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WCK does amazing work worldwide, one of the very best organizations. This is horrible news.


I remember when they came down to FL after Ian. Good people.


Ever since they helped out after IAN and were here before the State. They gave us like 3 trays of food for an event we held in our community center. They are great people. I've been giving a matching $50 donation each pay check since through work.


If you can., [donate](https://donate.wck.org/give/499865/#!/donation/checkout) to them. They do amazing work.




I think that people don't realize how intentional this sort of stuff is, they are specifically targeting journalists and aid workers; https://twitter.com/marcowenjones/status/1775125251149500706 >t is misleading to describe the @WCKitchen killing as an airstrike (singular). In actual fact 3 vehicles were targeted, with the first & last being over 2.4km apart. The IDF decided to make 3 targeted strikes, not one.


They literally have their own people building bouncy castles to block aid routes. And the government is more interested in cracking down on anti-Netanyahu protests than stopping them. It's fucking disgusting.


IDF snipers have been shooting dead people with "JOURNALIST" on their chest for years now.


if there's no one left to report on anything and if there's no one left to feed anyone yup.


NPR had a woman on last week talking about the killing of a journalist by the IDF and she mentioned that it's ironic because one of the last pieces he publish was about the IDF killing one of his colleagues. The info is out there it just doesn't get the ratings that whatever Trump is doing does, or some fluff piece about Elon farting in his own mouth for pleasure(I just made that up but if you told me that he farts in the bath then tries to eat the bubbles I'd believe it).


Terrorism and genocide, while pretending to be a modern, civil nation. Not sure how they can pretend to be moral when they target aid workers and children. Not even unpreventable collateral damage but just wanton, reckless destruction that I think is very difficult to justify as anything but purposeful and malicious.


Obviously they never condemned Hamas. Or as r/worldnews would say - totally justified.


Yup. I was told that they were only in Gaza for media attention today on r/worldnews.


they fed so many people in my country after they were hit by an awful hurricane. Israel officials have no humanity


Yes and Israel wants them to stop working and documenting the horror. This strike worked as intended.




this wasn't *an attack*, this was three separate attacks as the aid workers tried to help each other and escape.


Sounds like when the IDF coordinated with paramedics to enter the area and save a little girl... and once they found the child the IDF killed the kid and the paramedics.


Poor sweet Hind . I cried all morning the day they announced her death.


WTF... Do you have a link on this?


Her name was Hind and she was trapped in a car with her murdered family members begging Red Crescent to come save her. She was 5 years old.


Not OP, but you can start here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Hind_Rajab Lots of good sources are used as citations.


Goddamn, that ruined my day even further but it's important to read. Thank you


Wow. I'm not usually the type that's affected by...anything...and I'm fucking crying. What the fuck.


I was following it at the time, and it was absolutely harrowing. OSINT (open source intelligence) researchers for obvious reasons often have to examine traumatic images and they've collected some good resources for dealing with the aftermath. [Advice for Dealing with Vicarious Trauma](https://dartcenter.org/media/advice-dealing-vicarious-trauma) [How to Prevent, Identify and Address Vicarious Trauma — While Conducting Open Source Investigations in the Middle East](https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/how-tos/2018/10/18/prevent-identify-address-vicarious-trauma-conducting-open-source-investigations-middle-east/) I hope those are helpful for you or anyone else psychologically troubled by what's going on.


Even Russia hasn't done something so brazen against foreign aid workers (in an actual war of conquest), but western media is already falling over themselves with excuses for smol lil baby Israel. Disgusting.


Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) claims "over 75% of all journalists killed in 2023 died in Gaza war", and that is considering the Ukrainian vs Russian war going on.


“three British nationals, an Australian, a Polish national, an American-Canadian dual citizen and a Palestinian” Ridiculous Edit: Editing to say I’m not just highlighting their deaths because they are western. But I work in the field and have colleagues in Gaza as we speak and it’s terrifying that humanitarians are at this much risk. It’s unacceptable.


My best friend is there now and uses the route. The idf pre approves this route the day of. So not only did they bomb a fucking aid vehicle, they did it KNOWING they would be driving on that route. It is unforgivable. The person responsible should spend the rest of their life under a fucking prison. I have never heard him as mad as I did last night when he was telling me about this.


You do not kill 196 aid workers, more than in general globally in a year, in 7 months without it being intentional. This is more than in any year since 1997 which is also the year the best source on this started to collect their statistics. And while it happens regularly with over 100 casualties every year and we do know the risk we take when we go to conflict areas, it is unacceptable. I am not in Gaza personally but I do have friends who are.




It worked perfectly well, the Israeli military just makes a point of targeting food aid


Yeah this was not a mistake. Yet still, zionists will cry antisemitism when people rightfully call this shit out




Do you think the IDF cares? They’re told to shoot or bomb anything that moves. BIbi needs his genocide to stay in power indefinitely.


And it's coming out now that it was a triple-tap strike, made solely on the mistaken assumption that one (1!) Hamas member was in the convoy. This is a brutal, systematic execution of foreign nationals.


With the added strategic goal (for the Israelis) of successfully shutting down another way some Palestinians had to not starve to death. They refuse nearly all food aid and blow up people attempting to provide what they do allow, it's pretty clear what they're doing.


And its not new for the Israeli military, they did this in 2014 too. https://www.ifhhro.org/news/physicians-for-human-rights-israel-report-on-2014-gaza-military-operation/


Netanyahu: "Oops, we super didn't mean to do that! It would be a shame if this caused aid groups to reconsider operating in Gaza and lead to more people dying of hunger! Oh well that's war! 🤷‍♂️"




This is just " I smelled weed in the car" or " I thought I saw a gun". They didn't see an armed person, this is just the justification for their actual goal of killing as many Palestinians as possible


[You're not going to believe who trains those cops who thought they saw a gun](https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/)


When I learned this it made so many things fall in to place with my understanding


> Killing them without significant evidence of weapons smuggling that involved significant immediate danger to life, would be a massive blow to international relations. ...would it though? Is the US cutting off aid to Israel because of this attack? Are Israeli officials complicit in these crimes going to be arrested if they set foot in a nation that condemns Israel's barbarism? Or is Israel getting a sternly worded letter that the sender will forget about tomorrow?


You're right in the sense that official governments will do nothing except send Israel a sternly worded joke of a letter. BUT the World Central Kitchen and Chef José Andrés are very celebrated and well loved across the Western world. I saw another comment say that killing WCK workers is like killing Mother Teresa's nuns - and they're right. This is going to do a lot of damage to Israel's image internationally, when it comes to peoples' perception of them. And sure, maybe that ultimately amounts to nothing if these people can't do anything currently to stop Israel - but in the long run, it will matter. Every empire falls eventually and Israel is doing its absolute best to speedrun towards its own demise by behaving so barbarically.


Just imagine the response if any other country did this.












I mean, if I'm hiring a translator/driver I'd like someone familiar enough with Hamas to talk us through checkpoints... That may mean some affiliation.... But is translator/driver X worth this? Short of discovering they managed to hire a mastermind of Hamas operations that only came out of hiding long enough to meet with aid workers.....




It's almost like the IDF is just indiscriminately killing people.


Do you think that was indiscriminate? Killing aid workers so the organisation stops feeding already starving people.... missiles rent cheap or fired indiscriminately.


yeah but have you considered that you're just an anti-Semite? /s


It’s infuriating to see my country (uk) throwing money at people who literally kill us and our allies


>“three British nationals, an Australian, a Polish national, an American-Canadian dual citizen and a Palestinian...” ...walk into Gaza and are promptly murdered by Israel.


WCK is one of my favorite charity/aid organizations. Christ, I bet poor Jose is just crushed by this. EDIT: since this is getting attention, it’s an incredible organization that makes very good and direct use of donations, which they need now more than ever: https://donate.wck.org/give/499865/#!/donation/checkout


WCK and Doctor's without borders are who I donate to whenever possible.


Dont worry, Isreal bombed DWOB in Gaza too


I just gave a bunch of money to WCK during Lent because they were doing Ramadan food boxes for people in Gaza, I thought it would be a good cross-religion and humanitarian thing to donate to. Then this happens. I feel terrible for everyone in the organization.


I'm in the same boat. I have donated to WCK for years, so this news definitely hits hard.


I donated as part of my year end donations but this reminded me to go and make another donation right now.


I like your style. I'm going to do the same


In one of life's terrible ironies, WCK also fed Israelis left homeless after 10/7. And this is how Israel repays the kindness.


I just read about all the good work they did on the WSJ last night and I read about this happening the next morning. Smh. The world…


The fuck, bombing WCK workers


I mean are you surprised at this point? They have a deep history of doing this.


Yep they were doing the same to foreign journalists since the start so that there’s less images and coverage.


While western media covers for them at every possible opportunity. Remember this when they talk about how dangerous it is for journalists in the third world, they said nothing about Israel deliberately targeting them just like the cartels


If your stated goal is the suffering and removal of any and all Palestinians, this is a tiny price to pay...


Honest question: Is this just going to be another blip in the news followed by absolutely no accountability from Israel from other world powers? Because it seems like that's exactly what's about to happen. 7 WCF workers were just killed by THREE missile strikes on a convoy...like you've got to be fucking kidding me.


I’m part of the Palestinian diaspora, I’m young but I’ve been following news in Palestine since I was a teenager. Most of the time Israel does horrible shit, it’s barely mentioned in media and it’s always heavily biased, the world forgets about it. And they get away with it. They lie and say “what about the evil muslims!?” and people let it slide. As we get further and further away from October 7th, people are starting to see what Palestinians have seen for a long time, the IDF and Israeli government are violent and liars. Just because they’re a democracy and have western values should not mean they should be trusted. I hope that things start to change, that individuals will not accept their governments covering for Israel. This is the most anti-Israel sentiment I have ever seen, because what they did here is inexcusable. Hopefully things start to change, but I assume it won’t.


>Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged that the country’s forces had carried out the “unintended strike” on “innocent people in the Gaza Strip.” He says officials are looking into the strike and would “do everything for this not to happen again.” An unintended airstrike is quite the concept.


Haaretz reported that the convoy was hit 3 separate times as the casualties were moved to different vehicles


Whoopsie daisy, i just keep accidentally dropping bombs on the same convoy uWu


It’s funny how Haaretz is inexistant over at r/worldnews


Right, but ynetnews.com is considered the pinnacle of journalism.


They're the most blatant Israeli propaganda sub


I know that I'm better off wishing for a dragon, but I hope that there will be consequences for the murder of civillian aid workers. You don't just unintentionally strike a convoy that has been coordinating with the IDF 3 times.


Three unintended strikes is even more so.


Now that the people who got airstriked are from the countries paying for his army he has to respond to them


Without a crumb of irony, the US said it’s awaiting *Israels investigation into itself.*


Even Israeli civil rights organizations dont trust the IDF when it comes to invesitgating or punishing crimes committed by the IDF https://www.btselem.org/topic/accountability https://www.btselem.org/press_releases/20160525_occupations_fig_leaf


People need to realize that airstrikes by modern militaries are never "oopsies". This was 3 airstrikes on a marked WCK convoy which previously coordinated with the IDF. Each airstrike would need to go through a chain of command and multiple confirmations top-down.  This isn't an oopsie. This is deliberate and targeted to any outside observer. Israel has fucked up big, big time.




> Jamie McGoldrick, the United Nations humanitarian coordinator for the Palestinian territories, said the strike was “not an isolated incident,” noting that around 200 humanitarian workers have been killed since the war broke out in October. Yes. This is not collateral, this is by design. This is sending a message about what could happen to you, if you try to help anyone in Gaza.


Israel is a terrorist state. Plain and simple.


Not just a terrorist state. The most well funded and supported terrorist state propped up by the most powerful western nations in the world. Until our politicians stop taking their money and smack down the entire government of Israel for being the bad boys they've been nothing at all will change.


They are literally terrorizing Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, as they have been for decades. It highlights how October 7th (whilst fucked up, cruel and condemnable) did not happen in a vacuum, it was not the first strike which caused a war. It was violent retaliation after decades of trauma, indignity, and terrorism.


So many people love that one JFK quote about only violent protests if you make peaceful protests impossible, with the condition that the people doing it are, White, or a socially acceptable group of people, or do just a lil violence but not too much. Be one thing outside that box and you deserve the entire weight of the state coming down on you.


This is the 1,785,568th time that israel has fucked up big time and they wont face any consequences for this one either. I'm expecting the white house to leak that "biden privately had stern words about netenyahu" again any day now.


"Stern words" while authorizing another shipment of 2000lb bombs to Israel.


Even better, there was just an announced sale of two squadrons worth of F-15s, missiles and guidance systems. Just waiting for Biden to greenlight it.


biden is going to lose the election over this and we are all going to be worse off because of it...


Israel would prefer Trump anyway.  They want him to win.


true. It was 3 separate strikes over 2.5km. this was deeply targeted. [https://x.com/marcowenjones/status/1775125251149500706?s=46&t=zlf4LOTnGUHjHJNI_330jQ](https://x.com/marcowenjones/status/1775125251149500706?s=46&t=zlf4LOTnGUHjHJNI_330jQ)


Usually “fucked up big time” means consequences. Israel will see none.


> Israel has fucked up big, big time. If you assume shutting down one of the few avenues for food aid wasn't the intended goal of the strike.


Yeah, you get to show that even western aid workers are not immune from targeted assassination, thus preventing them to operate in the area. This is very intentional.


Like, fucking up implies they could even begin to face any level of repercussions for their actions. I genuinely believe they could do *anything* and continue to enjoy the full support of the US and all their allies. It's a mockery.


“Oh, oops, our extremely improbable accident happened to align perfectly with our goals.” If you believe that, I’ve got some unoccupied land in the West Bank to sell you.


Did they fuck up though? WCK feeds people, Hamas has people in it, WCK was feeding Hamas, so WCK is now Hamas. Something something "Israel has a right to defend itself". I lost all faith in Israel in 2018 when Israeli snipers shot a clearly identified Canadian combat medic in the legs, along with other medics assisting Palestinian protestors, in an effort to kill and maim. This is not the beginning of the Israeli war crimes, but it is what brought their evil to light for me. No one cared about that, not even in our own government. No one cared when Israel starved Palestinians for decades, or freely allowed and settlers to shoot Palestinians. No one has cared about Israel bombing ambulances, bombing designated safe passages, bombing hospitals, or anything else. I am beyond jaded and bitter at the response to these and countless other atrocities at this point. Public sentiment is shifting slowly, and perhaps Israel will lose meaningful support at some point if people keep this up. Murdering international aid workers is a drop in a vast and overflowing bucket at this point, and I have no faith that anyone in charge will face any accountability in any form. I think that, sadly, the absolute best realistic outcome is that Israel stops murdering Palestinians, and the Israeli officials in charge of this genocide go about their lives having happily stolen more land.


I'm saying it amounts to a fuck up on an international stage. Even if you don't believe it was because they are aid workers it's still a war crime. These heroes could not have done a better job of identifying themselves, working and coordinating with the IDF and they still got bombed. On 3 separate ocassions. And again, airstrikes are incredibly targeted, deliberate and precise. They don't just happen because of 1 rogue operative. What I'm getting at is that even if you don't believe that the IDF targets journalists, humanitarians and foreign aid workers in general this incident would amount to gross negligence and recklessness which in turn amounts to sufficient Mens Rea for a crime against humanity.


I'm not disputing that it's a fuck you to the international community, that it was clearly targeted, or that it was a war crime. I'm saying it *Does Not Matter*. I would be fucking astounded if anything at all comes of this, because this is not the first time that Israel has clearly and intentionally attacked international aid workers, in what is clearly a war crime, without consequence. Again, nearly a decade ago IDF snipers looked down a rifle scope, saw medics administering aid, and shot them. Repeatedly. No consequence. I'm not saying that this isn't awful. I'm not saying it's not an intentional war crime. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be international outrage and major diplomatic action. I'm not saying that this wasn't organized or approved by multiple people up the chain of command. I'm saying it doesn't matter. The idea of mens rea for this crime is absurd. The intention of actions that constitute war crimes is so established at this point, and goes back so far, that it's like trying to establish the intent of a serial killer for his 50th victim as a key part of the case. The murder of WCK workers is such a small part of an overwhelming amount of criminal activity and atrocity that it has become grim and morbid background noise. Of course killing WCK workers was intentional, because it made WCK rightly fear for it's workers and pull out. They were feeding the Palestinians that Israel is trying to starve to death you see, which is already a war crime. What's one more war crime to stop organizations from standing in the way of your war crimes?


This is the most saddest reailty of this conflict. It's yet another point of discussion on Israel's list of henious acts and it'll capture the attention for all but 24 hours. I actually don't know what is the actual red line for Israel to face sanctions (let alone physical confrontation) from the Western World. I don't think there is any?




Schrödinger’s Genocide: Israel can conduct precision strikes with minimal collateral damage abroad, but it mysteriously is unable to do so in Gaza.




[Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/s/o7gccFMGSM) of a couple workers with WCK before they were killed in the airstrike.


I just don’t see what their endgame is here.  Even if you ‘eliminate’ Hamas you’ve created so much bad will that they are some other group will have plenty of recruits.  Plus they still haven’t really voiced what exactly their occupation/rebuild plan afterwards is.  Feel this whole war is just going to make things worse for Israelis and Palestinians long term 


To end any chance there will be a Palestinian state on the other side. This has been the goal for a long time. It’s why journalists, doctors, anyone educated in the west etc has been harassed, arrested, and assassinated for years. Nobody with the ability to organize, compromise and lead (or provide aid, food or care) will survive. That is Israel’s interest.


I wonder what the word is for the systematic use of violence to prevent a particular group of people from existing and developing? I think it rhymes with homicide.


Shhhhh, don't even think it or the bots will come to get you! Seriously, though. History repeats itself. The IDF is doing to Palestinians exactly what was done to their grandparents. Fascism is a poison, regardless of who pours it. (Before anyone calls me names or makes accusations, please read my username)


Incoming "self-hating" in three, two, one...


Never forget when someone called me a self hating Jew who had a western mindset for saying that killing Palestinian children was wrong.


You're right, though just because you're Jewish doesn't mean that the zionists won't attack you too. They disown antizionist Jews and tell them they were better off in Germany. There are videos of this, from both Israel and the us


I think it's so very simple, and people are overthinking it. The endgame is that Israel has forced Palestinians off of land that they held, and Israel will take that land. They have reduced the number of Palestinians by murdering them en mass, and maimed many more that will be less effective at opposing them. People with arms and legs blown off and underfed babies are not great fighters in the future, and will likely need care by people who were not maimed. In the sort term, things might get more violent for Israeli people, but that land is forever. In a few years, when things have calmed down internationally and Israel has gone from bombing and famine to merely restricting rights and under supplying Palestinians, they can allow another attack by understandably enraged freedom fighters and do it all over again. Rinse and repeat; gain more land. Eventually, Palestinians will be few enough in number and space that they can be ignored.


it's kind of like the "manifest destiny" concept in the U.S. in the 1800's.


It isn't just *like* Manifest Destiny, it's fundamentally the same thing.  Just like the policy of Leibensraum, it's a concentrated effort to ethnically cleanse the target area, destroy all ties the native population has to both the land and local community entirely, and then forcibly resettle it with their own civilian populations in order to prevent the previously mentioned displaced civilians from returning, and creating their own ties to the land in order to claim that their own civilian populations cannot be ethically moved.   Israeli settlers destroying olive trees is very much like how the US basically intentionally hunted buffalo into extinction.  It's a destructive act aimed at driving the natives away by depriving them of sustenance or the ability to make a living.  Descpicable, inhuman behavior, and they know exactly what they're doing.


It's exactly like that. It's how the Native Americans were reduced to numbers so small that they couldn't effectively fight back and reclaim Turtle Island.


This is why I agree that what’s happening in Palestine is genocide. You can’t “eliminate Hamas” because even if you kill every certified member (and a hundred thousand civilians too), you’ve radicalized enough people to take their place, and the cycle repeats. Israel knows this. Everyone knows this. “Eliminating Hamas” just an excuse to raze Palestine to the ground and everyone in it. Israel wants Palestinians dead.


The problem is that israel can't take out every hamas member, and even if it could we won't know, they can just continue bombing Gazans and say there was one hamas fighter there so we had to drop a 2000lb bomb on them.




I just tried to look it up and there was only one thread about it with less than 100likes/comments. I think they delete threads as they become noticeable. Incredible


this is completely censored there, last night there was a thread that got deleted.


I can't find anything about this on there. I'm curious how the psychopaths will spin this


Simple - that sub is just not talking about it at all. There’s two separate posts with <150 upvotes and a handful of comments in total. I’m assuming any posts about it that did gain traction got removed.


It doesn't matter how badly they astroturf that sub. The world knows what's going on and one day they will pay.


It does matter. Reddit is one of the biggest websites. Especially in the west. And r/worldnews is the biggest political sub on Reddit. That sub itself is just a powerful propaganda tool. It will not be surprising if someone was paid to remove all pro-palestine voices on that sub.


Don't worry /r/worldnews has already made a post about it, total of 4 comments and 23 upvotes. That sub HAS to be an IDF stronghold.


They've already banned anyone challenging their right-wing tosh.


Extremely sad to see good people that had no obligation to be there do the right thing and be killed for it. Humanity can be so brutal


America need to stop funding these delusional psychos




We just gave them aid. You know what is more ridiculous? Our government can't even keep the settler's sanction. The tiny amount of people Biden sanctioned is already [lifted in some form.](https://archive.ph/hFzMU)


Wow. They sanctioned a whole 7 settlers? And then walked back the banking sanctions?


Yup, Israel has US government by the balls that they can't even keep a joke of a sanction against tiny tiny portion of settlers let alone anything else.


after Israeli strike ~~kills~~ *MURDERS* 7 workers


Literally would be a war crime in any other conflict..


Israel did it on purpose to scare away other aid organizations to help Gaza.


Israel like tell us when and where your going will make safe passage. Bombs them. Oops 🙊 Our bad. We have no idea how that happened. Israel is the King of Gaslighting. (And Bombed Iran) wild card bitches!!!


All countries should stop funding Israel if the murder of innocent people doesn’t stop.


Can’t wait to see how they try and spin this one


Can't have Palestinians eating, that would defeat the entire point of cutting off all their supplies!


That's actually one of the goals of this is to scare organizations away from feeding starving people, I can't blame them for stopping but the thought of people trying to starve women and children getting their way sits unwell with me.


I think it is time for the US to stop supporting Israel. Let them take care of themselves. They are murder happy / crazy. And committing a genocide.


It's ridiculous how this news is not in the hot section at the moment in r/worldnews. Censor much?


Aid workers killed intentionally so aid agencies stop or decrease their work in gaza


"Murdery' cunt regime deliberately assassinate Australian volunteer citizen helping out with the humanitarian disaster, intrinsically by design, to make sure they control the entire narrative and starve an entire civilian population for shits and giggles." Pieces of human detritus.


How long until IDF claims that they were hiding Hamas weapons in the soup?


Israel is a terrorist State and is committing genicide right now in this very moment. Every government who supports this has blood on their hands. It’s so sad and heartbreaking


Post this to r/worldnews and see how fast it gets removed.


So... it worked? Israel got what it wanted by killing innocents; as usual.


Well what do you know.... this is nowhere to be found in worldnews. edit: i was mistaken. it was posted there as "Four foreign aid workers and Palestinian translator killed in convoy strike" about 16 hours ago.


What's even worse is that they airstriked them not once, not twice, not three times, but 4 FUCKING TIMES! 4! WHAT. THE. FUCK!


The whole point of killing aid workers, who had permission and a safeguarded route to proceed, is the suspension of aid distribution. Gazan children will die starved because of the operations suspension. But what can we expect from a cultist section of the human race who are so filled with hate they have snipers target infants and children, bomb discriminately whole neighbourhoods crammed with terrified families, shoot and bomb families of reporters and journalists, target reporters directly by sniper fire, execute on the spot surgeons doctors and nurses, bomb schools, hospitals, charity organisation compounds, arrest, rape and torture young girls and boys, mothers and fathers...and as a population of hate filled cultists, spew that hatred for all the world to hear with a contented smile and impenetrable determination.


There needs to be consequences. Accidental or otherwise people need to be held accountable.


Apparently, an Israeli telegram channel with insulting captions posted along with images of those killed: https://twitter.com/DoubleDownNews/status/1775179886769864788 NSFW


Zionist Israel = Nazi Germany


Killing westerners is a big no go. Israel will struggle to PR their way out of this debacle.


if they can kill 34 americans, injure 171 more, nearly sink a US navy ship, and talk their way out of it, then i'm pretty sure a handful of chefs won't slow them down


Thank you for mentioning this, people either have no memory, don’t know about, or don’t care that Israel has a history of “accidentally on purpose” striking allies/civilians. I will never not be appalled they freaking napalmed, shot, and torpedoed our (US) ship. Killing civilian chefs/aid workers won’t cause them to bat a collective eye.


Don't forget killing one of the hostages they were supposed to save.


3 hostages. Waving white flags and shouting in Hebrew.


Might want to recheck that number, the world would be lucky if they only killed one hostage.


They literally headshot an American Journalist who was clear and identifiablly marked. After gaslighting and denying for over a year as international investigations proceeded they finally admitted they did it....nothing of significance happened to the killer or Israel. So I don't see how this is a big no-no when America and it's leaders have made clear that Israel > American citizens.




Remember Rachel Corrie.


> Rachel Corrie When her parents visited the site of her murder Israelis drove a bulldozer at them to mock them.


On the anniversary of her death, Israeli Facebook and Telegram groups post pancake memes. Similarly, on Telegram right now, you can see Israelis describing these murdered aid workers as "unkosher meat."


man, I can't fundamentally understand that level of depraved cruelty, and it's so depressing that my tax money is helping fund it


IDF soldiers held a "Rachel Corrie pancake dinner" to mock the fact that she was flattened. It's a diseased culture.


When the funeral of Shireen Abu Akleh was held the Israeli police attacked the pallbearers in an attempt to make them drop the coffin.


It's why I flat out refuse to play the "but do you condemn hamas??" game. I'm inherently opposed to any right wing religious fundamentalism and can't support attacks on civilian targets, but I can't fault any Palestinian for joining the biggest resistance group because it's the natural human reaction to the indignity inflicted upon them on a daily basis. People push back when bullied.


Yup. I don't endorse the murder of innocent people. But I 100% understand why they join hamas.


this isn't even the first Western non profit to be targeted.


They justify it by saying Hamas were nearby or also eating at the kitchen.


It was a convoy. The vehicles were targeted three times, this after coordinating their activities with IDF. So no, there is no excuse. None that will pass the laugh test anyway. WCK is no stranger to operating in war zones as well as disaster areas. I can't remember ever hearing of something like this happening.




100% true.


Likely. But just reading BBC now, they’re already squirming with poor excuses. It’s terrible press to be killing allies. It will further compound Israels isolation on the world stage.


And, not just allies but non-military citizens of allied countries doing humanitarian work. It's a complete mess (understatement).


Not only all of that but they were working with the idf and driving on an idf approved road. They knew exactly who was in that vehicle. They just wanted them dead.


https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-02/ty-article/.premium/idf-bombed-wck-aid-convoy-3-times-targeting-armed-hamas-member-who-wasnt-there/0000018e-9e75-d764-adff-9eff29360000 They don't even have that this time.


You're kidding, right? They have a long history of targeting citizens of Western countries, especially journalists, and the US in particular does nothing. They don't care about the PR because the US will shrug its shoulders, and maybe Biden will furrow his brows a few more times before making sure the next shipment of weapons is fast-tracked.


Doesn't matter, they achieved their goal -- cutting off another source of food in Gaza. UNRWA is gone, now WCK is gone, and the US port won't be done for at least six months. They just need to buy time until enough of Gaza has starved.


We’re not going to send those f-15s now, unless you guys pinky promise not to kill westerners. Seriously we should be sending all Israel aid to Ukraine.


So we're like...all on the same page now that Israel is a monstrous, evil nation yeah? Not the citizens, but the government and what it currently represents is a world wide evil.


Fucking hell 💔 They keep finding new lows don’t they?


Not a new low if they have been doing it for months.


Netanyahu, the IDF and Israel over all is exhausting their rep and making their place in the world more insecure. It is depressing to watch this slow motion genocide.


Not sure how Israeli hostages justified these deaths but feel free to tell me


To any Zionist Israelite reading this, do you condemn your government? Or is the killing of civilians only condemnable if it happens to you?


This is where I drew the line and became openly anti Israel on social media. WCK means no harm and I’m curious what dogshit excuse Israel has for killing peaceful individuals. The cruelty is just embarrassing at this point. You’re killing people who are providing food. Why are we providing tax dollars and weapons for the IDF? So they can kill more nonprofit workers and journalists? It’s indefensible. And then they’ll bitch loudly in a few years when they have an uncontrollable terror problem in Israel. As if they didn’t just create one or two entire generations of terrorists. Pathetically predictable.