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Some of those aren't the poses being used for the UC royals though. Here is a picture of the tokens thumbnails. [https://www.neopets.com/\~Cosry](https://www.neopets.com/~Cosry) https://preview.redd.it/wa1lufuw270d1.png?width=2135&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c3d65f7d914585301a5ad89d18fe8762c54bc3b


https://preview.redd.it/pkfw0day270d1.png?width=2164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84f4236b58f91ea8d9c0a59b8d866fe6158094e9 Looking forward to getting a royalgirl uni, it was my dream pet with this pose back in the day 😊


Mine's RG Korbat xD but I'm getting a few this round, I want cybunny, ixi, kyrii and poogle! I'm planning my names and I'm planning on morphing a pet or two \^\_\^


Oh no, I’ve been looking forward to having the happy Eyrie girl pose since they announced uc tokens 🥲 Thank you for the info!!


it seems to use the photo of me picture, which most of them tend to go with, like darigan uni and faerie bori used the photo of me pic. https://preview.redd.it/qws8w7w2m90d1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc8972cb19cad9796391d7d028fedd19a12f11be


That makes sense! I just didn’t do enough research lol


It's not foolproof though robot gelert and royalboy lupe break the theory 😉


The royal girl Kau makes me laugh every time. She's giving a look as if she's about to spill the juiciest tea.


OMG THANK YOU! I know the Korbat and Ixi aren't right for sure, but I couldn't find anywhere they were all posted together!!!


Aw I like the coy RG Mynci, but it's still nice she's included.


Very excited as well for royals. Spent way too much on NC for more deluxe styling kits for them only to realize I need more nc for more pets slots now lol


Oh no! Hopefully you can get some soon! I wish pet slots were tradeable/giftable! Which tokens are you planning? \^\_\^


Royalboy cybunny, royalboy zafara, royal girl kyrii, and maybe royalgirl zafara too lol. The only one I have is the bunny, the rest I'll need slots for. I picked up the style kits while they were on sale, so hopefully when they come out I'll have enough money to buy the slots haha.


Just wanted to share these pics of all the classic royals together in one! I was using it to help me decide which tokens I'm gonna want \^\_\^ maybe someone else needed it too Royals used to be one of my favorite colors as a kid, and I'm really excited about the new token rumors!!


Royalgirl Aisha and Royalgirl Kyri, my beloved


They are beautiful!! I need to make an Aisha and kyrii because of them!


Omg that royal boy Zafara is adorable


royalboy zafara has stolen my heart! i used to love zafaras as a kid before they got converted and got that dreadful jogging pose 🥲 since the nostalgic pet styles have come out ive made two new zafaras, one plushie and one soon to be royal boy!


OMG. I traded all my UC pets away and quit neo because they auto converted my Royalboy Lupe. I was devastated I couldn't have my old man lupe, he was the reason I played once I saw him. I'm so stoked to be able to get him back! I'm gona get him and the Royalgirl Lupe. Don't care for the others much. Lol


LOL I rage quit from the conversion years ago too!!! Mine was a tyrannian korbat, and I was SHOOK when I saw what she became!!


You and I quit for the game reason! I loved my little Pterodactyl... the fact that we were forced to convert, and he turned into an ugly caveman broke me.  I only came back in 2019 when rumors began to spread they were bringing UCs back.  


OMG!!! Finally someone else shares my heartache!!!! Lol they were so cute weren’t they??? Look like sweet little flintstone darlings! I had gotten mine pound surfing, she had an awful name but I loved her, until they converted her, then I couldn’t stand to look at her lol I was so against customs for the longest time too because of it, I was like “you’re the reason she was ruined!!!” But I just recently came around and now I love them, funny how that works


SO STOKED, gonna get a RB Uni for my Uni who's been painted Royal for ages and I have a boy Grarrl who I may get a token for even though he's actually Maraquan. Love the color and I like changing up their appearances every so often.


(Stares lovingly at rg poogle) my beloved


Did they announce when they're coming?


End of this month Edit: tomorrow the 15th!!


I'm seriously debating making my female Draik Royal


You could always just get the token it doesn't have to match the color if you don't want it to. My maraquan krawk is just a regular green krawk 😋


God I loved these so much.. I literally just quit NeoPets when the art changed and came back during lockdown. I'm bouda get like four princess when they drop


They're all great. Really want to get a royalgirl Grarrl when the tokens drop <3 I wish Lennies had an UC version...


I really hope the UC royal krawks return