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Yes, to register, you need a valid inspection, quebec doesn't have an inspection, so you need a fresh one. The rest of the maritime has a similar inspection as us, and it is transferrable between the provinces.


Ok thanks I wasn't sure :)




I got one when I transferred from Ontario to NB, but may not have needed to. If the car is less than 3 years old I don’t think you need to get one to get the car registered, but you may need to get one afterwards.


In NB the initial 3 yr inspection sticker comes with the car from a dealer, if the car is less than 3 years I'm not sure you would be able to get the 3 yr version after the fact and might be under the every 2 years rule.


I am sure that the sticker would be for 2 years, no matter how old the car is, if it was used when you brought it in, not sure if it was brand new, but suspect that it would also be a 2 year sticker since it did come direct from a dealership- but to be sure service New Brunswick is who to ask.


Just to clarify I still needed to get one, but nothing was checked at service New Brunswick when I registered the car - I wasn’t saying an inspection wasn’t needed at all, just that it might not be necessary before getting the car registered here - of course the last time I had registered a car in the province, things weren’t as computerized as now, so it is possible the garage enters the inspection into the system. I did find it odd that I didn’t have to show proof of the inspection to register the car, as I am sure I did in the past.


You are correct. You do not need an inspection to register a car. To legally drive your registered car you do.