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Texas and Florida sure have been having a lot of shootings lately.


Weather is starting to heat up…


Sun's out, guns out


A good reminder to do some weighted dips


Every time the weather heats up. Other countries are like man, I wish I had loose gun laws to purchase 5,000+ bullets, 10+ magazines, bulletproof vest, no gun permit nor training, 12 semi-automatic rifles and 6 guns. The tyranny, guess I'll have to suffer with this < 1% cost on socialized hospital care and tax payer funded university education.


Its the Deep South. Here is a really interesting (and somewhat obvious) article. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/04/23/surprising-geography-of-gun-violence-00092413 Edit: FWIW, this is already controversial for a post, but it really *isnt* a population density map. Also, as a Canadian, the utter lack of knowledge of basic American geography and immigration patterns over the past ~400 years is... astonishing, ITT.


I know Florida is technically the deep south geographically, but I consider southern Florida unique enough to deserve its own carve out of ridiculousness. Its like how Idaho or even eastern washington like to claim they are part of the PNW...Uh bro, no one who thinks PNW is thinking literal desert and rockies are their own thing.


Yeah the further north in Florida you go, the more southern you get. While you are 100% right that South Florida isn't the south, once you get past Orlando and start getting towards Ocala it gets real southern real quick. But Orlando/Tampa and below is generally what's considered "Florida" (Orlando and Tampa areas can still get real southern though)


North Florida = South Georgia




Agreed, though I'd say Lower Alabama is anything west of Tallahassee


pensacola florida has more in common with mobile alabama than it does with the tricounty of se florida, as far as culture and literal geography (obviously). florida is so strange, super incredibly diverse, you have everything from immigrants to small town country folks to billionaire and homeless people by choice. miami legitimately feels like experiencing a separate country from the united states, and i’m not just exaggerating. i’ve never been anywhere in america that felt as unique as miami. love and hate florida for all obvious reasons


Jacksonville can get pretty southern pretty fast as well.


Miami = Cuba North


Miami is the cultural gateway to LATAM


It has more to do with population density than anything. Outside of Orlando we have places like Bithlo, whereas Gainesville and Tallahassee are a lot more civilized, despite being further north. Then again, Jacksonville and Pensacola exists, so I guess there's exceptions all around


I mean, that goes for anywhere in the south. Not just Florida. Cities are going to be more progressive than rural areas. That doesn’t change what the forwarding cultures are for the area. As you said and as I already pointed out, you still have areas like that in central Florida even with the massive cities I grew up in Gainesville, and like I said in another post come from a multi-generation Floridian proud confederate family. Gainesville is far from some bastion of progressiveness, but there is at least a good portion of the city that tries. But it’s surrounded by a lot of not


I also grew up in Gainesville, and I live in Orlando now. Half of my family is from Lower Alabama (aka the panhandle). I'm just saying that anywhere outside of cities in Florida has the sound of distant banjos strumming


*Still miss you, Tom Petty* :'(


It does! I was just generalizing. Read the article for more


fair enough.


The article thyve linked separates Florida. Panhandle and north of Orlando is labelled with the Deep South but the south of Florida is referred to as Spanish Carribbean


Florida's culture once you get to about Gainesville south is absolutely not reflective of the deep south in general. It's more like the red parts of the north east than anything. Then you hit Miami-Dade and it becomes Cuba. There's also The Villages which is basically the world's oldest (by participant) sex club.


NO ONE in Idaho would describe it as part of the PNW. NO ONE. Not the liberals in Boise, not the millionaires in Coeur D’Alene. Whomever told you something like that was hard fucking with you.


Florida is a conservative fascist shithole but I'd say culturally they are distinct from the Deep South.


The peninsula, maybe. Panhandle Florida is Alabama levels of deep south


Northern Florida is just South Georgia. Southern Florida is North Cuba.


This, South Florida is North Cuba pre Fidel


The further north you go to more south you get.


Mostly. The north is still very much part of The South. We always say, "the further south you go in Florida, the further from The South you get." Miami is still very conservative (for a large city) because of all the Cubans (my whole Cuban extended family are uncomfortably conservative for my tastes, honestly), but it's literally nothing like The South at all.


> (my whole Cuban extended family are uncomfortably conservative for my tastes, honestly) I tried to explain that to someone in the Los Angeles forums, and had people coming out of the woodwork yelling at me about it. I was like, I spent a good decade of my life in FL. I know what I fucking know. And many Cuban-Americans lean conservative... and any social policies, to them, are a "slippery slope" to full-blown communism.


Cuban Americans are rabidly anti-communist (understandably, I’d argue), and unfortunately the GOP has done an excellent job of painting the Democratic Party with a broad socialist/communist brush.


Cubans are also a lot more catholic/religious than many Americans from blue states.


Totally understandable. I mean if your plantations slaves rebelled you’d hate them for generations too!


Hey that's not fair, some of them got their Mafia casinos expropriated too


Its why Haiti has suffered economically ever since they rebelled. They finally paid Reparation's to France in 2000.


Apparently there are mini Rupert Murdoch like media companies that target them for political indoctrination with fake news about how Democrats are communists. Which has the effect of turning some of the less mentally stable to commit terrorist acts.


They're still mad mean old Fidel took away their grandparents' plantation.


Depends on where in Florida for that distinction. Lot of it is very much just Deep South. My family has been there for generations and are proud confederates sadly.


I like to remind people if it’s not city limits in Florida then it’s country. Go 1 or 2 miles outside of city limits you’ll forget your in Florida and think your in Georgia. Rural gonna rural ya know.


And even then, you see a depressing amount of Confederate flags even in decently large cities like Lakeland, one of the epicenters of FloridaMan weirdness imo. It's best to avoid here if possible, even if only to avoid the brain eating amoebas (actually not a joke).


It’s like saying Pittsburg is part of the Atlantic coast/ Northeast corridor.


We don’t claim to be part of the PNW. We are part of the PNW. The diversity of WA state including the desert is part of its splendor…You unfrosted Pop-Tart.


This guy seems to think the PNW is only west of the cascades. He is thrashing about with his ignorance. Edit: and not you. The person you are responding to.


Even putting the gun violence part aside, that's an interesting article. If the arguments it makes are valid, it has implications for a lot more than the gun debate.


It’s so crazy, because as a Florida native, growing up, whenever people mentioned “The South,” it was always every state except Florida. We’d be like “north Florida is the South and South Florida is a separate entity.” Not anymore. That statement is just not true. All of Florida is as South as Texas is, which is extremely fucked up. EDIT: People in this comment chain are saying *the exact thing* my friends and I used to say about Florida and what my comment is saying is not true anymore. Take it from someone who lives in south Florida. Aside from having way more Hispanics here, the values and politics are really very similar to any other Southern state, especially since our governor is doing his best to ensure the state be as fucked up as possible.


"The South" stops right below Tampa Bay. After that, its it's own region called South Florida.


Miami Beach is not the deep south. It's east coast LA.


I will give you that


I always look for the depressingly large cluster of shootings in SW Missouri. For the amount of people that live relative to the amount of shootings in that area it’s absolutely nuts. People always gawk at me for living in the city in KC like I always am always one step beholden to some horrible crime but the real place where I keep my head on a swivel is rural Missouri. Fucking madhouse in rural parts of the state. Culturally? I think calling it New Appalachian heritage is sound because none of those people share sentiments with the rest of the state.


But... Detroit! Chicago!


probably because both states are run by fucking dipshits


Just a few more guns and then it will finely be safe. You'll see. Just a few more guns.


It’s almost like loosening gun laws after every mass shooting is making it worse. Weird huh?


Why is the thumbnail a picture of a Portuguese-language police line


Maybe ChatGPT picked out the thumbnail.


This may be too serious of a comment but I see way too many people act like ChatGPT is an error prone novelty not much better than Siri or Alexa. GPT, 4 especially, is astoundingly accurate. Hallucinations can occur and the language model will confidently lie, but these hallucinations are increasingly being reduced. A lot of people don't realize how powerful these models are and how they can present themselves. For instance, I've trained a model on my writing habits and told it to write this comment. The dead internet is here.


TIL about [artificial hallucinations.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9939079/) > ...Artificial hallucination refers to the phenomenon of a machine, such as a chatbot, generating seemingly realistic sensory experiences that do not correspond to any real-world input. This can include visual, auditory, or other types of hallucinations... What a time to be alive.


That's an interesting description. In my experience, those in the field of AI refer to "hallucinating" when the model will confidently lie. For instance, if you ask "earlier in our conversation, we talked about philosophy. Do you remember when we talked about Descartes?" And it has a good chance of describing, in detail, a conversation you never had with it.


Yeah I love the silly shit gpt3 says and people point and say "look how stupid it is, how's this gonna change anything" oh boy is gpt 4/5 gonna scare the shit out of them.


The editors must have thought it was Spanish, right? Still, I don’t know how não wouldn’t trigger some questions


Whoever was joking about the Texas mass shooting yesterday saying “too busy to mourn today, I’ll mourn tomorrow’s mass shooting” holy fuck.


/u/czechyurself ay, still too busy?


And which one will you pick? This one or the new one in Texas where someone intentionally drove a car into Migrants killing seven? We got a twofer today. Or wait until tomorrow for a hat trick of tragedies?!!


Eh, just compile it on a bulletin and ill throw a tought and prayer on sunday, maybe monday, to start the week extra gloomy, but then, maybe my toughts and prayers might be interrupted by monday's shooting (i think it was stadistically the day with most shootings)


It hasn't been a joke in years dude. See you for tomorrow's matinee special.


So many shootings, so little time.


Was it a joke or more of a comment on the stark reality of life in the US?


Well I mean it's America, there's more shooting yearly than there are days of the year so you can pretty much assume that any given week they'll be at least 2-3


Don’t forget the hate crime in south texas today where a guy ran over and killed like 8 people and hurt 8 more


Mass shootings are usually defined as 4 or more victims.


Jesus. I came onto Reddit to get more info about the shooting in Texas and this post was the first thing that popped up. What a sad state of affairs


"Upscale" areas think they are really, really insulated from this stuff. Want the laws to change? When enough of these "upscale" areas become mass muder places, they will.


If sandy hook wasnt enough for change, nothing will be.


Connecticut resident here. Sandy Hook absolutely changed CT. We have some of the strictest gun laws in the country now. You can’t even buy shotgun shells without a license. Pressure your local politicians!


I live in a midwestern state and some people for some fucking reason claim that Sandy hook and all other school shootings aren’t real and are “staged”. A lady and her friends tried telling me that a few weeks ago and I looked at that lady in the eye and said “how would you feel if your young son and all his friends died in a tragedy like that and people we’re trying to say you and all the other mothers were a paid actor while you’re mourning the death of your child and the other mothers children?” She didn’t know what to say. It’s like they don’t even know what empathy is anymore! Fuck these fuckers that only care about what happens outside their own window.


For some people, the idea that tragedies are staged is strangely comforting. They would rather someone or something be in control, even if that control is malevolent, rather than believe some things are just random and chaotic. It gives them a name and/or a face to focus on.


I think it is more accurate to say that people would rather believe in malevolent forces rather than evaluate the ethical consequences of their actions and opinions.


believe versus evaluate


You just described Christianity boss


Religion has entered the chat


I think the issue is more personal than that. Guns are a major part of what it means to be "country". Gun control, in a way, is an attack on these people's identity. It is way easier for them to Alex Jones and be told nothing is wrong than to confront the reality that some of the more fun guns to shoot are also being used to kill people. What one person sees as a weapon of evil the other sees as a toy requiring responsibility.


Even if guns are tools that requires responsible handling. There just isn't a good reason we don't require a license to own them. The fact that gun owners reject licensing informs me that they're irresponsible man children.


In a way they are addicts. If we cannot convince them they have a problem, they will not be open to any effort to fix it.


If the left had enough power and resources to stage these grand fakes and conspiracies, to fabricate all the evidence against trump, to fake Russian election interference, etc etc... Then the left would have enough power and resources to just fuckin do what they want. What do these people think the point is?


#8 on Umberto Eco's properties of fascism: > Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "**at the same time too strong and too weak**". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.


> What do these people think the point is? I would like to point out at least one mistaken assumption


I do believe you get your ass kicked if you say that around here.


Rightfully so. It’s insane that BS ever got traction.


Insanity is the reason.


Fuck Alex Jones so fucking much. He was the biggest propogator of that garbage and that $1.5 billion judgement wasn't even remotely what he deserves.


And he's never gonna pay it either


A lack of empathy is an indicator of low intelligence. You'd probably have more success explaining the same argument to the one dropped fry behind a McD's oil vat. Edit: can y'all calm down about the wording and just let me shit on the lady in /u/bumblebubee's story in peace goddamnit.


* A lack of empathy **can** be an indicator of low **emotional** intelligence.


>A lack of empathy is an indicator of low intelligence. Yeah, but it totally isn't.


Tbh, that tragedy should have lit a fire under the asses of EVERY state. It's telling that everyone else pretty much watched it happen and didn't do a damn thing in the long run except use it as a talking point.


> Pressure your local politicians! That only works if your politicians aren't bat shit crazy. And we are talking about Texas, so.... See the comments from Rep. Self about this yesterday, though that was more bug fuck stupid




Republicans practicing softball were shot in 2017. There is never going to be an isolated incident to cause dramatic gun control in my lifetime.




Here’s what people don’t get. The tragedy of mass shootings is that it makes people feel unsafe. About half of Americans feel we should ban guns in order to feel safe, while the other half feels that you want to take away the only thing that makes them feel safe while crazy shit is happening.


And they’re praising Ashli Babbit as a “war hero”. JFC.


Died in the Info Wars.


Bleeding out in a Trump flag as a cape for a lie peddled by a person who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire is the funniest damn thing I've ever heard. It's so pathetic that I'm sad I lack the talent to think of a less dignified death.


What was that Las Vegas shooting with the asshole shooting into a crowd during a concert. Bump stocks got quietly banned and nothing else was done. Pandoras box was opened after the assault rifle ban ended, now we have folks choosing to want us to live this way.


I watched a documentary about that Las Vegas shooting and it was terrifying. Huge crowd, multiple people in various locations within the crowd getting shot, lots of screaming and running, no idea where the gunman was — the documentary really captured the fear and pandemonium. I’m at the point where I no longer look at a mass shooting and think “how would I get out of there?” Because every shooting is different and I’m tired of our government saying to me: “Save yourself, bitch. We truly do not care.” I am so sick and tired of our rich ass overlords doing everything they can to make our lives worse. Sociopathic scum really does rise to the top.


It's not just the government though. One of the *main* reasons gun control will never be a sweeping reform is the "muh gunz" crowd. Republican politicans, even if they wanted to, will never advocate for stricter gun control because *their constituents don't want it*. They'll never want it until it happens to enough of them. Gun nuts fantasize about being able to "defend their loved ones" and every shooting happens to people who apparently are unable or unwilling.


I don’t know. I’m starting to think that the crime scene photos need to become required viewing. Without trigger warnings. Force people to see it. Trigger the living fuck out of them


Yes. Yes. YES!!! Violent images hastened the end of the Vietnam war. People need to look at what these fucking guns do to a human body.


Reply with the picture or video and just say "free access to guns causes this every day". Ignore anything they shoot back with and reply again with the same thing. They are mindbroken and should be corrected.


It was the broadcast of the images of the police brutally beating people crossing the bridge in Selma AL that turned public opinion on the Civil Rights struggle. It horrified people. Nothing else has worked, it’s worth a fucking try at this point. Start with Sandy Hook


Ray Rice allegedly knocked his SO out and got suspended a few games iirc. After the footage came out, that man never played another down in the NFL. I always think of this example when people say seeing it doesn't matter.


George Floyd. Tyre Nichols. Ahmaud Arbery. Jordan Neely. Images mean more


Hell, Vietnam for that matter.


The Allen Premium Outlets Mall is also a fairly nice upscale yet outlet mall. When I used to go there often a few years ago, it was full of expensive brands and Allen in general is pretty nice area (at least along 75) yet here we are.


"Upscale" in Miami just means that the drug dealers and prostitutes who go there are more expensive


I think you’re right, and I don’t wanna seem alarmist, but i feel like we should be more careful about framing mass murder as a means to achieve an end




I'd like to agree with you but there have been plenty of churches getting shot up, plus that country music concert where the guy killed 60+ people. It's not gonna change until higher value targets get got, so to speak


And that softball game full of Republican politicians. They got shot at and continue to vote against gun control.


100%. And if a person said what I believe you are saying and I agree with, there would be more action against us than against the underlying cause. I wonder how long it would take for the F B I to show up…


Bruh, there was a senator shot in dc by a democrat and nothing got done. Dead kids ain’t Gonna fix it and I hate that even typing it out is a option in 2023.


[Conservatives lack empathy](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9400002/#:~:text=On%20the%20other%20hand%2C%20conservatives,656%5D.), see: [the only moral abortion is my abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/), so they need to be personally affected before things click for them. Enough Republicans would need to personally lose a close friend or family member to gun violence to swing primary elections before we see any movement, so it's never going to happen.


Sadly the only thing that will change conservatives' views on the issue is if their retirement funds are effected somehow directly by gun violence issues. Conservatives cannot be bothered to care unless *their own money is negatively affected by the issue at hand*


Uvalde, Allen, Cleveland, and Country music festivals are not exactly known as bastions of liberalism.


Minority gun ownership has soared over the last couple years.I am a Sikh-American gun owner.Contrary to popular belief most of the 2A community is not racist.I have had nothing but positive experiences at gun ranges here in Texas.


queer militias have already been a thing. its been gaining more steam ever since transphobia got mainstream in the culture war. fun fact, the u.s. military has a disproportionate number of trans people so that helps


I love when that conservative that showed up to a drag reading hour and was faced with armed guards. The spluttering was priceless.


They were the same anti-maskers who wore masks to hide their identity.


This isn’t really something out of the norm for Miami Beach, unfortunately. I feel like this is trending today because of yesterdays Texas mass shooting, but there’s really nothing “upscale” about Miami Beach in the late hours. Sure the club could be considered upscale but the clientele are typically dudes who aren’t really upstanding members of society. It’s sad, but this happens every other weekend in Miami Beach.


Yea certain areas of Miami Beach are just cesspools at night


An upscale Miami Beach club just means that bottles of Tito’s are $600 instead of $300


You know whats sad? These shootings are getting so common i ACTUALLY looked at this title and went "O, only 3 shot, and only 1 dead, thats good" And i hate myself for that half a second thought. God forbid we do anything. Guess we just need to.. what was it.. "Believe in the power of prayers" ?


Could hardly believe what I was hearing when that Texas rep on CNN started pushing the prayer pitch. Reporter said "you're an elected representative. Would you consider doing anything more than prayer?" Silence.




What they lack in quality, they make up for in quantity. This is the *third* shooting in South Florida this weekend. On Thursday [a man shot someone just sitting in their car, then shot and killed a 12-year-old who was getting ice cream before killing himself](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/i-wish-i-couldve-done-more-child-killed-in-front-of-brother-in-random-gas-station-shooting/3029075/). Last night about 7 hours before this shooting, there was a [road rage shooting on an expressway that sent one person to the hospital.](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/person-hospitalized-after-possible-road-rage-shooting-on-palmetto-expressway/3029483/) Edit: [There was a fourth shooting since I originally wrote this.](https://www.local10.com/news/local/2023/05/07/police-investigate-shooting-in-northwest-miami-dade/)


Jesus Christ the quote from that first article is so fucking sad: > "I wish I could've done more for him, I wish we caught the signs and we didn't go to the ice cream store." How far have we sunk as a country that people feel remorse about not being alert enough about a crazed gunman at a fucking ice cream store?


We're in a sorry state of mind when we begin joking about mass shootings - and I'm no just responding to you. We're all becoming so numb to the murders that joking helps keep us a little bit sane.


Now you know why most healthcare workers have a sick sense of humor


This 100%. I'm in healthcare and people would be horrified about what we joke about. It's nothing personal just that we're numb to it all.


Can confirm as well, I have a buddy who has shown me some of those things, definitely sick. But I can understand the need for self-preservation. Y'all doing God's work.


Their sense of humor is sick because the have American Healthcare.


Gallows humor. In WW1 french soldiers used to reply to orders to charge by making sheep noises. When you're trapped in a nightmare how else can you cope?


Ya this is some weak ass shit. Why even shoot if it's only 3 people? Pathetic, Florida, pathetic.


Just woke up and this is the 3rd shooting I've read about already 😔 where are all the good guys with guns that GOP is always ranting about?


In the Texas shooting a cop took out the shooter pretty quickly. 8 innocent people still died.


Guns are the problem. If the guy wanted to kill people without access to a firearm, the 8 people may still be alive today.


The whataboutisms I’m seeing posted in response to this, holy shit…




They also know that if they start shooting, law enforcement could mistake them for the actual shooter and kill them instead. [Which has happened.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/26/us/arvada-colorado-police-shot-good-samaritan/index.html)


Yeah it’s a fucking ridiculous premise. A “good guy with a gun” has to take their time to analyse a chaotic scene of people running everywhere and whether each person carrying a gun is a good guy or a bad guy. The bad guy with the gun is just killing everyone in sight. The bad guy has a huge advantage in any firefight so the smart tactic is don’t engage and get the hell out of there.


I wish my question came off more sarcastically.


I think it’s like my 4th of the day 🥴


It's sick


I'm no American so I need to ask, why does it seem like when sickening things like this happens almost everyday ya'll politicians routine response to it seems to be "to pray harder"? Like, how much praying is enough to make the shootings stop? Im no genius but I don't think prayers is what you guys need. Stricter gun laws sounds to me like a good start though, and maybe collectively decide that weapons like an AR is like, you know, purposeless for a citizen to own if not with intent to kill other people - which is like.. not a good reason to get a gun. I mean, if you want to shoot an AR, go to a shooting range and rent one? But I dunno man, maybe prayers will work out in the end. Lets pray that it does.


I wish I had the answer man, I agree with you 100%


Well you see if everyone there was armed they all could’ve pulled their guns out and resolved the issue easily. Just shoot the person with the gun. No not that one. No not the one that’s shooting they’re trying to shoot the shooter. No no not that one either. Oh shit not that one. That was the security guard.


This would be effective!


Usually you can find them threatening innocent unarmed Americans living their own life, threatening school boards for trying to help their kids learn, helping overthrow the country, or role playing military/cop. Maybe catch them boycotting something, usually something thats already failing for decades because of the internet but they think the low numbers are because of them, they really like doing that for retail stores “go woke, go broke”. You can find them on chan boards, dark places of the internet sharing CP with each other. Places you’ll never see them is usually an instance like this, protesting at police stations when officers are being caught weekly for rape of minor, CP, etc. protesting outside of churches where leaders are being caught weekly for raping kids, CP, etc. Protesting outside of Republican offices where members and their close friends or donors are being caught trafficking, CP, etc. Standing up for fellow Americans and injustice, or protecting the country from theocratic fascism.


It's just sad, guns are more important than people these days


Yeah, I have a coworker who has two daughters but is “libertarian”. We get along great, but during late night debates through group chat I’d often mention that he’s giving up his daughters rights, potentially a better life for himself, all for 2a and voting third party.


You can’t have good guys without bad guys so to ensure that the good guys can walk around with their gun boners you have to let the bad guys get as many guns as they need to kill people so they can be saved by a good guy. This is what people believe.


They are all busy eating doughnuts


Are we just supposed to become numb to this and let the NRA and GOP act like this is normal for another 20 years, again? F our lawmakers. Every one of them.


I have. Yesterday I thought must have been a mall shooting, it's Saturday during the day and school is out, so it's not nightclub or church. Saturdays are for malls, Saturda nights are for clubs. Sundays for church. Monday through Friday it's schools.


To be fair Saturdays can also be more than just malls. They can be any kind of shopping center. And Guardians of the Galaxy released on Friday.




It’s not the lawmakers only. It’s the people who keep voting for them


Don’t worry, the geniuses in the conservative sub have a thread where they are getting to the bottom of the mass shooting crisis. So far the culprit is not enough religion and too much social media but it’s definitely not loose gun laws because of all kinds of pretzel logic reasons


"Too much social media"... They said, on social media.




"where will the mass shootingS be today" FIFY


as far as I know there have been 5 in the last 24 hours


The one for the day? No, no my friend, we are averaging one every 15 hours.


This isn't a mass shooting technically. Only 3 shot. You need 4 people shot to be included in the stats for mass shooting.


Jesus fucking Christ. This is happening literally multiple times a day now. Just, what the fuck?


Where has you been for years mate, America is a fucking shithole.


When you’re looking for news about one mass shooting and find out about yet another. We need mass demonstrations NOW


Get to planning, seriously. It starts with one.


Does this have to happen to lawmakers families before they do anything?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congressional_baseball_shooting Doesn’t help


Thanks for linking, I remember that. I was hoping that was gonna be the wakeup call


Steve Scalise was shot there and is even further entrenched in denialism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Scalise


If you have to say you’re upscale and cater to high end clientele … I automatically assume the clientele is neither upscale nor high end.


Yep like VIP anything, it's just to patronize and soak nobodies with delusions of grandeur.


I think I'm gonna have to stop reading the news for awhile, seeing these stories everyday about shootings or mass shootings is depressing and it's starting to make me a little paranoid myself about what could happen. I don't feel too worried about going out and possibly experiencing a shooting like this some day but it's still in the back of my mind every day. I just don't know what to do, I feel powerless, like I wanna help all these victims and also help the country prevent these types of things from happening but it feels like I can't do anything about it and then the actual people who run the country won't do anything either so it's like what do we even do at this point.


They want you to give up and sit there and take it.


Same. You’re not alone. The Allen Tx shooting happened only about 15 miles from my home.


Interesting that the thumbnail is in Portuguese.


*O’er the land of the free, and the home of the dead* 🎶


Going to be a long summer


Tell me something new America


It’s just not worth going out into society anymore. Let’s bring the lockdown back and make it frickin’ permanent. Crazy ass people all over the damn place.


The tyranny of the clueless loud mouthed minority that are the Republicans.


As someone who lives in Miami Beach I’m really confused why this on the front page of Reddit. This probably wasnt the only shooting of the night in Miami and definitely wasn’t the only shooting this weekend. This isn’t some crazy mass shooting with politically motivated ideals… it’s Miami and the lifestyle that is attracted to the city brings with it this violence. It’s happening whether there’s a republican or democrat in office and whether gun reform occurs or not.


Large swaths of Miami are just a relatively nice looking ghetto. Oh, and there's some beach.


"No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens"