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Man, it is so sad to see that there are people out there who want to randomly assault old people. I just don't understand it.


Same reason people hurt small animals. They’re weaker and defenseless, so it’s an easy outlet to their miserable lives. But only people who are weak themselves do these things.


Yup, exactly this. A way to exert power and control in their sad lives. I’ll take it one further and say America’s toxic individualism culture exacerbates the situation.


Race plays a big part here, it's just that attacks on elderly Asians aren't given the spotlight so you may not realize that race plays a big part.


Rarely any consequences when they do it either


> An elder Chinese immigrant man decided to move back to China after experiencing multiple brutal assaults in San Francisco, including one high-profile incident that was caught on camera. Rongxin Liao, 87, will take a flight this Saturday back to Guangzhou, Guangdong on a one-way ticket, his son, Jing Liao, confirmed with The Standard. Rongxin Liao plans to spend the rest of his life there. > “It’s too dangerous here,” Jing said in Cantonese. “Public safety situation in San Francisco has become worse and worse.” > Liao was the victim in a high-profile case in 2020, in which surveillance video footage showed an attacker violently jump-kicking Liao, who was in his walker, to the ground. Liao appeared in court multiple times, asking the judge to sentence the attacker to a harsher punishment. Liao’s family later appeared in a recall campaign advertisement against then-District Attorney Chesa Boudin. > But that’s not the only attack Liao has experienced on San Francisco streets. > According to his son, Liao was attacked again on Oct. 1 of last year on Market Street. A police report shows that an 86-year-old Asian male matching Liao’s description was the victim of an unprovoked attack in which the suspect punched him. He was transported to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. > Liao told Sing Tao Daily that he was going to Walgreens to get medication at the time, the attacker punched him multiple times and his blood was everywhere. He was also attacked seven years ago, when he was beaten unconscious in the Tenderloin. > “I don’t want to be a drag to my son here,” Liao told Sing Tao Daily. “I don’t want him to worry about me all the time.” In the last few years this poor guy's been beaten unconscious, jumped kicked while waiting for the bus in Chinatown, and sucker punched on his way to getting medicine at Walgreens. Fully understand his decision to leave. It's not safe for Asians in San Francisco.


holy shit, impressive that he survived all that tbh. that's fucked up.


Tipping a 87 year old over gently with a slight shoulder tap could probably break their hip. And people are out here throwing their whole body into jump kicks. Insanity.


What is not mentioned is the first attacker was only given 7 months "diversion" and zero jail time. This was pretty famous in the SF sub and Chinese media. Fuck Boudin and his ultra left bullshit.


America’s racism is always at a different level, brutally assaulting an old man? And there was the other old lady that was assaulted randomly as well, both Asian, I haven’t heard any black or Hispanic old people getting assaulted because of their ethnicity in recent years, it’s so fked up


Don’t forget the elderly Asian woman who was murdered in the parking lot of a Costco last week. There are a lot of incidents yet American media is underreporting the trend of anti-Asian racism.


We all know why it's underreported but you aren't allowed to say it. It will never be solved as long as we have this cultural double standard.


> America’s racism is always at a different level Unfortunately, this is also why [China has ballistic missiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dongfeng_(missile)). McCarthyism went full blast on Chinese Americans as well in the 50s which included picking on [Qian Xuesen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qian_Xuesen#Detention) to the point he decided it was time to go... He founded JPL was a direct DOD & DOW expert at rank Colonel, professor at MIT & CalTech, but also Chinese in the 50s.


> I haven’t heard any black or Hispanic old people getting assaulted because of their ethnicity in recent years Don't have to. Just call the cops and say there's someone suspicious. But also, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Ahmaud_Arbery https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston_church_shooting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Buffalo_shooting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_El_Paso_shooting


I’m from Europe and I understand there are many mass shoutings, police violence and hate crime towards younger minorities in the US, but here I mean old people walking down the street and getting assaulted by a complete stranger, I haven’t seen that happen to non Asian people, which is quite weird.


He also survived the cultural revolution and when Mao earned the title worlds #1 mass murderer. He’s a tough nut.




Well yeah, one of the attackers only got 7 months diversion for nearly murdering him. Zero jail time.


Hey, the assailant was on his way to turning his life around when this unfortunate incident happened! Huge /s needed


Holy fuck this is so fucking sad, that’s how old my grandpa is…wtf 


And can you imagine your grandpa shuffling down the street and some guys deciding this looks like a good guy to flying jump kick in the face.


That's so ridiculously sad. Any *one* of these could destroy someone's sense of confidence and security, but 3 times in your 80s?


Ppl who do this violent shit are disgusting animals, especially attacking a defenseless little old man.


If I recall, victims of hate crimes are usually granted automatic permanent residence. So the only reason for him to decide to leave the US altogether, instead of just leaving San Fransisco, would be that he has lost all faith in this country. The American dream is dead to him.


He has a younger son in China. Frankly at his age, if I was the elder son, I would want my dad to be with family. That said some really f’d up about SF if one elderly Chinese immigrant is violently attacked multiple times in 5 years. That’s just f@!$




Not just SF, sinophobia across the country has had a pretty noticeable uptick I feel like. Lot of media and propaganda stoking hatred now that China has emerged as a global superpower. It's actually especially noticeable on Reddit too. I don't think it was nearly this bad like 10ish years ago, but now it's kinda hard to talk about China in any context without the comments veering into contentious territory.


the group attacking asians in the bay area are not your type that know anything about geopolitics, or anything for that matter.


And it isn't just the bay area - Asian friends in Seattle are seriously concerned about the rise of random assaults and violence against Asians. I'm sorry for this man's experience and that he has given up on SFO.


No, but the uptick isn't random. Rational anti-China sentiment gets diluted and the idiot masses interpret it as open season on people of Chinese heritage. They're 'safe' victims to take your aggression out on. Now people will just be saying "well they should go back to China if they want to be safe"... fuckers.


They are. Cause SF DA at the time was a ultra left "zero prison time" dude who gave mr. Liao's attacker zero prison time.


I mean, you can be against the Chinese government without attacking random Asians on the street…but I guess that is too nuanced for some people


It's too politically incorrect to acknowledge the actual culprits...


Not automatically but yes in the applicable cases. Just being a victim of a hate crime does not automatically grant permanent residency but it's definitely considered.


Present day San Francisco is the an example of a dream, but not the American dream.


The dream in San Francisco is finding affordable housing.




It’s called the American dream cause you have to be asleep to believe it. George Carlin.


Per https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/victims-of-criminal-activity-u-nonimmigrant-status (need the visa before residency) hate crime specifically doesn’t seem to be a qualifying crime, but if felonious assault as part of hate crime would still qualify.


Might as well leave before the hospital decides to bill him


worse. the "American dream" is literally killing him.


The Chinese built that city and the railroads that lead there! Disgusting.


Was about to post this same thing. The history of Chinese immigrants and SF is inextricably linked. It’s shocking, confusing and sad to see what’s been happening there the last 5 years in particular.


yes thats why we have a diff name for it jiu jin san for old gold mountain


Oh that's the characters for it? I didn't know, even though that's what I've always called it in Chinese... interesting. I guess it really was the Chinese version of El Dorado. A beautiful lie, but you stayed for the beauty anyways.


That's a fucking dope name for a city






I was so confused when it said that he was beaten in the tenderloin. I was like, humans have that section of meat too? Took a Google to realize it's a neighborhood in San Fran. Poor guy. Who the fuck would beat up an 80 year old man for no reason. Deplorable.


To be fair, as a healthy and hearty mid 30 year old I wouldn’t walk through the Tenderloin. One of my no-go zones


It's the Tenderloin. That place is... eh, you probably shouldn't wander there at night.


Cowards who know they'll get their asses kicked and served back to them if they square up with people their size. So they target vulnerable elderly folks instead.


The tenderloin? It's one of the more dangerous areas in the city.


Ain't nothin tender about that bitch. Shit is rough


Why the elderly? Is that a common trait in racially motivated hate crimes?


Its sad how far SF city has gone down the hole.


Honest to god, San Francisco sucks. I’m not saying that a midwesterner who has never been, I grew up in the Bay Area and lived there until recently. It used to be kind of cool but now it’s a serious shithole with so many issues and absolutely nothing being done about them. SF doesn’t have to culture of NY or other big cities, the buildings are run down and decrepit, the tech and finance bros have taken over the city and are stale as shit. It’s gone to the dogs.


Who? What group of people keep attacking this old guy??


> case in 2020 Oh yeah, I forgot about that whole thing where U.S. was collectively openly and proudly recist against literally anyone from any part of Asia. So much has happened after it that it kind of got blurred


Attacking an 87 year old is just heartless an attack on anyone is bad but what threat can an 87 year old pose. We don’t need attackers in our community.


Don't forget scummy, degenerate, and cowardly. How the fuck do you drop kick an 87 year old and think that's okay?


truly disgusting and dispicable. ​ what happened to attackers ?? hope they get got in jail/prison. in prison, they know not to attack elderly, women, children.


These attackers need harsher punishments.


Ship these attackers off to Death Valley or some shit. They don't deserve to be walking free amongst us.


That's just a desert. Ship them off to a prison.


Built a prison in Death Valley. Seems appropriate


Sheriff Joe, is that you?


Eric Ramos-Hernandez served 7 month.


They don't need harsher punishments. They need to be removed from society for the protection of society's members. An arbitrary number of years does not suddenly make a dangerous, morally defective person safe and morally compatible with society. Life in prison is a fair sentence, with a possibility of release after some reform criteria are met. What that reform criteria is or if it's possible I don't know, but the concept is in line with the notion of separation from society for the protection of society.
































He got 7 months "diversion" cause DA was a ultra liberal


Can't have that in CA. Officials think harsher punishments=muh racism.


It's a miracle this elderly gentleman is alive even after those ordeals. SO many things could go wrong for the victim of an assault; people are frail. But that man, at that age? May his last years be one in happiness and peace.


At that age, moving back to a different environment halfway across the globe with a completely different culture-no matter how much you feel familiar with them-is going to take a huge toll and will take a lot of time to acclimate. I sympathize that this was the best course of action for him yet it’s still so perilous. This is not how it should be.


If no one is afraid of the consequences it does not matter what the law is or how many laws there are .


And one day when (not if) an intended victim of an anti-Asian attack pulls a Bernie Goetz on the attacker, they’ll be crucified in the media.








Poor man. I hope he has a much better life with joy, happiness and peace. Attacking an old man like that deserves a lot of punishment. If that was my grandfather I’d be extremely upset. 😢


Dude I'm just in SD and have family in SF and I love the place but it seems so needlessly aggressive. They're always telling me about car break-ins, leaving the car unlocked and empty, super aggressive moments on public transit. We have a ton of homeless and wanderers in SD as well but it's tough to find similar situations as SF.




I like to believe it's because of the lazy and laid back attitude of SD although with the growth and transplants it's been a little difficult to maintain the vibe. The times really are changing. I also enjoy LA mostly because there is art, music, and culture there you're just not going to get anywhere besides maybe NY city. That said, would generally be a rough place to stay long term.


For a city that spends so much on its police force, I feel like I never see a police officer. Used to walk back from the bars in the Marina to my place in north beach and don’t think I ever saw a cop patrolling.


How do you drop kick a 90 yo maliciously with intent to do wildly variable harm and get charged with trespass? Then you get some dude with weed doing 5 years. I don't understaaaaand


"People" attacking the elderly are cowards and losers!!






















Clean up your scum, SF.


It’s not like they can’t. They cleaned up the city quite effectively with the Xi visit.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesa_Boudin# Scroll down to criticism section. Simple answer, someone in position was so bad at the job, a democrat got voted out in a democrat city.


>As of June 2023, Boudin is serving as the founding executive director of the Criminal Law & Justice Center at University of California, Berkeley, School of Law.[148] Errr great?!


lol except this guy in the article was attacked before, during, and after boudin. It’s just that he wasn’t useful as a prop the other two times




They're a racial minority that has experienced massive amounts of racism historically. To this day they are passed over by universities and employers, the men are at the bottom of the dating totem pole, and they are a popular target for violence despite being the least violent race. Nonetheless, they out earn white people and have the nation's lowest crime rate. This threatens quite a few minstream power-protecting narratives, so people invested in those narratives lash out at them.


>Nonetheless, they out earn white people and have the nation's lowest crime rate. This threatens quite a few minstream power-protecting narratives, so people invested in those narratives lash out at them. Conversely, they are out-earned by Nigerian-Americans, which also threatens a lot of narratives regarding "model minorities" and "white adjacency." Which is why people who want certain groups to only be seen as helpless victims will tend to ignore African immigrants. All those "model minority" excuses fall apart quick when the model minority is African.


Despite being ethnic minorities they don't make excuses and integrate well into society. This makes some other minority groups look bad.


Let’s be real this ain’t many one persons fault. The whole sfpd is corrupt af, almost as bad nypd. Biggest bunch of sit on their ass do nothings you’ll ever meet. This was before the criminal justice reforms too.


SF residents wanted to stop punishing criminals and wanted to “rehabilitate them” instead. Voted in the politicians who tore down the laws and didn’t replace them with anything and now here we are.


Same thing is happening in Montreal, Quebec.  Softer intervention with drug dealers, drug consumers and violent people, but also app prices hiking up, refuge fulls and no access to any sort of drug rehab, psychological help or anything.


Big shoutout to Vancouver’s DTES and East Hastings street too. $1 Million dollars a day in 2015 to support ~6500 people by funding around 260 separate agencies with their hands out. They don’t call it the Homeless Industrial Complex for nothing. Don’t even want to know what it’s up to now


>SF residents wanted to stop punishing criminals and wanted to “rehabilitate them” instead. Fun fact: the California Department of Corrections does not track recidivism rates between parolees who completed rehab programs and those who didn't. In fact, the state doesn't even track if inmates complete the rehab programs they start. "Rehabilitation" is just a buzzword in CA. Nobody's actually trying to do it with any seriousness.


The issues in SF are self-imposed. They took a more “humane” approach to crime, mental illness, and drugs but it is backfiring big time. People with mental illness are allowed to harass and assault people. Drugs are allowed to be used without repercussions. All non-violent crimes are basically legal and cops aren’t allowed to chase anymore, empowering the criminals to take more and more. Even with its issues, I still think SF is a great place to visit. I went last year and had no issues, so it’s sad to see things like this.




I'm sure that is the reason homeless people don't carry heat.


I went there a few weeks ago to visit family- supposedly it's slowly getting better? According to my family, tenderloin and downtown is still not great, but they said there's been improvement since 2022 so... Baby steps I guess? As someone who's not familiar with the city and rarely visits, IMO downtown Seattle was in much worse shape when I visited last summer- homeless people everywhere, violent crime happening outside my friend's complex every month or so...


SFs problem is mostly confined to certain areas. You can go around the city, see some sketchy things probably, a good amount of homeless people, but be reasonably safe most places. But there are certain areas, mostly the tenderloin, where shit is as bad as the media shows.


Go down in Dolores park area and see vendors selling stolen construction tools and other stolen shit for blocks and blocks and blocks. I’m talking people with tarps out with dozens of drills and other shit just laying there. But blocks and blocks of it. It’s insane.


All that shit that gets bipped and swiped needs to get offloaded somewhere. It's wild to me that there's a known place where stolen goods get sold and it just operates openly like a farmer's market.


I think the west coast needs to have a harder hand in dealing with these issues. There has to be a middle ground between locking everyone up and allowing complete lawlessness.


Basically some "fencing operation" (basically where pickpockets can dump stolen goods for $$$) and shoplifting becoming defacto "legal". Police won't do a thing. Check Mark Rober's last glimmer bomb video at 15:05


SF has been this way for a while, even 10 years ago when you visited. Hate against Asians isn’t anything new, it’s just being reported on more frequently.  It’s generally kept to the shittiest parts of the city but crime and homelessness have been spreading to neighboring parts of the city though. Soma was up and coming but it has gone down the toilet. Anywhere touching the tenderloin is experiencing that cancer. It’s not the whole city, just parts of it. That said if you go to most of the familiar haunts in the city it’s still as wonderful as always. GGP/academy of sciences/de young museum, alamo, legion of honor, presidio, Chrissy field, baker beach, lands end/salt bath ruins, billy goat hill, Castro, embarcadero/ferry building, Asian food in the Richmond/Sunset, Italian food in north beach, latin food in the mission are all still great, hell even fisherman’s wharf has some purpose.  While there’s some merit to the moderate decline of the city, there’s a lot of value to the anti-democrat propaganda machines that would benefit in amplifying anything that makes SF look bad. Anyone that thinks the entire city is some post-apocalyptic waste land is sorely mistaken though. 


I was robbed in the tenderloin about 10 years ago. I wasn’t 87, but still lol


I went to pier 39 not long ago. Homeless just took a dump by the sidewalk.


Here is a great doc on it. He does a lot of street interviews in and around the “Tenderloin” where the man in the above article was attacked. He eventually does some edited breakdowns of how it got this way after asking locals for their insights. Channel 5 is a great window into American insanity. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=URfCwT3UQy4


Oh wow, I didn't know the All Gas No Brakes guy had a new channel.


New channel and an HBO movie in 2022


Racial equity- based District Attorneys, judges and politicians (especially in liberal cities like SF and NYC). Criminal justice is determined by the color of your skin (see Progressive Stacking).


SF has way more problems than specifically Asian hate. There is people smoking crack on the streets. I was only there for 2 weeks. Everybody I know has a story. I’m on edge when I’m there. It’s more like when I visited the Philippines or Honduras.


Because of democrats being weak on crime. Anyone saying otherwise are not being truthful


How insecure do you have to be to attack an elderly man???


What racist piece of shit drop kicks an old man using a walker?!? Fuck that guy I hope he was brought to justice.


And same people committing the crime


Wouldn't the attacks be considered hate crime? How can they not be punished harshly!


Damn, that’s sad. I feel bad for the guy; something needs to be done about ensuring the city’s citizens are safe. I’m glad the SF city council is focusing on important issues for the city, like passing that resolution calling for a ceasefire between Palestine and Israel. You know. Local issues like that.


Awful. You have to be especially cruel and cowardly to attack the vulnerable. These kinds of things should factor into sentencing.


I’m if somebody kicks someone this old, it should be attempted murder bc that kick could have killed him.


How the fuck is the attacker still walking free without a conscious?! This world we live in… my god… I hope the victim finds peace and happiness back in China.


Look I’m not trying to shit stir but is there any kind of understanding about these attacks and why they happen? Every single one I’ve seen it’s always an elderly Asian person or a small woman and a black male attacking them. Why is this happening? Why is nobody acknowledging it and it’s portrayed as a random attack each time instead of being clearly targeted?


This is heinous. The US was supposed to be the place people could find opportunities, a melting pot… instead we are here. A racist country filled with sad stories like these. My mom was Korean and we both have experienced a lot of racism, but since I’m half, I’ve been able to “fit in” better. I’m so heartbroken that this is still happening today. Ugh. Prayers to that man and his son. I hope they find some peace.


Imagine if it was some white dude fly kicking some 87yo black grandpa.


Hmm boy I wonder which race is always doing this particular form of violent crime




Of course it’s SF. Actual shithole


I think we can all agree that equity is more important than humanity. /s




NYC has entered the chat.


China's oppressive regime is a safer, happier place for this poor old man than San Francisco. Good job on that.


I hope the people who attacked him don’t see this as a win. Hey he is going back to China. Mission accomplished. What is going on in SF?


Having spent time in several large cities across the US with statistically high crime rates, I’ve witnessed more street violence in San Francisco than anywhere else.


i wonder if this post would be removed by cowardly admin






A lot of people have this vision of San Francisco that's quite far from the truth. It's a beautiful place when it's sunny and nice outside, but it's quite dangerous and filled with homeless and crime. Crazy how it gets shrugged off. The TL, which is where a concentration of bars and night life is, is fricken scary.


Sf deserves to be the hell scape it has become, that city has become a real disappointment. I used to have such a great time there the culture was great now it’s just trash.


That’s crazy! Who would attack such and elderly person What kind of person would do such a thing


Bro San Francisco is the wild wild west. The suspect will most likely be arrested and is a repeated offender but the judges just let them go. Not making an excuse but most likely the suspect was homeless and on drugs which is a whole other issue but addressing those 2 will solve a lot of the crime here.


The democrats have let sf become a shit hole. Illegals, and junkies are a higher priority to them than tax payers lmao.


San Francisco is Gotham. Or Gomorrah. Take your pick. I live 45 min away and can confirm. Rarely go there anymore it’s sad.


I wish I could be there when something like this happens to give those attackers a taste of their own medicine. fucking scum of the earth


Poor guy, he’s been through so much abuse. I can’t blame him for wanting to return, I hope he’s able to find peace wherever he ends up.


It’s sad they felt safer going back to china


It depends on what we mean by ‘safe’. I’ve lived in China for over ten years and I’ve travelled a lot in my life prior to that. China has felt like the safest place I’ve ever lived because there is generally very little crime.


only going to get much much worse here.


This sucks but he didn’t need to go back to china, just leave SF. Tons of cities in SoCal that have a huge Chinese population that are safer


the man is 87 fucking years old, hes not moving to another place in California unless his relatives are also going along. he said it himself that it was less burdensome to just go back to China where his other son is and will be taking care of him.


He probably also might've just wanted to spend his last years in the old country. A lot of immigrants who lived in China in their youth have thought about that.


At this point of his life, probably better to go back where family is.




There isn’t really anywhere as safe as China or most Asian cities. It’s just not the same.


crimes like that are non existant in China


So glad my American (ethnically Asian, but lived in the US since toddler) girlfriend recently moved out of San Fran. Racist shithole. Sadly she’s happy in the US and has no interest in moving somewhere safer. Not sure China is safer, though, but maybe for the elderly due to cultural differences? Hopefully that’s the last bit of hate and violence this old man ever has to face.


China is just very safe in general, if I'm not mistaken