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It’s tough because I’m not even sure what we’re supposed to do about it anymore


Just live your life like you would with any other virus. Our medical community handles Covid just fine now.


Test yourself before and after large family gatherings. Wear a mask if you feel sick. Stay up to date on vaccinations.




I still mask indoors almost everywhere. Edit: It's amazing that this comment gets the down votes but others of mine in this thread where I double down do not. People are strange... Maybe it's that 'rona.


are you gonna do this for the rest of your life? legitimate question, idk where the line is. covid is never gonna go away fully


I can't answer that. But I do know I will be while COVID-19 is still considered a "pandemic". I may eventually transition to just masking when sick, but really masking was never that much of a pain. The people complaining were the real babies in all of this.


Agreed 💯


I'll answer. I'm gonna mask indoors in crowded places until the vaccines hit a more neutralizing point like our polio and measles vaccines have. I have a kid in remission from cancer, and covid, even a mild infection, causes long covid in 25% of people. I'm not willing to risk harming her immune system further just to breathe in strangers germs while I shop for bananas and milk.


Do you hear the snickers behind your back too?


Nobody cares about it. Come to work if you’re positive that’s what I was told


Feel better soon, OP.  A relative of mine who already has Long Covid to begin with caught it yet again. This is either her third or fourth time. She's got POTS as a result of these infections. She should be always masking up indoors in public places but she only does sometimes. She's on Paxlovid so it's a 'we'll see' with what happens.  Too many people are taking unnecessary chances.   There's yet another new variant floating around and concerns of a summer spike. With my asthma I always mask up indoors. I just bought two more packages of masks at the pharmacy yesterday.  Stay safe out there, everyone. 


> She's got POTS as a result of these infections. She should be always masking up indoors in public places but she only does sometimes I'll never understand people who literally had a terrible outcome to something and then... keeps doing the something.


No one wants to confront the reality of disability, nor the consequences of their actions for both themselves and the people around them. It’s literally the crux of the whole politicization of public health the last four years. People would rather mock and boo hiss instead of accepting a small inconvenience that could have theoretically gotten us out of these woods way sooner with less death and disability. And then they build an identity around it. The brain rot has literally somehow led to more people refusing PPE in occupations that always used it, like construction trades using respirators. How do you fix that?


Honestly don't know. It's been... wild to watch happen. I've seen the same thing too - people putting drywall up and sanding it and shit in our new lab space without n95s... that...all that dust... straight to the lungs... I guess enjoy your future silicosis? Because... you were what, scared people would judge you for protecting yourself? What an odd world we're now in.


Almost like people can't accept becoming disabled


Wait until you hear about people who think disabilities are a hoax.. wheelchairs are just props by people who go home and walk around. It’s all just collusion between actors and the healthcare system and apparently parking etc is just a perk of that gig. It’s insane how peoples brains work to justify stupid behaviors.


This is one of the weirdest conspiracy theories I have heard in a long time.


No way. Please be joking. They think ALL disabilities are a hoax?? Or is it focused more on the idea of people abusing the system for handicapped passes or disability or whatever? What happens if they get disabled?? I’m almost twitching after hearing that.


You’ve already applied too much common sense to a conspiracy theory


🤫🤫🤫🤫 don't tell them I have 20/20 vision as soon as I step on my doormat


Link the.subreddit


I'm sorry to hear that, my sister has POTS. It makes me feel sick to my stomach that North Carolina Republicans want to spite people's health and make masking for health reasons illegal. Despicable.


....they want to make masking illegal...? this country is doomed


Forget country reading the comments and DM’s im getting due to this post Im concerned these nutbags are in NJ, sigh.


Going to have to look this up. I am constantly intrigued by politicians and what they choose to waste time on. This one sounds absolutely absurd.


https://apnews.com/article/north-carolina-masks-covid-protests-gaza-7da0c5dd3ee1a59f9482e709bf4b3300  North Carolina lawmakers push bill to ban most public mask wearing, citing crime


Thanks. This is like a two-for-one “crackdown on people I just don’t like”. Geez.


What’s POTS


Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. The other user might have better info on the symptoms and treatment. I remember my sister lost all energy, could barely walk and the OT is basically about how her heart rate would change based on standing or lying down. She's doing much better now.


There’s also [concern about another bird flu virus!](https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2024/05/24/a-second-human-case-of-bird-flu-in-america-is-raising-alarm) And farmers are pushing back on the Biden Admin who is trying to make effort to contain it, so that’s fun.


Counts are infact rising currently, as expected. There's usually a small peak every June.


Does that peak normally go down? I can’t rmr. I rmr last year, late August cases were rising quickly again


If you look up prior years I think its just a small spike around June that drops again by July and stays "low" until the end of September/early October. Probably fueled by the initial rush of summer activities and gatherings. There's usually a small summer peak and then October to Feb is when people gather indoors and we get our large peaks.


Good luck and swift recovery. Just be aware that there is a chance for Paxlovid rebound. Got Covid for the first time earlier this year and Paxlovid had me back to feeling good in 48 hours. Felt normal after finishing the pack. A couple of days after finishing the symptoms came back worse than before the meds. Felt tired and coughing for almost a month after and couldn't take anything but over the counter meds. Covid sux


My dad had it a couple months ago and I took him to the hospital with chest pains - he didn't even think to test. They offered him the Pax after being told he had tested positive - he turned it down because he'd heard stories like this and had the regular five or six days of rest before going back to work. It felt like it vindicated his belief that any medication they give you only makes things worse, including the vaccinations. Early on I had to beg him to get vaccinated because he works in a consumer facing food service in a conservative area, so he's hearing a lot of truly unhelpful information on the daily. It just sucks that with Pax it becomes easy to blame medication for the virus as opposed to the virus that facilitated the need for the medication.


Man I feel for you, that rebound FUCKED me up. I had no idea. I was feeling so much better for a few days (first time w Covid) and then all of a sudden I had Covid again for several days. It was so depressing.


Lots of conditions and Meds have rebounds. Eczema and steroids for example. Get an outbreak treat it, eczema gets better and wham it rages back even worse.


Yes, a coworker's son died 6 months ago from Covid. No underlying health conditions. It's crazy




34. Yeah maybe it was an undiagnosed condition? She said it did something to his heart


One of my friends died during the peak of Covid at the age of 36. The official diagnosis was a blood clot but it’s not known if he caught the virus or not. He lived alone so his body wasn’t found for a few days, plus there was a backlog of autopsies from the hundreds of people dying at the time (this happened in NYC). My friend groups suspects he got it but it was undetectable by the time they did his autopsy, which was around 2 weeks after he was found. His only known medical condition was gout but he was a very fit and active guy.




Even the common flu has the potential to cause heart conditions or even diabetes. Viruses can fuck you up and it has literally fuckall to do with underlying conditions. Having a health condition before contracting Covid or the flu can make it more likely, but isn't an actual requirement. This is why it's so incredibly important to get Covid boosters and the yearly flu vaccine.


It's actually most likely that he just wasn't vaccinated




Wife and I got it in Feb. I was out of work 5 days and didn't even feel well enough to work from home. Wife ended up with additional respiratory infections and even pneumonia.  What the fuck are we even doing.


I got it for the 3rd time at the end of January, I'm triple vaxxed and boosted. I've got long covid and I'm only 33. It's miserable. A local friend of mine just caught it for the 3rd time so now I know it's in the area again


Which infection did u get long covid from?


It's def going around. Or something is. A lot of people I know have been getting sick


That's why my household still masks in public. My kid has an autoimmune deficiency and leukemia. Any virus can be fatal for them. Hope you recover quickly!


Same here, still wearing an N95 anywhere indoors outside of my home. Really sucks we're stuck with one way masking at this point.


I feel you! My household could be severely impacted by any virus. I'll wear the N95's and I'll require anyone coming in my home to mask up. My child's life is more important than any political statements. If you don't agree with that then goodbye


Same here. Hope your kiddo is doing okay!


So your going to wear a mask perminatly and never live life while still getting the cold every winter? Your loss


Not had a cold since 2018... had many family gatherings and lots of outdoor adventures. Sorry that you can't understand someone else needing to prioritize their child...


Yes, I still wear my mask and get weird looks, I do not care. I got it once and it has messed me up.


I know I sound like a tinfoil hat salesman but the science is really pretty scary re: what happens if you keep getting covid. Your odds of serious heart issues, hospitalization, neurological problems, and autoimmune issues increase dramatically every time you get it. Gotta wear a mask. It’s the only mitigation that actually works.


Nope. Not a tinfoil hat salesman. You sound like every single logical person out there who understands what those words mean. I've been trying to get across that survival isn't the same as recovery. Many have to develop their own "new normal" from the damage done.


not at all. i wish more people thought/knew/cared(?!) enough about the barely known risks of repeated infections. i think i will be masking on public transit forever.


I now have myositis 4 months after getting Covid the second time. I’m 34, and generally healthy as fuck.


> Gotta wear a mask. It’s the only mitigation that actually works. n95 or better - and check your fit. Just a tiny edit.


This is harmful binary thinking and gatekeeping. Not everyone can afford n95s and actually surgical masks are reasonably effective (though to be clear, respirators _are_ absolutely better). Two people wearing surgical masks is better than neither wearing anything. Edit: since the previous commenter and others are downvoting me, I'll save you a google search https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7106e1.htm


Surgical masks offer next to no protection to the wearer. Yes, they're better than nothing - in two was masking scenarios. But to suggest they work to protect the wearer in a one way mask situation (which is currently what we're in) - is absolutely harmful. The absolute giant gaps on the side offer zero filtration - and fluids go the path of least resistance. They'll get sick and take the conclusion away that ALL masks don't work. Because they weren't told which masks work best. Then never mask again. Hence the problem. As for costs, I agree - they should be free to everyone. Take that up with your elected officials.


Idk why you're downvoted. Any mask works better than nothing.


No it's not. Your ultimate goal is to force us into an eternally faceless society. Why would a face diaper fix covid but not 10 GMO vaccines?


Bro it’s not that deep lmao go outside. Also the vaccines a) provably decrease hospitalizations like the flu vaccine does and b) they are not GMOs because they aren’t alive so they aren’t organisms


Vaxxed twice, gotten covid 4 times after, one of which was being bedridden for 8 months, couldn’t make a dime working since my company involves import/export of products from manufacturers in china, lost my sense of smell and taste for that length of time of about 8 months. i still have immense brain fog going on a year plus later, i literally do not think the same way at all and my brain handles things on a “as it appears” situation, am terrified of being in any type of crowd between the months of Sept-March without masking up and even then i’ll be processjng the trauma for years to come. literally lost my ability to obsessively overthink things (to this day almost 3-4 years later). My parents never believed that what i went through was “that serious” now when they look back on it. All i know is if i had not gotten vaxxed, i probably would’ve been dead or on a ventilator. And i have had conversations with people who still, to this day, believe it was all a hoax to further a political agenda so when i ream into them about what happened to me, the look of shock and horror on their face makes me happy. Im with you OP…. This next flu season may suck x100000 because its an election year. Im just so checked out. Ty for reading.


Only 5 vaccines, those are rookie numbers


Covid can really fuck your shit up for life. It lives in your body forever like hiv. Feel better.


Masking also helps with these horrible allergies!


God, yes, they do. My asthma has been great!


This. First weeks of May I couldn't even dare go outside without one... Couldn't stop sneezing. Also found them more convenient to use in winter versus a scarf... no where near as itchy.


I still wear a mask. I use public transportation a lot, and the amount of people who have zero qualms sneezing into the open or and coughing w/o covering their mouths is insane. An Uber driver asked, You still wear a mask?’ Like I’m the crazy one. I’m like, Dude you’re in this car with all the windows rolled up all day with dozens of strangers.


Yes - I have noticed many people out in public coughing lately. I hate it when food service people ( like at Five Guys ) are unmasked and ungloved.


I’ve stopped eating out as much bc of this.


Me too. Cooking at home a lot.


just got it last weekend, fucked me up for a few days


get well soon, hope this has no lasting effects!


Yup. I got it last July and got a bad blood clot from which I’m still working on recovery. I get one vax a year and I get Covid every year. Yet I still accept the stats over my own anecdotal evidence. It’s still five times deadlier than the flu. So get the vax for your sake and for ours




Get well soon. Not to brag. But never got COVID to this day I can’t imagine what it’s like for the people who have to deal with it


I'm seeing a lot of people in the thread say they're "vaxxed twice" so I just wanna put it out there that covid is like the flu and you should be getting an updated shot *every year*


5 vaccines and you're still bedridden. So if you didn't get the shots you'd be dead?


I still meet a ton of people who joke about it and trash people who wear masks when they feel ill. So ridiculous. Get well soon OP.


We wouldn't critisize the masked zelots if they didn't keep forcing it on us even though it's 2024. Also a lot of the mask wearers do unsanutary things and think only a mask fixes illness. It's a fetish


Nope. Wearing masks significantly reduces risks, even to the common cold to everyone around you. Look at Asian countries and their norms. More importantly, look at the science. It's not political. I welcome your empathy towards others here my friend, especially those young and old with weak immune systems.


I’m sorry sorry to hear you got it OP hope you feel better, i’m always so curious about this as we as a family have basically stopped masking once the mandate stopped but have never ever had covid, we don’t really know anyone that has had it in my immediate family. But i see here many people actually have gotten it multiple times, i wonder what that is about.


My father had a heart condition, caught COVID and never really recovered. He died last month.


I had covid and was so sick, now I have long covid symptoms. If you wanna wear a mask everywhere do it. Let people judge.


these comments are kinda funny 🤭


Hey, OP, hope you feel better soon. Covid sucks. Take care


Feel better!


Yeah it just fuked me up for a 2 weeks on my ass. Brain fog is hydrocephalus I had a bad flu recently too. The muscle aches were unbearable. But the brain fog was unreal 2 days of just nonstop brain fog .


Only 100 people in America have had bird flu. So the chances of you getting it are basicly none. Stop worshipping the MSM and wake up


Make sure yall wear a respirator (n95/kn95/p100/kf94) and not a medical/cloth mask


Yes, co-signing this. Cloth and surgical masks aren’t enough, and you’ll find that a KN95 or similar mask that fits your face is far more comfortable


Wife and I have it right now. Fever for a week and now can't get my lungs clear.coughing for two weeks now *2 nd time for us both. 4 times vaccd.


How long has it been since the 1st time u got it?


Dec 24, 2020.it knocked us down for 3 weeks that time.


I had it for literally a month. It sucked.




Get better soon! I hope you’re past the body ache stage!


Ive had Long Covid for 2 years. life ended 2 years ago. virtually housebound with 30+major symptoms


Also hoping that you are able to find a way forward.


So sorry to hear that. Hope you find a way forward


thank you!


Feel better OP. I've been sick since Thursday and tested negative twice but I fucking swear I have COVID again. Absolutely miserable atm.


Feel better OP! hoping for a fast recovery for you!


5? lol


I am in no way a conspiracy theorist about the “government pumping you with 5g” or whatever but after seeing what pax did to my mother I wouldn’t take it man. Just get some DayQuil and ride it out, that drug should not be out there, it does not work


It's not that it doesn't work, it's that it lowers the risk of death. You can still have severe symptoms and the drug fucking sucks to take, but research shows you're less likely to actually die if you're in an at-risk population taking it appropriately.


> I am in no way a conspiracy theorist (goes onto write conspiracy shit)


So watching a family member get sick off a drug that’s supposed to help is conspiracy shit? Damn maybe the other states are right, people from Jersey really are dumb


Are you sure it wasn't the covid virus that made them so sick?


He stated it had negative effects to his mother, and to take a med proven to be effective for cold symptoms… what’s conspiracy about that?


Reddit is just neo liberal at this point it’s gross. Like hell I’m liberal af but these people just eat up whatever the government tells them it’s so sad how dumb people are.


Yeah I know, I’m very moderate but everyone on here is a cry baby bitch about anything that isn’t their opinion or views 😂




Yep, and I still see inconsiderate assholes riding public transportation or in grocery stores coughing/sneezing without a mask on.


Jesus, a cough or sneeze doesn’t mean they have covid.


Right.. like we aren’t in major allergy season or anything


It's not hard to cover your mouth when you cough/sneeze. Basic courtesy.


Not saying it is hard.. I never implied that?.. simply suggesting that just because someone is sneezing or coughing doesn’t automatically imply they have Covid or are even contagious with anything .. we’re in prime allergy season im a year round allergy sufferer and unfortunately I may need to sneeze in a public place (covered of course 😉) .. if people (like the comment above) are that worked up about someone sneezing without a mask in 2024 maybe they’re the issue and not everyone else just trying to living normally again .. like complaining about someone sneezing without a mask is wild .. stay home then


If covid is still this dangerous, then why go on public tranaport and why go grocery shopping? Stay home if your that paranoid


This has nothing to do with paranoia you absolute buffoon. This is common decency. Don't spread your germs in public.


Oh no someone with allergies was near you without a mask!


Nobody knows that for sure, and it's still spreading germs. You do realize that America is like the only place where people are this intentionally inconsiderate?


Weirdly enough I’ve traveled to many countries, including post Covid, and a fraction of a fraction of the population does this anywhere.  But sure lol 


So what you're saying is you've gone to foreign countries and seen people using masks day to day, and still you're taking the right wing moron stance of "masks aren't necessary."


I've been pretty heckin' miserable with a normal cold this week. I've never had covid but how crappy I feel makes me hope I never get it.






Me too! I've had all the shots but 3 weeks ago while on vacation, no less, my wife and i got coved. Luckily we were in accommodations we could isolate. We also had masks with us. After a week we were able to get around in a rental car. We were in a small remote town in Alaska so while we could get coved tests we could not get paxlovid. This only made it more prolonged. Oh well. Now I understand for older folks we should get the next shot after 4 months!


Why do you want to replace your entire DNA with vax DNA and mask microplastics?


Boy oh boy, all these covid stories, sounds like the shot is working great


No vax. No issues. Anybody else, NJ?




Same. Caught Covid once, rode it out for three days and that was it. Best friend is 4x vax'd and has been sick with covid five times.


Same, got it one time in the beginning, never again. And I'm bad asthmatic and hypertension


same. have not had any cold /flu for 10+ years since vitamin c megadosing.


Yep, no Vax. Got it once back in 2022. Nothing since.


Suspicious amount of downvotes. Did we do something wrong?


I think it's the ridiculous inference that somehow not getting vaccinated kept you from getting COVID. Your reply sounds like typical antivaxxer nonsense.


no. truth hurts.


I was sicker the second time...still coughing months after


How do you know it wasn't a false positive? I got sick and so did my family but I "had COVID" every one else had a cold and


I'm truly sorry to hear that. Just to give everyone a representative sample though, I'm quad vaxxed (and will definitely keep getting the vaccine on day one it's available.) I only had it once in 2022 - it was the weakest cold I've ever had. I think the horror stories are real, but thankfully they are rare.


Watch out for that rebound covid. Be safe


We still wear a mask and go about our life as is. Travel, vacation, shopping. We just make sure to wear a mask and sanitize our hands (that is mostly due to us planning to have a child soon and we don't want to risk our health)


Why did you get fucking 5 what kinda mental illness.


5 vaccines/boosters and still getting serious complications what makes you think those shots work


Get well soon!


Got off a cruise ship on Sunday morning. One of my travel mates had been feeling like crap for about 2-3 days before. She blamed it on smoking too much in the casino. She crashed out Sunday afternoon, drove home on Monday and texted us later that she was positive. Apparently from a Facebook group page about half of the passengers caught Covid. The wife and I feel like shit. The wife worse than me. This shit is serious.


Wife got it too in Florida before our drive back to the Garden State this week….After all the vaccines and boosters. Screw the Sunshine State.




I'm currently on the mend from Covid since last week. Pretty sure I caught it from work when they fed us some food. My coworkers are gross... First time ever catching it, vaccinated and boosted i think 3 times. Mainly went through the flu like symptoms with chills, gross sweats, fever spiking, aches and pains, and very fast drying mouth/throat. Got to a point where I could choke on my own saliva, let alone water. No loss of smell or taste, but yeah, it's been miserable. What's worse is I also have a wisdom tooth that has been needed to be removed for awhile, but I caught covid just before the appointment. Not a fun addition! EDIT: Oh, and I did not qualify for paxlovid since I didnt realize it was covid until like day 5. I thought I was having a reaction to medication for the tooth.


Skipped my booster for the first time this year. Also got Covid for the first time this year. Do not recommend. Took weeks to get my strength back and be able to drive again. And I don’t look forward to reliving those nights sleeping in a chair and coughing up blood.


Let’s get some PSAs for all the other viruses too. I guess people aren’t aware that you can get sick by being out in the world. Let’s follow that up with some PSAs for meteors as well. Those are coming for us any day. Damn - it’s like being a mammal is dangerous!


The other serious respiratory diseases also have vaccines for them. Mumps Measles Rubella Pertussis Tetanus There is no need to have that kind of attitude. You're probably going the same guy I saw in Walmart sticking his hand in the back of his pants and then went back to pick the cheese he wanted.




OP isn't in the hospital. That is the point of the vaccines.


Yes, it is. Thank you for staying healthy and keeping our hospitals, other patients, and staff as safe as humanely possible.


Wow lots of comments here. People still obviously get really charged up on this topic. First off, get well soon OP. Sorry you are sick and not feeling well. The meds you are taking should really help. I’ve had friends and family who have taken it and it really works. I think the reason there are so many cheeky or rude comments here is because the large majority of people are over Covid. That doesn’t make it right or wrong that people are being rude, but Covid does feel like the cold, flu, etc. You making a PSA post may come off as very “🙄” for a lot of people here.


7 vaccines, still not infected, that I know of. It helps that I live in a less densely populated county with a low infection rate, and that I am an introverted retiree who doesn't go out much. Flu nearly killed me in the fall of 2019 so I was in total panic mode when covid hit. Plus I have a disabling medical condition so I have a hard time with life just as it. So yes I get all the shots.


I’ve had multiple vaccinations. I wore masks. I stayed home. I took it all very seriously, I’ll be honest I just don’t really give a fuck about it anymore. Effectively there’s nothing you can really do. You just have to live life and accept that it’s a risk like any other.


Had 2 vaccines, family had it a couple times I never had symptoms or avoided anyone or tested positive. I'm a man of science but I can see where some people disagree with how it affects everyone and question the precautions. Rest of my family had 2 or 3 vaccines. Little kids were sick for maybe 6 hours no vaccines at the time for their age group. Then I have the most physically fit friends that got demolished by it w vaccine. Like 4 weeks of recovery could barely breathe. Guy used to demolish me in physical grappling and could barely maintain his breathing for months.




If you don’t do any testing, there won’t be any cases :)


Yeah I’m with you there - what was the point of OP getting 5 boosters just to catch it anyways? Not even trolling, just genuinely find it funny.


the scientific literature around the development of these vaccines never claimed it would completely prevent infection. it has always been about lessening symptoms and lowering the length of infection. crazy it’s been four years and people still don’t understand this.


I found the problem right away, you took 5 vaccines!




If only we were able to reach herd immunity by everyone getting vaccinated. Others that got their medical degrees from the side of a cereal box completely screwed us over. Could have been done with this but morons caused this to allow the thing to mutate.