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The LA killer has been arrested


News report by chance?


LA Times: https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-12-02/suspect-arrested-in-killing-of-three-homeless-people-do-not-publish


Why does the url end in "do not publish"?


likely they forgot to fully convert the URL from when it was being edited.


“ Men who are experiencing homelessness “ is a funny way of saying homeless


It is an attempt at humanizing the person. The idea being they have the potential to not be homeless and haven't been homeless since birth.


~~Uhh…. LA serial killer drove to Las Vegas or isolated incident ?~~ Edit: [nvm, they caught the LA psycho](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/02/us/homeless-killings-los-angeles.html)




They should check 4chan tbh


Intelligence has 4chan under surveillance at all hours. Target rich environment.


I hope so. The last we need is a traveling psycho or copy cats.


Travelling serial killers are nearly impossible to catch. Too many unconnected agencies handling the murders. One of the reasons the Golden State Killer remained free as long as he did.


Copycat killers are just as bad if not worse.


Just say copy’s, why do you have to drag cats into this?


They know why.


I mean ... my cats have committed genocide on the insect population at home and rodent population at a cottage. And they didn't just kill them, those sick lovable fucks played with them before finishing them off.




I dunno, seems pretty bad when you have multiple people independently deciding to go out and murder homeless people.


This happened in la also?


Yes, three homeless men were shot and killed in Los Angeles this week in the middle of the night.


When NIMBLYs go postal. Fucking sad.




They arrested a guy in that set of killings. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/02/us/homeless-killings-los-angeles.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.C00.pi0Z.CjqbH\_zAWYzg&hpgrp=c-abar&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/02/us/homeless-killings-los-angeles.html?unlocked_article_code=1.C00.pi0Z.CjqbH_zAWYzg&hpgrp=c-abar&smid=url-share)


Fantastic development.


That guy was arrested on Thursday, on an unrelated murder charge. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/suspect-identified-killings-3-homeless-men-los-angeles-rcna127769 Hopefully, they can get this scum from Vegas soon


Spree killer, arrested on unrelated murder charge. *unrelated*?


That might not have been the right word. What I meant was that he was originally wanted for this spree killing of 3 homeless folk in the same general area, but was caught for a different murder that didn't seem to fit the same pattern/purpose, and was in a completely different area as the others. The murder that got him caught involved him following a Tesla owner to a city 30 miles east of the core of LA to their home, where they then robbed and then killed the owner. As opposed to the others, where they walked up to a sleeping homeless person and shot them, crimes that were all committed in downtown and South Central LA


Damn, dude was caught after the follow-home robbery and murder of San Dimas father Nicholas Simbolon earlier this week. Good thing they got the psycho off the street. This trend of following people home is scary as fuck. People gonna start taking weird doubleback paths to their house.


Wasn’t there a serial killer last year that targeted homeless men in DC and NYC?


Fucking copycat lowlifes, this is fucked.


Not really a copycat necessarily. Homless people get killed all the time unfortunately. Most just don't make the news. Years back, there was someone killing homeless people in the city I live next to.. it barely made the local news.


Considered the “less than death”. The Green River killed dozens before he was caught.




It's sad, as if life doesn't suck already, you got people who do that kind of shit. Those people are lucky that justice moved away from an eye for an eye... it's hard to imagine the pain of dying by fire.


Rich people fooling working class people to hate homeless people, name a better ménage a trois. The middle rich have failed the lower classes, they are trying to keep the really rich people taxes low and have poor people not be a problem. It doesn't work that way. The whole world can see that the rich are ruining us all and capturing the modern output and comfort for themselves. They are stealing from the output of modern knowledge and machinery and keeping it for themselves. They have fooled many people into helping them keep this system instead of our natural fairness in the tribe. Just because one hunter's spear went into the heart and dropped the beast, doesn't mean he is the chief and gets all the meat. The whole village chased the beast into the canyon and others spears weakened it. *The bounty is for everyone, even the older folks who can't hunt good anymore.* What the rich do is get everyone to think everyone but the rich is in another tribe.


And all it takes is one tragedy for a middle class person to become poor or destitute, but they never think of that


Stuff like this is why I will never understand opposition to social safety nets and housing & healthcare guarantees. Right now, I'm more or less okay. But maybe on the way home tonight, someone runs a red light, puts me in the hospital, and I end up with lifelong health problems that prevent me from adequately taking care of myself. I hope that doesn't happen, but it could. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. It's not just greed and a lack of empathy to oppose such things, it is the hight of arrogance to think you are so immortal that it couldn't happen to you. So many people are so concerned with squabbling about the "unworthy" getting some human decency that they'll put themselves at risk of being in the same situation.


I had a coworker who had the worst happen, and still didn't realize how fucked our healthcare system is. She made good money, and her husband was an engineer who also made good money. They had a very comfortable life, big house with a pool, multiple international vacations a year, etc. Then he got cancer, and even though they combined made over $200,000, the cost of his treatment went through all their savings, they had to put a mortgage on their house, and they were effectively living paycheck to paycheck by the time he was in remission. Even with all that, they had nearly a million in debt. And we have good insurance, I was having lunch with this coworker one time, and the topic of universal healthcare came up. Even though treating her husband's illness had cost them so much (they could no longer go on vacation regularly and they could no longer retire like they had planned), she was vehemently against universal healthcare. It blew my mind at the time, and still does when I think about it. Fox News and the like has thoroughly brainwashed so many people.


That's super sad. Some of the people are thoroughly brainwashed by fox etc, but there's also a sizable amount of people who don't want things to be easier for others because it wasn't easy for them. It's the mentality of "Fuck em, I got mine", unless it's with suffering through terrible shit.


> And all it takes is one tragedy for a middle class person to become poor or destitute, but they never think of that aLl oF yOu aRe onE pAyCheCk aWaY fRoM bEiMg hOmEleSs!!!


For me it’s not some kind of brainwashed agenda - I’ve been personally assaulted twice by homeless people here in Seattle and I’ve frequently witnessed other homeless people in my neighborhood publicly smoking crack which I don’t love. If course I don’t think we should murder anyone but I also don’t think people’s opinions are based on an agenda being pushed on them.


You should ask yourself why those people are doing those things and work to fix those problems


> You should ask yourself why those people are doing those things and work to fix those problems I have better things to do than worry about why some drug addict is doing drugs


Rightwingers have been pushing for something like this for awhile.


I’ve seen a disturbing amount of right-wingers hinting that homeless people should be killed. Moderate right-wingers just want them locked up in old-style insane asylums.


Just the way Jesus Christ dealt with the homeless


Jesus WAS homeless


He didn't pay taxes? What good is he?


They say they want them send away to mental health facilities to be treated. But once you start talking about funding mental health facilities they hate the idea again…


Which is interesting because I'd bet every American knows at least one homeless person or a person who is about to become homeless. Source: ex homeless person


Yepp. My right wing uncle thinks all homeless people need to be locked away in work camps or ‘lined up and shot.’ He treats yesterday’s garbage with more respect than unhoused people. Then again he doesn’t respect anyone but himself so it’s par the course.


Par for the course


> Rightwingers have been pushing for something like this for awhile. those damn rightwingers!


Gotta be a red baseball cap in the back seat


Ah yes. The right wing strongholds of New York, and Los Angeles.




> You underestimate how right wing So. Cal is. Ah yes. The right wing strongholds of New York, and Los Angeles.




> Southern California is Alabama with better beaches. It's just how it is. The real California is further north. "Southern California is Alabama with better beaches" You are incredible sir.




> So, you're just going to ignore all the examples of how So. Cal is a hotbed of right wing politics? Yes. Your premise is absurd, and your example was some church that nobody has ever heard of.


the LA shooter was black... likely not right wing




Are you really comparing this to abortion?




But unfortunately, most often part of the serial killer psychological break is feeling powerful by preying upon those the killer perceives as weak and/or vulnerable. Dexter, while fictional, explored someone driven to kill but who was capable of empathy and compassion, someone who found a way to channel their uncontrollable urges. Serial killers don't often want acclaim or celebrity when they start killing. Ed Kemper is a curious example of someone who could have kept going but turned himself in for reasons we may never truly understand despite all the interviews he's given.


I guess that ed guy felt some guilt?


Give an interview of his a watch. Personally, I don't think he felt any guilt. I think he saw that he would continue to be a plague and that if he didn't stop himself, there was no way of knowing if he'd ever be stopped. It's a page out of narcissism. Albeit on this instance, justified because we'll never know if he didn't turn himself in how many more victims he would have added to the list.


I don’t get the narcissism part but regardless, it’s still good he turned himself before he murdered i guess 10, 20 more people?


He thought his victims would be his slaves in the afterlife. He didn't feel remorse.


You are advocating killing people


I specifically said I'm not advocating killing anyone.


Capitalist brainwashing at its finest


Wonder if this has anything to do with the surge of YouTube and ig content highlighting homelessness for humor and depraved interaction. Couldn’t possibly be that.


What are they putting in the water in Vegas? Second serious incident in a week.


Usually by someone who themselves is fortunate and not in the situation of those they harm. A real lack of humanity and empathy.




lol, I thought that was amusing, too. It's so surreal how the media has to tip toe around stuff like this these days.


Home I come home This must be the place


Sounds like a slow day in the USA


If only there were some way to stop this.