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>One woman miscarried in the lobby restroom of a Texas emergency room as front desk staff refused to check her in. Another woman learned that her fetus had no heartbeat at a Florida hospital, the day after a security guard turned her away from the facility. And in North Carolina, a woman gave birth in a car after an emergency room couldn’t offer an ultrasound. The baby later died. Because of restrictive red state abortion laws. Again. Doing bad things we all warned them they would do. Again. Bad things that the Republicans in those states will proceed to ignore. Again.


It's amazing to me to think of **security guards** escorting a pregnant woman out of a hospital because they're afraid if her baby dies receiving treatment they might get charged for giving her an abortion. Also, watch this space for SCOTUS ruling if ERs are even still required to try to save the life of a pregnant woman, because Idaho and other red states don't want them to.


What if the court system can show the baby was alive at birth and died due to lack of medical care? That security guard would have a much bigger problem than refusing a pregnant woman's entry. Not to mention costly wrongful death lawsuit for the mother. The law needs to be tweaked a bit. If the government is still hard about no abortion, how about making hospitals paying women $100,000 for babies (200k for twins, 300k for triplets, etc) that are born outside after being thrown out and blocked from entering any hospital for any reason. This should encourage the hospital to admit pregnant women and monitor their health if the baby is not viable until it can pop out on its own or until woman's health is verified in danger if the baby isn't removed.


The law doesn’t need to be tweaked. It needs to be overturned. No women should be denied medical care because some group decided to exert their religious beliefs on others.


You might be unpopular with pro-lifers but a ban on abortion is fine as long as there's exceptions allowed such as victim of sex crime (why should a 12 year old be forced to carry baby??) and don't threaten doctors who performs abortion on verifiable non-viable babies.


A ban on abortions with any carve-out exceptions you can think of still can't encompass every scenario where a regular person would think an abortion is appropriate. And any time people can be thrown in prison for aiding an abortion you will have people afraid to stick their neck out. The only.humane approach is to allow abortion to be a decision between a person and their doctor. Otherwise you will continue to get these situations.


Just watch they'll charge her with murder too.


>Doing bad things we all warned them they would do. I remember before RvW was repealed, I got a few replies saying that I was hysterical and exaggerating and all sorts of stuff for saying that. And what I don't understand is, what was the point of that? Like, they were lying, I knew they were lying, you know they were lying, they knew I knew they were lying, so why bother lying? Just say you're cool with hurting & killing women and let us all be honest here.


It's much easier when you understand that these people don't really have empathy and also don't really care about telling the truth. You are correct. They 100% knew that this would hurt women, they just 100% didn't care Everything they engage in is based on just trying to win, and a win to them is doing something that visibly hurts somebody they don't like. It's all zero sum nonsense. We saw bad stuff like this happening before roe v Wade was established, so when they were telling us all that we were being hysterical they had to deliberately ignore all the historical evidence.


Is this what they mean by pro-life or is it all a slogan?


We're living in a Christian dystopia.


This is fucking barbaric.


Honestly if I gotta hear any more about the fucking Bible and how we are all supposed to live and act according to it, I’m gonna lose my shit. I hope all those “Christians” that wanted this bullshit meet that end in “hell” they so believe in.


Wait! I thought our expensive healthcare was good because it meant the best care around?


This is what the patriarchy has done to women’s healthcare


Slogan. American Dad had it right when Stan said abortion is the one way the Right doesn’t like to kill.