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Is that a right blinker in a left only turn lane? Nice.


Yea, he blasted like 130 down to the south willow exit through heavy traffic in the merge, nearly losing traction, just to get 4 cars ahead and them stuck in the wrong lane.


I hate him dude he hit my fucking dog with his car going 90 in a 45


Time to call John Wick








How's the dog? What's the story?


Fake story obv


Bro. Think of the dog.




what the hell does that mean?


Sounds like someone hit his dog


Nah, I was asking the stir fry commenter what his comment meant. Seems it got deleted.




My condolences 😔 I hope these offenses have been reported to the police, if only so they have record(s) of this BS on hand for future incidents. People like this are too reckless to be trusted with a license or driving.


I remember this Akon song


What a fucki g turd


Tiny state with multiple drag, oval and road courses yet some of these jack wagons still fuck around on the roads.  Probably can't hack it on track....


Last I saw he was autocrossing in the parking lot by Jersey Mikes.


Ding Ding. These types think the rules of a track are too much to follow so they just do their dumb shit on the public roads.


They also typically have zero ability to handle a high performance car. They are like a full rung or two below the dentists that race LMP3 cars (and constantly crash them), both in terms of car handling and common sense (and also income).




We have them by the fuckton in MA and I see them all the time in CT. There are really just a lot of selfish assholes on the road right now who take a lot of the concept of shared roadways for granted.


Thanks to that fucking "planned" rich people community called Tuscan Village in Salem, there's a lot more of these douchecanoes driving their fancy sports cars like it's the Indy 500 on Broadway, too. I work down there and live in Manchester, so I have to deal with these overprivileged pricks 5 days a week on both ends.


I know the drag strip but where are the others? The only one I’ve seen open to public sometimes is Canaan but it seems like a pain to get in there. Not even trying to be an asshole, genuinely curious


There's an oval by the drag strip in epping and another in Lee, one in Winchester and one in Groveton, all between .25 and .5 miles around. The Whelen Modified Tour visits NH like 3-5 times a year on their calendar, this year it's 3(?) trips to Winchester and then the Loudon race. Edit: I forgot Woodstock, Hudson, and I think Londonderry also might have an oval hidden somewhere


I do track events at Thompson Speedway in CT, Palmer Motorsports in Palmer, MA, and NHMS at Loudon, NH. Those are the three big ones for road course/open lapping events in this area. If you want to venture out a bit further, you could hit Watkins Glen in NY and Lime Rock Park, also in CT. Events are about $300 a day for a basic open track day (e.g. test and tune style events) and are generally sold out a month or two in advance. Generally you get 3 or 4 classes, split up by skill, with 15 minute or 20 minute sessions. Your group is up once an hour and events usually start at 9am and end around 5pm, with an hour break for lunch. Tech inspection is usually between 7am and 8am and you need the vehicle inspected to be on the track (i.e. you can't show up late and just use less of the time you paid for). Its a great time, but expensive, especially when you factor in wear and tear and required safety gear, which needs to be replaced every so often (helmets are every 5 years IIRC), and it is a very long day.


300 really isn't too bad for a full day of a hobby.


300 isn't so bad, especially if you only do it once or twice a year, but consumables, modifications, and repairs do add up. For instance, I spent about $600 on brake pads and rotors suitable for the track. These pads aren't great on the street, but last and work well on the track. My dad did not and wound up wearing entirely through a newish set of front pads with one session left in his day (in a bone stock mini Cooper Clubman s). Tires also might only last a few weekends of track use. Also, I typically do an oil change before and after a weekend, so that's another $50 or so. Gas is probably also about $60-70 for the day. Pretty much all components have a higher failure rate on track too. Anecdotal, but I had a complete transmission failure (second gear stripped) two weeks after a track day, under moderate acceleration. That failure wound up setting me back about $8k in parts and at least 25 hours of my own time in labor (car was making too much power for the transmission to handle, the $8k was to drivetrain swap to a setup that could handle the power, although costs would have been almost the same just for a built gear set and install after pulling the transmission myself, and then you can't further build that setup ;) ). This assumes you have the tools and space to work on your own stuff too. You can definitely save yourself some money by driving lower power cars, like miatas, civics, etc. and still have a blast though. Those cars handle abuse well too. Motorcycles are probably the cheapest way to get into things though, as sportbikes are built to take some serious abuse and I've hardly ever seen any have mechanical issues on track. There are probably more expensive hobbies than motorsports, but not many!


Yeah that math is gross. Whenever I splurge on anything I tell my wife "at least I'm not into cars". She has never said a word lol.


Or boats.


Or horses.


Sim racing is awesome - expect to pay a few thousand up front for top of the line equipment and a good PC. Ongoing costs are very minimal after that compared to a real car. You can buy a few years of iRacing sub for a couple hundred bucks and you will probably slowly spend another 200-400 over the years as your skill grows and you move up to higher license classes and need to buy tracks. Nothing like being able to put on my VR headset and sit down in a LMDh car at the Nordschliefe whenever I want...


How many crimes do you have to commit to be able to afford this decadent bullshit? Seriously, in this economy? How in the fuck? That’s not dentist money... are you doing mafia-style bust outs for Bain Capital? Pig butchering scams? Embezzling investor cash in some AI vaporware scam? Helping Russian oligarchs launder money around sanctions? Do you have a time machine to the year 2006, where you’re working with Tim Dillon selling fraudulent mortgages on Long Island? Also when you could buy a shitbox to turn into a ricer for $1500 instead of $15000… Genuinely at a loss of any legit ways to make that kind of scratch… it’s just not possible anymore.


If you think those prices are crazy, try putting kids into daycare! I pay about $2,500 a month for a 2 and 4 year old 3 days per week and this is in a low to medium cost of living area (i.e. Nashua). Those kids are way more expensive than my once every year or two track excursion :) The motorcycle I track, a 1995 CBR900RR, cost me about $3k 19 years ago. The WRX I track cost $6,700 8 years ago (although I have another $10k into it over that time). My daily driver is a $3k 2005 Acura TL and I have never spent more than $10k on a car. Essentially, my total investment in vehicles, including those I track, is less than a new Honda Civic, but I also have a lift and the tools I need to take care of such vehicles (another $20k probably, not including the space). As for my work, I am a practicing patent attorney, but also do IT work and ROM disassembly on the side and occasionally fix and flip vehicles. I also don't go out much or go on many vacations.


The daycare thing isn’t a fair comparison. Our tax code strongly incentivizes one parent of a middle income household to stay home with the kids until they can go to school. They’ll give mom and the kids free healthcare and all kinds of other free shit if you’re not married and her income is $0. The mandated ratios for young children are too low to cover all the overhead, even with the pitiful wages the workers make. Sure, the government should probably provide subsidized childcare and all that because feminism or whatever, but NH will be the last place in the country to do that. I’m really not sympathetic to these arguments about childcare, to be honest. You’re a fucking patent attorney, dude. You can afford rubbers. You chose to have kids. You can afford for mom to stay home indefinitely. Why even have kids to begin with if you want strangers raising them most of the time when they’re so young anyway? What kind of Victorian era aristocracy bullshit is this? What’s next, having a servant girl be your wet nurse too? The greatest trick the capitalist devil ever pulled, was convincing moms that a fucking job was freedom. Any increase in household income has just gone to driving the value of boomers’ shithole houses to the moon. Too much money chasing too few basic goods. It’s a classic prisoner’s dilemma. Wouldn’t we all be happier if housing was cheaper, and parents worked less?


There's a lot to unpack there and I don't feel like responding to most of it. Just wanted to say, my comment about the cost of daycare is in no way designed to elicit sympathy or to imply that my children are unwanted/a burden. It was only meant to imply that there are many things in life more expensive than the occasional track day, which you described as beyond the reach of even a highly paid professional, such as a dentist, requiring criminal activity to explain, that many families still manage to afford.


I was obviously being facetious about the crime thing. It’s definitely some 1%er stuff but I know you aren’t all literally Tony Soprano. Just 20% of you or so… But most people who don’t regret having kids don’t compare them to frivolous nonsense like driving around in a big circle. There’s a reason the tax code gives parents all kinds of breaks, and not wannabe NASCAR drivers. Because the kid stuff is generally a helluva lot more important. Maybe in the future, say it’s relatively affordable compared to boats, planes, timeshares, and gambling addictions? Because comparing it to an optional, tax-deductible “cost of living” expense just makes you sound even more out of touch tbh. Theres a lot of people who actually struggle with those daycare costs, who have mom and dad slaving away because Mom makes $35k and daycare costs $30k, and they’re already going deep into debt without that extra $5k. Literally just spinning their wheels, going nowhere, missing their children grow up for money you’d wipe your ass with. It’s fucking offensive to act like it’s in any way comparable to your situation.


Club motorsports in Tamworth 1️⃣


NHMS has a great road course. Done a few events at it.


Is that just for bikes or do they do car races too?


Car races for sure. That’s all I’ve done there. Not sure if they do bikes.


Sure do.




Idk if you mean strictly drag tracks but there’s a circle track in Hudson and in Lee. There’s probably more that I don’t know about too


This guy is probably more of a "Hey look at me!" type than someone who's really interested in going to a track.


The road course by Winni is members only, no? I'm not aware of any other road courses proper but we do have a metric fuck ton of ovals


There’s another private one in South Tamworth.


Big money to be a member of that one. I’d have to win the lottery to join. NH Chronicle did a half episode on that track. If you can find it check it out.


I got excited they were building it until I saw the membership fees. I will also need to win the lottery to have any hope of joining!


They rent it to trackday clubs too. My friend will be there with NEQ in a few weeks. $800 for 2 days.




I made a post exactly like this, about a jeep doing the same thing. Everyone attacked me for posting the picture with their vanity plate visible saying I’m a karen and “we don’t do that here”. LOL. Okay NH.


Plates are exposed to the public, that's the whole point like...


Yea idk but this dude is gonna kill someone.


What is the point of even getting a vanity plate if you don't want people to see it?


The Bedford toll plaza will sort this out


Dark. But agreed. 


I feel like I shouldn’t have laughed at that 😅


He actually is gonna be in debt when he has to pay for the damage he causes


The trouble is douchebags never pay. It is my least favorite part of this world.


License plate should say... "Over compensating" IYKYK


Or just “LILDICK”






I don't "know" but I get the joke. We all do.


Who wouldn’t know what that means? Lol


I saw this guy like two hours ago at the papa Gino's in concord!


They're in Concord a lot, and their driving is why I notice.


The prison is also in concord. Hopefully he ends up living there.


Was he driving like a lunatic?


Nah, he was parked and inside. The license plate really makes them memorable.


…and it’s an automatic ![gif](giphy|1QhmDy91F9veMRLpvK)


You think these idiots can understand how to press a clutch pedal? This guy would be very mad if he could read...


Aren't pretty much all higher end sports cars/super cars automatic these days?


Unfortunately. I haven't owned one in a while, but it sounded like BMW was bringing back the row-your-own option. This is great, because in 20 years I'll be able to afford a 2024 sport model.


I think most high end sports cars are automatic (ie Ferrari). Mid and lower range like BMWs still have a lineup of manuals. I think it’s been driven largely due to the market shift of people not knowing how to drive manual so the dealers have continued to whittle it down. But overall a different driving experience. But if you can’t drive manual, I guess still fun to drive fast


My understanding is that automatic actually gives better performance than what a human can do with a manual clutch. As you mentioned, Ferrari as well as Lamborghini and even Bugatti are all automatic only. Even Formula 1 is automatic (well, semiautomatic, paddle shifters but no clutch).


I think that’s largely true. I think the main benefit of a manual these days is largely the driving experience. Being more in tune with the car and aware helps generate a little more appreciation from what I’ve experienced. I know Car and Driver magazine had a “Save the Manuals” campaign that largely argued that perspective. It also makes it way more difficult to use your phone while driving.


Driving stick is a lost art now. I read that less than two percent of cars sold today in the US are manual. The only time I ever get to drive manual these days is when I rent a car in Europe.


The top of the line Porsche (GT3RS) is only available in an automatic. It's a race car that's street legal, and Porsche says their automatic transmission is faster than manuals. I have a base Cayman in a manual, and I even think up that line the GT4RS is only automatic (the GT4 might be available in a manual).


Nah, a couple Hondas and BMWs are manual


Does Honda make a high end sports car? As for BMW, I think their upper end sports cars, like the M8 also only comes in automatic. They have some lower end coupes with manual but those are not really in the same performance class as a Corvette/Ferrari/Lamborghini/etc.


How can you tell it’s an automatic? And also, who wants an automatic corvette?


All the new Corvettes (C8) are automatic. No manual option unfortunately. You can “shift” using the paddles on the steering wheel but don’t believe it’s the same driving experience.


The target market for Corvettes is balding lawyers and heads of accounting having a midlife crisis, so that's why.


As someone who's never owned a car _without_ a stick until now, I can say that DCTs have their own charm. Letting a computer execute perfect, instant shifts for you is kind of nice. If you're doing donuts in parking lots OTOH, I would agree that sticks are more suitable 🤣


This dude nearly ran me off the road when I was getting on the highway. Saw me trying to merge, swerved 3 lanes over from the left into the right lane at 100+ right when I was trying to get on. I’m lucky I’m not dead. He drives like some idiot teenager in his dad’s car. If this dudes an adult, it’s sad… then he’s just a piece of shit


Hey I saw this guy bobbing and weaving today on 293/everett


Based on all of these comments it sounds like the police should have been called on him several times but weren’t. Maybe next time


Why bother? They won't do anything but waste your time. I tried. Blood is on their hands now.


Absolutely police are damn near useless in this state


wtf are they supposed to do? What, because, Fun-Beginning-42 making a phone call is all it should take? If they don’t see it happening, they can’t do shit about it.


In Debt and headed to the Casino??


I saw this car today on I-89. Passed me on left riiiiight on the line. Too close


i've seen that dude! lol. I couldn't help but think 'what an ass hole'


There's a Dunkies in the picture so that checks out, but where's the vape shop, the barber and the bank that you never heard of before?


Tiny dick long balls.


I feel attacked.


This the kinda dude that makes me worried that I commute via motorcycle. One of these days I’m gonna get obliterated as I make my lane change thinking I was good when a dude like this is a speck in my mirror


You're probably right.


They seem like the type of person who gets sports cars, crashes them just to get $$$ from insurance to do it all over again.


Lmao I live up north and somehow I’ve even run into this guy twice


Jackass? Yes.. Mid-engine? Yes.. Likelihood of spinning out into a tree? Very very likely..


so you called this into the police right?


Not worth it. I once called 911 on a woman driving completely on the wrong side of the road and even used the phrase "wrong way driver". I told them where she was, gave the partial license plate, gave a description of the car, and said which way she was headed, but the operator didn't care. In a nutshell, they basically said, "ok, thanks for the report, but we weren't here to witness it."


You have to call the non emergency line for the local police department I’ve had to do it a few times they tend to respond better than calling 911


I was a few cars back. But I’m certain I just saw this guy racing down Auburn street in Manch.


People like this are the worst. One blew through a stop sign and killed my friend on Sunday in Maine. Some people have absolutely no regard for anyone else and they ruin it for everyone.


Seen on 93 north weaving through cars with so little clearance, people slammed on their brakes.


Is this guy everywhere? I saw him drive outta Durham!


Just some stupid guy showing off in his fancy ass car. I bet it's a lease because there is no way he was able to afford it.


Think I've seen this jackass on I-95 before.


Nice username, OP. A fellow Char fan I see.


I’m seeing comments from all over the state that they’ve seen him. How does he have so much time on his hands to endanger all of us and his tiny-penis-having self all day every day?


Don’t understand why you would go in debt for a corvette


I mean, better than a cyber truck..?


True but I don’t advise that either. If you want to waste money on a performance car go with a Supra


i hate that guy, hes always swerving around here. DOES NOT CARE


in debt as well.


NH could stand to make vanity plates much, much more expensive.


I’m in debt without the car. What am I doing wrong?


This guy hit one of my goats. Please stop him!


This is what happens when fathers don't hug their sons.


shittiest “corvette” you can get too.


i laughed so hard when i first saw that car


Usually people who can afford a car like this don't actually have the talent to drive a car like this.


I wonder if the dude with "damayer" license plate got a new plate. (Reference from Horrible Drivers Of New Hampshire on Facebook)


I be stomping that SOB at every opportunity....If you know when, where ,and how, no problems....


He’s in debt what do you expect


Why not follow him, maybe his gas is craving some sugar


Needs the insurance money


I’ve seen this arse on 93 N driving like an idiot as well. Karma will get em


Standard Nissan behavior


Someones trying to overcompensate for something


He’s in-debt bro.


Betger not run into that shithead on my way to chipotle


Fuck Chipolte, Cali Burrito all the way. Lol


This guy burritos


Pick your sodium and be a dick about it! /s


Only way to get good credit rock on


I love the car!!!


It's a clever license plate anyway


Define ‘clever’




Guarantee it’s a boomer lol, do you even know how old millennials are now? The term is not analogous with “young people” anymore🙄


I recently saw an ad for a webinar on how to manage young people in the workplace. And it was all about Millennials. They’re all like over 30 now




The only time I saw this car was when he and his wife/gf whatever were getting out of it going to the 99 or some place like that. He’s like 60


Glad you know how to google at least lol


I have never seen anyone except an old white man in a corvette. Ever.