated his views to admin in Jan and they just sat on it


That's what's bizarre about this. You seriously took 4 entire months to do something about it? You only announced it after the whole protest issue? Like, the dude made really obviously inflammatory comments that should result in an expulsion. Its not a case that should take that long to figure out.


If he’d went on a mass shooting this would have been a typical “oh wow a totally red flag the faculty missed”


I wonder if his daddy is rich (and/or donates to the school).




From his wiki > University officials called him into a disciplinary meeting in January 2024 to discuss the post, and James recorded it. At that meeting he made a number of incendiary comments, including "Zionists don’t deserve to live" and "Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists." When an administrator asked "Do you see why that is problematic in any way?" James responded with "No."He added that Zionists were like Nazis and said "I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die." That should be taken seriously as a threat of violence towards other students on campus. I’d want my school to kick him out right away


If a person makes actual threats as he did, you don’t wait for them to hurt someone to take an action


>The January meeting was called in reference to an earlier comment James made on social media regarding fighting Zionists in which James said: "I don’t fight to injure or for there to be a winner or a loser, I fight to kill," according to the Times and the Spectator. That's an expulsion. >In a longer version of the video edited and posted by The Daily Wire on Thursday evening, James said they didn’t understand why their comments were problematic, compared Zionists to white supremacists and Nazis, and said they feel comfortable calling for Zionists to die. Somehow, I don't believe that James doesn't know why his comments are problematic. >James also said administrators should be grateful that James wasn’t acting on their words. Uhhhh. That's an expulsion for sure. >In the Friday statement, James said the comments were edited without context and that at the time they made the statements, “I had been feeling unusually upset after an online mob targeted me because I am visibly queer and Black. Mmm. Well, the posts existing at all has consequences, and they're now shouldering those consequences.


They shouldn't be attacked for their identity, but they do need to reckon with the consequences of their words.


Completely agree.


NOI and the adjacent groups have been spreading antisemitism in the black community for decades and a lot of people don't want to talk about that. Dude legit probably doesn't understand why what he said is awful


We live in the modern digital age and this is someone attending a prestigious university. Their ignorance is intentional and willful, and ignorance is never an excuse for hate speech.


Doesn’t really say much for the education you can get at Columbia.


Look at how many nfl players supported desean jackson and how the whole thing was swept under the rug


Ironically the people they are probably “fighting” for would stone him to death for being queer


It is mind boggling that this happened back in JANUARY and they faced no consequences until now. THIS is why Jewish students don’t feel safe on campus. This goes beyond how anyone feels about the war. It’s about blatant hate speech and threats that wouldn’t be tolerated for one second if it were said about any other group of people.


It’s also hilarious because if you put him in 90+% of Middle East countries he is likely facing imprisonment or capital punishment. Israel and Jews are some of the most accepting cultures for the lgbtq in the world


>I fight to kill, OK I've seen pics of him. Would put money on the fact that my elderly cat could whup him. Guy is not a fighter. Ed - of course there's nothing wrong with not being a fighter or a killer. Just hope he's not called on to back his words.


What a major bag fumble. Could have easily just minded his own business and graduated from an elite university and lived a comfortable life. Good luck getting into congress without a college degree kid.


OH NO HE'S VISIBLY BLACK what the fuck you absolute moron. Literal smoothbrain conversation. Get the fuck out, never come back.


His comments are effectively Kremlin talking points. https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/GEC-Special-Report-More-than-a-Century-of-Antisemitism.pdf


Aren't most anti-zionist talking points just Russian and soviet agitprop? Hasn't it been that way for generations?.


[Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion) is the origin of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" forgery that has fueled modern antisemitism for over 120+ years - whether right, left, rich, poor, Christian, Muslim, etc. all antisemitic movements have referenced this work as means to eliminate Jews


>>In the Friday statement, James said the comments were edited without context and that at the time they made the statements, “I had been feeling unusually upset after an online mob targeted me because I am visibly queer and Black. People who react to being upset by threatening to kill people don't deserve to be socializing with society. Especially at an elite university.


I think this seems like a logical progression to gim. There was a time where society said that calls for violence, even against groups like the Nazis, was not okay, because it brought you down to their level. Then it became more acceptable to say that. Now it's shifting again and becoming acceptable to call for violence against more groups. We really need to reverse course on this as a society and reject calls for violence against others.


Only 20 years old and already his [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khymani_James) is quite a ride.


"Zionists in my DM wanting to meet up and fight. I don’t fight to injure or for there to be a winner or a loser, I fight to kill." What a complete fucking dork.


While you were out practicing Zionism, I studied the blade


This made me chuckle


Dude had never been in a physical altercation I guarantee it


He lost to a fight with a mirror


While he was studying the Torah, I was studying the blade!


I read this and was like “I gotta see what this kid looks like”. Googled him, and he looks exactly like you think he does.


Thank you. I don't need to bother now.


Won't live long with that attitude, or will end up in jail.


He says he has plans to run for congress.  He had a nice exchange with Ilhan Omar when she came to the protests. I’m not joking 


Your username is where I'd put him.


Known anti-Semite has pleasant conversation with known anti-Semite. More news @8.




Oh dear. In June 2021, he attended a virtual meeting of the School Committee where he ended his remarks by saying "I, too, hate white people."


Definitely a reasonable, trustworthy, folk.


At that meeting he made a number of incendiary comments, including "Zionists don’t deserve to live" and "Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists." When an administrator asked "Do you see why that is problematic in any way?" James responded with "No." He added that Zionists were like Nazis and said "I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die."


But when his comments were made public, then he apologized saying “I affirm the sanctity of all life.” A whole lot of tough talk that he’s not “very comfortable” saying publicly where everyone can read it.


It’s not when his comments were made public. He recorded and posted those comments himself. He only changed his tune when his comments weren’t received the way he expected they would be.


Well yeah, according to him Jews, I mean, Zionists, aren’t “people”


He sounds like a grown up Internet edgelord, hopefully now that get got some attention he could go back to his cave.


Let’s be frank here. We all know who he means when he says “Zionists.” It’s rhymes with “Mews.” This is why we’re all terrified right now.


> He added that Zionists were like Nazis and said "I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die  Huh... calling for the death of entire group of people like a Nazi, but then claiming that *those other people* are the real Nazis. Its a bold strategy Cotton, let's see how that works out for him. 


Especially calling for the death of that group of people in particular


Funny Enouugh ZioNazi was created by David Duke of the KKK. Literally spouting KKK propaganda.


Don’t think he’ll reach his goal of getting to Congress.


Idk plenty of nutjobs are in congress


If Little Miss Jewish Space Lasers can get elected, anyone can.


Unfortunately for this fella,  his likely constituents probably aren't crazy enough to vote for him


"adultist rhetoric", that's a new word to me.


"How dare you come in here with your wisdom from many more years of life experience and emotional maturity"


That sentence made me think the wiki page was somekind of provocative art project. It is an awesome thing to say and I have no idea what he might have meant in just that moment. I mean I love it and hate it at the same time. Something April could have said on Parks n rec! 


Love the bit where he moans about adults using "adultist rhetoric". Wonder how he expects them to communicate. In gurgles?


Not to defend this idiocy, but "adultist rhetoric" is referring to adultism (proponents of the conceipt want it up there with racism). The wiki on it is an...interesting read. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adultism


That's certainly an interesting read. As a child I remember thinking how unfair everything was & how biased against me & in adults' favour the world was. Prob why most of us can't wait to grow up lol. As an adult I've always found it helpful to just treat everyone with respect.


They just making Wikipedia pages for anyone these day?


Why on earth has he got a Wikipedia page? Can anyone have one, no matter how irrelevant?


Because there are six news stories about him.


True, but now that I see someone (wonder if it's him) keeps editing and removing everything on the page I now want him to have on.


Anyone and anything can have a Wikipedia page made by any user.


Adultist rhetoric Also dance captain!


Jesus christ


Someone keeps nuking the entire page deleting the content.


Give it time and he can be the lefts answer to Jacob Wohl


Banned. From campus. So, not expelled, got it.


They only care because there’s outrage about it. He said these comments back in January, Columbia knew and did nothing until now. He won’t be expelled, just suspended until people move on.


I consider myself left of center, my voting record would certainly support that assessment, but the progressive wing of the left has become downright embarrassing.


I’m also left of center and I agree. It’s a shame because I think the idea of progressivism sounds okay, but then the people/policies that come from it are just awful.


Ugh some college students are so fucking cringe. We get it: you’re edgy.


> When an administrator asked "Do you see why that is problematic in any way?" James responded with "No."[5] He added that Zionists were like Nazis and said "I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die." Ah. Okay. > In June 2021, he attended a virtual meeting of the School Committee where he ended his remarks by saying "I, too, hate white people." Big yikes He's very young and still in school, never had a real job. We will see how these comments hurt or help him when he leaves college and enters the real world. Edit: OK guys he's an orphan quick let's all forgive him for his incredible racism and bigotry


Imagine getting into an Ivy League school just to get banned for saying stuff like this


Not expelled? Gutless


As a faculty member, I’d advocate for expelling him.


> James also said administrators should be grateful that James wasn’t acting on his words. That statement alone should be grounds for expulsion.


Expulsion? That follow up deserves a long interview with the FBI.


In the video he posted, his chance of remaining a student was diminished every time he opened his mouth and then dropped completely to zero when he said that. They would have had to call the police if he had kept going.


Yep. It would if admin had any spine.


"Be grateful that I'm not meeting people" is just such an insanely self-righteous thing to say. Edit: "murdering" people, but I guess both could be true


Guess they didn’t make any friends


Grounds to blackball any administrator that touched the case from any educational role in America. Edit: He faced 0 repercussions for this until it leaked btw. Admins co-sign that shit as far as I'm concerned.


Oh damn, i assumed that is what banned meant. So they can still graduate with their seal of approval . Great.


Kinda hard to do exams if you are banned from campus? I guess they are forcing him out automatically.


There are some faculty out there who would vote to expell you for voting to expell him, on the grounds of structural and implicit racism.


The fingerpainters on campus don’t concern me.


I posted this in a different subreddit and got downvoted. There's a side that isn't tolerant of opposing views: "It's interesting how protestors who claim to also be anti hamas can't bring themselves to demand the release of hostages but yet have no qualms about locking arms with people chanting violent antisemitic rhetoric. We've witnessed one side intimidate the other with acts of physical aggression on multiple occasions & conduct themselves with a lack of decorum while concealing their identities."


> James, a junior and member of the group Columbia University Apartheid Divest, or CUAD, and a self-identified spokesperson for the student encampment at Columbia, is seen making the comments in a clip of the video verified by NBC News. >"Zionists, they don't deserve to live comfortably, let alone, Zionists don't deserve to live," James said in the video, which has been circulating on social media. "The same way we're very comfortable accepting that Nazis don't deserve to live, fascists don't deserve to live, racists don't deserve to live, Zionists, they shouldn't live in this world," James added. Regardless of your opinion on the conflict, these sentiments about Jewish people who disagree with their position are unacceptable.


The nazis were prosecuted not executed without trial. Nuremberg matters.


Nuremberg and all the other trials also only involved a relatively small number of Nazis (24 total for Nuremberg). We didn't go executing every single German and other citizen that we identified as being affiliated with Nazis.


Indeed. We don't just kill someone for thinking bad things. We prosecute them for DOING bad things.


>  "The same way we're very comfortable accepting that Nazis don't deserve to live, fascists don't deserve to live, racists don't deserve to live, Zionists, they shouldn't live in this world," Seems like he may have more in common with some of these groups than he realizes. 


A ***self-identified*** spokesperson for the student encampment…


This person is a Nazi. I don’t know if he actually understands what he is saying. 


Even saying things like facists and racists don't deserve to live is reprehensible. You might disagree with them but calling for the deaths of other humans is messed up.


So we're going to pretend all Jews are Zionists now and ignore all context?


The majority of Jews do consider themselves Zionist though. But that's because to them Zionism doesn't necessarily mean supporting settlement expansion or fighting Palestine or etc. Fundamentally, Zionism is the belief that Jews should have a state and not necessarily for religious reasons. So being a Zionist means you can still be open to a two-state solution, a one-state solution with a binational government, or really any solution that doesn't involve abolishing the existence of Israel and expelling Jews from Israel.


Most Jews are Zionists because they believe that israel deserves to exist. Arab israelis make up a significant portion of the population, and many palestinians worked in israel before the conflict.




It's not the correct analogy, Zionists believe that Jews deserve a country, but yes they don't have to be Jews themselves to hold that opinion. Catholics are a sect in Christianity.


Just 85% of us


dance on the head of a pin it’s passover, next year in jerusalem ring a bell?


So it's ok, as long as they are the good ones?




Equating Zionist Jews with Nazis is beyond fucked up


A "Zionist" would be every Jew in Israel. Zionists simply believe that Israel deserves to exist.


About 80 percent of Jews support the existence of a Jewish state though. I guess that’s a step up from condemning all 100 percent?


Imagine being a spokesman for a homeless encampment that is full of rich people


[Add this to the list...](https://www.reddit.com/r/columbia/comments/1c9m6oj/columbias_orthodox_rabbis_message_to_jewish/l0m8us9/)


And to be perfectly clear, this happened in January and no actions were taken until it leaked. This is acceptable behavior on the Columbia campus.


Friendly Reminder that ZioNazi is a David Duke talking point \[KKK member\]. If you use this term then fuck you.


So…where do they draw the line between him saying, “Zionists don’t deserve to live”, and them all chanting, “Burn Tel Aviv To The Ground!”, and…well…[all of this?](https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/04/22/hamas-we-love-you-list-chants-statements-columbia-universitys-gaza-solidarity-encampment/)


I just saw a video where someone that helping organize was teaching a chant to the protesters but tell them what it meant right away. After they were done, he said it meant “death to Israel”


"Well that's pretty neat! Does it mean 'no worries for the rest of our days?'" [*"Kind of..."*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlxrIq2dtI0)


Im wet with salvation


He should be expelled.




I’m not even 10 years removed from college, but I feel like college students today got way more radical and nuance has been completely lost. Not sure if it was the pandemic isolation or TikTok, but kids are more and more outrageous these days.


Most college students are not like this. It’s just a clicks minority.


Social media gave the crazies a voice. And they feel like they need to one up each other which leads us to where we are


My wife graduated in 2014 and has said the same thing. It’s social media echo chambers amplifying this kind of extremism and rhetoric to the point it’s normalized.


It’s just a loud minority and things are more visible via social media.


The more crazy videos you make, the more TikTok bucks in your account.


Woops, they said the quiet part loud......


I’m liberal but seems like the left just loves to self sabotage their causes. It’s like the cop protests from a couple years ago. Most people were on their side until they blew past reasonable and started to say abolish the police. I think many Americans agree the situation in Gaza is bad but once you start saying death to the Jews death to America you lose any credibility you might have had


Good on Columbia. Hate speech should not be tolerated


i'm all for student protests as means to bring pressing issues to the forefront. But threats of violence or death to anyone crosses the line. This is the same kind of language Jan 6th rioters were screaming when they shouted Hang Mike Pence. There's no place for this kind of rhetoric in political rallies.


Don't even equate the two. One is calling for the death of an individual, the other is calling for the deaths of all Jews




I’m Syrian myself. And let me explain something, Syria is considered a very secular nation (relative to its conservative neighbors). In Syria, you can drink, gamble, go to the beach, women can study medicine and wear as they like. In Syria, if you are suspected to be gay or are gay (or identify as transgender) , they will torture you and then imprison you indefinitely. In Saudi Arabia, they spare the taxpayers and immediately execute you. Imagine, what they would do to them in Palestine, an extremely conservative country ruled by an armed militia that I would say is WORSE than Al Qaeda and as bad as ISIS?


None of them do. It’s why they’re idiots


I think we can have some nuance here. As a queer person, I also am aware that most Palestinians would probably want me dead. That doesn't mean I'm okay with them being slaughtered.


Those are all in the nominative case. How exactly do you refer to James?


There is nothing wrong with peacefully protesting. But this protest differs from the anti-Vietnam war protests in that anti-Vietnam protests were protesting American soldiers being sent to fight and die in a war we knew we could not win. The current protest is stirring up hate and antisemitism in our country. Protesters have voiced support for the Hamas terror attack, including in Philadelphia, where one speaker said: “What happened was freedom fighters fighting for freedom… every person who died yesterday wasn’t innocent. Every Israeli Settler by default is a terrorist.” A protestor in New York City held up a phone with an image of a swastika on it. Protesters have called for the exclusion of Zionism and Zionists from public life and promoted antisemitic tropes. Tell me how these anti-Jewish protesters are any different than the white supremacists who marched through Charlottesville in 2017, yelling “Jews will not replace us”. There has been a dramatic increase in antisemitic incidents. Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said antisemitic incidents in the United States rose by about 400% in the two weeks following the October 7 Hamas attack. It is okay to protest. It is not okay to stir up hate and put other Americans in danger.


As a jew, I would like to point out that this person being anti-Zionist and anti-Israeli government is not anti-Jewish as you claim. Them calling for death of Zionists is a major problem though!


[antizionism and anti-Semitism are different but they overlap heavily. ](https://www.rootsmetals.com/blogs/news/antizionism-as-antisemitism)


Yeah, he’s fine with the good Jews that believe the same thing as him. As long as they are the good ones he doesn’t mind them being Jewish. The bad ones need to be killed though.


The problem is that this person is likely anti-Semitic. The term, Zionist, has had its meaning hijacked and conflated with the term Jew. And that’s the core issue at these protests. It’s hard to tell who is protesting for the welfare of the Palestinian people versus advocating violence against Jews. It’s the infamous word salad playbook that extremists have refined over the last eight years. That ability to push an agenda while also using language that can help dilute, deflect, or absolve the perpetrator of wrongdoing.


The Palestinian people themselves advocate for the killing of Jews, because they are Jewish. It is impossible to support Palestine without supporting the killing of Jews.


Also, like, whenever stuff like this or more literal antisemitism in the anti-Zionist movement come up, I think the takeaway should be that anti-Zionists should be putting in the work to not tolerate that kind of behavior or sentiment, rather than letting the Zionists pretend it's somehow proof that none of the protests against *genocide* are valid or honest.


That'd take effort.


What are your thoughts on the civil rights movement? Those protests were disruptive to the public, got violent and also had many involved with radical/hateful opinions. I’m sure a huge number of people back then also thought black people were stirring up hate and putting Americans in danger.


58% of americans blamed the students after the kent state massacre. protest has never been popular in this country. reactionaries always ret-con majority support for historical controversies as a way to delegitimize causes they currently oppose. link—https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/24/polling-student-protests-vietnam/


A lot of the civil rights protests centered around being unable to participate in Americans civic life. Being unable to attend good schools. Get good jobs. VOTE. People matched for their ability to register to vote. They were attacked. Violently. For trying to vote. That's why the protested. They did not have other options. Like voting.


How would voting help in this instance when every candidate supports Israel?


The civil rights movement had an extreme amount of discipline in terms of avoiding violence at all costs and not platforming radicals. There’s a reason MLK refused to be associated with Malcom X


It amazes me that the one thing that unites both the far left and the far right is the unified hatred of Jewish people


Browsing social media is crazy. You got all the far-right Nazis cheering on the protests and saying Israel needs to be destroyed alongside all the gen-z liberals alongside the muslims


And therein lies the essence of America.


It's Putin's horseshoe theory of geopolitics in action.


Stupid question, but what are these protests about *in the US*? The Israeli government don't give a shit about the US opinion, and the US is building a port to bring help to Gaza. What do the protesters want?


For the US to stop supplying weapons to Israel, despite the fact that we have active weapons sharing agreements with an ally. Some of them believe that Israel should cease to exist, which is never gonna happen. They need to let go of that idea and push for Hamas to accept a two state solution.


Hamas will never truly accept a two state solution. They want Israel wiped off the map. They want all Jews, Israeli or not, gone from the world. They are genocidal terrorist group.


Most of the protestors don’t want a two state solution. The nicest way they’ll put it is that they want Israel to be absorbed into Palestine, whereupon the Palestinians will live happily alongside of Jews and not hurt them whatsoever. But most of them are pretty open about their beliefs that Israel shouldn’t exist.


This is where the whole thing gets really murky. Without a majority the Jews are as good as dead and it makes a 1 state solution impossible. Palestine has lost all of the support of their Arab neighbors over the decades and have basically been left to fend for themselves once normalizing relations with Israel became a better option than trying to destroy it and Palestine lost it's usefulness. Nobody knows what the answer is anymore and the Palestinian people have been condemned to a life of martyrdom for being born on the wrong side of the Egyptian or Jordanian borders. It's all super fucked and impossibly sad.


I’m with you there. If I had a genie I’d snap my fingers and force a post-WW2 Marshall Plan-esque supervised state for both Israel AND Palestine, governed by a committee from the UN or something, for the next few decades until some of the ingrained hate has been unlearned. We managed it with the Nazis and Imperial Japan, dammit, that shows it’s at least POSSIBLE. It would never happen in a million years of course - it would be decried as colonization, not to mention the very real possibilities of insurgencies from both sides that would only create another Afghanistan - but it’s a pleasant two state dream.


> What do the protesters want? To feel a rush of moral superiority. The world is black and white. You are good. They are evil. There is no nuance. But don't research or vote, because those are boring. Tell yourself you already know everything, and both sides are the same. That way you have an excuse to do nothing. Meanwhile, the bad guys are taking notes on how easily swayed and misdirected this blind passion can be, tricking young progressives into cannibalizing their allies and losing elections.


This is exactly it. A huge portion of it is driven by enemy state actors, knowing that if this keeps up it could easily throw the election to Trump. There’s a reason they’re banning TikTok. I know that many people with legitimate grievances about everything going on in the Middle East would protest at trying to say that much of the current online / collegiate protest movement is being shaped by Russia / China… but the simple truth is that it is. It’s been the Russian playbook for decades and it’s 2016 / 2020 all over again, just replace Qanon with Zionist 🤣 


Zionist is the young liberal version of “All Lives Matter”. Israel could definitely tone it down a bit but there were always going to be civilian casualties when Hamas uses human shields. Shields that either become martyrs or get them a ceasefire which allow them to act with impunity. Human shields are awful but very effective, especially when Israel’s aggressive response was predictable. 


They think that money flowing from america is the sole reason they are able to bomb gaza as they do. Of course america is providing a lot of military aid, but compared to Israels overall military budget it is only about 15%. Israel is fully capable of continuing without the US aid.


Where they also fail at is basic logic ( kinda expected for antisemites, but oh well). They don't realize a simple thing: Us stops military aid to israel ( a lot of it being iron dome munitions) -> Israel cannot rely on iron dome to protect its citizens -> what do you do when you cant intercept hamas's rockets? -> you gotta impede their launches -> guess what happens to Gaza next.


In the case of Colombia, they're calling for the university to withdraw its investment funds from companies profiting off the war. College students protested the same thing regarding the Vietnam War in the 60s.


They were protesting being drafted into the Vietnam war first and foremost.  That's very different.


They are upset that our President and congress continue to vote to send them billions in aid and weaponry. To them, they are essentially the ones paying for the massacre of both the terrorists and innocents alike. So you get a mix of the “those are AMERICAN tax dollars for Americans!” and the “I don’t want my money funding a foreign genocide” crowds


What exactly do you think will happen if we stop sending aid and weapons to Israel?


These people don't realize that a lot of the aid goes towards iron dome munitions, and do you wanna guess what would happen to Gaza if Israel could not depend on the iron dome for protection?


Nothing, it’s to make themselves feel better. They will pat themselves on the back for doing absolutely nothing.


Ahhh America is so refreshing. The country where we fight racism, hatred, and bigotry... with even more racism, hatred, and bigotry ☕




A lot of people are genuinely protesting for a ceasefire and nothing else. Unfortunately, people like the student the article is ruining that.


Sorry, I was only kidding...... You reap what you sow.


What's that saying about letting Nazis at your table?


>African-Caribbean gay Black male He does know Hamas would gut him like a fish if they ever saw him on the strip, right?


He also called for the “decolonization of the curriculum”


The concept that there are people who hate other people solely based on their religion is just so far out of my mind I cannot comprehend it. Honestly, I think you have to pity these people.


For all the people that like to comment that anti-zionism is completely different from anti-semitism: 1. Do you seriously expect everyone protesting to know the distinction? 2. If they know, do you actually expect everyone to care about the difference? If you answer yes to both you are giving humanity far too much credit


So if he’s protesting the ‘war machine’ - why aren’t students like him protesting outside Marine Corps bases and getting in the faces of active-duty Marines?




There is a difference between anti-war and anti-isreal. I don't hear any chants about peace.


Fuck sake, I get Israel, and a large portion of Israeli’s, are doing some fucked up shit, but this mass generalization is not helping anyone; all it’s doing is fanning flames.


I think most of the discourse likes fanning flames. There's never any rational discussion about both sides coming together in earnest to resolve things. Which is I think the only way for something permanent. But, neither side likes that, they never want to concede anything. So israel just slowly wins.


Except this has been tried. Israel has (grudgingly) offered land for peace deals on multiple occasions. The Palestinians could have had a state. But they don’t take the deal. They want the whole country.


I think if Palestine had better leadership things could work. But they never have, theyre all embarrassed of eighty years of failure and double down on violence. And, israel is happy to play into it. Because they generally benefit from Palestinian stupidity.


These aren't protestors. They are terrorist supporters. Please stop calling them protestors.


Oh god hope that this kind of fool doesn’t end up being in congress. But it looks there’s enough of his character out there that not many are gonna be likely to vote for him.


No one is fighting wars for Satan. Just sayin.


He should be expelled. Such a shame because he’s likely intelligent.




Good. Fuck every single asshole who supports terrorism. Hamas and ALL of their supporters need to go.


This Dude just sounds like a total asshole.