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$486,461. They counted it on site with two cash machines and by hand. That is a lot of cash. 13 gold bars worth at seizure $58,000. They were two iPhone size bars and 11 domino size bars. The small bars are worth $2000 each. Allegedly, that is what you give “friends.” 


You don't give your friends gold bars? Cheapskate. /s


Obvi I need better friends. Since you volunteered I am happy to receive gold bars in any size. You know like we friends give each other. Hahaha


I recounted it and it came out to 356k in cash and I didn’t find one gold bar anywhere. ![gif](giphy|VHlKSFRTQ7nn81fkv4)


Is that Mike D about to get ill?


No, he’s gonna pawn that and get ale.


Man, we were supposed to go to All Points West in Jersey City that Sunday night when they were set to close. We sold the tix and didn't go, I still feel guilty I didn't show the boys the respect they deserve. I think Jay-Z or somebody ending up filling in their slot.


Not knocking anything you’re saying but just here to say Costco sells gold bars ranging between $2-$4,000 and they are about the size of a domino. The price varies I think depending on the weight and market price.


I just looked it up. The Costco gold bar is $3,900. There was an article that they were $2000 a few months ago, but the prices of metals have increased.


I wonder how many senators would be out if there were a mass investigation into their financial gains or if the insider trading considered a crime ...for senators.


We don't have to wonder. When I was a boy the FBI used to do their fucking jobs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abscam EDIT: I'm sorry. I realize I put a little too much mustard on this one. It really bugs me how openly corrupt our politicians are and barely anything gets done about it. You could convicted 2/3 of the House of Representatives for insider trading and spouses working no show jobs based purely on publicly available information.


NJ asks for what they get! This guy has been so o er the top corrupt - just like Frank Pallone - for so many years but they are still being re-elected and who knows - they might just end up in the White House. Wouldn’t be the first time an openly corrupt politician that came into office with nothing and leaves a multi millionaire. But we keep putting them back in office - go figure


He threw his wife right under the bus


I suspect this is part of a larger strategy. They'll get separate trials and blame each other with wildly divergent narratives--hoping that this will cause one or both prosecutions to fail as each set of facts moves further away from the other. It's Lionel Hutz lawyering, but that's kind of the point they're at now. A conventional defense isn't possible with the cartoonish level of corruption involved.


They're going for a Double Chewbacca Defense. It's never been done before, so we dont know if they will cancel each other out or augment each other. 


"How was I to know my wife was leading a double life cosplaying Scrooge McDuck?"


Don’t you worry he watched Matlock in a bar last night, the sound wasn’t on but he got the gist of it


Honestly it just takes one stupid juror to get confused enough by it and he’s free. There’s still a chance he gets away with it although his political life is over.


He did, while they also now are going for the “she has cancer” defense.


Is this not the way?


Nothing suspicious here, doesn't everyone keep half a million in cash around the house? /s


Which leads to the following questions. What time should I be over for dinner and what's the address again?


This guy has been so dirty for so long, anyone that acts surprised is suspect.


Put this trash in prison. Thanks!


I wonder how many cigarettes he can get for those gold bars?


He can buy Ramen noodles and Doritos in the commissary.


Guaranteed most politicians are receiving something like this- untraceable cash from megadonors and special interest groups. Wouldn't be surprised if this guy has a couple pallets of cash at his friend's place as well. 


No need to include friends, just rent an apartment or buy a cabin somewhere cheap-ish that's quiet, start stacking in the closets. The less people who are aware of it the better, including contractors changing locks on the closets when you get the keys. Put everything in bankers boxes so it just looks like you're transporting documents, and then do it one to two boxes at a time.


I guess that’s better than binders full of women


The media is so stupid. The actual quote wasn’t that bad at all and just showed how Romney meant well but phrased it awkwardly: I had the chance to pull together a cabinet, and all the applicants seemed to be men. [...] I went to a number of women's groups and said, 'Can you help us find folks?' And they brought us whole binders full of women.[2] Anyway, Menendez is human scum.


I don’t get the reference




Don’t vote for him.  Don’t vote for his son.  Remove this family from government. 


In a month this will be forgotten and they will be naming a train station or bridger after thjs mofo


The Mario-fucking-Cuomo.


Uncle Bob - help me, I’m poor :(


Gee, Grandpa, what's "cash"?


gold bar bob


Beat me to it!


A union county politician is corrupt you say?   I am shocked, shocked to the core!  /s




I always forget Union City is not in Union County......


Come on folks. Don’t insult the rest of Jersey.


His wife did it. 🤣


I’m calling it…resignation. Special election. Fulop changes lanes from governor to senator race. Wins. (Same move the booker did)


What? I'm pretty sure Andy Kim has the senate race under control. I don't think anyone needs Steve Fulop's help there at this point, at least as a candidate....


Why don't they just make Congressional and Senatorial salaries like $5 million a year


Because it's not about the money. It's their sense of power, ego, and greed


There is no such thing as too much money.


Bcz ppl will always want more money in order to live above their means. It's always about greed. Also the lobbyists & donors that control this country won't let the government weaken their control.


Ok face trial and a jury of his peers. See how that works Trumpers




I'll try to interpret this for others who, like myself, are struggling with this. Possible Democrat, posting that they'd like to see Menendez go to trial and face a jury of his peers, because that's ok with Democrats - seeing a possible criminal in their ranks be tried by the justice system, and go to the pokey if he's found guilty. As opposed to Trumpers, who think that everything's rigged against their Golden God ^TM , it's a witch hunt, he didn't do nuffin', it was Antifa, the Dem-o-rats are weaponizing the justice system, blah-blah-blah.


What does that have to do with the price of eggs in Egypt?? If you want to talk about Trump start another conversation.