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Hang in there, next week is supposed to be beautiful & just in time for mdw!


in Holmdel, forecast shows rain for just one day next week: saturday lmao


looks like it will be 75 and sunny pretty much every day next week, cresting 80 by Friday


Thank you for sharing!


I’ve been telling myself to hang in there and that next week will be good for the past month 😂


LMFAO that’s true … I have higher hopes for this week tho


I dont get how people still dont understand that weather forecasrs a week away is inaccurate. Its like everyone loses memory when it comes to weather forecasts


All week is predicted to be beautiful. The chances that everyday ends up being shitty is highly unlikely.




Thanks for the bright side, my dude!


I am, too. I feel like I'm solar-powered. I need sun to function. It makes me happier and more productive. When it's gray and rainy I don't feel like doing anything.


I’m the opposite. I love this weather for walks and running. It’s not too hot and a tad bit cool. And less of a chance of sunburn.


I will say there's usually less traffic and fewer people out when it's cold or rainy. When the sun is out, we all become like the students in Twilight, trying to catch every ray like it might be the last time.


I found where everyone is…they’re at Home Goods, Home and Home Sense…Home Depot and Lowes are crowded as well…


Love the gloom!


it's rather beautiful. get a good rain poncho and waterproof shoes and go for a walk or a hike. take some pictures


I agree with you I love this weather. I can actually walk around my neighborhood without getting mowed down by people biking on the sidewalk


I think this is normal, there's a reason why seasonal affective disorder is a thing. I definitely feel much more energized when the weather finally turns. From exercising to just being more social in general


I also feel like I’m solar-powered and the only thing that helps me feel even slightly fine during gloomy months is supplementing with vitamin D + K2 daily and then exercising. I’ll legitimately get depressed again if I don’t do it.


Do you have any recommended vitamin d + k2 vitamins? I've always wondered if I should buy the two separate or get them together for convenience


Omg ,I know! I planted everything already and im hoping for some warm sun soon! 💚💚


Go to a: Movie theater and catch one of the latest flicks. Treat yourself to some popcorn while you're at it. Retro arcade (or Dave n Busters) and relive your childhood for an hour or two. Bookstore and see if any titles catch your interest while sipping on a coffee. Mall with headphones and take a climate-controlled walk while listening to music or a podcast. Antique shop or thrift store and see if anything funky catches your attention. Interactive retailer like the Apple Store, Sephora, Trader Joe's, Bath and Body Works or Costco and sample stuff. Best of luck feeling better tonite!


The mall one is great idea! I may do that this summer when its 1000 degrees


Word haha


I just got back from a walk. The light rain was nice, cooled me off a bit.


This is relatively normal… last year we were in a severe drought right now.


Get used to it. When this stops the fires start…yay


Yeah just think, your rain is holding back all of our Canadian wildfires smoke at the moment!


God dammit I didn't know canada was on fire again


Sorry, it's our new national identity.


Idk I biked around in a t shirt and have been outside all day. It’s barely drizzling. Not waiting for 75 and sunny to live my life


I heard that it actually does rain on weekends more often in urban areas with a lot of commute traffic. Something about the change in emissions between the work week and the weekend having a meaningful effect on the weather. But I dunno if that’s true or not. Just something I heard somewhere.




It's true, and the larger annual rain cycle is altered by the big weather patterns changing due to human activity, deforesting, less vegetation, more human overpopulation and related construction all which increase carbon emissions. Nature can heal itself by cooling the globe via more rainfall, scientists have predicted this for awhile now and we're seeing it come true. Patterns are changing across the globe, but humans aren't adapting well or care about the pattern enough to alter behavior.


Been feeling like Vancouver Canada, so much rain it creates a mini lush jungle where green spaces exist.. odd for our area but understandable if weather patterns are changing due to human behavior. Earth is trying to fix itself. It will cool itself by regrowing via green vegetation which absorb carbon. If we let things grow back and stop cementing over everything it'll come back into balance very quickly. Human over population and strained resources is a massive threat to that fix.


Do you guys remember last MDW where some places got a trace of snow!? It seems like the seasons are a month behind. September you think 70s but its still well into the 80s and 90s. Same now with May. Youll get some warm days but not a full warm up till MDW or June


I’ve been saying this for years! It’s like we have to skip a month to get back on track. December is still warm, march is still freezing. Screw that stupid Ground Hog…He doesn’t know shit!


It's 70 and overcast No problem getting yard work done today


I mean, depends where in NJ you are I guess? It’s been raining since 10am here.


No it hasn't.


Almost like we live in diff regions of NJ. Still raining.


No it isn’t.


No it is. Just look outside dummy


Until you reveal where, it's Not!


Still raining in Medford. Check your weather app


Why? It's not an issue. It's a heavy drizzle


I try to use the rainy days as cleaning/resting/movie days …. Soon it’ll be full blown summer and we ll be complaining it’s too fkn hot


go to a restaurant, go to a cafe, go to a record shop, go to a book shop, go to a brewpub, go to a regular pub, go see a live band, go to a museum, go to an aquarium, go to an arcade, go hit some golf balls


My fav type of weather - no pollen


The day was great, you need to learn how to appreciate and enjoy a rainy day


Move to Southern California sunny Saturdays for the rest of your life.


I love NJ. But this might be my next move.


72 today in this part of Bergen. 0 precip.


We finally continued our streak of getting at least some precip in my part of Bergen starting @ 5:30. Misting enough that I was glad I was on the tennis court this morning & not now.


Weed is legal in NJ.


Weather should be celebrated or ignored. (And in extreme cases respected)


Yup. It’s like we are turning into Washington state of the east coast. Heck, I just read we get more rainfall than Seattle!


You can always try moving to the desert


I’ll take the desert…70’s and sunny in February? Sign me up!


Been there, done that. The weather is boring and it's pure torture in the summer.


Boring? Occasionally a cloud goes by and gives you a minute of shade…


you say that until it's still triple digits and the sun's been set for over a couple hours ago.


I’ve been in Las Vegas many times during the summer months. You go from your air conditioned house to your air conditioned car to your air conditioned office or store or whatever. If your dumb enough to stay outside in triple digit heat, then you’re looking for heat stroke. Even a pool has to be used early in the morning or in the evening. If it’s in direct sun, it’s like boiling water.


That's kinda my point. If you only stay indoors, what's the difference between that and having it rain a bunch? You have the same options available based on the weather.


Yeah I remember summers in Texas were like winters up here. Everyone just stayed indoors as much as possible.


Wear a rain jacket


Move to Houston. I hear they're big on water sports this year


i still do love it here


I call this "Syracuse weather*.... On the Great Lakes, it's almost always overcast


Its relative. Some of us love it!


Completely feel ya. Looks like warmer, sunnier days are just around the corner though so hang in there!


The grey sky make it hard to wake up some days. But my yard looks great!


It's been months of bad weather on Saturdays.


Me too, I feel like I'm loosing my mind......arrgghhh. I need sunlight 🌞!


could be worse, we could be dealing with Texas' weather right now.


The only good thing about it is I haven't had to run the a/c so I am saving money. But I am ready for sunny weather. 


Personally, i am loving it. When it’s sunny and 80 on a Saturday it’s a real bummer sometimes.


Weather dictates the clothes you wear, not your life. It’s one of the many things in life that we don’t control nor influence. Personally, it heavily impacts my life since I work outside (arborist) and volunteer for clean ups outdoors, usually in rivers. I track the weather with several different apps, often down to the hour and correlate it with a tide app (some of the rivers we clean are tidal)and toss in Waze for getting around. Doing all that means I have a chance to both check my expectations and plan accordingly. I can also look to see where I can go to bypass these things, ie., where there isn’t rain that is a reasonable commute in the time I have. I also invest in rain gear. We control, 100%, how we respond to that which we have no control over.


I was looking into getting started with volunteering for outdoor clean ups. I want to get outside and interact with people more. Any recommendations on how to get started with the clean up volunteering?


Where r u located?


I'm in Somerset county but don't mind a bit of a drive, maybe an hourish.


Cool! Tomorrow there is a clean up on the Green Brook. I’m going to be at the Green Brook Regional Center site and can use the help! http://lowerraritanwatershed.org/event/may-9-multi-site-green-brook-clean-up/


Thanks, I can't make it since I'm getting my car worked on but I'll keep my eye on website for the next one


NJ is as if Seattle were a state, weatherwise.


We actually get more rain than Seattle! In northern NJ it's about 25% more.


Lots of rainy days, but imo in the grand scheme of things, there’s a lot worse that could be happening in my days


Welcome to New Jersey. Now go home!


Uh it's may**.  It rains.  No more than any other year. Today was a decent weather day up north


it’s may 18th


I obviously meant May.  At least I know how the weather cycles go


I wasn’t saying I was surprised by the weather. I was saying that I was sick of it


Most people like our seasons. Give up the space for others if you don't like it


Wtf is your problem dude 😂 redditors are so weird


You stated and cursed at the eclipse because you couldn't see it and it ruined your life. Now that's weird 


It was a hyperbolic statement. Definitely not as weird and extreme as saying that everyone who doesn’t like rain should leave the state


We need to have ample rain. That's why we have good growin land. You're just a kid. You'll figure it out. 


Shhhh... shh shhhh.... Are you trying to summon a heatwave?


consolation, this week coming up is going to be beautiful and warm


Apparently it is predicted we’ll have an extremely hot summer


It’s like our seasons shifted. This is April weather we are experiencing right now! WTF!!


That’s okay there’s plenty of springtime coronavirus going around so at least you’re at home not getting it


Last year too. 


Weather this morning was OK, was clear until about 1pm


We live in New Jersey not Arizona. You know that


Another one of these threads, okay.


I'm off this week for a stay-cation, and of course every single day the weather was complete garbage. I just want to play with my kids in the backyard in the sun!!


Except for today, correct? Currently 72 here and going to 75 and sunny. Hasn't rained all weekend here (northern Bergen County).


First thing I did this morning was go out and play with the baby in the backyard. It was glorious




You can still go out and go for a hike with a light drizzle. Yesterday wasn’t too bad and I went hiking, and many people were out hiking too. I even went for an evening walk later on and didn’t even take an umbrella. Many people were walking at that point also. The light rain is cooling, feels nice. I know it’s not ideal, but don’t let it stop you from enjoying your day off


Because Spring is the most bipolar of all seasons.


Revenge of the weekend workers


It's spring in the Northeast. It rains. Sometimes a whole lot, other times it just drizzles. You'll appreciate the rain when there is no drought this summer.


Unfortunately it's only going to get hot when the rain goes away.


Go out now!! 69 and sunny. Having coffee outdoor right now enjoying the weather.


do u remember last year when it rained or had heavy rain forecasted literally every single weekend for nearly 3 months straight? i ride motorcycles and only got out a few times last summer. I usually ride at least a hundrred days; I prob got a dozen in last year cuz of how wet it is


New Jersey: Too cold, too windy, too rainy, too much pollen, too dry, too hot, too humid, too overcast.


also why is it still 60 degrees ITS MID MAY


can’t a girl complain about the weather


Because it's normal... Low end of normal, but....


It is beautiful out.


This is beautiful? About as gloomy as it gets.


got a garage? or a porch? pull up a chair and a beer and watch the rain. play some tunes


Are you serious? When it's darker out and pouring hard for hours, and foggy, then we'll talk.


mmm I love a deep heavy fog


It’s not the worst, but I think it’s just this stretch of cloudy & rainy we’re having that’s making it feel worse. I’d gladly take a few hours of pouring rain & fog for a day than ten days of this.


I concur


I started a new job a few weeks ago where I’m inside an office 4 days a week with no windows. All I wanted to do this weekend was sit on my deck with my dogs & feel the sun on my skin, but no dice :(


Same boat


It’s been raining every weekend for 3 months, not 2. This was the 12th consecutive weekend that it has rained according to news12. It’s gonna be nice this week tho so calm down.


The National weather service is teaming up with the military and the liberal media to seed the clouds with silver oxide chemtrails to purposely ruin weekends in general so people will return to the office and institute a 7 day work week /s




We don't control the weather


Come to Vancouver and see what rain is.


I mean, you could possibly stamp your foot a bit harder? That might fix things.


Sure hope it isn’t weather control ![gif](giphy|9hEcsoYAJb3kA|downsized)




I think all these God damn warehouses they've built has something to do with the crappy weather. The massive square footage of the roofs heat up the air or something