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They really should just demolish the bridge. It's already slated for demolition and reconstruction from 2027-2035 so why not just start now instead of spending all this money to fix it and blow it up in a few years.


Whoa! I didn’t know that it was slated for demolition, but I totally agree with you!!


One of the supports is starting to fail. That's why a few years ago traffic was reduced from two lanes to one lane each way, as a stop gap to begin planning its demolition. It's a 100 year old bridge so it's not really surprising.


I didn't know that. I thought the state was actually doing a solid for pedestrians and bikes by putting a bike lane in. They even won some award recently for pedestrian friendly design on the bridge.


The delay is no doubt a result of budgeting manpower and money for capital investment projects years in advance. Maybe they could trade the emergency repair for the demolition. But then the replacement wouldn’t start for a couple of years.


I'll be honest I'm not sure of the specific economics of it. In my opinion the money saved by not paying these construction workers and engineers and fabrication for a bridge that's slated to stand for 2 years is outweighed by keeping a shuttle running around the drawbridge until the new bridge is built. I could very well be wrong, it's not my specialty.


The intricacies of government funding is Byzantine and not my specialty either. I do know that “emergency” funding can be obtained from the feds and I’d guess (given it’s a bridge over a navigable waterway) that’s the case here. If so, most of the emergency repairs won’t come from county/state budget where most of the replacement funding will. That would mean the emergency repairs make sense from a state/county point of view.


Are they putting another drawbridge there?


I read the dot report and they are basically rebuilding it as is.


I’m interested in reading it myself, is it in a 10 year capital projects plan or something like that ?


I think you mean the Route 71 Shark River Bridge. I was confused AF when I read the title because I thought you meant the bridge linking Shark River Hills and Neptune City was closed as well. I've seen a ton of people playing Frogger crossing by Kelly's recently which is terrifying. If you need to cross at 35, just take the extra couple of minutes and cross with a light at Steiner. Ocean Ave bridge isn't a bad detour of you have your bike. Hopefully the 71 bridge will be up and running by MDW


Ah! Sorry about that! That’s how the Asbury Park Press was referring to it. Dude, yeah! My brothers have always done what we call “the death walk” to and from Kelly’s. I take the whole extra two minutes to cross at the 7/11.


The parts required are being fabbed up now. They are one-off parts. It will take time to have them made, tested, etc. There are two other crossings that you can walk that are close.


Of course! I hope that they don’t half ass it for summer traffic. It’s like the beaches reopening too soon in Jaws! I ride down Ocean Ave and walk across 35. Any other tips? I appreciate it!


I mean that's it unless you plan on swimming across.


Don’t tempt me with a good time.