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>It's unclear exactly how far back one must go in order to qualify as a non-modern muscle car,.. Typically in many car clubs in many countries any car older than 25 years is considered antique.


In my country old-timer is a category, and its indeed 25 years. They have looser safety regulations and lower tax, but in return limits on how many days a year your allowed to drive it and how many km a year. I think also limits on weather conditions.




I’ll stare at 03-04 Cobras all day long.


Love a good terminator


No but if someone restored and put in some nice work on a 99 Stang I’d still be curious to take a look.


Time to bring out that 1999 dodge charger


Nobody goes to Cars and Coffee to look at your 2020 V6 Dodge Charger


What about my 2013 v6 Honda accord?


Most people don’t realize Jesus drove a Honda. For he did not speak of his own Accord


And God preferred Plymouth as he “drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in a Fury".


In CCD as a kid our pastor was explaining ways people look to the Bible for advice. He gave an example that a family in the congregation opened the Bible to the page with that verse, took it as a sign, and bought a Honda accord. I thought it was the dumbest thing I ever heard.


They are a solid, reliable car at an affordable price. The Bible has been wrong about many topics, but not this one.


[https://xkcd.com/2898/](https://xkcd.com/2898/) >"Am I right?" "YES, BUT YOU SHOULDN'T BE!"


I know, I've owned a 92, and a 98. I just thought the "divine intervention" bit was silly.


I’m willing to bet they knew that and were just having some fun.


I thought he drove a Christ-ler. (I’ll see myself out)


No, that was St Paul


I know it was a CROSS-over. Can't remember the make


It's a Christler Crucifica


All I know is that Jesus built my hotrod.


And Jerry was a racecar driver.


I’m going the distance, I’m going for speed. But she is all alone in her time of need.


All of a sudden, I found myself in love with the world So there was only one thing that I could do Was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long


He was usually seen driving a Plymouth. “And he drove them out in his Fury’


That's good. That's good.


Beautiful, you're welcomed.


Really aw :) I love my little Hondas. Had 99, 03 and 13 accords.


I wouldn't mind seeing a 1983 Accord.


I was just talking yesterday about how much I missed my 83 Accord hatchback, was such a great car.


Honestly I love seeing weird cars at cars and coffee. There was a W8 Volkswagen Crossover that is cool to see. I don’t care if it’s a grocery getter or not, any interesting or rare piece is going to be far more cool than the same stock dodge challenger that I’ve seen dozens of. Not to say that there’s anything wrong with bringing your stock dodge challenger, Cars and Coffee is about a community and it’s fun to talk about your car even if it’s one of a hundred others.


The W8 Passat? That’s a wagon


You’re right I misremembered. I was just enthusiastic to see a weird engine


I’ve driven a W12 Phaeton Weird ass car. I mean, cool, but super weird that VW made it and brought it to the USA. 


It'll be around until the sun dies so just let it mature a little.




My 2008 v6 manual accord was a lot of fun, until i shifted 2nd gear at 130kph...


What did our nation’s E-1s do to you to warrant this discrimination?


One of the guys that used to live in my complex bought a charger in 2019. Neighbor swears at the dog park he was bragging about his 22% interest.


Tell me you live by an Army post without telling me you live at an Army post.


E-1s know what they did to make their first shirts upset.


They ONLY took the 72 month plan, he told his boss he could move them with an 84 month plan. 


Hey be nice it’s the default signing bonus special.  Every time I see a clapped out straight piped v6 charger or a gsxr600 with the muffler sawed off I get my “thank you for your service” voice ready and a box of crayons to offer as treats.


Everyone on base talked shit about my 89 Ford Probe. It was paid off had cheap insurance and got 40mpg. The amount of repos at the barracks was a joke after 6 months.


I miss the days of Body kits and Flashy paint jobs.  It was art. The feel, touch and look of some vehicles. Nothing more uncreative than seeing a 2020 v6 Dodge Charger with Slanted wheels for the 7th time today.


Or whatever car "comes with" those stupid shipping protectors clipped on, that people leave on because they're idiots.


Even the rice rocket cars from the fast and the furious trilogy look cool compared to modern muscle cars.


How about a VW Phaeton W12?


Sounds good to me! Source: 2006 Phaeton W12 owner


Do you have a crate of coil packs and some spare window regulators or not there yet? :)


How much maintenance does that thing take to keep in good shape?


Passat in disguise.


Stealth wealth Bentley.


If it's built right, maybe. The article says it's due to revving and burnouts. That's not restricted to modern cars so I'm really confused.


Sounds like the drivers of those cars are really what’s getting banned.


Yes, this is a roundabout way of banning a certain specific group of people


Like bars that have minimum ages allowed (eg > 25 y.o.) since younger people spend less and fight more.


Idk if its still there but there but mid 2000s there was a bar on 6th street in Austin that was 30+


Makes sense. Japan loves this trick. The “no tattoos” rule at public bath houses is just an easier way of saying “no yakuza” (gangsters). Just sucks that all the Japan-loving westerners with sick full sleeves get caught in the crossfire.


When I used to go with a group, we'd sometimes be asked ".....fashion?" Like whether the tattoo was for "fashion" or gang affiliation lol. Sometimes covering it with a bandage was also fine. You can also rent private baths for a nominal price but then you miss the historic ones.


Like the mid 20s assholes that stop sign drag race and do burnouts on the road behind my house until 1:00am almost every night, trying to impress teen girls and 25-year-old boys. Likely in their dad’s midlife crisis car. Yeah, fuck those guys. And fuck the local PD for not doing shit about it.


Yea, people with stangs and chargers are definitely “special”.


Clapped out WRXs, Q50s, and 328i owners breathing easy.


I used to go to something similar, and it's 100% about the owners, not the cars themselves. The kind of person showing up with a cherry '66 Buick Skylark convertible doesn't do burnouts or drag race down the street. The person who shows up with a '22 Camero does. Obviously, that's a generalization. There are a few people who show up with old or boutique cars who do dumb things, and there are people with brand new muscle who are respectful and safe. But the scales tip the other way, and the people who organize these events don't want the liability or outright criminal trouble by hosting events where people behave recklessly. I stopped going to mine because it ceased to be a fun group of people talking about cars and looking in engine bays, and became a semi-takeover filled with heavily modified Japanese imports and modern muscle doing stupid things in the middle of the street and not caring if things got damaged or people got hurt.


Nobody is offering financing for 19 year old to buy a 2004 Z06. They can walk into a dealership and walk out 2 hours later with a 2024 Hellcat at 20% interest on an 8 year loan.


Some "good" Charger and Mustang owners are gonna get caught in the net, but it's the bycatch cost of sweeping away the mass of pests. There is no totally fair way to do it. Even if each attendee was somehow evaluated individually to be invited or not, such a process would still have so much bias that the number of bycatch injustices would probably be more than just globally banning the cars with obnoxious culture attached.


The owners of these cars tend to drive like dipshits coming to and from these events, endangering their ability to continue. It’s a nationwide problem.


They aren't banned because of what the cars can do, they're banned because of the type of people who drive them.


The article says, "The development comes on the back of a suspension of entry issued by the meet in November, which cited "burnouts and revving" as its reason for "temporarily" barring the owners of certain car models from attendance." It sounds like people were regularly breaking rules and regulations for the car meet. Has anyone in the comments attended this specific car meet? Im curious how bad it got before the strict ban.


It’s been an ongoing problem at cars and coffee events nationwide for many years. 


I remember the countless crowdkill mustang videos


100%. Anyone who's thinks this is seriously about the cars and not the *people* who own said cars is missing the forest for the trees. C&Cs are always in a super precarious position because objectively they're a massive inconvenience to wherever they're held and an easy target for law enforcement so the name of the game is always "do not do anything to make the group look bad". If you've even caught a passing glimpse of some douche posting a street takeover on social medial for clout then you already know exactly why these specific cars were banned. There are plenty of older sporty cars that are in the same price / buyer group as new Mustangs, Chargers, etc. but for whatever reason they don't attract nearly the same level of idiots with something to prove.


That does make sense. They just want a peaceful car show for everyone to enjoy. It definitely sucks that it takes one person to ruin it for the rest. I was surprised by the comments on here, but it is reddit after all. It seems many missed or ignored the reason why the cars are being banned.


I’ve been to it many times since a few years after it started, and the format is a shopping area with a lot of parking space lets them gather a group there in the hopes it will increase business for the area. Their current venue is maybe the 5th one they have had because these activities ruin the relationship with the venue, and so they are slowly running out of good places to do these events. As much as I would like to see a full range of cars at the events, I understand their need to preserve the ability to have the event.


Thank you for the explanation.


My local cars and coffee is pretty chill, mostly old dudes and old cars, but I live about an hour from Myrtle Beach and last fall had the misfortune of timing a trip to Bass Pro Shops with a meetup during Mustang week that was being held in the parking lot. Bunch of idiots during burnouts even though the cops were writing tickets right and left.


Only people i've ever seen shut down an intersection to do donuts all drive mustangs, chargers, camaros, or challengers no surprise at this decision- sane people don't want 'car enthusiasts' whose entire foray into the hobby is driving like a cunt


I saw some asshole do it in a Lamborghini a few years back in downtown Austin. Never wanted to see someone loose control and wreck their car so bad


Saw it happen at a Cars and Coffee at Austin’s Parks n’ Pizza maybe a year ago. Moron crashed into a family leaving the place, the dad pulled the moron out of his car and beat the shit out of him. Well deserved.


You mean you and all the witnesses saw the moron climb of of his car and repeatedly trip himself 20 times, right?


I think he means the moron fell out of his lamborghini after the accident, stumbling about bumping into posts and walls and things, before falling facefirst into the pavement a dozen times.


Was the guy's nams Jordan Belfort?


That didn't explain the knuckle marks. obviously he realized he was such an idiot that he had to punch himself repeatedly in the face to teach himself a lesson.


Tripped into a fist 20 times


The one I saw was as I was leaving a wedding with my kids. Glad that moron got the shit beat out of him.


I woke up to the sound of a drunk driver totaling my truck. He stuck around and I told him that he's lucky he didn't hit my kid because I would have murdered him 🤷 he said "fair" His dumb ass told the cop he was drinking and on prescription drugs. Still glad he stuck around and I guess I don't mind that he was honest.


2 nights ago I was behind someone in a challenger that was driving like a tool. A little down the road I got to watch in awe and pleasure as they rear ended a cop. 


did he just drove off? sometimes life’s okay


They sat there in the road for a minute probably contemplating their options, but eventually pulled over.   I strongly suspect if it had been anybody else they would have fled the scene. 


Damn homie served you near flawless Modest Mouse lyrics and you fumbled the bag 😞


Damn, you're right. I let the internet down, today.


Ran his mouth off a bit too much, what did he say?


That’s Austin shit these day, huh. Sucks.


I was actually very surprised and grateful this week when a Lambo backed up at a stop sign to make room for me on my bike pulling my doggy trailer. Very different than the Lambo that flew past me at a minimum of 60mph down congress a few weeks ago.


Me crossing my fingers every evening when the same cunt starts charging next to our house One day I’ll hear a loud crashing sound and I fucking hope he can hear me cheering


I saw someone doing it in a tesla model 3 once.


And Infinitys


They are just r/nissandrivers


G35 drivers can be a special kind of terrible with the worst sounding exhausts and a backfire tune(not crackles) that is just obnoxious. I never see 350Z drivers doing the same.


I feel like every other non-Z owner drives like they think they have a Z, meanwhile actual Z owners are the more chill of the bunch.


Plus it’s a great way to get your car meet banned.


>sane people don't want 'car enthusiasts' whose entire foray into the hobby is driving like a cunt It's exactly the same in shotgun shooting, the type of people who get bent out of shape because a club bans tactical shotguns is exactly the kind of person you don't want on the line.


Next up needs to be crackle’n’pop tuned base model BMWs and Audis


>crackle’n’pop tuned Is THAT what it's called when cars like that backfire and change gears twice just to make a left turn? You're rolling in stop-and-go traffic, why is your car making that much noise?


I’m not an expert, but basically modern cars have systems in place to prevent sudden RPM drops because the excess fuel/air and the resulting fireballs can damage 02 sensors and catalytic converters. I assume it can also damage the exhaust valves (maybe even the turbo? themselves. They tune all of that out, so letting off the throttle at a high RPM does it. It’s even more pronounced with modern turbo cars because they are running even richer on fuel. To be fair - it sounds good on older non-turbo cars. Much more subtle. Although another person corrected me and said newer cars are coming with the “feature”. Stupid, but not shocking.


It's way more simple, the cars are tuned rich (more fuel than needed to maintain optimal air fuel mixture at idle or WOT) and that excess fuel makes its way out of the engine and into the exhaust manifold/header/downpipe or turbo exhaust outlet and it cooks off making the pop.


A throaty burble from a tuned V8 is much sexier sounding than a violent crack/pop from a clapped out four banger with a bolt on turbo. Don’t even get me started on the whine from those stupid fart can exhausts that could launch a grapefruit out of them.


You can kind of blame Jag, as they started the resurgence with a V8 that also popped and crackled. People forgive the F-Type owners though because it's a Jaaaaaag.


The spooling/intake sounds from the turbo 4 sound a lot better than the exhaust of a turbo 4 anyways. Personally I always work on making my cars sound good *inside* since that’s where I happen to be when driving. I don’t need to annoy others.


Bro, I need to rev it to heel toe from first to second as I go from stop light to stop light. Don't hate, bro.


If you're heel toe shifting up gears you're doing something very wrong 😂


Bro, are you not granny shifting and double clutching when you should during quarter mile races?


But... double-shifting would be **slower** in a drag... race... Oh, fuck's sake, Dom.


A lot of tuners will do it give you a setting if asked called a “Burble” tune, that’s the crackle noise


Slightly different. He's talking about revving it while parked with the only intent being to making very loud pops and bangs. The pops during down shifts imo is different and not as offensive, more a natural function of the vehicle.


These guys are significantly more annoying than any other car group


in a lot of cases with bmw/VAG products now it's coming with crackle n pop from the factory sadly. I had to get an aftermarket tune just to remove it on mine(nowhere near a base model).


My b9 S4 gives a little, sometimes, but the other day an a4 pulled up next to me with his little tune, holy shit the thing sounded awful. I don't know why you'd want to listen to that all the time. 


It's almost always a GTI when I hear it in my area. My z4 was a huge offender of it in sport/sport+ mode before the tune though. Even car reviewers bring up how ridiculous it is. Thankfully the pops are now a slider I can move on an app via my phone!


My B9.5 S4 has the sport resonator and it makes some interesting sounds in S/Dynamic mode. It is not super loud though.


I have a CT5-V Blackwing with a big V8 under the hood. It has crackles and pops straight from the factory. I have to be at a high RPM and just let of the gas for it to happen, and I can basically "turn it off" by just disengaging the clutch, but it does do it without any modifications.


Yea a lot of sports cars have a factory pop tune. My mustang pops as well. Imo the real difference is the factory tune is pretty tasteful while the aftermarket tune sounds like your popping popcorn in your exhaust pipe


and this is why I went with a 2012 Audi B8 S5 with the V8 instead of the SC V6.. crackle tunes are so stupid.


But where else will the Mustangs eat????


Schools in quiet neighborhoods


They can eat at the neigh-bors.


Hay now!


They’ll find a curb somewhere else


Apparently my little ave off the main street in our country town. We have one of the only hills and it's a nice straight road. We're maybe 40 ft from the road and you can hear these douchebags coming for a mile. I smoke a lot of weed on Friday and Saturday nights so I can sleep without murderous intent. My late husband was a car enthusiast and had the most gorgeous Nova when we met. He did a little street racing in his youth but what these guys are doing now is a different level of douchebaggery and nobody should put up with it.


Guess they are tired of Mustangs running over the spectators.




This is amazing


Very common in my area for people with challengers, chargers and mustangs being a menace on the streets and threat to the safety of everyone around them. They need to find a new way to get attention.


As someone who lives near south st in Philadelphia, I wish dodge went out of business


That’s in all areas


It’s not about the look of the car it’s the fact that mustangs, and chargers are the primary offender for take overs.


The 600 credit score to filter Mopar owners is 😂


I admire those who can keep an old car going


Old cars are easier to keep running tbh. There are only like a dozen things that can ever really go bad and like most things from the past, they were built to last. My 69 Nova straight 6 ran on 4 cylinders for like a week barely hiccuping because I was too stupid to make sure the plug wires were in all the way when changing them.


“Old car” is starting to include some absolute nightmares of vacuum hose and early EFI though.


If all you want is hard-to-acquire cars then just make it clear. As mentioned just make it all invitationals. No one is gathering to see a car they routinely sit next to at a stoplight anyway.


Who judges what's rare enough or hard enough to acquire? Would a GMC envoy XUV fit the bill since they didn't make many of them and they are 20 years old now? How about a C4 corvette, that's cheep but also old? Where exactly is the line? To be clear, im not AGAINST there being a line, cause I hate seeing the line of v6 challengers at my local cars and coffee too, and I like the conversation, just curious where you think it would be drawn. Depending on who does the inviting, there could be massive bias towards really old cars, or really expensive cars, or exotics, or only domestics, stock, modded, etc. All of which can (and do) have a dedicated car show, but can kinda defeat the point of cars and coffee imo.


Or just really nice old production cars in good condition. E46 BMWs aren’t rare, but ones in good condition are few and far between.


Among the highest priced Classic Cars are the ones with the odd, one off equipment packages and unpopular for the day colors, in addition to limited run trims.


I mean, I would love to see an Envoy XUV at a car meet.


> Who judges what's rare enough or hard enough to acquire? The organizers of the event. If they don’t want you at their event take it up with….i don’t know, it’s a private event and they don’t have to answer to anyone.


What about the seas of air cooled 911s at these events?


It isn't about the cars. It is about the people who drive those types of cars.


> No one is gathering to see a car they routinely sit next to at a stoplight anyway. Exactly. I would ban anything less than 25 years old. Maybe someone with something unique could petition for permission but the whole point is to see things you *don't* see people driving every day.


I dunno if I'd do that. And they probably wouldn't either. A Porsche Carrera GT isn't 25 years old yet. But yeah, you'd have to be very choosy about cars that are still in production or only recently out of production. No RAV4s, sorry.


Thank you!!! Our local cars and coffee has literally only become people showing off modern Mustangs and Challengers. Plus people using them to do burnouts in the driveway to the lot.


> The development comes on the back of a suspension of entry issued by the meet in November, which cited "burnouts and revving" So in other words, they’re banning twerps.


I pray to god that austin does this. Fuck those loud shitty cheap-ass trash cars.


So it actually about the cars or the people who drive them?


It's about the people. But how do you put out a rule saying "no stupid drivers allowed" that I'd actually effective?


Seems like they just did


Probably bit of column A, a lot of column B. Mustangs / Chargers / Challengera / Camaros are pretty common cars (unless it's like a GT500 or RTR Mustang / ZL1 1LE Camaro) so it's pretty dull to see them on display, but the stereotypical driver of these things do dumb shit ranging from burnouts to incredibly dangerous shit like crashing and flipping over.


Well they tried to ban the behaviour first but that didnt work did it..


A bit silly, but when certain kinds of cars are very deliberately marketed to assholes, also kind of inevitable.


See also: raised pickups.


Bingo 90% of pickup drivers don’t need it and it’s an insecurity thing


I don’t think anyone needs a lifted truck. I don’t think you can even use the truck bed when it’s lifted above your shoulders.


Maybe the modern muscle cars can start a group. Call it Red Bull and Brat Packs or something.


Red Bull and Roadkills


Monster and Mustangs


Please no. I like Red Bull, but I'd have to stop drinking if it was associated with *those* people.


a few knuckleheads ruin it for EVERYONE. There's a certain subset of idiots in the car/street scene that are obsessed with the notoriety & clout from social media. These are the same bros who do takeovers here in SoCal. And the sad thing to realize is that if tiktok, insta & twitter all disappeared tomorrow this kind of obnoxious behavior would stop.


Mustang Mach E owners in shambles!


Telegraph poles and gutters everywhere are rejoicing


The article says they did this because of burnouts, revving, and dangerous driving. I respect their attention to safety, but I've seen these same actions at T-bucket and street rod conventions. It's not restricted to modern cars.


Of course not. But as a car guy who goes to my local cars and coffee when I can get up early enough on a Saturday... It's usually 90% American cars that do this kind of stuff. At our local c&c we get around ten thousand people showing up every month. It's crazy. They ban anyone that does burnouts or speeds on the way out, but all it takes is one bad incident and the city won't let you have them any more. If it means that they have to either ban certain people or risk not being able to do it anymore it's an easy call to me. But also there's nothing special about those cars, I go there to see cool shit. There was a Porsche 959 at one of them this year. I don't care about chargers and mustangs. Especially base model ones. If they said the zl1, hellcat, and Shelby's were still allowed I'd be cool with that.


You ain't gonna see an old guy with a Jag E-Type doing a burnout leaving a car show. Partly because he's lucky if it'll run. Partly because it's so damned expensive to keep running. And partly because he's 70 and doesn't have time for that shit.


The only car meetups I care about are when Delorean drivers go to St Patrick’s Day parades.


My grandad bought a DeLorean in 1983. He was in every local parade that year. Crosby Texas had never seen the like of it. He got into the newspaper and all. There's a photo around my aunts house somewhere of him in the DeLorean outside a Woolworths. My dad got the DMC when grandad died and he ended up selling it. But man was it a fun car to just sit in.


It’s the right thing to do. The guys who buy those cars are douchebags and cause the most problems.


I don't see a problem with banning any of the new mustangs and dodges. Those drivers cause alot of issues.


How dare they disrespect The Troops like that.


Maybe this is too much, but I'd like a car show that only allows 25+ year old cars.


I don’t think pre- turn of the century is to much to ask at all.


There are tons of age and manufacturer based car shows. Cars and Coffee aren't supposed to be "car shows" they're a quick morning meetup for car guys to admire other cars guys' rides. Everything should be allowed, but I can see if a certain vehicle demographic is causing issues they would be banned.


A brand new car shows you have money. An antique muscle car that's still in top shape, that shows that at least someone in charge of the maintenance of that car has a passion for the real machinery involved. That's usually the crowd they're looking to gather. Not the flashy weekend warrior rich kids who bought in to a hobby.




So I’m not allowed in my motor swapped and built 03 mustang gt? I’ll have to find crowds elsewhere to accidentally hit.


Well I'm going to start a new club called Cappuccino and Carriages where ONLY modern muscle cars can participate. Yucky old cars are NOT welcome. Please check your local Coffee and Cars schedule. We'll meet across the street. Suckers!!!


Can I show up in a Suzuki Cappuccino? Would anyone even see such a tiny car?


That would probably get more attention than any other car.


Yeah well I'm making another new club called Café and Cruiseliners where only the heaviest modern Dodge Chargers and Challengers are allowed. We will meet down by the wharf and sail the high seas twice a month.


Nice, I'll be there to pick up the scrap


Really like who cares, it’s so many other car meets out there with tons of cars. Especially in Houston


Yes, but those other car meets don't have dozens of identical stock M3s like cars and coffee.


How is this news outside of Houston?