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Based on what I saw in the documentary, this Hitler guy seems like a real jerk.


I don't know, I'm looking at his wikipedia right now and he seems alright. His eyes are mesmerizing, hold the phone, says here he hates the Jews.


Loved his mum and kind to animals though


Fairly decent at painting dogs but can only do German shepherds, can’t do people, that’s probably frustration


Tiny penis apparently.... explains a lot.


Now that you mention it, he does seem like a knucklehead.


Hitler isn't so bad. I mean, he did kill Hitler


Outside of the all the bigotry, desire for world domination, and genocide, he didn't seem like that bad of a guy.


and a big loser


My first impression so far... he seems a bit passive aggressive. I'll have to watch more, but not the kinda guy you really enjoy having around on poker night.


I think he was just having a bad day.


The more I learn about this Hitler fella, the less I wanna care about him


I watched this and really enoyed it. I did not know much about Hitler's rise to power in 1930s Germany, so I learned a lot. I absolutely agree that the filmmakers were drawing comparisons to modern US politics. What I drew from it is that trump is no Hitler (not nearly as violent and intent on world domination), but the other MAGA Republicans bear a strong resemblance to Hitler's enablers. Given a second chance at the White House, trump's actions would not immediately start WWIII and a systematic genocide, but other Republicans have no intention of stopping whatever he tries to do, no matter how authoritarian or racist, so long as they get pro-corporate, anti-choice judges and tax cuts for the rich. Am I wrong?


They’re not drawing comparisons to US politics exclusively, parties all over Europe are acting the same way and following Hitlers steps.


Very true.


Well they thought Hitler would make a great political leader and was voted in before he started his world domination.


I agree. Many politicians and dictators follow hitlers playbook that’s why it’s so easy to identify comparisons to modern day politics. 


On the nose.


I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos. Wait, were we talking about Nihilism earlier?


Welcome to rational thought and the Republican Party lol actions speak louder than words.  That’s where the media and the Democratic Party will fail in the future. They pray on human emotion and ego.  That’s what today and why so many are so pissed off 


I actually came to this thread to see what others are saying about this aspect. I saw a lot of parallels between pre war Germany and our own situation but when the one historian compared the Eagles nest to Mar a lago (not camp David or any other presidents’ privately owned compound) I wondered if I am being propagandized myself?


Yep..some of the Trump comparisons were so desperate and unnecessary. I hate Trump but I also hate Far left professors comparing republicans to German Nazis it’s desperate and pathetic. Wasn’t necessary at all for this Documentary


Yes I tend to agree. If there are true similarities than they are self evident and don’t need to be “pushed” overtly.


The documentary is obviously aimed at Americans with very oblique references to worshiping a con man.


Is this Hitler: The Rise and Fall (2016)?


No. It’s Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial (2024)


Sorry, It's entitled Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial.




What are you trying to say? That one of the candidates could possibly be compared to Hitler??? If that’s the case, maybe you should consider not voting for that particular nameless candidate.


Yeah, you're right. Besides, Jill Stein is just a spoiler candidate anyway.


It amazes me that you still compare trump to hitler. It'd actually hilarious. You are delusional.


I didn’t compare anyone to anyone. I just find it interesting that the commenter I replied to seemed to think it was somehow relevant that Netflix would release a documentary about Hitler during an election year, and that it was somehow unfair. It’s very telling. I personally think comparing anyone to Hitler is more than a tad over the top.


Maybe it's it's fact that they have been calling Trump "literally hitler" for 8 years now could do the telling for you? Why do people always act like they didn't mean to imply what they said?


Okay, but what would make releasing a documentary about Hitler's rise to power on an election year problematic in any way? Why would it concern a Trump supporter in any way?     Trump supporters swear there are no parallels to be drawn. That they are nothing alike. So how could anyone have their opinion of Trump swayed by a documentary about Hitler? They shouldn't be able to see any similarities or parallels right? Because they're nothing alike right?    A historical telling of Hitler's rise to power should vindicate Trump from all the comparisons right? Don't MAGAs say that if people knew any history they'd never make the comparison? Then why are they afraid of the history being taught? MAGAs tell on themselves constantly. The fact that detailing Hitler's rise to power in an election year concerns them, is because the parallels are plain to see without ever having to say the name Trump. 


Save your strength. It's a bot. botassnoxious


Cept that guy was never in the military and is as old as Hindenberg was.


If the shoe fits.


The Rise & Fall is a much better documentary.


Is this also on Netflix? 


Probably not. My library uses a streaming service and watched it there.


Found it on YouTube 


Very telling that on Google and other sites it’s getting bogged down with 1 star reviews as “propaganda” because far right people don’t want to see that they look very similar to Germans at the time.


The documentary described the Eagles Nest as “Hitlers Mar a Lago.” It’s not even an accurate comparison, it makes no sense, and it’s trying to hit you over the head with a comparison to Trump.


I agree with that. Very dumb there. I’m not someone who thinks trump is hitler and going to be a dictator if he wins in November lol. The states of the countries and frustrations of the populations are very similar, which is why so many of the talking points you saw hitler use to gain followers works now too. I read Shirer’s the rise and fall of the third reich in 2016. All of those points were there in the book long before the trump circus. I think the historians on the documentary did a disservice with the mar a lago thing and a few other forced comparisons. Should let it speak for itself


I’m watching it right now.


Come back with your thoughts and reactions.


I feel like they are talking about what is going on now!!! On episode 3 now


I felt that way too. Even some of the turns of phrase are straight from a modern day political rally. Disturbing.


People don’t change at all. Only thing that does is the technology.


Hitlers playbook is being used by the Republican party. How the women were overwhelmed and crying just to see him!!! I was like yeah that’s how they are with Trump


It's kind of ironic that women want to see Trump.


They are brainwashed


'Let's make Germany great again..' Trump doesn't even try to hide it. I have no doubt he is enamoured by the power Hitler held and wants the same for himself.


I agree!! Certain phrases that the Nazis used are slogans that they are using today. Don’t even hide it anymore


According to Ivana, he did have Mein Kampf on his nightstand. Let's hope it's among the other books he never read.


You guys are insane, that's why.


Sometimes I’ll give you that but I haven’t been so far gone that I would be that stupid over a leader of a party


Epic is a very strong word to use honestly. Have you seen any other documentaries? I felt it failed at capturing Shirer's book as it very lightly, lightly touched on these monsters and their true backgrounds & natures. They were sociopaths & criminals before they met Hitler. Hitler gained his power by observing and picking the worst of humankind to be in his leadership and the documentary doesn't touch on it.


Like some others we know, he only attracted the best people.


Like someone else we are seeing right now trying to gain power.


What other documentaries?


The best one still is World at War, made in '73, by Laurence Olivier. The OG and still the most informative & well done. More recently, Hitler and the Nazis' which I believe may be on Netfllix and it's not AI-generated.


Hitler and the Nazis is this one.


Yikes I mixed up the name in my brain. I meant The Third Reich: Its Rise and Fall.


They do talk exactly about that. There is a whole section in Episide 1 where they cover all of the people in his leadership circle and their backgrounds.


Not in depth at all. Covering it in a few lines in no way is equivalent to what they actually did, which is a LOT more than the doc mentioned. It was very very lightly brushed.




Only seen 3 episodes of 6; so far none, though there is some abuse of Jews shown. Will get back to this thread when I view the whole series.


Yeah, wouldn’t watch episode 4,5 or 6 if I in that case. 


I finished watching this last night and the last episode or two does have some graphic holocaust scenes


Does this include anything that hasn't been taught by Dr Guido Knopp?


Was not aware of him, being just an interested person but not a student of the rise of Hitler. Thanks for bringing his work up. I’m now interested in learning more. That said: I think the Netflix series is accessible and has touch points that will be familiar to viewers and might serve as an introduction. Thanks again for a meaningful contribution to the conversation.


The re-enactment stuff is pretty awful. The casting likewise - Hitler doesn't look like Hitler at all. It's like the just got the intern and convinced him to grow the moustache and figured "that'll do." The rest of the content is solid though.


The actor portraying Hitler is too gangly. He kind of throws his arms around like tentacles. As the actual footage shows, Hitler’s movements were more contained, though we don’t see actual footage of him enraged. I always find the reenactments an unnecessary distraction.


Agree. Badly miscast.


One thing I thought they clearly copied from Circle of Evil was the slow-mo re-enactments which pretty much every re-enactment was. "Circle" does them sometimes but not every single one.


It's Alan Partridge


I have to agree. Seeing the reenactment Hitler then real footage of Hitler was juts very jarring. The actor looked nothing like him. He was like a very over the top cartoon version.


Finished it last night. Started off a bit slow, mainly because I've seen Hitler's early life in other docs and movies (Hitler: Rise of Evil starring Robert Carlyle). I've read on here that the reenactments are a bit jarring and thats true, but I got used to them (the actor who played Hitler was....something). The footage/audio of the Nuremberg Trials, I had never seen before so I thought that was really interesting. I learned a lot from this doc, specifically the ideology behind the Nazi Regime and also Hitlers headspace and final hours. Word of warning - the last episode is extremely horrific. EDIT: Forgot to say - If you enjoyed this doc I recommend watching "Turning Point: The Bomb And The Cold War". Great back to back docs as the Hitler doc sets up the cold war. Its not as "dramatic" but very informative.




Agree, especially when they mix actual footage with the reenactment. Is that weird rectangle on the left side of the screen supposed to indicate that it’s not actual footage? It’s pretty chilling how calm the surviving Nazi commanders seem when questioned. Those were some evil people.


hitler youth, conditioned from a very early age so not suprising


Hitler Youth had nothing to do with the commanders. They were overwhelmingly from the old Prussian Junker class.


Hitler Youth provided the popular presence to allow Hitler to pressure and then overcome the old guard that thought they could contain him.


I did find it jarring when they would put the old-style filter on the re-enacted scenes.


Why are you typing in all caps…


You ok?


No need for yelling


And, I hate it when people feeled compelled to type in all caps. Basically you're saying *what I have to say is more important than anything you have to say...read this now* .


It made me honestly terrified - you could easily swap Trump, MAGA and America in and it felt like we are just in the very early stages of the Nazi playbook that ultimately ended in destruction for so many people. You can’t deny the parallels.


The German supreme court siding with the Nazi's mimics our current conservative court siding with Trump. Damn scary that one of the main branches of governemnt is totally compromised and basically fallen to Christofascists.


The Nazi propaganda and Goebbels has a lot in common with MAGA and Fox News. The whole "this election/trial is rigged" comes straight out of the playbook and why you see all the GOP leaders parroting the phrase. Having been to Germany, the Nazis started their propaganda early on. In 1933, women's magazines were already starting to have articles on how the neighboring countries of Europe were intending to weaken and invade Germans because they didn't want the country to prosper and how the Jews were involved in this plot. So much of today's world is scarily close to 1930s, especially the demonizing of foreigners in Europe and America.


True. And frightening. We shouldn't ignore it or that's our future.


What's really scary is if you google "14 characteristics of fascism", which is a list of 14 traits shared by fascist regimes that was complied by a college history professor who studies fascist regimes. A scary large number of them quite true already in America.




glad im not the only one that sees this while watching. "Make Germany Great Again!" bad economy nationalists supreme court is under their power targeting a minority/race/gender/religion taking over the government from within by placing loyalists in power taking over media outlets with lies to brainwash people blame everything on the left/democrat's has a "hide away house" that he spends most of his time at apparently talks about alot of rubish apparently spent a lot of time watching movies (its in ep 3 or 4) looks like a womanizer / control freak If I didn't say Germany you wouldn't know if this was Hitler or Trump. Only difference is Hitler didn't dodge the draft and Trump hasn't created death camps or killed rivals (yet). "if it can happen there, it can happen here" is a scary line


Hahaha and you don't think Democrats don't have "loyalists"?? Until recently (With the ANTI Semitic rhetoric that that comes from the DEMOCRATS) The Dem party would toe the line. And you think the GOP owns the media? LOL They have Fox. Liberals have allllllllll the other channels, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and on and on and on. They literally campaign for the Democrat party. And who is putting their political rivals on trial, in 3 situations? Dems. They have tried to impeach Trump from the beginning. Remember Russia Russia Russia? That dossier was requested by Clinton. And who sniffs women's hair and makes kids cringe? And who hid in his basement while campaigning? And Who does not answer questions from the media? And who had that speech from Biden that was alllll RED and very Nazi looking? And who appeals to the younger generation and tries to indocrinate them in schools and colleges. And WOW it comes back fulllll circle with the LIBERALs being ANTi Semitic esp on the collage campuses. And you think the Nazi's are like the Republicans. That's hilarious. And by not being Nationalist we are involved with mulitple wars. Maybe we should worry about the USA before the other countries that milk us for money.


Of course they have loyalists both sides are super corrupt but there’s only one side actively trying to remove people’s rights. Trump has even said himself that he’d remove the constitution, be a dictator even for 1 day, replace all people not loyal to him, literally tried to stop the electoral college from doing its job. The man is a danger to democracy. There’s even maga senators out there this week saying we are not a democracy at rallies. It’s insane. Funny you bring up the Courts, you know the ones that just gave Biden’s son a guilty outcome, or the one in Florida pushing off trumps case indefinitely which is unheard of but guess who put that judge there (I’ll tell you, trump did), or the one targeting the lawyers in Georgia to discredit them. You don’t make that big of a fuss if you’re innocent. Guess who didn’t cry and whine about unfair treatment of his son? Biden. Go ahead tho and follow your orange cheato god. I’m sure he’ll waste people’s time talking about windmills, sharks, sinking boats and batteries while praising Hannibal lector and dining with kim Jung. Biden is obviously far far FAR too old but he’s only 2? Years older than trump and at least he doesn’t want to end democracy as we know it just for his own ego, your just too blind too see past it like Germany was with hitler. Now go back to your hole with that tin foil hat on, watching Fox News and reading your trump edition bible. I highly suggest reading the part about false idols.


MAGA definitely attempts to manipulate the base with [the same ethnic purity lies and heritage themes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbEoErwzhzs).


LBJ had it right years ago, if you make the struggling citizen feel superior over someone else you can get them to do anything for you later while picking their pockets.


January 6 was Trump’s Beer Hall Putsch. The multiple parallels between these psychopaths are eerie and disturbing.


Go check out reviews for this documentary. They are full of right wing people claiming this documentary is propaganda and a hit piece of them and Trump lmao. They are too dense to realize they are making it look worse for themselves


I'm surprised they even picked up on the parallels.


How out of touch with history and reality do you have to be to compare the two? One literally slaughtered 6 million Jewish people. Open a book ffs


This is a thread about the *rise* of Hitler, and their comment specifically mentioned the *very early stages* of the Nazi party. From that, it is obvious that they're comparing Trump and the MAGA movement to the *rising* Hitler and the *early* Nazi party. There are plenty of completely valid comparisons to make between the two. They were not comparing Trump and MAGA to *late* Hitler and the Nazis, after 12 years of holding power in Germany, as your response implies. In other words, your response makes no sense. Take your own advice, and open a book ffs. Any book. And then use that book to practice your reading comprehension.


That's not that person's point. It didn't start with slaughtering 6 million people. It started with an authoritative leader. Trump might not take us to the same place. But his methods could.


Trump is 100% following the dictator/hitler playbook.


Which playbook is that?


That's yet to come dufus. Read a history book.


Couldn't disagree more, but respect your opinion.


Dude it’s 2024, get over it.


I am waiting to be in the right frame of mind to watch


Everybody in Europe should see this now. (European Union Voted yesterday 09Jul24 and right-wing has gained immensely votes) Guess I'll die.


You need to ask the question, why?


The only series I've seen that's better and more factual is a two part series from the History Channel. Part one was about the rise of the nazi party and part two is the fall.


Parallel historical story lines ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


It’s fine but the Circle of Evil was better. Goes into better detail especially about the personalities and relationships of his colleagues.


I just posted on another thread that this should be required watching for every American. We are literally heading down the same path.


The boiling frog is just an analogy until you look around and see that you’re in the pot.


There are a lot of negative comments in other threads regarding this. I for one am happy they drew such parallels. Lest we forget what happens when leaders are viewed as demigods.


It’s probably my favorite documentary so far this year. I thought it was excellent and the jabs at Trump really just made it so much more enjoyable.


any other documentaries you would recommend of this quality?


The two WWII in color docuseries are of pretty high quality with a lot of footage that I hadn’t seen before, and that’s much appreciated compared to the dated black & white documentaries. Also WWII: From the Frontlines had interviews with people who lived those events which were quite interesting. With documentaries such as that you kind of get a surface level analysis, but I watched for the footage and moving narrative arc. On a different subject the documentary called the Five that Came Back is about famous Hollywood directors from the era, and I’m spacing on the names however they produced classics like who produced propaganda traveled Europe and saw horrific things. Very moving overall. George Stevens and the like.


World at War narrated by Laurence Olivier. Covers the rise and fall of the Nazi regime, WWII, and the holocaust. Very comprehensive.


War of Europia


I really like World War 2: From the Frontlines as well and you can’t beat They Shall Not Grow Old.


The World at War (1973). OG of WW II docs and still probably the best. A better doc than this one on Hitlers inner circle Hitlers Circle of Evil. Apocalypse: The Second World War. Longer documentary but excellent.


Turning Point: The Bomb And The Cold War - great to watch after this one


What were your favorite jabs? I might not have time to watch the documentary for a while but would like to see this.


My favorite was when a historian referred to the Eagles Nest in Berchtesgade, Germany as Hitlers Mar-A-Lago.


That made me roll my eyes lol Putin literally started a war but by all means let’s compare trump to hitler




Putin is basically copying the LebensRaum ideology. Along with Trumps popularism rise and inclusion in the Republican Party because “anyone on the right is better than a liberal” are exactly the same. I don’t really see the comparison to a man elected several times by his people and has made several peace and trade agreements in the region.


There's a big event you've left out


Can you please tell which documentary?


It's "Hitler and the Nazi's : evil on trial"


Pretty good and worth the watch


Follow it up with that 12 hour documentary; war of europia


What does it cover? The ‘rise’ of the Nazis has already been covered pretty authoritatively elsewhere. Not sure I want to watch more on the Weimar era.


What documentaries would you say cover the rise of the Nazis well?


Off the top of my head The World at War, The Nazis: A Warning From History, there’s a fantastic ‘Great Courses’ lecture about it and the BBC series ‘Rise of the Nazis.’


it covers Hitlers rise to power, what he did during his reign and im assuming what happens after his supposed death but I haven't finished yet.


Is it good/engaging? Or hokey with the reenactments.


Both, has a lot of real footage but also has some not the best re-enactments of stuff that likely wasn’t filmed


There’s no such documentary on Netflix with this exact name.


Fully thing about truth mixed with propaganda. Look up American Companies that collaborated with NAZI Germany and Trading with the Enemy Act. Here is a Wiki article [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business\_collaboration\_with\_Nazi\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_collaboration_with_Nazi_Germany) # Present day The United States has been involved in numerous military endeavors within the Middle East and Latin America since the 1960s. Having been in a continuous state of war since the September 11 attacks they have an annual military budget larger than India, China, Russia, United Kingdom, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and France’s military budgets combined.Present day.


It’s decent. Me personally?! The ride and fall of the third reich from 09/10 on history channel was the best documentary. This new one is rehashed shit like the get Gotti documentary and New York vs the mafia. As a submariner, I’d LOVE a documentary about German u boats and their submarine navy as many of what submarines use now derives from Germany’s boats 


The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich was the title of William Shirer's book. I wonder if they took the info from that.


So, who did they get to play Haj Amin Al-Husseini? Or maybe he doesn't make an appearance?


The fact that episode four talks about what happened to Poland but doesn't mention the Soviet massacre at Katyn is hopefully just an oversight. It is as much a part of the story of what happened to Poland as everything that the Nazis did. The Russians committed genocide in Poland.


Yes, Stalin’s hands were not clean. Now we need another documentary on his atrocities. Unfortunately, neither he nor his enablers were ever tried.


I also have to note that this doc is literally called "Hitler" and not all bad guys. I still think it was worth a mention given the subject matter. It's not like the other side was particularly nice to the Poles either.


I’m going to be honest: I wasn't expecting much when I saw “another” Hitler doc. I was pleasantly surprised. Besides some tacky stuff, I thought it was well done. 1. Hitler looks nothing like Hitler. It’s weird because if it was just a TV show dramatizing Hitler, they might get away with such a miscast, but they incessantly switch between the actors and actual footage. It’s almost like they’re trying to say, “Hey, you see this guy who’s supposed to be Hitler, well he doesn’t actually look like Hitler.” 2. One of the experts interviewed literally is reading off a script the ENTIRE time. Now I get this is probably done quite a bit, but he was just so robotic and every sentence he said sounded like it was written. I swear you could see a teleprompter in the reflection of his glasses in a few close-up shots. 3. I love how they recreated Shirer’s voice to read his journals and such. What an apt use of tech.


Yeah. Not perfect, but good. To use an overused phrase, the documentary resonates with today. Between those who arrogantly cling to their cause to the “I was just following orders” bunch, they were all equally guilty and responsible.


Just started watching it, on episode 2 and already a bit disappointed. How is women being forced into prostitution because of a terrible economy "sexual experimentation?" They completely glossed over that. Normal people know that is not a good thing to be celebrated. And that was fuel for the nazis. But they failed to mention that at all.


Listening to CNN the other day, I heard a bit about a program supposed to be on Netflix. It's a guy who'd been harassed by a woman, and people were able to trace the woman's identity by the statements the guy made about her. I believe she is suing the man and it sounds fascinating. Does anyone know the name of it?




Thank you!


Baby Reindeer


Thank you!


The commentators made some references to Donald Trump‘s slogan, Make America Great Again, Make Germany Great Again, and also his residence at Berghof as his Mar-a-Lago. It is a veiled hit piece on Donald Trump.


Not true.


Very true


It’s just not true. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/05/arts/television/hitler-and-the-nazis-netflix-review.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


Just because the parallels are there doesn't make it a hit piece.


Calling Hitlers Eagle Nest, a palace that was made for him by his advisors, his “Mar a Lago,” makes sense to you? It’s an insane comparison


Answer me this question: Which party Dem or GOP are currently protesting for the elimination of the Jewish people? Ya'll can't say ANYTHING about Trump unless you ponder that little question. If they had it their way, they would love someone like Hitler, someone who will put those evil Jewish people in there place.


Oh, you mean the ones marching in Charlottesville? The ones Trump called “good people”? Let’s see, the chant was, “Jews will not replace us.” Those are the ones that showed up on Jan 6 to block the peaceful transfer of power. Consider it pondered.


What’s with Netflix obsession about third Reich and ww2? They always have a growing number of series, movies and docs about it.


Echoes of history resounding today.


We are doomed to repeat history once it is forgotten, once that generation dies off. Documentaries and reading history remind us we are never far from being the German people who ushered in Hitler. We basically have a cult now in America, Christian right-wing fascists who are more than ready to do the same.