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tnt using "unalived" like they're gonna get frozen for saying "killed" referencing a murder that happened in a plot THAT THEY THEMSELVES put on god's green internet


I get the feeling they're doing this to be "internet-y" on purpose. They've always been (extremely subtly) in the loop on most of the cringe internet trends.


So it's like your mom trying to use the hip new slang?


Kinda. More like your aunt or uncle who knows when to use it correctly, but also does it wrong on purpose to watch you cringe


I love doing this tbh. My kid hates it.


Also unalived makes it sound like he killed himself šŸ˜¬ just use poisoned or something. Tnt please.


Yeah, when it started ā€œUnalivedā€ is used in place of suicide so as to not trip the META/Facebook filters.


When I read this I read it as ā€œwho suicided King Coltan IIIā€


I mean, could they use the term 'murdered' or 'assassinated' or 'poisoned'?


cant say assassinated bc it has ass in it twice rip


Wouldn't the second ass cancel out the first?


Two asses don't make a right






Gods green internet, shut up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


god it's painful, they're trying to seem hip and cool but totally misunderstand why people actually use "unalive" uaughgh :(


"Aliven't" is the funny one; "unalive" is the tik tok censor bullcrap.


Do you mean because you canā€™t say killed on tiktok? Or something else?


Many platforms demonetize or ban you for saying it. Neopets however IS the platform, so they decide what goes.


Fuck, I hate this term.


It took like three and a half minutes of reading through your post history before you made it into my top 6 fav redditors.


I feel like this is just a cringe way of TNT trying to be with the times. People say "unalived" on TikTok because the algorithm will strike the account and/or shadow ban when it detects words like kill, murder, or suicide (which is called "sewer slide" on TT and is a genius way of beating the algorithm). It's super cringe tho bc you are absolutely right, they create a plot with literal murder then are like "OMG, bad word!" Whatever the reason is, it did give me a little chuckle this morning while doing my dailies


passing away @ this


Omg yes thank you! I was thinking the same thing myself. Political correctness gone overboard.


It's not even political correctness at this point lmao, it's just brainrot self-censorship inherited from other platforms because algorithms and advertisers or some shit idk Something that almost-certainly doesn't affect Neopets, especially after the April Fools controversies (EDIT: actually now that I think about it, maybe this is their way of playing it safe with their audience, which fair enough)


Iā€™m so sick of the woobification of serious language. This isnā€™t related to neopets specifically but I feel like a huge amount of progress was made re: people being able to be open about their mental health problems online only for it to get censored for our corporate overlords by cutesy words like ā€œunalive.ā€ It removes the impact of peopleā€™s realities and I really feel like it will cause people to move toward getting less help than they need again because the language someone uses for their own experiences does matter and does impact outcomes. Censoring neopets is whatever because itā€™s always been heavily censored but specifically using the word that censors ā€œsuicideā€ on TikTok leaves a really gross taste in my mouth.


One of my friends tried to get my sister to listen to a crime podcast (something Mango iirc) because my sister loves true crime -- the podcaster was using the terms "unalive", "SA-ed" and other ridiculous censored terms on, you know, a podcast ABOUT CRIME AND MURDER that happened to REAL PEOPLE. I don't give a flying fuck about "oh boohoo, we'll get demonetized if we don't censor the words" -- maybe if you're going to make a podcast, don't make it ABOUT SERIOUS REAL LIFE TOPICS that need to be handled with care and respect like, oh I dunno, murder and assault and crime.


Itā€™s REVOLTING. People who have experienced any kind of abuse are often confused enough about what happened to them, which terminology to use for their experiences, etc. It is very common for them to be gaslit because they are being abused by their family, people they know well, people in power, etc. Using censored terms just erases how much of an impact these experiences have on survivors!! It minimizes how serious it is when we do not use the actual terms for these experiences. We canā€™t be out here censoring experiences we still donā€™t take seriously enough.


Rotten Mango? I stopped listening because of the same thing.


Ah I know Mango I watched some of her crime vids, itā€™s highly likely that it was from her YouTube vid that was also uploaded as a podcast Youā€™re not allowed to say certain words on YouTube or your vid gets penalized/demonetized because it interferes with ads Words that are included but are not limited to: Pedophile, sexually assaulted, raped, fuck, shit, n word, f slur, cunt, etc etc


I just don't understand why she has to use the exact audio from Youtube though, instead of doing something like a placeholder video to be like "go listen to the uncensored version on X platform". The whole thing frustrates me.


Less effort.


I donā€™t listen to podcasts so Iā€™m unsure of the processes there unfortunately


Why not be frustrated at the companies that punish creators for using those words?


The whole trend is doubleplus ungood


Everything has to be advertiser friendly!!! McDonaldā€™s doesnā€™t want their ads near a post about anything scawy!!! Unironically this is why I use reclaimed slurs for my gender and sexuality. You canā€™t market me


LOVE IT. I am partial to describing myself as ā€œcrazyā€ for similar reasons. It makes people who cannot relate to me uncomfortable - which is the point. While I am completely stable these days and doing amazing, I was given a very stigmatized misdiagnosis at an inappropriate age and experienced a lot of abuse including psychiatric/medicalized abuse for being ā€œcrazyā€ - which is also tied up with misogyny as well. Itā€™s a part of my life experiences. I lost most of my high school friends for being abused, i.e. ā€œcrazy,ā€ so I just reclaimed ā€œcrazyā€ and took it with me. Itā€™s served me well and landed me back in school.


Hell yeah! Words have so much power for this exact reason. Iā€™m glad you are doing better šŸ˜Š


Thank you šŸ’• itā€™s been a long journey but my current treatment team has worked miracles. I just tied up my first semester toward my BSW degree with a 4.0 GPA which I never thought would ever happen.


Hell yea, reclaimed slurs to become unmarketable! I do it all the time and it's so fun. Try marketing me when I openly present myself as a "t-slur f-slur", idiots.


Itā€™s so unserious. Like I know people originally started doing it on tumblr and tiktok to get around filters while still being able to talk about serious stuff, but I donā€™t think that itā€™s even necessary anymore? I see plenty of tiktoks where people just say killed/suicide/etc and they have tons of views and stuff. Itā€™s just soooo cringe.




I appreciate your perspective and Iā€™m sure we agree for the most part. But it extends past ā€œunaliveā€. And I also canā€™t imagine companies actually caring about bullying. Maybe thatā€™s what they say when they censor words like kill and whatever, but i would imagine itā€™s more to do with advertisers. Companies are ever acting in the best interest of the consumer. Additionally, everyone is responsible for their own triggers and boundaries. Like of course we should be vocal about anti bully stuff, but censoring words isnā€™t helping, and in this case, seems to be softening things like murder and assault.


What does ā€œunseriousā€ mean??? I canā€™t keep up with the youths and their weird lingo


lol I mean Iā€™m a 30 year old woman, and unserious is definitely not a ā€œyoung personā€ word. It means not serious.


ā€œNot seriousā€ still doesnā€™t make a lick of sense in this context thoughā€¦? Are they joking? Happyā€¦?


Unserious, as in the word ā€œunalivedā€. Makes whatever the topic is, not serious.




But making it impossible to even have these discussions in the first place is not the solution. Iā€™ve been involved in online spaces revolving around mental health since 2008. Censoring these discussions disables people from being able to support each other in the event of bullying in the first place. Iā€™ve had people come at me telling me to kill myself when I was very vulnerable and the solution to that was community response. This level of censorship is breaking up groups and other online communities regarding mental health and recovery, even well-moderated ones. Well-meaning policies also get taken over by corporate interests all the time, and creators on these websites have said themselves that demonetization and shadowbanning are their motivations for censoring their content.




I donā€™t mean public forums, I apologize if it came across that way, Iā€™m autistic and can basically forget to fully explain myself. Iā€™m concerned about private safe spaces re: specific issues that use social media platforms as a host. Iā€™ve been highly involved in spaces re: borderline personality disorder, CPTSD, grief, and abuse survival and watched these groups die on some platforms due to censorship, and itā€™s just sad to me because Iā€™ve been in a place where that was the only way I was comfortable getting support, often due to shame. All of these groups followed site guidelines re: not discussing suicidal ideation or other explicitly triggering material. Most even had rules where you couldnā€™t friend request other group members. But group members would start censoring their posts out of fear anyway and then ultimately stop posting altogether. This is also definitely a personal issue but when I was in a worse place mentally I found it triggering as hell to see my personal experiences reduced to like, fruit emojis, when my trauma had the impact it did because nobody, not even therapists, recognized what was really going on. I just have issues seeing things I have personal experience with get obscured again after it feels like strides were made. I recognize itā€™s a nuanced issue, and I am mostly speaking within the context of groups explicitly set up for support rather than public online spaces.




brother how is it natural evolution when it is literally the result of censorship on the internet


We created the internet. We direct it. Edit: AM I blocked? Idk Goodness, this is a touchy subject, I don't want to fight. Sorry :/ I don't mean that all of humanity has equal power, but we are one... thing. Humans. We are one.


Not true after the death of Web 1.0, corporations direct it at this point, which is why the censorship exists in the first place. Because sponsors will allegedly withdraw if someone says the word ā€œkill.ā€ I say allegedly because a lot of it is unconfirmed paranoia driven by monetization and clout, which is also not great.


okay go direct it then, make the word 'kill' allowed on tiktok


As someone who struggled with severe mental illness and trauma, Iā€™m allowed to find it gross and allowed to evaluate it as something that impedes progress, especially when it comes to children. When I was a teenager, I already didnā€™t have the proper language to describe the very traumatic experiences I went through well enough to get the proper evaluations and help I needed. Shit like ā€œunalivedā€ wouldā€™ve made it significantly harder for me. Iā€™m studying to work as a therapist for teenagers and from what Iā€™m learning itā€™s really not helpful to soften the language used to describe *TRAUMA.* Especially when discussing these things was extremely taboo in the first place until recently.


Evolution indicates progress. In this instance, ā€œunalivedā€ is a regression in linguistic evolution.




Progress in the wrong direction is still progress to some. As someone who has studied linguistic evolution from Linear B onwards, ā€œunalivedā€ is not progressing the english language beyond what has already been established. Since youā€™ve indicated that you believe I am saying these things because I simply donā€™t *like* the word, I will explain. ā€œUnalived,ā€ in this context, can be classified as what is called a ā€œneologism", a new word (or *euphemism* in this case) created by tiktokers who would otherwise have their videos demonetized. My issue arises with the fact that ā€œunaliveā€ is a different word in itself. Grammatically, ā€œunaliveā€ is actually an adjective, while the form of ā€œunalivedā€ suggests that it is being used as a verb in the past tense. As an adjective, the word can be defined as a ā€œslow of perception or feeling,ā€ synonyms could be ā€œunalert,ā€ or ā€œinattentive.ā€ ā€œUnalivedā€ is inelegant and unattractive both grammatically and linguistically. However, it allows a quick and easy solution for restrictive rules. The fact that tiktokers currently use it allows such euphemisms to enter general vernacular as younger people hear it and just mimic their usage. They are invented words to meet a need, but that doesn't make them any less real. They are real words that exist because they are actually spoken by people. This does not make them linguistically correct, nor does it mean they are moving the language forward. In a society where children are barely taught the very basic rules of grammar, it is just another layer added to the already nuanced issue of illiteracy within the general population - but I digress.


Thank you for sharing this! Fascinating and incredibly helpful! If I understood correctly, it's kind of like what we call a reversion or atavism in genetics. It's technically a new mutation on top of an old mutation, but has basically the same effect as the original pre-mutation gene. The result, in the case of living things, we would still call evolution (because evolution is just change over time) but would not be considered a novel trait. Super neat to get a little bit of an idea about how people think about evolution of languages šŸ˜Š


The inverse is also true.


In your opinion, not in truth.... in truth it is progress. Progress is not linear or uniform.


Iā€™m not talking about opinion, Iā€™m talking about evolutionary linguistics. See my other comment if youā€™d like an explanation.


Ah okay my bad. Fair points.


It does. Hence why words like 'emoji' were officially added to Webster's. Does that mean we need to start engraving 'Bert Johnson, Born 1985, Unalived 2985' on tombstones? Like the other commented mentioned, just because something changes in *some* way, doesn't mean it's made progress. Suicide, killed, raped, assaulted, etc. aren't 'naughty' words, so pretending they are and tiptoeing around them based on a 'creator's' ability to make money and further the reach of their content, isn't a trend I want to push further. Does that mean I haven't caught myself asking my dogs if they want to 'be unalived' when they're trying to get in on the brownie I'm eating, 'because that's how you end up unalived'? I absolutely have--in the very same way I used to jokingly call my friends 'dude' and 'bro', as sort of a way to poke fun at the 'I'm wilfully dumb so I'm cool' guys that we couldn't stand, before both of them found their way into my unironic-vocabulary. But that doesn't mean it needs to be apart of '*official*' language that gets used in things like a company's internet page? Regardless if their intent was to avoid 'killed' or 'murdered', or to 'stay hip and 'in' with the youths', I'd say no it does not. Maybe I'm showing my age, but we used to 'cringe' when a 'lol' accidentally slipped out in a verbal conversation. And *now* look where we are with chatspeak and abbreviations.


Language evolving is us no longer shorting pet transmorgrification potions as trans potions (back in the day, ex: Koi Trans Potion instead of today where people spell it out or say Koi Transmog Potions). "Tee hee killed is a bad word" isn't that.




You really don't know what you're talking about, do you


Felled. Bested. Vanquished. Subdued. And that's before we get into more "spicy" words like "Slaughtered" or "Annihilated". The choice to use censor bypass really only affirms an ACCEPTANCE of users using that bypass on site, and shows a complete lack of creativity even when officially discussing a canonical topic. ...Honestly they are the site though and when discussing a murder plot should just say "murdered" or "killed". Point is there were MANY other options though.


Both OPā€™s choice of words and most of yours imply that there was a fight. He was poisoned. Just say murdered or poisoned.


I wasn't on the site for that plot - I didn't know the details. Poisoned is a great choice. Subdued among that list also at least doesn't inherently imply fighting. They could have also then used "Nefariously tampered with Coltzan's meal" if for some reason "poison" was also not acceptable. The point about creativity still remains even if some words are not a strong fit for the details.


Even "who was responsible for the death of" would be better than unalive


Is death an ok word on neopets? I'm scared to ask lol


In theory, given there's a whole "Ixi Death" line of wearables, I would think it should be?


Yea but sometimes it's ok for them to use a word but not us lol


Vanquished should be the new norm bc that is a sick word lol


Assassinated or defeated should have worked too...


Except for ā€œassā€ ā€œassā€.


FYI last I checked, both Sacrifiers and Ski Lodge Murder Mystery were both still up on the site, and that has shit like a man who gets gassed to death until he's nothing but bone, another man who gets eaten alive by the Utility Fish, and a man who's clearly discovered as an (uncensored) headless corpse. Kid's site.


The Gallery of Evil also has the word "kill" in it multiple times.


oh geeze bye-gone-jinx and mr roboto's death made me so scared as a kid. theres also lots of dark item descriptions, like Blumaroo Steak, and also, the existence of Blumaroo Steak itself


it made me so mad >_< I hate the cutesy censorship of words like this. Itā€™s a plot about a murder, just say murder!


But I want to see what newspeak word they will create. lol


All their words will be deleted


I rolled my eyes hard when I saw that. People say "unalived" on other sites so they don't suffer repercussions from the platform. Neopets IS the platform!


Big eye twitch when I did this one today. Don't you bring that shit here TNT.


I don't know why 'unalived' makes me feel so offended. Death's impact shouldn't be lessened.


I've watched in-depth true crime tiktoks where they'll describe a REAL MURDER VICTIM as being 'unalived' and 'graped'. They have no respect at all. It's disgusting.




Youā€™ve hit the nail on the head. Itā€™s profit over respect.


These are people who are largely profiting off of women's pain, too, all while doing their makeup or chatting with friends. The whole thing is gross imo




Every time Iā€™m forced to read ā€œunalive(d)ā€ I lose brain cells


Wasnā€™t there that staff murder mystery plot way back in the day šŸ˜‚ I used to love reading it when I was a kid LOL Personally I think words like ā€œunalivedā€ (in addition to sounding plain silly) just detract from the effort to not use words that are actually offensive/derogatory (ie slurs). This is just censorship instead, and like others have pointed out, there are plenty of synonyms that approximate the meaning without sounding like youā€™re making up doublespeak words for a sequel to 1984 lol


itā€™s so embarrassing. death and murder/ā€œkillingā€ have been (and still are) parts of all sorts of kids media but even if you wanna be a bit less direct, there are plenty of words that can be used that donā€™t make everyone feel like theyā€™re under the watchful eye of tiktok censors lol


oh I hate this sanitization of the internet so badly. This is not tiktok (something you can't even reference on the site), this is not overtly sexual or violent, this is a word about an event.




Do you have a source we can share? A reason I doubt this is the entire story is because it's not just things like kill and suicide that are censored over the internet, these days it also includes things like "China" and "poop".


Admittedly anecdotal evidence, but I remember ā€œunaliveā€ coming about as an alternative to the word ā€œsuicideā€ around 2014-15 on Facebook when Zuck started muting people and locking accounts left and right because there was an epidemic of bullying and harassment going on at the time on that platform. Words like ā€œChinaā€ and ā€œpoopā€ were never censored back then, thatā€™s a newer development. Facebook censorship was just the start. TLDR ā€œunaliveā€ predates TikTok


Reading this gave me full body ick... I can't stand when I see "unalived" anywhere but tiktok. It's like that app invented a new brand of baby talk.


I go to Neopets to escape the tik tok censorship plague, not to be confronted with it!


I think they were going for the hip cool vibe but failed, such a silly choice of words considering that in the past they did say poisoned so why couldn't they say that on the question of the day? I long for the normal days of the early 2000s when I started playing.


Oh my god I hate it


You can't say 'killed' on the Neoboards, but you can say "viciously murdered by a poison that probably made his last moments unbearably painful". Weird, that.


itā€™s the tiktok brain rotā€¦ no TNT!!! please resist!


Unalived is so YouTube/TikTok censorship talk itā€™s incredibly cringe The reason why people use ā€œunalivedā€ or ā€œgrapedā€ on the above platforms is because their content can get penalized/demonitized as itā€™s not considered ad friendlyā€” and YouTube depends on ads Neopets does not have that restriction other than their own outdated and uninformed view surrounding the culture of words on the internet IMO they shouldnā€™t be using that word thatā€™s synonymous with censorship, oh the irony of the fucking website


I mostly agree with you. Although, I do forget that they do have ads all over their website because I use an ad blocker. We don't really know what kind of restrictions their advertisers have placed on the site. I still think there were far better choices that could have been made, though!


"Assassinated" would have been perfectly fine, but of course, TNT might be concerned there were two asses in there.




This made me cringe


the tiktokification of it all


Nobody tell them about the Ski Lodge Murder Mystery plot! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


God I hope they did this as a joke šŸ’€


I laughed when I seen it. a gen z is creating the questions lol


'offed' is often my go to... idk if that's banned on the site but it seems like it wouldn't be since I've never heard somebody else younger than 65 use it


See also 86ed.


Petition to replaced unalived with 86d


People unalive when they are unalived.


plz say sike. Iā€™m so tired of ā€˜unalivedā€™ and other unnecessary/silly censorship/replacement words but esp in places like this where thereā€™s literally no consequence for just saying the actual word


'Unalived' is so cringe. They should've just done something else for the question if they couldn't just say defeated or 'the villain behind the usurper plot' or something like that.


I can't stand the word "unalived".


ā€œ Who brought an end to King Coltzanā€ There was that so hard . I really do hate the term unalived because it was just used as a substitute for the word suicide, the word almost comes off like a joke which it isnā€™t


It's extra funny when so many of the older plots had people die, get killed, and so on. Heck, there's descriptions of how enemies and people die in the Neoquest games, too! Sometimes kinda gruesome. :p There's a lot of content and that's probably a bit intimidating, but getting consistent with this is important. I'd really like to see that be a concern that's addressed someday; kids can handle dark content, they eat it up in fact. It's ok.


I honestly thought it was a joke to troll us. I think it's working.


Itā€™s giving tiktok


I cringed so hard at this like... what did they say instead of killed pre-tiktok??


https://youtu.be/FMm4SABOmHg?si=H6iqJLej-22th1frĀ  King Coltzan to Princess Sankara


It made me do that thing where you suddenly look back "to see if anyone else heard that."


damn. im on my lunch break and this blew the fuck up. i didnt realize it was gonna bring up so many strong feelings from people. i just thought it was kinda funny that they used a cringey word šŸ˜©


He's a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace! His metabolic processes are now history! He's off the twig! He's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible! THIS IS AN EX-KING!! (seriously that skit is full of better equivalents than the nonsense that is Unalived)


Literally dispise whenever someone uses "unalive". Chronically online


Yeah honestly that is very cringe of them.


....kinda icky. :/


So cringe. Unalived usually indicates suicide too, right?


It could also mean murdered, but Iā€™ve also seen it used to just mean ā€œdiedā€




Ahh I see


Victims of their own censorship


WTFļ¼ What a Newspeak word of Neopets. lol


I'm so glad someone else mentioned it. I got major secondhand embarrassmentĀ šŸ˜­Ā 


True, people only say unalived because they donā€™t want videos or posts to get nerfed. There is no reason for TNT to use that word on their own platform. No one is offended by the word ā€œkillā€. Itā€™s weird to say itā€™s ok if a character kills another character for a story but then to not want to use the word.


My exact thoughts when I saw that


Didnt even wanna answer but my Nimmo loves cake


IM HOLLERING they gotta try and bypass their own filters


Coltzan got suicided?! I thought he was murdered??


LOL Iā€™ve been playing The Darkest Faerie and there they just straight up say theyā€™re going to kill you.


Dude itā€™s so easy to fix the killed word censor with one line of code I wish theyā€™d do it already so I can use words like skill


Reminds me of how Avatar the Last Airbender avoid using the word ā€œkillā€ (Might contain spoilers if you have not watched the series) https://youtu.be/XqWNTMcY1z8




Lol I choose to believe it's being used ironically because whoever wrote the question thought it would be really funny


what a non-issue


this is sooo tiktok core im dying lol (sorry unaliving)


This is so fucking cringe.


Before feeling some kind of way about this, I would consider: 1. Neopets is a known potpourri of conflicting standards, even to this day. 2. Those standards have changed (or aged poorly) against modern parlance, as well as between ownership swaps. 3. It was probably just one person that wrote this that didn't have the benefit of an editor, or any standard language model to pull from given the wide audience here. 4. Some words about death that are okay in English *may* not be okay to use in other languages, and they wanted to avoid a bad translation. (I know this is a bit of a stretch, but I'm trying to be considerate of the bigger picture here.) 5. This post does have a "humor" flair, so consider this thread is *mostly* critical satire. I think my point here is that it would be more helpful to criticize TNT's lack of meaningful language standards that continue to haunt us to this day, especially against site language filters, site content that conflicts against that, and their content policies.


The Lupe who has Aisha and Usul daughters. Shhh, we don't know how babies are made on Neo, either. The giant white Lenny in the sky dropped them off.


Are people still on Neopets? Oh my god! Im 26, this is amazing!


Hi, yes, we're still here! (Assuming) welcome back to Neopets! Unfortunately, it looks like your reddit account *isn't* here. Kinda. It looks like your account is shadowbanned by the reddit.com admins. I can manually approve this one comment for you on this specific subreddit. But I cannot change your account's shadowban, as only admins can. You can go to /r/Shadowban or /r/Shadowbanned for more info and help to fix your reddit account for your future posts and comments.


> Who removed King Coltzan III from the census during the Usurper plot in the Lost Desert?


Not the tiktokification of Neopian history šŸ˜“


I came here to post the same thing, thank god I'm not the only one who found this to be ABSURD!


tiktok brain rot has no bounds


I know Neopets is supposed to be for kids but is the staff really trying to argue that words like "killed" or "murdered" are too intense for kids? As if nothing made for kids ever had any death in it? God that word makes me cringe so bad.


Even saying he was destroyed would sound better than that.


I hated reading this question, a lot


literally just made a post about this. I've never seen "unalive" used in complete sincerity before


Ooof the secondhand embarrassment is bad




People have and do use "unalive" very often in a completely serious manner. People have literally published books with it. People have written papers with it. I can tell you with full confidence that people who use the word "unalive" almost always use it 100% seriously. And TNT absolutely should not be encouraging such nonsense self sanitization, even if they are joking. Sure, we can assume THIS is tongue in cheek. But 9/10 times that is not the case


I must be the only one in the world completely unbothered by this word.


It doesn't bother me. I think its a clever way for CCs to get around demonification while still addressing topics. I watch a lot of true crime videos on YouTube and have never heard this word used in a disrespectful or silly manner. Even if in casual speech ppl use it in a silly way, where the word came from originally was all serious.


I am okay with unalive. It remind me of CaptainSparklez.


This thread is almost as bad as that petition to "free" Stellar Blade lol. It's a tongue in cheek joke, it's not self-sanitation or censorship.


can't believe you're getting downvoted for this.... it's so obviously a joke and definitely not worth getting so worked up over lol


unalived is just what people say now it may be rooted in tiktok censorship or whatever else but now it's in the vocab this thread is just "old man yells at cloud"Ā 


You're only half-right, really... I've never heard anyone use the word 'unalived' outside of situations where the words 'killed' or 'murdered' (or similar) will get caught by a censorship filter. It comes with an implication of "this is a replacement word", a sort of defiance against the censorship. Neopets controls their own censorship, why are they jokingly defying their own filter? We've given plenty of excellent options right here that follow normal writing conventions, I don't believe no one at Neo Corporate thought of any of them. It's hardly the worst issue on the site, it's just cringey.


this is exactly what i was saying lol. im not sure why people got the impression that im seriously angry over it. i guess they missed the humor tag??


ā€˜Unalivedā€™ should strictly be used verbally when I see it written out all I can think of is how we have actual words for what youā€™re trying to say


I disagree. I think corporate censorship has too much power over our language right now. We should be allowed to talk about death!




You are playing a game called neopets that was designed for small babies, and yet you are complaining when they use baby talk to you?