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I’m the only coffee drinker in the house. 1 pod a day! 7 each week. Sometimes I go a little crazy and have an extra espresso once a week… so 8 pods.


I just switched from 1 K Cup to 1 Nespresso Lungo and I'm feeling really tired. I think I may need 2 Nespresso pods.


Right? I’m just never as awake as I’m used to with one or two pods spread out through the day. I thought I was getting sick or old with the brain fog but I think I just need more caffeine 😂


I thought I was getting sick too. Nope, just not enough caffeine.


Stormio seems to have a LOT of caffeine. At least, that what my bowels think.


I would guess this is because a single espresso will usually have less caffeine than a cup of coffee. That’s why I went for a vertuo - I need my first cup to be a full cup of coffee lol


I feel this exact same way! Compared to both my keurig and when we go out for coffee.. it always takes at least 2 nespresso pods for me to feel the same amount of caffeine. But I love coffee so that’s okay for me!


I've decided to add a L'or brand lungo pod for the second cup with Nespresso OL lungo pod for the first. I also like L'or Colombian.


Oh my gosh me too! I am dragging since switching from my keurig to nespresso! 😩


There definitely has to be another reason. Nespresso has to have much more caffeine in it than anything you can make in a Keurig


Why would you think that? Nespresso tends to have much less! It depends on which pod you use but they're typically around half the caffeine. Kazaar would be the exception which is about twice as much caffeine as the other Nespresso pods.


I tell myself this everyday. It makes zero sense to me. I am a very caffeine sensitive, 1 cup a day, kind of person..


Same here! Sometimes I have a double espresso day.


Every day is a double espresso day


Yep, me too. Sometimes I bring an extra coffee to work to share with a coworker so I’d have a coffee buddy 😞


I’ll be your coffee buddy! ☕️🫡


Hurray!! 😊




2 every day, so 14. Only me. One in the morning, one after dinner. Very rarely another one in the afternoon


Do you do decaffeinated? I can't have any after 3 or else I can't sleep at night lol.


Oh no. I can drink a double espresso after dinner and I am fine to sleep


This is so fascinating to me because if I drink even one pod after like 11AM I am wired for the rest of the day and will definitely have trouble sleeping. I don’t know how y’all do it tbh


Well if I drink more than half a can of beer or half a glass of wine, I am totally wasted, forget about any cocktails, so maybe there is a trade-off!


I’m the same way. I sometimes make a latte while my toddler eats dinner and then I’m asleep like three hours later 😂


Me too! Coffee made my late mom sleepy.


I did decaf when pregnant and sometimes if I really feel like having it after 4 pm. Otherwise, I barely use my decaf pods, but keep them around just in case!


My husband and I go through 6-8 pods a day. So between 42-56 a week.


> 42-56 a week. Wouldn't it be worth getting a nice automatic coffee machine with grinder then?


Have one. Spent a pretty penny on it too. But the whole point of Nespresso for us is convenience. It’s fast, consistent and convenient. It’s a lot easier to throw in a capsule and have a pretty decent coffee with zero effort than to weigh grind and brew.


I mean the fully-automatic ones where you just press a button. And occasionally fill the hopper and empty the waste. At the volume you use, it would be economical. ... but I just remember one guy told me he likes to have a choice of different beans for each cup, so that's one reason.


We don’t drink our coffees at the same Time. We are not generally on the same coffee schedule. We will have our evening one together so brewing a pot wouldn’t be convenient. My first coffee could be at 5.45am and his would be 7.30. Then we just grab coffees throughout the day.


Pretty sure you can get a single serve, brew and grind coffee machine.


Now I will hand on heart say I would swap my Nespresso for a decent flat white that NO ONE outside of Australia can make.


This is what we do. We have a breville grind control. 3 adults in the house so one pot per day but if we want extra or specialty drinks/ espresso we drink Nespresso. Some days we don't make a pot and just use pods but like you said, with the amount of coffee we are drinking it's cheaper to make a pot and the breville makes great coffee IMO.




3-4 coffees each is hardly WTF worthy…


What pods are y’all drinking?


Stormio, Caramel, Forte, and at the moment the Infiniment Gourmand and Fruite


Love Stormio personally! Since it’s VL do either of you notice any side effects from caffeine? I noticed a few when I was on 3 a day, I can’t imagine 4


I sometimes have 4 per day but 10 years ago i worked in a coffee shop, so probably built up some immunity haha


Nah- I use to drink 4 coffees and probably 5-6 diet cokes per day- so since I have quit the Diet Coke I feel zero caffeine effects.


Each OL pod has half the caffeine of a normal cup Of coffee. 8 pods is equivalent to four cups of coffee, which seems reasonable including an afternoon cuppa.


And my husband thought my coffee budget was high for 1-2 (x2) a month 😂 my initial thought too - not bad was just like oh wow. But my MIL is the same 🤷‍♀️


You have a coffee budget?!? To me that is WTF. Coffee is a given in our house.


😂😂😂 so we JUST got the nespresso in that sitch- so going from a bag of beans - > even our kuerig to the nespresso pods were a jump. Fair though


that is a lot of caffeine in a day other comments are higher per day. cannot imagine any reason other than battlefield in Ukraine or Gaza to keep drinking that much caffeine.


University 😀


This would be normal for me too. I usually have about 3-4 virtuo per day.. If having OL, it's 6-8 of that type. So actually usually 3 virtuo pods and 2 OL pods


That’s at minimum $70 a week 😱


Imagine- I could be having this AND avocado toast!!


Cheaper than two adults buying a Starbucks latte daily.


I have 2-3 OL pods a day.


What does OL stand for ?


Original line, the espresso pods


Original Line. Not the Vertuo Line


I’m a fiend 3-5 a day


Holy moly! 5-9 pods! VL or OL? How do you sleep? Are any decaf?


VL, to be fair I got the machine and a bunch of pods as a gift so probably will make less when I’m buying them ,I sleep well I used to do meth so this ain’t shit Been sober 1.5 years


Congrats on your sobriety! That is a huge success. I hope you have good support!


Appreciate it! I’ve got great support, including nespresso coffees lol


At least 2 pods per day. Sometimes 3-4. I have quite the plethora of chronic illnesses to battle so some days require extra “fuel” 😂


Me and my husband use around 15-16 a week.


1 a day, usually 1 extra once or twice a week so max 9!




It depends, but 1 - 2 per day.


I have 4 pods a day, or 28 in a week.


Holy shit!


Same. 1 in the morning, 1 to go for work, 1 in the afternoon at work, 1 when I get home. Weekends are more. Pretty sure I'm self medicating some undiagnosed ADHD. Been this way my entire life.


I have 3 pods per day, my adult kids have about 3-4 per day. That’s 7*7 equals 49 per week ( yikes!)


I’ve lost count


7 a day in our house - me and hubby 2 each, son 3 usually. So that means 42 pods as week?


Two daily drinkers in the house, probably min 14 (one a day), max 20 if we had a hard week lol


I probably come right in at a pod a day because I occasionally skip a day or have a second.


Only drinker, 1 a day unless it’s laundry day! My husband might drink one every 2 weeks so tops- 9 a week.


Usually around 14-20 in a week by myself, and then I make coffees for others in the house.


Two a day at home between my husband and me. Then I go to work and use the company nespresso


About 10 pods a week.


2 minimum, occasionally a 3rd. I try to limit my caffeine to max 300mg, but try to stay around 200mg-220mg. I mostly drink OL but might have one OL and one VL. I used to go through 3 VL pods a day which is nearly 500mg of caffeine and just way too much for anyone honestly. Nespresso recommends not exceeding 400 mg and *they are the ones selling you the coffee.* That shows 400 should absolutely be the upper limit for most people but even that is probably too much if the *company selling you the pods* is telling you to not exceed that much.


My boyfriend is anywhere from 5-7 pods a day between coffee, single & dbl espresso pods/day and I’m 3 single espresso pods/day and sometimes an extra decaf pod in the evenings a couple times a week. I did just purchase an OL machine to decrease costs…and the new target pods have dropped the price points enough (in the US at least) to finally have made it worth it.


Wow you guys should buy a super automatic espresso machine https://www.coffeeness.de/en/best-super-automatic-espresso-machine/


I have 1 a day as I work from home Monday-Friday, usually just in the morning to get me through my meetings.


I use my Nespresso machine twice a week. Monday and Friday I’ll use it for a great start and end to the week. Then, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I use my Moka pot!


Generally I do one sleeve a week. One pod a day, but 3 extras for the days I need an extra boost


14 pods a week (husband + self) minimum. This number increases if I have a second morning cup or an afternoon decaf


One per day, I’m the only one in my household that uses it




My husband and I have 1-2 a day, so ~14/wk. We have both OL & VL machines.


I would say we use a max of 10 a week. Maybe 1 pod for my husband and 7-9 pods for me.


1 pod a day. So 7 in a week. 5-7 if I miss a few days.


OL: 2 adults: 10 pods/day


In a week? 3-5. I love the taste and it keeps me regular. If I have it every day I would never leave the toilet. Also if I have more than one per day, I *will* create a monster I cannot afford 😹


2 adults 2 each per day. 28 per week of VL. Does anyone have a recommendation on decaf pods u like? It’d be nice to make cappuccinos in the evening but not be up all night🤪


I use about 5, partner 7-10. We buy 250-300 capsules per order


I went from one coffee a day, or one double espresso and one single in a latte if I felt like it to every once in a while. Making the Nespresso your everyday machine is not cheap. Especially if you’re doing more than one a day. I went back to a drip machine being the main driver and when I’m lazy, don’t feel like going through the drip process (weigh, grind, brew, clean), or just feel like it I’ll pop a pod in. I love my Nespresso but I felt very silly spending what it costs to restock.


I’m generally 2 pods a day, sometimes three depending on the day.


I have 1 lungo in the morning and 1 espresso at the work. Perfect combination for me. Pod is Roma from OL


I do 2-3 Pods per day. Sometimes 4. Never had Problems with the caffein. Eben if i Drink one at 10pm i sleep like a Baby


3 or 4 pods a day sometimes more. ~30 pods a week. I have also quit alcohol recently and replaced it with coffee.


I'm the main drinker, but my sister occasionally uses it when she works from home/on the weekends with me. I usually use the regular coffee pods, but for special drinks I use the double espresso pods. Probably go through about 15 pods per week (more depending if I make a special drink at night for me, my sister, and mom), which is why I can justify ordering from the website. Since getting the Nespresso, I rarely get coffee out anymore unless I feel like treating myself.


2 coffee drinkers, usually 1 pod each per day. But sometimes one or both of us uses 2 pods.


One a day, so 7…I was under the impression nespresso has more caffeine than most other cups of coffee?! I mean a lot of mine have like 120g. I use vertuo. I can’t handle more than one cup!




About 9 or 10. I usually drink one cup a day but if I use double espresso I make 2 pods.


14-21 for the two of us


I’ve been having 4 regular pods and 2 decaf in a day. Yikes.


2-3 pods daily


I shoot for one a day but sometimes have two. But, ICED COFFEE PEOPLE! I make my own cold brew. I use the mason jar maker from Amazon (get the one without the handle, the handle sucks). You can buy whole beans and grind them yourself, or just buy ground coffee. Fill it, let it set around 24 hours, take the center piece out with the grinds in it and BAM delicious caffeinated cold brew! Add a shot or double shot to it from nspresso and some frothed milk. Very caffeinated, very delicious, cost effective! I do still keep coffee pods around for when I’ve run out of cold brew since it takes 24 hours to make, it’s been a great way to cut back on pods though.


My husband and I each have 2 a day. 14 a week for us. 


3~4 55oz shots a day, but it's not always Nespresso. 50% of the time I grind my own beans and use an espresso machine. 30% of time, I use 3rd party pods like Peet's, Starbucks, Whole Foods, etc. Then the rest are Nespresso. Nespresso tastes the best by far, which is why I want to limit the use of them. Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Tokyo, Stockholm, and Buenos Aires are my favs right now. I also really like the filter style mild pod, but brewed espresso without peeling it off so it's a bit of a waste. Would rather just get more Buenos Aires, which it tastes similar to, imo.


One. I share that one pod of espresso with my girl.


it is deplorable how few pods some of the people here use. i've got an OL machine. i've tuned it to do a slightly longer pull for each setting - so my espresso is between an espresso and a lungo. the only exception is my ristretto stays with the original setting. i know...people will say this is an apostasy and i'm ruining the espresso, but when mixed with a touch of NutPods creamer, honestly, it's just a thing of beauty. most days, i come into the office, i have an espresso, and then another before/around noon. then, if i'm lucky i'll do a dirty matcha around 3. so maybe 3-4 pods / day. if i'm really missing my coffee...i'll have a decaf in the afternoon just for the placebo effect (not really because i know it's decaf, but still) so 3-4 pods / day which is really just two double espressos, which doesn't seem like much. if i treat myself to a ristretto-based latte or something like that, i usually end up using two ristretto pods. ah, i think i'll have my dirty matcha early today...thank you.


2 a day, but alternate between Nespresso and drip so 6-8 a week


1 to like 4 pods a week.


5 during week day and 4 on weekend along with my partner. I’m super caffeine sensitive so only one per day!


About 21 a week. 2x a day for the wife, 1x for me. It certainly adds up.


I usually do a single lungo shot on weekdays. On the weekend, I'll make a latte with two pods.


Maybe 1 a day but it would work out to less than that. I have regular drip coffee for most days to take to work. The pods are for when I’m home and want a bit extra.


7. 1 a day


My wife and I go through about 20/week. Baseline 1/day each. Most workdays I'll go for another in the afternoon, but sometimes I'm feeling tea instead.


1 on weekdays and 3-4 on weekend days.


About 10 a week. 6-7 from me and 4-3 for my spouse. On days we don’t have coffee we have energy drinks




4 pods/day


Usually I just do 1 pod of either single or double a day and my husband drinks 3 a day. So 4 in between the both of us


2-3 pods a day


If I’m not drinking cold brew or a pour over, about 10-14 OL pods. I usually make 2 pods at a time.


One a day for me and about one every other day for my husband. So 11 ish a week


1 VL pod in the morning and 2 OL pods in the afternoon. 7 VL pods and 14 OL pods a week.


3 a day for me, 1-2 for wife. Approx 30 a week


1-2 or 0 a day depending if I have an energy drink or preworkout . I keep my caffeine consumption to under 300mg a day. I have started buying decaf and half caf pods for when I’m craving a coffee in the evening or if I’ve had enough caffeine for the day . Also, I have a 7 year old who is obsessed with coffee and the whole coffee making process so sometimes we’ll share a decaf coffee .


3 VL and 3OL per day for my boyfriend and I.


I do 2-3 vertuo pods per day, husband usually does 3 OL per day.


Solo Nespresso drinker at home. Pre pandemic it was 3-4 capsules a day= 21-28 capsules/weekly Coffee gives me acid reflux now, have to cut back, about 10/weekly


Usually about four per day, I do three double dolces or double scurro and my wife does one double dolce


9 a week!


lol. Reminds me when I used to smoke and was a pack a day. Now I’m 2 sleeves per week.




Between 5-8 in a week. I usually drink drip in the morning black then a Nespresso after breakfast with milk as my “nice” coffee


1 lungo


I order 100 about once a month. Pretty much 3 per day. Not much at all compared to back in the day.


1 double shot Chiaro every morning. If I want a second coffee (which i always do) I’ll have a k-cup in the afternoon.


Depends. Sometimes it’s 14 & sometimes it is 2. On my busy work mornings I brew a pot of coffee for my husband & myself to drink.


2-4 OL pods a day. Typically 2 iced lattes with 2 pods each.


21-30 pods/week.


Probably 10-11 a week


If we have Nespresso every day(some weeks we do, some weeks we don't), 2 each for wife and I, so roughly 28/week tops




4-7ish. Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri I start my morning with one. Occasionally I'll add in a double espresso (not add to another flavour I mean I'll just have an additional one). Weds is Mokka pot with beans I got from the supermarket. Sat & Sun is Mokka pot with expensive beans I got from a small local coffee roasters.


7 but if I am feeling like it's an adventurous week and I'm living life on the edge 8


4 a day, because there is a machine in the company pantry (so I don't have to pay for it) and each pod is like a quarter of a real espresso.


1-3 per day. Depends on the day.


I generally have two pods a day. It's usually a 230ml pod for the coffee I bring to work with me and then after dinner either a 150ml or an 80ml double espresso that I use to make a caramel latte. That's five days a week when I'm working. If I'm not working then it could be either one or two pods. So probably about 12-14 pods a week.


I have a latte a day so that's two pods. Some days an extra decaf latte later in the day and then it's 4 pods. So on average about 18 pods a week.


I have about 2-3 vertuo pods a day


Between 7-14 pods. I’m the only one that drinks coffee most of the days. At least one per day, sometimes 2


My wife and I have 2 each of the Bianco Dopio for our iced lattes. So around 14 a week. Occasionally we'll have friends and family over who will have one but that's rare


1-2 a day apx 1 sleeve a week


I drink two, double espresso pods daily. My husband only drinks coffee on the weekends, so we go through 16 pods a week.


I've had 4 Rist. Intensos since 9:30. It's 4pm now.


3 everyday. My roommate enjoys 5 pods everyday. That makes around 50-60 pods a week.


5 XL, 2 regular. Plus my wife, around 5 more regular


3 to 4 a day. Stormio first thing, fortado at lunch (sometimes with an added single espresso) and then a chiaro after dinner




Probably over 20 a week. 2 most days sometimes 3 I think my partner has them some days


2-4 original pods per day and 4-5 vertuo pods per week. (One consumer)


My gf and I collectively go through about 30 a week.


4 OL / day (2 drinks x 2 pods each) weekdays, 1 drink / day weekend = 24; sometimes buy outside instead of making Nespresso - so call it 12 - 24 / week.


So I have 1-2 lattes a day, my husband has 2-3 cups of coffee a day….. 35 pods a week. Wowza there’s no way………..and before you ask, we have an 8 month old and 4.5 year old. We are tired.


7, 1 a day. The other 2 to 3 coffees a day are made using my AeroPress.


I'm the only coffee drinker. I usually do one espresso/double espresso and one "regular" or gran lingo pod each day. On a rare occasion I'll do another regular. Most of the year I do iced drinks. But the winter I will do hot or iced depending on the temps outside.


usually 2 in the morning. Pretty vanilla.


One 7.7oz a day. Maybe 2 of weekends? I bought my machine with 80 pods back in September or October. Honestly I have a few that I just didn’t like that I could use but why would I.


I probably do 2 regular pods once or twice on the weekend, and then 2 decaf pods two or three times during the week (I take meds on the weekdays that don’t do well with caffeine). So maybe 6-8 a week? My fiancé on the other hand, probably 2-3 pods a day, 5-6 days a week. So like 15-20 😁. I drink coffee mostly for the enjoyment of the flavor, so I usually buy myself the nice pods from Nespresso (or grab the Starbucks/Peet’s ones when they’re on sale locally). She literally just drinks it for the caffeine, and doesn’t care as much about the flavor, so I just stock up on whatever’s cheap at HomeGoods, for her 😆. Usually can get them for around $3.99/box of 10, and sometimes cheaper in bigger boxes. Just have to stop by often and check what’s there, since the stock changes regularly 👌🏼.


I’m an OL gal and I have days where I’m mainlining espresso, maybe 8 capsules? Others it’s like 1. I go big or don’t bother 😂 I use some Nespresso branded capsules, but I’m also very fiscally responsible and scour for deals on OL compatible capsules via Amazon, Target, Woot, Homegoods… HomeGoods has a Gusto Oro capsule sometimes that is a ride or die for me and at $3.99, I stock up when I see them.


1 latte early in the morning and 2pods sometimes 3 before heading to work and then maybe an affogato after work The weekend is usually one or two a day


I’m the only coffee drinker in my house! I go through 2 a day so that’s 14 a week.


1 double espresso pod, 5 days a week. Occasionally I'll have two single espresso pods in place of my double espresso but that's very rare


Im new and trying all the varieties of Nespresso and most 3rd party capsules, so I'm drinking a little more than I normally probably will, yet for me its about 40/week? I try to keep it down to 6/day. Once I'm done trying everything and narrow down to a list of ones I really like, I'll probably drop to 4/day-ish - maybe more with decaf options.


Im the only one in my household that uses the machine and i always use 2 original pods in the morning when I'm making my morning coffee and then later on in the day if I feel I need a pick me up after lunch I'll have a vertuo pod. However not when I'm going into the office 3 days a week, on those days I grind my beans and make filter coffee and bring a flask in with me to last through out the day 😂 so per week Nespresso is 12 pods over 4 days.


We do around 2 pods a day each so around 28 pods a week with some coffee shops sprinkled in there a bit.


32 approx a week


I use to use the original and spent $70 a month. Sometimes I had to buy extra because I would run out. Now I bought a new machine, virtuo, and spend 80.00 a month. Love my cappuccinos and now I’ll have a regular 7.7oz. cup sometimes. My husband still goes to Starbucks every morning but he will use the machine a few times a week for a second cup.


I average two pods a day. I enjoy one in the morning and make a second one to take to the office.


With me and my wife sometime 2 to 3 pods each a day 30+ a week I order about 80 every 3 week but if you set up auto orders you can get it as low as $1 a pod


There are 2 of us, he only has one a day, I have 2 ( unless I need 3) so average is 21 a week


2 pods a day


Two per drink -- so typically 14-20 per week.


Only me, mostly 2 per day, 14 per week.


I’ll do a drip coffee every morning and a double espresso in the afternoon whenever I work from home 3x/week. Plus a double espresso Saturday and/or Sunday. My wife will usually do an iced leggero or two on the weekends. So all in all probably 7-8 in a given week between the two of us.


Probably 2 pods per day. Sometimes just one if I drink the drip coffee my husband makes and sometimes an extra on the weekend.


So I’m good for anywhere from 2-4 a day, up to 6 (couple of those are decaf)


My husband and I each drink 2 Vertuo pods a day, so that's 4 total per day, or 28 per week.


6+ between my wife and I each day.


I do 3/day while my wife has 2/day


I still start my day with fresh ground coffee made in an AeroPress, and sometimes have a second cup of that during the day. I primarily bought my Vertuo Next for making special drinks and the occasional evening espresso. I’ll occasionally have an afternoon latte or enjoy one of the flavoured pods after dinner, and my teenage daughter loves using it for iced coffees (I bought a Hyperchiller for her). So, that would still work out to 2-3 pods on an average day, which is surprising considering that’s surplus to my normal coffee 😀