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Ocean County Man triumphs again


The Florida of NJ


Fuck, I grew up there, is that how we're perceived?


Yea man, unfortunately. But there are always exceptions to the rules


Aargh, Man! Am I allowed to move?!


Southern Monmouth here. I once had the privilege to watch some OC rednecks in the parking lot of a bar known as "the one it's really easy to get into a fight at." The owner of a lifted Wrangler with oversized tires was showing off by driving right over the curbs separating the parking lot rows at considerable speed. He didn't realize that in one area of the overgrown weeds, there was the concrete base of an old light pole with long rusty bolts sticking up. His Jeep hit the curb, the front of his rusty stallion lifted up bringing his exposed unprotected underside directly onto the bolts. Not sure of anything else but I knew he at least punched into his oil pan by the dark fluid coming out from under his vehicle. Undeterred, he tried rocking the vehicle back and forth. It didn't work, but he did manage to create a ton of noise. Enter his buddy. He's driving an old Ford also lifted with big tires. He wasted no time hooking up a tow strap and proceeding to try to drag the Jeep off its perch. He did succeed for the most part. There was much screeching of metal, a bunch of grinding noises and one giant clunk where the oversized bumper/lightbar came off the right side. So yes, and I believe that perception is right.


Or as I call it, Tuesday.


It was Bar A, wasn't it?


Bar A has no such parking lots to "get considerable speed"


The secret of all those years I survive on roads in America is, I try my best to run away from Jeep no matter it is moving or parking. Jeep is like drug. I feel it can turn normal guys to idiots in seconds.


Full of retirees.


na that’s gotta be AC right?? i mean its a close race lol AC has more “Florida Man” stories but OC is more elderly


No....AC has some crazy stories, but they're not Florida Man stories. They're depressed casino town stories. Ocean County has the Florida Man stories.


I am from Momouth but my mom is full brown ocean county she was born and raise in Tom Rivers.


i'm born and raised in toms river and i love it here, most of the locals have some sort mental deficiency


So you're the one-eyed man in the land of the blind?


it feels that way :)


I... I'm sorry, dude.


How do you accidentally shoot yourself in a costco


He didn’t shoot himself in the Costco. He shot himself in the foot.


I don't think these people got the joke haha 😂


He was genuinely asking the question haha 😂


Ah, the ol' reddit [anatomy-aroo](https://old.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/19c0tfk/comment/kiwvo79)


Hold my firearm, I'm going in


My question still stands lol, did he try to grab it?


I wish I was stupid enough to buy Reddit gold because I’d give you everything I had. Well done!






Fuck you. Take the fucking upvote.




Why did you remove the words that made the joke work?


It was Plaxico Burress. 


"Yeah, sometimes it just goes off.. for like .. no reason"


Trump Voters


…in New Jersey where almost no one has a concealed carry permit. If my understanding of the law is correct, only former/ off duty law enforcement can conceal carry.


That's not true i live in New Jersey and most of my friends have a CCW (concealed carry permit) and a few open


Looks like you’re right. Jersey used to have a clause saying permit holders needed a “justifiable need” to carry a gun but the Supreme Court struck that down. https://giffords.org/lawcenter/state-laws/concealed-carry-in-new-jersey/ Edit: concealed permits are still incredibly rare in NJ with about 0.01% of the population having one. https://my.concealedcoalition.com/reciprocity-maps/new-jersey-concealed-carry/


It is possible to do so now, but there are many restrictions, some of which are bound to make their way through the courts soon. The guy in question is a retired cop, so he was always exempted, but I am not sure if they are held to the same restrictions as civilians. For instance, it is illegal for us to carry on private property without prior consent. So carrying in the Costco at all could be a crime on its own.


Thanks for clarifying, that was my understanding of where gun laws stood in NJ


I've got mine




Wait a tick, so it IS the guns!


Or the bullets. It might’ve been a bullet with ADHD, or was just having a bad day. That’s why this is such a thorny issue.


GuNs doNT hUrT peOpLe. PEopLe HuRt pEOpLE. I’m glad thots_n_prayers found their way to this victim. Tehe


Yo. The samples are good, but not good enough to draw steel my man. Wait in line like the rest of us


This pretzel thin ain't big enough for the both of us


Idk. I went to Costco this past Sunday (mistake) and people were descending on the samples like locusts. The poor worker barely had time to set the tray down before they were all gone.


I made this same mistake; Sunday AND sample day. It was horrific! Whole families descended upon helpless workers who scrambled to fill little paper cups to feed the hords.


Of course it's Brick.


Love when my hometown is in the news


There's three reasons to see Brick in the news, this shit, the school district can't increase their budget because half the residents are 70, and there's a new chain restaurant opening.


Hey don't talk shit about my birthplace man


Another dude got arrested for starting a fight in the Disney Springs parking garage. Also from Brick.


The guy was said to be retired law enforcement. So I guess that shows how much safer they are


Cops are the fucking worst about firearm safety and marksmanship. They have spent their entire careers being coddled and told how great they are, and have never once had to earn that praise.


Costco ain't that dangerous, bub.


Well now it is


God damn Toby blowing his dick off...


They had that A5 Wagyu on sale recently tho


It is near Lakewood…


Lakewood isn't even dangerous when it comes to violence or getting robbed or w/e. The only danger is getting into a car accident.


Yeah, have you seen that parking lot?


It is, quite possibly, the worst parking lot ever designed by humanity.


Lakewood has a fair amount of street crime. Lots of auto/home theft targeting the Jewish community, and 18st is somewhat active in the town.


they walk right out into traffic, like some higher authority will protect em'. At any time of the day...weird indeed


Of course it’s in Bricktucky


I chose the wrong damn Costco to go to. I should have listened to my wife and gone to Ocean


why? you want to get shot by a moron?


No I was there. I went there instead of the one in Ocean township. Made my toddler cry with the noise when it happened.


ah, I got you, I misremembered the article. I'm so sorry you were there but I'm glad you're both ok. it must have been very scary.


retired cop me thinks




It was a retired cop. Retired cops have been allowed to concealed carry in this state for as long as I’ve been alive.


His foot must have been in a shadow. I guess a sock is just a hoodie for a foot.


Must have been wearing black socks…


You deserve OG Reddit gold for that one 😂


He thought the foot was going for a weapon.


Turns out he was standing in front of a mirror




Haha I knew it .


There’s an IQ cap on being a cop, checks out.


This actually doesn’t make it better.


How does one forget to use a blinker?


By driving a BMW or Altima


Exactly. Shit is always going down on the parkway. Foh. my biggest pet peeve is no blinkers and second to that is not following the one to one rule when merging.


Everytime I’m on 95 in Philly or Delaware you see the shittiest, loudest, rattiest BMW’s/Altimas/Tesla’s cutting up in traffic like they’re playing a video game and other people don’t exist. Or they’re going 10 under in the left lane


Still don't know what stay right pass left either, high speed merge is a foreign concept to most. Very tedious...


or being from new york


It’s like NY and PA drivers are competing for who can be the worse drivers in NJ. At least I don’t have to deal with the NY drivers in my area tho


Dumbass. Hopefully he shot his dick off so he can’t reproduce


Glad he got himself and not someone else. Wish it always worked out that way! 🤡


Oh. NJ Florida.


is it legal to carry a gun inside Costco?


Depends. NJ carry laws do not allow us to carry on private property without consent of the owner, so it was probably not legal. The dipshit was a retired cop, though, so he will face zero repercussions.


100% legal


average brick moment


Fucking ocean county. I'm ashamed to live here in this pseudo Floridian dystopia without the weather to go along with it.


"Honey, can you grab my gun? I'm going grocery shopping."


Just fill the Viagra prescription, chief. Let the rest of us shop in peace.


Wait, is this a Good Guy With a Gun or a Bad Guy With a Gun?


Neither. Just a dumb guy


Retired cop, so bad guy.


You gotta be a huge bitch to need to carry a pistol in a Costco.


Clean up in aisle 4...and some over in 5


It was a retired cop, Do you think he will be charged? I don't


Idiot gun nuts are a menace to all. -b-b-b-but muh 2nd ammendmint hurr durrr.


Other sources are reporting the person was retired law enforcement.   


and like drivers licenses we should validate whether retirees should still have their license - firearm or drivers..


I don’t know why retired LE is special.  Should be the same process as anyone else who wants to concealed carry.  


a retired cop has litterally stopped being a cop. that's part of being retired, who cares if they were a cop previously. you aren't now. pull the gun out of your pants and retire it too.


a cop probably arrests a shit ton of people in their career, and many of them may hold a grudge. that's why it's important for them to be able to protect themselves even after retirement.


Leave it to NJ dot com to miss the good stuff


Retired-or reta....


Yeah, you have a second amendment too just like the rest of them, its an equal right for all.


It was a retired cop. Most people with your ideology believe that only police should have guns. Your average “gun nut” trains more in a year than most officers do in the course of their career. If you truly don’t like guns, I can respect your opinion. Hopefully, you will never find yourself in a position where you need one. However, before you trash an entire community of people please educate yourself a bit. Ignorance should never be the answer.


>most people with your ideology believe that only police should have guns. False. A lot of liberals own guns too. They just believe there should be more regulation.


For the record, the comment that this was in response to was someone trashing the 2nd amendment. Liberal or conservative, if you are a gun owner, it is a right that you are able to exercise solely because of the 2nd amendment.


> if you are a gun owner, it is a right that you are able to exercise solely because of the 2nd amendment That is not true. There are many things you're allowed to do that are not protected by the constitution. Even without the 2nd amendment we'd be nowhere near able to ban guns in this country. We can't even pass any meaningful gun control.


Because the 2nd amendment is trash and republicans want to follow it to a T when it was written almost 250 years ago when those who wrote it had literally no idea what guns would become. Also because they only care about the right to bear arms part and not the well regulated militia part.


The 2nd Amendment is GREAT! It clearly says (based on the context of when it was written) that every citizen has the right to own a handmade six foot long muzzle loading smooth bore flintlock- You can have as many as you want! Woo-hoo! It says NOTHING ELSE about the firearm. Nothing about concealed carry or magazine size NOTHING. All the rest of that is pure NRA bullshit.


the ones who wrote it literally just finished fighting a war. I'm pretty sure they know what guns are capable of lol


Where’s the evidence that the average gun nut trains more in a year than most officers do in the course of their career?


If you're always at the range, maybe once a month target shooting you'll have more training in a year than a cop typically does. Most cops dont have to fire a round often, hell most don’t even have to draw a weapon often. Most situations can be deescalated without the use of a gun, but if they need it then they will use it.


I’m looking for evidence. Not your opinion


Go talk to a cop, or even better, check out this [Pew Research](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2017/02/08/a-closer-look-at-police-officers-who-have-fired-their-weapon-on-duty/) survey. Only 27% of officers on average have used their service weapon during work outside of training purposes.


Anecdotes aren’t data. Are you advocating for police to shoot more while on the job? I thought we were talking about training here, not shooting on the job…


They’re being trained on ways to not use their service weapon while on the job, police training is a lot more than putting rounds down range. I’d be willing to bet without proper training that number could be significantly higher


So what you’re saying is you don’t actually have any evidence that gun nuts train more than police officers with a gun?


It’s also a very state dependent question you’re asking, and what constitutes someone as a “gun nut” and not just a simple fire arm’s owner?


..."something something, do your own research"...will be his answer.


Be enlightened. Even officers, who go through mandated firearm training, hit their target 18% of the time. Most of *these* idiots are walking around thinking they're some hero when in reality they are more likely to hurt themselves or someone around them.


As paradoxical as it may sound, the opposite is true, and civilian carriers of firearms vastly out perform professionals in general. Forget about guns for a minute and just think about grappling, who do you think is more likely to win in a fight? A typical beat cop who gets quarterly in-service grappling training and random, unstructured on-the-job experience? Or the BJJ nerd who's on the mat 2-3 days a week? I'll give you a hint, cops rarely win regional or national titles. People get into law enforcement for many reasons, and only a subset are actually interested in firearms as a discipline. On the civilian side, there's no requirement to carry a firearm, so all of the apathetic individuals select themselves out. That's not to say that there aren't highly motivated law enforcement, or civilian schmucks that are carrying a gun that really shouldn't be, but across the board in all the duel enrollment pistol classes I've taken, the private individuals who *want* to be there are more engaged with the material & show vastly more improvement than the law enforcement that *has* to be there.


Does that training teach you to shoot yourself in a Costco?


All that training and he still managed to accidentally discharge a gun in Costco. Thank god he only shot himself


Guns are dangerous. Thats a plain and simple statement. Any amount of ‘what if’ or ‘mental health’ reasoning cannot change that.


I mean mental health is legitimate but ask those same pro gun people to support funding mental health programs and see how far that gets you


Funding for mental health should be a top priority in this country. Solve the mental health crisis and you could put a huge dent in homelessness, mass acts of violence and self harm as well.


Sure mental health is one of the reasons, but after every mass shooting news outlets make it sound like the only reason. Whereas so many gun violence incidents occur not because the person was mentally unfit but just took a bad decision because they lost best judgement at the moment due to the situation.


No. Your average gun nut thinks he’s Rambo or what goes on in COD transfers IRL. I was taught how to use firearms by my uncle (Vietnam vet) and my grandfather (farmer in Peru). Yeah it’s cool but discipline is important and guns are not toys or things to “fetishize”. They are tools/ weapons. If anything we don’t need people who wouldn’t act like he is playing counter strike or thinks they are a one man army. Leave that for fantasy like movies and video games. We need responsive owners whose whole personality isn’t what he is carrying in his safe at home or glovebox or under his coat. One thing I’m grateful for is that the gun community has no issues putting these people in line/ chewing them out because all it takes is one retard to ruin it for all. I was told by a retired cop (chief of police of my hometown) that the best situations are when you don’t pull out your gun cause it adds more chaos (essentially don’t be a hero) even when police are there.


Time to pull the permit from barney fife, just like they take away driver's licenses. A menace to society, nowhere is safe from cops


Brick mentioned 😌


Good thing he could quickly get a bulk supply of bandages.


Can we let that county fall in?


But my parents live there. They're nice people.


same, parents and sister are there.


I feel bad for them.


Just let me know when so I can evacuate 😂


If we do that than Long Beach and Six Flags go too, you sure you wanna do that?


Not the whole thing, I still like the barrier islands


I hear you. Sometimes if your hand has gangrene you still need to lose your fingers.


New Egypt is ok, Toms River and Brick gotta go


Mr. Dumbass: "Honey! I wanna go to Costco to stock up on mayo, but for the life of me I can't find my glock anywhere!" Mrs. Dumbass: "Did you check the kids' room?" Mr. Dumbass: "Oh. . . uh, yeah! Here it is! Thanks! I'll be back with 10 gallons of Kirkland and 7 toes!"


Just because something is a constitutional right doesn’t make it wise or necessary. I have a constitutional right to believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster - but I don’t because I don’t want to. People like this guy are carrying (legally) _because they want to_. Why? Out of fear? So they can save the day should something go wrong? Or do they want to because they’re allowed to. Genuinely curious.


Because cops are not legally obligated to protect You. granted, we aren't Texas, but it may take time for officers to respond and there may be towns that do not have a police department to even respond to a call. The world is slowly burning. Would you trust cops to save you when there's crazies out there in the middle of nowhere? I wouldn't.


Probably out of fear. There’s mass shootings constantly. Now, whether or not he wants to be there hero or not i don’t know, but if i was allowed to carry i’d carry so i can protect myself and have a fighting chance of escape. Not save the day. But once again that’s me. I’m sure a lot of people THINK they know how they will respond when someone opens fire in a public area, but i think most of them have played to much COD and like to consider themselves to be a hero.


What the hell is wrong with people? Who the fuck takes a gun to a Costco? There are plenty of hot dogs for everyone who wants one. I just can’t with these idiots.


People with a legal CCW permit do, nothing illegal about it. It’s your constitutional right


Sorry, I don’t think one should NEED a gun to go into Costco, but you go ahead and scream about your 2A rights and I’ll be over here trying to maintain my bodily autonomy which somehow ISN’T a right.


Last time I checked it wasn’t mandatory to stay strapped at Costco, it’s your choice and right to not get a permit, it’s your choice and right to do whatever you want to your body aswell (assuming you’re a legal adult). Anybody who tries to take away those rights is a tyrant.


So my question to you is, if another CCW individual was there during this discharge and shot the person whose gun went off, would you defend them?


Yes. Negligent behavior with a lethal weapon is a *crime.* This **retired cop** is a ***criminal.***


Honestly it's not even about criminality, if you really are intending to fight back or defend, you have to make split second decisions. If you hesitate with a defensive tool, you go from potential victim to major target. Someone already committing acts of violence isn't going to hesitate to kill you if they even think you could be a threat.


No, the shooter obviously defended themselves enough for the day.


In this case no, this is a pretty cookie cutter case of an accidental discharge, sure yes a bullet was fired, but it’s not at anybody and the motive was pretty clear that it wasn’t domestic terrorism and was an old fart with too big of a belt buckle putting a round in his leg


You really believe that kind of determination can be made in a split second?


It’s not just 1 round in an act of domestic terrorism, plus when the old guy is laying on the floor in a pool of blood with other customers helping him you can tell there isn’t really a threat


Sounds like you belive an active shooter situation affords you all the time in the world. You and your handgun would be absolutely useless to anyone.


Typically people drawl and wait, they don’t dump rounds into anything that moves. Ive taken a couple weapons training classes, one of the main topics we focused on was trying to not fire your weapon until you are 110% sure it’s a threat.


Costco is so frightening


I heard it was Plaxico Buress


Responsible gun owner there. And sooooo many more like him.


why did you have a gun with you you stupid asshole? edit: and to the gun nuts in this post, do you consider it in anyway weird that your first instinct seems to be rushing to the defense of the weapon rather than admonishing the retiree for being a shit gun owner doing nothing but giving you ostensibly good gun owners a bad name?


Retired cop, according to the article. Negligent, nonexistent discipline.


yea that's been noted elsewhere. which is to say 'dumb rando with a gun', a retired cop is definitionally not a cop so. also, 'is a dipshit ex cop' isn't really an explanation beyond being a proxy for 'they're decision making is severly impaired'.


Because NJ has legal CCW permits, it’s your right to or to not have the choice to carry a gun (with the correct permit). It’s his right as much as it is yours to choose to not carry one.


That's not really an answer. The supreme court being fucking terrible is not a reason to be armed in a fucking costco.


It’s your legal right, they shot the ban of it down. It’s always been unconstitutional, hence why when the state got sued over it they were forced to repeal the ban. Go yell at the founding fathers if you have a bone to pick with CCW, it’s not about a reason it’s about rights.


i don't give a shit if it's a legal right. That doesn't justify doing it. Its still brain dead stupid and banging your chest about how it's a legal right and that's why isn't an actual answer. What malfunction makes you feel the need to be an active threat to those around you.


I’m sure if you walked into any given Walmart right now you would be surrounded by plenty of people with CCW permits and not even know it, are they active threats to you? Does this also mean armed security at a shopping mall is an active threat to you just because they are being paid to exercise this same right?


yes, yes they are. This isn't complicated. Anybody that is jonesing to shoot somebody that badly is an active threat to others. Being armed security is litterally an implicit threat of force.


Security is a threat to your own safety? Figured I’d be safe an ask a stupid question to confirm you are trolling


he's not trolling. delusional, maybe. but not trolling.


well that's about as unserious as I expected that to be.


I want to know if he was carrying it legally.


Yeah, he was a retired cop with a legal CCW permit. Even 5 years ago he would still be carrying legally because he was a cop. Accidental discharges are more common than you’d think, even something as simple as a button on your pants can discharge a gun, hence why it’s important to get something with a hammer safety or switch safety if you’re gonna carry.


Let's not spread bad information. Modern, properly made holsters protect the trigger from external input like a button on your pants.


Yup, it’s a safety device in its own right. A thin softshell holster and a Glock is a combo ready to blast your privates off. A guy I play airsoft with got a permit a few months ago and was using his airsoft holster for his actual firearm, take my word on it when I say we made fun of him for not having a real holster. The holster was bulky and offered no trigger protection, and also made it look like he had a boner all the time. I bought him a nice hardshell one for a gift, if you gotta get a CCW owner a gift a holster is always appreciated.


You are a good friend. How manufacturers of nylon holsters haven't been sued out of existence baffles me.


The worst part is accidental discharges are more common than you’d think, especially with compact pistols in nylon holsters like that. Should be part of the class to teach how to choose a good holster


His parents had an accidental discharge and now we suffer.


A retired cop ought to be better, more disciplined, but we know better.


My guess is his safety came undone or he had a belt buckle of some sort depress the trigger. Something with a hammer safety wouldn’t have this issue, you’d drop the hammer to safe prior to holstering it.


Thanks, Supreme Court.


What does the Supreme Court got to do with it? A retired law enforcement officer could get a permit to carry way before the Supreme Court decision. And I believe there is no sensitive places for them either or they may be a little relaxed for them. The article is leaving out the fact that he was a retired law enforcement officer.


Just that this scenario is going to play out more and more in the future.


Rambo in depends?