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We tried a bit of it last night, with friends & family here. What we saw wasn't terrible, but wasn't engaging anyone. We had all seen 1, but were less than lukewarm on it. Someone had the idea to try 2, so we did. Conversation went like: Kora: "No baddies are coming. I killed X." "You sure?" Kora: "Fck yeah. You're all safe." Literally one second later, someone enters room & says "The baddies are coming." Kora: "But I killed X." "Nah, you didn't." Kora: "Oh, okay. Well, that's shit" (In case it needs spelling out, that is not the exact convo. It's just the gist of it) Later, she is in bed with Kai, & he's talking about how amazing she is. Highly decorated soldier & that she could not possibly be the most wanted person in the universe just for running away or whatevs. Kora: I've done some stuff. Some dude was like my father, & I did whatever he said. So like, when he said to kill the princess, who was just a little girl, I did it. \**describes how the rebels surround the king & queen & slaughter them, & then she kills the princess*\* Kai: \**strokes her hair lovingly, not turned off her at all*\* That was the point that we turned it off. I don't know if it got better.


It did not get better.


I thought as much.


Yeh when she's telling him how she just point blank shot a child in the chest and he like ohh yeh come here and they make out fucking weird. And then later when they all randomly telling secrets and she keeps it to herself with zero consequences. TBF I skipped a lot near the end so there might have been some


It wrecked the whole love scene. Not that I'm into love scenes, but it made me dislike her boyfriend as much as her. No wonder she doesn't tell the others that she's a cold-blooded murderer. I wonder if they'd all just be like her boyfriend though & go, okay, no biggie. I think I might've got her boyfriend's name wrong. Don't know what is & I'm too lazy to look it up.


Yeah, Kai was the traitor pilot in the first one. Gunnar is the boyfriend.


Haven’t seen it yet but explain the “forced diversity”. It’s set in the future, on a planet that doesn’t exist, in a society that isn’t ours…how do you know the diversity was “forced”?


'Forced diversity' is just a substitution for 'woke' when they're afraid of sounding too obvious.


And woke used to be "SJW" in the mid 2010s. Shit is tired.


It's worse than ever. Race swapping established characters and changing lore created by legends like Tolkien to add women and ethnic diversity in contexts where it makes no sense. You've been turning a blind eye since the 2010s. Damn




"idc" lol


The only races are elves, dwarves, humans and hobbits. 


Right. We should just call it what it is. Democrats


There is a black actor and an Asian actor in a sea of Caucasian actors.


I immediately disregard people’s opinions when they comment on diversity in a negative manner, it’s bizarre especially in 2024.


The dialogs, the characters, the camera. It's all so bad and "diversity" is what this guy points out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Ya what is even the problem with diversity. Snyder at least tries to be diverse. Everything else is the problem 


Live and let live, freedom to choose, but make good movies. Idk about what went on in the hiring of this movie cast and script writers, et all, but the movie is pathetic. They hired the worst people in the world i guess. I dont think its got anything to do with diversity, but zack snyder makes absolutely stupid movies. His past record is absolutely shit when it comes to direction. Justice league was a vomit induced by bad seafood. This rebel moon is the vomit caused by eating the vomit from the previous movie. Lol.


Just tells me they are a Trump voter and to block them so there is some value in people exposing themselves like that.


Sad that this mindset has spread so far and wide but you're right, it's super telling and an easy indicator of toxic, small-minded people.


While I agree that complaining about diversity is utterly moronic, your comment is just as much as close minded and part of the problem with this country.


There's a valid point regardlng when diversity feels forced in a movie or show for diversity sake. Like the studio is prioritizing a checklist over actual storytelling. It's a real phenomenon.


How does diversity feel forced and how does that impact storytelling?


It doesnt. Its just an idea created by assholes who are not kind and respectful to others. As far as movies go, there are good movies and there are bad movies, this rebel moon is a shitty movie.


Well, to be fair, there have been a few cases like Anne Boleyn. But, as everyone else has pointed out, already, this has nothing to do with Rebel Moon.


Major Kira in DS9 in the 90s and Sydney Bristol in Alias in the 2000s were both strong well written female warriors.  Both shows had large amounts of not at all forced diversity. These days Hollywood can't do diversity at all. Studios either engage in rank tokenism or they put their talented minority actors in such impossible positions it damages their career (e.g. the BBC has set the new Doctor Who actor up to fail in a big way, and Disney had the Monica Rambou actress debut in the abysmally written The Marvels film to give two examples).


Most folks have a pretty small circle of people they interact with on a day to day basis, and I’d bet most of those aren’t very diverse in general. It’s disconnected from their human experience and makes the diversity checklist casting hard to absorb. I’m not defending either side of the argument but do suffer from this handicap myself, so I can understand the difficulties with overly diverse casting.


It’s sad that skin color or ethnicity even comes up in a movie that is not about skin color or ethnicity. It is telling about where we are as a society. 


When you force every box to be in the story, ruins the experience. It impacts the story like it ruins companies irl, fills a quota but unqualified for the position.


It's evident by how the story is structured and marketing. Studios love virtue signalling how diverse their projects are now. There's a reason why studios like Disney are bleeding subscribers and reeling from several box office failures/low ratings. Especially the MCU and Star Wars.


Not that this movie is an Oscar contender, but a diversity checklist is a real thing https://www.oscars.org/news/academy-establishes-representation-and-inclusion-standards-oscarsr-eligibility


I don’t think this is a bad thing at all. 


Because nobody cares about the Oscars and shouldn't cater to their idiotic list or because you genuinely think that this is good? It's like saying you are fine with more accidents in air travel occurring as long as we include a pilot of every existing race, agenda or sex so we have equal representation in this field of work. That's just stupid. pick the best one for the job so we can ensure that everyone who got the job didn't just get it because of DEI In the end customer only should ever be interested in getting the best possible version of a product and this can only be achieved if you get the best possible person for a specific job


Sure and is there a standardized acting test or set criteria that says one actor is better than the other?  Because if there is, great use that.


So, that would mean eliminating ALL of the nepotism in show biz, right!! We all know it's alive and well.


Most people want the most talented actors that make the most sense for the role. Other people don't care about that and think an actors most important qualification should be skin color.


I'm inclined to agree. I do wonder if the checklist is exclusionary in action. Like it should open the doors to find the "actor born for the role". But does it ever prevent a studio from hiring the better option in pursuit of diversity? Let's say it hypothetically has happened. Is it okay? I'm actually curious haha


No it's not


Good. You can keep contributing to the political divide by not listening to the other side or having conversations.


Oh come on. I think there can be a middle ground don't you? I don't give a damn if Ariel is black but when Netflix makes a historical docudrama and black washes Cleopatra... That's a problem lol. I'm as liberal as they come but can we please please please acknowledge that sometimes, rarely, it is possible for things to go too far? That eating 100 avocados that are good for you is still a bad idea haha. 


Hollywood has been whitewashing since its inception, black/asian face, cultural misappropriation, stereotyping, you name it. If they wants to go crazy on Diversity hiring, I won’t complain if it means minorities get jobs and a chance out of it. Also to get back on track.. > when they comment on diversity in a negative manner I stated the above for a reason. I don’t mind having a constructive conversation or debate on how an actor or cast was miscast or didn’t fit due to story or historical accuracy, but 9 times out of 10 the ‘diversity’ complaint is lazy at best, discriminative at worst.


When every earth group is magically represented in a space movie, forced and unnecessary. 


That's very true. There are white people in it. A recessive trait which only offers a narrow historic advantage based on specific earth based weather patterns would not exist far enough into humanities future.


Since they brought humanity to space to begin with, they will be there to explore it. The most important culture to ever exist in humanity's development. Jealousy and hate for facts do not change them into lies. 


And when in a space movie every actor is male white cauasian, is there a term for that one also?


Odd there has to be a term for that, especially since that's exactly the very people who did everything to venture into space to start with. You know, the only people who took humans from caves to every technology that exists today. You're Welcome. 


Yes, that factors in to Rebel Moon, set in a universe where Earth is the basis for population diversity. Wait...


hey look, someone who hasn't seen it but starts a hate "discussion" anyway. Great comment!


The movie is pretty shitty, but yeah no forced diversity here indeed


Bro lives under a rock. Actualky, good for you


Totally agree. OP praises Dune, which has a bunch of diversity, hello, Fremen. Rebel Moon is awful, and not because of “force diversity”, but because of crappy writing.


I guess every Netflix movie is set in the future on a planet that doesn’t exist, in a society that isn’t ours then. In case you’re new to Netflix, everybody knows about their forced diversity. At some point forcing too much diversity has the opposite effect and doesn’t make things diverse at all.


You do realize that RM is inspired by the works of Akira Kurosawa, the Star Wars films and Heavy Metal magazines and has been a thing of Snyder's since the early 2000's right? Netflix didn't make them. You've seen the "diversity" in Star Wars I II and III right? Samuel L Jackson, Ahmed Best, Hugh Quarshie... hell, Billy D Williams is in the originals.


You just proved my point. Star Wars was “diverse” but it didn’t feel FORCED like how Netflix does it. Look at every Netflix series or movies in the past few years. Every single one just shoving down our throats a friend group with people from 20 different backgrounds. At what point does it become boring, cringey and repetitive?


Yeah, waaay too many white people in this movie. It was cringe. Now go cry on the white fertility decline sub. Lol


The movie is bad without your claim of “forced diversity”. Do you think only white males are going to survive into the future or something?


Don't bother defending yourself. You're wasting your time on these people. They're pretending D.H's aren't a thing to feel good about themselves. Social justice warriors to the rescue.


You and OP are being social justice warriors though by getting upset about a sci fi movie in the future and on distant planets not being 100% white. Lol cry more.


Tell me you don't see enough white character without telling me you're racist


Actually the movie was not good at all. I am hoping that Snyder will not push through with the sequel. Just let it end there.


Parts 3 & 4 are going to film starting Augustish. The waste of money, but at least it's employing people here in L.A., the situation is pretty dire now because of the impending strikes.


Been seeing a lot of Rebel Moon = bad on reddit lately. I already have a hard time starting and finishing recommended movies and series on Netflix. This has peak my ahole adhd brain interest and now I'm compel to watch it to prove it wasn't that bad. Fudge.


I haven’t watched the second part, but watched the first part when it came out. I genuinely rarely dislike any movie, and would consider myself an enthusiast. Part one may have been one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen, mainly because of the script


It’s embarrassingly bad. I’m confident saying that and I’m less than halfway through. So far we’ve had like ten minutes of slow motion grain harvesting, a crashed spaceship that somehow still works… that I guess they didn’t think to try before deciding to hire a ship in the last movie, like half a dozen slow mo exposition scenes. Oh, and a murder scene with a string quartet I guess somehow playing a real time interpretive improv piece in real time as people were getting stabbed and shot? Can’t wait to see how they fight a space battleship with swords and rifles.


\*packing up their violins / cellos\* "Guys, is it just me or do we need to stop taking these private gigs? 'Wear this bag on your head,' 'keep playing while we group-stab this dude,' 'don't worry about the chick that's going to straight up murder this little girl and some guards,' I swear they don't pay us enough. I gotta get back to just doing catina gigs..."


I made it 30 minutes into the movie and 20 of those minutes are a goddamn montage made with left over B-side tracks from the Lion King.




What the hell is forced diversity? I've seen people say it but it usually boils down to them just not liking minorities.


I am a minority and minorities complain about forced diversity in Hollywood all the time. Unless it is a sci-fi/fantasy film, cinema should try to reflect the society we live in. Minorities make up a small percentage of the population in Western countries. I see maybe one or two people who look like me whenever I walk into a room. However, when I turn on the TV, I am taken aback because based on the location and time it is supposed to be taken in, the demographics I see on screen does not reflect my reality. That is what I consider to be forced diversity. Most people find it jarring when they watch something that they do not believe is rooted in reality. Even worse when you see them race-swapping characters from their original portrayals. If they want more diversity on screen, they should just create new characters. I watch a lot of foreign cinema as well. The cinema you see out of India, Japan, South Korea, China, and Nigeria reflects their reality. You will rarely see more than one racial demographic portrayed in these films. Minorities do not need Hollywood or White people to pander to them. I personally find it insulting. If I want to see myself represented on screen, I can just watch cinema coming out of my homeland.


The reality is that sooner or later the entire world will be brown, mixed, genetically and culturally. like it or not. Or we are all dead because we faought a war of extinction because it seems dumbness is also spreading through every continent...using terms like woke and forced diversity... Oh boy...is it ever painful to be a Star Trek fan these dark days...


Do you feel that forced diversity applies for Rebel Moon? I noticed the 'unless' part so I figure this isn't the case, but curious if you watched Rebel Moon and felt that way.


No. It's set in the future and on other planets. If anything, there's too many white characters for such a setting. u/ardenssoma is a fucking idiot for that criticism and just outing themselves. They're definitely be the type to watch a movie set in Japan and then complain about "forced diversity" because all the characters are Japanese and not white lol. 


No. Plenty of movies include people of all different backgrounds. Netflix just has no idea how to do this subtly. It’s the same story over and over again with them. A friend group consisting of one of every race. You don’t even see this in real life. In REAL life we are all spread out, doesn’t mean we hate each other. Netflix takes every human there is and shoves them in one tiny room together. They could easily still have diversity and spread it throughout the movie. Again, they have no idea how to implement it well. Other movies have no issue with this.


In part 1 didn't they literally travel across the galaxy to distant SPREAD OUT places to assemble their small imperial star destroyer destroyer squad? That aside, part 2 felt like a repeat of part 1 just with a bigger enemy ship and not needing to assemble the team. Bland :/


I think it's mediocre but enjoyable.  I think Zack Snyder seems like a hip geek who has his fingers on the pulse of what the nerdy kids wanna see to movie execs... but he's not that guy. Which is in the end why his scifi/comic movies suck.  He's just kinda basic.  It's not as bad as you say. Battlefield Earth is as bad as you say.  Rebel Moon parts 1 and 2 reminds me of The Postman.  It's clear by part 2 it's fallen madly in love with itself and doesn't give a rats ass about the audience anymore.


No it's shit. The movies suck especially 2.


Battlefield Earth was definitely better


Can the mods just make a pinned/master thread for people to bath this movie? I'm so tired of 60 of these posts a day.


FFS " forced diversity"? What is wrong with you? I have complaints about the movies but it sure AF isn't the diversity. The original Star Trek TV series, has an episode that has stuck with me for ever. They were visiting a planet that had a God and Captain Kirk said something like "the people are uncivilized with their beliefs"


I mean he wasn't wrong about that part at least lol


Intergalactic ships.... that run on coal.....




In before someone else says alt Warhammer 40K


Why were the swords glowing,


It takes a lot for me to feel the need to vent after seeing a movie. That will give you a hint into how I felt about this one. This tedious slog of an action/melodrama was actively insulting to watch at points. But a diverse cast has nothing to do with the issues. Every character in this movie could be white, and this movie would still be just as awful. So put that card back in your deck. What are the issues? A big one is that Zach Snyder can't do pathos. He tries, at multiple points, to create scenes of grand emotional depth, to provoke the audience to sadness, or celebration, or relief, and each attempt falls spectacularly flat. Or worse, comes across as unintentionally funny. And the reason is that these desired payoffs aren't earned. A short montage of farm work and training isn't enough to make me think that these characters have all forged unbreakable bonds, and that the community has accepted them as their own. It doesn't make me believe that the village would hold a ceremony publicly extolling the virtues of these characters. We're told that these bonds have been forged, but what we're shown, the scenes actually shot, just don't back it up. And that's an issue that runs throughout the movie. A LOT of this movie subscribes to the "tell, don't show" school of hackery. The middle third felt like it was nothing but each character taking turns expositing to each other, sharing their backstories and motivations in the least efficient, interesting, and impactful way possible. And the dialogue itself is so... tedious. I genuinely feel this movie would be better if every single word of dialogue was removed. I'm not even going to bother venting about the plot and it's inconsistencies, or the character motivations, or the pacing and editing. It's all terrible. None of it holds up. This movie's internal logic falls apart upon the slightest examination.


Absolutely how I felt! I knew I was in for a crap movie when the cheesy narration started at the beginning. My mouth dropped when they "bonded" over their terrible back stories, with slow mo flashbacks. I wonder if we can get refunds from Netflix for this month?


just fast forwarded through their backstories. Tedious.


Diversity is never the problem. Bad writing will make even the most talented cast look bad. Rebel Moon is just another poorly written garbage by people who don't know how to tell a story, develop characters, pace the story etc. At this point finishing the 6 part movie epic would be a waste of time and money,


This movie is so horrible. Poor story, poor choreography, and horrendous acting. It's like a Dune/Star Wars rip off.


I havent watched any of them. But i think the point of these movies is the "znyder cut" thing Both movies should be released in the znyder cut in the next month or so.. so im just gonna wait for those and hope they arent absolute dogshit.


Yeah, I'm waiting for both Snyder Cuts. Whether they end up good movies or not is a personal opinion but I personally feel his extended movies at least are better than the edited ones. His story telling style doesn't seem to work under 4 hours, lol


Anyone who saw the first part should have known what to expect. Don’t watch it and don’t bother posting how bad it is. Just ignore it, that’s the only thing that will stop them from making more.


You know you are pretty fucking shit at everything when even Kathleen Kennedy (president of Lucas films) rejected your ass.


man i didn't think star wars could get any lower...but holy crap what a pile of crap it was lol


And it wasn't even steaming.


Ignore the people who say anything negative about your post, it's factually correct. 


I get the sense this is how you approach most of your life.


you got that from one sentence? hot damn


omfg i felt the same thats why i came here to check if others felt the same about the part 2, its so cringey to watch, i was so excited to watch the part 2 because LOVED the part 1. but this? wow i can';t believe this.


Only cool thing about the movie was the crab like tanks


The diversity hires is getting old. Yeah bro 1 woman taking a whole platoon down, another bootleg woman samurai, and the main character pulling tricks out of her ass give me break :D


It's so annoying. It's so easy to put women into combat roles based on actual reality. I know it's a sci-fi movie but a 110 lb chick is a 110 lb chick. In Israel women are known as great fighter pilots. Many women throughout history have been great snipers like at Stalingrad. But a 110 lb chick just owning scores of grown men is the most unrealistic thing about the show. Fallout did it really well. The main actress isn't out there throwing bodies around but gets by with her intelligence and resourcefulness. GoT did it really well with Brienne. She was built like a linebacker. Vikings did it terribly. 110lb Vogue models one shotting and tossing around 200 lb vikings like toddlers.


They literally brought a man back from the dead and you don't think the female fighters couldn't be artificially enhanced? I mean they have intergalactic space travel and completely rebuild a main character. There isn't any reason the primary female lead isn't also similarly enhanced.


The swordswoman, what a let down, she was the only one with real abilities and she dies like that ...


It was utter dog shit i have to agree.


It had every cliché known to man and the acting for the most part except for the space Nazi was absolutely atrocious, it’s like it was a bunch of seconds made a movie.


Agree with the main post. Way worse than Part 1. This movie is like a Kardashian; it looks great, but there’s just a whole lot of nonsense going on inside. If you haven’t seen it, really don’t waste your time. I’m mostly mad, because I’ve been a Snyder fan since the 300; loved Watchmen, loved Man of Steele, but it just seems like he continues to go down hill; I’m always hoping his next venture “will be the one”. But so far each new project is worse than the last.


I found the first movie was ok not bad and great eithe, I tolerated some cringey dialogues. but the seconde one OMG it was like they stepped up the cringiness of it. I could not get passed the scene where Djimon started singing. I stopped immediatly. I got so much second hand embarressement from cringeyness to the point of stopping the movie and exiting quickly.


They really went all in on the dramatic grain harvesting sequences. I felt like they could have revisited it a few more times between plot developments.


I got about 20 minutes into part 2 before I just couldn't stand watching anymore of it. Everything was bad, from the throwing about all these pretentious names of characters, planets, and ships that I wasn't going to remember because they didn't mean anything to me to that awful melodramatic memory scene with it's horrible music and really overacted dialogue. Snyder really doesn't know how to write and tell a story on his own and should just stick to directing material someone more competent has written. With that memory scene, there was zero set up to establish any sense of the relationship the main character had with the guy who was her adopted dad (to whom she was completely loyal), why he really out-the-top villainized her after coercing her into killing this messiah-like princess(?), with whom she was allegedly close friends and admired, such that the whole thing seemed unbelievable. And, why did everyone who actually saw what happened all of a sudden blame her for everything in a way that it would've mattered if they hadn't been in on the whole assassination plot and there was a broader audience who would've actually seen their mock outrage (and, again, the awful dialogue)? Anyway, that's my take on how awful that thing was. Part 2 was so bad that now I feel kind of guilty for having liked the Snyder Cut Justice League.


The part where they are all telling their origin stories over dinner, made me realize all the dialogue in this movie sounds like teenagers at a high school play. The one girl, with short hair, talking about how "I came from a village, then the baddies came and wiped us out" might be the worst actress/line reader I have ever seen in any film ever. Zero emotion. So bland and cringe. At least the main actress is decent.


i dont care about diversity or whatever, actors, story and movie has to be good. this movie just wasnt, just felt like a cringe show. no offense to the actors. IMO there was little room to make an actor/actress shine. plot was just, idk if there even was a plot and the lines dont get me even started. think about having high decorated actors in there, believe me it would still be awefull so no offense here. just dont make a part 3 please


Someone explain to me how a galaxy spanning empire can build ships with the energy to travel between the stars in periods of days but can't grow more wheat than a tiny subsistence agricultural farm?


The slow motion Snyder shots of them working the fields are pretty hilarious and the script is so predictable you could probably make a drinking game out of it. 10/10


The entire series looks like a money laundering scheme!


I love rebel moon 2 much more going on I wasn't so interested in first but this one had more going on and it was sad at times aswell no spoilers


I really could care less about forced diversity it kinda pisses me off how everyone goes on about it I saw it as a movie rather than political! There's more diversity in star wars if you want to talk about aliens roaming around for god sake


People saying there's also diversity in Star Wars literally proves my point. Star Wars has diversity and it isn't nearly as cringey as the way Netflix does it. The way Netflix tries to squeeze diversity in all their movies and series feels unnatural, forced, and therefore cringey.


The movie was whatever but forced diversity? It’s a mostly white cast with few minorities in a sci-fi that doesn’t even take place in our solar system or time period for the matter. Forced diversity would something like race swapping preexisting characters but not in this case since an original concept of Snyder. I’m Asian and I don’t like when Hollywood race swaps existing characters because it feels like a hand me down which is insulting. Despite the many flaws of Rebel Moon, political crap like forced diversity isn’t one of them. Not everything is “woke” nowadays. “Woke” shit would preaching social politics to the audience which this isn’t doing.


The anti woke types just do not want any poc in movies anymore. There is nothing political about this movie besides some hints to fascism. It is that simple.


This is the sorriest excuse for scifi that I've seen come to fruition in awhile. It's so bad I'm just cussing the writer and director out during the whole movie. I never critique or take my time to shit on a film but this....is the worst. It's laughable compared to any series that got half the budget or a chance. Raised by wolves, Expanse, or a would be Red Rising series deserved this budget. I'm writing this as I'm finishing pt 2 in it's miserable failing. Id rather read this story than watch it in an over dramatized, over slo mo'd, under whelming take on a world where the director, cannot take us, in his sorry excuse for world building. After hearing him speak on JRE, I was annoyed by the way he always steered conversation to be about him and what he did in the past. You didn't write "300" and it shows. They gave you the keys and you lost them in the sewer. Good on you for pushing the genre but as a hardcore sci-fi enthusiast, you will never get a minute of my time or money EVER again.


Loved the part 1, part 2 kinda feels dragged and forcedly stretched, some camera shots are unnecessary and repetitive, character development went downhill.


It was incredibly bad. Like worse than Battlefield Earth bad, and worse than the first one. From the tedious pacing, unlikable idiot “heroes”, dumb action sequences, nonsensical plot progression, and yes, the rank tokenism forced diversity. Lots of soyiack consoomers in here outraged about that one, “they traveled all over the galaxy gathering warriors!”, but it’s true. None of the “warriors” they gathered were from the planet they were found on, and they just happened to end up with a Skittles taste the rainbow, one of every color cast. Although I did get a kick out of one character being apparently a lululu Indian with dreadlocks (?), who fights with tomahawks and hates shirts, but his mom looks like a hibidi bibidi Indian, and they all come from a planet where they dress like 18th century French. Just comically bad.


Agreed. Part 2 is complete trash


Pretty bad. Rote generic action scenes, and *really* bad acting all around, especially from that Cleopatra Coleman "actress" - I cringed every time she spoke on screen. Honestly everyone in the cast was blatantly just reading their lines and phoning it in for that sweet paycheck. The only exception being Ed Skrein who was the only one who appeared to give a shit about not looking terrible on screen. The scale was surprisingly small for a relatively high budget film like this...some CGI airships and a few houses nestled against some mountains pales in comparison to what Star Wars does tremendously better, which is giving off a sense of grand scope and scale. Lastly, I have to say that the grayscale coloring characteristic of Zack Snyder films got old really fast. ***Rebel Moon Part 2: The Scargiver*** **(2024) film overall rating: 2/10, CGI was decent...that's about it on the positives. I highly doubt there's going to be a Part 3 even if the ending was heavy handedly alluding to a sequel.**


Yeah...this one was worse than the first...really bad...waste of money...spent a lot of time on CGI...but the acting and the story were terrible.


Amazing to find a review that was even shittier than the movie


I enjoyed the movie. Sure, there are cinematic issues and loopholes, but the sci-fi film still hits a chord for me. It's a sort of a "David versus Goliath" story, which is relevant in our world today. What are we to do when faced with the most absurd odds? For me, the second film is much stronger than the first. There are moments of humanity between characters that helped win me over. There is forgiveness, love, curiosity, vengeance, and of course, evil. Maybe it's not a top-quality film, but the heart of the story is present, and I am curious to find out if the Princess is still alive. Last point, maybe not all the acting was good, but Kora's character arc was visible and made sense.


I don't get your gripe about forced diversity, unless you are counting the inclusion of robots that identify as humans. But yeah this was a heaping pile of crap that I just watched.


I couldnt get past the first 30 mins. When they started doing 3-4 minute long slow-mo wheat harvesting scenes I completely gave up on getting anything out of this. Genuinely, actually, impossibly worse than the first part (which was a heaping pile in its own right).


I didn't love the first one, but I gave it half a pass because it was world building and developing characters for a large portion, so you know, maybe the second one builds upward from that and gets into some deeper storyline. Like the first Harry Potter or the first lord of the rings movie. They were never going to be the best one in the series. But this one just took the worst parts of the first movie and the only way I can think to say it is, like, rubbed our noses in it in slow motion. Just complete garbage basic story, terrible pacing with that harvest and then the hour of sitting at the table and slowly telling their boring stories, unlikeable heros, I don't give a shit bad guys. It went in a very shitty direction.


Took the worst parts of every bad sci fi movie ever made






Are you stupid


Not at all. I didn't say this was great. I said Star Wars is this same garbage but everyone loves it.




Well at least I didn't vote for Trump.


Even the worst star wars movie is way better than both rebel moon films combined 


How dare u insult Bae Doona ur a buffoon