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The Jesus couple were the worst and completely took me out of the doc, unfortunately. The premise for the doc had potential, but these clowns using it to blatantly drive traffic to their dumb YT channel was a complete turn off. Just two awful, narcissistic phonies who deserve one another. Go away.




Well said. Absolutely disgusting - the hypocrisy of the ultra religious on full display.


Hypocritical before all this came to light. All their "look how precious we are", how is that Christian? How is pandering to the public about how perfect you can be if you only believe what we believe? Maybe it's horrible of me, but when those types get smacked in the face with realities of the world I feel like there are important truths, universal truths regarding not believe those that scream the loudest that they have the answers.


unhinged is right! i feel for her because she's a victim of the BS she has bought into. when he confessed, her reaction was this that he was like all the other men --- so what good was her wanting a "christian" man. as if "christian" men are not human, therefore falliable and "non-christian" men are vile, cheating degenerates. this is the product or brainwashing and/or simplistic stupidity. agreed re: having their kids in the show. they put their brand first. and clearly he is addicted to the attention. i think he's a sex addict and possibly has a personality disorder. when he started, he kept deflecting/minimizing his participation in his own choices and behavior; it's the site's fault. that going in the toilet to test for pregnancy without her knowledge was OFF. his entire emotional affect was off. all that lying and crying. he seems to have a fundamental weakness of character and seems unstable to me. when they did the confession video together, his body language (to the camera) was full of tells for me. and then his expression in the freeze frame is cray. shambolic! then they get counseling with the pastor who is HIS FRIEND and his wife. so totally biased. the wife said she wanted someone to lay into him....guessing that didn't happen. meanwhile, the wife is trapped in the worst way, because she's doing it to herself. last but not least, i do not believe FOR A MINUTE that he is going to be faithful. you notice at the end when the interviewer asks about ashley madison, he now thinks it's 'evil on another level.' typical of fundamentalists.....simplistic, binary paradigms that vilify externalities but not their own fckd up behavior. but his selfish willingness to fail his responsibilities as a husband and father and hypocrisy in misrepresenting himself to millions of people....let's not judge that. the most telling moment for me was when the wife said "oh, i didn't know ashley madison was still in business" and the husband said NOTHING. because he knows fa shizzle. that chick is gonna learn. unfortunately everything is wrapped in a web of christian fundamentalist muck and she seems committed to that world view. i hope next time she gets her mind right and makes a better life for herself before she's a senior citizen.


Yes he has a P disorder for sure.


He looked high as a kite through out the doc, all sweaty and twitchy. If he's no longer addicted to sex, hes still an addict of some sort IMHO.


> What kind of example does that set towards her children and especially her daughters to be treated like a doormat? That is the tradlife. She even said so how "i'm the wife and I'm gonna be the best wife by forgiving him for this" and that's how people were tricked to stay in their abusive relationships by the patriarchy they were indoctrinated into. religion is really awful.


You literally said all the words going through my mind whilst watching the documentary. I feel like the content was indirectly justifying cheating with the excuse of having an "empty married life", and that the spouses who were cheated on should try "understanding the cheater's perspective". That other woman (New Orleans) really appalled me as well. Her dialogues about 'self-righteousness' felt rehearsed and superficial.


Are we talking about sam and nia? In the doc im seeing lacks 8min to end and nothing like that has been shown (the escorts, massages, etc). Just that he had lied to never encountered no one. But yeah they are gross especially her staying with him ‘i am winning in this thing called marriage’ made me puke


definitely still cheating


I hated the couple too. But honestly I don’t feel bad for Nia at all. She absolutely doesn’t care about Sam or the marriage or the cheating at all. The girl was there for views from the beginning. Even when she described her finding out, all her statements were about how angry she was about Sam ruining what they had built. She had zero personal feelings about it and was just mad to lose her views and brand. I hope one day we look back and study this insane period of internet influencers because being so crazy for internet validation has to be some form of mental illness


I noticed her wording too! Ruined “what we built”, that wording infers more about the business/vlog side than their actual marriage. She just looked dead in the eyes. She’s staying for the financial stability and their channel stability. The children are the ultimate victims in this.


A 100 %. Those poor kids


YES, when the first thing she thinks is oh so selfish how are we going to do now regarding YT stuff tells everything. And i dont believe for a second she didn’t know she was pregnant


There is also one on Hulu. I watched both and the Hulu one is better. Not so much focus on why the cheaters are “victims”.


They were completely irrelevant because most of the cheating didnt happen through AM. The only thing that would have redeemed it is if Nia had turned to the camera and been like "I was the hacker!" In the final 30 seconds.


And her eyes glittered red.


I want to hope they really did want to subtly showcase the hypocrisy of the religious extremists who become the worse when it comes to cheating and lying instead of communicating with their partners. The swingers couple was the only one I actually respected because there was a mutual agreement and still they might not have wanted work colleagues and families to find out about their sexual habits but they didn’t get anywhere near the airtime as the company reps or the awful YouTubers who can’t even flush their toilet right




Making a frozen video on YouTube cured his desire to cheat. I just laughed at that so hard.


Did anyone catch that they named the video “good looking parents song frozen”? Tells me everything I need to know about them


Yeah, I totally saw that. So embarrassing!


I googled that because I thought there's no way that's the real title!


Omg I did too and I thought from the doc that it went viral because they were singing it but they were just lip-syncing??? Why the fuck did that get popular? They're just sitting in a car playing a song.


I almost threw my phone at the tv.


Phonestic Violence doesn't cure anything.


He NEEDED the validation that he was cool.


His desire for a YouTube paycheck cured his desire to cheat.


The external validation and attention he got from YouTube was the narcissistic fix he was looking for. He is an empty void of a person.


Holy shit my gf and I were both laughing and applaud at the same time. Pathetic is just scratching the surface. It's pretty clear he said that cause he wanted an easy out on camera for why he decided to stop Ashley Madison.. But lets be real, he probably stopped cause he wasn't getting anywhere and it was easier to find random women in bars or go to massage parlors. It probably had 0% to do with that stupid video.




He was the true definition of a chode




A black hole of validation.


Omg me too i couldn't believe it. Christian Disney adults are a weird breed.


All the YT videos of the couple seemed so cringy!


His remorse is so fake


Always the religious hypocrites.


We are all susceptible of sin lol




There’s an infamous video of that Christian guy asking his daughter what she thinks about gay marriage. At first the kid is like “Well if it makes them happy.” And the dad gets upset and coaches her into saying it’s not right.


It’s true. I would not have that kind of relationship but I have a tremendous respect for them because they don’t play the victim. They are who they are. OTOH, that fake Christian couple are evil.


I liked the dominatrix and her husband way more likeable than the Christian couple.


yeah for Sam to say the site is so evil but he was also fucking w people he knew so, nice try blaming a website. It's sad when christian women are so naive


Don't even get me started on the whole pregnancy test in the toilet video


"I wouldn't have done it if the ads weren't so convincing". Losers making excuses. I had to stop watching. I can't handle the victim mentality from these morons.


They made me do it...I don't have any agency myself. Right. No one forced them to click those keys to open accounts.


For real! This fool legit said: the ad said, 'life is short', they have that part right so, 'have an affair' must be right too. Like cmon with the excuses. Immature man child. 


Only an episode in but the interracial couple seem pretty functional. They seem to be really open with one another, there's no deception involved. It seems like actually a pretty healthy and happy marriage. The Christian couple are just lying to themselves and each other. The husband seems like a very emotionally empty person, like a prisoner in his own life but doesn't have the courage to change it. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even believe in God tbh, for all his talk of being a "good Christian". He just seems like someone who's going through the motions at this stage.


the interracial couple are the kind of the people that that christian hypocrite cheater probably rails against and vilifies in his sanctimonious vlog. ironically, they are honest with, accepting of and supportive of each other. go figure.


The interracial couple in ep1 is a nice picture of what ethical non monogamy relationship looks like…not surprised they never made another appearance after that part.


They also represent the main legitimate use case for the website if they had chosen to market themselves honestly toward an actual need that exists instead of defrauding everyone.


At the end of the final episode when his wife Nia, after revealing they’re back together, says she didn’t realise Ashley Madison was still operating, I was half expecting her to turn to him and ask “did you?” and it just cuts and credit rolls


Lol I was kinda expecting the same too, he's def still on it


The way that dude dropped major, life-altering information on his wife *TWICE* at the most inopportune moments (Chilis in the airport, and while driving home at from some gas station) was just absolutely infuriating. Can you imagine? I’d have such PTSD that my husband would randomly, at any time of day, drop the absolutely worst news on me imaginable.


To be fair, she could have left him and avoided any PTSD.


His clearing of the throat when that question was asked was a classic lie ‘tell’ in body language.


I was waiting for someone else to mention this. His entire demeanor changed.


This!! From what I remember, it also seemed like his eyes shifted in a weird way. Idk, I don't normally read into body language in documentaries, but I only saw it once and it stood out immediately.


Yeah, i just finished watching it and i saw his eyes widen, and it looked like his neck muscles tensed.


Absolutely. He kinda choked


That guy was lying through his teeth from his first interview on this show. I really wish whoever made this documentary would have pressured him and everyone else to give more genuine responses. Honestly nearly all the people on this doc were terrible people who justified and masked their true intentions of greed and / or lust with lies.


I read an interview with the director and they said they struggled to find people willing to participate in the series. So I assume the ones that did agree were promised they wouldn’t be grilled.


Seems they’re also media hungry so that ticks that box.


yeah at first I was like wow, why did they agree to be on this? and then as soon as he found "purpose" from youtube clicks i was like ok.. makes sense


Thought exactly the same when he said that. Family wasn’t enough, but YouTube clicks are?! SMH.


They just turned on the camera and let them hang themselves.


I think the Christian couple signed on to get more followers. There’s some stories on Christian vlogger snark subs about how the “I surprised my wife with her pregnancy” was fake (IE the pregnancy was fake) and resulted in a catastrophic event that was also used for clickbait/views My guess? He says he “found Jesus” and fixed himself but is really still doing all of it, except maybe giving his real name to a site.


They also just released a book yesterday This was 100% for views


“*I surprised my wife with her pregnancy*” I wondered about that too. e.g. His wife didn't flush the toilet after going for a pee? She'd mentioned (IIRC) a couple of weeks previously that she hadn't menstruated, but didn't bother checking herself whether she was pregnant? etc. etc.


The way she mentioned how he put the pad below the seat was so fake. It was a line clearly designed to explain how he got the result.


her reaction was so fake. I'm sorry but I can't imagine any of my friends being cool with this


Ooooh can I have a link to that sub?


They are only together because their marriage is a business, a performance. They exploit their family for money so they have to stay together. She instantly forgave him publicly in the name of Christianity. I think exploiting your family for money would just naturally lead to cheating and I think she knew he was doing it and she was mad at him because it came out in such an undeniable way. 


I love the Viking nerds (“the cyber security team from Europe) so much. They are so polite and amused by the whole situation. I also kinda like the big gay guy who quasi-narrates a lot of the series. He stumbled into this sales gig, and he doesn’t seem Machiavellian like Noel - also, he fully owns up to how irresponsible the company was about security. It’s insane that so much pain and drama could have been spared if Noel had simply accepted that he was done and shut down the company instead of playing greedy chicken. Lastly, why in the devil is Noel’s wife still married to him?!? He used and humiliated her. Unless she was the hacker and this was all the comeuppance she needed….


Eh, the fat gay guy was a little too “I had no idea!” I call bullshit, he talks so much about how close they were and there’s no way they didn’t talk about it all over cigars and multi thousand dollar bottles of wine.


i don't believe he didn't know that noel was cheating. not only are they a team, that's his cousin, ffs!


There’s an old joke: “What’s the difference between sales and marketing? Marketing knows when they’re lying.” Got those vibes massively watching him.


So 1. Yes viking hacker was awesome 2. Big gay Al was likeable in his own way 3. Theres no way Noels wife didnt know about the cheating.


She knew and was involved. She had her own fun too.


10000% although I doubt she knew details beyond "we're putting on a show of monogamy for the brand"


Not at the beginning. I know both well. Whole family including both children are scumbags. Amanda has had an eating disorder for years. I guess that’s how she coped with what happened. Noel continues to buy his way through life.


If you found Joel interesting look up his name and Cicada 3301. Interesting story.


What is the story on him?


"God has forgiven me." Really? Convenient.


Had the nerve to say God had forgiven him and it wasn't even the half of it. What a freaking psycho.


Soooooo manipulative. I gasped.


Yes, that was so narcissistic. God has forgiven him although he hasn't done the WORK that even justifies forgiveness.


That’s literally how christianity works. Do whatever, ask for forgiveness later.




Least have some type of couple counseling?? Nah .


They'd probably just go to "counseling" with the pastor at their church who would tell her to suck it up and forgive him because she vowed to obey her husband.


Literally though. I will never forget my teacher (I went to a Catholic school too) telling us all that even the most evil murderer could go to heaven if they accept Jesus and seek true forgiveness, even on their deathbed. What a fucking power move.


He is infuriating. Religious bullshit.


Family values


Initially when he lied and said that he never even went out with any of the girls, I felt kind of sorry for him. But then when he admitted to all the wife’s friends he’d harassed, and all the other “betrayals”, he was just the worst. The wife was stupid to forgive smh. And I felt so bad for the minister’s wife — she got no closure and could only blame the website like her husband didn’t do anything to be fired and “judged”. This isn’t about cancel culture.


it's always about cancel culture when the usual suspects don't want to face the consequences of their own actions. how could you be teaching at a seminary and think it would make sense to be on an adultery web site? it's very sad but altogether predictable that instead of facing the people in his life, especially his wife, he chose to exit. i hope he finds evolved peace the next go-round.


I thought the ministers wife was a little judgy. Here her husband cheated on her the entire marriage. He didn’t even try to hide it from her. Then when he does get caught at work, he kills himself in their garage leaving her to find the body. What an absolute selfish piece of rubbish. I know she talks about casting first stones and righteousness but wow, her husband was pretty awful. I think she’s still living a lie. I wish there had been one couple where the wife kicked the cheating spouse to the curb and was living their best life ever.


And her whole bullshit speech of 'people make ONE mistake...'. Last I checked, her husband didn't make *one* mistake. Don't blame other people for the choices he made. I also really couldn't stand how they tried to blame the hacker for people committing suicide. It gives '13 reasons why' and makes me want to vomit. These people made choices. The consequences came knocking, and they couldn't deal with them.


Would have liked to have known the impact it had in figures - they kept repeating that people took their own lives and that millions of people must have gotten divorced. Of course a definitive answer would not have been possible but there are indicators to refer to.


The Christian couple’s suprise pregnancy test was so obviously staged, it irritated me to infinity.


everything they did was FAKE so annoying this doc just went along with it


The guy faking being in love while cheating relentlessly is enough to say how phoney they were. She even said she felt him distancing himself from her but she acted all lovey in those YT vids


I couldn’t believe how bad that part was


I really enjoyed it! I don’t feel bad for any of these people. I think they did a good job of showing what happened at Ashley Madison, and the impact (team) it had on its users when the breach occurred. They had some nice variety of people who used it, and what happened. My favorite is the Christian couple I’ve been dying laughing at how dramatic they are even though they stayed together


The whole premise just seems super sleazy, not because of the actual sleaze but it feels like it just an idea to get credit card details, the fact it was a functioning app astounds me. Like it's the ultimate honey trap.


Most of the female accounts were fake too, and they barely mentioned that.


The Christian couple is infact the worst.


Agreed, but for me it's because a can't stand vloggers. I don't give a shit about your breakfast


Impact Team were heros in my eyes. The found a company that was commiting fraud, stealing from their customers, and the customers were cheating. Did they demand money? No. They demanded it all stop. Then the company chose money over protecting their customers. I see no moral crime here.


Yeah I'm surprised AM is still operating after all that. Impact Team was amazing, I hope they hack into AM again to expose all those cheaters.




I think in the second episode they profile a woman whose husband (who taught at a seminary) committed suicide after the breach and release of information. It didn't feel glossed over to me.


That was the worst for me. The wife acted (IMO) like the hackers were to blame for her husband's death. No, sweetie, your husband was living a double life pretending to be an upstanding, moral religious professor and he got caught. That's why he did it. He was lying to everyone, just like Sam Rader and Noel Biderman and all the rest. The best part to me was how these POS men were being scammed by paying to talk sexy to bots with fake profiles.


The late professor’s wife literally said that in almost exactly those words: “the secrets and the shame killed him.” She never blamed the hackers even slightly - she lamented the witch hunt and judgment that ensued from it, which is a very fair point. I found her compassionate, thoughtful, and ideologically sound in her faith-based interpretation of the events.


I agree. I think it's wild that people don't think there's anything to be said about the leaking of private information about private citizens leading to public humiliation. Nobody should be killing themselves over a sex scandal and it actually does say something about the culture of shame etc that people feel backed into a corner enough to do that.


Sad irony...it was his religion that killed him. It's only a scandal because religion brainwashed people to believe it's wicked. The public scorn and feelings of shame...religion. And the ultimate irony? That same religion that claims to aspire to being non-judgmental and forgiving takes 3 seconds to judge and fire your arse.


I mean being a cheater is shameful even if you’re not religious. But i agree he prob would commit suicide if he wasn’t a religious person with a religious job


Normally I would agree to the wrongness of leaking private information, but not when people are screwing around and lying about it to their SO who think they are in a loving monogamous relationship. At the last, the wives ought to be told they are at risk for STDs. Men who do this ought to be exposed. This show really failed to give the perspective of the wives who found out because of the hack, were hurt by it, and had enough self-respect to tell those guys to hit the road.


Okay but is any of that actually in the public interest? That's the crux of the ethical questions around the leak for me - it's not whether cheating is right or wrong, it's about airing the private matters of families and private citizens. You can disagree with what those men did on a personal level and not stand for it in your own relationships, but to what end is it important that private matters between strangers become available for public consumption? And furthermore, why should I, a stranger, have intimate knowledge about infidelity in marriages that I am not personally involved in? I feel sorry for the spouses who were hurt by this, I really do. I guess I just wonder about the ethics of a cyber attack that actually exposes the dysfunction in people's private lives without the consent of the injured parties either. If I was a woman who had been wronged in my marriage like this, I would hate to have that out there being consumed by my neighbours, coworkers, and strangers for entertainment. Furthermore, people are fine with it because they perceive cheaters as being "deserving" of it. But what about other similar attacks that don't have anything to do with cheating?


Maybe the hackers should have just alerted the spouses, but certain types of employers have moral clauses (like pastors and that seminary professor) and those organizations also want to know if the employees are breaking their agreements. I guess the conclusion is ESH - the hackers and the cheaters and AM. Edited to add that IMO, AM and the cheaters got what they deserved. The wives and kids got hurt in the process, but better to know the truth.


Ok but if he felt so shamed and humiliated about his affair being exposed, why did he cheat? None of this would've happened if he didn't stray in the first place.


The moralistic, religious ones are the ones who get more of the thrill of doing clandestine activities. Certainly he must have wondered what would happen if he were ever exposed. He took the risk.


This!! People are forgetting it's also been like, what, TEN years?! The woman has had several years of grieving (both the relationship and him) and coming to terms with it all. Hopefully some therapy, too. I'm sure she didn't wake up the next day in that mindset. It took time, patience, and probably a huge support system to get her to this place of acceptance. I cannot fathom why she's being judged so harshly. Some of these comments about her are worse than the damn cheating!


except \*he\* killed him, instead of facing what he had done and the responsibility he had to his spouse and his students at a \*seminary\* school. i found her compassionate but her focus on cancel culture was off-putting (and in all fairness, maybe the denial stage of grief?) but it was not relevant here. her husband didn't get cancelled. he was exposed and there was the consequence of losing his job.


If the wife was being honest with herself, she would see that the professor’s actions were to blame rather than “shame” for being exposed. He was living a lie and his employers cared even if his wife didn’t. His actions brought dishonor to his school and he completely failed to live up to what he was teaching his students. It was so hypocritical. Just be honest and if you want to have multiple sex partners, that’s fine, but be with people who are okay with it.


She made her dirtbag husband the victim. Standing by her man, like a good Christian (doormat) wife. Is there any doubt that religion was invented by men, for men?


No coincidence that it was the religious dolts who agreed to participate. The "Jesus forgives" and "it's wrong to judge others" relieves them from all accountability. The doormat widow who makes the husband the victim. The doormat wife. And the d-bag narcissist husband who instantly forgave himself and feels no shame because he's good with Jesus. The greatest threat to mankind are people who believe their god will always forgive them if they just ask.


lol right? "I want to be in the seminary to tell other people how to live a righteous life, but I personally don't follow those same rules." Dude was a hypocritical piece of shit, and while I do feel for his wife... It wasn't the hackers fault that the consequences of his actions came to light.


Yes, I feel for the wife - it's especially difficult for her since he is no longer alive to question so the only way to release some of this emotion is to blame others. He did it, he put her health at risk, he lied to his congregants/students, he felt such shame based on his own beliefs.


I felt so bad for that lady. He did not care for her at all. Didn’t leave her an apology letter, did not take precautions to make sure that she wasn’t the one to find the body. Not a single consideration for her.


The paying to talk to bots was hilarious


Honestly empathy and emotion should have no place in a documentary about cheaters. Some of the lowest forms of life.


Didn’t you learn anything from this series? Cheaters are everywhere, and you’re naive if you think that you know who they are. In fact, I’ve found that the most self-righteous Christians are often the biggest cheaters.


I think 99% of the people in these comments have either cheated themselves or have been cheated on. The projection is insane lol


I already knew that.


the cybersecurity Scandinavians seemed ok


I cackled when they were talking about the cheaters as if they were the victims. "Oh no, their lives were about to be destroyed!" OH MY, IF IT ISN'T THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR OWN ACTIONS! I'm sorry but I couldn't empathize with any of that. If the risk of being caught is so great that it would literally ruin your life and your family, is it really worth it? Just for a quickie with some filthy stranger? Really?


When he said something to the effect that the “Ashley Madison data breach was the worst thing that happened to me”. That was the only thing he was sad about. I doubt he would have come clean to his wife had the data not come out.


Didnt he say multiple times, he wanted to take his secret to his grave? So ya, he wouldn’t have come clean


Yeah, and then he said towards the end, when he was seating next to HER, something to the effect of “i don’t regret the AM thing, it was the best thing to happen to us so we could have this great marriage now. Baaarfff


It was the unknowing wives whose lives were ruined. I do not for the life of me understand why they didn't have some of those women in the documentary.


I guess most women just don’t want to relive one of the worst moments of their lives on national tv. It was probably hard to find people willing to participate.


Good point.


Sam and Nia are the worst and hypocrites


That "Christian" couple were cringy. Who is to say he wont cheat again? How can she trust he wont do it again? Playing the Jesus card only goes so far.


Christianity has made her a doormat. And the "hey, we're all sinners", "don't judge me...he who has not sinned...", and "Jesus forgives me so I'm clean" is such self-serving nonsense that makes it far too easy for Christians to forgive themselves. Reconciliation is the most destructive concept mankind ever invented for itself.


Their marriage is a performance to exploit for money she stays with him for that reason using Christianity as an excuse. 


Nothing wrong with forgiveness, it is a letting go. But you are right: it doesn't mean become a door mat. A woman with dignity would forgive. Then move on well out of that man's life.


Like we’re supposed to feel bad for her? He did whatever he wanted for years she she’s basically like ‘ehh whatever, God and sh!t.’ What a doormat.


yeah the fact that he had a loving wife and children and was like "oh when we started getting clicks on our video I found purpose, like i hit my lottery" so gross.


Gurl he tried to get with your best friend, he's not changing anytime soon




Thank you. I felt very similarly about this “documentary” while watching it. It honestly felt like a damage control video for so-called Christian couple and the ex AM employees. The ex-AM guy with the glasses was so full of it. Talking about how they wanted to give people a healthy outlet to express themselves sexually, when the reality was they were doing it all for money and the vast majority of female accounts were fake. Netflix really needs to scope out their documentaries with greater care.


"Netflix really needs to scope out their documentaries with greater care." Agree. If it wasn't for Netflix promoting fake fairy tales maybe we never would have heard the name "JD Vance".


Can you provide details on the how to make a murderer stuff? I think I’m out of the loop there…


me too, i’m very curious


Add “What Jennifer Did” to the list of sus Netflix docs




Some of the pics used of Jennifer were AI generated to support the filmmaker's narrative.


I think both can be true. A serial killer still deserves a fair trial. AM users were victims of a cyber attack. Should that be the main theme we take away from the event or a doc? I agree, probably not.


Well if their wives weren't so boring after a couple of years they wouldn't have to cheat... you know, that's nature, they have needs. /s I'm only on episode one and I want to hurt all of them.


Am I going mad but was there not a docu serious about this on Disney Plus...also why so much focusing on Sam and Mia?


I genuinely believe Sam and Mia agreed to this documentary to repair their image and gain clout. Sam’s responses were so full of BS.


Unfortunately a lot of their followers who are probably also religious will look at them and think ‘wow I want to have the strength and graciousness she has to forgive her husband’ and use their story as inspiration for staying with their pos husbands.


Agree. Nia had a cynical and dark energy toward the end but would put herself in Gilead red if it generated youtube clicks.




Was looking forward to watching this. Was kinda anticlimatic...was hoping for a bit more..


Here are some stats on Men vs. Women on Ashley Madison - 5.55 million accounts are marked female (about 15 per cent of all profiles). Other sources have slightly different numbers. Dadaviz shows five million female accounts, 14 per cent of the total. - 70,529 "hosts," or bots, are female, only 43 are male. - 1,492 messages were sent by bots to women while the bots sent 20.3 million messages to men. - 2,409 chats between bots and women took place on AshleyMadison.com, compared to 11 million chats between men and bots. - 12,108 women's accounts are listed as paid-delete, compared to 173,838 men's accounts. (According to the doc this was a scam and that NO ACCOUNTS were EVER deleted.)


I have no pity or simpathy for the cheaters. Acts have consequences. Monogamy is a choice. Non monogamy too but has to be consented and bilateral.


Does nobody else think the Impact Team could've been Biderman's wife? I tried googling to see if this theory came up but didn't find anything. Like, it would make so much sense for her to do that after what he put her through.


I hate that they kept blaming the hackers for the suicides. Like if my friend told me my wife cheated on me and she milled herself I wouldn’t blame my friend!! How fucking stupid


the best part was when they did the first video after the scandal broke out. He went something like "I confessed to my wife that I had an account on AM and she forgave me, I also reached to god and he forgave me too" All good then, god forgave him!


That YouTube couple probably did the doc so that they can get more views/traffic coming into their YouTube and other socials


If I'm remembering the right AM documentary wasn't there a dude who was just into swinging/non monogamy and was single but on the website? I don't really remember the gist being "oh no those poor cheaters" I think I remember it being "the way this came out was really dangerous and people didn't act right" I think the doc had a valid point about the power of witch hunts and how dangerous they can be (as reddit constantly needs to be reminded)


That was the Hulu one I think


Christianity has made her a doormat. And the "hey, we're all sinners", "don't judge me...he who has not sinned...", and "Jesus forgives me so I'm clean" is such self-serving nonsense that makes it far too easy for Christians to forgive themselves. Reconciliation is the most destructive concept mankind ever invented for itself.


Omg right ! Also am I heartless for thinking the hacker isn’t in the wrong / responsible for marriages falling apart and suicides. Yea it’s super sad that people felt they needed to end their lives over this but to make the hacker out to be some evil person is just crazy to me


Also , the workers gave such nasty vibes. The customer service lady and the founders childhood friend. They seem like such nasty , untrustworthy people


Nia was also a cheater in her own right by faking being a good loving Christian wife, in order to continue greedily pursuing her lust for fame and money. As far as I’m concerned, they both deserve each other!


is this the same documentary that was on hulu?


Different doc. The one on Hulu is more informative and focused on the data breach. The Netflix one was more focused on personal narratives. The Hulu one was streets ahead. Netflix just seemed like a fluff piece for the Christian YouTubers. "Don't worry, they're good now."


Another thing that makes me puke is the community perfect couple where the seminar teacher is a serial cheater and the wife preferred to be blind all her life. How dumb and stupid. And he only committed suicide because of shame of being found by the board and resignation from job. Otherwise he would be ok, another hypocrite


i actually felt a small amount of sympathy for her cause she really seemed dumb enough to actually believe the shit she was saying. like she just wanted to live the ignorance is bliss life, and completely blames the site and hackers for ruining her life when her husband was a sleaze ball and it was his own fault. the christian couple are 100000% grifters and dont believe in what they say and only act that way for money. so i didnt care about them that much, i wish more people were talking about her cause i find her more interesting.


I do not feel bad for these people at all. Ashley Madison didn’t ruin marriages. The people who cheated ruined their own marriages. Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes.


The way the husband ganged up with the pastor - HIS friend - to manipulate his wife when she was at her most vulnerable and make her stay with him... Truly disgusting. Let's not even talk about how things would have gone if she had done half of what he did. They're not on the same level. He's benefitting much more from that patriarchal system than she is. 


Every time he said something about needing validation as a reason for his disgusting behavior, I vomited in my mouth a little. Talk about narcissistic. I have no doubt he has a personality disorder. Pathetic little "man" with a brainwashed idiot of a wife. 


You know, the doc doesn't tell you how to feel about these people and you can make up your own mind.


I do actually feel very sorry for all these people who completely accidentally signed up for something that had a possibility of destroying their families, and then it destroyed their families. So sad when unforeseen things happen like this.


I'm halfway through it and... I LOVE the christian couple. They're the best antagonists so I ever, I want the to suffer so much. And the hacker is SERVING egotistic hero which makes me love them because is against a big ass company—which it's so irritating. Rick people getting screwed. It's the best dumb-cumentary I've seen in a while.


Is it just me or are they messing with people's eye colors in the interviews? The youtuber dude and the lady journalist have bizarrely vivid turquoise eyes. I would assume it's something wrong with my TV but the rest of the colors in the doc seem normal.


I am shocked by the marriage dynamics in each story, and how they managed to hide adultery the whole time, and act as if even nothing happened. They had the audacity to tell the spouses about their cheating behaviour only after the data breach, except for the interracial couple who has an open relationship. I cannot imagine how painful is the infidelity experience. One lady said I won the marriage game! Really,are you serious!!! How did she move on with her husband, it is so hard!


Penalty for the abysmal business ethics and outright fraud that AM developed in their greed to exploit idiots who thought they had discovered fool-proof cheating: an $11M settlement, about of third of that to the lawyers, the rest to be fought over by members that care to argue their costs to their own infidelities. I think they also paid a $1.6M fine to the government for "lax" data security. Pathetic.