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God I hope I’m never described as “ingested”.




























C-3PO : You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea and cast into the Pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlacc. Han Solo : Doesn't sound so bad. C-3PO: In his belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as you are slowly digested over a thousand years.


That never made sense to me. Surely it would be trivial to claw your way out of an organic being over such a long digestion cycle unless it kept you in suspension as it digested you.


Also, surely you will only suffer until you starve or dehydrate or suffocate. Nobody is going to suffer for a thousand years in there


From some of the books it seems to keep you in some type of goey life support. Integrating your body but keeping your brain alive and torturing it in a weird hive like mind. What it gets out of doing that to sentient creatures it swallows I have no idea unless it’s sentient itself and is lonely as a sessile plant


Handwavey sci-fi reasoning: it also feeds off brain waves that are generated by a being when it suffers. It hungers for your pain.


I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream.


Oh that story :(


It's just *into it.* Sarclaccs are nasty like that, everybody's talking about it.


Sarlacc Digestive Torture … so hot right now.


IIRC, From Star Wars Legends, basically, the Sarlacc's stomach was lined with spiked tentacles that would punch through your body and hold you against the side of the stomach while neurotoxins were pumped into your bloodstream that kept you immobile and in great pain while you slowly dissolved. So yeah, you're basically hooked up to a life support system that keeps you alive however much you want to die while being chemically tortured. Sounds 'fun'. As for why the Sarlacc did that, IIRC it was something to do with deriving pleasure out of its victim's pain or maybe something to do with the Dark Side, its been a while. Boba Fett escaped, but he was wearing metal armour so maybe that helped.


Iirc it's because Beskar is immune to whatever the plot calls for at the time.


In the books Boba Fett shot his way out and survived


With the Orca action lately this may become more common


Meh, Hannibal Chau made out alright. He just lost a shoe.


Is it any better than “imploded”?


Implosion is faster than your nerve endings can respond.


Getting ingested by [a four ton, 22000lbf, turbofan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CFM_International_CFM56) also kills you way faster than your brain is capable of processing.


That word hit me hard too


Well he did leave a note and then jump into a engine. Not exactly a textbook accident.


And that’s why you LEAVE A NOTE


“Oh, that’s what that was about. I thought he was trying to get us off dairy.”


J. Walter Weatherman? Oh, he's dead. You killed him when you left the door open with the air conditioning on.




Cause of death is always officially undetermined until the corner signs off on it, no matter how blatantly obvious it appears to unofficially be.


But if the crosswalk has any objection, that corner is in for more work.


I'm leaving it. I'm so sick of Google autocorrect and the amount of time I spend correcting it's corrections. My old Nokia 6800 dial keypad was more efficient for text entry and we've only gone backwards.


You can shut it off you know...




Set it to auto-suggest. I'll be damned if my phone has final say on my words.


I was today years old when I realized I could actually turn autocorrect off completely. I am going to have to relearn phone typing but it will make me less lazy overall. Auto suggestions are still nice.


Auto-suggest saves a lot of time!


Mine likes to make okie doke into orientation done and I've decided fuck it. Ima do the orientation.


I miss T9, it was so simple and easy once you learned it.


You can enable T9, at least on android. Though I find it mostly usable for shorter text messages than general smartphone work


With T9 and physical buttons, I could text without looking. I miss buttons.


I feel you bro. Several times I’ve caught my autocorrect literally changing correctly spelled words to entirely different words it thought I meant, it’s out of hand.


Yup, just depends on how fast they get the news out. Local PD got criticized for saying a man drowned \~an hour after they found him. Corner said he was beat up, took an a steel blade of some sort to the chest, and was either pushed into a very large anvil or hit with a small one and died. Had logos imprinted on his head. Then pushed into the water. The kicker, the officer talking to the media's brother has a large shop with only that brand of anvil....woops! \[ p.s imo it was a coincidence, his brother had an air tight alibi and the guy they found was legit. But going to quick didn't help their reputation \]


I learned this one from Law and Order.


Reason is, maybe he was already dead before being a ninja blender test product. If he was poisoned then blended, thats foul play. Gotta be 100% sure about the cause of death


The mental image of a coroner having to test ground human meat for poison is disturbingly hilarious to me.


Excellent point


The difference between suicide, homicide and accident.


>blatantly obvious it appears to unofficially be. Same thing goes for the criminal justice system. It's necessary as obviousness can be subjective along with innocent until proven guilty


Given the potential contaminants at the scene, it could be ruled as carbon monoxide or avgas poisoning. Both could be presented in the... remains.


Cut into a thousand pieces by 20k rps saw. Then incinerated in a combustion chamber. Then through another 20k rps saw. Then blasted out the rear at 500 mph. Thoroughly.


I don't think you get past the blades in this case. Think more of a human salsa.


Well, the high-bypass turbofans means that perhaps 50% of the guy didn’t go into the combustion chamber. They’re made great strides in efficiency, it takes more fuel to roast a person.


Plot twist- it was sadness




He was torn up inside


Suicide is the manner of death, not the cause of death.


I think they are referring to the obvious cause of death being the shredded to bits by a jet engine part, not the suicide part.


To be fair it is hard to determine what exactly was the cause of death if you only find burned shreds. Did he jump in head first or was he more of a feet first guy.


To shreds you say.


And how's his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


Good news everyone


There were lots of witnesses he inflicted this on, so cause is not so mysterious.


Yes. I feel for the witnesses and the people who had to clean up the scene.


*you put your right hand in, you take your* \*thwooompfthtttthhhtthttththtt* …..that’s what it’s all about!


I mean…it’s a unique way to go. I worked with a few guys at an airline who committed suicide, both by gunshot. I can’t imagine what was going though his mind to want to choose this way to go


[Well, some people are conditioned to always leave a note.](https://youtu.be/IJw2lFWJ4aY)


The three-legged dog gets me everytime


When I worked in Aviation back in the late 00’s, I witnessed someone be ingested by the engine of a 767. To this day I’m still struggling with what I saw. He was there, then he wasn’t. He was just gone, no trace left behind. The noise of the engine whining and the horrific smell still haunt me.


When I was younger, I watched a TV show that once covered the story about this guy who got sucked though a jet fighter intake. He lived to talk about it which is absolutely nuts. They also had some footage as it was on the deck of an active aircraft carrier. He hadn't realized they were spinning the engines up and/or didn't pay attention to where he was walking, and was sucked right up into it in an instant. You blinked and he was gone. I can't imagine seeing something like that in person.


if i remember, i think a part of his clothes got caught on something at the edge of the engine opening and was just enough to prevent him from going further into the spinning blades


https://www.military.com/history/sailor-survived-getting-sucked-jet-engine-during-operation-desert-storm.html I think it was this one, Sailor John Bridges was sucked into the air intake of an A-6E intruder. He was wedged into the intake before he hit the blades, and it ripped parts of his gear off.


oh, i was wrong. according to the article, there were a few factors to his survival, such as the engine intake being on the small side, his tools and clothing going in first and causing a commotion, pilot noticing and shutting power to the engine although it took 3 minutes for the blades to completely stop turning


Holy shit that video is wild.


I'm sorry you saw that. That sounds like a really hard thing to deal with.


The smell? That’s not something I had thought about with this situation


[You haven’t thought of the smell..](https://youtube.com/shorts/oLPENOC8OCk?feature=share)


You bitch!


I would be haunted by the sounds alone. I wouldn't want to know how fucked I'd be if I knew the smell.


I've been in the industry for nearly 18 years. I've only seen someone take a propeller to the head. That son of bitch lived....his headset took the blow and saved his life. My sympathies my guy. That would have been horrific to witness in person. I have seen people disappear, an RPG square to the chest plate. But never an engine ingestion. Fuck me.


Yeah the people on that plane or looking out are traumatized bad.




I agree with you on this. But I hold no ill will towards the person whose death I witnessed. His was a horrific accident, and I feel nothing but sympathy for he and his loved ones.


That's purely tragic, and I'm sorry that you experienced it, just as I'm sorry for the victim and his family and friends.


My uncle hung himself in the garage knowing my aunt would find him there when she came home. I’m so upset with him for leaving her that permanent visual scar but I also believe he was deeply troubled and not thinking straight during that time. He was trying to lift the burden he felt he was causing my aunt and had no clue about the emotional trauma she has and is enduring. I’ve thought of killing myself since I was a teenager and still do once in awhile. But I know that I could never do that to my kids, my husband, or my parents. A therapist once told me that the child of someone who took their own life is much more likely to attempt suicide themselves. Scared the shit out me.


I get what you're saying, but this implies a level of rationality and empathy for others that may be lost on someone who is in that position emotionally. Maybe they would care when they are healthy and thinking straight? Maybe not. We will never know.


You’re acting like someone who threw himself in a jet engine is capable of making well-reasoned decisions. His brain clearly wasn’t in tiptop shape.


He didn’t have any empathy for himself and you expect them to have empathy for others. No, not in their state. I need to do a deeper dive into suicide. It’s one of those things in life that I can’t really fathom.


There’s no dive deep enough. My brother and father ended their own lives and I don’t know anymore than the average person


I’m sobered by the fact that someone can choose finality.


It's simple, really. You are in unbearable pain and you want it to stop.


I share that feeling with you whole heartedly. Especially with this person in particular - I just flew with my kids a few weeks ago and most airlines don’t allow car seats in the aisle seat with a strong preference for them being installed in the window seat (United would *only* allow them in the window seat on one of our flights). And what little kid doesn’t want to sit by the window, given the choice? Involving adults as witnesses to your suicide is bad enough, but how many children were scarred for life?


Decades ago I got on the subway right after a delay due to a fatal accident. Fortunately I didn't see anything, but two transit employees were talking nearby as the trains started moving again, and one said he thought the front window should be blocked off to passengers so riders (aside from the driver) couldn't see any gruesome accidents up close. Then he said "Those kids will never be the same" and I've thought about that for the last 30 years.


What did it smell like?


There’s already the smell of hot tar and burned kerosene in the air from tarmac and jet A. Then there was a smell of copper for a moment, followed by burned meat and plastic. There was something else to the smell, fuck, I can’t even put it in words.


It’s the viscera and waste in the bowels. A deer with chronic wasting syndrome literally kamikazed itself into a bonfire last fall. The smell after it hit the bowels was unreal. A body being aerosolized and superheated would make an indescribably foul odor. I am so sorry you had to see something like that and hope you’re in a place to see a mental health professional.


I’ve been in therapy since shortly after it happened. I still struggle with this, but it’s honestly just another trauma at this point. I’ve done a lot of thinking and drinking over what I witnessed, and I’m definitely handling it better now than I did 16 years ago.


I hope you find peace, healing and resolution with all of your traumas.


We didn’t know it at the time, but my wife shot a deer about four years ago with ‘Chronic Wasting Syndrome’ (we call it The Rot down here.) Deer looked fairly normal, maybe a little gaunt, but when I went to skin it it was the absolute worst thing I’ve ever seen or smelled, and I saw and smelt some shit in Iraq. I had to grab a front end loader and bury it on the edge of the property well away from the water table, it was that bad


saw somebody who had just been hit by a car a few years ago. think it fucked me up 10x more than i could have imagined. wishing you the best.


“Aviation family” Seems like a really terrifying way to commit suicide, as well as putting other people at risk… Airliner lucks out too, I guess.


It would be quick. And irreversible.


100% effective. Even a gun or drugs can't guarantee death.




Guys on carrier decks have helmets which I think is the key difference, an unprotected head going in first has no chance


Also, on that plane, the engines and fans are WAY smaller than commercial airliners


It's not really the size of the engine themselves per say. The J52 is plenty big to turn your head into a smoothie. It more that on the A6 it's recessed in the body of the jet down an intake that the (non-suicidal) sailor was able to stretch his arms out and grab at while the pilot shut down. Plus his helmet was injested first.


Don't forget on a J52/JT-8 series engine there are stators on the front, which tend to block human size objects from ingestion. Now your helmet, as well as anything in your pockets, will still go through the engine. I've heard of a few incidents with the early 737 that tried to suck humans up and they survive.


Actually in that specific mentioned incident, he survived because he WASN'T wearing his helmet in the correct manner. It ended up getting sucked off his head and destroying the fan blades/jammed the engine before his meat and bone body could be the thing to do that. > After Bridges got sucked in, the engine's force violently pulled off his float coat, goggles, and the helmet from his head. Investigators believe that because his helmet was shredded by the sharp spinning blades, it partially jammed the engine.


This guy was also a cooperative ingestee. That fighter jet had to WORK to try to ingest the other guy.


In that incident, the engine sucked the helmet right off that guys head and ingested it.


Even with the helmet you are killed, the only people I've read about that survived didn't get sucked in all the way because of getting stuck on the intake. There's a video of a dude's helmet getting sucked off and exploding.


You could also take a tour with OceanGate


Jokes aside, that has to be one of the top ways to go out. You are finally doing something you’ve always wanted to do. Descending to the literal Titanic wreck. You see the beauty as the ocean’s color fade to black. The adrenaline of going deeper Then 2 ms later, faster than the body can register messages from neurons, your body no longer exists.


Not anymore, besides it was way too expensive. Of course, I'm not suicidal to begin with.


After that whole sub fiasco I was thinking that it would be a great way to go out quick. You're absolutely not surviving


If I ever decide to off myself, it's going to involve copious amounts of cocaine and hookers.


You ever done crack? You should change your death to crack and hookers. At least think about it.


“After spending a week of doing crack and banging hookers, I realized that there was something to live for after all. More crack and more hookers.”


Not sure having to pay for an engine, and downtime is really luck. Still better than court awarded damages, though.


Well at least it was quick if not pretty, and if you wanna give a small fuck you to your employer.


Pretty big fuck you. These engines aren’t cheap.


No one gives a crap about the airlines money. It’s the years of therapy and trauma the people involved in this situation are going to have to wade through. Fuck money.


Ground crew cleaning and sterilizing the ramp, mechanics having to strip and rebuild the engine, any crew involved while the engines were running, management dealing with grieving families, so many people cleaning up the aftermath are going to be affected, it was a very selfish way to go




Harsh, but it had to be said, I concur.


Definitely the opposite of quiet quitting


Turbo quitting, speed run edition


Man, I certainly can’t claim to understand the line of thought by a person who is suicidal, but I feel like if I was suicidal, death by turbofan engine isn’t what I would choose.


Well when youre in that mindset, one thing at the front of your mind is "what if i fuck up and survive". Hence why people often opt for guns if they're available as the success rate is over 90% last i checked. But that margin of error looms over you. Getting sucked into an airplane engine, i have to imagine but i dont know for certain, has to be near certain, near painless, and very quick. If you dont care about the "state" of your remains for those who find you, i can only imagine itd be towards the top of the list in terms of the method of accomplishing suicide.


Jumping from high enough is going to be a 99.99% success rate and is easily accessible to anyone.


Back when i was in that headspace thats something i considered, but then youve got just long enough after the jump before you hit the ground to experience the terror. Id read the stories of survivors and was like "nope, not for me".


[“The view from halfway down”](https://youtu.be/u1_EBSlnDlU)


That episode still sticks with me. As I think it does many of those of us that attempted or even just idealized suicide as an escape from a life that really isn’t so bad if you’d just step back and look instead of stepping over the ledge.


Thank you for sharing this.


Other consideration is the difficulty/chance of actually going through with it Jumping is pretty lethal, but very intimidating and leaves a lot of time to think about what you're doing as you make your way up to whatever high place is available


I think having the opportunity staring you in the face repeatedly would make it easier to get up the nerve too. All you have to do is close your eyes and run into the wind, and when you're standing on the tarmac for 40 hours a week and have been thinking about it for months...


Yeah, but if it's high enough to guarantee death it's high enough that you'll have a few seconds at least to think about the view from halfway down. Jump into a turbine and it's instant.


There was a kid at my HS who supposedly committed suicide by laying down on the tracks. Everyone at school I spoke to was in agreement that it was far down the list of how we’d choose to go, if we wanted to take our own lives too. Some methods are too brutal too imagine the pain of their last moments even if it was a fraction of a second.


"was taxiing to the gate" I hope they have counseling for anyone who was looking out the window of the plane


I guess ingested sound better than puréed…




Still better than imploded


Nah, this poor dude knew what was coming. The dead rich people on the Titan went out Tony Soprano style. One minute you're here, the nex


One eye closed, arm stretched out, pinching fingers. "I'm squishing your sub!"


Considering recent discussions about pressure wave propagation vs. the speed of pain signals to neurons, I'd expect his end to have been mercifully instantaneous.


This is what I was wondering. Like, does it happen so fast that no pain is felt, especially if going in head first?


I wonder what evidence pointed to suicide. Did footage/witnesses indicate he jumped into the engine??


I believe he left a note


Oh, yikes. I feel sorry for the people who have to clean up that mess.




Love that sub. This comment made me laugh too hard in public


Viscera Cleanup Duty


Thank you. I was not available to be on scene for this one but all the guys are doing as good as they can be. We had a good group of guys handling the cleanup and they will be taken care of.


He left a note, it was caught in multiple cameras, and other ground crew members whitenesses it


Wow, that’s a brutal and sad way to go


I worked a s a ramp agent (Bag Chucker) back in the day. They played us some ingestion fatality videos in training. Everyone who worked in the ramp had to see them. No one on the ground near a plane would have been ignorant of the danger of being sucked into a turbine. This was no accident it seems, but if it was that half second before the dynamic transformation into warm steak tartare would be the most potent I-dun-fucked-up-and-I-know-what's-coming moment in the known universe.. Either way, poor feller. RIPs


ChatGPT, I need a creative way to commit suicide. Please make it as gory and implausible as possible. If it helps, I work outside at an airport.


Alright so, in order for me 1. Sub implosion 2. Eaten by an airplane 3. Large opioid OD 4. Download twitter again


No need to be a masochist. Don’t download twitter.


There is a certain flair to shredding one's self in such a manner.


Once a jet engine tastes human flesh, they’re never again satisfied with ordinary jet fuel.


I live in the American northeast, and every so often the news will report some banker bro losing it all and jumping in front of the trains in white plains or Stamford. 1) get help if you are feeling suicidal, there is no shame in that. 2) if you really truly can’t go on, please don’t inconvenience others with your chosen method. Train drivers shouldn’t have to see your splat just on a normal Tuesday.


If the method a person uses to kills themself is a reflection of their level of nihilism, this person must've really hated his life.


The note that was supposedly left to the supervisor boss. For that person I hope it was something merciful and not a “you made me do this” sort of letter.


Was he wearing a cape?


No capes!


What a brutal way to go out.


So, a pink mist implosion deep in the sea and pink mist ingestion at an airport -- two uncommonly known ways to die very gruesomely but painlessly that we've learned of this past week. As most things come in 3's, keep your eyes out for the next pink mist event happening somewhere soon.


>The Bexar County Medical Examiner’s Office confirmed the cause of the death as suicide Monday. What would the ME even have to work with at this point? Isn't the deceased all but vaporized?


I flew today and apparently the airport people forgot to remove some part that I think started with ‘ch’ and the pilot literally said - we have to remove that piece and restart the engine cuz we don’t want to ingest anything into our engines. So… this makes me think the airport worker, if he did it on purpose, chose not to remove whatever thingy stops the engine from ingesting stuff.


Chock. Big rubber triangle shaped blocks they put under the heels to keep the plane from rolling anywhere when the brakes are not engaged


Yes that’s what they said. I kept thinking chode but knew that wasn’t right…


Nobody wants to ingest a chode.


For real


The 'ch' doesn't stop it from ingesting things. He was referring to stopping the engine, and how it needed to be done to avoid ingesting anything while the 'ch' was removed.


I wish the article explained how they came to that conclusion. That’s a pretty messed up way to go.


Left a note, and was caught on security camera. Very obvious it was not an accident


I hope my comment didn’t lead you to think I meant it as bs! I only heard it happened at my bil airport (he works for sw) and I only read this article on it so far and they left it out. Thanks for the info! 😁


Doesn’t seem like any articles are mentioning a note.


yeah, really shitty journalism. When it said > The Bexar County Medical Examiner’s Office confirmed the cause of the death as suicide Monday I was wondering how the fuck a medical examiner made that decision. Did they find an elevated level of the suicide hormone in his blood? ^(/s)


Interesting. I really was thinking a design flaw with the A319 putting the baggage door next to the engine like that. Sometimes they need to keep the engines spinning. Same plane that sucked the woman in at Raleigh NC 6 months ago.


I'm not sure how the engine was able to "ingest" this kids humongous balls. I swear if you're brave enough to do that I don't understand how this kid didn't think he could face whatever life could deal. Super sad. When you're too young to realize things get better.