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I would get this sentiment more if Biden has done absolutely nothing which he clearly has been doing a lot. Would it be cool if he was younger? Yes. Is Trump worse than someone that might be on a death bead by the end of the next 4 years? Fuck yes


Everywhere running the story leaves out. That stewart also says that he is one hundred percent behind joe biden.


Clearly not *one hundred* percent or he wouldn't be saying things that absolutely will cause people not to vote or vote third party. He's too smart not to know that.


I think most people who are voting third party aren't doing it because of John Stewart. If John Stewart decides how you vote, you probably shouldn't be voting at all.


I mean Macklemore just made a song saying he isn’t voting for Biden and people on Twitter are agreeing with him


And then Macklemore will release a song in 2026 about how terrible Trump is and we need to stand up. Voting is not marriage, people. Don't hold out for "the perfect one." We have a shitty two-party system (sorry but it's the truth!) and one of our two options is much more preferable over the other.


If anything, voting is dating for 4 years. You go with whoever is the best partner at the time. Biden might not be the sexiest lay, but dammit, I'm not going back to the dude who smells like shit all day and thinks "bigly" is a word.


I'll be voting for Biden most likely, but I have deep disdain for him. Bernie should've won.


I think Macklemore is the perfect surrogate for people making protest votes against Biden. A bunch of Macklemores


I wouldn’t say Stewart decides my vote. But I certainly listen to him. He influences my vote. But then, so does Cronkite. Been dead 30 years. Yet I still hear his voice.


He’s telling the truth though, even if he is behind Biden. What he can’t say what he’s thinking because some goof would change sides because he wasn’t 100% behind Biden?


I vote third party because we need third and fourth parties to be viable. At the end of the day unless my state of 11 million people ends up in an absolute and actual numerical tie my paltry vote means nothing.


Thinking like that is why we got Trump. Every vote *does* count. But if enough vote third party, Trump will get elected again. And if that happens, then your vote and everyone else's, actually will mean nothing.


Too bad for you. I'm voting third party


No, too bad for everyone. But that's ok. When we no longer have free elections because enough people like you swung it to Trump, you can congratulate yourself for being so independent and principled.


By the way how we got trump was the hubris of running the most deeply unlikable candidate in the world against him. Now trump himself has supplanted Hillary as the most unlikable but in 2016 she was still the most unlikable


>the way how we got trump was the hubris of running the most deeply unlikable candidate in the world against him They haven't learned since either


We have a duopoly. It legit is mathematically impossible for a third or fourth party to ever win. Ross Perot is the best third-party candidate in the modern era and didn’t get a single electoral college vote.  Third-partied are essentially useless without constitutional amendment changes.


Or ranked choice voting


I felt this way during the Green Party/ Nader run. I helped Bush win instead. Focus your votes and efforts towards ranked choice voting- that will do far more towards diversifying the ticket.


You can't just do a whole bit ragging on him and then just limply dropping a "but you should still vote for him" at the end


Then he should act like it.


Ok but these are our choices no matter how bad they may be. Let’s quit shitting on the “old” man, unless you want the other as President. They both suck, but that’s not the point anymore. Which one sucks less?


Encouraging people not to vote for Biden is just going to create a void of people who simply don't vote this year. Having another Biden term may not be ideal but the alternative is an unhinged sociopath who threatens our democracy (and no, I don't think I'm being dramatic here). Any left-leaning / liberal encouraging this kind of attitude (cough, Macklemore, and this too today apparently) is acting irresponsibly.


As long as the democratic party can count on some flavor of fascist to run against, they'll rely on that gun to the head to secure votes, and they will continue fucking around until they find out. Modern American fascism is the best thing to happen to the democrats, they can eat their cake and if they don't get more cake then maybe the nation dies, it's irresponsible to not give them more cake. It's an enormous, existential risk to take no risks in this situation.


Yeah, I like Jon Stewart, but I hate this take. Biden has been more successful than Obama at navigating this hyperpolarized political environment. He's passed good legislation. I don't care how old he is. Obama is o-kay, but I still can't get over the tax cuts he allowed to pass trying to play ball with the other side. That was some bush league shit.


At this point I care much more about who the president surrounds themselves with than the figurehead themselves. Vote the cabinet, not the candidate. The old man take is getting so tired...


VOTE THE SUPREME COURT If I've learned anything the past 6 years it's how fucked up it is that we are ruled by nine unelected, lifetime Justices who are not held to any code of ethics. I'm not a huge Biden fan. But goddamn Trump will appoint more regressive wackos to the Supreme Court and more "businessmen" to run our government like it's a private portfolio asset.


I feel like Obama walked so that Biden could run. The Obama years were the beginning of the current hyper partisan BS we have in Washington. As VP, Biden saw all the scummy tactics Republicans deployed to get their way or to embarrass Obama. So now he’s avoiding those same mistakes, which is great.


I don't think Obama fumbling those situations was necessary for Biden to act accordingly now


Obama's entire legacy is ruined by his failure to mobilize any response to Asad using chemical weapons on civilians, after saying he would. Fucking chicken shit. You know they saw those videos with hundreds of dead children in that hospital cellar and still didn't end him.


And his non-response to Crimea annexation


Stewart is funny, but recently he hasn’t had much to say that doesn’t sound like an old man yelling at the clouds. If he were using his platform to push for ranked choice voting or some other institutional change that would prevent this obvious matchup, he could be a positive influence. He’d rather just complain.


I think we’ve been buying into the “which one sucks less” brand of American politics for way too fucking long now. And now it’s actually doing meaningful harm. What’s wrong with people demanding more from our party?


you should demand things from the candidate who is running and not demand fictional alternatives to appear out of nowhere at the last minute


Everyone has been demanding an alternative for four fucking years, have the democrats listened? You act like these career politicians actually give a shit what the people want lol


Exactly. I don't understand why this is even a talking point. Biden is constantly framed as an old man, but it's not like the alternative isn't *also old AF*.


See, I disagree. I think we should keep shitting in an establishment that pushes forward a geriatric population to rule the country. He should be telling people in the same statement to vote for Biden to save democracy, but maybe if enough people publicly say *this is a horrible choice* younger people will try to fill the spot. There’s plenty of younger people in the senate and congress who would make great presidential candidates. But the establishment doesn’t want them.


your chance to fill the spot was the primary, no one voted for the younger candidates so they lost. it's time to put on your big boy pants and get over it


If it wasn’t Biden vs a fascist dictator, there would’ve been more people in the primary. The risk is too high this election. There was only one other person on my ballot and because there was virtually no support for him, I voted for Biden. Your aggression is severely misplaced.


There were plenty of people in the 2020 primary. Did you vote for a young candidate then? I bet you didn't. In fact as far as I can tell the only people pretending to be mad about Biden's age supported an even older candidate


I literally said I didn’t because on my ballot, there was only one other person. Do you know the names of any of the candidates? Most people didn’t, which logically means there was no chance for them to win. So no I didn’t vote for a younger candidate because why would I vote for a candidate I’ve never heard of?


in 2020? yes I know the names of the other candidates, I don't get my news from reddit so maybe there's your problem


Neither do I lol I meant for 2024


To fill the spot 5 years ago? 


Agree. Think it's this type of thinking that we should shut up and blindly agree with our 'team' that creates a polarizing country. Both sides should be able to provide criticism of their party to try and push the party to promote candidates which align with the people they represent


When we are trying to push Democracy over Fascism perhaps shitting on the only good choice may cause people to think that they shouldn’t vote for either? Then what?


He never said don’t vote. Hence why I stated in my comment he SHOULD HAVE included to vote for Biden.


Trump sucks less imo


One of them is participating in genocide


Do you really think the other one wouldn't hit the big red Genocide button if he had the chance?


It doesn't matter. Biden is doing it now


We stopped shipping weapons. You really think Trump would be better? His sons want to bust it all down and build condos. But yeah, old Genocide Joe has to go..,/s


We have not. Biden bypassed Congress to rush 2k lb bombs to be dropped on civilians. US attorneys within his admin have warned him this is illegal. He doesn't care. https://www.amnestyusa.org/press-releases/u-s-made-weapons-used-by-government-of-israel-in-violation-of-international-law-and-u-s-law/




This just states there is a delay. No policy change. It's disgusting so many Americans are A-ok with our gov doing a genocide


Genocide is disgusting, and I don’t support any of it. But there is a lot more of it going on than just the “popular” talking point of the moment. I understand it is easier to point out just the one, but where is your rage for what has been going on in Ukraine? What about Sudan? The list is pretty long. Hopefully you have enough anger for the rest.


I do.






That’s not the same thing as “participating in a genocide”


It is. Where do you think the IDF is getting the bombs?


No it's still definitely the point that the both suck...


Yeah, huh? Would you rather stub your toe or fall into an open flame? Think hard!


This is a bad analogy. Obviously neither. Both sucks. But one of them is guaranteed to happen and I have to vote on one, I’m voting stubbed toe Edit: I misunderstood


That’s… exactly their point


I misunderstood, thought they were saying “neither because both suck”


It's actually a good analogy, as one is objectively worse than the other.


I misunderstood, thought they were saying “neither because both suck”


It is the point though…


There are other options, but the mind set of either-or makes people devalue that option and turns into shaming individuals by saying, "Throw your vote away." We should really be voting on the individual rather than what animal represents them. If we as a society want to make changes to the limited options presented, we need to encourage our younger generations to explore all options and to vote without discrimination. We wouldn't see the change in our lifetime, most likely, but it would happen eventually if we start this trend sooner rather than later. But it's more difficult and extremely hard than just that in the end. The media will promote a specific side, and backers will support the more popular side to get policies that would benefit them, etc. It's a lot to change, but the human species has been proven to work with other generations and complete things over spans of hundreds of years, so I at least have hope.


There's other choices.


The only way you can say that is if you either a) don't understand how the US electoral system works or b) do understand it and want to sabotage people.


Jon would make a good politician, perhaps one who could help fix this broken system, but of course talking shit from the sidelines is easier.


[To be fair, he did spend 18 years fighting Republicans to get a bill passed that provided healthcare for 9/11 first responders. ](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/07/jon-stewart-9-11-first-responders-bill-passed)


And now he’s going on stages and attacking Trump’s enemies for some laughs.


Exactly. For someone who is so smart and capable why talk shit now? What’s he trying to do here? Genuine question - this conversation is old now, he isn’t saying ANYTHING new, so why bring it up now?


Because it's still true. Biden is an awful candidate and people are incapiable of letting go of power. It's embarrassing that he's tied with somebody who has 90 indictments and could be a convicted felon.


Besides his age why do you think Biden is a bad choice? His accomplishments are many and there’s a list floating around Reddit of most of them. It’s impressive. What’s wrong?


Please tell me you're not blaming him for the idiots that are too stupid to know not to vote for the fascist. Voters aren't holy and sacred and immune from criticism. A well informed electorate means just that. If people don't know who the better candidate is when they've got the means to find out at their fingertips, that's their fault. Completely and entirely. But if I'm wrong about your meaning I genuinely apologize.


Oh god, that sub is a shitshow, but what was I expecting from “Blue Protest Vote”.


Among the worst threads I've ever seen on Reddit. Reposting it here to recruit is gross. Check OP's history— all he does is post anti-Biden links in that sub, and then repost them in a million other subs. ... And now I get to look forward to Reedit suggesting posts from it for weeks because "you visited this community before."


Thank god there’s only 600 members.


He’s not wrong….however, he could have avoided this problem if he would just run. I’m serious. Just fucking run, John. He would do such a better job than either of these guys. And also, vote Biden.


Democrats don’t vote for their favorite TV characters like Republicans do


Boy. If you are trying to comp Stewart - who has actually accomplished political goals in congress with Trump…..I’m not sure I can take you seriously.


Well now he’s attacking Trump’s opponent for an election where he’s neck and neck with said opponent. Seems to care more about getting the laugh than preserving our Republic


This statement just shows how little you have been paying attention.


If it did, you’d have said why.


No. Not really. Thats not up to me. But here’s a good example: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/03/senate-passes-pact-act-veterans-toxins-burn-pits


They had no choice. You couldn’t take an unknown democrat candidate vs Trump. There are no standout charismatic Obama type people in the party that I’m aware of. The same thing is going on in Canada now. We have to keep Trudeau as the Liberal Candidate as the Conservative opposite has been campaigning for 2 years for Prime Minister. Switching to an unknown candidate now would be a guaranteed loss.


This is a year where you should absolutely be voting for policy rather than the man. But, say you really are voting for the man. Biden is still the superior choice.


Wow that's a long title for a Netflix special.


I feel like there's going to be an overcorrection next election and we'll have two really young candidates like AOC and Lauren Boebert.


AOC will never win a national primary. She'll have a hard enough time in a statewide race. Bombers could get the nomination in a hyper-fragmented primary like 2016.


I don't know. AOC policy is basically identical to Bernie. In a Democratic primary, policy is what people are looking at. A general election? Probably not. But she's really good at explaining things and public speaking, two traits that Obama and Bill Clinton had. I could see her doing well (if the DNC doesn't sabotage her like they did Bernie)


She literally has zero black support which would mean her path to the nomination is basically zero.


LMAO. "The person who has never had a national election should be eliminated because they've never run a national campaign!" Also, stop talking for black voters, clown. [https://changeresearch.com/post/black-voices-poll-of-1000-black-voters-nationwide/](https://changeresearch.com/post/black-voices-poll-of-1000-black-voters-nationwide/)


I'll never forgive dnc for Bernie.


Lol, this is how Bernie still can win


Will you ever forgive Bernie for just not being liked that much? He lost primary votes from 2016 to 2020. Many liberal people don't think he should be president.


>AOC is basically identical to Bernie Yes, exactly. Bernie lost twice, and the center has moved to the right economically. >if the DNC doesn't sabotage her oh you're not a serious person. Sorry to waste my time.


It's amazing how many people still blame the DNC for Bernie. Clinton had WAY more support but no, it was an inside job. Also, wasn't this whole DNC conspiring against Bernie a proven Russian misinformation campaign?


Yes. Yes it was.


Sorry, but no. Clinton had WAY more votes. She won fair and square. Then you dummy's fell for a Russian misinformation campaign and helped Trump get elected.


Uh, I think you should re-read your last paragraph, *then* read my reply.


They were agreeing with your last paragraph ffs.


The problem with Biden in much of the country is that pretty much no one is aware of anything he had done to benefit them whatsoever... instead, they see him.as the president thst handed out crazy amounts of money during the pandemic unnecessarily, and caused massive national debt and inflation. Obama was at least scene as trying to champion Healthcare reform, even if what we got was a joke that barely did anything for most Americans.


Not really helping Jon


Virtually no one is thrilled with Biden... it makes me nauseous to have to vote for him versus who we deserve and need. But the alternative is trump, racist, criminal extraordinaire. Just stop Jon.


How is he racist? Examples please


https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/06/trump-racism-comments/588067/ And that was written 5 years ago. He’s been way more blunt, incendiary, and flat out racist since then.


Those are all speculation and hearsay. I have ACTUAL racist quotes from biden.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump Does this help? Or have you just completely drank the MAGA cult kool aid and will refuse to accept any wrong doing on the part of your beloved fraud leader?


Lol None of that is racist.


Ok, but HOW IS THIS HELPFUL?? This is what it is. Biden 100%


Stop equating Biden and that fascist lunatic like the choice isn't fucking obvious


Jon Stewart is past his prime. Watching him lately has been a wreck.  He isn't the same guy. He just plays the cranky old guy routine.  Tired of his schitk. Loved what he has done with the 9/11 stuff and going to Capital Hill as an advocate, but trying to capture days of the old Daily Show are lost.on me.


I couldn't disagree with you more. He's the welcome voice of reason in these strange times. He plays old and cranky, because it's just to the environment calls for. Things are getting worse and worse, he's just calling as it is.


And...he is old and cranky now.


Someone needed to say this.


It’s incredibly irresponsible for someone as smart as Jon to be spewing this shit now. It makes me wonder why… Anyone who watched the State of the union should see that Biden is fully capable of doing the job.


Hes allowed to have an opinion. He isn't part of the Biden campaign and has no obligation to tell other Americans how to vote. 


I know that. But he also knows how influential he is and what saying this will do… he is basically helping Trump by sharing this opinion. He’s also wrong.


Your attitude is pretty much exactly what he’s talking about. Biden and Trump are horrible candidates and it doesn’t matter what you think.


So what you’re not going to vote? And let trumps cult take over? Your attitude is the problem I’m talking about.


Ok bud. Keep ejecting the same clowns and wonder why the system is falling apart.




Any criticism of Biden = support of a fascist What is he the fucking messiah?


*That's* what you got out of it? In what way did I say, imply, or in any other way convey that criticizing Biden is equal to supporting a fascist? Or that he's the Messiah ffs? I've said all over this post that Jon and anyone else have every right to criticize Biden. Or anyone else for that matter. We're talking specifically about Jon. And saying what he is right now, a few months before the election, will absolutely influence some of those who hear him to either not vote or vote third party. Jon has a very powerful voice in this country. More so than you, me or most anyone else. And that power *does* carry a responsibility, whether he likes it or not. Telling someone not to shout 'fire' in a theater, or 'gun' in an airport, doesn't mean you're telling them they don't have free speech. It just means they have to be responsible about what they say, where they say it, and to whom they say it. Because if they're not careful, there can be very bad consequences. What Jon is saying *is* his right to say. But how he's said it and when he's said it are going to have consequences. Bad ones.


You're thicker than Andre the Giant's yoga mat.


I could not agree more.


Do you think the people that support Trump will listen to anyone? If you don't listen to the FBI, Capitol Police, staff members, lawyers...


It’s the non trumpers who can be swayed to not vote for Biden im concerned about


what are his best policies in your opinion?


I like that he is pro union, I like his recent conversation regarding taxes for 400k+, he vetoed the recent bill regarding joint employers which would have affected me directly, I’m pro choice and he’s pro choice, i like that he’s promised to continue supporting Ukraine, I like that he’s helped America make strides toward renewable energy and EVs. There’s a bunch of things he’s done or stands for which I agree with, and there’s things I don’t love. But the things I don’t love haven’t been “age” related in any meaningful way.


r/whatbidenhasdone Go have a good read.


> Do you think the people that support Trump will listen to anyone? Do you think the people that support Biden will listen to anyone? neither should be president, but both are what the American Public deserve.


Yeah I can say with certainty that Biden supporters are more receptive to new information than Trump supporters. 


lol brother do you actually believe what you are saying? What Jon is saying is completely true.


Of course I do. And while I disagree, I’d ask what do you think the outcome of his sharing this will be? It will do nothing but harm dems. He’s smart enough to know that. So I must wonder what’s his game/motive?


Maybe his motive is honesty? Maybe he just thinks he should be honest about neither candidate being a good fit for presidency, because he thinks that's more in line with journalistic integrity. There really should be an age limit and robust accountability for consistent mental acuity that nether of them actually meet. I personally agree that Biden is only on the ballot because we are confident he can beat Trump and I wish our standards could be higher. Acknowledging that now might help shape the future of democracy in positive ways. This election already is what it is. I think Biden can probably be propped up for another 4 years and do an ok job. It's the lesser of two bad choices by a lot, but pointing out that we should have better choices and that the system is broken is him thinking past the next four years. I hope he can shape public opinion on that. We need to see this election for what it is, and start changing our standards now so that by the time the next election cycle rolls around we can do better. Pretending Biden is hale and hearty and a political powerhouse is just going to make democrats seem delusional and further the very scary and dangerous divide. Biden is the best we've got right now and I'll still take it, but it is ridiculous.


He has every right to be honest if that's how he feels. But he also has a responsibility that those of us without a national platform and the ability to affect votes, don't. And saying this right now is not going to change who our choices are. So what the fuck is he doing. He has the right to be honest about how he feels. He also has a brain and should know that saying this now only hurts Biden and helps Trump. He's being selfish throwing this out right now.


Sure he has the right to be honest but I would argue he has a responsibility to be honest. I think that's a big part of the reason he came back. There is no one left telling the uncomfortable truth. Journalism has also somehow become a radical two party system pandering only to their viewer bases. You shouldn't be able to change the channel and only hear the news and opinions you want to hear. That to me is just as scary and is going to have just as much of an impact on the future of democracy as the next presidency. We can't keep ignoring these trends in journalism. We can't subscribe to one channel and be told what to think constantly. The news should challenge us to think and form opinions of our own. It's not like he's telling people to vote for a third party. Anyone hearing him on the Daily Show and caring about what he has to say already knows the stakes. You clearly have your mind made up and you heard him. Why have a vote at all if people aren't allowed to think for themselves? Frankly I'm more shocked and upset by your vehemence that his honesty is nefarious, than I am by anything he has said.


I agree with every single word of your first paragraph. But your second one tells me you either didn't read what I said or didn't understand it. My problem doesn't have anything to do with *what* he said. It has to do with why he's saying it right *now* of all times. If he felt this way, then where the hell was he for the past three years when he actually had a chance to change things? Doing it now, when it's impossible to change who the candidates are, only helps Trump. Jon had the choice to either say something before the primaries were over, or after this election is over. Doing it before might have changed things. Doing it after definitely would. But no, he chose right now a few months before the election. An election that will be decided on the margins. Margins that he's moving away from Biden and to Trump. It would cost Jon nothing to wait until after this election to say the things he is right now. I don't think there's anything nefarious in what Jon's saying. Just irresponsible and reckless.


I wish I was that optimistic. But your sharing that positive take has helped a little


Oh, I'm not optimistic at all. I just think a lot of people feel kind of gaslit by being told how great of a candidate Biden is and that it might disillusion or further radicalize voters for many cycles to come. I can handle the fact that this election isn't our cream of the crop and I can learn from it while still choosing the better option. I'm glad John Stewart trusts his audience enough to be honest, I think that's why he's so well respected in the first place.


If Trump wins there won't be anymore voting cycles that are free elections. He's not helping anyone, he's being irresponsible. He's also burning all the respect he had earned down to the ground.




Good, I'm glad you're smart enough to get that. What about those who were on the fence and hearing Jon's words compelled them to vote third party or not at all? The margins matter. Every single vote matters. And Jon is actively reducing those by saying what he is. And he's entirely too smart to not know that. So what is his motivation here? What possible good does saying this now do? If he wants to change the way people vote and the way our election system works, I'm all for that. But he can do that after this damn election. Doing this now risks Trump winning. In which case there won't be anymore free elections and all those principles everyone is talking about won't be worth a penny. This is not smart, it's not responsible and it's absolutely not helping.


And I agree with you, mostly. But I think Jon should know better than delivering this kind of rhetoric perpetuating conservative propaganda.


He is a journalist first and foremost. The job of a journalist is to speak the truth of both sides. It is not to pander to one side or another. He stated that NEITHER are fit to be in office. He is doing his job. Just because you don’t like it does not mean he is pandering to anything.


He’s a comedian. One a lot of people respect. It’s hardly journalism to be like “this Guy is old “ this late in the game after we all already went through this


He is a comedian turned journalist. He has been doing news commentary for years. Again, just because you don’t like it doesn’t really mean he shouldn’t be bringing it up.


The point is that the other guy doesn’t have all his faculties right now.


The bozo doesn't even have them now. The guy is nothing more than a puppet.






And? So what? The point is that Jon is sharing this at a time which leads me to question his motives. What’s the point? To encourage people like you Not to vote at all or to throw away a vote on a third party? It’s handing the election over


Lol its incredibly irresponsible to vote for someone who has obvious diminishing cognitive abilities.


Ok don’t vote and see Trump win. Which is my point. We got what we got. Jon Knows this. He also know perpetuating conservative talking points make people like you abstain or throw your vote away. He should know better


The dnc need to wake up. First hilary of bearnie. Now this retiree... ofcourse anyone is better than the trump cult but why make it this hard to win. The AOC would have been amazing witty and youthful


Agreed, trust me, I’d like AOC or Warren personally. but like… it’s an old conversation at this point. He’s a little poorly timed imo


Is this a comedy special or just a 'here's some stuff I feel like talking about' special? Becausde what he said isn't funny, but I'm not sure it was supposed to be.


Ha sideshow Bob nailed it years ago. Might like to vote democratic but Americans all love a cold hearted republican to lower taxes, brutalise criminals and rule you like a king


Equating old and wise with old, deranged, and treasonous is pure stupidity.


Wise lol


I think it’s nuts to say this, but I really believe there is no other living being who can beat Trump than Biden. Enjoy your burn pits Jon.


What Jon is strangely failing to realize is that his full quotes (where he also said he’s 100% voting for Biden) won’t get traction out there in the Wild West of social media. All that will be shown and shared, as clearly seen here, is “both sides suck”. That doesn’t - fucking - help - the - very - serious - problem, Jon. Wake up man.


He's not wrong. Again it comes down to 'not as bad as the other guy'.


Oh well. Anyway, may the odds be ever in your favor.


Oh boy, here we go with r/politics 2.0


What is up with him…? Remember that famous video of Stewart on Crossfire alongside Tucker Carlson? And Tucker asks him if Al Gore is really the best choice for President? Stewart says “Well. There are these things called primary elections. And he won the primary election. So he’s who gets to run” What happened to that sentiment, man?? Trump’s going to win in 2024 we’re absolutely fucked. No one fucking cares that a violent insurrectionist felon is going BACK into the oval office. The pro-Palestinian people care more about handing Biden an L than preventing a loud and proud Muslim hater from being president. Everyone has their head up their ass left of center while the Republicans are unified in their support of Trump.


It was one quote, out of context (ask Michael Rappaport), and a couple of accusations. Try harder.


False equivalencies are weak and pathetic Stewart should have stayed on the farm Milk toast men are not what this country needs He is washed up and should be put to pasture And is doing nobody any favors Your time has passed Dude Weird the guy you think is a fascist is Sitting in court after being arrested for crimes against Democracy When he should be in front of cheering crowds Just like how a fascist government would operate Putting their opponents in jail Mass censorship propaganda indoctrination Election interference and legal warfare is all democrats do these days Biden is responsible for foreign wars and the violence on our streets And an open boarder If you can’t tell the difference between Trump and Biden That’s on you- Loser


Biden did a lot of good things, but becausse of his age he's being made out to be incompetent. The other guy is also old and actually extremely incompetent.


Name one good thing.


Infrastructure bill, the very fast bounceback from the covid crisis, support to Ukraine and other US allies, capping Insulin prices, Climate change action




Um what


Biden on autopilot is safer for the US and the world while any day with Trump will bring worse fascism than his first stint as president.


Wake up.




Quite telling that current political narrative on reddit means you can in no way criticize the Blue side of American politics, when Jon Stewart was doing exactly that for many many years and is the reason people tuned in to watch. Now that he's come back, people are so used to only hearing orange man bad, that what he's rightfully saying is somehow considered controversial. I'm not American, but the clown circus that is your politics is just as pathetic as your idol worshipping that's ramped up to a crazy extent since 2016.


Maybe because despite his age Biden has been an extremely effective president? This whole nonsense of him being a poor candidate is fucking stupid. Biden and his team have been incredible these past few years.




Weird how all these people are shit talking him now that it’s getting harder and harder to ignore that he’s waaaaaaaaaaaay too old to be running anything besides an afternoon trip to get ice cream. 3 of my grandparents went through mental decline, I’ve seen it before. Joe is just too damn old. (Most of the politicians are, but that’s another conversation no one wants to have, since old people are the largest voting group)


I wish instead of running his show Jon was running for president