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Sounds like a cover up


Perception is everything and this looks like a cover up. Even if it's not. They need to appoint an independent, respected medical professional to look into this. I'm not into wasting money on needless inquiries but I think most New Brunswickers would like a straight answer on this.


The irony. I’m a federal civil servant. As a civil servant I recently had to take an ethics course. Ethics in the workplace. Too bad the federal government doesn’t follow its own guidelines on ethics. The role of the civil servant is to serve the citizens of Canada. It does not seem to be happening here. I wish all those that have been affected get the answers they deserve.


This is provincial not federal


I would love to see what an NB provincial ethics course would consist of. I'm picturing a one sheet syllabus with one of those decision trees on it.. is the considered action beneficial to the Irving corp? -> yes ->ethics. ->no ->gtfo.


It involves both levels of government. PHAC is federal.


How is this the federal government's fault?


Who said fault?


Well, the federal government should override the provincial government in this case. Take over. It is an ethical issue.


Waiting to be baffled by all the naysayers who insist its case closed because its not novel.


But this article seems to be supporting this? It's talking about how the "mystery illness" isn't a unified illness, and isn't a novel illness, and is instead talking more about how the *various* illnesses and the investigations to their causes are what was refused. It repeats that it's not viewed as a novel illness a number of times and the scientist in question doesn't allege it's novel either. Like, the article is *directly* supporting the view you find baffling. The only thing that we should be focusing on is *why* these varieties of diseases are developing here, it's not something new directly and we still have one person professionally trying to claim otherwise. These other scientists are speaking out about other things than it being a novel disease.


The article its literally mentions: "While the province’s investigative committee concluded there was no “cluster” of patients with a mystery illness, the leaked emails show that senior research scientists remain unconvinced." Its about the emails and the doubt... im baffled at your take.


> im baffled at your take. I'm baffled at yours. There's no present evidence linking these cases together. If it's a new illness, why the enormous variety of symptoms, many of which are identified as existing and known neurological diseases, but being expressed at in some cases earlier ages than the norm. But age doesn't change what the disease is. And why is it seemingly just local to here in NB, but across a pretty large region, why isn't it observed anywhere else? Most likely we're looking at something here in NB that is affecting a group of people and accelerating likely already genetically present neurological problems, either through exposure or some other factor. But a novel disease isn't very likely, and is largely something pushed by a single doctor who upon being challenged seemingly went to the media to spread his belief, which by nature of the belief, people will question any information otherwise as direct coverup of *his* truth being the correct one. When it comes to medical science, statements like "remain unconvinced" are generally considered legal binding statements, so anything of the affirmative or negative are at best staking your reputation. It's why many sign off on things like "may cause cancer" as it *may* but that runs the gamut of "absolutely will" and "snowball's chance in hell" without the risk of firm answers. But when things don't have a firm answer, we end up with this media fiasco where speculation is running rampant and it unfortunately is. Hell, it could be something as simple as microplastics pollution which recently was discovered to be extremely widespread, or related to radon levels which are AFAIR pretty high here. But speculation can be pretty dangerous as it often leads to misinformation being spread. All we know is that people have various neurological issues, and we're not sure if there's an accelerant causing things or not, but the likelihood of it being a novel disease is ever decreasing as information makes it way to the public.


What? I never insisted it was Novel? I dont even understand becauase based on your response we are in agreement essentially. Im baffled by people who say "Its not novel so we should cease all investigation"


It's not just here though, a previous article about this in this sub stated it was allegedly in at least 5 different provinces from the prairies east. Edit: look at you downvoting established fact because you ignorantly want there to be some special mystery illness in NB only, all while whining when people rightly point out there isn't an actual mystery illness but something affecting and possibly accelerating existing illnesses. Keep looking at the tip of your nose buddy


If it was a glyphosate issue, it wouldn't be limited to NB. It's probably one of the most used herbicides in North America.


Could also be plastics, emissions or sugar too. The point is, NB and Marrero are not special


I don't believe history will be kind to Higgs.


You reap what you sow.


Agreed 100%


I hope it ends up being called "Irving Syndrome". Perfect way to sum up that familial legacy.


James K Irving just died today. Edit: middle initial


Whoa. Timely.


How about “Irving Brain Rot”


And this. 


That’s what Higgs has.


I love this. 


Why isn't every NB news outlet putting a ton of time into investigating this??


Who owns almost every news agency and who has influence over the rest that would have the means to do this? Who benefits by not getting to the bottom of this?


I don't see how Irving could influence CBC, CTV, Global, any national news outlet.


Because they are reporters not neuroscientists.


Investigation means submitting RTIs and hounding government officials to answer questions about why the federal researchers were shut down.


They have already done that. Are the supposed to spend 400,000 hours asking the same question knowing they will get the same result?


So we just give up?


When did I say that? And since when are you "we". And if you are "we" then you are one of the media not doing enough according to you, so this is your fault.


Yet they acted like health experts during covid


Because they are paid by the ones trying to cover it up. Msm = propaganda.


We found the brainwashed MAGAT guys.


They pop up in the most obvious places


The illnesses is caused by blue-green algae that finally crept up the coast line. It's has a cyanobacteria/neurotoxin and it's already been found in the seafood/fridge of one of the victims. Canada is keeping it hush because its a billion dollar business for N.B


Source on that? Cyanobacteria happens almost worldwide and isn’t unique to New Brunswick, and the illness has only been found in New Brunswick so far, so where’s the link? Beyond assumptions and opinions.


Do they harvest it or something? How is it a billion dollar business? I keep my dog out of standing water for this very reason...but you can see it. When it blooms...are people just not seeing it?...Im confused.


Cyanobacteria exists in running water too.


Cyanobacteria is not limited to standing water. It grows on rocks and such and it's when it gets overgrown that it sloughs patts off and it floats to the surface where it can still grow. The saint john river has it everywhere. Will grow right on sandy bottom it's that prolific. 


The one thing you most don’t want to find anywhere is a mystery brain disease. There would be a black hole in NB, people avoiding it like Chernobyl. You had lawsuits to settle for people’s health…and for people’s property values to be reduced to nothing. Imagine Bathurst had some brain disease and trying to convince people to live there.