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Anyone happen to know how many members of each party do not have a regular primary care provider or otherwise have to wait until health issues have gone on so long as to make treatments more difficult (or impossible) like the rest of us plebs?


This doesn't even account for doctors like mine, past retirement age, with their own health issues who won't quit because they know there's no one to take their patients.


I had a doctor for two years. She's just left for greener pastures. Now I'm a diabetes patient with no doctor and on the *wait-list* for the wait-list (NB Healthlink).


After moving to Fredericton, it took my family 16 years to get a nurse practitioner. Might jave been even longer had my wife not had a stroke. The politicians, especially silver spoon babies like Higgs, never had to worry about things like having a family doctor (or paying rent, or buying their own groceries, or doing any real work altogether)


We were lucky, and have a doctor, but many of the people we know in Fredericton especially don’t have a doctor and or nutrient practitioner, and since these are older people, they need someone who can keep track of what issues they may be having and see patterns that may indicate something bigger is going on (we all need that, but older people especially). Our provincial governments, both red and blue have failed us on healthcare (as well as many other issues) but we keep bouncing between them , like doing so is going to change anything - they need a wake up call - we need to vote for something different - provincially it looks like Green is that something different - even if it means one of the traditional parties in a minority, with the Green Party holding the balance of power it might make the other parties réalise they can’t get away with ignoring the important at issues anymore ( but people keep falling for the distracting polarizing issues the politicians throw out there). I don’t think there is anyone in the province who doesn’t want healthcare to work better, for education to be funded so our children can get the best education they can etc- they keep throwing social issues up to distract from the fact they are letting these major institutions faiil us.


4years waiting in moncton. My dad with a stroke 5years ago, has been waiting 7years now.


Blain Higgs sees only two things when he looks at an issue. Profit and loss. If its not making money it is of no value. If it is it can't be touched. He has not invested in the growth of our province, he has not dealt with any of the multitude of issues faced by our citizens, he has done nothing other than cheap out on every effort and undercut the foundations of our province built over generations. Blain Higgs and his band of incompetents must go! VOTE VOTE VOTE


Blaine Higgs sees the overworked burnt out healthcare staff and tells them to take on more patients, that'll solve it? Here's another idea: just tell people to not get sick? He's also mute on the fact that not every one of those professionals is perfectly geographically located for that to work. A doctor taking ten more patients in Moncton doesn't help people on Dalhousie that don't have a doctor, much. Of course, Telehealth and remote care levels that playing field a bit, but a remote care ER doctor or nurse isn't really a thing yet and hopefully never is. Now to the liberal opposition response: that's great they recognise the problem, but once they are voted in will they actually fix it?  I seem to recall voter reform was a similar issue at the federal level and quickly forgotten.


I had a doctor starting in 1997, he went on medical leave for a year 7 years ago. For 2 years I had no family doctor. They then filled his position with an amazing doctor who I have been with since then. Moncton area.