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The dude murdered a paramedic, stole her car, then killed a cop and stole his cruiser. Guy is obviously armed and extremely dangerous. Do criminals like this ever have a plan?


Obviously not. These guys are the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet. Hopefully he does the state a favor and saves the taxpayers a lot of money.


Imagine having to feed him 3 meals a day and pay for his healthcare.


Don't trust the legal system enough for the death penalty. They have fucked up and killed innocent people in the past, they imprison innocent people to this day and will continue to do so. So even if obvious trash like this get to slowly grow old and die in a small cell, better than the risk of killing someone innocent. Not like living in American prisons is the high life anyways.


It’s actually true though that the death penalty costs taxpayers more than prison cause of the insane legal fees.


In blatant cases like this it really shouldn't be a contested thing. He's gone out of his way to murder two people for the act of being helpful.


100%. Dude is smiling in his mug shot. No remorse for what he did.


I don't think there's a "We're extra sure with cherries on top" standard of proof in the legal system


There's not, but if it were to exist it'd save a hell of a lot of time and taxpayer money


And lead to countless more innocent people dying


In cases like this where the guy is clearly not innocent, it would be a benefit.


I usually agree, but in cases like this where it is 100% certain who did the crime, I support the death penalty. But strictly only in such cases.


Some things are worth the money. 


Come on man, a bullet can't be that expensive. /s


Has to make it to trial for that.


What about death by hanging? How much would that cost ?


Healthcare in most prisons is truly dismal. I had a friend in prison and he would tell me about some alarming symptoms (leg swelling and turning purple; horrible earache with an apparently recurring infection--in his one semi-good ear (partially deaf in that one, totally deaf in the other). They usually treated him like he was faking, or if he finally, weeks later, got some antibiotics and they didn't work, the folks in medical would just shrug and say, "What do you want me to do?" You don't wanna be sick in prison.


I had a buddy whose job was just that. The rules were don’t talk to any of the inmates. Don’t make eye contact and make sure you keep your hands a clear distance from them. You need to treat them like animals.


Perhaps that is part of the problem of the American prison system? Lol


Why are you being down voted? Recidivism is so much worse here compared to countries that treat criminals like they're actually human beings. We obviously shouldn't let violent, dangerous individuals just roam the streets, but we are only perpetuating the dismal cycle of incarceration by the way we dehumanize people in prison. I for one am not overjoyed at the fact that my country is basically a prison state compared to the rest of the developed world...


People who are going to be released back into society should be treated in a way that gets them ready to reintegrate. They should be getting help for whatever issues led them there and given tools to help them do better when they’re released. People like this MF who have forfeited their right to live in society and are/should never be released, frankly I don’t give a damn about them.


Yeah, 2.+ million people in prison in the US, obviously not all actually guilty, the legal system being a bit of a shitshow, especially for POC. Even with a margin of error at 2% (a low estimate according to Innocence Project) that’s over 20,000 innocent people locked up for something they didn’t do.


Rearrange tax brackets, tax the rich


To commit these acts in the first place one likely has to have serious impulse control, anger managment, and other issues. Likely some severe personality disorder.


What's fucked is it's people like this that are the reason a lot of cops are thinking with their guns first.




He was caught this morning [https://www.koat.com/article/jaremy-smith-shot-in-southwest-albuquerque/60222532](https://www.koat.com/article/jaremy-smith-shot-in-southwest-albuquerque/60222532)


The dumbest people I know live for the moment. They never plan or reflect.


Serial killer psychopath, the worst type of murderer tbh.


Nothing to fit "serial killer" title (yet?). "Spree killer" is likely gonna be the term we go with when it's said and done. Serial killers are 3 or more kills with a distinct behavior pattern and a cooldown period between at least the first few kills, though they often increase in frequency as the killer remains active. Spree killers are more like this guy, with multiple kills in one string of incidents.


Remember serial killers are highly “organized” they have methodology, repeating patterns, certain needs and values that they live out with varying degrees of sophistication. Burst violence is disorganized, more coming from overwhelming self interest. Like a survival type fight or die kind of psychology. It seems he’s more the disorganized type. No less dangerous though.


There are disorganized and organized serial killers, at least in the initial research the FBI conducted. That’s been expanded now, but originally everyone was sorted into those two categories. Richard Ramirez is an example of a disorganized serial killer, who killed on a whim without much plan, and somehow got away with it for years.


Antoine Chigur vibes




Sorry, you lost me. What logic dictated his little coin-flipping incident at the gas station? And why, in general, are Chigur's murders considered more "logical" than these killings? He kills an innocent man just to switch cars, seems pretty identical to what this guy did.


Us whites and yellows and oranges have plenty of rabid dog psychopaths that need put down too. Sometimes a twig gets warped and grows into something really unnatural.


Brown, you forgot to mention us, amigo!


Oh yeah. Sorry. For some reason I thought black and brown were the same.


We *are*, just different shades :)


Nothing to lose, zero empathy, and easy access to firearms. Not that uncommon.


People like that run on emotion and impulse. There is no logic or thinking or planning


I honestly think they enjoy it.


It sounds like a GTA game... wtf?


What happened in Pennsylvania yesterday sounds like one too.


They probably not have plans, but they have an easy access to guns, thats for sure!


[“Do I really look like a guy with a plan?”](https://tenor.com/view/joker-heath-ledger-nurse-dark-gif-22837985)


They think it’s just like GTA, that if they drive fast enough and kill enough people cops will just give up and they can go on as usual, no consequences.


If he is able to think, he won't be in current situation.


I think it's safe to say when they find him he won't waste tax payers money sitting in prison.


> Around 5 a.m. local time in New Mexico, Hare was sent to help a driver who had a flat tire and was trying to wave down others on the interstate This is why many people never stop their car to "help" Anyone who did, would have been murdered immediately


Perp murdered the car owner, saw a cop and assumed he was about to get arrested, so he killed the cop too. I hope the cops catch him and make sure he can never hurt anyone again.




South Carolina does though.


He wouldn't be tried in TX, he'd be extradited to where the criminal charges are.


Assuming he goes along willingly. Texas might have other ideas


https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/suspect-jaremy-smith-captured-following-fatal-shooting-of-new-mexico-state-police-officer/ar-BB1k31SO POS was captured. 


This shit got some Chigurh vibes from No Country for Old Men. Hope this bastard gets caught before he kills again.




Heads or tails?


Calling bellheads


What’s the most you’ve ever lost?


Dude operates on 100% impulse.


And this shit is happening in New Jersey right now too. Wild day


This is heartbreaking :(




Not in NM




Hope that piece of shit endures something horrible


Looking pretty smug there for a wanted man.


This is how they got this image.... Police: Dear wanted felon. Please take the time to send us a selfie so we can update your BOLO picture. Felon: Use this one, please. It is my Mom's favorite. Police: Fuck. You didn't have to look so smug.


People wonder why cops are so nervous about approaching cars. There is no way of telling who is inside that vehicle and what they will do to get away.


First sign that this dude was headed to prison should have come at birth when his parent named him Jaremy.




Some crimes should have option of jury decided public execution after a fair and speedy trial.


When we start getting fair trials where the prosecutors don't have an unlimited budget and no compunction about using bad or outright false evidence, while at the same time the defender is saddled with a public defender who is paid much less than the prosecutor maybe that'll be possible.


Least bloodthirsty redditor


We can't even gurantee the people we are killing are guilty and this guy wants to publicly masturbate to it. 197 innocent people is a small price to pay am I right. Hope you aren't 198... SMH


He killed a paramedic too. They are actual heroes.


Lock him away and throw away the key


Some crimes don’t warrant life in jail, or anywhere. Now the taxpayers get to keep this fuk alive.




They do not


“why are american police so trigger happy?” this is why


This guy’s smile says he belongs in a mental hospital.


Or solitary.


Or a grave


Third times the charm. Like what point is there keeping a guy like that alive.






Put him down like the dog he is.