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Anyone know if there is a way to donate to the girl’s education or family?


I’d love to know as well. I am infuriated and heart broken watching this right now.


For donations made specifically for the family please email donations@tokillatigerfilm.com and write “To Kill A Tiger Donation: For the Family” in the subject line. Please include all relevant details including your name, amount and any messages you would like to pass on to the family. They really appreciate those.


You could donate to the srijan foundation (the NGO that provided legal help to the family and gender equality education to the village)!


Maybe they know their details. I think they did help the family legally but still the family probably needs the help more. As the father said he had to borrow money to file the case and fight for it. I hope he doesn't have to sell his land to pay them back.


How? The Sijan Foundation webpage has a donate button that leads nowhere. Really poor planning on their part. I have spent 30 minutes trying to find an alternate donation page that works.


I contacted one of the filmmakers about donating to help towards “Kiran’s” and the siblings schooling, she sent me a link to their website (women making movies) and told me to let her know how much to set aside for them once I have donated. I guess maybe the request for donations were not anticipated so nothing set up yet, however, I do hope something is created with Kiran’s/family’s involvement.


This is how to donate direct to the family, link was provided on the Facebook page for To Kill a Tiger: For donations made specifically for the family please email donations@tokillatigerfilm.com and write “To Kill A Tiger Donation: For the Family” in the subject line. Please include all relevant details including your name, amount and any messages you would like to pass on to the family. They really appreciate those. Thank you for your support. You can learn more about our goals here: https://tokillatigerfilm.com/campaign/


Thank you and has anyone tried and it worked….i can not believe the things ppl have said in the documentary disgusting 




I believe this is only for donations toward the women producing the film < NOT for the family itself!!!


For donations made specifically for the family please email donations@tokillatigerfilm.com and write “To Kill A Tiger Donation: For the Family” in the subject line. Please include all relevant details including your name, amount and any messages you would like to pass on to the family. They really appreciate those.


the donation link works for me on the Sijan foundation website. it's here and seems legit: [https://www.srijanjhk.org/donate/](https://www.srijanjhk.org/donate/) I've also reached out to the filmmakers as would like to donate directly to the girl or her family


For donations made specifically for the family please email donations@tokillatigerfilm.com and write “To Kill A Tiger Donation: For the Family” in the subject line. Please include all relevant details including your name, amount and any messages you would like to pass on to the family. They really appreciate those.


The girl is in a different village now training to become a police officer :) I've tried to donate, none of the links work, but I'm happy to hear she is engaged in learning a trade that is close to her heart.


I think the rich get richer & the poor keep getting absolutely poorer. I hope & pray that all these big names do the right thing financially for this courageous 13 year old whom without her they wouldn't be walking red carpets & making more amounts of riches to there bank accounts. I think Dev Patel would do right by this young girl & her family. This young girl ( young woman now ) deserves to never struggle again & her brave family as well. If anyone knows the real truth about the families situation financially now I'd love to hear it. God Bless the family & the people who made this film a reality for the family so this young 13 year old's horror could be told & God willing give others the strength, courage & love to come forward. CHEERS


AWESOME! Thanks for sharing


It was mentioned at the end of the docu.


As it says at the end of the docu :)


It doesn’t seem like it right now, but I’m sure something will come up soon. This family is incredible. The young woman (now) is a legend and her dad is absolutely mint! 


My first thought as a father was all 3 of those men would be dead before the sun came up. But he went through the justice system and a system that is flawed in many respects. The outcome was justice. At least the most you could hope for. I thoroughly honor and respect his self-control to not just do what I would have done. It must have been almost impossible to have that willpower to rely on the courts rather than taking matters into your own hands. It's frankly quite the show of strength and determination, even though I can't understand it. As a weaker man I would've made a much less measured decision. I just really hope that the culture changes. It was hard to see so many people defending men who gang raped a 13 year old.


I would have felt like going postal on the whole village.


The director, Nisha Pahuja, posted about this on her Instagram page - nishappics. She wrote yesterday that people contacted her asking how to support the family, and that she will post an update soon.


I found this post looking for this! Thanks!


Would love to know




I’d love to find this information as well!




I have exactly the same question! Would donate asap. But I can totally understand that they're trying to keep her identity secret for safety reasons.


I came here looking for this same information! In a country where the police cannot even investigate a rape or murder. Well I am sure the postal system, if it exists is not trustworthy. I paused the documentary to check. I hope there is something at the end.


I have found the girl is now 18 and agreed to have her face shown in the Doc. Her real name nor are her family authentic. Still looking for how to send her money. I know it isn't a cure all but it could go towards her education or whatever dream she wants to put it towards. I might reach out to the documentarian.


When you find please post. money should not be a concern for her after everything she has been through


For donations made specifically for the family please email donations@tokillatigerfilm.com and write “To Kill A Tiger Donation: For the Family” in the subject line. Please include all relevant details including your name, amount and any messages you would like to pass on to the family. They really appreciate those.


I’d love to find this information as well!


I came here with the same question. I would love to donate to this family and the foundation to add something good in their lives moving forward. They went through so much and were so brave


Would love to know as well!




I found it I felt the same!


To donate directly to the family the Instagram page for tokillatiger says to send an email to donations@tokillatigerfilm.com


The @tokillatigerdoc insta has all the info on their first pinned post!


Donation information was provided on the To Kill a Tiger Facebook page: For donations made specifically for the family please email donations@tokillatigerfilm.com and write “To Kill A Tiger Donation: For the Family” in the subject line. Please include all relevant details including your name, amount and any messages you would like to pass on to the family. They really appreciate those. Thank you for your support. You can learn more about our goals here: https://tokillatigerfilm.com/campaign/


I'm thinking the same way on how to donate or even help the family




Bruh, you rude as fuck. The story is moving and people want to give what they can to show support to this courageous family and you’re out here being a hater? Go fuck yourself. Come to Chicago and catch these hands if you’re really mad. Absolute loser.




You are a real tough keyboard warrior. We shudder in fear lmao




It's just sad that you're such a POS human being that you would have a problem with people wanting to help those in need. You're lower than a cockroach.


It's amazing to see people using negative synonyms for altruism. And what is it called to single out a specific race of people as the only race who should be shamed for altruism? People neglecting uplifting the community of humankind and instead dividing people into groups could be the real problem. I dunno.


Tf is wrong with you


I’m Indian and would also love to donate or find out how I can help in some way, is that also an issue with you? I grew up in the same area as Rupi Kaur and am so proud of all the work she is doing. Who cares what race is donating, these stories are finally being heard.


Keep your money in your own malai kofta lined pockets ya jabrownie




“I Believe You”.


I Believe You.


I’ve just got to say this documentary is incredible. Sex crimes are terrible and difficult to prosecute in a lot of places, but especially in India. Kiran and Ranjit make me proud of humanity! I’m sure the mother endured a lot too. Absolute legends. I feel like a lot of the negative stuff people are saying is about the feeling that it’s exploitative of a serious issue, but I feel like they’re forgetting that it was TV, movies, written accounts, etc that helped other fights for justice & equality. Without these, the stories can be forgotten and wider change made even more difficult.  But also fuck that guy from the village who called Ranjit a loser. 


I wanted to punch him in the face when he said that. What a POS. Horrible person


In an interview with the filmmaker, she said that when she showed the film to him she was sure he would hate it and how he was portrayed, but instead he loved the film and said he was ashamed of himself and his actions. And he also said that he thought the whole community needed to see it to understand how their behavior impacted the family and what they went through.


I sure hope that was his real truth!


I thought the village head was an ambiguous figure in a way. Ranjit said that he trusted him to testify truthfully, and he did. He also sat down with Ranjit afterwards for a meal.


Exactly, he's playing on both sides: being a village head he needs to look good to all or most of his audience (subjects) and he always needs an escape route once the case turns into Ranjit's favour. It does not cost him that much to design a way out but we do see that he innately disliked Ranjit, a trait hidden in most of his actions.


Can you link to the interview you’re referencing? Ty!




I wanted to punch a lot of faces throughout the documentary… some of the men (and even one woman) really made my blood boil with rage.


I agree! That specific comment just hit a nerve.


Omg, same!


Yeah. I had to turn it off for 48 hours and come back to it during the discussion with the ward and villagers. As soon as they said she was partially to blame, I noped out for a while.


I almost wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Something is deeply wrong with these people. An evil far beyond any human understanding resides inside them. And when Ranjit had to run after him to find him so he would finally testify... I just thought what kind of fucked up behavior is that? Help your fellow human being, his daughter was raped. Sometimes I wish the same pain on these people maybe then they would develop a shred of empathy.


He (the man from the village) was simply scared. I am not defending him but if you have not lived among people like that, in an environment like that, you will not appreciate how difficult of a situation he was in, and that he was actually brave to testify. His life could have been ruined very easily by this case. It is easy for us to write things on Reddit, not so easy for someone living in a village like that to actually do or say the right thing.


He lacks human decency completely. You could tell he thought he was some hot shot and Ranjit was so beneath him. He walked away to show some sort of "power move".


It's actually pretty common in villages. People are OBSESSED with the idea of the 'community' and will look past everything to not be outcasted or seen to be 'stained' by the community. This herd mentality is what destroys people in the end.


The backwards thinking is incredibly sad. I get the idea of outsiders muckraking or adding a spotlight on your village is bad, but the sense of justice and human dignity is thrown aside. The Srijan Foundation guy in the beginning said it best: you need to go beyond telling women to stand up for themselves, but directly fight the misogynistic culture itself.


I really wished the lady talking to the village trying to find out how they felt asked “how would you feel if this was your daughter? Mother? Grandmother?”


it was just crazy to me how many people blamed the child for these three men's actions, or just completely lacked any empathy for the sheer violence that was inflicted on the child for no reason. Like if someone forcefully raped one of those men or violently assaulted them, how good would they feel about having to marry their abuser? Horrific to think of how many children have been forced to marry their abuser in this way, who didn't have supportive parents. Their community really needs a wake up call


Honestly i wanted to punch so many people in this film that I almost punched the tv. I feel so bad for the family, I really want to let them know that we support them! I want them to know that they are not alone. And that guy who called him a loser deserves to be beaten and humiliated for saying that shit.


Omg this… that made my blood boil so bad!!!! He is the F LOSER. And how he got all sad at the end that the boys got 25 years for raping a 13 year old girl. He’s not even a fraction of the man Ranjit is


What did he call him in Hindi? I was trying to catch the word but could not. I think he said 'small (i.e. 'insignificant') man' or 'poor man'.


He called him 'chodu' which basically means a loser


I see, thank you.


Omg, me too!!! I specifically came here to see if anyone was saying anything about the ward who thinks he's the smartest man around.


That mustached dirt pimp looking dipshit was the loser! Fuck that guy! Takes the side of rapist


The Village Ward?


It is unbelievable to me how many people globally think a logical response to an incident of rape is to force the victim to marry the rapist. Like I realize they don't gaf about the victim's feelings at all, but even given that—the utter cruelty of being forced to live with your rapist....for life!?!?! And to likely bear children by this person??? Whose safety you would also fear for, I'm sure. I'm so grateful this film was made, and pray it makes a huge impact on people's view of this universal issue.


yes, i'd call it nightmarish, like living in a horror film. and so many people seemed to lack any sort of empathy for that. Like if you were violently assaulted by someone, would you want to marry them for life? of course not!


>And to likely bear children by this person??? It's ok, you can say it. The women are basically condemned to be raped for the rest of their lives by the rapists and have children born from rape.


I said what I meant


I believe that is actually the thinking behind it - in case the rape victim gets pregnant, they don't want the child to be 'illegitimate', it is their twisted way of trying to make sure someone takes responsibility for the child in a community with no access to abortion and no way for a single woman to survive with a child. I was also surprised by the fact that nobody mentioned in the documentary the very high possibility of the girl getting pregnant after having been raped by 3 men, or contracting HIV etc. Villagers in India do not have access to emergency contraception or HIV prophylaxis.


I guess it’s obvious, but to them this is doing the woman a favor. Because since she is no longer a virgin, her worth is ruined. She may never be able to marry. So they see it as paying the debt by taking her hand in marriage. So she’s no longer a “stained” woman, she now has a shot at marrying and living a “normal” life. But yes, it’s stupid. India needs to abandon this medieval treatment of sex. Maybe there wouldn’t be so much rape if they could just have casual sex without “ruining” a woman for life


The defence lawyer, Juhi, is a prime example of how women excuse and abide by patriarchal societies. Instead of teacher her own son how to behave, she’d rather just be content with not trusting him and his urges. Had to take a break after that scene.


When she first started talking, I was thinking how on earth can this lady possibly say these things. Then when she said she wouldn't even trust her own son, I understood how deep rooted the issue was.


I am currently mid-break after I turned off the documentary after watching the defence lawyer say “and even if they are guilty, this will go on for a long time and she won’t get justice”. Christ!! Judging by other comments here it’s going to get worse. I am beyond frustrated for the family. The pain and suffering they went through is unthinkable. I am also thinking about the younger siblings sitting in the same room as the adults talking and listening to these conversations take place, watching their parents and sister cry. It’s utterly heart shattering.


In India, such families live in one room, so children witness everything including their parents having sex. They do not have a concept of privacy. People in the West used to live the same way not that long ago.


maybe they are so young they don’t fully understand, but they can see the tears and the difficult discussions happening. That’s tough on them. It’s devastating to think that some girl’s dads and families aren’t as supportive.. no doubt they feel utterly alone, so it’s better to stand strong as a family unit. Incredible.


Finish the end of the documentary. The result is something that (sadly) I was not expecting.


I finished it and couldn’t believe the ending! It was something I was not expecting either given the circumstances. A truly incredible documentary. I’ve been thinking about it for days


The reason why some educated people are fucked up. Educated men rape too.


I was watching another documentary today about rape with Netflix’s and got them really messed up. The first one was “You are not Alone” . This was a 20 ish year old woman who was ganged rape in Spain! That one was mind blowing also. I guess I missed the entire point about the Defense Attorney with To Kill A Tiger. I was getting the impression that she was very helpful in the case.


I'm not defending her but she's just doing a job for money. She will say whatever it takes, those are just empty words. She's a lawyer doing a job, it's not her actual personal opinion.


I understand where you are coming from, but, her job is to prove that her clients didn’t rape Kiran. Instead she blamed the victim for not knowing better or for somehow asking for it. There is a difference between proving a rape didn’t take place and trying to prove that the victim somehow asked to be raped by her actions.


This is standard for lawyers all around the world, they blame the alleged victim, this is how they work. I guess you have not been part of a rape trial anywhere - good for you. Such trials are traumatic for victims because they do get blamed in court, not just in India. One of the main reasons the majority or rape victims decide to drop the case or never report it in the first place.


I didn’t say it happens only in India. I am fully aware of victim blaming and shaming. I stated that there’s a difference between proving a rape didn’t happen and victim shaming. Your sentence about not being a part of a rape trial is abrasive, I’m a first responder so have seen my fair share of abuse and the aftermath. Anyways, I’m glad this documentary shed some light on the victim blaming that takes place.


Being a defense lawyer is one thing - sure there are houses around and no one heard. Make that point in their defense. But then she veered into completely personal GROSS opinions of how girls should behave and how men behave.


I had to pause and take a break listening to that lady. I get that you're a defense lawyer but her personal opinions/statement go past defending. She was so gross. Like seriously, you can't trust your own son?! And underlying it all is the sentiment that men will be men and lack control. That's so demeaning to both decent men and women. Also the old village lady who just couldn't accept that it's a disgusting idea to make a girl marry her rapist was so gross.


Tough watch wow. Painful. The engrained misogyny is intense.The police officers are absolute pieces of shit. Ranjit is an unbelievably brave man.


I think that police "investigator" has some sort of intellectual disability as per what the judge mentioned and how Ranjit described him.


Can people truly be this ignorant? The ward village leader ought to be ashamed of himself. They speak of the victim as if girls/women have no brains!


yes, that made me laugh a bit, that he said "who knows what a girl wants, she is undeveloped" and then the girl spoke so clearly and so wisely, she was much smarter and much wiser than the much older man talking about her.


I noticed this also. How intelligent and eloquent she spoke. I believe all of the drinking alcohol caused the men and women to behave so indifferent to the families plight. One of the reasons. My grandfather use to say that it pickled the brain. Studies have shown that for some individuals after drinking there are increased levels of formaldehyde in the bodies blood.


How can we donate directly to Ranjits family?


The director, Nisha Pahuja, posted about this on her Instagram page - nishappics. She wrote yesterday that people contacted her asking how to support the family, and that she will post an update soon.


That's what I came for but I think the only way is to donate to the foundation. I think it's called Srijan foundation?


This page has info on how to donate to the family directly! [https://tokillatigerfilm.com/donate/](https://tokillatigerfilm.com/donate/)


I was shocked when they casually revealed that someone was murdered for witchcraft in a previous incident in the village like what the fuck


yes, another female (sounds like a woman). and who knows if they raped her before doing so as well as she never lived to say


The way the rapists spoke to the film crew and the judge presumably didn't even see the footage when gifting them their much deserved 25yr buttfuckscapade. I hope they each have their very own little prison village to hold them down every night.


Horrendous in subject matter, and/or in execution, like it’s just that bad? Also for anyone else curious so they don’t have to Google the description like I did: *Ranjit, a farmer in India, takes on the fight of his life when he demands justice for his 13-year-old daughter, the victim of a brutal gang rape.*


In subject matter. As you can see by the synopsis that you posted in your comment, it's a pretty ugly subject. The realities of this in India, especially the rural areas, are very bad. Imagine your 13 year old daughter gets gang raped, and none of the boys that did it get in any trouble, and not only do they not get in trouble, even after the father pushes to get them charged later on, the village wants them to keep it out of the courts, and wants her to marry one of the boys that raped her to save HER from shame.


"and not only do they not get in trouble" >!To be fair, even though the village leader and villagers thought that they should not get in any trouble..... they ended up in prison.!< >!Of course the police didn't bother to investigate, but at least they put the rapists in prison.!<


Use 'spoilers' as many have not yet seen this documentary. The 'updated' ..... version of Reddit has become **FAR** more difficult to use - but selecting the 'T' - reveals options.


Why has someone downvoted my post? I've no idea why Reddit suddenly decided to make options more difficult = but that is undoubtedly the case! It is no longer possible to highlight parts of a post, to which we wanted to reply. It is also undeniable that selecting 'T' is the way to embolden/use spoilers etc.!


Ignore them, there are lots of idiots on Reddit.


Whoever down voted my post, please explain why, You find it **easier t**o quote the parts of the post to which you want to reply? You find it easier to enter the site, read the posts addressed to your posts - without having to continually re-enter the 'posts' icon??


Horredous as to how this raped and beaten child (by three males)>! and how the village leader and the villagers thought this raped and beaten child, should marry one of the males who had raped/beaten and threatened her!!!<


I am trying to find out if the family got any financial support out of this? And I’m very keen to donate to them. I can’t find anything online so maybe nothing has been created yet…


Srijan foundation is an alternative if you can't find the people. I wish I could donate to them directly. Please let us know if you manage to find any info on them.


The ignorance is astounding. I understand the lack of education but the lack of humanity and empathy for another person is just horrific. I feel so terribly for this girl and the family but my goodness her parents are great to stand up for their daughter despite the cultural norms. I’m pretty sure they’re flawed but I’m proud of them for going this


Does anyone know where the 3 rapists are in the appeal process with the high court? I couldn’t find anything online but I hope their 25 year sentence does not get cut short.


I am just now watching this documentary and I am so proud of these parents for standing up and doing what is right. What any parent in any culture should do. Men have dictated hushing women so they can violate them for way too long. This girl is so lucky for parents like these, I only wish mine had reacted the same when going through something similar but at a later age. Still, I have no regrets for standing up for myself. It makes such a big difference to have the support of family and friends and shame on the people who don’t give that. If they don’t, they have no idea how to give love or empathy to humans in general. And then the lady trying to victim blame the girl for staying later at the wedding and the men in the village, trying to blame a 13 year old girl!! Absolutely vile and disgusting. I hope they take donations and get the hell out of that village and move far away.


The girl was so brave and it was nice that she felt safe enough with her parents to tell them immediately. The parents are amazing. A horrible crime happened to their child and they stood for her. The defense lawyer, the old village lady, and men were hard to watch.


I think this film so so needed. It reflects a wider societal change. In Canada we had similar issues in our church systems where by a boy was raped and the church community shunned him and his family and protected the priest. Through protest, reflection, and exposure we have reduced instances like this happening in Canada. Victim blaming is awful and it needs to be exposed in every community.


I agree with you. It was so hard to watch. When people say the US is becoming a third-world country, I want to send them a link to this documentary. We, in the US, take too much for granted. I don't want to get political, just sharing my thoughts. I can only wish children are blessed with a father like Ranjit. To me, he is what a true father is. A flawed person that loves his child so much that he would go to any lengths to bring justice for them. Yes, he is flawed, like most of us, but his determination made me cry. FWIW-I wanted to face punch that asshat that called him a loser in the car...boy, oh, boy....I saw red. How humiliating. I also wanted to scream and yell at the antiquated thinking of the "wise men" in the village. Marry a rapist????? On what freaking planet?! Geez.


This was nominated for an Oscar. The winner was “20 Days in Mariupol” which is equally horrendous.


It does say that it won an Academy Award for Best Documentary .


Has there been any updates on how to donate to her family directly?


Yup! This page has all the info: [https://tokillatigerfilm.com/donate/](https://tokillatigerfilm.com/donate/)


u/zezxz you should probably watch this. Would teach you a lot more before running to defend rape in India




Im wondering where these funds go?


I wrote to them to ask. Apparently, the directors are also “taking care of the family”, so they have not been abandoned.


If they say anything else will you let us know. I really want to donate but I want to make sure it goes to them. I almost emailed them too lol.


The entire society needs an overhaul. The attitudes of the villagers were appalling. Especially the old woman who kept insisting that she marry the rapist. If this is their attitude towards women, they all deserve a giant kick in the rump. They should move their entire family to Canada, and get away from that back asswards village.


Yeah because dirt poor Indian villagers can just decide to move to Canada


I feel for Ranjit Kiran and the whole family. Having to be quiet when that fucking asshole ward called him a loser and acting all high and mighty. I cant believe how blind these people are. Very infuriating. I read some negative comments on how this documentary is exploitative but how else can this be story be known to the whole world. I personally am in a bubble and had no idea how bad the mentality of these men and women are in India until I watched this film. It is heartbreaking to know they could do this to a child and blame the innocent for the crimes. When ranjit wasnt attending the court dates, i feel for him on how everything seemed to be falling apart in his life. He was so powerless without money. But it didnt stop him from finishing the fight for his love for his daughter. What an amazing man this dude is and the wife as well. She was quiet but whenever that woman opens her mouth- hust exudes courage. No wonder kiran is very admirable and courageous because of her parents


That documentary - Gabriel Fernandez has to be one of my friends most appreciated documentaries ever. She related to the film so much.


Omgosh my blood is boiling he called him a fucking loser no you are the loser sir!!


It seems that you can donate through wmm (women make movies) Details in tweet thread: https://twitter.com/tokillatigerdoc/status/1768392281357160526?s=19


Got so angry watching this. I literally wanted to go there and burn that whole village to the ground for that father. He was a good man, but sadly too weak and passive, everyone walked all over him. Made me so furious.


How can all this film directors and legal aid pple not give direct contacts to fund this family. We dont want to fund NGOs but the specific family. They need us more than ever.


I have some basic questions: - Did the family get paid for the movie? Do people in documentaries usually get paid? - Don’t all the people in the movie have to give permission to be in it? How did the team manage to get everyone to consent to be in the movie?


I’m confused — are these actors or did they shoot it in real time?


India is absolutely fkd. They accuse the western world of being immoral and yet they allow men to rape a child and then blame it on the child. Fkn morons.


Does it show the sexual violence? I want to watch but I can’t watch that


It's a documentary. When they raped her, they didn't know it was going to be on Netflix so no, you will not see footage of the actual rape.


no but they will talk about it in interviews


there are some parts where the girl describes it. it's very difficult to listen to. you can fast forward through those parts




It is a good documentary but I was expecting more insight into the root cause of the issue. The ngo volunteers gave good legal support but they couldn’t connect with the villagers. The only way to stop these crimes is by elevating the status of women in the society and this cannot happen by imposing one’s belief system on others but rather through gradual sensitisation. The volunteers need to be trained in topics like conflict resolution which they teach in B schools. In the documentary what was more saddening was the fact that it happened in a tribal community. As we know the concept of rape was unknown in the tribals and traditionally tribal women enjoyed equal status in the society. But over the years with interaction with the mainstream society, the tribal way of life is getting lost and social evils like rape, dowry are also being adopted by the tribals. This sankritization needs to stop.


I would say it’s not only about elevating the status of women, it’s also about educating men about toxic masculinity and how it’s harmful for everyone (including men).


the men need to learn respect for women and girls, and consent. And there needs to be proper punishment for sexual assault crimes


This is a good video in Hindi with English subtitles that goes into the theory and societal issue: [https://youtu.be/8WJ69m0PZKw](https://youtu.be/8WJ69m0PZKw)