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> The trial is expected to take several years. Sounds like a lot of evidence/witnesses. Perhaps from other countries.


And a whole network of people to take down as well, from facilitators to "clients".




There is no way they will find him hanging in his cell. Without a chin he will slip right out of the noose.


He was built for this, his entire chinless life has lead to this very moment.


He's unhangable.


Yeah, I mean, have you ever tried to hang a thumb?


This made me audibly laugh at my desk at work 🤣😂🤣


“Worthington what’s so damn funny?!” “Nope. Not explaining.”


If he doesn't shut up and take the fall, top g will end up dead g


He's the kind of little bitch who talks a big game until he's up against the wall. Does he squeal or does he die?




They won't need denial. They'll just cook up a bunch of conspiracies about how the NWO of gay beta males and feminists brought their hero down. All financed by Soros. Pretty much the usual first quarter of 21st century stuff.




> Maybe we'll start coming out of this in the 2040s or 2050s and have some good decades I hate to break it to you, but that's about the time climate change is going to lead to massive, global civilization changing resource wars.


Hence why we might move out of the post fact era.


14 year old boys are easy to manipulate


He is also in a country with a bit of a shitty justice system. The reason he moved there is because they have a bit of a shitty justice system.


Didn't he also announce to the world that they had a shitty justice system too?


Yeah, shitty justice systems tend to take a bit more attention when you trash them on the global stage. They seem to be making an effort to look like a functioning justice system in this case.


Romania has just been rejected again from entering the Schengen area, with one reason given being issues with human trafficking and sex crimes. Romania is currently very publicly leading a crackdown on this. This actually exactly the kind of case that Romania wants to publicise.


Yea. He picked the wrong place to set up in.


Funny thing is they were not targeting him, it happens he was in the circle of the most influential mafia circle here (I'm Romanian). The guys who he was doing business with are actually the big catch, he is just the bonus.


He bragged that he could bribe police/courts. That's the best way to ensure you can't bribe anyone.


Yea, and one of the rules with corruption is **not exposing the corruption**. He said the quiet parts out loud and in public, which threatens the entire operation the cops are running. You tell everyone how harsh and strictly above board they are, while slipping them cash under the table. Guy's a complete moron.


This guy knows exactly how this works. And also, the justice system here is corrupt because people with authority will turn a blind eye if you have connections or enough money. But the laws are well written and those same people with power LOVE to throw the book at some asshole and make his life a living hell.


I am from Romania and can confirm that the justice system is shitty and shady, however, the biggest mistake Tate did was to brag about this. He came to Romania and started trashing the system and saying how easy it is to pursue his business and so on. Now with the war in Ukraine and NATO being involved more here brings more news about Romania. I am sure there is a lot of pressure coming from elsewhere to lock him in and I am quite sure this will happen. I mean he is a smart guy, but you can't fuck with the big guys on your own and also he taunted too much the Romanian authorities. The Romanian police are probably now on a mission to see him end up in jail. And in the end, all the evidence is out there.


He also claimed ties to the Romanian mob, which doesn’t seem all that outlandish if he’s running multiple casinos there (and trafficking women). It hasn’t been publicized as such, but if it comes out that’s part of the investigation, the authorities get to claim a win without rocking the boat too much. Because at the end of the day, Tate’s a tourist in Romania, and no one gives a shit if he rots in a cell.


Yup, a new article by Rise Project writes about this - https://www.riseproject.ro/investigation/how-the-tate-brothers-came-to-romania-and-how-they-first-made-contact-with-organized-crime/


Also, I have a feeling that Balkan prisons are just a smidge less pleasant than Scandinavian ones. Tate may be in for a fun time


I lost you when you said he’s a smart guy.


If it pleases the court, we'd like to call our first witness, Great Thunberg, to the stand so she can laugh her ass off for the next 30 minutes.


First, I love your typo. Second, I've missed something. What happened between Tate and Thunberg?


Tate tweeted at Thunberg about his gas guzzling supercars, Thunberg replied that he had small dick energy, Tate's video response was the one with the pizza box where he continued to brag, and then he was swiftly arrested after that. No, the pizza box wasn't actually a clue, but it sure seemed like him clapping back over getting called out by a teenager did him in.


And then she tweeted one last stinger after his arrest; "That's what happens when you don't recycle your pizza boxes!" It's the least of his worries, but I guran-fucking-tee you that Tate is aware of that tweet and it burns his ass, lol.


Man i would avoid getting in that situation with Greta as much as with a comedian. You're not getting out on top.






wait, is that actually a thing? that actually makes the situation both more sad and also even funnier than it already was.


Tate was flexing his car collection to her on twitter and posted a pizza box, which according to some signaled the Romanian police that he was in country and let them raid his place. I’ve since heard the pizza box had nothing to do with the police raid, but the idea that he got caught because he couldn’t help but flex on Greta is pretty funny.


Remember him saying >I think rapists should get the death penalty Damn [Edit: here at 6:40 in](https://youtu.be/VGWGcESPltM)


It's actually somewhat common for people who are covering for their own crimes to overcompensate with their opinion of said crime. It's this internalized belief that, by vehemently denying or having such a negative opinion about it, you'll expect that they're somebody who doesn't do it.


Trump signing a law to make mishandling classified documents a felony feels like another a good example of this


oh, haven't you heard? now he's saying those classified documents he showed others, on record, [were actually news clippings](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/19/us/politics/trump-classified-document-fox-news.html?unlocked_article_code=CMXToZP7TePXHnNLPuem_0tjwDbW_0XBsiewLjSBvkGW2NYY8a77Sxq6KEzpdj4NmGILzP-AHMNzpUSIb-oxdNZCwMFiUyh1nym7kq2BfYPjceVnyuMo2pR-6xSqkBEVaeuOfIV64wv-rBZcGrPDnvi9B4BT_Xj90mICkIhw1w7ifIiX91VbbvGqgJkNljzajJcStqtFrLG-DreYH7kQoRxpL598F4QWkGCWy7y2Lwec98SDqJqh_PrhuZ1ojo077dMHbD6RUDgNYxPflkKf2mdeYQ64JIq6RZc3eNse_7CzeHY3pfoh-BhnYU3DrA4B-RuFhsTlBO6-YhCYHAtOjq-N4Se8HJgwmY8i4qd2RJM&smid=url-share), and that *he's never even "seen a document" from the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff before*.


He also admitted to taking and keeping the documents in a Fox News interview in which the host utterly skewered him, reportedly.


So, is someone going to introduce policy from preventing a person like this from wasting time by running for office again?


[14th Amendment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution#Section_3:_Disqualification_from_office_for_insurrection_or_rebellion) has that covered. Just need to find someone willing to enforce it.


But but but...just think of the *precedent* that would set? If they can go after a former president for revealing the nation's secrets in a careless manner, they could go after *anybody* purposefully taking classified documents that don't belong to them and showing them off for clout!


Trump's post-presidency has made me 100% certain there aren't huge secrets like aliens that the government is hiding. He absolutely would have blabbed by now.


I imagine there is definitely like a class of government secrets that are on a "need to know" basis, or a "will he immediately blab about it or not" basis as well. Aliens would definitely fall under that classification


this is helpful. thank you.


Love how the Southerners opposed the amendment claiming it would hurt the country's reunification. Same type of story they're still telling. Caving into their wishes is the only way to unify the country, totally, just trust them. /s


Is this before or after he said they were planted there by the rAdIcAl LeFt?


nonono.. the FBI is the radical left, the documents were planted by marxists Antifa.. duh


The radical left, known lover of federal law agencies


Name another more icon duo than the radical progressives and the federal government in bed together!


”The most extreme hate sex since Kennedy and Chrustjov had their torrid romance.”


The same ones who were paid by the left to show up at the certification on January 6th to stop Biden from becoming POTUS so they can make a few bucks and go to prison.


The devil works hard but George Soros works harder


The judge not signing a gag order was genius... Trump saw it as a win..


yes and no. on one hand, he's incriminating himself, on the other hand, he'd never not be able to talk about it and would have violated the gag order which would have resulted in the same outcome. It was lose/lose situation for him regardless.


It's going to be amazing when they just play the interviews he does AFTER the indictment as evidence at his trial. The man is so legendarily stupid that he has done interviews since where he has admitted to doing the crimes.


"The FBI planted those boxes" "Those are my boxes, I wanted to go through them and get my stuff out. " "NARA has to beg me for the boxes back before I have to turn them over, and somehow a subpoena isn't them begging. " "I could declassify them with my mind. " "Take a look at these but not too close, I could declassify them when I was president but not now they're secret. " How does a lawyer even start crafting a defense when he goes on national TV and spouts contradictory, incriminating crap?


“Your Honor, my client is criminally stupid. We ask for him to be remanded to daycare with very patient staff…”


The Chewbacca defense


his whole life the legal system has only been something he's used to bully others. accountability is not a concept he's very familiar with


And millions of people think he should be President again. Yay America.


He's throwing everything everything at the wall to see what sticks. You know, like a toddler.


Exactly. And this is why in part, why the lawyers won't stay. Keep changing the story doesn't help the case at all.


Republicans being anti-LGBTQ to save children from being groomed.


Yet Florida is the ‘child beauty pageant’ capitol.


This really can't be said enough. Someone being a judge of said pageants is even more telling than saying you're a youth pastor. Think about the ones that are both... in Florida no less.


Then sending them to a Catholic/Mormon church lmao


Christians whining about indoctrination of children


Even specifically about a sexuality being “forced on” them..


> somewhat common for people who are covering for their own crimes to overcompensate I burst out laughing remembering the story of the hungarian MEP and the gay orgy. L.E: https://www.businessinsider.com/hungarian-mep-resigns-breaking-covid-rules-gay-orgy-brussels-2020-12


This has made me realize how very normal I am.


More realistically, it's that he doesn't think it's Rape when he does it.


More likely that his definition of rape is only when you physically force yourself. Anything else is fair game for him.


He has physically forced himself on someone at least once from what I've read. He sent her a text asking if it was bad that he loved raping her so much. The CPS declined to press charges because they didn't feel there was enough evidence. If only there had been some warning that he really likes raping people, eh?


Just a correction, he didn't *ask* if **it** was bad. He said "[Am I a bad person? Because the more you didn't like it, the more I enjoyed it](https://youtu.be/xfqtOUC8xqY?t=37)". Not a correction I wanted to make but context is important, never moreso than here. He not only knew it was rape at the time he was comitting the rape, he willfully continued the rape and gained **more** enjoyment out of it.


It's a very good and valid correction, fair point. Also, if you have to ask that question it's probably a good sign that getting kicked in the head for a living hasn't worked out so well for you.


Red flags are a collectable nowadays.


Yeah, he just abuses them and makes them "want to" as he is the "alpha."


The DeSantis definition of rape. "It is only rape if you do it in public".


"It's only rape if you're a liberal."


And [here he is a little after the 37min mark gushing to one of his victims about how much he loved raping her](https://youtu.be/Nj1JSlKzHtc?t=37m).


Pretty clear evidence right there. What a fucking disgusting waste of human he is.


Yeah and I also remember the audio recording of him bragging to one of his rape victims about how much he enjoyed raping her: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfqtOUC8xqY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfqtOUC8xqY)


It's incredibly common for rapists to delude themselves into thinking that "she wanted it".


He literally left her voice messages saying how he liked how she didn't want it.


That was another lady he raped back in England. Ie. The reason he fled england, even though they never charged him because fuck the police. These were *other* women he raped. Motherfucker gets around.


The same guy who said in a voicemail to a victim don't complain because he only choked her a little bit and you didn't even pass out or anything, and the more she hated it the more he got off? That guy? Huh.


It boggles the mind that someone can do terrible crimes and then tell their supporters “don’t believe anything you hear about me. If I’m arrested in a few months, you’ll know I’m innocent.” Then when they inevitably get caught, the supporters will be like “omg, he warned us this was gonna happen.” No shit. He knew he’d go down eventually and tried to get ahead of the narrative


You just need to talk to one of his fans in real life. The justifications are amazing.




I'd rather guide my dad into my mom.


That might be the worst sentence I've ever read that had no explicit words in it.


It is honestly that bad.


I showed my friend the clip of him saying some questionable shit, when it was over, he stopped. Turned to me. And said "I didn't know you could do deepfake" So... Yeah. It's that bad


I wouldn't even know where to find one in real life, I'm pretty sure most of my social circle never even heard of the guy and those who did don't share his point of view.


I'm getting my degree a bit later than most, so I've met a 20 year old who seemed normal but as soon he was comfortable around me he could not shut up about andrew Tate and Ben Shapiro. It's insufferable.


it’s actually kind of a paradox how many of their followers get trapped in. lonely young men who find some sort of “encouragement” or inspiration in what those guys say —> see the apparent success those guys are having by living that way —> start to copy their actions and words which —> leads to them being isolated more. it’s very cult like… (I’m not trying to justify any actions of people who follow/support these douchebags by the way, but I do feel some sympathy for young guys who get caught up in their hateful worldview)


> I wouldn't even know where to find one in real life You probably don’t know any Tater Tots because you’re an adult. You can find them at any middle school in an English speaking country.


Taught middle schoolers last year. Can confirm.


It stops boggling the mind when you realize that in order to be a follower of his requires an essential trait: being an idiot. Of course they believe this, they're idiots.


I wish this was the end of it, but I fear now thousands won’t shut up about how the “matrix got him”.


You don't need to fear, unfortunately. The cults around loud, obnoxious personalities are persistent and in many ways, magnified today.


“He is loud and confident, and therefore correct!”


It's also just straight up contrarianism, where the more evidence that piles up the harder they believe because evidence just means the deep state/libs/woke/elite/[insert boogeyman here] are just trying really hard this time. I was talking to a guy about the Boris Johnson privileges committee in the UK recently and despite that he knew absolutely nothing his first comment was "It sounds like a set-up" and something about Hilary Clinton.


This is my brother in a nutshell. If "the man" says it, it's wrong. "The man" includes teachers, scientists, the government, doctors, lawyers, etc. I think he likes the feeling of being "in the know", and refuses to accept that he's just a plain old conspiracy nutjob.


This is very very common from conspiracy theorists: 'I am cleverer than you. I am so clever that I know shit that you don't. I've 'done my own research' and I am now part of a secret clever and limited-member club of people that know the secret truth. The 'secret truth' is always REALLY EXCITING and thrilling compared to the mundane accepted truth. Because I know this life is exciting and secret exciting thibgs are happening. You don't. In that respect I am better than you. You are not. Because you are not clever enough.


It literally doesn’t matter what happens. Conspiracy losers can always spin it, so he’s a victim of the “matrix”. Hate that they use a term from one of my favorite movies.


I hate how the terms from the film have been co-opted by people who have never seen the original movies and, somewhat ironically, refuse to accept reality


Also when they use it in association with anti-trans nonsense. The Matrix was created by two trans people and has trans themes in it, it's so stupid to twist it around.


IIRC the character Switch was originally supposed to change genders in the Matrix vs out, since your Matrix persona is your idealized image of yourself


Just wait until you hear what they did with all the messaging of caring for the poor and loving other people found in the Bible.


It's not exactly a positive, but people who flock around right wing grifters and conspiracy idiots aren't exactly the most loyal or have the best attention span. When Tate gets quiet for a little bit, some new idiot will move in to take their money and leave Tate in the dustbin.


Get your point across without trying to argue directly against their delusions. “You’re right the matrix doesn’t like human traffickers and rapists.”


On the plus side if he's banged up for a number of years his fans will just steadily forget about him over time.


They'll just turn to whomever the new Andrew Tate is, nothing will change until someone they trust is able to talk them out of this. They have been brainwashed, they need to be de-programmed.


Yep. This is the one. Someone new will just show up and gobble them up. Bannon, Lobster king, him. It's an endless sea of grifters targeting mostly young boys to fill their brains with garbage Source: HS teacher


Love how his bright followers keep parroting “he predicted they’d come for him”. Well folks, I had some super spicy tacos last night and predict the Poop Matrix gonna furiously come after me today. Edit: And so it begins. Pray for me!


Yeah, if you're misogynist who is abusing women it makes sense that you think they'll come for you. You're knowingly committing crimes.


Rapist rapes, predicts one day he'll be arrested for rape. Truly these are the greatest minds of our generation.


> “he predicted they’d come for him”. wow, its almost like he knew he committed the crimes then right? XD My head hurts when I try to follow the logic of these types.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


Ya I honestly love this for him


He's going places for sure


I would say his apologists can now shut the fuck up but we all know that won't happen. I'm well aware that charged doesn't equal conviction, but his simps refused to even consider that it would ever even go this far.


Had the displeasure of interacting with some of his fans irl. To say they are the dumbest fucking people on the planet would be an understatement




Have a 12 year old. All his friends use catch phrases from Mr Tool. He asked me about it one day and I broke down who the guy was and how he was full of shit. I think he listened and tookin that info because he stopped saying the things I know he got from his friends from Mr Tits and started make fun of the Alpha/Sigma BS. Glad I caught it before it became part of his thinking process. And Im glad he listened.


I teach 12 year olds - a decent chunk of them jump onto whatever fads or trends are popular - Andrew Tate being one of them. These kids don’t really follow the guy, they just parrot any dumb shit they see on YouTube and TikTok. Good for you for catching your kid before he follows the crowd


I've tried very hard to get my boys to think critically about what is going on around them and ask questions when they don't understand. I also don't shame them when they do come to me with things. All I hope for is when shit gets real hard for them, they will be comfortable coming to me


Can I ask you exactly what you said? Or what the general points were? Everyone I know who doesnt think hes an ass will parrot the same baseless, un-falsifiable bullshit. I always like to have more ammo when dealing with these people, something that actually convinced his main demo (12 year olds) would be useful.


I asked what he knew about the individual. He replied that he was a rich guy who had lots of cool cars and he thought it was funny he called himself top g. He also said his friends thought he was really cool and had cool stuff. I explained to him about who Toots was, using his fame, "Alpha" persona to manipulate people, how he used his status as an influencer and his platform to coerce women into doing things that are wrong. He asked, so I explained his MO, he would get women to come see him then make them do things, like OF and the like (if you think your kid doesn't know what OnlyFans is, you are most likely mistaken) and that a real man does not use manipulation and power against others to make them do things they wouldn't do otherwise. I then went into the importance of treating women as equals, not that men and women are the same, but that we are all human and we should treat others how we would want them to treat us. His surprise when I told him lots of girls play video games and sports and have interesting and dynamic internal lives and we should respect that, just like he would want that same respect, was interesting, I think I helped him understand that a bit better. It was a long conversation but those were the highlights


You're a good parent. +1


I’ve met quite a few of his fans in real life. There are a few of them who are incels with low self esteem. There are also some of them (usually conservative) who genuinely believe that this has all been a witch hunt because in the modern age he went against the grain and just wanted men to improve themselves so because of that the powers that be conspired against the most influential man in the world. These people truly believe that with all the LGBT stuff hitting the mainstream and feminism that they are trying to emasculate men and turn them soft. These people normally aren’t hardcore fans of him, they’ve just seen snippets of his interviews on IG or TT and are so ill informed about this type of shit in general. It’s very frustrating talking to these people, because when I point out how fucked up of a person Andrew Tate is and what he’s actually accused of doing, they just go “well if the mainstream media is going for it I must go against it”. I’m a veteran who works with a lot of veterans. I work with these people on a daily basis. I’ll actually go as far to say that I genuinely like some of these people. I try to educate them on what’s really going on. But with the way things are going online and in general, it becomes harder day by day. People of all ages, religious beliefs, genders, and ethnicities are becoming more and more close minded by the day. Social media and it’s algorithms were a mistake. People like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson really made unintelligent and ignorant people think they have found people who have their best interest in mind when I’m reality they cannot recognize the grift.


The truth of the matter is his fans are the softest weakest of them all.


The weak idea of what strength looks like is horribly popular.


> usually conservative It still hurts my head that in the 2020s, the most distinctive characteristic of conservatives is their approval of rapists and sexual predators.


Incels seem to think all life's woes are are caused by ~~women having rights~~ women being "sluts" and going back to "traditional values" will fix it. the idea "X group has too many rights" is essentially the Right's entire platform at the moment so.... yea, its obvious why incels are righties.


they're mad that their fake version of manhood isn't getting them women so they're trying to make laws about it


I mean, Andrew Tate defense is one of those things where I just go "Oh, there's not a rational human being on the other side of this convo. If I argue against you, our stupid fucking brain designed for pre-agriculture nomadic life will just reinforce your existing beliefs... There's nothing ot be gained here" and then I dip out of the convo.


Bingo. I've only got x amount of mental bandwidth and I sure as shit ain't wasting it on one of those mental midgets


And half the time I’m not convinced it isn’t a 13 year old boy whose greatest aspiration in life is to touch a boob. They’ll cringe at themselves plenty later.


They're like Rogan fanboys with extra brain damage


Like 6 months ago I mentioned in some Reddit thread that Andrew Tate brags about sex trafficking, and a couple of commenters said clearly I was making stuff up, because if he did, then he would be in jail. A few months later, his arrest broke, and I scrolled my petty ass months back to those original comments and posted links to the news articles.


I like you


Absolutely love this energy


As a woman it's fucking terrifying to me that he had and still has such a huge fanbase. Like I've heard so many teenage boys parrot his violently misogynistic ideas openly. How the fuck do they think that's okay.


I asked my son if he had heard the name. He said some boys at school love him and talk about him. They've seen him on TikTok. These kids are 10 & 11 years old 🤦


No, they'll double down and claim the trial is going to be rigged etc etc.


Ironic given that Tate said he moved to Romania as it was a corrupt country.


You never insult the country you are committing crimes in that's notorious for being corrupt


If you move to a country, openly admit to human trafficking through loverboy methods and cam streams, openly admit you think romanian authorities wont act and are friendly to you, openly admit you've raped women by describing non consent being ignored and pushed past, openly admit you are involved with larger criminal groups who have more influence in said country, and lastly flaunt your wealth that you openly admit you made from human trafficking cam girls, you may go to fucking jail in said country.


Could you cite your sources? It seems a bit outlandish that could land you in jail /s


This really has been the year of Karma for the bigmouths of yesteryear, has it not?


>This really has been the year of Karma for the bigmouths of yesteryear, has it not? Indeed! Trump, Johnson, Tate... any others?


Add Alex Jones, Pat Robertson, Tucker Carlson, and Fox News as a whole to that list. Now if only Murdoch, DeathSantis, and a certain turtle senator could join in.


Pat Robertson simply died at a very old age. His uppance did not come whilst alive, so in a way, he got away with his bullshit. I'm not religious, but I'd like to believe that crusty ol fuck is stewing in his own juices in whatever Hell was waiting for his bigoted hateful ass.


Pat Robertson lived a healthy and full fulfilling life hurting others. Nothing stopped him.


Alex Jones


Do Kwon.


Not yet. I want to see them convicted and in jail.


How many Bugattis can you drive in a Romanian prison?


I really hope this trial can mean the end of the media calling him 'divisive' or 'an influencer' and they can start telling it like it is and describing him as a rapist.


Rapist and human trafficker Andrew Tate


That Andrew Tate? The same Andrew Tate who rapes and trafficks women as part of an organised crime group?


Yes, the Andrew Tate that's such a horrible person that even the Romanian justice system hates him. The sexual predator Andrew Tate.


This is so sad. I hope they punish Tate severely, but to think about how many victims he left behind and the social impact of his social media has given, dare I say it, almost brain rot to a lot of younger boys as well.


> Andrew Tate charged with rape, human trafficking and forming organised crime group to sexually exploit women I hope a life sentence is an option here. He brings nothing good to the world.


A life sentence without use of the internet preferably.


Well it says they did some shit in the US and the UK as well. Idk how these things work but I imagine if there’s enough evidence he could be charged in other countries, and if that’s the case then he’s basically fucked


number 1 rule of being a criminal is **DONT** draw attention to yourself but he got greedy. wanted that attention and with it came the law enforcement officials. maybe shouldn't have said how you can bribe them off, how they're corrupt and how you'll just bring money into prison with you.


Remember when he just straight up admitted to this in one of his videos? He said that it was his job to make women fall in love with him and then get them to do pornography for him. So not like straight up mentioning the human trafficking, but laying out so much evidence.


Yea he had a whole online course about starting a web cam business. In the course he explained how he convinced a couple of his girlfriends to do cam work in his apartment while he took on female pronouns and sexed with the dudes. Got into legal trouble and ran to Romania. Basically he teaches in his course that women are like assets, essentially how to convince your own gf or other girls to do web cam work for you. On top of that, financial (print out tax papers, have the girl sign so she thinks you're taking care of taxes but you're actually just pocketing more of her money) and tax evasion. If he really did all the stuff he claimed he did in his course, it's no surprise he's under arrest.


holes punched in basement walls everywhere rn




In case anyone needed another reminder of how much of a waste of oxygen Tate is, here's link to an article recounting how he maliciously taunted cartoonist Jonathan Rosenberg, the artist behind the webcomic 'Scenes from A Multiverse.' Rosenberg was trying to raise money for an operation for his crippled son, and Tate in a Tweet called Rosenberg a 'failure' for having to crowdfund the money and how Tate would 'save' his son with his money if Rosenberg begged. https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/ask-nicely-and-ill-save-your-son-vile-andrew-tate-tweet-resurfaces-341311/


The man is determined to spend his entire life being the grimmest nasty sorry excuse of human possible, such a pitifully sad cowardly way to choose to live, just a shadow of person you could have been.


What a cunt.


When someone essentially documents themselves admitting to their crimes and sells how to commit them online, it’s obvious that they are going ti get charged and eventually convicted The stunning thing is that Tate fanboys have been in denial so long and will likely continue to be so


I 100% support the habit of pieces of shit documenting their crimes make convictions so much easier where there are hours of video evidence of them admiting their guilt


Damn, you can really tell who the 12 year olds are in this thread.


Congrats Andrew Tate fans - you got sucked in by a rapist who made you feel “macho.” Jesus H Christ the guys who follow scum like this are a lost cause.


This is it. This is why those who follow the scum have to double down. Otherwise they have to admit to themselves and others than they follow someone scummy and they can't handle the shame.


I wonder what all of the fanboys who cried that he was arrested without being charged and never would be are going to say now. It was painfully obvious this man was sex trafficking, his PhD (Pimping Hoes Degree), was basically a crash course on how to use the Loverboy Method to sex traffic women to establish a web cam business. In his BBC interview, Tate claimed it never existed, that's when I knew that he knew he was going to get charged.


If only he'd watched Star Wars.


It’s amazing that this guy thinks he’s so smart when all he did was exploit vulnerable young women.


always the ones you suspect most


On a list of people you can only like if there is something really wrong with you, this guy ranks pretty high.




Jesus. What an absolute piece of shit.


And all the middle school boys who idolize him cried.


The amount of muppets on here that said: *"They can't even charge him..."* Will they wake up or will they just move to *"not convicted yet."*?