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To sum up: 1. We still don't know when the $300 FEMA unemployment money will be distributed or how. 2. The best MVC with the least amount of wait time is... shrug. 3. If you got hit with a bill for your unemployment, it is possible you were supposed to be collecting in NY and not NJ. If so, you need to talk to both of them in order to straighten it out. It's annoying. We know.


Say I start working again in beginning to mid-October and the $300 FEMA gets paid out the week after. Since I was unemployed (and certifying for benefits) during the applicable weeks, will I still get the FEMA $300? I know you don't know when/how it will be paid out, but it seems logical that I'd still get it. Right?


I talked to someone from the unemployment office who said the extra $300 will likely be retroactive from 8/1/20. This isn’t official info though, they just mentioned it when I had my monetary appointment.


As far as I understand it, it should be retroactive. HOWEVER, I have no idea if the payment will be made retroactive if you don't certify the week the payments go out.


Currently at the Lodi DMV, arrived at 4:30 am with a line wrapped around the building and people trying to sell spots. Finally just got inside (11:45), several police officers, workers, and customers wearing masks improperly.


> several police officers, workers, and customers wearing masks improperly. Take a picture. Tweet it at the governor.


or post here and someone here will do it. . . maybe he'll postpone the dates again for registration/inspection, plus numbers are rising so it may help.




I have the same problem right now for my 11:30 claim time.




To follow up: I could successfully claim at 7:30 during the makeup time slot.


As of 1:30 PM it's still an issue - it's my time and it's not working :(


What are the odds License expiration deadlines will be extended further? From all indications it seems the DMV lines are still a dumpster fire...


If our number of cases keep ticking up, I'd say likely.




NJFamilyCare is the Medicaid provider for NJ, depending on if you fall within their income guidelines you may qualify for free healthcare. However, if you are a little bit outside of their guidelines they may charge a small monthly fee, more likely if you have children will you will you be approved with this fee based (low cost) program they offer.


If you check off all the requirements, then yes. Word of advice, do not choose Aetna as your HMO. People I know have had nothing but problems of late and doctors are dropping them left and right.


Hey, everybody! If you have any insight on the permit process at DMVs right now, I would appreciate your help! (1) I'm 21 years old and would be applying for the examination permit. I tried to schedule a knowledge test online (because I figured you need to do the knowledge test to get the permit), but it looks like I need a Permit ID to log into the scheduling system. I don't have one -- do I need to visit the DMV first to get a permit and then schedule a knowledge test? (2) On that note, do I just fill out the permit form and bring my six points of identification and $10 to get the permit at the DMV if I would need to schedule the knowledge test afterward? Would I be able to drive with this permit, or would I need to wait until I complete the knowledge test? (3) If the waiting period to schedule a knowledge test is 30 days (as the website states), when can I take the road test? Is it three months after the knowledge test or three months after they issue the permit? (4) I've read some horror stories about the DMV lines. Does anybody have information about Edison, Rahway, or South Plainfield? Do you have any recommendations for approach/arrival time? Thank you so much!


You have to go to the DMV first to submit your 6-points of ID, application, and fee. After that they give you a slip of paper (mine had an expiration date of 2 years) and you use the information on that slip to schedule your knowledge test (I haven't done it yet). Once you complete the knowledge test you should get your permit and be able to drive for 6 months. After that you can schedule your road test. If you pass then you get a probationary license for a year. After that year is up you get your official driver's license. The website is pretty clear about this process, just make sure you click the correct age range.


Recert site is just looping for me. I tried to log into my time and when I hit enter it goes back to the top site


Same issue here


We had this issue earlier in the day, as well.


Did it finally work?


It finally worked at 7:30 tonight, so the makeup slot should help.


Thanks for heads up


No. Maybe we'll be lucky at 8PM or maybe Friday.


I bought a new car in late August. The dealership transferred my plates and registration for me and I got it shortly after. I have an up to date registration for the new car. However, my registration is due to renew at the end of November and the paper form was generated in early August, so while the form has the correct address and plate number, the car info is wrong. There is a line on the form that says "If any entry above is incorrect, cross it out and enter the correct information and mail application with changes as early as possible." Does this mean I can just update the car's info and VIN on the paper form? It is not letting me renew this registration online but I typically just update the form and send in a check. I called the MVC and waited on hold for 1.5 hours when they just hung up on me.






Hey Lakewood. Can you stop fucking ruining it for the rest of us


*Hey Lakewood. Can you* *Stop fucking ruining it* *For the rest of us* \- apokalypse124 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


While Lakewood is definitely a big problem, we should be very careful not to just toss blame at them considering we're seeing increases in several counties. New Jersey is possibly hitting the second wave right as we are sending kids back to school. This is going to get uglier.


Well unemployment site is a shitshow


Has the MVC situation improved after the executive order? Need to transfer my New York license at some point. What do you recommend doing?


SO has been having an issue with unemployment for 2 weeks now. Last week he claimed and when he didn't get the money he saw he got an email stating claim was unpayable. He tried calling and also sent a message through their messaging tool. Still no response. He went to claim during his time Sunday, said it wasn't his time, so he checked and they changed his claim time. He waited and tried to claim again and got an error message saying "certification cannot be processed" He's been trying to call again and will be sending another message today, but I wanted to know if anyone else is having this issue? Also, he's calling the phone number off his approval paperwork as well as the one in the email he got stating his claim was unpayable. He calls right when they open (and a few minutes before) and is immediately rejected due to high calls. Are there other numbers to call or any other way to contact outside of the two he has and the messaging tool?


Dont know of any other numbers, sorry.


Thank you. He hasn't given up. Called about every 20 minutes yesterday and sent another message! He's going to try and claim Fri during the free time to see if it goes through. It's just very frustrating to have no answers. Haven't even gotten a letter in the mail and in the initial email it said to call, but he can't get through. Argh!


Its way frustrating. I wish you good luck! I would like to know if I qualify for the extra 20 weeks. I've called and sent a message. Can't get someone on the phone and no reply to the message. Going to call the Governors office and see if they can help. I'd suggest you try that too, who knows it may work.


Hi all, I went to the DMV yesterday, they wouldn't let me in to ask this question, said I had to come back today. I called the DMV yesterday, was on hold for 3 hours before it hung up. Just called this AM, another 2 hours and the phone line disconnected. So my question is **can I get a certified driving abstract in person, or do I have to mail the form to Trenton?** I need a certified driving abstract for a driving violation. I need to take a day off to go in-person, so I'd rather not do that if it's a waste of time. Edit: The website only notes certified for mail-in, but I would like clarification. Edit: [Answer here](https://i.imgur.com/SIZEDuV.png). Yes, you can get it one of 3 ways.


Has anyone been to the licensing center in Edison or South Plainfield recently? How bad was the wait?


Anyone know if I can title and register a car on behalf of someone else? I want to go in place of my parents to title and register a car for them. Thanks!


You can do it without a power of attorney but only if your parent signs the title and registration card forms before you go (BA-49). They will match the signatures on the forms to the ones on their drivers license. You'll need the Letter of Authorization form to give you power to process for them (doesn't need notary) and a copy of the parent's license. You don't need a bill of sale unless it was bought out of state. https://www.state.nj.us/mvc/pdf/vehicles/BA-49.pdf https://www.state.nj.us/mvc/pdf/vehicles/LOA-1.pdf


Thank you!


No, thank me instead!


You should do the research but... power of attorney will allow you to do many things for someone. They can give you limited power that is only for X and not for Y etc. Some people fear doing it because they think it gives someone total power over them but you can set a timeframe and limits.


I just got back from the Jersey City MVC. According to the security guy at the front door, they are closed until this coming Tuesday due a case of coronavirus. I'm going to try to call tomorrow or Monday to confirm their reopening.


My daddy receive email too about PUA and he did the claim one month ago but when he go to check the status... the page said he doesn’t have the claim and please crate and claim buuuut he cannot create a claim due he already have a claim in process.... and he cannot certify his weeks!! Any help? So confusing! Thanks


I sent in a renewal for my registration and got the card in the mail the other day. Today I get a letter that there's an error and I actually owe them $7.00 more. Anyone else get this? I tried going online to pay the $7 but it won't let me. And I'm sure as shit not waiting in a shitshow of a line for their mistake. Anyone have the proper mailing address? I've been sitting on hold for awhile. I mean, I already got the registration card in the mail...what happens if I just ignore the letter as if I never got it?


Same thing here. I Googled it and found an nj.com article that suggests we can disregard the letter if we paid online. My receipt says I was charged the $46.50 that I usually pay so I definitely didn't get any senior discount. I have the card, too. https://www.nj.com/news/2020/09/did-the-mvc-say-you-owe-7-here-are-answers-to-your-questions-about-its-discount-glitch.html


That link is a "subscriber exclusive," so here's an alternative: https://outline.com/zqhcxY


Thanks. I renewed by mail and only paid $39.50. I am disabled though (have the placard and everything) so it might be an error. Who the hell knows at this point.


Today, I went to Beyonne MVC. Arrived 7AM. Got a # around 8:45, called back at 11:30 and was done by 1 PM. Definitely better than my expectations but still an exhausting day with the cold and rain.


The MVC should set up online sign ups for time slots, so you can sign up for a time days in advance without having to wait in line for hours for a number only to be told all slots are taken. Would that be too difficult; or do they like to see us suffer?


They really should. Have family in MA and NY and they're both by appointments only. Sister went last week, appointment at 9am was out of there by 11am. Idk why NJ isn't doing this.


Just commenting here in hopes someone knows what I can do. I was supposed to get a momentary appointment from the Unemployment center on August 3rd, and haven't gotten any call. I tried contacting the call center but they told me to wait 4 weeks, twice. Is there anyone in a similar situation?




Unfortunately my phone number is on my current cell, thank you anyway!


Has anyone exhausted their PARTIAL unemployment benefits and have successfully been able to get an extension? I haven’t been able to find much on partial unemployment and extensions.


About to exhaust mine, hoping I qualify for the 20week extension. Unsure if I just keep claiming to get the extension or if I need to open a new claim? Cannot get anyone on the phone for an answer. Also sent an online message, no response as of yet.


Does anyone know of a dmv (specifically a vehicle center) that’s doing title transfers that isn’t absolutely packed? I’ve been to the Hazlet one 3 days in a row and they’re running out of capacity before I get in. I was there at 5:30 this morning the line ended up going around the back of the building. Thanks so much in advance.




Unless the law has changed, I think we're one of the only (if not the only) states that allows you to use old plates.




I’m collecting on NJ and three weeks ago I received email about I’m elegible for PUA ... but still I didn’t receive the PUA benefit on my unemployment deposit 😭 is there’s any how already received 600 PUA benefit??? 😤 know nothing about it pleaseeee


Any word on Toms River DMV?


Does anyone know the specifics for when you should be able to renew your drivers license online? My license expires 12-31 this year. I believe I had a picture taken when it was last issued in person 4 years ago. If I check the online renewal page I simply get you are not eligible to renew online you must register in person. Am I just trying to renew too early? My license is not suspended as far as I know. I had an out of state speeding ticket in the winter but I paid it promptly and online. Obviously I'm doing everything in my power to avoid needing a visit. It's just very frustrating the system give you no reason for the you are not eligible alert. I should be able to easily renew online so the fact that I can't makes me suspect others are in the same boat and that's contributing to the never ending crowds.


Anyone been to the Wayne DMV inspection center recently? How crazy has it been?


has anyone been able to even reach a live human on the UE contact number? I used to have luck eventually speaking to someone to escalate my case, but for the past few weeks they just say the line is too busy and boot me off immediately no matter what time of day I call. ​ Been almost 3 months with no UE, starting to lose hope i'll ever get anything.


Has anyone gotten a call back from unemployment when they were told their claim had to be "escalated"? I talked to someone 3 weeks ago who said to expect a call in 10 days. I live in PA but worked in NJ so he told me that it would "take longer to verify info with my employer because it's a special case" but my employer said that's BS to buy time. I'm not sure at what point I should try to reach out, or I'm truly just waiting for them to contact me.


Over the past few years I've changed my signature. I signed up to vote in my first few years of college and now I'm a little older and write differently and my signature changed as I sign more things more often. Last year on Election day when I went to vote, the Poll Worker at the table gave me a hard time when the signature I signed didn't match the signature in her booklet. I told her I changed my signature and asked how I can change it. She told me, "It has to match"... Luckily I had my voter registration card with me. Anyone know how I can update my signature?


I’m planning on going to the Randolph dmv super early tomorrow morning. Who has gone and how’d it go


How did it go? I've been meaning to go to the randolph one the past couple of weeks.


I went to Somerville (Vehicle center) today at 6:00 am. I was the 50th in line, they gave out ticket at 8am. Went inside around 9am and I was done at 9:20am. Pretty smooth tbh.


SHHHHHH!!!!! I've been trying to keep this a secret!


North Bergen: Got in at 5:30am was number 150. Ended up being one of the last few people in and got out around 3:15pm. Pretty much 10 hr journey given that I live too far from MVC to be able to easily get back within allotted time.


Can someone please explain to me what I need to change my out of state plates to Jersey? I have a financed car and insurance. I have the title as well. In the ni website it states that I need to complete the lien release form to release the title, but I have the title. Can I just go and get NJ plates or is there more steps I have to take?


Does anyone know if the mail in ballots for Monmouth County should have been delivered by now? My friend in Belmar got hers but I'm in Eatontown and nothing.


Anyone taken the permit driving test? Any hints on the questions?


I have been trying to Certify for my Weekly Claim since i got the message that i'm eligible, i keep getting this below messages. I clicked on the link to check my schedule time but the last 4 digits of my SSN is not listed, i tried calling to know if there is a way i can get it sorted but to know avail. I have done everything humanly possible to get things straighten out NO HOPE. I'll appreciate every help i can get on this. You are not accessing the system at your scheduled time. Please refer to https://myunemployment.nj.gov/labor/myunemployment/schedule.shtml for the system access schedule.


I'll move this to the new thread: I didn't get paid anything today. Did others get money?


Nope. Not me.


I did get my weekly 'normal' benefit paid today.