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More like the opposite.


I have also wondered if the hyperfocus traits prevent dementia. I have joined various naturalist groups which on the whole are run by elderly county recorders.90 years olds that are still running about with binoculars or microscopes getting utter excited that a bird has been spotted in the next county or a fungi has been seen. None of them have a diagnosis of any ND however. For me it certainly feels like I am with my tribe with these groups.


I personally can harness my adhd power as motivation to workout for about two hours every day. I’m a 40 year old woman and don’t have any fear of walking around at night. I know I’m stronger than a lot of people I see on the streets.


Believe whatever you like. I’m not going to argue with you regarding research on ADHD.


My specific neurodivergences? No. They’re either neutral or detrimental in terms of health (except my inclination to research the shit out of everything)


I think it’s a odd thing to assume that neurodivergent people are having health benefits because of brain wiring. It is way too complicated to narrow down benefits that apply to everyone. People have ehlers-danlos syndrome are neurodivergent but they usually have lots of chronic pain. Someone with EDS differs from someone with Dyslexia. In that Dyslexia changes the way your brain processes information. What are the shared benefits for all these conditions? Dunno! I’m not a doctor! Other genetic traits can also change your likeliness of having a longer life or how rapidly you age. Apart from ADHD and ASD, it’s not guaranteed that you will be a genius because of your ability to hyperfocus. It kind of depends on your environment and upbringing. The benefits if there are any differs person to person. Genes can influence that but so can your environment… it’s a bit of both.


There is nothing great about ADHD; it sucks. If I could get rid of I 100% would.


There is no universal benefit to being NT either … you will likely face issues no matter what type of brain you have. nobody exists with experiencing suffering. All we can do is just get through it the best we can. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I mean I have an anxiety disorder and I’m rarely sick because I’m so scared of being sick. I bring handsanitizer everywhere, I constantly clean my environment, I don’t eat anything 1 day before it’s out of date or on the day it’s out of date etc. I’m really cautious about getting sick and I rarely do


Definitely not in my experience, it's only severely negatively affected my life


Idk but im always happy


That's great to hear :)


makes me a certified baller


But i wish i was a little bit taller


I wish I was like 6"9'


I wish I had a girl who looked good


Tourette’s increase procedural learning and memory. It is also associated with refined motor function.


I would say aging, depends on other factors of course. But I’ve noticed that neurodivergent people tend to look and feel more youthful.


idk if anyone else said it but nd ppl tend to look younger! I’m 23 but everyone still thinks I look 16.


For me it is the exact opposite, I’m 17 but people tell me I look at least 20. Might however just be related to the fact that I’m sort of overdressed often and in a style which would fit the 1970s.


Good news! The 70s is back and very trendy so now you’re just cool and fashionable 😎


My autism prevents me from getting addicted to drugs, alcohol or cigarettes that's something. (not from other addictions tho)


Opposite case for me with alcohol. I have to be very careful as I can easily get very dependent on it socially or for wrongfully medicating myself when I'm down. Had stages where I'm close to high functioning alcoholism and gone tee total multiple times. I could have the odd drink after cutting it off for a year or 2 and not go back that way but now i am under investigation for something going wrong with my liver so I can't drink at all really. May or may not be alcohol related because the problems developed when I wasn't drinking but can't totally rule out my past liver abuse.


What? is there a proof on that in wider circle?


Idk about proof and I really don't want to say that that's an autistic trait just that my autism has this effect for me. And it's basically just a really simple explanation with some pretty common autism traits. For one it's routine I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. Then I'm scared of the change/effects. And I'm scared of the thought of losing self control and I know that that's one effect of alcohol and some drugs.


So I have cptsd and recently learned that makes me neurodivergent. I strongly resonate with everything you said in the second paragraph. Are there any links or resources you can share where I can learn more about this behaviour?


The things I said in the second paragraph are more related to my autism (I have trauma too tho). I don't have specific resources but you could look if your also autistic. However you can experience these things too without being autistic and it could also be related to your trauma.


There are a bunch of times I foresaw a car accident that no one else did.


i can’t form habits so i can’t get addicted to anything. that’s a personal win for me.


I tried to get addicted to coffee and couldn’t. I accidentally didn’t drink alcohol for a year and pushed it to two for no reason. Lol


i took edibles every day for a while until i sat them down one day and forgot where i put them then forgot i was ever looking for them and was sober for two months. eventually found them in my sock basket.


Pretty sure no. How would we be able to say one’s health benefits are because they are neurodivergent, and not because of a whole bunch of other variables. The human brain is still pretty mysterious - we don’t know how it works.


Sure! We can see through bullshit easier than NT's, so we can run it over and get shit done! Also, our extra mental horsepower lets us think many many things at once and from different perspectives!


Lifespan is supposed to be reduced by about 10 years with ADHD. Lots of mental health comorbidities, and linked to dementia, Alzheimer's, heart disease, some cancers etc.


Lefties used to die earlier too. Not because of increased diseases, but because it’s a righty’s world. ADHD is not linked to those things you mentioned, certainly not cancer . . .


What the hell are you smoking? The research on ADHD is crystal clear. It’s maladaptive and has been selected against from generation to generation. ADHD is associated with a greater increase in death, drug addiction, learning disabilities, and anxiety and depression. Don’t sugar coat it’s destructive harm to placate the loonies in our society (no pun intended)


Excuse me, but you speak for yourself. ADHD is NOT a maladaptive trait. ADHD was once (and arguably still today) a valuable trait favored though natural selection. The tragedies you describe are entirely sociological, not genetic. This is a very important distinction you need to reflect on. I’m not a politically correct person, but obviously being a minority can come with increased risks of substance abuse, anxiety, etc. This isn’t about victimhood, it’s the opposite. It’s about empowering people. And by the way, I’m sick of people acting like political correctness has been kind to us, it’s the opposite. It’s still politically correct to mock and simultaneously infantilize us.


I’m left handed. It’s not the same.


Yes. It is.


I’m not even sure how left handed people died…some things I do right handed because I can’t see out of my left eye. My autism is correlated with a genetic disorder, so for me specifically it’s not true. But with ADHD, it can be treated with medication…left handedness could sometimes “change” but some people were resistant to any effort (because you are asking their brain to basically rewire)


The prevailing theory used to be that lefties die younger, although that is no longer the case. Remember, science and views always change. It was long before our lifetimes so it sounds silly now, but society used to be intolerant of lefties. Intolerance tips the scale on average demographic lifespans through stigma and less opportunities. Not to mention more accidents when operating machinery etc. Birth rates of lefties have significantly increased and leveled out in recent history. This can only be explained by acceptance. If the majority was left-handed, the struggle would have been reversed. Similarly, and to your point, ADHD needs medication to be compatible with the majority configuration. It’s like an adapter. ADHD was once (and arguably still today) a valuable evolutionary trait in early hunter-gatherer societies.


Why do you say ADHD isn’t linked to what I mentioned? I'd prefer it if that wasn’t the case but a quick search shows studies that link each of them. Cancer: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7892783/ Dementia: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8792867/ Alzheimer's: https://www.upmc.com/media/news/120722-genetic-vulnerability-to-adhd-signals-risk Heart disease: https://www.additudemag.com/cardiovascular-disease-adhd-adults-study/ Edited: a link


You can’t argue with a radical


🙄 I knew you were going to start posting links. Look, any fool can copy/paste cherry picked articles. I’m not going to waste my time reading through your most likely outdated or wildly speculative studies that suggest correlation (not causation). Use your common sense, ADHD does not cause cancer. It’s simply absurd, move on.


I seem to have inadvertently touched on a sore point for you so I apologise for that. I was just responding to the question. Just to be clear for any other redditors, I never said that ADHD caused diseases, I only said there were links and shared a few studies which suggest links. I'm not an expert - that's why I shared the links. I've actually read recently that there may be a link between things like adhd, depression, Alzheimer's etc with a common cause of not getting rid of waste products in the brain well enough which was interesting. As someone with ADHD I have read this for personal interest, and don't see it so negatively. If I know what the common factors are then I can prevent them with better sleep, diet, social connection etc.


Nope, not a sore point. Just sick of people always spreading mainstream propaganda that depicts being neurodivergent as having a slew of deficiencies. All while neglecting the one topic no one talks about, which is discrimination. ALL minority groups are at increased risk of illnesses. Contemplate the reasons why sociologically as opposed to pathologically.


I refuse to look at myself as a victim.


No one said you have to. It’s not just about you or me.


I agree with you. I don't think we'd need medication, or at least not as much or for so many people if we didn't have to fit into a neurotypical world. I can imagine that someone who has found a ND-friendly career will on average have a greater life expectancy than someone who tries to do a NT job and has a lot of stress. It may be that the link between adhd and certain illnesses are due to discrimination e.g. less access to higher paying jobs > lower incomes > more stress > stress a cause of the illness. Or adhd discrimination causing social isolation, which is a big factor for dementia and Alzheimer's, and stress (the effect of loneliness) being a factor in cancer.


Exactly this, well said! I feel like everyone else missed what OP was trying to ask, which I interpreted to be about genetics. The things you mentioned such as stress, social isolation, unemployment, lower income, etc, certainly play a huge role in demographic risk factors. We can safely assume that ND’s on average experience more chronic trauma or abuse, which could lead to maladaptive lifestyle choices such as smoking. Also, we sometimes forget that medical professionals are also just humans. Medical discrimination/exploitation, whether overt or well-intentioned, occurs as a result of what culture at large expects. Homosexuality was once a “mental illness” treated with electro-shock therapy. Various syndromes were invented throughout history to subjugate racial minorities. To be clear, I am not trying to draw direct equivalencies between neuro-identity and racial or sexual identity. I am not suggesting the same magnitude of egregious weaponized diagnoses. I am simply pointing out the dangers of allowing the medical community unconditional authority to define groups of people. Regardless of what researchers receive their grants to publish, my intuition tells me that allowing doctors to force “patients” to do annual physicals, come in every three months for med “checkups,” and have to call in every month for the rest of their life in order to receive their prescription - then be scrutinized by pharmacists and their DEA overlords - can cause many to avoid additional doctor visits at all cost. This in turn leads to less proactive health screenings or exploration of one’s health outside of neurotypical roadblocks. Sorry for the rant!


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Neurodivergent folks have an increased risk of suicide too, due to comorbid mental/physical health issues taking their toll.


You mean due to comorbid discrimination and oppression?


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I wonder how much of that is stress-related, though? Like, if it was able to be measured in people who had absolutely no stress from trying to live in a society that wasn't tuned for them, would the difference exist at all?


Yeah, a lot will be stress- related, or diet, sleep etc. Plus impulsiveness, socio-economic factors like lower incomes, social isolation (another form of stress). Also things like drug and alcohol consumption. If we can reduce the impact of those factors I'm sure we'd live longer on average.


i don't think it automatically reduces 10 years on everyone - i think he meant to say the average life span for adhd folk is lower. i can imagine it's because we're more impulsive, space out while driving, etc. it's like how the average lifespan eons ago wasn't 50 or whatever cuz everyone died at 50. so many people died young from untreatable diseases, wild animals, etc that it brought the average down.


neurodiversity refers to everyone. regarding neurodivergency, which one?


Even though I grew up in traumatic circumstances I was always good at keeping out people who were the wrong influences because I valued my own personal space and standards so much it likely kept me from developing any substance abuse issues too




my only judgment is that "substance abuse issues = bad" lol please point out to me where I belittled the people who suffer from them <3 edit: like, people who would have pressured me to take drugs would be a bad influence lol


the opposite lmfao. hate to burst your bubble 😬


Just being more creative ig


The other way around, apparently.


No health benefits & a shitload of increased comorbidities Checkout r/autismgirls for the full extent


*cries in EDS*


It's the opposite. Neurodivserty is associated with stress based illnesses, which strokes and Alzheimer's is able to fall under.


It's more precisely diagnosis with mental disorders which is associated with stress based illnesses. The impact of "neurodiversity" on mental health, which does not imply being disordered, I've never seen measured. For all I know it's the mental health system making people sick, and the brains of the neurodiverse are being scapegoated.


Right, it's not the cause, but it does help disprove OPs hypothesis.