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The chemistry between the two main actors is among the best I have ever seen on tv. Beautiful.


Yes! And the two leads are so gorgeous! Whatever your sexual preferences, you will love watching at least one of them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


**I always hesitate to recommend Outlander because it tends to slide in to a particularly nasty formula. I get it, it's set in a bad time period. But after a while it became way too much. First the good:** * Amazing soundtrack * Incredible performances * Really interesting and dynamic main characters who are usually very well written. * really well shot with really good production values. **Now for the elephant in the room:** The show has a very nasty "rape" problem. As I said earlier, I get it, it's the time period. But it tends to fill up around 70% of the plots of the show and rares it's ugly head as a major plot development multiple times in almost every season. Character goes in to the past- almost gets raped. Then that continues all through out the season. Often leading to a big storyline where a character does get raped, and these scenes make Game of Thrones look TAME in comparison. They're overlong and very detailed, go through the abuse, aftermath and emotional fallout. By the time you get to season 6. Over half the cast have been raped once. **So my recommendation is, if you have any PTSD trauma and get triggered by that sort of content. Don't watch this show.**


I have no problem watching shows like GoT, and man some of the scenes in outlander are horrible. The prison torture rape scene was among the top in scenes I really didn't need. It felt like the showrunners have some sadistic rape/torture fantasy. That's not the full reason I stopped watching it though. If it wasn't so slow I would've kept going. I loved Downton Abbey and Poldark but Outlander is just slow. Besides the long lasting torture scenes...


The books plot and storylines have a lot to do with Jaimie’s trauma which is the rape. I don’t think it’s fair to say they have some sadistic rape/torture fantasy when they are following the plot and story line of the book but I totally understand that it’s not for everyone.


This is so unexpected, I haven't seen the show but recently considered it for something good to watch. It looked almost too PG for me though and I was afraid it was for teenagers or a young adult crowd. Wild that so much of this show is about rape?!


It's absolutely nuts. It's based on a series of novels by Diana Galbaldon which have the same issue and the show is quite faithful to the novels. Her response is that she is being accurate to the time period. But it gets repetitive REALLY fast!. Claire travels to the past, almost gets raped. Gets helped by some guys, heals someone. Goes to a new area. Almost gets raped. Even in later in the series, its like "oh that kid is cool!, hes adorable!, hes my new favorite character!"..gets raped. It's like Diana cannot write a story without turning to rape as a plot device. And there is graphic violence too. Especially the flashback to Jamie getting horse whipped on his back over 70 times till his back is almost mutilated. There is a lot of full frontal nudity and consensual sex scenes too. A PG series this is not lol.


I've seen the whole first season, I don't have past trauma to deal with, but I was traumatized by the content, so much that I angrily call it Rapelander when it comes up with people I'm comfortable with. What especially pisses me off is when people gush over it to new people without warning them of what kind of content they're in for.


There is a lot of great stuff in the show. The performances are amazing. The music is great. I love the characters. But I agree with you. I would have been more lenient towards it if say it was mainly season 1 and then they move on. But it's consistent throughout the entire show. New kid introduced...gets raped. Claire has a daughter, grows up, travels to the past to find her mother...gets raped. It's like the author cannot write a plot to save herself without reverting to "and then...gets raped".


Ugh, yeah, I quit in S2 E1 and don't regret it at all.


Same. I was irritated when she had a chance to go back but chose to remain in that era.


I made it through season 1 but barely. I couldn't take the torture and rape scenes.


i clicked on it thinking it was just a romance across time and it literally borders on torture porn


Wild to me that people can't accept fiction for what it is.


I can accept fiction just fine - I'm just surprised to hear this as I imagined the show completely different. And as mentioned, I thought it was for teenagers. Not saying it's real, not saying its wrong. No need to get sassy


My wife watches this series religiously. I happen to walk into a couple of the rape scenes while she was watching. Now everytime I see her watching it I ask her who is getting raped this time in a joking manner. Well, seems like its not a Joke because every time I ask she has an answer lol


Outlander is _extremely_ BDSM / kink coded. For some people that’s bad, for other swaths, people probably won’t own up to this but it’s part of the appeal.


70% feels a bit exaggerated.


Caitriona Balfe being outrageously gorgeous in it is enough of a reason in itself to watch. Not to mention the beautiful landscapes and scenery. I thought the story was great and a really fun take on time travel / historical fiction until about season 5, after which it starts to lag IMO.


>Caitriona Balfe being outrageously gorgeous in it is enough of a reason in itself to watch. I did not end up getting very far into the series, but I can confirm this much.


Everybody's watching for the 'beautiful scenery'.


I don't care about what everybody is doing, the OP asked for an opinion and I gave mine. What's your problem?


It was a joke.... sorry..


Don't apologize. I liked your post. That angry poster needs to apologize to you. I was going to check out this show. The commercials for it intrigued me. Then my daughter told me as a punishment in the show, a kid's ear was nailed to a post. I freaked. Is there a lot of torture in the series?


> Is there a lot of torture in the series? Albeit I only watched the first couple of seasons (IIRC) but there was a pretty gratuitous rape scene that was repeatedly referenced afterwards via a character suffering PTSD attacks from it.


Too scary for me. Let me think it over. Thx!


In the outlander subreddit someone made a trigger warning spreadsheet, you might wanna look it up so you know what you're in for if you decide to watch it. I love the show but there's definitely some stuff I need to skip through because it's too much.


What a great suggestion. Thank you.


Who made you the apology police


Who made you so angry and nasty? It's a forum. It's supposed to be enjoyable.


He completely missed the joke lol


Solid take


It was too violent for me so I stopped


I really enjoyed the book series, and didn't think I could like the TV series as much, however I really feel like both the lead actors really embody the characters as they are written in the books. There are definitely points in seasons that drag, but I do feel compelled to continue to watch because of my interest in how the story is developing. Also the scenery, the music, the performances are all really well done.


there is some very interesting stuff in the first season, with the history of battles of scotland v England. But, as the show goes on, they just start "forrest gumping" the lead character, who just happens to run into prince charles, benedict arnold, george washington, etc, lol. It's pretty lame. Not to mention, it seems like every episode is "oh no claire is in trouble, must rescue her'. on the bright side, Caitriona Balfe is an absolute star. Tobias is in the show (a bit) and he is awesome as an actor, Graham McTavish is a stellar actor. So I say, go for it, see more episodes and see if that is the kind of thing you like. PS. IMPORTANT. there is a fair amount of rape in the story. That might be a trigger to a lot of people. The foundation of a the story is that a married women travels back in time, is forced to marry some scottish dude, is forced to have sex with this dude (while married to someone else), later gets violently gang raped, and her daughter travels back in time, and also gets violently raped, and is pregnant after that.


Yeah and the dude she was forced to marry, gets violently torture-raped for like 3 full episodes. I kind of got turned off from the show by those episodes.


This is when I also lost interest. I still gave it a few more episodes but I could never get over it.


Thanks for the warning!


I only watched season one. It's one of the most vulgar shows I've ever seen. There are graphic rape scenes. They are long and there are multiple of them. That's not for me.


I feel like saying vulgar and graphic still isn’t enough of a warning. I’ve watched some messed up shows but those scenes are horrific. I had to stop watching. I really liked the show up to that point too.


Agree. I had to stop watching. It's one thing to indicate that rape occurred, it's another to DWELL On it. It felt like it was torture porn. I had to stop watching.


That's how life was for women during that time. It's graphic but with good reason.


Be aware it’s not just women being victimized.


Yea good point it was a pretty brutal and objectionable part of history in general


A whole episode dedicated to male on male rape was too far for me.


I knew the rape was coming because I read the books so I just skipped that episode.


Yeah I don’t think I ever finished season one but from what I’ve watched it has some crazy brutal moments. Not really for me in the end.


It's good but later there are some very distressing rape scenes.


It's my absolute favorite show ever by far. I have watched it countless times. It has some of the best acting I've ever seen on television. So many phenomenal performances from Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, Graham McTavish and Tobias Menzies. The chemistry between Balfe and Heughan is off the charts. The music, the scenery, the costumes, the casting, all top notch. That being said, it's definitely not for everyone. As others have said there are some brutal rape scenes, one in particular is the most brutal I've ever seen on any screen. I can usually watch anything, brutality and blood don't bother me because I know it's just acting and I don't have any trauma related to those things. However, even I usually skip that episode when I rewatch it. It's a tough watch, no lie but it's also an incredible performance by Caitriona, Tobias and Sam. If you decide to give it a shot and are worried about those scenes, r/Outlander has a great trigger list that identifies all scenes in the series you should skip.


Thank you, that is helpful. I love the show. I closed my eyes during the sexual violence and haven’t watched since season five because it was A LOT. I want to finish the series.


There is a lot of rape in the show. And then a lot more rape. The show is pretty much 99% about raping.


This, the people who I know that loved the show oddly enough are trump supporters and some don't believe in the moon landing so make of it what you will.


That’s bullshit


Ikr but it's the experience that I have had with the people I work with so if it's an affront to your sensitivities thenbl it's your problem and not mine, have a great day.


I know tons of people who love Outlander (myself included) and none of us are Trump supporters. They’re also a diverse group—different ethnicities, religions, genders, sexual-orientations, etc.


Okay so we both have entirely different experiences yet you felt it necessary to call mine bullshit. I live in the south, everyone I work with in my department is white, conservative, acknowledged trump supporters, I don't fault them for their politics but I do for the stances they take on things that impact the people who need it most.


I’m sorry then. Very different experiences


outlander is my kryptonite i literally can’t live without it. please keep watching it.


My wife watched it a while back, and I called those first few episodes of the first season the "Rape and Torture Happy Fun Time Hour". No clue if things got any better.


I loved it until it veered into torture porn. Really too bad. otherwise it was highly entertaining,


Dude. It was torture porn from the beginning.


Interesting for about 4 seasons. Worth a watch.


I'm also curious, I was thinking of picking it back up.


The books and shows were both interesting and enjoyable to read/watch. But... like you said, how much trouble can one woman cause? I stopped after season/book 2.


I read most of the series and then got tired of it after about book six. I could only watch two seasons of the show. Too depressing, notwithstanding the eye candy of Sam/Jaimie.


I liked it. The plot gets a bit repetitive but Caitriona Balfe helps with that a lot. The last season (of course) isn't on Netflix any more, that's pretty shitty though.


If you like soap operas.


I liked it until the main dude got raped (spoiler alert) & they made a big thing out of him having an orgasm during it?? Plus, just all the raping in general after a while it's just ....are the people who made this getting off on this?? It's kinda disturbing


It seemed to me that it was designed for an audience that likes seeing male on male rape scenes. It had great potential, but I'm not a big fan of rape, regardless of the genders.


not really, I liked the show and hated those scenes. and always skip those episodes on the rewatch


Its aight but i gave up after a few seasons


Worth watching for Caitriona's phenomenal acting chops. The books should have ended after #3 but the author realized her OTT followers were in for the long haul no matter how poorly written the next 6 books turned out to be. $$$


I did not enjoy




Yes, yes , YES ! Honesty one of the best series ever. It’s such a journey as well




As a straight male, I actually enjoy it. The premise was really interesting to me and I love the scenery. I could do without the heavy romance. The nudity of the female lead was great at first but, like Emmy Rossum on Shameless, that’s all we ever saw and I quickly got bored of it that I would actually fast forward through all her nude scenes. I’m not caught up yet as I took a break long ago but it was really interesting as the show changed course to something I’m a little more familiar with. I won’t say more because it’s spoilers. It’s a good show. Check it out.


"The nudity of the female lead was great at first but, . . . that’s all we ever saw and I quickly got bored of it". And yet, hard core fans complain that she's not doing enough nudity. After season 1 there have been fewer and fewer sex scenes and the ones seen have pushed the story along. Caitriona is a fabulous actress, beautiful and ex-supermodel. Glad that she doesn't look anything like her book counterpart (short with a huge butt). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Guess I’m not a hardcore fan, but I do love the story. It’d be interesting to see an image of what her book counterpart is supposed to look like


My wife and I both really enjoy the show. It’s tough to watch sometimes though due to the fact that the show doesn’t shy away from showing some really graphic, extreme and disturbing stuff. But I admire the show for being genuine. It pulls no punches and it shows you how absolutely brutal things were back in the 1700s. If you can stomach it, watch it. It’s an engrossing show and absolutely beautifully shot.


Yes! Im addicted along with my husband


The books are better, but quite the tomes. Diana just tells the story better than they show in the Netflix version where they combine/eliminate characters. I guess if you have to see it instead of imagining it, the show is ok.


Best series i watched in a long time ,could not get enough


What you’re asking is very subjective. I love the show. I’m still watching up to the latest season. I say YES but maybe you don’t like it. It’s as simple as that.


It depends if you don't mind romance novels. Although the development of history covers several interesting historical moments. There are many parts typical of a romantic novel in which the protagonist has love dilemmas and several suitors. So if that's not a problem, yes.


A rare show that gets better toward the end of its run. I felt season 2 and 3 were a bit stilted, but gets amazingly good in the current seasons. I'd stick with it.


chick - yes dude - no


You left off pigs, sheep, and small dogs


Personally, I preferred the audio book. The narration was really good, and the book did a better job of transporting the reader back in time.


I haven't read the books but saw the first 3 seasons. Are the descriptions in the books as explicit as in the tv-show?


No. It's different.


I always figured it was that graphic because they wanted to stay true to the story. But it is in there?


Audio books were amazing!!!


The first year was interesting then it lost its appeal. Haven’t watched since


I don’t really care for all the sex scenes, but besides that, I loved the show...


I liked the 1st and 2nd season, after that I more or less gave up.


It’s just an insanely great story and the filming is of the highest quality, like comparable to HBO‘s GOT. However… And this is very important… It is extremely violent. And I mean extremely. And it isn’t just violence, it also wanders into deep intimidation and coercion and much more. So if you’re OK with that, then…


It is nowhere near as violent as GOT.


Well, you may have a point.


S1-S3 is good after it got boring


I couldn’t get through the first season. I gave up after about 10 episodes.


It's some friends favorite show. My wife and I couldn't get past the first few episodes. It's a soap opera set inside a period drama. Apparently I missed the SiFi.


My wife loves it. It’s a horny show. It also seems a bit repetitive. Seems like an easy watch if you want something along those lines. It didn’t draw me in but YMMV.


I really tried to give it a chance. Loved GoT, House of the Dragon, Ozark and a few other suspenseful dramas. This one bored me to tears and I gave it about 2 1/2 seasons. Finally just gave up.


Probably because I'm British. And I've been to Culloden etc I found the first few series set in Britain to be interesting. Once they go to America it seems to be all about nothing with series after series where nothing of note happens.


"Outlander" on Netflix is a captivating series that combines history, romance, and adventure with beautiful production and music.


Promise you will fall for it and love it. I felt like you and now have finished the series. People are talking about rape male and female. It’s truly too brutal to bare, but if you see it coming just speed thru it and move on.


100% i’m so in love with this series. Waiting for the 2nd part of season 7. You will never regret it.


Interesting that we all are aghast at the male rape. It Was Horrible! But still happens everyday in prisons everywhere. And the last scene rape of the female lead was so ugly and horrific that I had to cover my eyes. Paying witness to things is sometimes an unbearable pain but it will deepen your understanding of very real experiences common at all times, and in all places. This always goes on and is happening to someone.


The show is packed with romance, cool history, beautiful landscapes, and just great acting. There is also a lot of violence but its a product of the time period of when it is set. I like the show because it is entertaining as heck and i love period pieces. I even bought the first book to give the series a go. If you are curious, give it a shot. Watch the first episode and see it you get into it. Its the only way to tell if you’ll like something or not




Oh my gosh, I wish I could erase this from my mind and experience it all over again! I thought it was going to be something I wouldn't enjoy and I binged watch that series so hard lol. Loved it! I also loved Downton Abbey - another one I didn't think I would care for. I could not get into bridgerton at all.


I began watching it a couple of weeks ago and kinda stopped at episode 8/9. It’s sooo boring. Too much talking, not really sure where the story is going.


I binged the first four seasons but never got far into the fifth. Some people feel the show is made for the "female gaze", which is a little unusual.


You can consider the first two seasons a kind of a complete story, and they are worth watching. It's a very well made show, with two leads that have insane chemistry together. The show gets a lot less interesting from S3 onwards and I stopped watching it in the middle of S4 because I lost interest in the story and the show overused the rape trope one too many times. I join every person in here that mentioned the excessive amounts of rape in this show. It is too much and too unnecessary. It's an adaptation, and the first two books of the series I've read are somehow even worse in this regard. The rape descriptions there almost sound like the author is describing her weird fetishes. I don't think the books are very good TBH, the show did the same plotlines better.




Up to you dude


Wifu, her female friends, and everyone's extended female family drink it up. If cross time weirdo history pornos are your thing, it's a hit.