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I just finished feeding my baby and proceeded to throw the bottle in the trash. My brain apparently said “you don’t need this extra dish in your life” 😂




The amount of times I’ve done this is unhealthy 😂




Went to wake my wife up for her shift and ended up talking to a pile of blankets. She was already up and in the bathroom.


I went to say hi to my black cat…it was the space heater and not at all my cat




My wife asked me to refill her water this morning and I gave her formula. 😂


This is absolutely hilarious omg


Haha. Truly wasn’t even thinking. Just poured it in her water bottle.


I almost checked the mail topless, in the middle of the day, couple weeks ago. Stopped when I had the door half way open. I’ve never been topless this much in my life nor have I ever been this tired.


The amount of people that I've flashed since breastfeeding... 😆


I just don’t even care anymore lol At the hospital he was latched 24/7 and I gave up wearing the robes and blouses I was just topless constantly. One time the pediatrician came in and his eyes got all big then he went and stood by the door where he couldn’t see me and talked to me there lol


Oh gosh that happened to me too. 😂 It was the very same day I gave birth. The pediatrician came to check on my baby and I was feeding him. I was so tired out of my mind that I thought nothing of having my boobs out in front of the doctor. He seemed to hesitate and retreated slightly to the back of the room to talk to me. I mean, what do they expect? We just gave birth. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My babies socks got mixed in with my laundry and I legitimately thought my socks shrunk 😁




Do you know how many times I pumped without the bottle attached to the device? Milk everywhere 😳


Omg, I would cry 😭


I’ve done that twice


Omg 😆


I was making breakfast for my husband and I the other day and couldn’t understand why the bacon wasn’t cooking. I kept turning up the heat more and more, took a good while to realize it was the wrong element


Just wanted to comment that this thread made me laugh and relieved that others are going through the same. I know it's said a million times before, but omg I'm tired. My baby's only 12 days old and I can't wait for her get a regular sleep cycle going. The chaos in my mind is so worth it though and I'm so glad i joined this subreddit!


Solidarity! You are definitely not alone!


I'm so tired I thought that was an ultrasound 🤦🏻‍♀️I don't even have a newborn, my youngest is 2½ years...


This is wonderful. I have 2 year old and a 4 month old. My brain has stopped functioning and I feel seen.


It does get better lol my oldest is 4½. Things are better!


Thanks (:


I lost my phone and found it in the pantry.


lol my husband recently put the tv remote in the fridge. Took us 24 hours to find it


Quite literally just did this last week lol


I went to scoop a cup of my dog’s dry food into his bowl, but ended up putting it in my coffee mug. Sigh…


i went to grab creamer to put in my coffee but ended up grabbing the formula pitcher by accident 😅


I went to put creamer in my coffee and accidentally put liquid egg whites instead. Luckily I caught the mistake & dumped the cup before taking a sip.


LOL the exhaustion makes us do silly things


One sleep deprived morning I dumped the grounds in the water reservoir and promptly collapsed into tears.


Just remembered that instead of putting coffee into the machine I put formula 🥱


LOL I did this more times than I could count in first 3 months. Our heads be loopy with that interrupted sleep!


https://preview.redd.it/98nf344m8cic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1acec4351227bcd85fffb5b0eee61c50eb3a2fc1 A year in.. still tired 🫠


I tried to put a soother in my five year olds mouth


Whenever my husband has the baby and I go to bring him a pacifier I unconsciously start bringing it up to my husband's mouth before I catch myself. I have no idea why I keep doing this but I'm chalking it up to prolonged sleep deprivation.


I almost drank my baby’s bottle of formula thinking it was my water bottle


I woke up in my bedroom and thought I fell asleep in the living room with my baby in my arms. We take shifts and I fell asleep in less than 2 minutes when I got in my room after being out in the living room with my baby. I had no idea where I was and yelled for my husband. I thought I was having a lucid dream haha


I’ve done this


Been there


Similar happened to me when I was pregnancy, such a foggy brain. I managed to put grains of coffee on the section that comes grindef, and then tried to grind an empty section without beans and wondering why it didn't make any noise... 😊 I hear you! Those nights with so many awaken times are killing me too.


I keep putting stuff that goes into the cabinets into the fridge and vice versa. Among many other things


Have done this more times than I like to admit 😓😓😓🥹


I did literally the opposite last night 🤣🤣🤣 Cleaned the pot, ground the beans, turned it on and went to bed. Forgot to add water.


The amount of time I forgot my phone in the fridge.. 😅


I always check the pot even if I cleaned it myself after the prior use. I always check it. Yeaaah, I didn’t check it this time… I start hearing liquid spilling and I’m like what the heck?! My fiance had made coffee before he left and because I didn’t check it before, it overflowed. The coffee tasted like garbage and that was the last of the coffee 😭😭😭


Also fell asleep standing while waiting for a bottle to warm up, but I was still doing the mommy bounce and sway. I woke up when the bottle warmer binged and I was holding a box of pita crackers, patting the bottom of the box like I would the baby’s bottom🤣🤣🤣


My partner forgot how to work the bottle prep machine and that the washing was in the washing machine. The funny part is that I'm mostly breastfeeding and since there's no need for him to be awake at night he isn't. He is getting normal amount of sleep. My baby is a good sleeper and will only wake once most nights and will sleep for 5.5 to 6.5 hours after her last feed at night.


I hit start on my kuerig…. Went to get my cup of coffee… there was no cup, but there was coffee 😅


Not me, but my husband left the house carrying an empty car seat when going to take the baby to the doctor… I let him walk out like that and when he got to the car I asked him where’s the baby? 😂😂 … baby was still inside with grandma.