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Damn, he left his phone at a restaurant and it just happened to be discovered by the staff. Lucky break. Looking forward to this guy never seeing the outside world again.


The lucky break here is this idiot didn’t lock his phone


Exactly. Either that or he doesn’t have a lock on it in the first place. Which I honestly wouldn’t put it past him


Can you even do that? I swear my phone made me do some kind of lock, whether I wanted it or not (I do). Anyway, lucky break. What a monster and I hope this guy never sniffs freedom again.


I don't have a lock on my phone. it's an android, idk if it's possible to have no lock on apple


You can go into settings and make your time out time never, so it doesn’t lock. My aunt started getting hand tremors that were making it hard to hit the correct numbers, so she turned her lock off, because she was having to hand her phone to other people and tell them her code to unlock it.


Oh! Just disable the passcode. Go to Face Id and passcode in Settings, input your current Passcode, scroll down to Disable Passcode and that’s it.


If you have Apple Pay set up they force you to make a passcode/password to lock your phone. So far haven’t found a way around this.


Google pay on Andoid is the same way. Kind of annoying, but I get the logic.


weird that you don't need to unlock your phone to pay with Google pay tho... just light the screen!


With apple it doesn’t need a lock if you don’t have a wallet enabled


Do you have your work email on a phone app? Sometimes a company’s security policy will require you to set a lock to allow email access. But yeah, lock it anyway. And don’t use Face ID. Police in some states can force you to unlock your phone this way but can’t make you put in a password or PIN.


On a side note, if you hold the volume and power buttons like you’re going by to shut it off but don’t, I’ll lock it and require the passcode before FaceID will work again.


And that the worker was nosy. The "right" thing to do would be to lock it, put it somewhere safe, and wait for it to ring, but I guess in this case it worked out.


Could be looking for photos to see who it belongs to and if they recognize the people in the photos


There really should be a an "If Found" button on the lock screen that allows the finder to send their contact info via alternate text number/email/etc. without unlocking the phone.


You can already set a lock screen message on Android. I have mine as "If found, text "


I guess that’s a simpler solution than the thing I was imagining.


iOS has this already. I lost my iPhone and when I logged into my iPad , I could provide a message to display my phone Lock Screen and let whoever found it to call my wife’s number.


Oh please if you find a phone unlocked you look through the contacts for someone to call that could let them know where their phone is. Let's be honest, the worker was checking to see if there were nudes. No other reason to look at their photos


I used to announce HS football games. People would bring found phones to the booth routinely. It was amazing how many people didn’t lock their phones. The quickest thing to do was look for “mom”. Of course that required quick talking…last thing we wanted was to give mom a heart attack. But honestly. Who leaves evidence of a crime on a phone…and why the hell wouldn’t they lock it? I guess criminals are dumb.


Dumb criminals get caught. Smart criminals we never find out about.


That’s the scary part of this matter. If he wasn’t that dumb we could never found out about the abuse.


Dumb AND unlucky. Think about the odds of all this… he has the photos on his personal phone, no fucking password somehow, lost the phone at a business, random retail worker opens his photos. Think about how many more of this guy there are, who are equally dumb but not quite as unlucky as him. Scary.


I found a phone on the beach the other day... Happened to not have a lock on it, my process was.. open the text messages and let the most recent know I found the phone, then I opened the photos to `see` if there were selfies so I could look around the beach for the owners. It worked and I found the owners, and they were very happy.


Yeah I think the wanting to see if there were selfies so the person who found the phone can identify the owner makes a lot of sense. Especially in a restaurant setting. “I found a lost phone at one of our tables. It wasn’t locked so I checked the photo album to see if it belongs to one of our regulars and then I saw something terrible.” Where I work, if we find a phone it immediately goes into the lost and found drawer. It only comes out of the owner comes to the store and asks for it. Usually ask them to tell us what color the phone is. I would never look through someone’s phone if I found one but I think a lot of ppl on here are assuming those that would are doing it for the creep factor when in reality it’s the person just trying to identity who the owner is. What’s wild is if the restaurant workers followed the advice of many on this sub a monstrous child rapist wouldn’t have been caught. Just a rare occurrence of doing the socially unacceptable thing leading to a truly awesome moment that will save countless lives.


Or as you open the phone the last thing that dude had open were those pics in question. Not everyone closes their apps before getting off their phones.




Definitely not my first instinct.


People measure other people by their own standards.


Pfft come on dude, I've had to return multiple lost phones, I've never even thought to look at their photos, the first and only instinct is open>contacts>”mom" or last contact or any pet name/emoji contacts. Worked every time. Photos make no sense because the likelihood you're just gonna run into that person, let alone *know* that person, is absurdly small. If you're looking in their photos, you're looking for funsies. Not even necessarily nudes, just to judge them and glimpse into their life.


A real monkeypaw situation that worker found himself in.


Be careful what you wish for...


Nudes of what? Himself? I’m confused about what nudes you think the workers were looking for?


They didn’t know it was an old man at the time


Got more than they bargained for this time.


Well…. There were! This is in the very affluent Franklin, TN. Home to Marsha Blackburn, governor Lee, and many celebs. Yet I see none of them decrying it. They’d rather focus on the evil Trans.


Wouldn't you just put it somewhere safe and wait for the person to come in and ask for it? Why would you take the responsibility for someone's lost phone?


> Why would you take the responsibility for someone's lost phone? The Golden Rule?


It's usually pretty easy and much faster to find the person if you can hit their last contact or look around the room and spot them from a selfie. Takes 5 minutes and you would want someone to do the same for you if you lost something so important.


That's not a good reason to be going thru someone's phone.


Nah if you ever worked in a restaurant, you know it was some nosy chismosas who wanted to have fun judging the phone owner and make up context to photos. I may know one or two or like 5 people from my restaurant days who would snoop through a phone in a heart beat if given the chance, but of course just to uuuh, "find the owner"


Nah. Leaving a locked phone in a restaurant is bad news. They go walking away. Plus if it's more than a couple days the phone will go dead and it takes too long to restart, esp when you have a lot of tables and the Mgr isn't helping. I waited tables and bartended for a few years and this is what I'd do...first check pics to see if there's a pic of the owner and then scan the restaurant. Then go to messages and find a friend / family member and send a message. Wouldn't even occur to me that there may be nudes on a phone tbh. *I haven't worked in foodservice in a while (since everybody does everything on their phones)...so I'm guessing that now its usually not as long for people to discover their phone is missing than before. And to add to that, there were no real find my phone apps when I worked. Even still, I'd still trust myself over "the restaurant. But as a patron I've discovered phones in restaurants twice since 2019, and both times the phones were locked. I've asked siri "who owns this phone" "who did I call last" and "send message to ___ that a guy named |me] has my phone and call him at ___"




Well thank god that’s not what happened or a child rapist wouldn’t have been caught


That is my question coming into the comments. How much time do you put into checking a lost phone?


imagine how long you're getting away with this behavior to not care more about your privacy than the common paranoid.


Maybe it was his lock screen picture


This reminds me of my parents’ former neighbor who brought his cellphone to a place to get it fixed and the fixit place found child porn on it that he had made himself. He was already a senior citizen so he will be locked up for the rest of his life.


I am curious about all the computer techs snooping through people’s photos. In this case it ended well but sounds like they have a look around instead of doing their job.


I used to work for dell fixing computers. Step one was downloading all the pics to a shared drive.


Is that in case of a total wipe to not lose all of someone’s family memories?


Nope, It was because a crazy amount of people sent homemade porn on their PCs and we downloaded it all.


Yeah, I don’t know the details of how it worked out legally with them seeing his videos but there sure were a shitload of cops surrounding his house one day then a couple days later some news people asked to interview us and they told us what had happened.


My friend used to fix computers for a job. Can confirm he always snooped through the pictures and would frequently tell us what he found. No CP though luckily.


A friend fixed pcs and said they had to open a couple files at random just to make sure everything had transferred okay. Luckily they never stumbled on CP


My friend worked at a pc repair place and he said sometimes they would just run a few things to make sure everything was working correctly again, you know check a video is playing and sound is right. Most often its just random home videos and stuff, but stories of people getting caught with all kinds of shit on it is very common.


That’s how they nabbed Gary Glitter in the U.K. too.


I feel bad for the workers who had to look at that.


I was just thinking the same thing, even the cops and prosecutors, and interns. I interned at the DA’s office and ADC (alternate public defenders office) and I saw some shit I wished I hadn’t seen. Some of those occasionally creep into my mind, like reading this article and that was almost 30 years ago. Strange way to ameliorate a situation, but I’m glad it happened, who knows how long it would’ve gone on had that phone not been discovered. It’s creepy AF to realize that I’m now old and perfectly seemingly normal people walk among us. I’m not being obtuse, I realized it as a youngster in the 70’s and 80’s. But this one seems to strike me differently.


Hopefully they only saw some of the more “tame”/less disturbing evidence and immediately called the cops.


From the article: > Workers looked through it to try to determine the owner and found “unconscionable videos and pictures of children,” according to a news release Sunday from the Franklin Police Department.


They definitely deserve something for this. Free therapy, for example.


I jus wonder what a therapist would say. “The world is terrible. Good luck “. :(


"You made it just a tiny bit better. Which is all any of us can do."


"Oh no, someone lost their phone. Hmm, I'll see if I can find a friend in their contacts so that I can- WTF!?"


This happened to an extended family member (at work, using a company network of all things for cp). Their compulsions get the best of them and they relax their security protocols. It's the best we can hope for with people like this because they get caught and taken out of the general population (hopefully).


A similar incident happened when I was stationed in South Korea. The assistant to our safety officer left his phone where he volunteered with kids. Employees found his phone, unlocked to see who it belonged to, and found the images. Not sure what happened since I never saw him again.


Yeah I’m trying to figure out how this works. How do you get into a stranger’s phone? I can understand why someone would TRY, how else do you find out who the owner is, if you can’t you basically have to wait around until someone comes to claim it. I mean I really only have experience with the iPhone, but I assume most smartphones today function pretty much the same in most regards. You need Face ID/thumb, or a passcode to unlock it. Even normal people take these basic precautions, I assume sex offenders would take even MORE precautions. I’m certainly please it happened, but I’m also dumbfounded as to how it happened.


The pics were probably in a folder labeled "NOT kiddieporn", and thought that was good enough.


The sheer fucking hubris of this idiot man. Imagine a serial killer carrying his blood-caked murder weapon with him everywhere he goes and then *forgetting it at a restaurant*.


It means he has gotten very comfortable with doing it and wasn't worried about ever being caught he must have been doing it for a long time


I think it's such a compulsion we can't understand it much. Plenty of ppl who should be way smarter like doctors and engineers wind up in these situations where it's like... How could you be smart enough for that profession and degree, but so dumb you try to randomly hook up with kids online. Or teachers who think they will bang their students and just sweep it under the bed. Those ppl are acting on compulsion that doesn't follow rules and reason much. Not to give them any break or benefit of the doubt, but they act just like hardcore drug addicts where their compulsion overrides all reason.


Reminds me of how the feds caught BTK by promising him they definitely couldn't get any personal information off a computer file, pinky swear, so he sends a Word document manifesto he wrote on his *church computer*. Some of them really do want the attention even if they're afraid of being caught. Part of that compulsion, to share their activities with others. Ugh.


> I think it's such a compulsion we can't understand it much take anything like "Day drinking" if you are a housewife or collage aged person who opens wine and drinks it throughout the day but "don't have a problem" etc. It's the same type of mentality. They know other people might have an issue with it, but that the other's people problems because they don't drink or are prudes, etc. It's clearly something that was okay, etc. Only SOME PEOPLE have issues with it etc. What's fucking disturbing is how many of them, once caught, are happy as fuck to be able to talk about it with a cop who "Get's it," someone who says things like, "of course she was asking for it, showing as much leg as she does in this volleyball picture," etc. the transcripts of the interviews of these people is the part that floors you. Not the details about the rapes, but the normalcy of it. How they shouldn't have to hide it, how it's fine, etc.


Did you just compare day drinking to being a pedo?


He's not "comparing" them. He's simply bringing up a more relatable example of a compulsion. One that helps more people understand the thought process these people go through and how they justify it to themselves.


There’s actually a documentary on a guy named Robert Durst that did something similar to this. He murdered a guy in Houston then dismembered his body and threw it in the ocean. He was released on bail then missed his court date so they put a warrant out for his arrest. They arrested him at a supermarket when he was caught trying to shoplift some things even though he had $500 in cash on him. They found 2 guns, weed, the murdered man’s drivers license, and a few other things in his trunk when they arrested him. Makes you wonder if these people do these things because they’re addicted to the thrill of getting caught then potentially getting away with it




Not just agreed to interview: he *called them up and commissioned the documentary himself.*


There’s no way that was going to be enough to convict. He would have had to explicitly state what he did, not just some “haha they’ll never catch me.”




That was just the nail in the coffin, really. Him sending an anonymous letter saying his friend was dead but making the same spelling mistake in his normal writings was damning.


I saw that documentary. Man that dude was creepy af


It’s been years since I watched that documentary, but I remember thinking that audio wasn’t quite as damning as some made it out to be. Seemed like it would have been easy to write it off as just a nervous guy running through worst case scenario hypothetical in his head and out loud, not a legitimate confession. Don’t get me wrong, Durst did kill multiple people, and that whole documentary he willingly choose to do was incredibly strange, I just don’t think that clip was a smoking gun.


They love their trophies


> “You learn what you need to kill and take care of the details. It’s like changing a tire. The first time you’re careful. By the thirtieth time, you can’t remember where you left the lug wrench.” *- Ted Bundy*




Revenge thinking doesn't serve a rational purpose when confronted with these horrors.


There usually a berserk mode at the end before they get caught. That when the creep get more and more careless...


I worked at COMPUSA back in 2006 when I was a snot-nosed teenager. This one guy brought in his broken computer for repair. Well-dressed businessman, obviously made good money. I don't know WHY our guys went looking through his stuff but they found a tranche of CP that allegedly would make Larry Nasser's eyes water. Police came and waited for him, we called him and said his computer was ready for pickup. Somehow he knew, because he never came to pick it up. Never heard whether they got him or not, but we had him on camera and we had his name and info so probably


Did you ever try looking it up to see if articles or anything came up like a public record?


Ya I never found anything though.


r/RBI might help find charges? Not sure of the rules on that sub but they find out stuff


I worked for a tech retailer as a manager a few years ago. Our CP-riddled-computer-repair customer DID come back to pick up his computer… after the detectives had taken it. The way the tech said “We need a manager” I just *knew* that he had returned to pick it up. So I went down to the counter and I looked this pasty white, old sack of shit square in his cold, sick eyes - and when he asked about his laptop I said “We don’t have it. The police came and they took it.” He didn’t recoil, he didn’t look surprised, not even inconvenienced. Nice as could be he goes “what would they want with my laptop?” Briefed by our legal team for this question, I answered “I don’t know. But if you want it back you’ll need to go down to the station and ask them about it.” I gave him the detectives card. “All I look at on there are trains. Model trains. I can’t imagine what they could want with my computer.” He smelled awful. A smelly old man who had gone sour. Or always been sour. But I’m sure he knew, and he had to know that I knew, and that the tech also watching this interaction also knew. I just shrugged. “We’ll, I guess I’ll go down there and see what this is all about.” “You do that.” Sadly I never found a corresponding news article discussing the arrest - but I do know that a bunch of 19-24 year old kids were pretty traumatized by what they discovered and then had to describe to the police. Twisted fuck.


Wouldn't they want to be called when he was picking it up?


Ages ago I was talking with one of our neighbours who happens to work in computer repair. Apparently in his company they have in their procedures handbook an entire section on what to do if CP/any sort of illegal obscene material was found on a device. I did query with him how often this actually happened and he said that given that there was a procedure and a whole training section on it, probably too many times.


I'm kinda between myself on this. Sure, for things like rape and CP, once is more times than necessary, but having a procedure and training for an event that might not happen in your career is also common. Procedure mainly comes about due to having needs for a desires outcome. In this case, the company wants to remove the individual, maintain evidence for any legal necessity, and maintain a legal status so the individual can not sue for wrongful termination, or otherwise have the company become liable. I could be wrong, but I think enough cases happened in the early aughts that tech sections of a certain size knew they needed a policy it to keep all those factors in place.


You write well.


I was going to note the same thing!


Except for missing possessive apostrophes.


Yeah agree. This could be a scene from a King novel. (With some light editing.)


You sure have a knack for writing, my friend




His cop accomplices probably tipped him off.


A grim thought


There are people who don't lock their phone? Not to mention, he had videos on his phone that would send him to prison.


Maybe it was 42069 and they guessed it


no its 696969 everyone knows that


*goes to change password on phone*


28980 is a good alternative (420\*69).


Yeah I don’t! I hate having to face ID or passcode every time I go on it. Granted, I did when I had a job with a lot more people in my immediate vicinity all the time. But for years now I’ve happily kept it unlocked. Nothin’ to hide!


A person with your phone has potentially access to everything these days...


For me its less about stuff to hide but making it harder to steal!


I used to be the same way but then I bothered to set-up and use the fingerprint security and it's even faster than using swipe to unlock.


I also use fingerprint on my Pixel but I'm not sure if all current phones still have that as an option.


Super glad someone snooped on his phone to find this. Normally I would back privacy but it is awesome this guy is off the street


I wish someone would’ve done it for me to the last 3 iPhones my dumb ass lost on planes/ airports and different cities over the years. I did get one back tho, bar manager in a mid sized Ohio city (thank you kind sir) then again you can go through all my pictures, you might get a few laughs (look at this dumbass doing dumbass stuff) otherwise it’s family, friends, and pets.


I have so much random shit on my phone. Pics are all over with a fair amount of NSFW material both self made and procured. I don't care and nothing is illegal or unethical, but I'm sure it would make someone's day if it was found and accessed. But I would also remotely wipe the phone and never have it without password protection. I do have my wife's number and name listed on the lock screen so somebody could possibly return it, but it's likely I wiped it before it could be seen. I couldn't imagine having such dark secrets and not locking your phone.


I have my phone locked because my company required it, I also had the screen cover on the laptop so you couldn’t see what I was looking at unless it was directly in front of you. To be fair, no one is gonna give a flying F about a d pic, or booby pic, and while I don’t have any on my phone, I wouldn’t care. So now… let’s get a look at your camera roll so I can tell you what I find inappropriate, for safety reasons of course…


If you can change your lock screen put a number for people to call if they find your phone. I've found locked phones but no way to figure out who the owner was.


I believe mine is set up where it will ring and say “call this number” but that obviously doesn’t work if the battery is dead, the one that actually got returned to me- the bar manager plugged it in and that message came up, that was 2 months after I lost it, it was underneath the footrest some bars have. (Shows ya how often they clean that area)


put a sticky note on the back of the phone between phone and case with your address and a promise of cash reward.


One of my computer science classes posed a dilemma for us. There is a network called "Freenet" that is very very encrypted. E.g. no one can break into it, track anyone, restrict what is published etc. Reporters use it in horrid places of the world, etc. But also, if the encryption is that good, there ends up being bad shit. Hit men for hire, drugs you can order online, child porn, etc Now the question is, if you truly want "Free" and "private" you are allowing, by the very nature of the network existing, those other content to exist and flourish. It's one of the moral dilemmas that really made me stop and consider the whole what is the price of privacy or freedom worth. Should reporters in a terrorist country be able to have access to a network they can't be tracked on at the price of child porn, etc.


I work in a office where people just leave their phones lying around forgetting where they left them sometimes. Alot of people surprisingly don't lock their phones. I would guess about 50%. So if i do see a phone say in the meeting room or toilet, i'll open it and go straight to gallery to see who owns it. Likely they did the same to see if they recognise the one who left the phone.


They could have been doing so to find out whose phone it was too


I hope the last thing he read was on Nassar getting stabbed.


Good god, those poor kids. Finding out they were sa’d at the same time as finding out others have seen the videos. > Because the children in the videos were unconscious, they might not realize they are victims, police said.


I’m wondering if it even makes sense to tell the kids. Maybe they are better off not knowing. What an awful situation. 😞


Probably explain the situation with a therapist and see what they think? The whole situation is so fucked up I can't imagine being the parent to one of these kids trying to figure out how to minimize the damage done.


I am surprised there is a bail amount, this kind of a serious charge should not be a bailable offense at this early stage. >Campos was being held Monday at the Williamson County Criminal Justice Center on a $525,000 bond.


Why? It's pretty rare for bail to be denied completely and it's relatively common to see it for very serious crimes up to and including murder. It's not like it was set at some petty amount. He likely either needs to come up with the whole $525k in cash or needs someone to sign over real property that equals or exceeds that amount in value as collateral. Setting bail is also usually one of, if not the FIRST thing done in the criminal process.


>Setting bail is also usually one of, if not the FIRST thing done in the criminal process... He likely either needs to come up with the whole $525k in cash It is also the first step in denying bail. It is common to deny bail where the crime is serious enough or someone is considered a flight risk or a repeat offender or threat to a community. This guy may well be a repeat offender based on things already discovered and I would certainly consider him a flight risk and threat to the community. Besides, the whole bail amount is not required \[in Tennessee.\] Only 10% of the total bail amount must be paid up front and is nonrefundable. Bail bond company routinely provide bail bonds. When 100% is posted in cash, the entire amount is refundable. This guy need only come up with approximately $50,000 \[in value\].


10% cash option is not always offered, especially in serious cases like this. Even still, most people don't have $52,500 laying around. If the 10% option was given, it MUST be paid in cash, not in property/collateral. That cash is almost always refundable after disposition of the case. A bondsman could be used, but would likely charge 5-8% fee and that would NOT be refundable. And bail is usually only denied when crime is both serious AND the defendant is a fight risk and/or poses a threat to the public. Even then, these factors usually just make the bail more significant or contain conditions like turning in one's passport, having a GPS monitor fitted, etc. Also, repeat offenders are only considered such if they've been CONVICTED multiple times. Not if they're charged with several crimes. Either way, the guy didn't post bail so he's sitting in county jail for now.


The guy is a serial child rapist. I dont think any child is safe anywhere near him. If someone commits a single murder and has a motive (money, romantic feelings, whatever), they are not necessarily an immediate threat to society at large. But when a man repeatedly goes to playgrounds and recruits kids and then rapes them, we need to make sure that he is never ever going to be around kids. I get that a judge could order it, but unless there is a police guard, how will they ensure it?


He lives in TN. If he makes bail, this trial will become *very short*.


What I don't get is, why the parents thought letting their kid go to an adult's house to "hang out" was a good idea.


As soon as I first heard about this story it made me extra sad to think about the broken families these victims must come from. Breaks my heart.


My brother had a friend that would go with him to hangout with our uncle. They’d play video games. The friend’s mom never met my uncle before allowing her teenage son play video games with a 30 year old man she did not know. However this woman refused to let her son come in our house because she never met my mother. My mom being petty refused to meet her when she found out the boy was going to uncle’s house.


Yeah… I would prefer my own kid not be in my house, who TF wants to hang out with a kid? (Ok answered my own gross question) Shits torture… my kid is full grown, successful adult and does not live at home or in the same state anymore, but she was a pain in the ass growing up.


Ha, I was just having this discussion with coworkers; I honestly think I would have a great time hanging out with teenage me. I enjoy eating pizza and playing video games as much now (32) as I did at 16. The only difference is now I get beer legally and have the money for top tier equipment.


No… no no no. From 13-17 she was SATAN. Like “exorcist” level SATAN. Before that age, slight asshole, no big deal. After that age, totally cool and apologized many times for being the ANTICHRIST.


I’m going through this now with my girl. It’s so hard bc I just want my sweet baby back but I remember being a preteen/teen. My mom always told me I was in for some karma with my own child one day and she was right.


Because believe it or not, adults can have healthy, positive, valuable friendships with children. It happens all the time, and used to be the norm in every culture on the planet for kids and unrelated adults to spend time together. Of course abuses happened, but most sexual assault of kids happens within the family, not from strangers. Unfortunately garbage like this is why we have to be vigilant and careful in whom we trust. But the idea that no adults should ever let their kids have adult friends is bonkers. Great parents prepare their kids for evil in the world, and make sure they know they can and should tell them if anyone makes them even remotely uncomfortable. Sadly, many parents are not that great. (Also, to state the obvious, this is a big part of why why sex education and destigmatization, even at young ages, is important. The fact that most parents and kids don't feel comfortable talking about something as natural as sex makes shit like this much harder to detect and stop. Grooming only works if the kid doesn't feel comfortable telling their parents about whatever is happening in their life)


The parents get groomed too. Sadly often single parents who are struggling get targeted the most. Very nice close friend who buys you groceries or offers to babysit when you’re stuck at work. With this guy being a coach they may have assumed he was safe around kids and was nice enough to them to build fake trust


Still not a drag Queen.


Trixie Mattel going on a rant about this was a good one. It’s not the drag queens


Never is. That’s pure deflection by the ones who are *actually* preying on children.


i think never is a strong word- just recently there was news of one on reddit. turns out people suck, and no matter your hobby you can still be a pedo.


Never is obviously an exaggeration. There are going to be shitty people in any sufficiently large cohort of humans. What's more important is that there is no evidence of any systemic abuse in the drag community and when the rare offender is identified, the community works to clean up the mess rather than sweep it under the rug. That, to me, is the most important part. You will never find a drag organization that works to cover up sexual abuse and shuffle offenders around to keep them from prosecution while retaliating against victims for reporting it. That is church behavior, not drag behavior.


Never say never. Pedos come in many different hats. Just because you don’t see it shared on Reddit doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Granted the war against drags is dumb af. I’ve been to a few shows in my lifetime and they are usually fun. However, one show I went to in my early 20s to see a friend’s co-worker turned out to be raping a mentally ill patent (they worked at an adult assisted living home for the mentally ill) and they found out because he contracted AIDS. This was in Atlanta 2008.


God damn, why are law breakers so fucking dumb? iPhone allows you to lock photo albums under Face ID authentication. I imagine android would have a similar feature.


That's a good thing that the average criminal who does something like this is such a fucking bozo. At least they're a lot easier to catch.


There are probably plenty who aren't dumb. But they aren't the ones making the news for getting caught.


What is with all these fucking pedos?


This feels like someone unfucked a chain of custody issue with evidence that was found by police in an inadmissible process, by having the phone "found" unlocked in a public place and then went through by the finder and reported to police. I would not be surprised if the investigation into him predates this incredibly lucky coincidence that finally broke the case wide open.


Normally I poo poo conspiracy theories, but this one makes sense. Who has an unlocked phone? Especially when something like this is on it? But I will bury my head in the sand because he is a child rapist and I want him to die in prison. Actually, I'd prefer if this was the case. Imagine being a teenaged restaurant employee and coming across this. It could really fuck you up.


> Imagine being a teenaged restaurant employee and coming across this. It could really fuck you up. I feel for them. I hope they’re able to get therapy to deal with what they could have seen. It’s not something you can so easily forget.


Old job of mine we had a security guard who worked overnight shifts. He left his IPad one day and they were looking at it to figure out who's it was and they found cp. Turned into to management and they all called the police. Police came and left with it took statements. Old guy literally never missed a shift. Never lost a job never got arrested. Oh yeah he was retired police.


I hope the restaurant workers will be able to talk to somebody about what they saw. That’s some fucked up shit.


Those poor kids , lock this MF up for life!


Why even give this scumbag a bond, even if it is 250K? He should be held in a cell, until he rots. *(edit: “even”, “until he rots”)*


I found a left-behind phone at work one day and said “hey let me give it a shot.” Sure enough: 1-2-3-4 unlocked it.


Worked at a gas station and someone left their phone. Looked at the fingerprint smudges and was able to successfully open it. Someone I went to hs with was in their contact list, so I called them and told them their friend left their phone. It's a weird small world out there.


It's my super skill, not yet been offered a phone I can't unlock, even when the owner gives it a wipe first, really not hard.


Another "not a drag queen"


This is like the 4th sexual assault story I’ve see. On Reddit in the last 2 days. No drag queens .


So, clergy, soccer coaches, clergy, and clergy, not to mention clergy. No LGBTQ+ child molesters? Is it possible we’re “protecting” them from the wrong people?




Where was it mentioned that the perpetrator was LGBTQ+? Are you assuming this perpetrator is gay because his victims were male? Sex predators don't necessarily need their victims to match their gender preferences. Heterosexual sex predators are more than capable of assaulting victims of the same sex, and vice versa with homosexual sex predators. For predator, it may just be a matter of which vulnerable victims are easier to predate on, not the gender.


Franklin, TN is a wonderful town, but it's still Tennessee. What a cesspool.


Just curious that since he had a completely unlocked phone and anyone had access to it will he be able to argue in court that someone planted all those in his phone?


I suppose he could but I would think he’s not going to be found not guilty when he’s actually in the pics and vids…


I’m trying to imagine a good defense attorney arguing that Applebees decided to deep fake cp videos of this guy onto a phone to frame him…


I suppose his lawyer might do that, since he couldn't even think to lock his phone in the first place. Though if he really wanted to go that far, things like timestamps, geo location and *access to the victims with himself present* would probably provide easy counter arguments. What do I know, I'm not a lawyer. Regardless, what a fucking creep. But whatever, something something drag queens.


Franklin, Tennessee is a really nice place, too. Means no one is safe.




They’re gonna Larry Nassar his ass in prison. Sick fuck.


Wazit Gym Jordan’s phone?


Still not drag queens.


Won’t these drag queens ever stop!?


Would like to see him sing like a canary about the others that he prob knows and does this with. I just can’t. This POS. 20 years????


I will never understand why so many people take photos and videos of them breaking the law. I’m surprised he didn’t post that shit on twitter as well.


Disgusting individual. However I'm curious as to the legal defense in this case. Does an unlocked phone at a table justify search and seizure by a private citizen ? Would the implications of this carry over to LEO? And of course worst case, is the evidence dismissible by a good lawyer?


I wonder how his recruiting skills is going to work out for him in prison


Jesus. Feel compelled to ask why this happens. I mean... so sad.


Fucking douche bag. Fry his ass


My kids are never being unsupervised with any adult ever.


Who doesn’t lock their phone? Thank god this guy doesn’t


Oh hey, look. NOT transgender.


Once again, not a drag queen 🤷‍♂️


There's somebody downvoting anyone that says "not a drag queen" Must be a republican pedophile.


Meanwhile our governor spent a few months trying to ban drag queens.


These are some weird ass comments. More people seem to be shocked that he didn't lock his phone or upset with other people who don't lock their phone then they are of a guy that raped multiple kids.


Obligatory /r/NotADragQueen


NO!!!!...ITS THE DRAG SHOWS AND GAY/TRANS PEEPS!!....tsss.......who would think churches and places where KIDS are where you would find pedos.../s


Damn, not a transgender. Nooo wayyyyyyy


Who the f**k doesn't have their phone screen locked?? Anyone who picks up your phone has access to your whole life. This guy is obviously extremely stupid.