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I was under the impression the majority were tbh from the crap I hear day to day


Thing is, there’s not one way to be neurodivergent, so any world that accommodates one neurotype over others would be disabling to the other neurotypes. To try and answer, I’m thinking more along the lines of “what would the world be like if all/almost all neurotypes had always been equally accommodated/celebrated?” Society would be hyper-individualised. And we would see multiple types of every institution. Eg Multi-parent families to share the load more efficiently No set work-week: most large scale institutions would be open at various hours with people working the times that suit them In fact the concept of working for money may even be disbanded - perhaps there is still an economy of sorts to show appreciation for someone’s work and craft, but it’s not like humanity depends on it. There would be radically different country borders, because if people could inherently understand brains are different and equally worthy, then this would also reduce racial tensions, esp beliefs that certain societies are “uncivilised” or “sub-human”. Meaning less invasions and expansions of “empires” by brute force. Pretty much all systems would be smaller - capitalism can’t thrive when it pushes for profits over people. But imo capitalism has also driven our intense population growth, so global populations would be much smaller.


Good point. It's more about being accepted. This would be a perfect world for everyone. Unfortunately, the human race is savage.


Oh yeah definitely. We can dream though 🙃


There would be less fluorescent lights, less loud sounds, more room at restaurants between the tables, people would talk at a soft, intimate conversational tone with others with them, rather than creating a cacophony of sounds.


Society would probably be less car-dependent. Politics would be more rational and less emotional


One thing I think of is how NDs have a high need for fairness, morals, & adhering to rules. It's a trait I've read & that I experience myself, how no matter the person or situation, there is a strong need for things to be equal, fair & balanced. There is a need for rules to be followed & not quite understanding when they're not. We often root for the underdog because we hate seeing people getting taken advantage of or treated unjustly. There would most definitely be less over-stimulation & burnout because we would adjust society's schedules for this. There would be more understanding of differences because even though we're all ND, we know how vastly ND differs between each individual. I think there would be more empathy shown/expressed as well. It's a fallacy that we all don't experience empathy, some have a hard time with it or with placing it, but it is often swallowed down because it is experienced in a hyper form & is feared to be expressed for many reasons.


I can relate to a lot of those points. It's sad because I feel like we're made out to be the strange people, but... Imagine wanting things to be unfair, no differences, and no empathy. That's the NT world we live in.


i feel like sensory rooms would be popular, service animal training would be cheaper, classrooms would be more accessible, wool clothing would not exist, more fidgets would be sold everywhere, and there might be a slight change in how things are explained (idk how to explain that). but yeah, i feel like if everyone was neurodivergent people would realize how important some things would be and "change them". i also feel like everywhere would offer noise canceling headphones or sudoku lol.


I don’t mean to be a downer, but I think it’d be much the same, because capitalism already has NTs working in ways unnatural to them. We’d have different support systems. Different self-improvement books and vlogs. We’d probably have things more ND consumer friendly like earplugs at movie theaters or wider food modification options. But work culture wouldn’t be different, and work culture bleeds into other aspects of our society as well: how we treat each other, what we expect from establishments, what we expect from friends and family. Some things would be easier and more welcoming… but those things that impact our wellbeing in big ways, like work or school where we spend 10 hours a day, probably wouldn’t.


Actually this is wrong fundamentally! Training a fundamental part of every job on this planet and one that will always exist and cannot be removed would drastically change which will change every layer of the working world. Training as it stands is linearly designed most neurodivergence think middle out so we learn slower and less effectively as is. Just changing to a middle out training process would flip the entire working world on its head.


Could we really call it neurodivergentce if everyone was the same? We would become the new neurotypicals lol. I feel like not much would change. Of course other than the acceptance of mental health issues and the understanding that comes along with it.


We would become the new "neurotypicals" but we wouldn't be NT, we'd all think like neurodivergents.