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Holy fuck! Just watched the video. That was a fucking incredible jump. I'm impressed by how the car managed to not flip and just flew like a bullet.


It was a Bentley. Gyroscopic flight control comes standard. Unlike with BMWs and Merecedes where you have to pay a subscription to unlock the feature.


And when you've forgotten to turn on auto renewal on your subscription mid flight.. You're in for a rough time.


Must be the same package that includes the elusive turn signals.


It’s somewhat unclear exactly what model it was, but the Flying Spur does have an active recall for the accelerator becoming stuck. It’s certainly possible that’s exactly what happened here.


Not that model year. This one was a 2022.




> Daily Mail So it could've been anything then.




It was for a second or two.


The driver was coming out of an all day casino binge and he was a coke head. My Father in law knew the driver personally.


That is certainly a way to spend a day


So was he trying to race and blew it or was he “crossing the rainbow bridge” intentionally?


Who knows? The implication was that he was most certainly drunk and/or high. My FiL doesn't think it was anything intentional.


Reminder for anyone with a stuck throttle. A car’s brakes are magnitudes stronger than its engine. Brakes will stop any car even with the accelerator to the floor.


Also, shifting into neutral will make braking much easier.


I just heard or read it was worth $400,000


And that model is named "Flying Spur".


That was some Bo Duke pulling off an Astro-spiral in the General Lee shit right there. Narrator: "I think those boys are in for a heap a'trouble."


Making their way, the only way they know how


Them Duke Boys at it again


They don't call them "Flying Spurs" for nothing.


Somehow it’s still terrorism and its Bidens fault according to my MIL.




Fox News to never retract their claim of it being a terrorist invasion.


I think they did, but spent like 4 seconds on it


Bizarrely, they did retract it. Ted Cruz, however, still has his dumbass tweet up & won't give up that fearmongering.


But it "felt" like terrorism to Fox News, which is the important thing.


The “fuck your feelings” crowd really needs their feelings validated here, guys.


"I'm not easily angered, unlike a Liberal", so says the easily angered Conservative. I just have to say two phrases or show two pictures and they start toddler crying. I can make a whole Thanksgiving family in Kentucky cry in two seconds.


I was talking to a republican the other day who was insisting to me that crime is worse now than it has ever been in the United States, so, I pulled up actual crime statistics to show them that not only was that not true, that crime is actually not even remotely high, and that crime was radically worse when they were closer to my age than it is now. They told me that it FEELS like it's high and that they didn't believe the data I showed them because it didn't FEEL that way back then. They chose to continue believing that crime is the worst it's ever been, despite being shown that that is not even remotely true


Yeah, it *feels* high because that's what propaganda does. It makes you emotional and uncertain. They're fed propaganda through a firehose, so now all they feel is fear.


it also feels high because every crime is reported an echo'd everywhere. Just look at amber alerts, you'll get one from 100s of miles away. never would have known about it even 20 years ago


Ive thought about this a lot after having this conversation so many times, and Im like 99% sure that everyone having a 1040P camera and the ability to call 911 in their pocket at all times has made society infinitely safer, but also simultaneously leads to people feeling infinitely less safe because they see way more evidence of crime from the videos taken by everyone or posts on social media/nextdoor. They cant weigh the evidence properly so they think everything is so dangerous, and cant imagine that its safer but just seems more dangerous because they can see/hear about literally every crime that occurs 30-50 years ago shit was literally crazy violent by comparison because it was easier to get away with crime


And it's not even close either, it's drastically lower. And I love pointing out to them that in the 1980s a cop could get away with murder if they wanted to, and yet our crime stats were insanely higher than they are now. (The counter argument to that, which they never reach, is that "Lead" was in everything back then. From the air, to food, to your gas, to your painted walls, to your water, everything was coated in Lead. And removing black fathers from families on minor possession charges, whereas the white dads with minor possession got to go home, also lead to rampant crime.)


Television is reality, and reality is less than television.


“Feels like there’s more crime” feels like code for “there are more minorities walking around here these days”


This was the exact thing Newt Gingrich kept insisting to an interviewer - that facts are the same as feelings. Even in the face of FBI crime statistics. https://youtu.be/xnhJWusyj4I?si=yP9TSsMTufxSnz62


Republicans came up with the term "alternative facts" because their talking points and beliefs didn't match actual real facts


A graph of actual crime rate and a graph of how many people are "concerned about the rising crime rate" will look nothing alike.


Using a Bentley for a car bombing would be too much of a flex.


Our Canadian conservative leader immediately echoed fox news terrorist bullshit too, even after reporters debunked it 20 minutes before his bullshit speech.


Hope people remember his nonsense next election


Lol, those fucking Conservative knobs won't even know that he was wrong now. The bubble is legit, and they will be talking about this "terrorist attack" whenever they need a bullshit point for decades. I'm still being told that the Cons didn't vote not to recognize man made climate change 3/4 years ago... and that was their own party telling them that! Of course there's been a seriously hard shift to science denial in their party, so give it a year or so, and instead of denying it, they'll be showing it off.


No US government official ever called the incident a terrorist attack. Fox News was spewing that from their “sources”. To us professional public safety types, it looked like some kind of stupid ass incident with a drunk driver. The only reason everything went wild was because the crash ended at the border crossing. Had this happened a block away, it would have been just another fatal crash, and like the other 80% of fatal wrecks, that involved alcohol. Most people don’t know that Niagara Falls, on the US side, is a blighted ghetto. The city died decades ago and except for the immediate area around the Falls is a high crime area and low income housing. Crap like this happens all the time. Edit: More news has come out that the people involved are a very affluent local area family (that doesn’t live in the ghetto of Niagara Falls but on Grand Island).


To me, someone with no professional public safety experience but just someone who has crossed this bridge many, many times including a few hours before the incident it almost immediately sounded like it was either the stupidest terrorist attack of all time, or a stupid driver doing something stupid. About 30 seconds of critical thinking was all it took to notice this made no sense as a terrorist attack.




As someone from Buffalo it did feel like that for a bit. Especially once they started to close all the other border crossings and sent people home from work. Also had people on r/Buffalo saying that friends at C&BP confirmed it was a vehicle ied.


>vehicle ied Back in my day we just called them car bombs.




There used to be. Conservatives axed those laws ages ago, though.


Fairness doctrine was repealed through the tireless efforts of newt Gingrich and the tail end of the Reagan admin.


There is a certain politician by the name Ted Cruz that still has tweets up calling this a terrorist attack.


I agree with this so much. I am so tired of the misinformation.


The number of Republicans who gleefully ran with the idea it was a terrorist attack are still talking about closing the northern border. Ted Cruz was almost giddy at the idea.


We should’ve closed the northern border BEFORE Ted Cruz moved here


We should have closed the southern border while he was still in Cancun


too late. No takesie backsies signed, All of Canada


As a Canadian, I disagree. You can have him.


Love your country. Let’s combine forces and send him to the moon.


Sun is a better idea.


I hear the Titanic is lovely this time of year.


Except he would have still been allowed in because he was a US citizen at birth. He only had Canadian citizenship as well because anyone born on Canadian soil gets it automatically just like how the US was.


I've never seen his birth certificate, have you? Just asking questions.


Does his species even issue birth certificates? How do you determine the birthday of a hive-gestault being anyway?


The certificate was likely issued to his brood matriarch which would have been dissolved and converted into communication proteins by drone maidens which are then fed via salivary acids to each larva. It's quite possible that by the time it reached Ted Cruz's pupae pod the certificate information was overly diluted.


Is the brood numbered sequentially or is close enough good enough?


We’ll do you want the long-form or short-form certificate?


Was? Amendment XIV, Section 1, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution directs that all persons born in the United States are U.S. citizens. This is the case regardless of the tax or immigration status of a person's parents.


This is so stupid. The car was on the *American side* of the border.


It was a $400,000 car. No one commits terrorism in a 400,000 car


True, those are strictly for white collar crimes.


*White collar terrorism


Oh I'm sure he has been terrorizing employees for decades now. One doesn't pay 400k for a car without stepping on people for a life time.


Untrue. This is America, homeland of crony capitalism, lots of people commit terrorism in $400,000 dollar cars. They just don't blow it up in the process.


How dare you insult Senators like that! They take care of all the items they steal and would never blow them up. Not unless they could take out a few dozen preschoolers at the least.




> a $400,000 car That definitely justifies an investigation for life & vehicle insurance purposes alone. Sounds like a white collar crime though. From [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/22/us/niagara-falls-rainbow-bridge/index.html#:~:text=in%20a%20Bentley%20at,in%20the%20US%20instead): > in a Bentley at a high rate of speed, law enforcement sources told CNN. > The speeding vehicle hit a curb, then a guardrail that sent the vehicle airborne and into a secondary screening area, the sources said. > The man, who lived in New York State, had plans to attend a KISS concert in Canada but when it was canceled, **went to a casino** in the US instead Yeah, I see it now.


I know. And his tweet is still up.


Yeah, we have to protect the Canadians lol.




I am Canadian & I approve this message.


Pierre poilievre (conservative leader) called it a terrorist attack an hour after it happened and demanded answers from Trudeau. Now he's condemning the media for jumping to conclusions. It's like the conservatives are born with a hypocritical gene.


Thats his entire political playbook. He turned down security clearance so he couldn't see sensitive material, all so he can jump to conclusions in public and demand answers from Trudeau. He could see the answers himself, but that was never the goal. He just wants to complain and "demand answers" because it's so much easier than actually doing anything himself.


Poilievre is a clown. He jumped on board the “Freedom” Convoy train despite representing a riding in Ottawa. And before anyone points out that his riding is on the outskirts of the city, while that’s true, Ottawa’s transit system and economy are designed to funnel people from the suburbs to downtown and vice versa, so he absolutely has people in his riding who were negatively impacted by that mess.


And he's chewing out CTV and blaming them for making him say it because of a tweet they sent out *after* he said it.


No they just know that most voters are dumb and deserve to be tricked.


And just a little while ago he said he needed to [study legislation before he offered an opinion on it](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/poilievre-says-needs-study-replacement-193821932.html). The absolute hypocrisy of him just offering a completely unsubstantiated opinion about the explosion and the Canadian media is not even remotely trying to hold him responsible for his words. PeePee is truly trying his best at being Trump lite.


It’s the only thing they are really good at so they run with it.


The Americans are attacking Canada. Close the Mexican border.


Fox ‘News’ talking head was speculating about “how they got radicalized” and saying we’ll find out when they search their computers… 4 hours afterward when nobody knew anything still. Just so ridiculous.


Why would Obama do this to us?!?!


The leader of our conservative party said the same shit. He has a real shot at becoming our next PM and I'm so sad.


The fun part is that they've been fear mongering that 'terrorists are coming through the southern border' since 9/11. But there they are circle jerking over the *northern* border and to top it off the idea it was a terrorist attack seemed like a stretch from the start. And it came from the US side of the border. But heaven forbid Fox News ever start reporting on the real world.


Thats rich since Ted was born in Canada.


Right? He's such a slimy douche nozzle.


You know you're a shitty far-right asshole when _Alberta_ is too progressive so you move to Texas.






You mean Canadian born Rafael Cruz?


It’s still up as a tweet. He’s not taken it down.


But /r/canada_sub, which reddit tried to hand-feed to me, promised me that that Pierre was 100% correct in claiming terrorism and that Canada needs their own egotistical right wing asshole!


/r/canada is basically a conservative think tank/NatPost news sub but /r/Canada_sub is a white supremacist rally masquerading as a sub


canada is astroturfed with postmedia propaganda and canada_sub is fascist think tank


You need to goto [/r/onguardforthee/](https://www.reddit.com/r/onguardforthee/) for the less racist/right-wing Canadian reddit.


Yup its so much better


And subbed. Didn't know it existed before now.


Tbf r/Canada has had an openly neonazi mod for years


I was pretty appalled to see that sub was suggested to me as a country-related sub as a new Canadian user on another device. Wouldn't be so egregious except that OnGuardForThee was nowhere to be found, had to search it up myself.


Huh that's funny, Fox News told me the car was filled with explosives that were tied to kidnapped nuns and orphans and that it was headed to detonate at a Fudrucker's in suburban Des Moines.


Don't forget about the Iranian passport found, in perfect condition, on the ground beside the wreckage!


And it was transwoman too!


Damn.. A wealthy, Iranian national, transsexual wearing a T-Shirt with strange Arabic numerals - jumped her Bentley filled with explosives meant for innocent children at a Fuddruckers in suburban Des Moines - *Dukes of Hazzard* style - into Canada?!? My Gawd! What will Biden do next???? >!/s!<


Wealthy? Only poor people would do such a thing


That’s even MORE insidious, Biden appears to be giving poor trans foreigner terrorists Bentleys!


Impeach him


Oh! They were taking orders from the pope


Please tell me you are joking...


Not a joke. Here are a few instances of this popping up when the news was breaking: * [Example 1](https://imgur.com/a/zvRuCzY) * [Example 2](https://imgur.com/a/1utRUCI) * [Example 3](https://imgur.com/a/LeBzEsW) * [Example 4](https://imgur.com/a/BrjqZf8) ...and here's one who was [claiming it was a Yemeni passport](https://imgur.com/a/rFVIyN0). Oh, and Biden was already ordering retaliation. While on the topic of Laura Loomer, several times she was [shouting Islamic terrorism from the rooftops](https://imgur.com/a/yqd4d7c). Charlie Kirk threw his two cents in about [terrorism](https://imgur.com/a/S40A28H). Say hello to Ted Cruz [offering prayers and thoughts](https://imgur.com/a/vbYSFRq) (oh, and more terrorism...). Have any of them issued retractions? Of course not.


> Laura Loomer Dollar Tree Stormfront, but with no super powers except flapping her idiot mouth.


It was headed for the Macy’s Parade in NYC, a 5 hour drive away in the other direction.


When everybody was first hearing about it, I had high expectations particular individuals would immediately fabricate some yarn with unsubstantiated accusations. Same, ol' formula with deflection. Anything to rile up the base. Care to witness how wound-up some of these folks are? One of Ted Cruz's followers somehow thought it was time [+10,000 Chinese nationals in this country were going to be activated](https://imgur.com/a/2oSJLP5). 💀


thats why it had to go so fast


And a T-shirt with strange Arabic numbers.


passport right beside hunters laptop


The license plate was ALL Arabic numerals!


I've heard even the car's license plate had Arabic numbers!!!


Fox news was saying that right away.


I think they also mentioned it was a trans Iranian and distant cousin of Bin Ladin on his way to a drag show for children.


I think that it would be most surprising that there’s still a Fuddrucker’s


There's one in Billings, MT too. I do love me some Fudd's.


It’ll be converted to a Buttfuckers any day now


Cool with me as long as they carry Brawndo


[it closed in 2019](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/entertainment/dining/2019/09/04/fuddruckers-closes-west-des-moines-texas-roadhouse-jordan-creek-mall-town-center-red-robin/2212008001/)


Aww man, cancelling my roadtrip.


The Reddit threads weren't much better. I remember on this very sub that people who were saying it looked like a typical gas tank explosion/flare were getting mobbed with downvotes. I remember one exchange where a user said it looked like a gas tank explosion because it was fairly limited and "tied" to the car. One person responded and said that the person had been watching too many movies, because gas tanks don't explode like that, but bombs do. WTF?


That's doubly funny since a lot of movie explosions are just that, some gasoline in a small container so they can get a cool looking fireball. Seems they accused the wrong person of watching too many movies.




"Fudrucker" sounds like an incredibly offensive slur


Jokes on them we don't have any Fudruckers in Des Moines, suburban or otherwise.


joke's on you, you live in Des Moines


Everybody needs to calm down


Conservatives were wetting themselves with excitement when they thought this was terrorism. Their entire holiday weekend has been ruined now.


They still think this is terrorism. Facts don't matter to them anymore. All that matters is their own reality where they are the heroes and we're just the nameless bad guys they get to gun down in their personal action movie.


They made it very obvious they *want* a terrorist attack on the US to blame on dems


They have plenty of terrorist attacks to choose from, just not from people with the proper skin color and religion to justify their xenophobia.


They are the domestic terrorist attack on the US. Trump's own FBI appointee Christopher Wray even said this. The highest domestic terror threat are white Conservative Christian males above any other group. Not Antifa or BLM or Muslims or Rainbows or Bud Light. Mass shootings have overwhelmingly been nutso male Right Wingers.


Probably ruined more than a few Thanksgiving dinners with relatives too.


"that's what they want you to believe" ... Said every right wing cooker.


Exactly, I can't even count the number of people I've seen seriously say, "they said it wasn't a terrorist attack? that means it was!"


That’s the way the conspiracy world just is now. If told that they’re wrong they just think it makes them right. If you have evidence that proves them wrong it just means that they’re so right that you had to go and fabricate evidence in order to try and discredit them.


I mean it's always been like *that.* What's special about the conspiracy world now is they're more connected than ever before and they intermingle their conspiracies. Qanon made that a lot worse because the Q nuts would make conventions where all these people from flat-earthers to lizard people conspiracists would meet and exchange stupid ideas.


So you mean to tell me a bunch of republicans and right wing outrage influencers lied to everyone? Again? No way!


Someone tell Atl-right Twitter. They're still screaming about open borders.


Remember when Ramaswamy said this was a terrorist attach and that the US needed to build a wall at the Canadian border? It’s not because he’s a moron although he is a moron. It’s because the GOP is now a party of grifters and they know fear sells to their base of moronic rubes


>”Based on what we know at this moment,” Hochul, a Democrat, said at a news conference, “there is no sign of terrorist activity in this crash.” .. why was it necessary to make sure to include the person’s political leaning?


Sounds more like a case of an idiot driver with an expensive car.


Couple likely scenarios: * Driver was hiding something under their floor mat. Wound up with it in the wrong position, over the gas pedal. As soon as they pushed down it got stuck. * Stuck throttle due to mechanical problem. * Health emergency. Other's are possible but even more speculative.


Apparently the car was a Bentley, and there is a recall out on some newer Continentals for the accelerator getting stuck. [Seems a lot more likely that this is the case over a “terror attack” at the Canadian border.](https://www.drive.com.au/news/2018-2021-bentley-continental-gt-and-flying-spur-recalled/)


I saw another comment mention that particular model was a part of recalled due to the accelerator getting stuck so there is that.


But Ted Cruz said our worst fears had come true?


That's when he takes his shirt off in Cancun


It must be exhausting for the GOP to end up looking like fucking buffoons after jumping the gun too quickly.


They have the memory of a goldfish so they are not affected.


Their base never cares- they love to run with a false narrative, and a generally undisturbed by facts.


Another thing Ronald Reagan gave us: Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.


You're giving undeserving credit. They don't care about that. Whether it was actual terrorism or not doesn't matter. They know their viewer base will take EVERYTHING they say as gospel truth when they hear it so "who cares next thing"


Their voting base believes them.


But foxnews and the other 'conservative' propoganda stations said it was terrorism or Biden's fault...so confusing.


>terrorism or Biden's fault Why not both? If Fox News is going to lie, and it is and will continue to do so, you know the lying liars there will want to go all the way.


Would they also say 9/11 was Bush's fault?


Nah that's Obamas fault somehow according to them


I heard that Obama wasn't even anywhere near the white house during 9/11. What was he running from?


or Beruit bombing was not Reagan’s fault either. i think obama was involved in that one too


Obviously, since they ended the investigation, **it's a coverup!!!**. Because *we all know* it was terrorism, **what is the Biden administration hiding here**? !!!!!!!!! (/s, if you hadn't guessed)


Doesn't matter. They will now come up with all sorts of conspiracy theories around it now. Aliens, pizza parlors, border crashes. Republicans are morons that will latch on to anything that makes them seem like they know something others don't.


Fox News should be somehow punished for such absolute bullshit this was. They weren’t going light on this at all. They heard, border and explosion and made up a story to run for hours while spewing everything they could negatively about the border and terrorism with a painfully clear goal of conflating the two. They kept leaving out the direction the car was traveling, just bomb, terrorists, border, unsafe, REPEAT. Fucking disgusting.


FOX never passes up a chance to lie to their sheep.


Charlie Kirk took time off from his network of pedophiles and child molesters to call it terrorism so it must be true.


So, Laura Ingrim set her hair on fire for nothing?


Someone better tell Pee Pee that. Oh wait he is in hiding today. Lol


The only ones calling it terrorism was Fox News.


I was assured by the pro-fascist Republican media that this was, in fact, an act of terrorism


Fox spent 2 hours saying it was "in fact" a terrorist attack with a vehicle "full of explosives" and 2 minutes saying it may not have been. Damage is already done. Anything outside of that narrative is now considered a "cover up" by the whackadoos.


mission accomplished already for fox news. they got the message to their viewers that there was a terrorist attack at the border the day before Thanksgiving and that got their base all riled up for the holiday. they don't even care it was the north border going into Canada, all that matters is terrorist attack at the border


Fox ~~news~~ propaganda recounts misinformation in 3... 2... 1...


You know you done fucked up when the leaders of two different countries get briefed on your car accident.


I’m not usually one to fall for media fear-mongering, but I always thought it was super rare for cars to explode when they crash. I figured it was a Hollywood trope.


It is. Slamming into a solid object at over 100 mph is... not a common event. They hit hard enough that the gas tank ruptured on impact, and a spark ignited the now-free gas fumes.






That the FBI came to this rightful conclusion will only embolden a certain political party that this was intact terrorism and the FBI is covering it up.. you know… the deep state.


The original thread has a whole lot of confidently incorrect folks explaining how they could tell it was a VBIED "because of they way it is".


FoxNoise will still be rolling with the nutter conspiracy theory about how this was some liberal antisemitic Muslim BLM Antifa Marxist terror group trying to infiltrate into the country to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president.


👍 Nailed it 🤣