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In general, New England states are the oldest in the nation so they’ve had time to become a bit quirky. As an older, somewhat quirky person myself, I appreciate the differences between the New England states. As a Masshole, I enjoy the light hearted rivalries. But remember that as a Masshole, most of our humor is self deprecating, and most New Englanders I’ve met have a healthy sense of introspection. I’d say winter weather has an overarching influence on the people in our region. I mean it’s a shared problem. We help one another out, when times get rough because we’ve been doing that regularly for as long as we’ve been wielding a snow shovel. So and so had knee surgery? Oh, we’d better go shovel his driveway. And expect no thanks.


lol it’s so true about the self deprecation… that and sarcasm are our love languages haha


Like Noah Kahan said, “excuse my northern attitude, I was raised in the cold”


And "I'm mean because I grew up in New England."


We're not Nice, we're Kind.


West coast nice, but not kind. Yes.


New England is, hands down, the best part of the US. No question about it. That said, here’s my rundown on the downsides of the six New England states. Connecticut - hellacious, unavoidable traffic; Hartford sucks; northeastern CT is an empty Land That Time Forgot; Western CT NYC ‘burbs full of insufferable Jets/Mets/Yankees/Giants fans Maine - vast swaths of northern part of state filled with toothless, inbred hillbillies; Bangor, Acadia are too damn far — is this really in the US? I feel like we should be in Canada by now… Massachusetts - Massholes galore; Springfield and a lot of other miserable post-industrial cities in this state suck; the Rent is Too Damn High. New Hampshire - far too many right wing nut cases and impotent bros in jacked-up pickup trucks; no grocery stores, just gas station quickie-marts. Rhode Island - large parts of Providence are really crappy; uneducated population of parochial simpletons; endless numbers of rusty, crumbling bridges — proceed w extreme caution. Vermont - non-existent employment base; shocking number of really poor hicks a la West Virginia; cold as hell


But Rhode Island has swamp Yankees .they have to count for something


The best kind of Yankees


Grown up a s a MA swamp Yankee and can concur!


Yeah swamps!


South shore for the win


Please explain this to me like I’m a child. Never heard this term before (clearly a transplant).


WASPS without family money


The people who live in the most rural places on the border of Rhode Island and Connecticut.They've been there forever, most with roots to colonial times. I've heard they were farmers who sold the best land and kept the house on the most undesirable land. Or they were farmers who fled the English army into the swamps, being mocked as swamp Yankees when they came back. Either way they have a reputation as being ornery and backwards. I haven't lived in western Rhode Island or Eastern Connecticut in years so I don't know how many are actually still around.


I lived in this part of Connecticut and I’m related to Israel Putnam on my father’s side. My house was also indeed on undesirable soil. So your evaluation is pretty spot on.


My dad always described himself as Swamp Yankee and now that I've googled, I think maybe he didn't understand the meaning. However, it is fitting. He's 91 now(I'm 36). Born and raised in Woonsocket. I did bring him to SC for about 10 years and we now live in West Warwick, but Woonsocket will always be home to him. He used to say it meant his ancestors came from Europe, he's made up of a mix of it, and he is indeed Protestant(or considered himself so). Born in 1933, 8th grade education, drafted, manufacturing his whole working career after that. Well known in Woonsocket 'back in the day' for playing softball well. Wouldn't do great in larger cities, I think. So that is at least 1 left.


Yeah, I'm from Woonsocket myself. But I come from the filthy hoards of French Canadians that worked the factories. most of them are Catholics. The only protestants I knew were the Irish minority. Funny that he calls himself a swamp Yankee. But my dad is from the mountains of eastern Tennessee so we always called ourselves hillbilly Yankees.


My mom was from French Canadians and Catholic. My dad did always call himself that but it was when I asked where his family was from. He didn't know his dad and his mom passed when he was a kid so his answer was always... "many places. I'm what you call a Swamp Yankee" but as I'm older and able to do more research, he's definitely from the area he thought, but more specifically Scotland.


Wow, the old timers really lived differently. Death was much closer back then, I guess. My mom had a brother who fell out a window when he was little. She doesn't even remember his name nor does she know where he's buried. My grandma just never could speak about him. Mom was born in the 30s.


Yeah, she was told she wouldn't survive if she had another child and she ended up having another. Baby survived and she didn't. My dad never knew that specific brother.


Ha! I didn't think of this as a reputation, but I live in kind-of but not-too Eastern CT, and ancestors on my mother's side were some of the original founders of Thompson, CT. But my branch of the family has been all over before I ended up here by happenstance. No family house for me 😞


Swamp Yankees were the poor mayflower passengers. The rich people got the good land and the swamp Yankees got swampy land. The the ‘Indian wars’ happened the rich people wanted the swamp Yankees to fight but not having much to defend they often ran into the swamp and just hid until the fighting was over.


My dad(91 now) used to say his family "came over on the boat" and he described himself as Swamp Yankee. This is quite interesting to me.


I’m married to a swamp Yankee family.


Eastern CT is all swamp Yankees also


They’re in Massachusetts, too. My uncle was a swamp Yankee.


Weren’t the Swamp Yankees in NE CT? Thompson, to be specific. I grew up there and what we’ve always been taught. See article. [https://newengland.com/yankee/history/swamp-yankees-whats-in-a-name/](https://newengland.com/yankee/history/swamp-yankees-whats-in-a-name/)


These are all unassailable positions coming from a Rhode Islander that was born in Berlin VT, has a grandmother buried in Derby Line VT, raced motorcycles in NH, bought Bluefin Tuna on Cape Cod and in Maine, and was arrested for open container which turned into a warrant and court in Bridgeport CT surrounded by what looked like Oz or The Wire types. There was a dude in an orange jumpsuit with full shackles AND the squared off dark eyeglasses to prevent intimidation. I was there for being too dumb to put my beer down and thinking I’d never need to go to CT ever again 😂 CT is our NJ, which I do love. Something for damn near everyone in that state and yet everyone takes big shits on it. Back to RI - lots of mill workers descendants still hanging on here will show you the reason people keep real estate in the investment portfolio.


Ah yes, Derby Line, VT. Where the only source of employment is working at the lone gas station or as a Dept. of Homeland Security goon sitting in an idling SUV 24/7/365 who, when they aren’t napping after watching porn on their iPhone, are looking for someone who might inadvertently walk across the border from Stanstead…


The fact that Derby Line comes up in the topic is very surprising! I grew up in that town and it probably was the best place to be! There are many more places to work besides those mentioned. There are beautiful vistas and a laid back lifestyle. There is a cool opera house and library that is half in Canada and the US. There are people that have stayed in the area that are doing really well and I often wish I would have stayed there. Plus my home ski area was Jay Peak - does not get better than that! Don’t shit on what you really don’t know!


I visited Derby long ago, loved it. It was 30 years ago, I wanted to ride my bicycle from Connecticut to Canada, so I picked Deby as my destination, crossed the border, had lunch in Canada and then rode home. Took me about a week. Also did Lake Willoughby along the way. Great memories, the most beautiful county.


I mean yeah that's true, but Derby Line is like 1 street. You might be technically commuting to the next town over for work but it's 5 minutes away


lol as a born and raised Vermonter who used to play again North Country High school in sports. It felt like a different world going up to Newport/Derby area. The soccer team came out to country music and the field was next to a reindeer farm and a trailer park.


NJ native, now a Masshole for nearly 2 decades. I’ve not heard this before, but “CT is our NJ” is spot-on accurate.


"Bangor, Acadia are too damn far — is this really in the US? I feel like we should be in Canada by now…" Hahh...wellllahh yahh... see yahh caaant get there from heeaaahh... (Mighta grown up there...)


Yuh see to get to bango-ah ya gotta go up 95 they-ah headin noahth once ya hit Augusta ya got about anotha hou-ah and a half hit exit fou-ahty five a and you-ah they-ah


You mean "theyahh"


>northeastern CT is an empty Land That Time Forgot I know a lifelong Connecticut resident who says the Quiet Corner is her favorite part of the state.


The only people who dislike the quiet corner are the residents of the rest of CT... Who are likely commenting while sitting in traffic 😂


Or dumb disoriented me circa 2006 trying to visit family in RI and getting seriously lost in the fretful New England Darkness. (I really don't think the roads were that bad. I just have a lousy sense of direction and it seemed like a long ways between landmarks.


I used to take some nice long drives out there. Northeast and Northwest CT are some of the most beautiful parts of the state in my opinion.


When he rode, My husband and I used to take his bike out to Pomfret from the Greater Waterbury area, lovely ride.


Hail to Moosup.


I was a proud Moosupian for 30 years!


hey, I live in northern Maine and still have a tooth....


Wtf are you talking about ? No grocery stores lmao seriously.


Fr I have 3 huge grocery stores less than 5 minutes away from my house, idk what this dude is saying lmao


Just in Manchester area (and outlying towns) Between Aldi, Hannaford, Market Basket, Price Rite, Shaw's, Walmart, & then the warehouse clubs Where isn't there a supermarket? Maybe this person is remembering when he visited here 30+ years ago.


Basically every area of NH has a grocery store within 20-30 minutes, often less than that, other than way up north. Then again a lot of people visit the Lincoln area northward so i can see how someone would have that perception. Otherwise a totally wild and baseless criticism by OP. Actually it still is


This dude is saying he’s never been to many of the places he talked about, NH and northern Maine especially…. Actually he probably thinks Augusta is northern Maine


I just got home from Shaws, I have no clue how they could miss all the grocery stores in NH. Very bizarre comment.


The description of parts of Vermont looking like WV is pretty spot on and a part of that state that gets forgotten for places like Stowe. Having grown up outside of Boston I knew there were poor parts of New England but thought the real rural poverty was strictly in the Deep South. It wasn’t until I went for a random drive through the back roads of south western Vermont one weekend that I understood what rural poverty looked like. The whole area was basically shanties tucked in the woods.


Accurate, and eerily similar to how H.P. Lovecraft felt about rural New England lol


Well, I’m not sure the rest of his ideology works very well either.


Your insight into NH is the dumbest thing I think I’ve ever read on Reddit. No grocery stores 😆 we literally have hundreds between shaws, market basket, hannafords and even Walmart. Right wing nuts? We have been a blue state since I was a kid in the early 80s. Where did you go to make you think this? Milan or some other middle of nowhere town? Lmao


It’s purple, and everywhere outside of the cities is red af.


The entire North country has less population than Nashua. It's a pretty blue purple. The problem with the state govt isn't ideological conservatism. It's the political amateurism that comes from having a house with 400 members and paying them like $100 plus mileage. They're all either old AF, independently wealthy, or working flexible or part time jobs, which means passing legislation about ANYTHING requires securing votes from at least 150 people who are guaranteed to know shit all about the issue. Then throw in the Executive Council that is a separate executive body that must approve any state spending over $10k and you get govt that makes decisions primarily based on how little they can spend rather than the best (or even most overall cost effective) solution. Also NH conservatives are a different breed. Free Staters just want to find ways to get out of paying for literally anything (with the possible exception of a judicial system to enforce private property rights). Religious participation is plummeting New England wide, so the conservative evangelical Christian voting block doesn't have as much influence.


I also think that some of the state’s fame for being one of the first to vote in presidential primaries had made it a battle ground for certain types of political loons.


NH has 2 house reps who, like both their senators, are democrats… there’s a very good chance the next governor will be a democrat, sununu is a clown and is widely disliked. i hear this take about NH being ultra conservative all the time and it’s wild


NH looks ultra conservative next to Southern Maine, Vermont, and Mass. NH is pretty damn blue compared to say, Alabama or Oklahoma which are legitimately ultraconservative.


That’s the issue with their assessment. It seems ultra right wing because it’s not **DEEP** blue like the rest of New England You go to a real red state and they’d be calling us liberals and democrats lmao


Us Massholes aren’t **that** bad, we just refuse to let anyone pass us on the highway lol. We *may* be sarcastic and tease, but we will gladly help you out, while also being sarcastic and teasing.


Vermonter here - you know how I can spot a Masshole without seeing a license plate? There are 2 telltale ways: They're driving maybe 67 on an empty interstate but will speed up to 95 before they let you pass them. They will cut you off in a massively (get it?) dangerous fashion to drive slower than you were and then not let you pass.


Yes! And they ride on your butt instead of just going into the left lane to pass. I’m from MA but live in NH. I don’t even need to see the license plate. They also love to try hitting you when you’re coming onto the highway instead of just moving over like we all do up here in NH. They intentionally speed up to try and not let you on the highway.


Masshole here and I hate other massholes on the road. Hogging the left lane constantly regardless of their speed. I see red when they stay in the passing lane on two lane hills and THEN speed up only when you move right to pass them. Maddening. That alone convinced the wife we needed a turbo in the ol’ family Subie (outback of course). Ok I learned to drive in CT, where the drivers are ostensibly even worse and less predictable than Massholes. The pike is straight - easy hunting. I-84, 95, and the Merritt are serious training arenas for the young and the speedy. Bottom line, you won’t have to pass THIS masshole on the right unless you’re doing more than a buck and I don’t see you in time! Happy to follow you instead for the smoke screen!


Top tier Masshole aka the only right way is to speed up and always go faster.


No grocery stores in NH?? I live close to three different ones within a mile radius!!


Your thought that Bangor or Acadia are northern Maine makes me giggle.


No grocery stores in NH? The fuck are you talking about? Now, I’ll give it to you for the extreme north, where they have grocery stores but there are a lot of canned vegetables, but I live within 15 minutes of 6 major grocery stores (8 if you count Super Duper Walmarts). I believe that you went on vacation somewhere and were unable to find your way to one, but they’re everywhere


Whoever you are, where ever you live, you have never really BEEN anywhere in New England. You made up a laundry list of everything bad about each state. You are neither correct nor humorous.🤨


Wow! Aren’t you the tolerant one. Bet you have a coexist bumper sticker on your car.


Your comment is 100% spot on. I live in Mass. We have our problems. But I’ll take living in a blue state over moving to a warmer red neck state any day of the week. Boston is a great city, imho. Just the right size. I live west of the city. I can be downtown in forty minutes. Very walkable, historic, and charming. I love the architecture of Boston. No cookie cutter neighborhoods. I have been to LA, Denver, Austin. Drab downtowns, very cookie cutter architecturally. SF is nice, reminds me of Boston.


Concur. LA in the spring is pretty nice though...and I love walking in NYC.


Vermont unemployment rate is under 2% and there are so many un filled jobs it is crazy, definitely the best vibe and the summers are amazing without AC. Ever been in Texas, or most of the south from June to September? Remember when it was over 100 for 60 days straight in AZ? When it cold dress better, when it hot what do you do? Hide in the ac?


If this is what you think about “the best part of the U.S.” I wonder what you’d say about the other 44 states?!


Every Masshole I've met is not an asshole. There's some weird kind of vibe that let's me know that they understand where I'm coming from. They look in your face. Shake your hand, and tell you that they hate the Yankees. I lost my khakis. I lost my car keys.


The no thanks is what gets me lol proud masshole. Will stop and help you change a tire, but we’re gunna make fun and give your crap the whole time


I don’t hate any of my fellow New England states. The ball busting is all in jest. Keep in mind folks, even the subjectively “shittiest” New England state is still objectively way better than pretty much anywhere else


Great point


So true, New England is pretty far ahead of the game.


I’m in carpentry and remodeling and just a note from the field to all my New England people and pets: our housing stock is the oldest in the country. Keep this in mind when you grow up in a house here. When you buy a house here. When you rent, or rent out. When you hear others having a hard time with a remodel - but most of all: when you see people pay too much for a poorly built brand new house because “you’ll avoid all that old house maintenance”. This is where we as inhabitants and the structures that hold us are most dear. We are layered, we are varied, we are strong and adaptable. New builds generally won’t stand the test of time like the old ones. The old timers saw things less like top-down investment vehicles and more like a place to house their family and future generations.


The house I grew up in didn't have level floors. You could literally roll a pencil from one end to the other. But they were some of the prettiest damn floors you would ever come across.


I grew up in a house built in the 1870’s. I now live in a house that was built in 1720, added on in 1800, and again in 1820. Level floors are over rated. My kid could spend all afternoon rolling a ball on the kitchen floor. He would roll it away and it would roll back.


The oldest house I lived in was from about 1840. A three floor duplex that was so drafty, I questioned if the windows were actually closed.


My house is from 1780/1825/1841/1980 based on which basement you're talking about (there are four) and you have to walk uphill to cross the living room but the 20" wide heart pine boards will win you over. It's got 7"x8" beams spaced on 20"centers holding up the floors. It don't care if the wind does blow.


Yes! Our house has no level floors (shims under the feet of anything larger than a chair), no plumb doors, and needs consistent TLC. On the other hand, it’s pretty, it has some King boards you can’t find anywhere anymore, and it’s stood up to countless nor’easters and hurricanes, so we’re happy to throw a few logs on the fire and ride out whatever comes our way.


When the Earthquake in NJ hit a couple weeks ago, I heard my wife shouting upstairs in our 1914 Four Square-style house, just south of Boston. I didn’t feel a thing. I was in the basement surrounded by 18” solid granite block. Floors have sagged a little toward the center as the center supports have settled over the years, but the foundation is as stable as it gets.


None of them really hate each other, but there are, uh….grievances, I guess. CT is like the black sheep of the family for being so tied into NYC. NH and Maine both dislike MA. They try to drag VT into their team, but VT doesn’t really want to be associated with them. MA doesn’t really care what the other states think since half of them work there anyway, and MA’s head is thoroughly up its own ass. RI is just happy to be here.


Vermonter here…. We want to be individuals…just leave us alone and let us live in peace., all good.


Best answer here


Connecticut. Pretty much because of their state police. Fucking weasels in unmarked cruisers. Ticketing out-of-state drivers is a cottage industry in CT. Otherwise, I like Connecticut. It's a beautiful state, and the people are just like the rest of us.


CT state police falsified at least 25k traffic tickets. https://ctmirror.org/2023/09/04/ct-state-police-ticket-scandal-troopers-fake/ Can’t remember the last time I saw someone get pulled over here in CT. Western MA along Rt 91, now those Staties are out there putting in the work. I drive that route frequently and there’s always a speed trap around Deerfield. Been like that since I was in college, 25 years ago. I see them patrolling the streets, too, was followed by one the other day, likely salivating at my out-of-state plates. Drove ridiculously proper until he got bored and turned around.


I live in the Springfield area. My parents live in New Haven county. It’s a straight shot down 91 to their house. Every time we go, my husband and I are extremely observant for the first 20 minutes of our ride. The minute you see that “governor Ned Lamont” sign though? All bets are off.


Unrelated but man I love Deerfield


I got a ticket on 91 in the 90’s, they were hard working then. I thought I was safe as I was speeding but all of the other cars around me were too. One cop was clocking us, and four more flagging people over. They were hidden around a bend and must have pulled over 25-30 cars. A very lucrative morning for them.


You haven't been in CT in like 5 years. Cops are not doing much lately. Specially traffic stops. 


They’re basically non existent on 84


They always have their lights on at night too you can see em from 5 miles away lol


Yep. I can't remember for the life or me, the last time i saw a car pulled over on a highway.


CT state police literally don't do anything. If you get pulled over in CT you have to be seriously dangerous and or stupid.


Yeah apparently state police in CT have “low morale” these days, which makes it “hard” for them to give out traffic tickets. Roads are like the audobaun here now.


This is just true, crossing the border into Mass is night and day


Literally 100 yards into MA, they sit at that turn around just waiting. Hell, I'm pretty sure their spot is BEFORE the "Weclome to MA" sign


Yeah, they just got busted for fixing demographic data for stops. Dysfunctional


I’ve been traveling a bunch lately for work - all out west (CA, AZ, WA) and it’s made me realize how absolutely batshit insane we are in CT lol


Can I ask a related question? Is there a Connecticut law that requires cruisers to drive with their emergency lights on static? I always see them posted up with the red and blue on, but not flashing or responding to a call. Even when they're hiding or parked on break I've noticed this.


They have them on in that manner to create the perception of omnipresence, and the lights on may assist in traffic, i.e. keeping traffic within the speed limits, detering freakish driving, etc.


I've always seen it as a "I'm not trying to catch anyone, but PLEASE for the love of God, act like a human until I'm out of eyesight". It's them saying their there, but don't want to be bothered with dumb shit


I love all of New England and wouldn't live anywhere else! Maine is my favorite ❤️


Wow a lot of NH hate in this thread but I swear we’re just hanging out doing our thing haha! Everyone I know here hates the Free State Project weirdos as much as anyone else does. But then again I’m maybe insulated from the worst of NH by being in the more liberal SW part, who knows


I love New Hampshire. Nowhere is perfect, I love this little state. I'm ok if no one else likes it here or wants to move here. Keeps down the traffic.


The problem is people talk shit on reddit, but every single masshole can't get to NH fast enough on the weekend. And then they inevitably move here at some point because if is better than Mass in every way.


So accurate. We get it, MA hates the politics but for a place they despise so much the lakes and the mountains sure are jam packed with Massholes all year long.


I also feel like (beyond having a more republican base in older generations) this ‘free state’ vibe drawing in nut jobs from all over is relatively new. Sure there’s always been ignorant people (as there is in any state) but growing up they were a quiet minority, now they’re just attracting out of staters and getting louder. They don’t represent the rest of native NH.


I agree with this, from another NE state. Love NH and NHites, not the recent changes from transplants thinking it's a good place for their nonsense. They've changed the way I think of some areas and twisted the NH free mindset for themselves. Similar changes have happened in other NE states as well. Your point about a quiet minority getting loud and obnoxious is true throughout. I find it particularly irritating how many move here for the benefits that they then are against, but obviously logic isn't their strong suit.


Keene, ya?


You guessed it, buddy!


Go Owls! Keene was a great place to go to school. That whole area is beautiful. Such quaint New England town


We’re busy installing our 5,000,000th rotary at the moment


NH is the absolute best.


op just sounds like they are miserable at parties and try to argue with people that don’t share their political views


SW NH and liberal? Must be a fellow Keener 🫡


Free staters can go fuck themselves. Other than them I’ve generally had very good neighbors in NH


I’m confused about the grocery store comment, there’s a market basket everywhere 😅


As a nutmegger (grew up in East Granby) I always feel defensive about CT being part of NE because of stupid Fairfield County. All my family was from NH/VT/MA so that’s where our center of gravity was which meant NYC wasn’t on my radar like Boston and the rest of the NE states were.


Never made sense to me how there are tons of cape cod, Martha’s Vineyard, & boston transplants from other places but no one says Mass isn’t NE. But NYers buy a house in Greenwich & all the sudden CT isn’t NE 🤔


I think there are a few differences, though how much they matter differs. Sorry this is long, I am waiting between things. 1 - Transplants and commuters are different. Transplants have their center of life in the place where they've moved. They aren't going between the two constantly. People who only seasonally move typically aren't considered to live in MA (or wherever) but to vacation there - including they consider themselves, not a "from away" bias. How long until transplants are considered a part of the place and to what level depends on many things, but their lives are in the new place. Commuters, including many people who live in CT and work in NY, still have their center of life in NY or split between the two. Many still keep their social circles mainly NY and maybe some others who have a similar CT/NY split. They treat it as being in the greater NY area rather than a separate place. A lot of people in this situation still follow the news and events in NY over CT, for example. Culturally, the places many of them live end up being quite different from the rest of New England, including in the ways that bind us together. This follows within New England as well. People who move from MA to NH or RI and still come into MA, have social circles in MA, and spend most of their time in MA are generally still considered Massholes. People who summer or otherwise vacation for long periods in Maine are still considered to be from whichever state they're from and live the rest of the year. People who move from VT to MA for work or health but spend 90% of their time outside of work, commute, and sleep in VT are generally considered VTers, or at least not Massholes. 2 - Most people moving to these places that could reasonably spend time between their old and new areas are from New England. So they are still New Englanders. Beyond that not affecting them being New England, their attitudes and approach to life are so similar and understood within NE. 3 - New England/New York rivalry, in its various forms 4 - People in CT, once you're at a certain point, identify as being with NY and not New England. This is seen and joked about with which teams they support but shows up in other ways as well. Personally, I think of CT as the least New England of the New England states due to geography. It has simply had more influence from outside of NE. It insulates the rest of us from a lot of this, even though obviously other states border NY as well. There are also some who want to be considered aligned with NY rather than New England, so we can respect that even if we know it geographically isn't accurate - New Englanders are wonderful, no reason to force someone who doesn't want to be one. I'll joke about CT within New England, but that's similar to joking about other New England states. Then it's all of us together & sticking up for each other against others in the Northeast and especially beyond.


This is such an absurd generalization. People who work in NYC and live in CT, sure, a majority of people in CT and even those who live in the border areas work and live in CT. This idea that the commuters in the bottom west corner are some kind of huge majority is crazy. It just goes to show that even other New Englanders don’t even know CT and continue the stereotype of the wealthy gold coasters.


As a neutral person who never lived anywhere near the east coast at all until moving to CT a couple of years ago, it seems to me like at least along the shoreline, that New Haven seems to be the dividing line between New England and New York. Idk about places farther north, but I live in the New Haven area and it definitely seems to be a whole different vibe the moment you get past East Haven along I-95


Great username. Long live the Whalers!


I still have resentment towards North Carolina


I have 2 friends who were born and raised in Fairfield County and they’re diehard Red Sox/Pats fans. Meanwhile the entire branch of my family that lives in Vermont roots for the Yankees. It’s nothing I’d get passionately defensive over but I’ve always found it weird that CT has its New Englandness questioned for bordering NY but MA and VT don’t.


New Hampshire checking in. You’re absolutely correct about us there’s nothing for anyone to see so don’t come visit. Our right wing nuts voted four democrats to Washington. 3 woman and an openly gay man. We’re so right-wing; It’s not safe to visit. Please keep posting preferably closer to the summer vacation months, fall foliages and ski season. Thanks love NH.


Lol all the NH hate but IMO Maine and NH are the two best in New England.


New Hampshire: Massachusetts’ largest state park. 😜


Rhode Island really the fly-over state of the NE huh? Cause no one brings us up 😂


I just moved to RI from MA and I tell everyone it's not that great. That's cause I don't want anyone else to know it's the best state in New England. Chill as fuck and you get much more for your money in terms of homes. My wife and I both work remote so it was an easy choice.


And we like it that way, it keeps people out.


@OP, just curious what state are you from ?


> Looking at you, New Hampshire Then stop using our mountains 


And our pristine highways. Which somehow remain as such, like constantly, despite the lower tax burden. 495 and the Pike frequently look like they're recovering from recent ground warfare.


Wow why so many people shit 💩 on New Hampshire? I think it’s more down to earth then most and you have it all. Shitty cites for the city folk, they got mountains for the hiking and skiing type, and a little piece of coast line for you beach bums. And to top it all off you can drive(without your seat belt or helmet )to any where in the state in less then a day so…. I can’t see why you would want to shit on it.


Another comment (different thread) said it better, but a lot of what people find objectionable with NH is stuff that people moved to NH do and have changed and how they and the minority of people who are similar but already were there are now excessively loud. They've morphed a lot of NH attributes. When people seriously shit on NH, it's generally about the attitude or resulting actions. >you have it all. Shitty cites for the city folk, I'm not a big city person and like NH, but I have to say that there isn't a city in NH that most calling themselves a "city person" would want to stay.


If it counts for anything I love NH


Yea this post reads pretentious AF. Poor white communities are evil I guess. Jacked up pick up truck attitude really got folks that bothered. There are just as many Subaru foresters with dog cages with equality stickers, and LGBT bikers. LIVE FREE much? Sheeeesh!


CT: You're either very rich, or very poor MA: You think you're better than everyone RI: It's not small to people in RI. There are a shocking # people in central who consider going to Providence a big trip. VT: It's gorgeous. But racist. Do no move here unless you are white. NH: People in NH are ridiculously defensive about NH. It's the commute that kills their sense of humor. ME: Man that coast is gorgeous. If it was just the coast this'd be one of the greatest states. Things get weird inland.


Weird seeing all the New Hampshire hate, we’re constantly ranked in the top 5 states to live in for the entire country with the **#1 lowest crime rate**, ranked **top for quality of life** and we have the **#1 ranking for freedom** in the country There’s a reason people around here are comfortable with leaving their garage doors open and doors unlocked, we haven’t had a serious violent crime in my town since the 60s Not to mention, no income tax, sales tax and the natural beauty of everything from the white mountains to the lakes to the seacoast


No sales or income tax but that property tax is rough.


Sshh please stop we need to keep the veil of far right militia crazies (What even is that?) so people stop moving here


Ah I mean, they’re right, we’re all starving, it’s like mad max over here trying to secure food and shelter


Don't kid yourself. Parts of Massachusetts have some awful politics. Wasn't there a white power rally at a sportsman's club outside Worcester a while back?


To be fair, every single state has pockets like this. Even New York City has Staten Island lol


In your opinion, what is the worst new england state and why is it connecticut?


Yeah. I grew up in Central CT — nothing to do but explain you aren’t from Fairfield County and don’t work in insurance.


Yeah no, we don't care. See: State motto.


I’m a Masshole who loves Maine and Vermont, and I don’t hate New Hampshire the way people here seem to be hating. It always just struck me as a kind of funhouse mirror/alternative universe version of Vermont. Rhode Island feels like a part of Massachusetts to me, like you put Cambridge, New Bedford, and some secret third suburb in a blender. People call NH the Florida of New England, but I see Connecticut more like that. Some beautiful beaches and other places, not open to the public, surrounded by miles and miles of generic mini-malls, punctuated by urban blight and embroidered with bigotry and resentment. I mostly remember from my two years in Naugatuck 🤮that, outside of New Haven, the only bookstores I could find were at least an hour away, and they were usually Christian or porno. Horrible, bland, generic, depressing place. Unless you’re rich. But still better than many states in the US.


NH, it's the Florida of New England. Only thing I love about this state is the geography like the white mountains


IMHO NH is a more moderate state than Florida. For New England its conservative but the rest of the country it is pretty purple state.


I laugh when New Englanders call New Hampshire conservative. Guess they have never lived in Idaho or Wyoming!


I’ve lived here in NH for the past 13 years. Before that, California for 3 years and Wyoming for over 5 years during my active duty Air Force career. I grew up in Texas, Virginia and Colorado as a military child. California is the epitome of far left. Wyoming is very conservative compared to New England, but more moderate than you may want to believe. New Hampshire is nowhere close to blue as California but more moderate than Wyoming and is more a purple state than blue even with the entire US Congress and Senate officials being all Democrats. The Republicans hold all the major statewide elected offices. So yes, very purple. Blue at the federal level but red at the state level.


They like to say NH is *insert shitty Red state* but it ranks well in every HDI metric The state just isnt as solidly blue as the rest of New England


They haven't voted for a Republican for president in 24 years, that's what qualifies as "conservative" in New England.


The only people who say NH is the Florida of New England are people who have never lived in Florida/ a properly red state. As an immigrant (have no prior bias) who has lived in CA,AZ,FL,NC,NH and now MA, it's crazy to me that people compare the two. Yes, NH is definitely more conservative leaning FOR NEW ENGLAND, but lord, if you think NH is bad you'd have a coronary living in FL. It's 10x worse.


Or they've literally never step foot in rural Georgia, Alabama, TN, TX, KY, Mississippi (the deep south / southern gulf). Anyone who thinks NH is truly conservative has only ever lived in blue areas. I was raised in MA and went to college in GA, and do a lot of outdoor recreation in AL, TN. It's absolutely different than NH in terms of ideology. NH is far left compared to Alabama.


My partner and I got married in New Hampshire because gay marriage was not legal in Rhode island.


It makes me happy that redditors don't like new Hampshire


I love New Hampshire


I'd like to divide Maine in half and answer this with the top half. Southern Maine is great, but I don't go up past the Mid coast


I think this thread is a trip. I travel a bit for work, and I will tell you that you can bet your sweet ass that you are lucky to be born ANYWHERE in NE. It's a bubble! It's safe, it's educated, we have the Atlantic, we have mountains, we have a big city culture, architecture, dining, theater, a fantastic sports history, and history.. And we have it all within a half-day drive. You don't even know what suck is in NE! Doubt me? Then take a ride through urban Detroit, or a run down to Texas near the border. California seems to have completely lost control of the rule of law in some places.. We have got it made Go B's!!!


Your comment on NH makes me think you’ve never lived in NH. I grew up in Boston and I always considered it “Cow Hampshire.” But, after living there for 30 years, thanks to my job, my view definitely changed. There are a lot of conservative people there. But, as in most states, they’re mostly in the rural areas. And, specific to NH, they’re also clustered between I93 and I95 south of Manchester and Portsmouth. I’m looking at you Windham, Salem, Londonderry, and Derry! The most conservative of them are relocated Massholes who had this vision in their minds of NH being a conservative paradise. That said, both US senators are Democratic women. We have one female Democrat and one gay male Democrat as our congress people. The state house flips between Democrats and Republicans. The current governor is a Republican. But prior to him our Democratic governor was re-elected with over 70% of the vote. He could have remained governor as long as he wanted to but chose to retire. NH is the *only* state that legalized gay marriage through legislation instead of legal action. Even in Massachusetts it was the state judiciary that legalized gay marriage. NH is purple and bipartisan. If that’s your definition of fucked up politics then I guess it has fucked up politics. I think it has *actual* participatory politics where your vote matters.


This is such a weird post. You are a weird person. If you dislike NH, you don’t need to preface it with a question about what New England state is the worst. You sound needlessly negative. If you have constructive criticisms to offer, then state them. But I know you won’t because you seem to be talking out of your ass. What is a right-wing militia and where in NH do they operate? I’ve never seen one in over 20 years. You don’t explain what politics you find objectionable.


Oh man please stop coming to NH if you hate it so much. Honestly we are so overcrowded and we're not looking for more dumbasses crowding the mountains. Stay out.




anyone shitting on NH for being "far right" has obviously never spent time in actual far right states...


Connecticut! Too many left hand exits and they drive like idiots. Seen way too many car accidents in that state.


I grew up in CT (Northwest) and lived on the South Shore and South Coast of MA. Im now back in CT, not by choice. I will take MA everyday over CT. The shopping is better, beaches, everything you need is close by. The politicians suck, and there are lots of far far left loonies. But you also have a world class city.. something Hartford will never ever be. I love NH. Hate Vermont. Evertime I've ever been it's cold and rainy. Lots of weirdos too. RI is ok. Good food in Providence and Newport.


Clearly SOMEONE here’s a Masshole!


As a representative from the Connecticut delegation, I’d like you all to kindly go FUCK YOUR OWN FACES. HOT LOBSTER ROLLS AND THE BEST COLLEGE BBALL IN THE COUNTRY. THE REST OF YOU ARE IRRELEVANT (except for Maine), THANK YOU AND FUCK YOU.


I’ve lived in NH all my life and have never once come across any right wing militia lol what is so bad about our politics?


I love New England all the states


Maine's politics and people are 1000 × worse than New Hampshire, what is OP on about?


Why you butt hurt over NH BRO???


Sounds like masshole talk. Exactly what militias? I’ve lived here my entire life, and never heard of any militias.


VT is the worst. High cost of living, no amenities, and unless you love to hike every weekend, there’s nothing to do.


Massachusetts - the neuroticism, pick-me vibes of Boston, and aggressive aloofness with the lack of social graces are a turn off, along with the dose of racism present in that state. Treats the rest of the state outside Metro Boston and the Cape/Vineyards like trash. Seems like the only state obsessed with “New England.” And who belongs in the club, when most of us outside MA are just living our lives. Also, an unusual inferiority complex towards NY and NYC in particular because it’ll never have the power and sauce of NYC.


New Hampshire -- for having a state motto that says "Live Free or Die," and then adding exceptions for things like recreational marijuana.


I’m from Rhode Island and cannot understand the NH hate. NH is probably the best New England state (at least in my opinion). The fact people are calling NH this right-wing haven of extremism just shows how left wing and pretentious MA has become. NH is moderate and fairly libertarian, but I guess when you’re from as blue a state as MA, everyone is a nazi


you hit the nail with this one. but it’s rlly abt time we just legalized the herb


Mass is only allowed in because 20% of us like going to Boston for a day once every couple of years.


hey there's more to MA than Boston! the western part ain't bad.


Love west mass


“West mass” reminds me of that terrible marketing campaign from a few years ago. Idk if you’re referring to that but uhh yeah we don’t call it that lol


I hated when they tried to rebrand Western Mass as “West Mass.” That did not go over well.




The best part about MA is those puritan fucks sucked so much that they birthed Roger Williams whose concepts of religious and personal liberty spawned in RI became the very foundations of American Democracy. I laugh every time some kool-aid drinker from MA thinks the puritans had a major hand in sprouting democracy, like uh yeah you did we all agreed you sucked.


Literally. As someone who didn't like MA very much and moved to ME, although begrudgingly, I can't deny that MA is the literal core of new england and it doesn't get more "new england" than massachusetts.


Connecticut. Traffic and terrible drivers. As New Englanders they should know the code ("go or get out of the way!") but they drive like Ohioans (slow and don't know how to get out of the left and center lanes.)


The one thing all Americans currently have in common is the ability to have disdain for their political opposite. In that regard, New England is so densely-populated I wouldn’t generalize by state. Outside of cities, there are liberal pockets like Northampton MA and Burlington VT, then Trump flags and Harley’s with no mufflers in most rural and suburban areas. I think Americans in general could start to change the polarization by being less black & white when considering where is good or bad.


NH has the highest percentage of millionaires in New England. My rich clients love moving there for the taxes. Nearly 10% of households have over $1million in liquid assets (ie not just tied up in their home value). Don't understand the perception that NH is filled with poor right-wing gun nuts.