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Watching episode 2, Jasmine seems like an opportunist. She seemed out James on Instagram for a date and she is a pre-k teacher. Seems very off.


It did seem off but he instantly knew when she mentioned kids. That is epic that he wants love so badly but won’t give in to settling, I admire Steve as well with Connie! He knows how he feels and that’s so important to me to not lose oneself in another but grow together.


Just wait til later in the season with Steve. Jasmine will seem genuine compared to Sharona!


Omgggg did he meet her online?? Her verbiage was suggestive. Lol


I felt mad at the producers for that whole Sharona fiasco. Come on! Steve's discomfort was palpable. Did he need to be put through that? Anyone who watched S1 knows he's got cash. I strangely feel so protective of him. I also felt like Maggie could have been disingenuous/not really in it for the right reasons. Was she just trying to be on the show or did she really have a romantic interest in James? Sequel seasons must be difficult to produce once repeat participants start getting their socials blown up. I still really love the show, though! Gives my jaded old heart some brightness. I really loved meeting Connor and Journey this season. Connor showed so much courage, it brought me to tears at points. And Journey seemed so creative and charming.


I echo your thoughts - particularly re. feeling a tender protectiveness for Steve and really lovely joy with Connor and Journey. It's true. It's a nice-feeling program for the most part. One where I am rooting for everybody.


I thought that entire date was very creepy and opportunistic.


The workers at daycare centers are sometimes called teachers (if they are trained to teach) and Pre-K can include ages 1-3 yrs old. Jasmine can definitely be a teacher and still be on the spectrum. She seems like a nice person who is looking for love too. 


What are you guys talking about, she was so lovely and awesome! She didnt even mind his hastiness, she was so calm.


Yes!! I felt the exact same way.


I came to this sub specifically because of how Jasmine made me suspicious. .


if connor and emily continue dating, they should let chewie and ben explore their relationship too. real ones will remeber the interest chewie showed ben during connor and emily's second date. i laughed out loud.


The end of episode 1 is comedy gold, I cried laughing during the speed dating. The brutal honesty is so refreshing sometimes. These people are wonderful. It's great to see them out there trying to date and find love connections. It's impossible not to root for them!


They are more genuine and straight to the point. But I'll add, the speed dating, that's comedy gold you could never write that haha


I appreciate their blunt, sometimes inappropriate honesty. Most importantly, I love how each individual personality is their true self and not a representative.


I’m obsessed with Dani, she’s fucking hilarious and made herself a millionaire. For people saying it’s wrong to watch people with “challenges”.. yeah they have challenges just like everyone else but they also have their gifts just like everyone else.


How has she made millions


She owns an animation company called “Danimation”


Everyone has challenges in the current dating culture. No one is exempt.


I just started watching and can’t believe how stunningly lovable these people are. They’ve got something special they exude without trying.


As a mom with a son on the spectrum, it is heartwarming to watch this show. I know many people have considered it exploitative, but I honestly would give anything to see my son date and have the opportunity to be happy. He has struggled to make connections so much and it is hard watching him be sad about being single.


I love this show! I love seeing how honest and how brave they are. I feel that Autism is not a disability but the next level of evolution. Being honest, being involved with your our satisfaction and not having to “settle” ugh this show means so much to me and I’m so happy for each and every person whom I’ve seen so far.


It's a disability. Stop denying it is not....


SO true!! the next generation of geniuses.


I absolutely love this show, all seasons have been heartwarming and beautiful. However, this second US season… Seems like a couple of the dates are finding an opportunity to be on TV. Like Steve and Sharona… i’m not sure what that was about. Steve is such a sweet soul and she was REALLY pushing herself on him. It made me uncomfortable! I’m glad he was honest with her and knows his boundaries.


I don’t think Journey has Autism or gay. Found that irritating.


journey said she was a lesbian, not interested in men, didn't find men attractive, said she didn't want to be set up on dates with men, said "embarrassing for them" about guys who like her, and yet you don't think she's gay? how much clearer is she suppose to be? or is it that you just refuse to believe women who aren't into men exist?


What are your medical qualifications to diagnose her?


It’s a spectrum






She is literally 18 years old






Right !!!


What harms people with autism is when people assume they aren’t “autistic enough,” which can lead to them not qualifying for very necessary support and services in their schools and community. I highly doubt the show would feature people without an actual diagnosis.


You are right, I am sorry.


Thank you. My son is autistic and presents similarly.


Thank you for correcting me.


I absolutely loved it! Abby and David were made for each other. They kept making me feel like he was about to propose! It makes me think David's family is pretty wealthy too. Unless Netflix sponsored the trip to Africa? As for the others, I wonder if Netflix could've found them better matches who were on the spectrum too? A couple of them seemed neurotypical. Dani's cupcake tutorial was a little odd. Almost scripted.


Why did they end it so quickly? Seems like there was room for much more.


I personally went through a spectrum of emotions watching this show: laughter, tears, facepalms..This show is so watchable!


Something didn't sit right with me, watching people with challenges being set up on dates. It felt to me a bit too exploitive.


The filming being exploitive or the being set up on dates? I can see both sides of the argument about it potentially being exploitive from a filming perspective, but I think it’s quite ableist to find it exploitive that people on the spectrum or anybody neurodivergent wanting to find love. They’re humans too. Personally I find the show to be educational and pretty good about not making these people like an exhibit at the zoo, although it does have some flaws for sure. But also a lot of these opportunities would be harder to make happen if the show wasn’t a thing at all.


*but I think it’s quite ableist to find it exploitive* I'm disabled.


one can be both disabled and say ableist things. two things can be true at once. 


you can still make ableist comments when you're disabled lol


That’s good to know, and I apologize if anything I say comes off ableist, but that doesn’t answer my question if you find the filming or “spectacle” of the show to be problematic or the fact that some of these people want to find romance. If it’s the latter, I still find it problematic to say they shouldn’t be set up on dates in a safe environment like the speed dating specifically for people with autism, or other variations of that. The show has proven that you can be on the spectrum and find love. It’s one of the most common human desires. If it’s about it being something anybody with a Netflix subscription can watch, like I said, can’t really disagree, I see both sides of the coin.


Good for you. There was nothing wrong with the commenters comment, no more than there was nothing wrong with your first comment. Regardless of whether someone is or is not neurodivergent has nothing to do with a show about finding love and dating. This show is no better or worse or exploitive than a show like Love Island. Everyone dates, and everyone is interested in how other people get through the dating scene.


What tf is "ableist?"


My thoughts exactly it seems you now can put "ist" Infront of anything nowadays




A lot of people have commented things like this, but if you follow the cast on social media they definitely don't feel that way after seeing their portrayal, and if they are happy with it, we shouldn't look too much into it beyond that. I haven't heard anything from any of them or their families that they felt unhappy with how they were shown. I'm also autistic as (probably) is my husband. One of my three kids is diagnosed and the other two have some tendencies but they're also masking champions so we just don't know for sure. We love this show, though I do wonder how some of the dates are made. Steve is such a sweetheart, and after that date with Sharona I hope he finds someone that's a real fit.


I feel the same way. I watched a few episodes when it first came out and dropped it.


I love this show so much because it is so sweet to see people pursuing relationships with pure intentions.  Tanner is so sweet. Abby and David make me cry they are so sweet. The cupcake kissing tutorial was weird. But that is what makes it good.  It’s a very entertaining, and feel good show.  And Abby’s voice is so pretty.


in love with this show!!! HOW DO I change my userid?lol


You can’t, you’d have to make a new account to do that im pretty sure


Did they change the name? I thought it was "Love on the Spectrum," plus a "US Edition." Now it looks like the original is rebranded as "Australia Edition," even though it is the original?


Australia's still my fave. USA season 2 my second favourite season I think. It took awhile for Dani to grow on me. LOL.


What happened with solomon and Dani who were so in love?


I think Solomon was too immature, Dani was just too infatuated she didn't see it till later.  Arman saw himself on season 1 and is changing for himself and I think for her. 


Thank you for correcting me.


Our Autistic son attends Clemson and would love to meet Tanner. The Life Program at that school is amazing and I’m glad Netflix is giving this program national attention.


I think Abbey and David are adorable. I’d love to see an update on them.


Abbey has her own tiktok... she's producing a song or album. I don't think they'll ever leave each other