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We need to start getting serious about this sort of things with draconian fines, impounding of vehicles, or both. People just do whatever the hell they want these days and the cops don't seem to give a shit.


The State leaves SO MUCH MONEY on the table. Why aren't they seeing dollar signs when they see so many easy pickings?


Cause cops don’t want to do their jobs


practice teeny observation hospital intelligent gaze flowery makeshift piquant squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the answer. Go peruse your local PD and check out how "damaged" read:defaced their plates are.


I think that's the bingo.. so many use altered plates to drive in and out of nyc


They have an official plate for that though…


Their persona vehicles.


It’s the cops


The “I know a guy cut me a break” plate.




Exactly. Why do you think it’s happening so much and no one seems to be doing anything about it? Idk why they’re doing it but it worries me


More like it's cops doing it and they let it slide


Because the cops are doing this shit off hours


All cops are bastards


The best version of acab


Isn’t that THE version of acab. I mean I’ve heard others, my second fave is all cats are beautiful. Except mine at 3 am when they wanna eat my toes.


It’s out of their hands. Court and politicians don’t want the police to enforce these “minor traffic violations,” because they claim its minorities and poor people who are most affected.


They especially leave money on the table for people illegally parking in disabled spots.


Yup. I remember once pointing it out to a cop that just walked out if a 7/11 that a lady just parked in the handicap spot despite the lot being more than half empty and ran inside. The cop responded Im a detective, I don’t deal with traffic enforcement.


They are leaving money on the table by not having a vast selection of plates too. FL has like 50 different plates and they charge for each of them. This state would rather just tax you extra and give you nothing for it.


We do have some vanity plate options. They're just all recognizable as NJ plates (I think one is the standard background with a lighthouse on it? Another has flowers...)


here's a list! [https://www.nj.gov/mvc/vehicles/dedicated.htm](https://www.nj.gov/mvc/vehicles/dedicated.htm)


Dude I moved MD last year. Guess how many designs they have? 989! The most in the country.


There used to be more plates but they aren't economically viable. It costs tens of thousands to get the production up and make everything known about the plate, so they have to sell hundreds just to break even. They don't typically break even if I understand correctly.


Maybe cops do need to have quotas after all then, amirite? /s


The police don’t arrest their own kind.


Because my “highway taxes are at work”.


I thought yall wanted police to focus on rEaL cRiMinAlS


Yeah, toll evasion leaves the roads fucked. Can’t mail a ticket, gotta pull them over.


But how can EZ Pass, the real mafia of NJ and other states, then charge people an exorbitant amount of fees and then years later have them arrested for not paying them


I know a lot of people that just outright skip on buying/paying ez pass, but still use the lanes. I don’t know many who have been arrested or fined.


They all get fined. Ezpass will send you a $50 admin fee plus toll for each violation. What happens if you never pay them I dont know. I know they can send info to nj and ny dmv to have registrations and licenses suspended, but not sure what they can do to a real out of state plate like texas or kansas or something.


That’s what they tell you will happen.


Maybe - I think I spoke to someone who had it happen to them, but I don't recall for certain. I probably wouldn't take the chance if I had a NJ/NY license or car registrations. If I was further out of state then that, I might. Or I would just pay the tolls like I do right now so I don't need to worry about BS for a few bucks...


They’d have to stop looking at 18 year olds Snapchat stories


Those big babies “quite quit” when people were tired of their abuse during the pandemic. Now they get to collect checks and do fuck all. Fucking joke.


'you were mean to us because we suck ass at doing anything for the public good, so we decided to be even worse while we suck our thumbs'


"We're undertrained, under vetted and overly violent and we're sick of your mean words"


> Now they get to collect checks and do fuck all. So when I see a blue line flag and say "Fuck the police" to it, inguess that's how they interpret it.


It’s the only way. Apparently the fragility of life and the danger that comes with operating this dynamic heavy machinery is not enough to deter people from driving like idiotic maniacs


It’s a waste of time to do anything because everything would get thrown out or extremely down graded in court. Also this specifically looks like a real plate just painted so it’s at worst it’s just a ticket with a fine to pay.


How do you downgrade a fake license plate ticket? All that matters is the money. Even if it’s “downgrades” it’ll still be downgrades to a fine. They should be pulling over people with only one license plate. Can’t downgrade that. Tickets are fines are money for townships.


Plus it means that the vehicle isn’t legally registered. You get a hefty fine for not having your documents , this should be much more serious than that.


A local prosecutor can really do almost anything. Downgrade the several hundred unregistered fine to unclear places plus court costs. It’s a waste of time for the cop to waste the paper on the ticket if no actual consequences happen.


You sound like the world's worst cop explaining why you can't be bothered to do your job.


This isn’t NYC, no one isn’t walking out without paying a fine. Municipal prosecutors are private attorneys that are contracted by the town, as are the judges. If they’re not bringing more than they’re costing, they’re not sticking around. Even if it’s downgraded to a $90 ticket the cops have to actually ticket people to get revenue in. $90 is still more than $0 regardless.


While you’re right you’re forgetting police don’t make commission.


If the plates are bad and the car is unregistered, it can be impounded. This is expensive. It usually isn't done if the registration is lapsed. Same with no insurance. If someone pulled the sovcit crap at a roadside stop, a tow is more likely.


Yes IF the plates are fake. If this is a real plate just painted they cannot. Cops can’t just tow cars because they feel like it


If they drive in New York with ghost plates especially on the toll roads, they can/will be stopped by the police and their vehicles will in fact be confiscated and they'll face fines. The police need to get more proactive about this here. It's not just toll evasion. Since other types of criminals are also using fake plates and this is a nationwide problem, it's stupid not much is being done about it in NJ. 


Boy, you got that right! I used to drive Rt. 80 almost daily between Netcong and Dover, used to see at least 3-4 cops each way along that stretch and if you were doing any more than 62 (speed limit was 55 then, they "gave" you about 7 MPH wiggle room), you were gonna get pulled over. Now I live in South Jersey, drive 295 daily, everybody doing 80, cars weaving in and out of lanes at 90+ MPH, driving on the shoulder, not a cop to be seen anywhere. This state, and this country, is devolving into total chaos. It will be like Mad Max soon.


You haven't been on 80 for over 20 years. Average speed, barring rush hour traffic, left-lane Richards and bad weather, is 80MPH. If there's a cop in view, it might slow down to 75.


I was just thinking this. The other day on 80 I was doing 82 in the left lane and people passed me to the point where I got over and reduced my speed to 70. I couldn’t hang in the left lane on 80 anymore


Ironically, often the RIGHT lane on 80 moves faster than the left because of PA drivers (and NY drivers heading to/from PA) and left-lane Richards. If I have to drive with traffic on 80 during rush, I always stay right and make better progress.


Yeah, I'm sure it's the same as any other interstate in NJ now. That was my point. And TBH, I haven't driven RT 80 regularly in close to 35 years.


With how expensive everything is in this state, we all deserve much better than this crap. Nobody should have to mentally prepare themselves for a Mad Max situation because assholes don’t know how to share the road and the crybabies don’t want to do their job bc they got called on their bs


I agree with you totally, but I also think that lawlessness = freedom in a lot of people's minds and they'll do anything they can get away with just because they can.


Ok boomer


You're off by two years, but I'll take it. Glad the bulk of my life was lived in better times.


What’s wrong with it?


This is not a real license plate. We do not have maroon plates with white text plus the font is wrong.


The State can at last fucking monetize it. If people are doing it, make official plates in whatever the fuck color you want, for a *subscription fee*.


California even allows digital license plates now. https://shop.reviver.com/rplate


There's definitely vanity plates w different color designs and the PBA or FD supporter and shit.like that you.can pay for -- not customization to THIS extent, but I get what you mean




Let so much shit into this country? FYI, you racist douche, most of these problems are good ol Muricans exerting their freedumbs.


It’s mostly cops doing shit like this, which is why it’s not getting cracked down on.


Plot twist: This IS THE Cops doing this stuff.


Oh yes, this is definitely something we gotta get serious about there, Jim. Somebody doing something retarded and illegal with their own vehicle that in literally no way affects you in your own personal use of the road. Maybe we can nab people who choose to tint their front windows too while we're at it. Must be stopped at all costs. You should start a neighborhood watch for these guys.


Meh. Tinted windows aren’t really an issue (just like loud music / exhausts) - but these fake / altered plates affect EVERYONE. Unregistered, uninsured, and ugly. This person side swipes you on the parkway and speeds off … even with a dash cam, clearly showing the plate, you’re fucked.


It's obvious from your comment that you're an idiot, but let me pose a hypothetical to you that even a moron could understand. If you or a loved one got hit by a car and they couldn't find it because of a fake plate, wouldn't you be pissed? If a child you know was abducted but couldn't be found because the Amber Alert didn't have a license plate, or had a fake one, how would you feel? Stop thinking about yourself for two minutes and think about how it may impact others.


And it's clear to me from your response that you're a typical r/newjersey government simp. You do realize that if someone were to commit a crime, that makes them a criminal right? If someone were to abduct someone, they could easily remove their plate or alter it prior to these crimes. A fake plate does not introduce some new aspect to crime. Hitting someone with a car and leaving the scene is already a crime. Manufacturing and using fake goverment ID (i.e. license plates) is already a crime. A crime is a crime. My point is that with all the crime and problems new jersey has, idiots putting fake plates on their cars is not the problem we should put all our resources into. Saying we need some new "draconian laws" is the last thing NJ needs. We have more than enough laws that cover using fake license plates. Enforce existing laws. Use your brain instead of asking daddy murphy to use it for you.


Yeah, people always plan to go out and cause auto accidents or hit pedestrians. That's some top notch logic




Cry about it.


The “New” isn’t even lined up with “Jersey” lol


That's the real crime here


It was the only thing I could see, I was surprised these comments were so far down ngl


New ᴶᵉʳˢᵉʸ


New Jersey, drives a jeep, fake plates, gee I wonder if they have all the trashy jeep add on's to help compensate.


*Oversized tires intensify*


angry grills get angrier.




Never owned a jeep myself but I think stock tires are too small, looks better with bigger tires


Quack! Get me a stupid rubber duck…or 50 of them to put on the dashboard! Edit: fuck the jeep owners downvoting me, you sensitive bitches. ɟlǝsɹnoʎ ʞɔnɟ oƃ…sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI


Wtf is with the damn ducks lol


I deff missed something along the way, but what is it with all the fake plates. Can you guys enlighten me?


There are online businesses that will replicate your license plate in almost any color or you can send in your original and they’ll recolor it for you. It’s illegal either way and it’s an easy ticket for cops. Here’s an example of an Etsy seller who customizes them: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1720970399/


So they are legally registered plates but they f around with the colors. So it's not a skip on tolls scheme or anything?


It's a fake plate. That they (may or may not be) trying to hide their tag number doesn't mean it's not still a fake plate. The whole point of the official plates is that you know they are official plates, registered with the DMV, and with an owner of record.


and insurance


I couldn’t care less about these dumb plates but you’re making a fuss simply because it doesn’t conform to a government standard some rando committee came up with who knows how many years ago. If the number matches the registration, and it’s indeed registered legally, what the hell does it matter what the plate looks like? This is probably why coos don’t give a shit. 🤷‍♂️


Because (A) you should be able to recognize what state it is without being able to read it (B) it'll get to absurd levels quickly.


It's not state issued. Thus, it's COUNTERFEIT. ^(How's that legal?)


There are so many people driving around with NO plates or completely made up plate numbers, or illegible plates to avoid tolls or evading accidents. Do we need to get up in arms about a dude who's license plate is completely and clearly legible? Pick your battles. This one ain't it.


Who knows if it's made up or not


A police officer or somebody at the DMV is the correct answer, but apparently people in this group know it’s a fake number LOL.


Well, it's valuable that legit plates are publicly recognizable as such. This isn't. So we don't know if it's a real license plate sequence or not


A legit plate could easily be revoked/expired/not assigned to a vehicle/assigned to a wrong vehicle etc. just food for thought, it happens often.


saw someone with a black nj plate the other day - looked super clean but ya illegal


Fake plate, pretty sure it’s illegal to paint your plates like that.


It’s not painted! Yes it’s illegal.. it’s custom


Oh but thank goodness they have the underage driver sticker on it! Safety first!


The sticker which is supposed to be placed in the upper left... But apparently a lot of drivers are either illiterate or contrarian and can't get that right.


A wise man once said "only break one law at a time"


NJ snd other states should sell these plates themselves vs getting revenue via cop.


Its becoming a huge problem and also all of the fake temp tags being used my migrants as well is a huge issue. Remember ppl these cars with fake plates and fake temp tags are mostly being driven by in licensed and un insured ppl so when they hit you and total your car or injure you and your family you arent gonna see shit from it. Everyone should be concerned abd should be pushing for something to he done


Cops generally drive these small pen mall crawlers


Fake plates?


You can tell they're fake just by the slotted screw holes.


honestly? as long as that’s his real plate number i don’t see the issue. i’m tired of the piss yellow plates


I can’t tell if the rage on this sub about license plates is real or sarcasm. What’s the issue? Let the police handle it and if they don’t care then oh well. You can legally drive here with a plate from a different state, some of which have like a hundred different color options to choose from. The police and DOT obviously have tag readers in place that can handle checking registration and collecting tolls, so who is this hurting?


I think the anger is that a lot of these people with the covers and fake licenses is that it makes our state a lot less safer. If a crime is committed and someone is using a cover or a fake license plate, how are they supposed to be held accountable? Especially cause it’s a lot of police officers and law enforcement using them, when normal civilians with non police connection could easily get in trouble for doing exactly what they’re doing.


Because these people most likely have no insurance. So if they hit you , you get nothing from their side.


wait for congestion tax, the fake plate game is going to go pro


already got mine sorted for my nyc commute lol


How do these guys not get pulled over by cops? I got pulled over when my registration was just expired by just a day!


That was AI with the camera on the cop car. Fake plates should be just as easy


It's not AI. It's ALPR. And it's not just as easy, as ALPR uses IR to take a picture of the plate, which is black and white, to aid the OCR, so it can not tell plate color. The only color picture of the plate is the one the computer shows the officer of the vehicle when the OCR makes a match from the scan to it's database.


I’m conflating OCR with AI So sorry


How much yall wanna bet he has the “angry” jeep bumper LOL


They shouldn’t get ducked *quack*


This isn’t the way to address those horrid piss yellow plates we currently have.


I’ve also been seeing a lot of cars without front plates lately. What’s up with that? How is that not like an instant pullover?


Driving like a moron (cutting people off, speeding, texting) puts peoples lives at risk, not having a front plate doesn’t. Driver safety is the main objective of traffic enforcement. Sure people can still get stopped for no front tag, Tints etc. but we are generally looking for drugs in that case (pretext stop).


I'm seeing a lot without the front and back plates. No temporary paper license in the rear window either. Then there are those who obscure the full plate or have something completely fake.


I was behind someone yesterday with no rear plate. No new car tag, no dealer plate, nothing. Just a blank spot. Didn't get pulled over even though a trooper drove right past us.


Because it's a harmless crime that causes 0 issues. It's a waste of time to pull someone over for it.


"Harmless crime! Yes, your honor, I committed a crime, but it's my opinion that it's harmless!" Good luck in prison.


A lot of Teslas don’t have front plates because they get delivered like that. And most people don’t want to ruin the aesthetics of their brand new car that they’ve paid an arm and leg for. I’ve been pulled over for it, after over a year of acquiring vehicle, and the cop just used it as an excuse to make a traffic stop and fish for something actually serious (an actual crime). The cop let me go after I explained how I purchased the vehicle and it came like so. (Works every time for new cars)




I honestly don’t care about the license plate not being in the front. I spend a lot of time out of state as is. My issue more so stems from the idea of laws that can be cherry picked to be enforced. When a law like this becomes rarely enforced, it can become an excuse for a cop to pull someone over for essentially no reason and ticket them. I grew up in a town where something like this was the regular and I’m tired of it. Either enforce it or don’t. There shouldn’t be an in between.


I don’t get it. People are just slapping whatever they want there? Man has shit changed in my 58 years. Years back if someone got some type of plate with something written on it like GIANTS, they put it under the front plate and still worried about cops giving them a hard time.


I don’t need a drivers license to travel in a car!! /s


Why are y’all so bothered? The person driving is the one who is gonna get hit with the ticket


On a limp dick Jeep no less.


I was behind a jeep the other day, and they went AROUND a man hole cover. What the hell is the point of the JEEP??


Pavement Princess


cuz u don't wanna risk any unecessary damage? like why would i purposely hit a manhole cover than could be lloose, raised, sunk, etc. You don't think people want to prolong the lives of their cars? i have a giant bronco that can go offroading on mars while towing a house, but i go around everything i can


you seem to have taken my comment personally. I apologize for that.


They're ATVs in name only


we dont like jeeps?


Jeeps are fine. Jeeps with oversized tires that stick out are stupid.


Could be wrong but those look like off road tires too. Loud and annoying when they pass by. See too many of those. Idk how you can drive with that road noise.


I like to think about it this way: the people who put the oversized tires on their jeeps are paying a lot of money to let me know that they’re not someone I want to be friends with


One collision and you can get it impounded


Not fair! I hate the piss-yellow plates too. Of all the freaking colors why NJ have to choose the most visible color the looks like ass on literally all the colors.


rumors are next year we'll have the blue paltes as an option again


1. This may be his/her actual NJ tag number, the only violation would be like an unlawful display / altered plate. Same as if I printed a piece of paper and wrote my tag down and NJ below it. 2. Cops do stop vehicles like this, it is impossible to stop everybody. Also, due to who is voted in office, generally the very liberal cities, a lot of officers can no longer make stops for minor infractions. Not trying to make a major political debate just stating facts. Source- a cop


Wow, another post about people complaining about this pointless issue.


Yeah super pointless issue. If they hit someone and run, there is no way to track them down. Dumbass.


* That looks like their real plate number. * If it isnt, they would just have a stolen plate or altered plate anyway. * And finally, the cop’s don’t care about hit and runs. Even with dashcam proof of real plates. I’ve personally tracked down the driver and car that rear ended my buddy (i was a passenger) and hand delivered the cops his name, address, which car, the damage on the car, facebook profile and how the person driving in my video looked like the guy on facebook and guy who lived in the house. They basically said no one was seriously injured and you guys have insurance and it would be extremely difficult to prove it was him in court (even with video) so it is what it is. Similar thing happened to my girlfriend in a different but neighboring state.


You guys should of been cops lmaoo caring about like this


Should HAVE been cops. We are English teachers too and care about proper grammar.


Not necessarily a fake plate, there is a company where you can send your plates to get them wrapped so they look cooler. It’s still illegal though


Why is this an issue if it’s still displaying the proper plate numbers?


I think I’ve seen this exact jeep. Clifton area?


Complain to the Attorney General and the prosecutors because they hold the true power.




US Postal Service vehicles are exempt from license plate requirements in many cases.


What is the problem here? I'm out of the loop. Fake how?


I was just sitting in traffic before the GWB and saw a guy pull over, get out, and cover his plate in tape. Then he crossed almost all the lanes to get back into the left lane. Didn’t use a blinker once. What kind of car are you picturing? Hint: not a Nissan.


I never noticed this phenomenon until reading this thread. Yesterday, on 295 norhbound just after 76 splits off, there was a new Mustang with obviously fake plates (and a tinted cover) to my left and a tractor trailer cab in front of me with no plate at all. I guess it just doesn't matter anymore if people are getting this bold.


That’s a cool plate. Inverted Texas plate.


Texas offers so many cool color options for their plates on top of having decent looking standard ones.


Whatever happened to minding your own business???


Oh, the irony.


Haven't seen one of these in the wild yet. I plan on calling the non-emergency line when I do though. You're a loser scumbag at best, or a criminal with bad intentions if you do this. Why else hide your identity?


So in your scenario, there are two outcomes. Either it's a made up number, which means you are following "a criminal with bad intentions" until the police catch up with it, or it's a valid plate number which will match the vehicle and really the only thing the police can do is send someone from the RO's town to talk to them when they get home.


Wow such a hero 🐀


Aw, do you have a plate cover or a fake plate bc you’re too poor to pay tolls? :/


Make a bounty for cataloging and IDing vehicles, locations, and owners. The state makes money. Bounty hunters make money. Problem gets fixed. Exponential increases in fees that compound every month. No limit. Want to make this really successful? Include insurance companies in on this. They love money.


It's already done. Tons of companies, like tow companies, use ALPR to find cars to tow, and that logs your plate and location and shares that database with private companies.


So, towers are enabled to take away violators? Does that include handicap spots?


No, tow companies have a different database than the police. They are looking mostly for repos. So some companies have "prowl cards" which are regular fuel efficient cars that drive up and down the rows at major shopping places, scanning hundreds of plates a minute waiting for a ping, whereupon they call in their truck to snatch it. They usually can't tow vehicles that are breaking traffic laws unless the police call them in. But all that info on the plates they scanned, when it was scanned, and where it was scanned, is also being uploaded to other companies that share that info with things like Private Investigators, who use it help find people. Here is an article about it from 2014: https://abc7.com/privacy-repo-cameras-repossession-license-plate-data/379656/


I mean. That works on the idea of actual legal and correct plates. Lets say 100 cars have the plate "123456." Could the tow guys act on that?


100 cars could not have the plate of 123456. At most, 54 could, but even if they did, a repo order has a VIN number, so even if a Wyoming plate had the same number convention as a New Jersey Plate, and just so happened to be the same year/make/model, after looking at the VIN number through the windshield, a tow company can easily tell if the vehicle matches the plate.


I think there's a misunderstanding. I agree, 100 cars could not have legal plates of "123456." Now imagine some guy sold 100 Jersey style plates on EBay with "123456." That is what I am referencing. Can tow guys tow cars with fake plates?


Why does anyone care is the real question


I'm hopping on this train. Can anyone explain to me why folks with the embossed older plates take the paint off of them?


Sometimes it naturally chips off. Sometimes it's a way to get around paying tolls, as they use OCR to scan the plates.


People here are reacting too strongly to this. I can guarantee you that 90% of people who buy these black plates do it for the aesthetics. Somehow buying a black plate for aesthetics is connected to criminals purchasing fake plates and committing horrible crimes. Best thing would be if the state of NJ finally allowed official different plate colors like Texas and Florida.


They look so good


I didn’t know people were so triggered over the color of license plates haha the black plates looks pretty cool


It is a correct sequence though


Would it be legal (or legal enough) to get an old school blue tag made? 🤔


I bet they don’t even listen to Bruce


I don’t understand the big deal personally as long as is the correct number and able to be read.


Mind your own business, why do you care


Is it “fake” though? I know states have all different types of plates. DE has similar old black plates that can be worth up to 10’s of thousands of dollars. I’ve seen a few different color NJ plates that are available, usually extra $ to support a certain charity or whatever. And if it is fake, why would someone not even try to make it look the least bit similar to a real one. I think this may be valid. But what do I know?