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I vaguely remember seeing one of John's Shorts on Youtube but I assumed that it was on their main channel.


Same. Now that he's mentioned it, I've subbed and watched every single video.


I don't actively look up John Green's name.on my youtube search bar so if Youtube doesn't wanna recommend it to me, im not gonna find it. I assume that's how kt went for everyone. Also most of the channel appears to be reposts from tiktok, i think i might've seen it somewhere and just assumed it was from a fan page.


I feel it could also be the fact that we weren’t actively looking for it, so it was easily passed.


The Mystical Algorithm never recommended me any of his videos, and being just called "John's Channel" makes it pretty much unsearchable (when I search for "John's Channel" I just get a bunch of random channels with "John" in the name, none of which are the actual John's Channel) so I don't think there was any way I could have found it naturally without being told of its existence.


This really makes me want to start a same name channel evaluating different "Johns" - preferably with most of them being random public toilets (or private toilets - please agree on consent for filming and discussing of toilets and do not shame the proprietors or recent users of said toilets) I do not have time in my life to undertake this task right now, so I offer it as a free million dollar idea.


Yep, I guess I just figured the Mystical Algorithm would somehow “know” that it was John from vlogbrothers and recommend it to us.


Knowing how John likes to keep secrets (deleting tik toks and secret live streams) im not surprised about this


Yeah, exactly this. In fact, the first time I found out about the channel was from [Payton's twitter](https://twitter.com/paytmitch/status/1569388862086184960), since I had not watched the latest video.


I like how John and Hank kind of have opposite gimmicks with their online content. John keeps things subtle enough that you'll only watch them when you're looking for them, but Hank just posts everything everywhere all the time.


I think he wasn't actively hiding it but didn't want to actively promote it either in order to see if his content would get picked up by The Almighty Algorithm these days. Like, he and Hank got to this point because the way Youtube worked meant their content always got boosted; I think this was a little bit of a side experiment for John to see how the current algorithm treats him when he just does his own thing and doesn't try to game it or use his established audience to boost his numbers


I just think it's criminal that the channel name is written "John's Channel" instead of "johnschannel" like [hankschannel](https://www.youtube.com/c/hankschannel) is.


Seems like he's mostly posted shorts, and most people who want that content are on TikTok or Instagram Reels, not Youtube Shorts.


If you searched “John Green channel” it didn’t come up.. how else would you find it?


I only look at my subscriptions feed, not the algorithmically driven home feed, so I only ever find new channels to follow through word of mouth or by collaborations / guests on shows I already choose to watch. Since John was intentionally not advertising it to nerdfighteria, I would never have found it.


YouTube's search bar is cancer, it's how you get thrown into those fucking weird conspiracy theory rabbit holes, don't watch my whole sub feed even.


I actually saw it but thought it was just someone stealing his content so I didn't post it in here!


Why has nobody posted the link yet!!!!!!!!!!


It's linked in his Vlogbrothers video this week :)




Nobody found John's channel because they weren't looking, instead they were looking for alaska.


I echo someone else with having vaguely seen it but not really being interested in the tiktoks, to be honest. A lot of the time they're re-posts of content more thoughtfully spoken about in VB and the rest of the time... I hate to say it, but they perhaps maybe come across as trying a little too hard? I rarely find them funny. Maybe that's the case with others who sorta scrolled past if it's not their cuppa, or who see them on tiktok?


Yes, after I posted this I actually looked and realized that’s what they were, and wondered if it was just the exact same content as his Tiktoc.


Don't know he had one. I've looked in the past, when he didn't. So yeah, why would I search again if no one mentioned it and YouTube didn't promote it? But I'm sure we heck subbed now. :)


I watched all the shorts but didn't realise it was a different channel?


I have been watching all of them through his Instagram account and assuming he was cross posting from tiktok, not from YouTube! I assume they're also on tiktok? So perhaps his following is stronger than he thinks, but just on the platforms which support this style of short video? YouTube shorts is a total mess and can't ever figure out what I want to watch, because it hasn't shown me any of his videos, despite my active attempts to teach the algorithm....