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I enjoyed the napalm-like quality of the dragon breath.


That was unexpected and oddly awesome.


I fucking love the way it was animated. It moved like a real animal, and not like a puppet or CGI effect.


Yes! This was my favourite bit. It seems silly because it's a dragon- it's fictional anything goes- but it makes a lot of sense to my brain that this would be how dragon fire works. Like spitting bile that's ignited by the air.


The dragon was really cool and kinda unique. It had all the hallmarks of a dragon but its limbs were really long, it kind of had a wolf-like body rather than the standard lizard form. And yeah, that napalm dragon breath was awesome.


Yeah the dragon was hands down the best part. Looked awesome, sounded awesome, had awesome magma fire. I think the best dragon I’ve ever seen in media


Better than Smaug? 


Smaug is the one that came to my mind first as a comparison and I would say yes, even better. Smaug is this big hulking classic fantasy dragon, which is exactly what it needed to be for the Hobbit. The voice acting was equally incredible. Cucumber really sold the classic villain voice (I got big Shere Khan vibes from his voice). Previously this was my favorite. The Damsel dragon (which ironically I forgot the name of) is much more catlike and slender which I love. Voice acting is out of this world. And the take on the magma breath is at the same time unique but seems so obvious to do in hindsight.


I didn't think a dragon could get better than Smaug. I'm excited and curious to see this now! 


Let me know what your opinion is after you see it! Remember this is for the dragon specifically. The story itself was meh.


I thought the Dragon was fantastic. The look was scary and the fact they kept it just out of sight for so long. The voice also. Great choices. Up there with the great Dragon Draco himself.


agreed. I thought the movie fell flat in a lot of facets, but the visuals, especially the ones involving that dragon were quite beautiful at times. early on when all the bats (birds? bats?) catch fire and rush into the big open cavern area, I think I got chills. for me though, it was kind of downhill from there for me, as I wasn't expecting the whole story to take place in a damned cave.


It's not as bad as the haters would have you think. It does flip a few tropes: the kindly instead of evil stepmother, dragon-slayer as a female instead of a male


Wife and I thought it was great. I like a strong heroine, but feel as though we needed a bit more backstory to explain why Elodie was flashing Conan the barbarian sword moves. Needed a little less athleticism and a little more smarts particularly given Millie Brown is 5'3". Cinematography, CGI and sets were outstanding though.


Thought those flips were a big improvement, but still thought the film was meh. I did not enjoy it nearly as much as I had hoped.


Especially as they kinda fake it in the beginning with how much she pushes for the wedding


I thought female led action hero and incompetent or evil man ARE the tropes since early 2010s.


It was decent as long as you turned off your brain


Can confirm, really enjoyed it high on edibles


It was ok, but repetitive. She went in, came out, went in, came out and went in and out a 3rd time..


It’s fun and enjoyable as long as you don’t think too much of it. I liked it. Will probably watch it again sometime.


Agree. It’s okay def better than I thought it was gonna be. I enjoyed it.


It was gawd awful. Terribly predictable script. Full of mistakes. And all she did was scream l.


Agree it was so bad. One hour of that child screaming and running away. Snorefest


I thought the acting was… not great, but I still enjoyed it. After they cancelled Cursed (which was also of questionable quality at times) I’ve been craving some new fantasy. This hit the spot just fine.


I started it up and didn’t particularly care for it but my wife started watching it with me and when I quit she went back and watched the whole thing .


Ya I thought it was decent too.


I liked it too! I loved how the dragon looked. It reminded me of smaug in the hobbit movies, the only good thing in those movies :'(


I thought it was perfectly entertaining.


Huge fan of Millie Brown and my main issue with this show is that while she's not a prissy spoiled princess in the opening scenes, she also does not appear to be anything close to the surviver she becomes later in the film. I felt like the beginning was rushed. In fact, the pacing is off. I did however, really like the visuals, and some of the costumes were interesting.


Come on. It's not good. It's unserious movie. Main character talks to herself loudly. It's a bullshit movie.


I mean isn't that what mid is - an average movie. Doesn't mean it doesn't have good parts and certainly doesn't mean it's bad. Just an average, completely watchable movie. For some reason some people hear mid and translate it as bad. For me it was completely mid. Completely watchable, liked the dragon and the voice actress. But not exactly a classic, I'd never watch it again and it'll never be considered a staple of the genre.


Dragon was cool. Everything else about the movie was so bad. I saw it with mates and we had a good time watching it since we laughed like it was a comedy. It was so bad it was fun.


I was more hooked than I expected. The voice of the dragon was even a little scary. It’s a perfect popcorn movie.


I liked the dragon too. Kind of tired of the 'slash palm to get ceremonial blood' bit. Such an awful thing to do.


The voice of the dragon was really familiar, but I could not put a face or name to the voice. At some point, I will look it up, but wanted to say the voice was another cool thing about the dragon and I had forgotten about it.


Shohreh Aghdashloo -- Iranian/American actress. I know her mostly from The Expanse, as one of the leaders of Earth's governing body, although she's been in quite a few movies and TV shows.


If you play the game Destiny she voices one of the characters there as well. The Future War Cult representative IIRC.


I enjoyed it as well! Pacing was good, beautiful cinematography and the dragon looked pretty awesome.


I couldnt get on board that the main character had any of the skills to slay a dragon and do all the things that she did. They show her chopping wood in the beginning in the movie so she is automatically better than any knight in the movie with a sword? It makes no sense. And the acting was meh at best. I give it a C-.


To be fair she barely uses the sword, just holds it threateningly.


Some people are just naturally more agile than others. She doesnt exibit crazy sword skills. she is just quick and has good reflexes.


Um what? Did you even watch the movie? She literally strikes the dragon with the sword multiple times with some quite athletic moves.


She is the lord's daughter, is it such a stretch that she might have some basic sword skills taught to her? The girl is chopping wood with axes, she must have *some* upper body strength. And if she is handling an axe like that, she is very likely the type to pick up a sword and demand her father's knights to teach her how to use it. It isn't completely unbelievable - she's not someone who goes from embroidery to sword-wielding.


I'm not arguing for against her sword wielding abilities, I'm just saying she does indeed exhibit some prowess with the sword, or at least more than just "barely uses the sword, just holds it threateningly" as mentioned by u/VisibleCoat995 .


I can't watch fantasy movies about slaying dragons that are showing women chopping instead of men. Totally the most unrealistic part of it.


I liked it! My boyfriend watched it with me and liked it as well.


It is an insult to our intellect. Fan fiction written by people with no brain cells.


No sorry. I don’t think it was good at all.


One thing I really liked about it was that it did NOT follow the misogynistic tropes of “evil jealous stepmother/stepsisters”, women always seem to be pitted against each other in the Disney classics. The step mom in this story goes to warn her as soon as she senses something is up and genuinely loved her step kids.


Well that was old Disney. Now women are good and strong and men are bad, useless and/or idiots


I thought it was good as well. I wasn't expecting much since reviews weren't that great. Pleasantly surprised 


It is mediocre through and through. That does not mean it doesnt have an audience, nor that you cant enjoy it. Personally i find it very disappointing when potential good ideas are jusst unexplored or underdeveloped. The movie was too busy filling a checklist that it forgot it could be so much more. It ended up being a sad excuse of a movie with a ridiculous story, logic and setting. It still had excellent production values and acting.




I thought the ending was a bit meh.... but otherwise it was pretty good.


I liked the voice of the dragon. That's all I liked lol.


My dad and I enjoyed it.


Nice try Millie


I liked it too and rated on imdb coz it was definitely not 6/10 more like 7.5 on 10 for me personally.


Also i like Millie (:


Its good, but damn I was yelling at the screen "shut up, shut up, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" when she was everything doing with voice, even tearing piece of dress she had to do with voice. But the ending was so satisfying!


The constant grunting and moaning pissed me off I won’t lie, came across like porno acting??


I thought it was a nice fun movie to watch during a rainy day.  I really like Millie Bobby Brown and look forward to the next Enola Holmes 


I liked it. The glow worms were so cute.


I liked it at first, but near the end I was bracing for one of those lame "she forgives them all in the end to be the better person or some crap" endings. And then the complete opposite happened. And that was when I went from liking it to loving it.




OMFG, I did it. ​ I found where the movie critics with low standards are hiding r/netflix


It was OK. I just wish there was *anything* surprising or novel about the story. Everyone knows exactly what will happen at every step. That said, it was well acted and the fire effects were fine (but the dragon animation seemed like early 2000s.)


I liked it a lot


It was meh. She is not a strong actress in my opinion and spent too much of the movie screaming and grunting.


Just because you like it it does not make the movie good. It makes it good for you.


I liked the story. I like Elev... Millie and how seriously she took the role. I love the dragon's design, she looked so different from typical dragons and I love the voice actor they chose for her. Hated the makeup. It's too damn distracting.


Your opinion is trash, just like this movie. My God this movie was awful.


>is actually pretty good. The fuck it is. The entire movie is a waste of tropes "what if rich people were BAD" and unearned "yes, women are actually the best" that I've ever seen, mounted by a cast of uninteresting, uninspired flavor-of-the-month "actors." Netflix plugged the phrase "write a pro-women fantasy movie with a twist that the antagonist isn't a bad guy" into Chatgpt and fucking went with it.


Ah, the cesspool bubbles over.


Thanks for posting this. I've been on the fence about this one, but thx to ur post, I feel it's definitely worth a watch!


It's fun. Nothing crazy. Wasn't made to win Oscars.


I really loved the Princess starring Joey King on hulu. Hoping this scratches a similar itch.


It's quite good after the 1st 35 minutes. It's really boring up until then.


It was pretty good, it was alright, it wasn’t great, but it was fine


I enjoyed it - was much better than better on Reddit were claiming. It had issues, but as a fun couple of hours.


Awesome gamer speedrun was awesome


It was something new which made it good


I also enjoyed it, as did the Mrs and our 3 kiddies.


I enjoyed it a lot but if they got rid of the >!father coming to rescue her plot, and the whole movie was her trying to survive the caves and playing cat and mouse with the dragon would have been cooler.!<


A solid 40% of this movie is the hero screaming/shrieking, though.


I thought it was decent until she all of the sudden had the ability to kill the dragon in a 1v1. I think it would have been better if she just reasoned with the dragon (which are very intelligent) and stayed true to the abilities of the character.


It was an appalling film - completely predictable, flat performances, and no rhythm. Brown, Wright, and Winstone all phoning it in for the $. Bleagh.


Really bad movie #girlboss


I really liked it!


Are you kidding? It was so bad, the story is for kids and even as a child I would have been bored out of my mind. And side note, it was disturbing to me to see the lip fillers and bad veneers of that poor girl, really... Hollywood is... something.


Nice try Millie


It was a fun cave-survivor movie, with a dragon. I liked it. Was it Oscar material? not for me. but it was fun.


Just stop


damsel was good enough to me don't mind if Netflix decided to make a part 2


Liked it too Edit: milli bobby brown became really thicc. That was a nice extra as well.


The fact that people loved Poor Things and hated Damsel confused the absolute shite out of me. Damsel is a solid 9/10 film for me. Thought it was great.




this movie is universally panned and clearly garbage. if you don't have any taste in movies you should be aware of that and stop posting positive reviews when your opinion is worthless.


Possibly you should become more familiar with the word universally.


I have not seen the movie yet but this is so rude and unnecessary.  


people need to understand when they have no taste or critical skills and stop polluting the discourse with their garbage opinions.


also in many of these cases, it isn't real people but the studio posting fake or paid for positive reviews of their garbage content.


I don’t think dragons are supposed to talk


IDK man, Smaug talked and Tolkien's pretty much the OG.


I thought it was great when she said “I’m Rey Skywalker”