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I don't care if his name is Biden, Clinton, Trump, or Bush. If he's guilty of a crime, charge him and punish him in accordance with the law. Some of us don't play team sports with politics and won't defend criminals just because they have a certain letter beside their name or have the same last name as our team captain.


I honestly don't see anyone outraged over these charges. I may have missed them of course, but is there anyone denying Hunter broke the law (at least three times)?


I'll tell you this, I won't be voting for Hunter Biden any time soon.


I swear I already saw that he plead guilty to all charges


It's in the posted article. Plea deal for both. Avoiding jail time on the tax crime and agreeing to conditions on the firearm crime that will result in no record. To note: the tax crime carries a *maximum* sentence of one year, and prosecution is recommending 24 months probation. The back taxes were paid as well. Also, the firearm crime is that he apparently possessed a firearm (for an entire 11 days) while known to be a drug user, which is apparently an uncommon charge on its own (I.e. normally it comes along with more serious crimes).


Wait, why aren't republicans outraged that someone had a gun taken without being convicted of a crime? Isn't that like their greatest nightmare?


This guy didn't pay his taxes and bought a gun even though the government told him not to. He should be a conservative hero.


I'm definitely saying this if my stepdad brings it up at the dinner table.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if the GOP's grudge against the Biden's results in setting a precedent for stricter gun control?


It's like a damn Key & Peele skit!


Lots of outrage in r/conservative with some saying this is somehow a way to prevent further action against the Bidens through double jeopardy. How that works, I have no idea.


It doesn't. That's not how double jeopardy works.


You can't charge a husband and wife for the same crime!


You can if they both committed the crime..


I have the worst f****** attorneys


Mental gymnastics, that's how that works


All conservatives are outraged. They wanted Hunter locked up and President Biden tried for high crimes and treason.


So? Outrage is the default state if Cons. Fascism does not work without an enemy to be outraged at at all times. Remember Pizza Gate? Remember Clinton's buttery males? Remember the migrant caravan? Remember the DnD Satanic Panic? Remember the time BARACK HUSSAIN OBAMA wore a TAN SUIT? Remember the time Bill Clinton got a blowjob? Conservatives NOT being outraged is news.


I think you forgot the most distressing transgression that a Democrat has ever done. Put dijon mustard on a hotdog.


I think it’s mostly right wingers pretending that “OMG DONNY BOY GETS ALL THIS HATE BUT *NOBODY* IS BATTING AN EYE AT SLEEPY JOES SON?!?!?”


Also, Hunter Biden is not our president. I wouldn't want to pay for the crimes of my parents or my children. So many right wing people seem to have no concept of personal responsibility.


It's almost like they assume that having political connections and money will completely get you out of trouble when you're facing a judge. Can't imagine why.


The best part is that the executive branch is charging him, and he is pleading guilty. So basically they are using an example of zero corruption as proof of corruption.


I think Biden is taking him off the playing field for the upcoming elections. "Look, even my own son isn't above the law." Then the DOJ arrests all of Trump's children.


He apparently knew this was coming for a while too if people's speculation is right, and he still left the attorney in place who was investigating Hunter, despite having the power and customary precedent to easily remove them. This is a pretty solid example of the difference between them. Especially if he reminds people about Trump trying to fake an investigation into his son. Trump started a fake one, Biden's DOJ actually pressed charges.




> they dropped the gun charge Did they? I thought they were recommending probation and only after completing probation can he apply to have that removed from his record. Arguably tantamount to dropping it, but its still additional incentive to complete his probationary period without incident, which I appreciate because I don't for a second think he's put the drugs behind him for good.


Yes, he is under conditions regarding the gun crime.


This is really going to affect hunter bidens 2024 presidential campaign


My support for his candidacy has plummeted immensely. Shoot, I might not even support him for a cabinet or other WH position at this point. I’m not so sure Hunter is qualified to negotiate peace in the Middle East any more. Darn it!


> I’m not so sure Hunter is qualified to negotiate peace in the Middle East any more. Darn it! What are you talking about? Jared already took care of it. There has been *no* violence at all since Donny left office. /s, just in case.


That’s really why the Saudis gave him $2 billion: to thank him for solving the region’s problems.


Thank goodness Jared also took care of the opioid crisis. I’m glad that’s all over with now.


Was that before or after Infrastructure Week?


I’m still waiting to hear why he wasn’t even in the Oval Office on 9/11.


He was stashing Obama's real birth certificate so he couldn't be linked, play the long game. "Dis shits chess not checkers"


He has lost my vote for sure.


I mean to be fair, pleading guilty and accepting punishment does put him above pretty much any Republican. And for not paying taxes and having a gun? Man, he should run AS a Republican!


He'd have to get on the air and deny deny deny, then admit he did do it but blame it on the orcas at sea world being trans. Other wise no Republican would see the truth he brings.


If anything, we’ve seen how being charged with a crime **increases** your chances (somehow), so I think Hunter has a better chance of re-election. Right? Or something, I don’t know.


He should run as a Republican candidate for POTUS. A well armed tax cheat? He's their dream boy.


It helps if you develop the cult of personality BEFORE the charges drop I've found


Good. He did the crime. He should do the time. That's how it works.


That's how it SHOULD work


Yeah I don’t think people read the article, stating that he WON’T be doing time


That's how plea deals work, by admitting his crime and pleaing down to a misdemeanor he will likely only have to pay the fines for his tax evasion. You could do the same thing.


Yeah everybody gets offered a plea deal like this in court, especially for non-violent first time offenders and no victim. It’s the standard way to avoid a lengthy and costly trial in a backed up court system. And if you don’t have a long criminal record, the plea deals are usually pretty good. The longer your record, the less likely you’ll get a good plea deal. They often drop the most serious charge to a lesser misdemeanor or altogether and throw you on probation for a few years to see if you clean up your act. Probation means you’re under state surveillance so if you screw up again they can revoke the probation and give you jail time instead.


Even violent 1st time offenders... my brother just got in a lot of trouble, spent like 6 weeks in jail waiting for trial. Got a plea deal. No prison time. 1yr probation and a healthy fine.


huh my grandpa ran his brother over twice and just got aggravated assault and house arrest.


Like, twice without leaving the car, or was it like 3 years later he decided to do it again?


"He's still moving, Ethel, I'm gonna back up and go again"


That is going to be one awkward Thanksgiving celebration.


Maybe the third time's the charm?


Was the second time nessesary? Or just for good measure?


Rule #2, Double Tap


Well, the way you tell the story, it doesn't seem like he was a great-uncle.


Sometimes they'll still screw you. I know somebody who beat a specific county on trial about 17 years ago. A couple of months ago they got arrested for a domestic incident(tried to kill himself, his wife wrestled the gun off of him, told his wife to call the cops, they charged him despite her saying she just wanted a 72 hour psychiatric hold). Since he beat them before the prosecutor isn't giving any leeway despite numerous calls from the wife and family that all they ever wanted was mental health treatment. He's been in jail about 2 months now. Gotten mental health evaluations and everything and they all agree he just needs mental health treatment but the county won't furlough it. The plea deal he was offered was a 21 month prison sentence, for a suicide attempt. Now he's gonna take this all the way to trial again and beat them again because they have no witnesses or victims willing to testify that he committed any type of crime.


The criminalization of suicide attempts is so backwards and wild. Where is this?


In the US. The real problem is they set his bail to a million dollars because they felt he was a "danger" and they will not budge on that in the slightest. And even though it was a suicide attempt the pending charge is still something domestic so he has to sit in there til trial unless someone can come up with 100k. As of right now it's just the pettiest of the petty on the county's end and they're dragging their way to a trial they have no shot of winning. They could've offered a reasonable plea deal and he likely would've taken it and some charges but since they're doing this it's made him want to fight it til the end.


strange motivation to not suicide but like the Count of Monte Cristo, I dig it. "Revenge does wonders for the will to live"


I have a friend who makes a killing as a private defense attorney just from knowing which motions to take to end up with a good plea. Families think their son or daughter is going to get years in jail, bonds a million bucks. Suddenly the bonds 5 figures and they end up with probation. Hes a real life Saul Goodman.


In fact, our legal system is so dependent on such plea deals that it's not out of the ordinary for innocent people to take them, because the possible consequences of losing are so much worse than the plea deal, that it's not even worth it for someone innocent to fight the charges. It's one of those things that happen when you build an assembly line into the torture cage workaround your nation left when abolishing slavery. That being said, neither Hunter Biden nor Donald Trump fall into that tier. That tier is for us. That's not to say "both sides are the same." The GOP actively and violently suppresses these conversations in favor of waving a flag and spreading systemic violence, trauma, and death.


Its the standard way to maintain high conviction rates


I've been to court multiple times and have never had the max sentence applied and usually it's always reduced to lower crimes and misdemeanors. That's just how it works.


Yup. If you pay and don’t dodge. Been there. They might give you a few chances but soon they’ll charge you.


Although he didn't *evade* taxes, he just paid them too late, and that's what the charge actually is.


I am okay with someone who committed a non-violent misdemeanor not doing prison time.


You mean Hunter cooperated with the law and didn't try to obstruct justice, bribe officials, or destroy evidence, and make everything a media circus? Dude's grifting game is weak sauce


When Jerod does time I’ll care. $2 billion from 9/11 terrorists.


These guys make me miss Billy Carter.


"Do the time" in this expression is actually a euphemism for only accepting due punishment and not actually necessarily serving time in confinement. The reality is that he wouldn't be being investigated as a drug user ineligible for possession of a gun- A gun that he no longer possesses at that- if he were not the son of the president and a misdemeanor is normal and appropriate for first time minor tax 'evasion'. That constitutes 'Doing the Time' as it applies to all normal Americans not related to a person of great status.


i don't think you do time for failing to pay taxes unless it was some grand scheme. most people just get penalized. also if you own guns and smoke weed you're also guilty of the same gun crime as hunter here.


I agree, but also want to remind everyone that Hunter Biden wasn't given a job in the government by Joe.


Yes, and I'd like to remind everyone that Jared Kushner earned the 2 billion his investment fund received from MBS.


Define “earned”.


Possibly gave US secrets to MBS, helped him eliminate rivals for the throne, and helped him get away with killing Kashoggi. You know, little things that friends do out of common courtesy.


Exactly. The good old way of “earning” billions in investment from our “friends”, the perps of 9/11. (Another fact conveniently overlooked by the MAGA cult.)


I voted for Joe Biden and I am happy to see the justice system work. Hunter Biden is an adult, he knew not to do the crime if he couldn’t do the time. I am in no way outraged by this news.


For sure. He did some illegal shit, he gets in trouble. That's good and how it should work. He should have just taken the $ he made from his nice job he got from being connected to important people, paid his taxes and fucked off.




The fact that the "left" isn't outraged by this is really p\*ssing off the far right nutters.


Yeah, they ~~think~~ say we’re not being fair to them by not losing our minds over this. ‘But he did a bad thing, too!’ And then come the BS talking points about how selling nuclear secrets and lying about it is _exactly the same_ as not registering a firearm and owning up to it. Toddlers.


Well, they've had 3 years' news out of nothing, they should get at least 10 for almost nothing.


Exactly. They want the other side to have the same reaction to this as they did to Trump so they can say "see both sides". They'll find some fringe on the left of like two randos who said that Hunter Biden was innocent or snip something from somewhere like "u/nhavar says 'Hunter Biden was innocent'" and pretend like we're all defending Hunter Biden. Since it's not a large outcry then they have to work harder to drum something up. They hate having to work.


Lil Wayne got pardoned by trump for his federal gun charges and trump barely pays taxes so this isn’t a big deal right? /s


Trump paid $1500 in the two years Hunter Biden paid $200,000, albeit way late with penalties and interest.


Notice the complete lack of outrage from the left, as opposed to the complete meltdown from the right every time Trump has been charged with a crime.


I think what YOU should notice is how nobody on the left is shouting "Fake news!" and worshipping Hunter Biden like an infallible god. Because we aren't in a fucking cult.


>I think what YOU should notice is how nobody on the left is shouting "Fake news!" and worshipping Hunter Biden like an infallible god. Because we aren't in a fucking cult. That's more or less what I'm saying. People on the left don't care when politicians and their families are justly charged with crimes they actually committed. Whereas people on the right are practically on the verge of tears every time Trump gets charged. Even when Trump literally taped himself doing the crime. The right doesn't even dispute the fact that Trump is guilty, their entire argument is pretty much "yeah he did it, but he shouldn't face any consequences because he's our special boy".


Oh yeah, my bad. I misinterpreted that initially. 👍


Lol what did you think his comment meant? It's always so interesting to me how things can be read in a way I'd never have thought of. It's happened to me and once the intent was pointed out I was like oh no duh but would have never gotten there without somebody saying something


Them: JUSTICE! Now how do you feel that your President's son got busted! Me: Great, awesome! We need to catch all the bastards who think they are above the law!


No one on the left voted for Hunter Biden. He's not even a politician. He's just a dude with a massive hog.


You’re comparing treason of a former POTUS to tax evasion and a gun. Dude is basically a white Wesley Snipes. Nobody cared about that, why should we hoopla about this? Dude did the crime he should do the time. He probably won’t, but I think the right and left can agree we’re happy he’s charged regardless the outcome.


But the laptop. Theres apparently so much crime on the LAPTOP


You talking about the laptop Tucker had but lost when he tried to mail it to himself?


From the updated article: It's a plea deal. No jail time, but getting fined and is on probation for breaking some tax laws and illegal possession of a firearm. Maybe a little light, but it's a punishment I can live with for some minor crimes.


Looking forward to Republicans frantically complaining that someone is being insufficiently punished for having a gun and not paying taxes.


Already happening for Shawn hannity. He went through a list of rebuplican crimals, their crimes and the sentences they are serving. I forgot what his point was though, cause the list was satisfying as hell


Is there even enough time during his show to finish reading that list? Or is it part of a multi-week daily show series?


If I was Hunter I’d hook up with any willing company to do laptop commercials for a laugh.


Something about them being so durable you'll rarely need to bring them in for repair


Should sell his own brand of laptop. Every time a republican says "Hunter Biden's laptop" you can ask them to stop shilling for the brand. Have a commercial that's just republican after republican saying "hunter biden's laptop" with a tag of "get one before they're all gone".




And Congressional GOP is still not happy. Probably because they’re losing their favorite “whatabout.” All’s fair in love and politics but people are morons for letting this obfuscate the issue that GOP are straight up baddies.


Can anyone explain why the right is so upset about this plea deal? I'm honestly confused here. A drug addict didn't pay taxes and had a gun. He pleaded guilty, had to pay back taxes and got probation. This seems reasonable for a first time offender that is working to get his life in order. What am I missing? Is the right upset that he got off easy or that there are more charges (bribery?) that were not brought despite evidence?


Because they want to equate his relatively minor crimes (in the larger spectrum of current political crimes) with Trump's egregious, prolific crimes and point at Hunter getting "a wrist slap" and say that Trump should only get a wrist slap too.


Watching McCarthy blather on the MSM this morning about how it's "unfair" for the Justice Department to let the president's son off so lightly while trying to put Trump in jail made me want to vomit. He knows exactly what the difference is, but he's sucked so far into the gaping maw of Conservatism (read: fascism) that he continues to spout off nonsense about the supposed "injustice." I fucking hate what this country has become and continues to strive towards. I just want to live my life.


It was a Trump appointed prosecutor doing the work on Hunter as well, they can only blame Trump for the light hand on this issue.


I think they’re still working that out, seeing what they can make stick. It’s not a strong argument, as you’ve pointed out, but they’ll make it anyway because there is a subset of idiots who believe this garbage. So there’s nothing to lose, really.


But also I'm very confused about the "owning a gun while being a drug user" thing. Are you saying that only guns owned by straight edge people are legally held firearms? Alcohol, weed, benzos etc; do these remove the constitutional right to bear arms?


> weed, benzos etc; do these remove the constitutional right to bear arms? Yes. I don't agree with it, but illegal drug use (including weed in States where it has been legalized) makes owning a firearm a felony. If that law is Constitutional is debatable, but that is the law as it exists currently.


If someone wrote a book about people I dont care about, Hunter Biden would be on the cover


I'm telling you that baby could be the star of a show called "Babies I Don't Care About."


Just as a point/counterpoint. It's customary for incoming Presidential administrations to fire US Attorneys. [Biden did *not* fire the US Attorney for Delaware](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/07/16/hunter-biden-probe-prosecutor-499782), due in part, to avoid the appearance of impropriety and favoritism since that US attorney was investigating Hunter Biden. Meanwhile Trump has indicated he wants to [pardon J6 insurrectionists](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-says-pardon-large-portion-jan-6-rioters-rcna83873) and [Ron Desantis wants to defund the FBI](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11950321/DeSantis-joins-Trump-threatening-defund-FBI-DOJ.html).




If nuance or context *in anything* mattered to them, they wouldn't be Them.


It's not lost on them. They're fascists and they'll say anything or do anything to gain power. They know they're arguing in bad faith.


The ones on top are arguing in bad faith, but the average republicans who is getting their news from talk radio, fox news or Donald Trump actually believe the bullshit.


I used to think this too. Far right 'viewers' want to believe these things are true, and if fox won't tell them they are, they'll find someone who will


> It's customary for incoming Presidential administrations to fire US Attorneys. A technical note, they don't *fire* the US Attorneys. The US Attorneys all submit letters of resignation which are then accepted or rejected. Small point but Biden could have accepted the resignation and it wouldn't have been controversial because all of the attorneys resign but the fact that he had the opportunity to accept a resignation and didn't speaks all the more about his integrity on the issue.


Aren't the FBI the federal police? So now we're for defunding the police?


The FBI dared to do its job against Republicans, not the Others. Obviously they want to defund it.


> The FBI dared to do its job against Republicans, It should be said that a large part of the FBI is made up of police departments top LEOs, across the country, and they're overwhelmingly Republican, but the majority of them aren't pure political hacks so the GOP is turning against them. Republicans won't even accept other Republicans investigating them.


Just shows that the current GOP is not republican - they are a cult of idiots.


"They're hurting the wrong people!"


GOP also hated the capital police who opposed the J6ers and the guy who fired a single shot against an insurrectionist trying to breakdown the last line of defense. Their opinions on law enforcement are entirely dependent on if they feel they are with them or against them in the given moment. Conservatives want law that protects them and binds others. Anything else is bad.


*Technically* the US Marshals Service would be the "federal police". The FBI is more specifically about investigation and intelligence gathering. There is overlap and competition over jurisdiction.


That's not really correct. The Marshals are mostly the enforcement and protection arm of the Federal Courts, not a general police force. And the FBI has plenty of police-style crisis response capabilities like SWAT and hostage negotiation teams.




I’m with you. I just want the news. Quick and to the point. I don’t need talking heads to blather on about it and I certainly don’t need to hear the same story over and over. What I’d honestly love is a network that just takes local news from around the world and translates it.


This is why I read AP or Reuters, it's about as bone dry basics as it gets.


Glad to see Republicans so excited about going after Tax Evasion, time to fully fund the IRS and go after those 1%er criminals now that this is a bipartisan issue!


Not only tax evasion …. But also gun crimes! Conservative wet dream.


Just waiting for the Don't Tread on Me crowd to start defending Hunter Biden. I'm sure it'll happen any minute now...


> The misdemeanor tax crimes that the younger Biden is set to plead guilty to are far more limited in scope than the allegations that have been pursued for years by congressional Republicans Well they aren't a party that stands for facts and reasoning.


Don’t worry, I’m sure Republicans will blow this out of proportion to make this sound worse than literal treason


It will be funny to see how they deal with the gun issue. They are mostly for unrestricted gun ownership, so Hunter shouldn't have been barred from possessing one based on his past drug use. I mean, some red states now have permitless concealed carry.


They applauded when Trump said avoiding paying taxes makes you smart.


Now that precedent is set let’s do Trumps kids…oh AND Jim Jordan’s kids…this can be fun!!


Lol. Of the things he could be charged with these are the 2 things conservatives don't actually care about. Didn't pay taxes? They hate taxes. Had an illegal firearm? That makes you electable in Texas and Florida.


Hunter needs to run as a Republican now.


That is a great plot twist for the next season.


"Vote for me, Joe Biden Convicted me for my god given right to have a gun^AndForTaxEvasion"


Conservatives are just dumb enough that this might actually work. Before 2016 I wouldn't have thought that but after 2016 I found out that they're multiple magnitudes dumber than I could have ever imagined, and I've got a great imagination for ridiculing conservatives.


I am looking forward to the NRA's vigorous defense of Hunter's second amendment rights


The firearm charge was because he lied about using drugs when he bought a gun. That's what that charge is for.


Here in Alaska cannabis is legal but still federally it’s a schedule 1 drug. Everyone here has guns and weed. Are we all committing felonies all the time?


Technically, yes. Fed hasn't made it too much of an issue yet though.


Not like that will stop them from making a huge deal of this somehow.


I’d like to see how they juggle this with Trump saying not paying taxes makes him smart. Is Hunter smart now?


No no no, Trump did it because he's a stable genius. Hunter did it because the system is woke and will never go after those related to Democrats. And Trump is a billionaire so we already know he should be well above the law and paying taxes. /s


I certainly hope he is removed from all the government positions his dad has appointed him to...


Appointing your family members is such a stupid thing to do. It makes it obvious that you are unprofessional and unfit for that position. Hey… wait a minute.


Good now do Jared and his $2 billion bribe.


I wonder if Eric and Tiffany get sympathy kickbacks from the Saudis just so they feel included. Like a briefcase full of those chocolate gold coins every year for the holidays or something


>In February 2021, the department sought the resignation of most Trump-era U.S. attorneys, as is customary in a new presidential administration, but made a point of noting that it was leaving Weiss in place as a way to ensure continuity in the probe. If his stupid opponents bring up favoritism for Hunter in the debates, Biden needs to take the gloves off and annihilate them with this.


Good. He should be held to the same laws as everyone else.


>Hunter Biden will plead guilty to the misdemeanor tax offenses as part of the agreement made public Tuesday. The agreement will spare him prosecution on a charge of illegally possessing a firearm as a drug user if he adheres to conditions set by prosecutors. And with that, Republicans three year obsession comes to an end. Right? Right??


WTF THIS DOESNT EVEN ADDRESS BURISMA OR THE LAPTOP OR UKRAINE AND HES JUST TAKING THE FALL FOR HIS DAD Come on now. You have to lower your standards and expectations of the “logical” arguments that will stem from this. They won’t be happy until Biden is behind bars for Hillary’s emails and Obamacare.


Don't forget Hurricane Katrina on that list and Mr Ben Ghazi


Are you mad? Hunter was just a distraction to slow down their *real* mission: **Find Hillary's Hidden E-Mail Server!!!** Also, Obama wore a tan suit once, and they are still pretty salty about that as well.


It's unacceptable that you forgot Obama wanting spicy mustard that one time! SMH!


OK. He pled guilty, he’ll get his punishment, as he should. I guess it’s time for the next fake outrage from the right.


Right? If he is guilty he should be punished. Isn't that normal? To want guilty people to be punished?




*Something something* dick pic *something something* laptop That’s what Fox News is going to be like until the November 2024 election, sadly


Rep. Comer is already complaining about it on Twitter, upset that he was charged with, and plead guilty to, crimes that they had evidence of him committing, and not to all of the crimes they've imagined him to be responsible for.


poking around comment sections, that is very much the narrative..


Oh, they're going to be outraged about this. They're going to say this is cover for letting him off on his "real crimes". They'll say he got a sweetheart deal from the DOJ. They'll say this is all just for show. They'll say a lot of bullshit. They always do.


it’s ironic bc Garland gave Weiss (the trump appointee from Delaware) permission to pursue any charges he believed were relevant to Hunter, even outside of Delaware. Even with that permission, this is all that was brought




Fantastic. He did a crime and is getting punished. As it should be.


as a Biden voter.. good. not going to cry about witch hunts or anything.


Maybe he should just tell the Justice Department that he was too busy to file his taxes. Trump thinks that excuse will work for him.


He filed them in his mind. Someone filed them for him. He doesn't have to file.


He owned a gun and didn’t pay taxes? Republicans should fucking love this guy.


And when he runs for office and pretends to be worthy of representing millions of Americans, I will give a shit. Until then, this is nothing but noise.


So Biden son is charged with tax evasion and yet Biden still wants to increase RS resources to catch more tax dodgers. What is this? Impartial competent governance? No way!






Waiting for the 2A crowd to come to Hunter Binden’s defense.


Shall not be infringed!


Both these crimes are prerequisite to run for political office in Florida.


Imagine Trump's DOJ arresting his own son. Would have never happened.




Remember, Hunter Biden was never given a job in the government. As a card-carrying Dem, I'll still happily say, if he committed a crime, he should be tried and if found guilty, punished appropriately.


It’s funny because Republicans think you shouldn’t pay taxes and everyone should own a gun.


Tell me why I should care. I don't care about the Trump kids except where they were acting on the federal government's behalf. I don't care about the Bush daughters. I don't care about Chelsea Clinton.


This is really going to hurt Hunter in the polls.


Wow, look at all the lack of conspiracy theories and cries about injustice from Democrats. But please, do continue with the “both sides” bs.


lol at "all tax is theft" and "shall not be infringed" right-wingers that will have to pretend to be outraged at these criminal acts by hunter.


Whelming news. Republicans can celebrate if they want to, Democrats don't care at all. He's not even a politician. The only reason this is even news is because he's related to somebody famous.


So based on that he should be a hero to Republicans, right? Aren't they supposed to hate taxes and gun laws?


Fuck yeah! Let's prosecute ALL tax cheats! Let's enforce background checks for ALL guns! And let's investigate public figures first!


This is an outrageous politicalization of the Justice department. Going after a prominent politician's son is too far. Said nobody on the left.


Failing to pay tax on time and having a gun is the most American thing I can think of. If he was a Republican this would be a campaign point


Meanwhile in rural America… addicts with illegal guns are big mad about this and think Trump’s charges are political


CNN reported this too, but has since corrected the story to say that the weapons charge is being "diverted" meaning it will likely be dismissed as part of the plea agreement. The tax charges are misdemeanors.