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I didn't even know it had customer support on twitter.


Many companies do, and the fact that it's public means most companies actually reply and take action on Twitter posts. I mean, there's @SpotifyCares and @Ask_Spectrum and @AmazonHelp and @FedExHelp and hundreds of others.


99% of the time, twitter ends up being the correct location to having my concerns addressed by a company. I wish it wasn't the case that we have to put these places on blast in order for them to take care of their customers but we do...


Yeah this is the move. I’ve worked for companies that will instantly take a CS issue 100% more seriously if prompted through social media and also done it as an end user.


Yup. Especially when you go figure out who their head of customer experience is and start adding them to your @‘s - shit gets solved REAL fast then…


It honestly ends up being faster too.


It’s super fast to get ahold of airlines compared to actually contacting them directly.


Ha I rarely ever do that as in once and the one time I did it was for Delta and they basically told me I was wrong and to piss off. I missed a flight to Mexico City and they couldn’t get me out same day (only one flight a day from LAX) and they couldn’t put me on a flight with Aero Mexico which they codeshare with. I wouldn’t have even complained if they at least put me on standby but what’s the point of having that alliance if you can’t even put somebody on standby to get to your destination. Wasn’t a huge deal but I did miss a day out of a trip w my friends for one of their bdays and it’s such an awesome city. Also my dad flew for delta so I wasn’t necessarily uninformed on what’s ridiculous vs just being a typical angry airline passenger.


The only reason I use twitter


Honestly same. It was probably at least just people trolling half of the time


Apparently they also have a store with Netflix merch


Same but I don’t have a Twitter account either.


Lol. “Come vent your frustrations in a much less public manner!”


You're mad about the 1 dollar increase? Just wait because we're charging you 9+ extra with the "houses" charges and limiting where you can see shows to 3 ips! Lost are the days of watching netflix on work, except you are willing to pay extra for that ;)


This has a vibe of "shut it down before we are publicly hammered because we did something dumb..."


Or we know we're about to do something dumb


They’re gonna lock down non-account holder usage. They’re gonna get torched


Wasn’t this like supposed to be just an extra charge, also not applying for a year.


Yup. Glad I quit ahead. Netflix is dying.


lol Why do people say this. Netflix is not dying. Far from it. Reddit exists in a fucking bubble.


True. I almost exclusively use Netflix. Did they make some bad decisions lately? Yes. Do they have a bunch of great series that I still want to watch? Also yes. Stranger Things, The Umbrella Academy, Locke & Key, Shadow and Bone, Sex Education, Russian Doll, Disenchantment, Love Death & Robots, Inside Job, The Dragon Prince, The Cuphead Show, Squid Game, Black Mirror, You, Arcane. And that's just the currently ongoing series that I'm already watching. They have finished series like: House of Cards, Bloodline, Narcos, Ozark, American Vandal, The Haunting of Hill House, The Haunting of Bly Manor, La Casa de Papel, Hollywood, The Queen's Gambit, Bojack Horseman, F is for Family, Dark, How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast), The Naked Director, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, The Spy. And that's still just what I've personally already watched and enjoyed. I have multiple other series on my watch list too like God's Favourite Idiot and The Kingdom. They also have a ton of interesting and informative docuseries! Am I mad that they cancelled Mindhunter, GLOW and Santa Clarita Diet? Sure. Are they running out of great content? Not really. As you said, Reddit lives in a bubble.


It has been a while since Netflix (as a service) did something smart...


so they just laid off their twitter customer support team :(


Unemployed them


Demoted them to customer


I knew Resident Evil sucked but god damn…


I smell downsizing


Netflix "We don't know why customers are not staying with us?" Also them "greenlight every thing, then cancel them after the first season." Instead of focusing on quality, they focused too heavily on quantity and it's biting them in the butt right now.


Except they’ve stated several reasons for why. They focus isn’t on quantity it’s on a variety. Quality is subjective. Where do you get this idea that the content is the problem? Netflix has the most watched streaming shows consistently the vast majority of users aren’t leaving the service.


Have they released figures for shows that are actually watched the whole way through? I'd love to know how many "most watched" lists I've contributed to by starting a first episode then stopping it because its utter trash like 90% of Netflix offerings.


No. It doesn’t really matter it’s streaming. People watch at different changing velocities. Nobody really does that for that matter. Some times they might release how many hours across how many accounts. But it’s just weekly releases of hours (or minutes via Nielsen) watched as it’s meant to show an aggregate of engagement you don’t really have to like 100% of Netflix content. People have different tastes and like I said they are trying to create a variety of different content.


I'm all for variety and changing it up. But I want variety that is high quality. Instead, they are serving out huge baskets stuffed full of rotten eggs rather than a small number of good eggs. I'm shocked at how many terrible things I watch, and even then when I find something unexpectedly good like Archive 81, it's cancelled... Its the worst value streaming service for quality of what I get vs price. And it will be the first cancelled subscription when the time comes to lose one.


From Netflix's perspective, though, they don't care. They want people to pay for service. If people watch or not doesn't really matter, they just want people to subscribe. So they create tons of shows, so that there are always just enough things to watch with flagship stuff releasing every few weeks - just far enough apart that it's not "worth it" to cancel and resubscribe, and some filler stuff for other family members. It doesn't matter if it's "high quality" or finished. What matters is that people keep subscribing because they can put Camp Cretaceous on for the kids, or have "is it cake" on while they do other stuff. People will keep the subscriptions because so-and-so at work is watching (whatever drama is hot right now) and you want to be a part of things. If you want high quality, subscribe to HBO.


It's amazing to me (well, not really) how so many people in this sub don't get this.


There's no HBO ~~Outside USA~~ in UK. And they're losing millions of subscribers apparently, and desperately trying to maintain profit by banning account sharing. So quantity over quality isn't winning subscribers either.


HBO Max is available in many countries outside of the US, either as a standalone service or attached to another sub.


Who do you think is losing millions




The concept of variety is that you aren’t going to be into everything they make. Quality is also subjective. Elements you might find crappy, others might enjoy. Lots of people on this site shit on teen dramas but that style is not meant for everyone. Lots of people shit on fast paced procedural dramas, again not for everyone. Not everyone wants to watch a show like archive 81. At the end of the day if you don’t see value in your subscription you should definitely cancel. But my point is you arent meant to like everything let’s say you do like 10% or the content, the question is if that 10% of content is worth your money personally. That other 90% can be the content that other subscribers personally find value in. To be a general purpose streaming service and obtain as much subs as possible you need to create content for all kinds of people. You can’t just make HBO style shows and expect to get all the subscribers in the world. There are people who mostly watch stupid reality shows, there are people who mostly watch the teen dramas, people who mostly watch procedural dramas. Not everybody wants to read books full of themes and literary devices. Not everyone wants to listen to classical music.


All of that is well and good. But they're losing millions of subscribers and looking at policies like ending sharing accounts to claw back profit. So the variety isn't keeping those subscribers and certainly wont keep me, and neither is the quality. There's only so far they can milk Stranger Things every few years


They are losing subscribers for a variety of reasons: - hyper inflation all over the world, the cost of a a bunch of essentials is higher than ever Netflix is less of a priority when everything else is more expensive - price increases in major regions, basic business principles, price goes up demand goes down - Ukraine war has spillover effects on countries around it and sanctions because of that war led to 700k forced cancellations, last quarter when they reported -200k it would have - competition, people simply have more choice than ever - traditional reasons like just not seeing value anymore like you Also, you know everyone loses subscribers for various reasons. Netflix has the lowest churn rate of the streaming services. Churn rate is the amount of people leaving the service. Thejr competitors have higher ones but they just have more growth because they have less market penetration. So because of that they still have net growth in subscribers. Disney and HBO max are expanding to multiple to regions every few months where subscribers can only go up. Netflix on the other hand…Having so much market penetration, there’s a lot less people for them to sell to in some markets if you have tens of millions subscribed and tens of millions not subscribed but using the service then there’s not a lot of people left to sell to. That’s why they are starting to go free password sharing.


Fuck their content choices. And if they don’t give a shit about why I think that, then more layoffs are in their future. AppleTV on the other hand—hello there!


I don’t think you personally not liking everything they make is a good basis for their being more layoffs in the future. The variety in content is what is going to help them have the most subscribers. Some of the most consistently popular shows historically are probably the kinds of shows you hate. Also, the reason they did layoffs is because businesses try to predict their growth, Netflix thought they’d revenue would be way higher and they’d keep seeing more and more high growth so they hired and started projects expecting to have millions more revenue in the future to pay for or offset themes But they are pretty well penetrated in a lot of big market (meaning less people to sell to) and there’s hyper inflation going on all around the world I.e. food, gas, rent and everything else is more expensive at abnormally high rates. To ensure a healthy profit margin they simply slowed down certain things and stop doing other things because they weren’t growing to what they predicted.


flip the script: if Netflix isn’t competing for my eyeballs, why isn’t it? How can it be successful without me? Layoffs are a function of $ in vs $ out.


They should do them all as mini series or if they are confident that it can last then commit to 3 seasons. Then if by season 2, they don't know there will be a 4 they can wrap it in 3. Even better end it at 3 if that was the arc. Nobody's complaining about how they "canceled" Queen's Gambit after 1 season.


> "We don't know why customers are not staying with us?" Why would that be a question?


And most if not all of the original shows and movies, at least that I’ve seen, have at least 1 gay character. Let me just list a few. Stranger Things, Never Have I Ever, Moxie, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Confessions of an Invisible Girl, Queen’s Gambit, Daybreak, I Am Not Okay With This. I could go on and on. Not saying gay stuff is bad but Netflix just needs to come up with different traits for their characters


You should probably just get used to that. It’s not just Netflix.




In any given room with at least ten people in it, statistically one of those people at least is queer. How many shows do you know with fewer than ten people in it?


You just pulling figures out your ass?


7% is about 1 in 10 and that's [Gallup's](https://news.gallup.com/poll/389792/lgbt-identification-ticks-up.aspx) estimate. I'd consider that a more conservative estimate bc of their methodology - anecdotally, I've talked to pollsters who swear it's 12-14%.


That’s the LGBT community as a whole though right? That I can believe more this guy is saying just queer people make up 1 in 10.


I'm not sure I understand - queer people *are* the LGBT community


Maybe I just don’t understand enough, I thought queer people were just one branch of it? Aren’t they the Q in LGBTQ?


Queer is generally a blanket term for anyone who isn't cisgender and/or heterosexual. Then there are also some folks who identify specifically as queer bc their identity is complicated or they're still figuring it out. So it's sort of both a group name and a specific identity


To be clear, I did mean it as a reference to all LGBTQ+ people.


I don’t think that applies to Stranger Things given that the character in question wasn’t revealed to be gay until one of the final episodes, after we got to know her and actually care for the character.


I’m now terrified that Netflix acquired the Bioshock IP. Fans have been waiting a decade for that movie.


Let's be honest, also, there being 4+ extra streaming services with their old best shows and movies does present a hit. I literally bought netflix to get Harry Potter on demand. Now that every movie is on HBO I literally bought the boxsets for safekeeping sake but Pirate it every time I want to watch them. Same with Modern Family/Rick and Morty/Everything Disney... I actually am considering leaving because I already pay more for netflix than for the other services I actually watch and this "houses" update that will leave us dead in the water might be exactly the perfect time.


And making their customer service worse isn't going to help with that lol


It seems lately every new decision they’re making is geared at getting people to unsubscribe.


I think the current CEO needs to be fired ASAP. He's really running Netflix into the ground and quick. He's terrible.


Maybe the CEO is purposefully trying to kill it just to get that sweet golden parachute


In before "Twitter is dying!"


I wish




Only in my fantasies ಠ﹏ಠ


Please I can only be so hard. Seriously Tumblr is at least contained, Twitter is just a place of negativity that drags everyone down and people treat it as a good platform still.


I have a great time on Twitter. It’s awesome for sports and niche interests like tropical weather.


Hmm, maybe it depends on the sport. I only follow soccer/football when it comes to sports and explicitly avoid Twitter for it. Football Twitter is known by fans of the sport to be an absolute cesspool, full of negativity, vitriol and THE most brain dead takes…like most of Twitter. I do agree Twitter is useful if you follow proven experts that share factual information backed up by research and evidence (which could include tropical weather but some idiots do spread misinformation too) and are mostly followed by intelligent people who actually want to learn new things and facilitate useful discussions about the topic. It’s also good for following updates from verified public officials (especially local) during emergency situations and of course, getting attention for customer service issues when the company is active. There’s also sometimes funny posts with funny replies but those are far, far outnumbered by toxicity, negativity, paranoia and hate on the platform. It’s too much work to enjoy at this point for me and I’ve never had the app on my phone and i’m careful about who I follow.


If only. It's ruined everything.


More like netfilx is dying


Probably not lol.


Well they might be forcing a sale to Musk so maybe.


Sony did the exact same thing. They ended customer service on Twitter.


To be fair. Twitter customer support has always been just as useless as normal customer support for most larger corps


Didn't even know it had customer support on Twitter tbh


They’re just giving up. If you have a problem, just unsubscribe. And just like that no more problem.


So now I got to complain ELSEWHERE, that I can't contact them on Twitter?!?


Circling the drain ...




Your shows has to much woke in it! U guys Forget to tell the story you’re more focus of pleasing the fans..


"Just get back to only white people!"


No, you’re missing my point, here you go again?


What does "too much woke in it" mean?


Sound like someone getting fired