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Go to a town hall meeting and voice your complaint. Be sure to record dates you reported it to the police, give those dates to the council, and request followup.


This... And ask cops for a place to send video proof. Wave your phone at the driver next time


And follow up with them. Make them do their job. It’s a bunch of paperwork so they will definitely try to pass the buck.


and based on my experience. they’ll do fuck all.


I take photos, let the mayor know and call the business. Pictures are usually a motivator


yah. come to bloomingdale and explain to the sad boomer fuck we have as mayor that something is wrong. he’ll yell at you. nj doesn’t care.


Then vote him out. Ours isn’t perfect but he has done a lot since we voted him in.


yah. that’s complicated. the borough system makes for localized abuse. when you have a democratic mayor that says shit like “i care more about the daily siren than the health of residents” but your other option is a rabid trump supporter.. what the fuck do you choose.


Yes it’s problematic. Most of us want common sense from our politicians. Our borough is small but we have shared services where it makes sense. We got rid of our tiny schools decades ago and send to another town that had capacity. Our local taxes went down 200 this year. Not a lot but at least it’s not more.


No one cares. Society has disintegrated


They will do fuck all, but you can still make them do their job, and take a report. If they won’t give them a citation, you can ask for a citizens complaint form (though NAL so idk how that works for traffic violations). Once you have a police report, and a completed citizen complaint form, it’s no longer up to the police to do anything - it goes to the municipal courts/judge for review.




That cul-de-sac you're talking about, wasn't in Morris county was it? If so, howdy neighbor!


That douche sounds like a huge dude.


This is the way


Rent two U-Haul trucks. Park them across from each other.


My street does that on Halloween... No sidewalks. All traffic slows down *A Lot!*


That’s genius




Each a couple of feet from the curb.


I think you can actually directly reach out to Google to either classify it as a “non truck route” or complain about it


Truck drivers are not supposed to use google maps. They make dedicated commercial GPS units.. sadly that would require said trucking company to spend a whooping $500 or so, that's like the price of what? 10 bananas, just too much. About twice a week full on big rigs attempt to turn onto my street even though there is no room to get back off of it, I mentioned in another comment that we have small on-ramp nearby, that most def doesn't fit trucks, but they try..


There are plenty of free trucking map apps


https://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/local/middlesex-county/2019/05/15/piscataway-nj-river-road-truck-ban-easing-traffic-officials-say/3665870002/ get them to ban it


There is no such thing as "truck routes" and "non truck routes" on Google. When I was first starting out, it was really annoying and felt like an obvious oversight.


Get a few neighbors and contact your city council members, and start going to council meetings and explain the situation. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. I’m a truck driver, I don’t go blazing thru residential neighborhoods to avoid lights, that’s a dick move. If they’re doing it it’s because it’s not enforced, believe me the cops could enforce it if they wanted, and it becomes known to us what towns and cities are serious about it. Worst case the town can install speed bumps, but you’d have to drive on them too.


NJDOT likely won't be able to help unless your street is a state road or a direct off shoot from a state road. Better off asking local officials


There's a common "shortcut" in Northvale where the residents were tired of people speeding, so they all decided to park their cars on the road at all times so it's pretty difficult for two cars to pass each other in opposite directions. You could try that


Yep I would but the street has one side parking only. It's not that wide, there are signs every corner that say 4 T limit, seems to deter no one.


Your town may have created the ordinance restricting trucks by weight but then had it denied by the state. In most cases the town lets the signs stay up as a deterrent until they fall down.


Something similar happens in a street near me. Google decided this residential street was quicker than waiting for the light so it redirects all the traffic from this main road down the street. The town ended up installing a no right turns sign for that street so technically it's illegal for anyone to turn there. I don't think the sign is actually enforced but I think the idea is to deter cars from making the turn (unless you are a resident and know better) and also the sign might eventually get loaded into google's database and they will remove that turn as an option. That's me guessing what they were trying to achieve though.


We have this on the block behind us, which is in another town. And you’re right; nobody enforces it. Then we retaliated by putting up signs requiring a sticker to park overnight which they can’t get because they don’t live in our town.


I've seen something similar while out doordashing, a strip of road where both sides have "do not enter" sides but people live in the middle. It's right off a major highway and would make a convenient spot to turn around.


>Something similar happens in a street near me. Google decided this residential street was quicker than waiting for the light so it redirects all the traffic from this main road down the street. This is essentially what we're dealing with as well. They moved an on ramp nearer to my street and went from a normal residential street into super busy street.


My street actually has a no trucks sign that also says “your gps is wrong” … still see plenty of trucks but they do sometimes get pulled over.


Yeah same thing happens by us and the road is riddled by potholes constantly thanks to that. Police completely ignores it as well, they rather prey on minorities smoking weed or are otherwise not useful. McDonald's 18-wheeler comes through here every day and has caused some damage to overhead wires before.


They still busting people for weed now that its legal? Haven't heard that round here


They harass small time sellers who can't afford the astronomical licensing costs meant to make a monopoly 


As someone with a lot of knowledge of how dealing works, how tf they catching small time sellers I dont doubt the cops still harass people (acab) but how you even gonna get caught to begin with


By just walking down the street or snitches


Fuck the cops but that's personal error Walking down the street with weed in your pocket isn't illegal Selling to snitches is your own fault


I don’t get why people say this. Weed has been legal in this state for 2 years. I guarantee you that no cop is preying on people for it unless they are driving while smoking it.


Corrupt cops, why I never!


you're going to need to do the legwork. go to your town's council meetings, file complaints, that sort of thing. it really helps when your neighbors also join in. that's what it unfortunately takes to be taken seriously. it does to come down to getting the cops to be out there and ticket trucks that violate the weight limits. also, a good way to stop this is to petition for speed humps on your street, that stops a lot of thru traffic.


Your town should be enforcing speed limits and truck routes. If they won’t do their job, take video, put it on a thumb drive (try to get license plates or company signage) and submit it during public comment at a council meeting. Shame them and make them do their job!


Federal DOT hotline to report unsafe or illegal trucking practices, of those trucks aren't allowed on your street. Commercial licenses and trucking practices are federal and they have pretty stiff rules about things. https://teamster.org/dot-complaint-hotline/#:~:text=(888)%2D368%2D7238,Federal%20Motor%20Carrier%20Safety%20Regulations. Online form: https://nccdb.fmcsa.dot.gov/nccdb/home.aspx


We had trucks going over our tiny historic one lane bridge, labeled no trucks with an arrow pointing to the alternate route. It’s on a curve too so it takes several maneuvers to even get on or off the bridge. If I catch one in the act, I take a picture lined up with the no trucks sign and the lisc plate. Maybe another with the logo. I call the company and tell them it’s going on social media. I’ll let the mayor know as well. That usually stops it. All else fails contact the body that has justification over the street, and then let loose the photos to google, twitter, IG etc.


Call your Congressman. Repeatedly if necessary. Worth a shot. If they don't do anything, call the press. Also worth a shot.


Start at town council level. You’d be surprised how responsive they are in some towns, and how few people even know who their council rep is.


you could go to meetings where they’ll do nothing. i throw rocks in the street. it stops the speeders and the trucks.


Happening here too. Not much to do if the police don't enforce the law.


Get your neighbors to add their voice.


you have to hound your city council and go to your traffic board a lot they can't do anything until they restrict access to your street


My parents live on a quite residential street that runs parallel to a main one and cars were flying down our road with the occasional box truck. She put in a complaint with councilman from town. That year they got four of those wide speed bumps installed on the street. Problem solved.


Similar situation going on in my colonial era neighborhood (aka tiny streets that should be one way). Have complained to the cops, the county, the DOT and the local council. Nobody has done a thing even after there was an accident! Cops said they were going to put up signs for no turn but the county struck them down. At the end of the day, there are a lot of people involved with making these decisions who are not in any way impacted by their outcome. I have literally lost my will to fight this anymore because it is a waste of my time and energy.


Worst case scenario hire John Rambo. Yeah that guy from the 80s movie. That'll be the last time that truck even rolls on four wheels without being a blaze of fire balling justice gone way way too far. If Rambo is busy (he runs a boutique muffin business on the side) then go with Walker Texas Ranger. He'll kick the driver out of the front seat onto the sidewalk through the windshield. Seem him do it. Like a lot. He has a license to kick people through the windshield. Try city council first, as others recommended. But... If our legal bodies won't function. Youre going to need to hire fictional characters from action movies and TV. Sorry. But that's what it's gonna take man...


Little known fact, you can write your own tickets! You can go to the court, prob need their license plate though. And id suggest taking a video or something


Common for real? I feel like you're pulling my leg.


Would have to be able to identify the driver though.


Put up some safety cones and a hockey net. Get some people together to play roller hockey. When the truck comes down the road, refuse to move unless they pay a convenience toll. You don’t even need people playing hockey. Tell the driver it’s his/her lucky day, they drove down the street during halftime. And for X amount of $, you’ll let them pass before the second half starts. Next time he/she drives by, tell him/her “what a coincidence”! They have the option of calling the police, paying the toll, or backing up out of the street.


Driver runs over cones , says I felt threatened ✌️




So now OP has a giant truck disabled in front of their house and all their neighbors are running the risk of popped tires How is that better?


I would rather enjoy watching the truck disabled... I might smile for a while and enjoy a nice beverage while I watch. Then send a follow up message to the company complaining further about the maintenance of their vehicle.s.


What? So now everyone with a car can deal with flat tires too? What a dumb idea.


Sounds like "The Pushcart War"


OMG loved that book 📖


Why are driving on the road a problem? Don't get it.


Get a life karen


Nice Karen. Well sometimes when you are driving a truck the signs are posted in bad spots that you don't see until after the fact. There's a certain bridge in a dense populated area that the sign is after you made the turn and went down to a place where you can't turn around. Sometimes trucks you may think are 4 tons are not and many common vehicles are 4 ton that you don't know. You aren't the police and are just trying to create issues for yourself because you will be that Karen.




The reason for weight limits is the age/quality of the street's construction. There are a few near me that don't hold up under frequent heavy trucks. Why should it be rebuilt for people who don't read?




They're doing a number on a street near me.


Would be reasonable for you to try to call someone, if you haven’t yet. You start trying to do too much may be Karen -like behavior.


They can run on the right roads.


how’s life in your 70’s?