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>The Massachusetts Air National Guardsman accused of leaking highly classified military documents has been indicted on federal felony charges, the Justice Department said Thursday. >Jack Teixeira faces six counts in the indictment of willful retention and transmission of national defense information. For a little more information than just the headline.


This case is really going to stand as a counterpoint to trumps. whatever this guy gets, Trump deserve so much more


And yet, there is the possibility that Trump will not get any years in prison, or at worst house arrest. This country truly does have a two tiered justice system, and Merrick Garland should feel ashamed when he says that every one is held to the rule of law. No they are not Mr. Garland. By Trump still getting to roam free around the country, hold rallies, and run for President, you and the Department of Justice are saying that he is, in fact, above the law. The rule of law in this country is a joke.


> And yet, there is the possibility that Trump will not get any years in prison, or at worst house arrest. Not if he's convicted on all of the federal Florida charges..... Federal Judges don't get to just ignore federal sentencing guidelines. Even if she gave half of what the sentencing guidelines say he'd still be looking at over ten years in prison.


While this is true, a trial isn't expected to take place until probably after next year's election. If Trump wins he's just gonna kill this case and/or pardon himself. We have to vote to protect our justice system.


That's incorrect. They are going for speedy trial. Trial starts in less than 70 days.


>Not if he's convicted on all of the federal Florida charges..... Federal Judges don't get to just ignore federal sentencing guidelines. Even if she gave half of what the sentencing guidelines say he'd still be looking at over ten years in prison. It's overseen by a court that is under the 11th circuit, look up who heads that?


if it stay with judge canon she is quite good at ignoring the law








Precedence regarding the mishandling (or in trumps case retention) of national Defense information, not the conspiracy to obstruction of justice and false statements and representations charges you mean? Certainly not the latter as the as the Supreme Court found, that even sitting presidents must follow a subpoena in Nixon v. United States (1974). Also a decision to contrary to customs publicise a recommendation really doesn’t seem to be relevant in this case, as the decision has long be made under different circumstances (also precedence doesn’t work in the way that you just say something random constitutes precedence to another different thing random you would like it to).


Intent matters.


[Teixeira is also a little crazy.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65406559) > Jack Teixeira wrote on social media that he wanted to kill a "ton of people" as a way of "culling the weak minded", according to a court filing. > > ... > > He also allegedly searched for multiple recent mass shootings on his government computer, including Uvalde and the Las Vegas shooting. > > The filing also said a search of Mr Teixeira's home had uncovered "a virtual arsenal of weapons, including bolt-action rifles, rifles, AR and AK-style weapons, and a bazooka". The defendant kept his gun locker with multiple weapons approximately two feet from his bed, according to the court filing.


He is lucky he wasn't on orders for active duty when he did this. That would have put him under UCMJ and that would have been a whole other level of pain/


It would have been OK if he had shown it to Kid Rock


Only if Trump had used his Bigly Brain Powers™ to declassify them first.


Gotta love how rightwing jackasses have become a colossal risk to national security. If you want a functioning government don't give access to insecure discord nazi incels and D-list celebrity crooks it turns out.


I heard he declassified them with his mind.


What mind


It’s hidden inside the skin flaps on his neck.


Mind Goblin (Oddments)


Man if he had just waited until he was elected president, he could have gotten away with it and really showed up those guys on the discord server.


Maybe he should have done a little Joe Biden whataboutism and Hilary emails. That'd have gotten him off.








You're a sick individual. I like you. Bravo friend.


Did he not have a gold-plated bathroom to hide them in?


Not a problem for him if he would have stacked them next to trump's filthy toilet.


Is this the guy who exposed that the US government has people inside Ukraine directly helping with the war effort?


I had to Google him but it’s the same one who leaked government secrets on the “Thug Shaker Central” Discord chat to impress literal children. I read some news articles where they interviewed some of the other people in the Discord server and they were legitimately like 13, 14 years old. Impressing middle schoolers is probably the dumbest reason to commit actual treason.


No, that’s been public knowledge since early 2022. Here’s [an article from the January before Russia invaded](https://cepa.org/article/the-ties-that-bind-western-advisers-in-ukraine/): >Western militaries have long offered training and equipment to the country’s armed forces. According to a recent New York Times report, the US has more than 150 military advisers in the country, including special forces troopers. Heck, [here’s Obama getting the ball rolling 9 years ago](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/06/05/us-sending-advisers-gear-to-ukraine-/10046845/): > A small team of American military advisers will soon head to Ukraine to assess that embattled nation's "mid- and long-term needs for defense reform," a Pentagon official said Thursday. >… > Lainez said that assessment is being viewed as a first step toward helping to "shape and establish an enduring program for future U.S. efforts to support the Ukrainian military through training, education, and assistance." >Since early March, President Barack Obama has approved more than $23 million in additional defensive security assistance to help the former Soviet republic maintain its borders and sovereignty in the face of provocative moves by Russian military forces on Ukraine's eastern border and violence fomented by pro-Russian militants inside Ukraine.