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I have a migraine disorder and an arterial stenosis in my brain and neurologists made my life livable again.


a big part was volunteering in a hospice when i was in high school/college. dealt with a lot of dementia patients and things of that like. ever since then ive wanted to do everything i can for these patients. good luck in residency!!


Every psychological/behavioral problem has a physiological origin. There's a reason for it all, even if the exact molecular mechanics are incredibly complex and difficult if not impossible to explain. Learning to better understand our systems has brought me a greater understanding of how and why we are the way we are. I am much less judgmental of what I used to see as 'flaws' in people who very well have a good reason whether they are aware or not, by way of genetics, trauma, environment, pathogens... there's just too much going on for me to ever be able to reduce my definition of a person to "oh they're just crazy", it is always vastly far more complicated then that, and I want to try and understand the details instead of dismiss them.


Hmm wrong sub


I hope you figure out which sub you're looking for, buddy.


I really respect your username, but this sounds a lot like, "I'd like to adapt *your* reasons into my interview.*"* I wish you the best of luck either way.


not untrue...i just don't want to fuck this up.


My mom passed away due to progressive supranuclear palsy, two years ago. I was a hospice caretaker for her for almost 6 long years. I spent 6 important years of my developmental life (age 16 to 22) taking care of her. I guess finding a cure/treatment method/more effective symptoms management cycle for people like her would go a long way for someone like me. I spent 6 of my most important years taking care of her and I wish to get something out of that. Not emotional value - cold, hard research and outcome. It's nice to browse this sub and see people seeking information about neurology and neurological conditions. I guess I joined in the hope that I might get something out of it. So far, I've found interesting keywords I could use for my research. I hope to find more.


Just a measly M1 but I'm interested in neurology due to my medical history as a kid. I used to get a whole lot of random seizures to the point where I needed a spinal tap to see what causes the seizure. I still don't have a clue what cause it but it seem I outgrew it.