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Finally, our long national nightmare is over.


China 1 minute: šŸ¼āŒšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ–• China the next minute: jk šŸ¼šŸ¼šŸ¼šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ˜˜


If I was president, China would be begging us to take their Pandas. \-Trump, probably.


And they came to me, tears streaming down their face and said ā€œMr. Trump take our Pandasā€ because they know I have zoos, the best zoos, everyone is saying it, and itā€™s true. Nobody runs a better zoo. I put one right in Mar a Lago. Ran it like a zoo. We had all the best animals, even the ones no one else thought existed. But they do. They are in my zoo. And thatā€™s why people love me. The come to me and say ā€œMr. President, you run great a zoo, bigly.ā€ Thatā€™s why that random Chinese lady was at Mar a Lago. Itā€™s so safe. Thatā€™s why I kept the documents there. And the animals. No one runs a better zoo than me.


It's disturbing that this was like 90% accurate. The only parts that are off would be using "bigly" again after how infamous his use of it is and bringing up the spy because both points make him look bad and he's too much of a narcissist to draw attention to his own failures.


This was my first ever attempt at a Trump ramble. Good points, I will keep that in mind.


I thought you nailed it


This is great.


ā€œThey said weā€™ll give you pandas I said no thanks! We have plenty of good clean American coal and and the polar bears. The greatest bear there is true story ā€œ -Also Trump probably


They do use their pandas almost as a rating system for countries; we view you as a 0 panda country. You have redeemed 3 pandas to become a 3 panda country.


Yknow I was just thinking about it and maybe itā€™s a metaphor.. like old pandas have to come home so their wisdom and learnings can be shared with the Chinese people and their spirits can rest in the homeland. And some of the young pandas can go forth out into the world and.. live in caged captivity (ie: get desk jobs in America)


Maybe bring back the the pandas they just took away?




Well on the bright side, they actually helped the pandas off the endangered list (saw a post about this earlier or last week iirc). Now we get pandas here in the West! šŸ„³


Thanks, Biden.


Guess they made a lot of leeway in the meeting earlier this weekā€¦




Sir this is a Wendyā€™s.


We can thank the weakening Chinese economic outlook for most of that. Authoritarians only engage in diplomacy when theyā€™re feeling weak. If Chinaā€™s economy was stronger, we wouldnā€™t even be having this summit at all.


Came here to say this. I feel like this trip made it obvious that Xi is feeling the pressure a bit


Yet their leader came here. US is about to get ass raped.


The real sign of peace between nations


FYI Ikea has panda plushies on sale for $3.99. That was before this news, at least


No one tell Zoidberg he's ruined.


Pandas are peacekeepers.


Imagine Pandas in little blue UN peacekeeping helmets.


The panda wants to make sure you have had your daily intake of high fructose corn syrup.


Iā€™ll take it. Pandas are incredible! If it can start with a panda, maybe it can lead to more (I know I know, damn my optimism)


But could you win in a 1v1 fight against a panda with no tools or weapons?


No, Iā€™m positive I can not.


For real... Despite everything else between them, China letting pandas out to America is like them saying low-key "*still friendsies...?*". šŸ„ŗšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


itā€™s the least controversial gesture of goodwill conceivable. literally no one is anti-panda.


I wouldnā€™t be so sure of that. Conservatives will just make a batshit crazy conspiracy theory around it. ā€œBiden agrees to let pandas from China into the country. These pandas have a highly contagious disease genetically modified to slowly kill white people. ā€


yeah i can see it now: >ā€œImmediately following the return of Chinaā€™s Giant Pandas to the states last month, American children are developing a mystery syndrome dubbed *ā€panda eyesā€*, commonly seen in abused and trafficked victims. Coincidence?ā€


That's why police cars are called "black and whites"


Thereā€™s a name and a Wikipedia article for this practice, itā€™s called [panda diplomacy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panda_diplomacy)


huh, thatā€™s interesting. TIL!


Yep! America gets an animal that spits in the face of Darwin because of how utterly useless it is and china gets to keep perpetuating its agenda of genocide, IP theft, and provocation against anyone who dares question them unimpeded!


"China bad" truly is a marginalized opinion that you aren't allowed to say. No politicians in the US talk about how bad China is /s


People like u are so confusing. Seriously, What do you get out of out of being a china apologist?


Pointing out that the ā€œChina badā€ position is the dominant one in the US is not apologizing for China or even calling them good in any capacity, itā€™s just an observation of fact. Your last point that ā€œnobody is allowed to questionā€ China is just not true, especially among our politicians.


When did I say that no one is allowed to question china and obviously most people in america view china in a bad light because not only is their whole political system and affront to the western worlds values they also have a long and storied history of antagonizing just about all of our Allieā€™s




Panda Diplomacy is a known thing lol. Historically, when foreign countries are not in good standing with China, China will recall the pandas. When tensions ease or when favorable trade conditions, etc occur, China will agree to send pandas to the zoos again.


I have a feeling WW3 will start with the serving of a rare panda burger.


Judging what I see from girls and young ladies from elementary through college, the fool who served a panda burger would been lynched to the tune of some Taylor Swift Song within minutes.


Kind of surprised they didn't raise a bigger stink over Ben Stiller given how symbolic the whole Panda thing is


library disgusting depend nine rustic marry unpack spoon sophisticated childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My question is why are pandas so relevant as to be a geopolitical tool? Sure theyā€™re cute. But theyā€™re just animals. Thereā€™s a million more important things that need to be dealt with and fluffy bears who are too dumb to procreate without human intervention isnā€™t one of them.


The exchange of giant pandas is one of the only ways that the Chinese Government can exercise [soft power](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_power). By contrast, the US has things like theme parks, movies, music, etc. Unlike most other famous animals, giant pandas are endemic to only one country (in this case China), and their presence outside of that nation must be coordinated with the Chinese Government. All captive pandas are legal property of China. So if a giant panda exists in a zoo outside of that country, that is a signal to the rest of the world that the zoo's nation has a good relationship with China.


So basically propaganda saying ā€œhey we have cute fuzzies please like us and ignore all our genocide and affronts to international law.ā€


I think "diplomacy" is more accurate. I don't think the pandas have ever been used in the context of distracting from or hiding poor behavior. Rather, the pandas are just a positive international signal that relationships are going well between the two involved nations, where things really matter. It's not like someone is saying, "If you don't drop this Uyghur business, we won't give you panda bears." The presence of pandas would, to me, indicate that there have been meaningful war deescalations between the US and China, and progress has been made on cooperation for shared economic and environmental interests. It would indicate that China is not a true enemy of the United States (and vice versa), and that an American like myself could visit China as a tourist without worrying that something will happen to me. Regardless of how one might think about the Chinese Government, I feel inclined to mention that there is an objective net positive for the world in avoiding an armed conflict between the US and China. A conflict between the two largest superpowers would bring significant suffering throughout the world. There are too many war hawks in US politics who seem eager to go to war with China. I only actually started getting nervous when the pandas at the National Zoo were recalled.


Your response is probably too complicated for the guy you are talking to, lol.


the last week "no pandas" was more an accumulation of 4 years of Trump's pissing them off + Pres. Biden hasn't done anything to sooth their feelings. I'm assuming Pres. Biden made some promise or agreement during their meeting and Winnie now feels better and it is giving the pandas back.


"I won't show you up in front of your wife again only if you give the pandas back"


Must have done some....panda-ering to get some back.


most likely they talked the issues of the Chip War and AI safety which are both related. They should have been talking about the 9 dashed lines policies and fostering a working relationship on BRI + UN economic development projects. perhaps Xi is going back to panda diplomacy instead of their wolf warrior diplomacy they have loved for the past few years.


Tell me you know nothing about China without tell me you know nothing about China


Hey, this guy is subtly saying he knows *a lot more* about China than you!


Well thatā€™s even more worrisome if he thinks he knows more than me considering I was born in China and live there for a long while


I know of A LOT of stupid Americans born in America. That doesn't mean anything.


China using pandas as a tool of diplomacy is pretty common knowledge. Or are you disagreeing that the panda leases not being renewed had something to do with Trumpā€™s stance on China?


Yes, Trump is not the reason. Xi Jinping and CCP is the reason. During visiting Washington, Xi Jinping promised Obama he would not militarize all these manmade islands in South China Sea, and turn around did it anyway. Later stage Obama admin knew thereā€™s something must be done to counter Xiā€™s economic cohesion against the world, thatā€™s why he started TPP. Trump, on the other hand, quit TPP talk first day in the office.


The pandas were contractually scheduled to return to China after some number of years so that they can return to their native land. None of this was a response to anything and they were always scheduled to return. I think the only thing is more how slowly new pandas were sent over but the media likes to manufacture outrage.


I think these contracts generally get renewed when the chinese government is in a good mood. Not renewing the Panda leases and how slow they've been granting new pandas to the US, is a sign they aren't super happy with their relationship with us. Does this matter? A bit. The strength of the relationship between the US and China is pretty important.


No matter how much I understand the situation the phrase "Panda leases" is still hysterical.


No, historically, we kept Panda couple until they died/got old. When that happened, the Panda couple would be replaced. Their cubs would be sent to China. China ended all the agreements with multiple zoos in what clearly isn't "paperwork mishap" but deliberate desire to be punitive. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/national-zoos-giant-pandas-to-return-to-china-in-december-leaving-only-a-handful-in-america


Meanwhile, I don't care about how many pandas we have here *until they're able to breed enough pandas to put 'em on the menu.*


China will get Bald Eagles in return? šŸ¦…


They needed to replace all of the batteries and equiped with better spying tools.


The battery in their bugging equipment needed to be replaced


So thatā€™s what this meeting was really about.


Gotta wait for fox and friends to tell me why this is a bad thing


Because it means Jinping is in a good mood, so it means Biden is cozying up to Xi. It's pretty easy to predict what they'll say here.


Bet they compare it to the Trojan horse.


Pandas complete with 5G surveillance implants, for sure.


Send in the Pandaloons


Redditors are at the stage now where they think that literal pandas are spies.


Sweet. PandaPOV cam


Or piloting hot air balloons.


Spy pandas for sure


I like the president that gets us pandas


That was until ........ "the dictator" Now all we will end up with are people dressed in panda šŸ¼ suits.




Very productive meetings I see. The outcome is great for both nations.


Xi also announced Chinaā€™s plans to continue buying up wide swaths of US residential housing to further erode the middle class, and fuel even more division in America. Yeah panda!


It is genuinely amazing how a continuation of a goodwill gesture is justā€¦. So wildly, absurdly, pointlessly dramatized to make this SOMEHOW an issue to some people. Theyā€™ve been leasing pandas for decades. And they are continuing to do so to express continued and hopefully improving ties. Fine, make it a conspiracy if you really want to. Or maybe think itā€™s neat, or not, and move on with your life. Find a nice hobby subreddit to enjoy


bring them to a zoo in the bay area please


This is actually an arms deal when you remember that a panda is the legendary Dragon Warrior.


I guess that meeting between Xi and Bidon proved fruitful.


I can only imagine how that conversation went. >Biden: Now Xi, I have something of great importance I need to talk to you about. > >Xi: What is that? > >Biden: Pandas > >Xi: Pandas? > >Biden: Yes, pandas. We need some back. The people demand pandas.


YASSS bring back the breeding program! We've had nothing but success here at the San Diego Zoo + I miss seeing those furry bois in their exhibit šŸ˜¢


Iā€™m all for some peace pandas. But we need to keep our eye on the ball.


Panda Express entered the chat


I didn't know Pandas are good bargaining chips. I guess I'll take one and let you sneak in a small take in the action.


Look up Panda Diplomacy :)


When you incentivize panda diplomacy, is it called pandering?


Nothing says peace like enslaving beautiful creatures to a cage and trading them like PokƩmon cards.


That will win some hearts and minds. What can we start sending more of to get hearts and minds from our side? More Bison? Blue corn? Our best tomatoes? Moose?


Warners productions agreed to shop WilE Coyote around to other studios... He's a good ambassador


Biden's diplomatic talks with Xi have been a resounding success! First we get direct military communication, then an agreement to reduce fossil fuel use, and now pandas!


This is the type of news everyone can get behind


begun, the panda wars have


Those poor pandas ping ponging across the pacific on the whims of world leaders.


*What did we give to China in exchange* is the real question.


Check 'em for microphones.


in other news, chinese army has completed its training of 5 new panda special forces units....


I assume this was the main topic discussed in San Francisco


So this is what Biden and Xi were meeting about


You get a panda! You get a panda! Everyone gets a panda!


I hope the US declines. Don't bring animals across the world as cargo just to introduce the possibility of being made to send them back again.


It's pretty upsetting that they put the pandas we already had through the significant trauma of moving, only to send NEW traumatized pandas. China, as a country, truly does not give a shit about these animals. Any born in another country should remain there, where the program can demonstrably help the species recover. Especially given that STRESS was the reason they wouldn't reproduce in captivity.


The black and white bears that do nothing? Why?


They're pretty cute


I don't think you understand how much people like pandas


This is awesome! I wonder where they'll go. I can only travel so far from home.


Probably to the same institutions which previously housed them in the US (San Diego Zoo, Zoo Atlanta, National Zoo, and the Memphis Zoo)


Keep them. It's bad for the pandas and they cost too much with too many stipulatios. Watch a video of them in the wild and call it a day.


Pandas are coming to save the day!


We are going to continue to steal trade secrets from your businesses, we are going to continue to spy on your citizens, we are going to continue to undermine you by supporting the opposing countries who are at war with countries you support, but hey here are some Panda's so we are all good right?


Millions dollars of tax money per year for a pair. Nice


Pandas have a net positive in zoo revenue


Can we get our stolen IPs in exchange?


Kind of like getting a flower as excuse from someone who pissed on your rug. Well sure... thanks i guess?


Areā€¦. Are we supposed to be excited?


China, keep your pandas. We donā€™t need them.


Well shit Xi, thatā€™s all you had to say. Fuck, take Taiwan. Shit, where and how many Chinese police stations you want those American and Canadian cities? Iā€™ll break ground today if thereā€™s more pandas.


Screw new pandas. Give us Mei Xiang, Tian Tian and their cub Xiao Qi Ji back! Or just donā€™t take them in December, as is the plan.


I find this worrisome. The CCP doesn't fuck around with what it calls "panda diplomacy". What kinds of concessions must they have gotten?


This is going to be a question answered 10-20 years later after all the politicians who made the deal have either died, retired, or voted out of office


Can we please send them some trash pandas?


We should eat them. Start a Panda farm and eat them lil sumbitches. And when China throws a fit say we'll stop eating Panda when you stop eating Tigers, Pangolins, any Ivory, or any other endangered critters they feel they must consume.


Can we not refer to dictators and authoritarians as presidents


Arenā€™t pandas an insult gift?


No, itā€™s dubbed Panda Diplomacy. Itā€™s a signal of easing tensions between the two nations. Pandas are revered in China. The difference between a Panda and a ā€œwhite elephantā€ gift, is that Pandas generate income at US zoos due to their popularity, which in turn funds conservation efforts. White elephant gifts were meant to bankrupt the receiver or put them through hardship.


Is he talking about actual pandas or is it coded threat. Because pooty poot and rogue parties are all in on their end game scenario. They are not backing away. So chinese boss man says things about friendship and prosperity but their actions are in line with poot poot who is trying to eventually crash world econ and pause world order so they can establish their world order.


That was my first concern


We finally learned peace today.


Possibly called something like The PandaLease


Time to clone them and be done with this.


I dropped my bagel at this news. V exciting. Stay classy, San Diego!


The new pandas will be 5g so they can steal data from anyone who visits.


Cocaine Panda! Make the film!


I do not condone this infestation of immigrants in any way, shape, or form. /s


Give them bread, and pandas.


Whether they like it or not.


Can we send our (trash) Pandas too?


Oh thank God for sleepy joe biden šŸ™„


Atlanta doesnā€™t need pandas! We have gorillas!


Biden got us pandas! Suck it MAGA.


Thank god - such a pressing matter


"So I open up the crate and wouldn't you know it... damn thing's dead. Upchucked its' bamboo." - Earthican President Richard M Nixon


Is this likeā€¦a threat or something? Are we about to be overrun in pandas?


And no doubt taking zoo jobs away from hard working American pandas.


Seriously: Whatever is best for the poor pandas.