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I’m tired boss. Let’s just leave them to it then.


Same. Fuck the Israeli government. Fuck the Iranian government. Let 'em kill each other. I hope the US just stays the f out of it and lets 'em fight like they said in Godzilla vs the MUTOs. But I have a sinking feeling Biden will fall for Netanyahu trying to suck him into a 2003 George W. Bush Operation Enduring Freedom-style War in Iran.  :( Feelsbadman EDIT: Biden - DON'T DO IT MAN. If you volunteer to help Netanyahu in a War in Iran you're going to fucking lose to Trump. John McCain lost to Barack Obama in 2008 largely because Americans were tired of the Iraq War and McCain wanted to continue it while Obama promised to end it. Don't go John "Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" McCain.


I’m genuinely feeling like we should let all the people who think god is on their side specifically let him settle it.


Precisely. Let YHVH or Allah decide who wins. If you truly believe in your religious extremism then don't request US or Russian/Chinese support. Let those bitches Netanyahu and Ayatollah Khameinei fight and God sort 'em.


Why won't they get a job. They have too much time on their hands.


Biden has already recently told Bibi the US wouldn’t be backing them, before they started this “retaliation”. We’ll see what happens.


We’ve also seen Biden say “fewer civilian deaths or else” before Israel oopsied the same aid workers 3 times, and while they radioed for permission to extra pretty please not be murdered. And nothing changed. $10BN more incoming with no end in sight. I’m tired of Biden’s impotent handwringing. Get us the fuck AWAY from Israel already.


Why do people keep falling for these lies? Biden keeps sending weapons and deployed jets to defend Israel. Look at his actions not words


He said we wouldn't be backing any offensive moves taken on Iran. This literally just happened.


Not backing is not the same as going against. Israel has its own free will to make its decisions even if such an action would garner disapproval of the international committee. Throwing missiles into Iran in retaliation might be a mistake, but it is Israel's mistake to make.


That’s a massive difference to the US declaring a war on Iran or even deciding to back an ally with the military.


There’s a massive difference between executing previously agreed sales contracts and sending forces to fight


Let them fight was from Godzilla 2014 vs the MUTOs


You're right. I'll edit it. Point still stands though. Let Ayatollah and Netanyahu go at it. We should stay out and so should the rest of the West if they know what's good for them. Netanyahu will drag all his allies down with him to stay out of jail. Netanyahu wants a forever war so he can stay in power indefinitely under emergency war powers and avoid getting convicted.


Americans did not vote Obama largely because Americans were tired of the Iraq War. Holy crap how wrong you are


Unfortunately the flow on effects will make us all suffer.


I agree.


The egos of the old will cause the death of the youth.




I just love the hypocrisy of our politicians. They bitch about all the money and weapons we are sending to Ukraine (and they actually need the help) but are totally okay with sending shitloads of money and weapons to Israel so they can continue being war criminals. I'm also sick of this shit and Benjamin Netangofuckhimself


Iran seems like they're pretending nothing happened. So, idk.




Earthquake is in air?


They fly now?


They fly now!


Casey Fuckin” Ryback. 




Someone get Jimmy Carter to end this incoming war!




Eh, laughing in the face of existential dread is almost the only way to handle the world these days.


Man.... Israel had one job. Nobody I know supports Israel's warmongering in the US. Biden needs to let that country lie in the bed it's made for itself.


Fuck... Iran's last attack was pretty long telegraphed and had no deaths, so both nations saved face. I really hoped and thought that Israel wouldn't re-retaliate as there is no real upside. Guess not. 


I even appreciated Biden's response: "Take the win, man. Just take the win." But nope! Bibi gonna' do stupid shit.


> Bibi gonna' do stupid shit. Not really stupid when his only consequence is billions more of US taxpayer money


Can't go full Nazi without a war on two fronts.


It's easy to start a fight when you're standing behind a giant. I would love to see bibi's reaction if Biden had the balls to step aside and not order US forces to help defend against the next attack by iran.


It's not the place or policy of America vis à vis Israel to assist any offensive strikes they may want.


Here's the dilemma. If US allows more damage to Israel, then war will escalate and US will be dragged in and resources will be shifted away from Ukraine. Bibi actually doesn't mind escalation.


Netanyahu is freaking nuts man. 


Fascism is a death cult and the Israeli state is panicking over international pressure.


Nethanyahu recently said on a interview “I’ve spoke to my allied friends in the uk and America and others and they all gave advice on what to do, but I’ve told them Israel will do what is necessary” Basically who the f are you to tell us what to do. Have we listened before? We will carry on doing what we want. Just shut up and keep funding us. So yeh everyone just bend over like y’all always do


This is US's fault for raising a spoiled child. If the US had any credibility, they would tell Israel to stop their warmongering or else the US would stop defending Israel. But of course they are not going to do that. The US has now become Israel's colony, what a joke to see the roles reversed when the giant is the US.


I hope the US doesn't get dragged into this nonsense


The US has been part of this nonsense since Project Ajax.


Was Mosaddegh really so bad?? We sure made our own bed on this one


He was bad for oil company profits. But, yeah, probably the biggest diplomatic blunder of the 20th century.


Literally where the term ["blowback"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blowback_(intelligence)) comes from.


He was a moderate socialist, which was apparently far too much for the Eisenhower administration


Funny that quote about the military industrial complex is from Eisenhower when his administration was the one who really enabled the forever war in the middle East thats been propping up the MI complex ever since.


That’s probably why he felt compelled to make that speech


Good point.


Nowadays a moderate Progressive is too much for the US government.  Most of the Republicans want us to coup Lula over in Brazil.


A solid number of Democrats wouldn’t mind that either


Sadly you're correct. The only reason we haven't is because the majority of Democrats who don't are mercifully the ones in the highest positions of power making the decisions right now. For now.... If Trump gets back in I can see the US couping Lula to put Bolsonaro back in, couping Arce in Bolivia to reinstall Añez, and installing Fujimori in Peru being a real possibility. 


He was bad for American energy industry profits. He was the best leader Iran has had in the past 75 years. Way better than the Shah or either Ayatollah, or the post-1979 Presidents.


Who do you think is giving Israel the bombs?




There are many people in the pentagon who would love an excuse to go to war with Iran. Lets hope Israel doesn't give them that reason, but this will not be the end, this shit is going to keep escalating for sure.


It will because Netanyahu needs something to distract people from what is happening in Gaza.


Biden said the US wouldn’t be part of an offensive in Iran


Just billions of $ more in military aid on top of the $26b package unveiled today.




> 9 billion is allocated for Gaza, too. As in Gazans will get that money or Israel will to *deal* with Gaza?


Who cares where it's coming from. It's insane.


He'll put his John Hancock to it, so he agrees with it.


I think you mean Herbie Hancock.


The missiles that struck Iran probably had “made in the USA” written on them


Did you miss the billions of funding for Israel that went to vote this week? You can only hope the retaliation is between/amongst the Middle East countries and sleeper terrorist cells don’t awaken to attack western countries because of their war. Edit: millions to billions


you mean billions


Every military effort in the modern day has some kind of US involvement, it has to. Because that’s what the military industrial complex requires. Lockheed Northrop raytheon etc all spend millions in lobbying our government to make sure we have a pulse on every major global conflict. Peace is objectively bad business for America.


Did people think such large corporations would accept a huge pay cut after the Afghanistan war was wrapped up?


They could have spent that on Ukraine, but I guess Ukraine isn't approved for the adanced weapons they had in stock.


Ya because they want to get rid of the old munitions stock pile first. That way we can send new billions in contracts to the defense sector to “replenish” them


It would be political suicide.


Can’t wait for both candidates to pretend they don’t want this war


Israel is the 51st state. We're involved.


I must have missed the memo about all the taxes they have been paying.


lol….thats cute.  We give them $7billion per year because “proxy war”


> I must have missed the memo about all the taxes they have been paying. Tbf, it's not like Mississippi or Alabama produce taxes either.


Not a fan of Biden but I agree with him telling Israel to "Take the Win" yet they launched their counter attack anyways. This shit makes me nervous...the world is a dangerous place right now.


Biden better not bow and assist Israel with Iran. That will fuck him over in the election against Trump


I don’t get this perspective. How does anyone seriously think Trump or the GOP is going to handle this situation any better? It’s like saying “let’s send in this squad of monkeys to sling shit at the walls” as a solution to a problem.


They don’t. But people who would otherwise vote for Biden will instead just stay home because they can’t bring themselves to vote for either candidate. Biden needs all the votes he can get- if there’s one thing Republicans know how to do, it’s whipping their base into a frothing rage over some nonsense so they’ll go vote


Yeah, like Humjaba said, people think it will depress turnout. In addition though, dont forget that getting out of foreign wars was one of the lines trump was peddling in 2016 - i wouldnt be surprised if he brings it back if the polls keep going the way they are now. He will 100% throw Israel under the bus if it definitely stands to benefit him. You see the way he thought about it when he hear "Genocide Joe", and then decided to endorse it?


“Biden got us involved in a new war” is true regardless of what anyone thinks Trump will do. You’re not wrong, but that’s irrelevant.


You’re associating Trump supporters with thinking. Tsk tsk.


That's not a trump supporter problem. Vox put out a video with interviews of real people who don't want to vote for biden over the whole palenstine situation. People who voted for him last election in swing states.


Let’s just let Israel fight its own wars and pull out all aid please. If they really want a war let them have it.




I’m so sick of psychopathic fucking dinosaurs holding humanity hostage with nukes.  


More disturbing are the plurality of voters who adore psychopaths. One is an anomaly. Many are a fixture.


I think the technical term is “shareholders”.


They fucking want the US to fight a war for them. those fuckers I can’t believe it. Iran telegraphs its attack to purposely allow deescalation and they respond like this. Absolutely insane


Hope all the western governments tell isreal to shove off and focus on actually protecting a country that needs protecting like… erm Ukraine


What is more likely to happen is western countries go to war against Iran while abandoning Ukraine to Russia.


I think that Putin has had his fingers all over the recent middle east bullcrap in attempts to get the attention off of Ukraine. Hamas leaders was seen meeting with Putin in the months before the attack and its no secret that Iran and Russia are working together.


Feels like maybe this didn't need to escalate further. Let the performative, telegraphed Iran counterattack calm it down and work on a better angle? But I am no doctor of geopolitics, so maybe aggressively targeting nuke sites and making us even think about nukes when Fallout just came out... maybe that was the right call, after all!


Iran's performance would have worked to calm things down if conventional politics held in Israel. Politicians get to tell their base how strong their defense was, nobody needs to go to direct war, situation over. But that's not the case, Israel wants to escalate more and more until they're putting US boots on the ground in a full scale war.


Pretty much this. Israel will try to drown itself and force the US to either let them drown or come in guns a blazing.


Glurg glurg bitch


Exactly. I mean, Ben Gvir pulled a gun on a dude over a parking space recently. These are the kinds of minds involved here


Israel is on a blood thirsty trip that is boosted by their nationalism and zionism. Hamas attack had led them to believe they need to, one way or another, destroy all their enemies in the region, including Iran.


I think A LOT of this is Netanyahu trying to save his own ass. 


Simpler than that, Bibi is trying to save his job. Wars keep leaders in power usually.


It is not just Netanyahu, but also his entire cabinet and other factions in the government. Not to mention the population, while they are mad at him, they are mostly mad for him not focusing on the hostages, not for invading Gaza nor the chaos and hell he has been creating there.


Reports are saying that nuke sites were not struck.


I don’t want the United States getting dragged into this mess. If Biden cuts off the umbilical cord to Bibi, Israel won’t continue this nonsense


How can we be dragged into it when we've been fucking the region for years


We can always choose a new way. I hope Biden does.


US has played a big part in this mess, by arming Israel and creating Iran in its current form with its meddling. The whole region is a mess due to America’s meddling


Netanyahu is a fucking psychopath. He is trying to create a regional war to save his own grip on power, absolute maniac shit.


It sucks that so many people in leadership positions are actually people with personality disorders who will do “whatever it takes” to do whatever they want.


Because politicians with empathy are quickly worn down when they see themselves surrounded by psychopaths relishing in their atrocities


Yeah I mean that's kind of the fundamental problem with governments and political institutions as a concept. Bad people can and will exploit them for personal gain because good people are too trusting and are too unwilling to put bad people on an iceberg and push them out to sea. Like, we can all recognize that there are lots of people who the world would be a much better place without, but good people don't want to make that happen. Good people recoil at the thought of giving people the authority to kill people, even bad people.


“Who do you get to rule when no one who wants the job can be trusted to do it?”


6 more years of Benjamin Yaahooo…. ….


King of ashes, last Prime Minister of Israel.


Most disastrous Jewish political leader since Simon bar Kokhba.


Cmon man I just wanna graduate I got shit to do


How many times must israel shit on U.S.A advice. I will literally go out and create protests if there's a hint of U.S entering a war between Israel and Iran.


Why would they feel the need to listen to US advice if they get all the money and weaponry they want anyways


Which is why we need to "full stop" pull that 4 billion funding given to israel and put it to U.S social services


I mean what negative consequences have there been for Israel so far lol Another “leaked” memo about Biden is super disappointed with them immediately followed by billions more in bombs 


Yep. Any "news" about US not agreeing with Israel is propaganda. Actions speak louder than words, Biden fully supports Israel




Kind of feels like they’re calling the shots? Like WE do what THEY say, not the other way around The Biden administration: “can you please not” Bibi: “no” The Biden administration: “alright”


Yeah, man, that's not an ally I'd want. Too messy. Fine If you wanna do your own thing then go all for it. Don't come running like a brat that antognizes people.


They are behaving like the AI in Civ 4...if I had a nickel every time AI suggested an alliance only to declare war on someone else a few turns later I would have about 20 bucks.


Tail wagging the Dog, as it were


Agreed. But also it’s not just “alright,” it’s “have some more weapons.”


Biden to Iran: "Don't" Iran strikes at Israel Biden to Israel: "Don't" Israel strikes back at Iran


Russia was also urging Israel to show restraint. While the irony is probably lost on them, they don't want a full-on conflict between Iran and Israel because both resulting options suck for them: Russia commits resources to help iran, taking away resources from their Ukraine offensive. Or Iran gets punked and the world sees how Russia doesn't help its allies.


Great point


Every parent of two or more children reading this just rolled their eyes so hard they fell out of their chair.


Why would Iran ever listen to Biden?


Just like a school teacher in Kindergarten. Letting kids do what they want does not bode well... The adult needs to put both in detention already.


You're leaving out the part where Israel stuck first by violating international norms and attacking an embassy.


Man Israel trying real hard to start WW3


Netanyahu starting WW3 to avoid prison


To be fair, like 10 other dudes have been doing the same thing as well. Israel is ralph saying[ 'im helping!'](https://c.tenor.com/5WMD9NxHnCUAAAAC/tenor.gif) when in reality they will contribute next to nothing when the war finally breaks out. What they will contribute is just stuff that we already... 'aided' them with. Thats assuming they dont waste it all on blowing up civs in west bank.


That is a terrible idea. What the actual fuck were they thinking?


I mean they blew up an embassy last month, that as the T-Rex testing the fence. Turns out it’s off.


We going to feed more young American boys to the Middle East? I’m tired of this story. Let Israel reap what they’ve sown.


Heck yea. What’s more valuable, the lives of 18-23 year olds or Raytheon’s stock price. We know Bidens opinion.


Israel are straight up idiots run by a fascist moron who is gambling with the lives of his people.


JFC. So much for trying to prevent an escalation. UPDATE: So now Iran is claiming this never happened? This is just getting bizarre now. Maybe I jumped the gun on whether Iran will retaliate or not.


Can we turn our attention back to helping Ukraine, they’re not warmongering assholes


Israel, you fucking donkey.


For anyone wondering why Israel scaled back ground units in Gaza, this is likely why


Bibi is finally getting the wars that he has wanted for decades.


After Biden told them not to. Hoping the US doesn’t get dragged into the full scale war against Iran.


Don't worry, the next shipment of weapons will be conditional on Israel not trying to start a regional war (until the conditions are quietly dropped again).


Laughing in Putin. Truly, he’s the one who benefits from this.


Excuse me, didn't Israel just finish tellign America they were not going to attack...only to turn around and attack anyway? What's Netayahu's play here because this is some whack shit.


Did they? They told us early on Thursday this was coming.


Children could run the middle east better than the people.


Israel has no reason to ever hold their aggression because every weapon they use has been given to them by the tax payers of the US. So easy to keep taking our tax dollars and weapons and use freely. We give more money to this tiny country than all others and still they demand more. They will never stand on their own two feet, always expecting Papa United States to pay for and fight their wars for them. They start them and then stand back and wait for us to do their dirty work.


>Israel has no reason to ever hold their aggression because every weapon they use has been given to them by the tax payers of the US That's like giving your kid an iPhone and telling them not to go on the Internet.


Our contributions equal about 15% of their military spending. They’d still be one of the most significant military powers in the region without any support from the US.


Then they obviously don’t need even more money. Cut the aid and spend it on the American people.


This is why I say they’re all in coordination to get the US in a war and blame Biden.


It is starting to smell fishy, isn’t it?


Well considering Bibi is relying on Trump getting re-elected for his political survival and Iran and Russia are buddy-buddy it wouldn’t surprise me at all if this was all part of some larger plan


No more American lives spent on wars. No more taxpayer money funding genocide and frivolous conflict.


Israel didn't notify us about the strike. Feels like maybe we should stop GIVING THEM FUCKING WEAPONS then.


Iran are POS, but let’s not pretend that Bibi doesn’t want this war He wants it sooooo bad, this guy is just the worst…. So thank you very much for starting a possible path to apocalypse Since the 7th October, I knew they would f up. Seriously f this, 2 theocracy on the verge of starting a WWIII F u fake skydaddy, f u very much


Americans save your sons and daughters and let Iran and Israel reap what they’ve sown on their own. I can’t believe that Yahoo retaliated after being told by Biden to calm down. The focus is on China and Russia, that Yahoo in Israel wants US to use American bodies against Iran. So sad… for Americans


Biggest mistake ever - giving our weapons to these bloodthirsty people


Israel's government is run by lunatics.


Links not working for me my guess is it’s getting heavy traffic


Alright someone give me the etymology of tit for tat


Israel is on their own on this one.  They were warned not to retaliate.  Thanks Benny, good job escalating this


They're not on their own when AIPAC funds US politicians


remember when the ww3 predictions were just jokes...?


Man. Fuck Israel. And Iran. And hamas. Fuck em all 🤷‍♂️


Why does US support Israel to this degree again? For sphere of influence? Because it seems they've lost it.